What Happened to EMILIO ESTEVEZ?

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Amelio estevez's storied Hollywood career was nearly cut short before it even began but thanks to the impulsive bravery of a lifelong friend he was saved from a perilous situation as an extra on the set of Francis Ford cop's Vietnam War epic apocalypse now starring his father Martin Sheen young amelo Estes befriended a young Lawrence Fishburn during a break in the Philippines the two took a leisurely boat ride down a nearby River as the boat drifted too close to the bank Estes offered to get out and push it back to the center but as soon as aelio stepped out he began sinking into the river muck like quicksand without hesitation Lawrence Fishburn extended his hand and pulled Estes back into the boat saving his life he did all that dancing with death for his extra work in Apocalypse Now only to be cut from the final film so yeah it was nice that Amelia survived and went on to live you know his life but what kind of Life did that turn out to be yeah that's what I've been wondering what the happened to amelo Estes I'll make you famous but to truly understand what the happened to amelo Estes we must begin at the beginning and the beginning began when he was born on his birthday 1962 New York City or Staten Island or those was like the same thing I don't I don't know I don't care his family soon moved to Malibu California where he grew up with fellow Brat Pack members Rob low and sha Pinn amelo was usually the writer on the short films that the boys made together and six years before he was scooped out of that quicksand on the set of Apocalypse Now Estes had a bit part in Terren Malik's Badlands starring his father M Martin Sheen speaking of Martin Sheen Emilio Estes chose to keep his birth name rather than adopting a stage name as a testament to his pride and his family heritage the Estes bunch he wanted to forge his own path and make a name for himself without relying on his father's legendary Sheen status by keeping his real name of Estes he aimed to prove himself as a talented individual in his own right by retaining his birth name Estes demonstrated a sense of self-confidence and willingness to take risks which has served him well throughout his career before we continue with our video here's a reminder to click the store tab on any of our joblo channels and browse our collection of the latest and freshest designs in our merch store go get you some speaking of his career let's talk about his career Amelio estevez's career in Hollywood spans over four decades with a diverse range of films that showcase his talent as an actor a writer a director and a brat one of his early roles was in the 1982 film Tech where he played the lead character TCH a teenager who gets in trouble with the law this film marked the beginning of est's journey into the film industry and he soon became a part of that iconic Brat Pack group in 1983 Amelio esz would work with Francis Ford Copa again but this time he wasn't cut out of the film and there was no quicksand he played the role of two bit Matthews in the outside a charismatic and laidback teenager who's part of a group of greasers in a small town in Oklahoma this film was a critical and Commercial Success and has an absolutely outrageous star studded ensemble cast The Outsiders cemented estevez's status as a rising star in Hollywood as it did with you know the rest of these Outsiders who soon became insiders because of The Outsiders he brought a sense of humor and charm to the role and his chemistry with all those other soon Tobe Superstar actors made the film a memorable one Amelio estevez's experience on The Outsiders taught him the importance of subtlety and depth in character development but amelo estevez's breakthrough role came in 1984 with the cult classic sci-fi film Repo Man he played a young punk rocker who becomes a repo man but there's so much more to it than that this film was a critical and Commercial Success and establish lished Estes as a talented young actor who could play complex and nuanced characters he brought a wonderful sense of energy and rebelliousness to the role this film is so punk rock but yeah it's definitely a cult classic are you in the cult you should join this cult come on in 1985 Estes appeared in two iconic films that would absolutely secure his status as a member of that brat pack which they were all offended by the name but it's like come on it Rhymes it has a nice sound to it and yeah y'all were all kind of bratty and rejecting and being triggered by The Brat Pack name actually made y'all bigger brats than you actually were just embrace the brat but yeah first in that year of 1985 amelo Estes was in St Elmo's Fire a Coming of Age drama about a group of recent college graduates struggling to find their place in the world esz played the role of Kirby a Charming but aimless Young man who's trying to find his way in the world his second film that year was the teen comedy Masterpiece classic The Breakfast Club brought to you by the wonderful brilliant John Hughes it's about a group of high school students from different clicks who spend a Saturday in detention together and ironically get more educated than they did in the classrooms and they get to dance and smoke Mara jaana and and kiss Estes played the role of Andrew Clark a popular athlete who was initially hostile to the other students but eventually opens up and shares his vulnerabilities proving that he's not just a pretty face he's a dark tormented Soul just like the real person amelo Estes he taught us all that popular good-looking athletes also have feelings he like totally brought a sense of depth and complexity to the role The Breakfast Club was a critical and Commercial Success and remains one of the most iconic teen movies of all time it's probably the number one The Breakfast Club became a cultural Touchstone for its authentic portrayal of teenage struggles perfectly capturing The Angst rebellion and you know like I said vulnerability of adolescence in a way that