No Man's Sky Ship Upgrades - 2021

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[Music] what is going on everybody zoo back here in no man's sky once again welcome to monday another week right another week in no man's sky fun what are we gonna what are we gonna do uh cocopelli bob's already here bob thank you you did it we called am i saying that right i don't know well hello thank you for being here marilyn watson hello thank you for being here michael [Music] i don't know commander sonak what's up [Music] no i i don't know oh yeah you're saying say my name please i don't know that makes me that makes me nervous so someone tricked me one time into saying something bad so no sorry i don't think so [Music] so i hope you all had a good day oh we need to grab this raider luke because you know what we're going to be spending like a billion units tonight and minimum 50 000 nanites hey miyogi welcome thank you for coming by great to see you but look at this beauty this was the one i was this is you know i couldn't really ask for more than this i mean the only other things that i was looking for on mine was for it to have more red um and green but kokopelli bob found this one and so i went and grabbed it so we're gonna upgrade it tonight but first things first we need to grab our freighter loot because we're gonna need a lot of units for this and nanites yeah so this is gonna probably cost us a lot i'm gonna let let's see how much we're at after we sell all this and we'll see how many units we have and then after we upgrade the ship we might have to hit one of my uh i have to do some crafting tonight maybe we'll make some we'll make ourselves some uh stasis devices on stream that'd be fun i think i've done that before i know i did a video a long time ago like making stasis devices in real time don't think it's a very popular video but i made it in case anybody ever wants to see that all right let's sell this all right what do we got box of healing petals sell that sell that [Music] still carrying around this [Music] okay so we may make stasis devices tonight so i'm gonna keep some certain things here that are used in stasis device creation [Music] i mean i'm sure i probably have plenty of this stuff but just in case we got here salvage frigate module and actually while we're in here we need to take our storage augments with us sadly we didn't get more than that but what do you do uh storage and the anti-matter could go there [Music] might not have enough fuel for to send our ships out we'll have to see [Music] hey babe how you doing good how are you i'm alright i just started streaming a little bit is it doing some streaming good yeah everything all right with you anything okay with you yeah yeah what happened my present came oh okay but yay yeah me too what is it uh that's for the oh yeah okay can i get you some water no i think i'm all right thanks love you mrs zoo everybody let's hear it poor if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be here all right um we got a new s-class uh frigate here [Music] all right what we got got to remember to name that that one oh why did i send it out solo we still have those those other ships all right well at least we got our [Music] our ships that need leveling out i think oh no there's still some a-class ones here all right we're gonna have enough uh fuel to do that [Music] so what do you mean do i have the death star what kind of question is that i don't understand what you're asking me do i have it is it a thing in the game bob you want to handle this situation for me uh okay so we don't have the fuel so whatever we'll do we'll do this later we got other things to do here oh that thing yeah yeah i've seen i've seen it around uh what's her name sister citizen plays with it but dude what's with the all caps this is a this is a chill place not in all caps place bro i'm not running that mod no i'm not i do like it though it's pretty cool from what i've seen but i'm pretty happy with my freighter the way it is gotta have some um oh okay all right we gotta go deal with the settlement i think his sentinels are are attacking [Music] yeah yeah let's get into the nip them a little early why not time is it i don't know what time it is but wow really marilyn haven't played in three months like my my my longest has been like a couple probably not even couple probably like one day break all right i guess how does that oh one of these i don't know about these these missions um i feel like every time i let them go on a mission they die and then i lose population i'm gonna deny it i think because it seems to me more often than not they fail the mission [Music] and i don't know what happens if you deny the request so [Music] yeah [Music] so we started building around here a little bit just trying to do something over here [Music] i'm haven't quite figured it out yet what this is meant to be but [Music] i don't know i like that [Music] okay where are we going here oh yeah all right so tonight's stream is about this this ship let's go unlock it all right so since i got this ship i haven't put any upgrades into it i haven't done anything to it it's a a class i think yeah it's an a class that's how i got it oh we don't we don't want to go there i want to go to space station where are you hey little tiny bit welcome thanks for coming by sorry guys if i'm slow today um that's my freighter i like it [Music] okay here we go wait before before we get into this [Music] we have uh i got some x-class modules actually let's keep that we may need it but okay so we have two billion 997 million 698 000 units so 2 point so basically 3 billion units and 153 000 nanites all right let's let's start upgrading [Music] hey viper one how you doing [Music] buy the spa buy space is first cheaper than use ugg women but buy spaces first really well first i i gotta upgrade [Music] so we're gonna upgrade the class for fifty thousand there it is it's now an s-class oh yeah that that makes sense bob bob you're so smart thank you all right upgrade ship [Music] gotta go through this bunch of times for whatever reason [Music] 90 million 95 million 100 million jeez louise 120 million [Music] that's it holy smokes so we just spent three billion units [Music] right now let's use the ogs [Music] i [Music] okay so i think it that's everything but [Music] yeah dude