continues to resonate with audiences today even with today's teenagers who are like weirder than ever these kids today they still love this movie The Breakfast Club except for you know the politically incorrect stuff that just ruins their life and just like with all the films he's in amelo took this chance this opportunity to learn about Cinema and storytelling by watching Masters like John Hugh's work and yeah working on The Breakfast Club it allowed him to appreciate and understand the value of Ensemble storytelling and the power of diverse perspectives so now it was time for am IO to shake things up a bit change how he's presenting himself to the world as an artist it was time for him to make his directorial debut with the 1986 film wisdom it's a crime drama that he also wrote and starred in alongside Demi Moore this achievement marked him at just the age of 24 as one of the youngest individuals to ever write direct and star in a single major motion picture that's like the kind of stuff that only Orson Wells was doing you know this showcased his versatility and talent as a filmmaker that's right I just compared Amelio Estes to Orson Wells shut up in this film wisdom Estes plays John wisdom a young Outlaw who embarks on a crime spree with his girlfriend played by Demi Moore although this film wisdom received mixed reviews est's ambitious debut demonstrated his Creative Vision and ability to tackle complex roles as a triple threat in the film industry also in 1986 came the film Maximum Overdrive Stephen King did a lot of drugs and then thought hey I'm going to make a movie about killer trucks and I'm going to cast amelo Estes in it and that's what he did and yeah a lot of people like to hate on this movie rightfully so but you have to admit it is kind of fun and a lot of people like to say that this movie Maximum over drive was not directed by Stephen King It was directed by COC Kan I ain't never seen a hero with his ass in the air like that the following year he would work alongside Richard dfus for stake out and its sequel another stake out in 1988 Estes appeared in the classic Western film Young Guns playing the role of Billy the Kid a notorious Outlaw who was part of a group of Gunslingers in New Mexico and even though amelo Estes is like way more pretty than the real Billy the Kid based on like the one photo we have of him he still does an excellent job bringing this character to life Young Guns was a critical and Commercial Success and once again helped establish Mr Estes as a young talented actor who could play complex roles he could play football players and cowboys he had range but yeah he truly brought a sense of Charisma and energy to this role and his chemistry with all the other actors was freaking perfect and then just when you thought Young Guns couldn't get any better they went and made Young Guns too which was also a major success and a lot of people actually like the sequel more so yeah now we were in the 1990s and Estes continued to explore his talent as a writer and director he co-wrote and directed and starred in the 1990 film Men At Work with his brother Charlie Sheen it's a comedy about two garbage men who get caught up in a crime plot and it's actually kind of Bonkers and ridiculous and this plot of this movie it makes no freaking sense but you can't help but like just keep watching it it's so entertaining and so stupidly amazing somehow Men at Work it shouldn't work but it just freaking Works in 1992 there was the sci-fi flick free Jack where he plays a race car drive who was transported into the future and becomes a free Jack this film was a critical and Commercial failure but once again Estes was praised for his energy and Charisma everybody loves his energy and Charisma but you know despite free Jack's lack of success at the time it still was able to show us that Estes was dedicated to his craft in 1993 he brought us a film called judgment night another underrated cult flick and a hilarious spoof called loaded weapon one amelo did find some time to work alongside his buddy Tom Cru in the first mission impossible flick but his appearance is pretty much just a cameo because he like takes an elevator to the face or something Estes notably appeared in the 1995 film The Mighty Ducks which was probably the first time I ever laid eyes on amelo but yeah the Mighty Ducks It's a Wonderful familyfriendly Sports film about a group of Misfit kids who form a hockey team you know that kind of movie's been done before but this one it just does it so well and yeah his charm and Charisma as coach Gordon Bombay made this film The Mighty Ducks into a beloved classic despite not being a hit with the critics but yeah amelo was so great in it that he turned this Mighty Ducks thing into a freaking franchise there was D2 the Mighty Ducks D3 the Mighty Ducks which were also very successful and then they made like a real hockey team called the Mighty Ducks and there was also a very strange Saturday morning sci-fi Adventure cartoon about the Mighty Ducks where you know they're like in space and shooting lasers and their their ducks and it's it's weird but you know I had to mention it and still to this day they're doing the Mighty Ducks thing with the Mighty Ducks game changers thing on Disney Plus in 1996 alilio Estes directed and starred in the drama film the war at home where he played a Vietnam War veteran struggling to adjust to civilian life he starred alongside his father Martin Sheen and delivered a powerful performance this film The War at home it received critical Acclaim for its thoughtful and sensitive portrayal of a complex And Timely issue the film explores the emotional and psychological toll of War on soldiers and their families in est's Direction and writing they were praised for their insight and compassion demonstrating his skill and his dedication as a filmmaker many still consider the war at home to be ailio EST as's strongest directorial effort in 2006 after a few smaller roles in the late '90s and early 20000s Estes wrote and directed a movie called Bobby which tells the story of the assassination of Robert F Kennedy and its impact on a group of people who were at The Ambassador Hotel the night of the shooting this film's cast is an outrageous who's who Ensemble and Estes himself also appears in the film this movie Bobby was a commercial success and est's Direction and writing were praised in this one you can definitely tell that Estes has a passion for this project and his commitment to telling this important story is very evident throughout the film but my golly I cannot tell if Bobby is like the best or the worst thing ever made I don't know every scene has this intense emotional climax like every freaking scene even though you have to admit that this is a well-made film at times it does feel like Amelio Estes is trying way too hard to be Paul Thomas Anderson and you know make Magnolia at The Ambassador it's a movie that really fascinates me because still to this day I can't tell if I love it or hate it I can't tell if it's a mess or a masterpiece and you know what that confusion that it creates is it's a beautiful thing that only Cinema can do Estes continued to explore his Creative Vision with the 2010 film the way a drama about a man who goes on a spiritual pilgrimage after the death of his son and because he's amelo Estes he wrote directed and starred in this movie the way then there was a long absence from the public eye we went years without really hearing from Mr Estes maybe it was because of his brother Charlie Sheen was you know doing his thing or maybe he just needed a break because he's been you know kicking ass for decades oh wow hey look at this we actually did some research into this and found out that amelo and his absence from the public eye was due to his aversion to the spotlight he's one of those famous people that doesn't like being famous and he had a strong desire to focus on his personal life and had nothing to do with any lack of Creative Drive he just needed a break needed to focus on you know family but then in 2018 he finally found a film that he wanted to make called the public It's a drama about a group of homeless people who take refuge in a public library during a cold winter night and of course because Amelio Estes is amelo Estes he wrote directed and starred in this film the public which he made for us the public and yeah it marked a triumphant return to the screen the film was okay it felt a little preachy and but you know hey that's what Amelia does but then Disney plus happened and they decided to just you know throw everything at the wall and see what sticks and one of those intellectual properties they threw was a duck a mighty duck that changed the game in the Mighty Ducks game changers which actually it didn't really change the game kind of forgot that this thing existed and amelo left after the first season due to a contract dispute est's upcoming projects include a followup to the way and a new installment in the Young Guns franchise both of which are currently in pre-production Estes has had several famous friendships that have shaped his career and the culture as you know he was part of that brat pack and he befriended Tom Cruz Jud Nelson Molly Ringwald Rob low and a bunch of other bratty brats who were in things you know like The Outsiders Breakfast Club and St Elmo fire his close relationships with these actors and actresses including a high profile romance with Demi Moore have had a lasting impact on the entertainment culture and how movies are made and how movie stars are made and and how the media talks about these movie stars for better or worse and you know they continue to influence pop culture today speaking of today I think there's a brat pack documentary that's out today on Hulu if you don't have Hulu just send me a message I'll give you my password Amelio Estes has been long committed to Social and political activism like a lot of celebrities I mean his dad was a team America puppet which is what happens when you grow up in a family of artists and activists you're like born with a picket sign in your hand which must have been painful but yeah even though celebrity activism can kind of be cringey and annoying he does do some good work when it comes to uh what do you call it human rights and arts education thank you alelo you saved us all Emilio's multi faceted experiences as a writer director and actor have profoundly influenced his approach to filmmaking fostering a holistic understanding of The Craft and a unique artistic Vision through his early acting roles he developed a deep appreciation for character development and storytelling as a writer and director he honed his ability to craft complex and thought provoking narratives that explore that you know human condition as a result of all all of this his films have resonated with audiences on a deeper level he's more than just a brat emelo Estes successfully carved out his own niche in the entertainment industry emerging from the shadow of his father's iconic career and the intense public scrutiny that was surrounded by his brother Charlie but EST ofz he kept crushing and focused on building a reputation as a talented writer director and actor in his own right through his dedication and perseverance he has a established a distinct body of work that stands the test of time so yeah nobody should give a about what the happened to amelo Estes cuz he's doing just fine [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: JoBlo Originals
Views: 40,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joblo videos, joblo, wtf happened to, wtf happened to this celebrity, wtf happened to this movie, wtf, the best movie you never saw, awfully good movies, joblo originals, movie review, review, emilio estevez, emilo estevez movies, the brat pack, st elmo's fire, the breakfast club, freejack, young guns, young guns 2, judgement night, what happened to emilio estevez, emilio estevez snl, the mighty ducks
Id: 4lpkCORgw8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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