for real is that is that guy really a kid because this is this stream is not for kids [Music] uh let's just make sure we can't upgrade this anymore max storage reached okay and i'm broke all right so actually [Music] [Music] hey flowery flowery squirrel how you doing [Music] um what was i doing oh yeah i was gonna oh there's an s-class shield module we'll take that uh impro knife no flower you you ready look at this oh yeah we got it now we're upgrading it [Music] all right let's uh start doing some stuff though the positron [Music] [Music] oh you know what we might need to because it looks like we need some stuff like emeril oh wait where's that uh cadmium [Music] put those on oh how's the likes doing i haven't even looked haven't even looked people are like nah don't like it no took a while to find it the like button or the stream what um okay so what else do we have uh let's get the indium drive over here even though we don't have we need some em we're gonna go get some emeril oh you know we need tritium and this thing magnet see if they sell it here magnetic resonator sorry guys that's my phone let me tell it be quiet be quiet that a thing that's okay and we need tritium i think i left i i know i had tritium but i think i left it my other ship so oh i don't know why [Music] oh this thing really can't jump very far i wonder if maybe nah that's not fun hey sister sister citizen that's here for sister citizen guys i'm a big fan of her streams um i've been watching them a lot lately she's been doing a great job on expeditions and making it a lot of fun to watch um oh what we got here come on i don't want to do this i and i have thoroughly enjoyed her streams i actually so much i made um [Music] i made a special oh bob's got it too oh there you go what am i looking at i'm looking at yeah cheese guys let me let me get myself together here [Music] i'm not ready to fight yet in this ship and we could we could do it but i don't want to i just want to go to the space station can i is that too much to ask apparently [Music] i kind of i kind of like the ship in um in what do you call this first person that's right we need a lot of tritium and i think we even need some tritium hyper clusters too but this system's probably not the best one to do man [Music] because it's got the freighter battle going on and remember this ship we can't jump that far i mean yes i could use one of my other ships to get this all this stuff oh no worries no worries i'm i'm a huge fan i uh i found your channel uh i can't remember a while ago but i really been into the stream so i added you i got you added to the shout out links uh feel free to also if you if you haven't dropped by my discord and there's a there's a self-promotion channel there you can um promote yourself drop your videos in there but yeah i thoroughly and enjoyed watching you do the expedition i i i look forward to seeing you do that the next ones too so guys definitely check her out if you haven't i think i think you'd like it if you like my stuff okay what are we looking for all kinds of upgrades oh and we need to go out there and just let's check for multi oh what is that what is that look at that that's kind of cool the people is anyone into that style it's kind of like the beginner the one you start with like the starter model but a little more hooked up i like it oh flowery squirrel just sub to sister citizen to two amazing streamers that don't know each other but now they do or they will that's crazy am i gonna do a halo stream how did you know that i was playing halo um [Music] wait was i playing halo yeah i was [Music] um i don't know if i would do a stream to be honest [Music] i kind of like to stream games that well not necessarily the sun that's not really true that only stream games like that i'm good at um because i did all the subnautica games i streamed those and i was rubbish at them all right we got what do we got here [Music] shield upgrade let's go out let's go get some tritium out front i i don't know what i'm going to do for guns on this one i'm probably just going to do the positron and the the whatever this thing the photon cannon [Music] yeah so flattery squirrel is an amazing streamer i'm not i'm not sure you guys are on in different time way different time zones but maybe you'll catch each other hey where's kell how you doing thanks for coming by my stream i appreciate it i'm just uh getting tritium getting some tritium together so we can install this [Music] i'm not worried about those oh actually what what what we don't have this we don't have the stuff [Music] that can't that can't be right um [Music] let's uh let's go get my freighter real quick [Music] all right now let's see [Music] okay that's what i thought now we can install some stuff here let's just go in here just so we're safe and sound uh let me have a have a sip of the nip sip of the nib nip nip okay so let's install our scanners because these are important [Music] okay to make our trip a little bit easier [Music] um sorry i missed the phone call but i think i know who it was so don't worry anyone who is worried don't worry [Music] i think that's all i'm gonna do for guns on this ship is the positron and the photon cannons okay and let's not forget we have all that stuff too and um while we're here [Music] thank you bob for dropping those links appreciate that there we go i i knew i had large amounts of tritium wait a minute um these are my ships for anyone who's not seen them we got my guppy massive stats on this one crazy the almost 3500 hyper drive over a thousand maneuverability i love it there's that explorer which uh you know we might scrap you we might scrap this one i'm so i'm i don't know i don't know how i feel about it gotta the gold vector of course mine's called the gold yoda this is the blazing yoda yes marilyn you should [Music] the blazing yoda all right so now we got some more stuff we can install here get that in right now because that helps um let's check out let's put these in the ship and we got all these modules maybe we shouldn't use those yet yeah the explorers i'm not a big fan of the explorers either i've had a couple now and i always just end up scrapping them oh you know we need to get some uh [Music] emma roll it's like green star i think and they're like like this one maybe [Music] oh i didn't see that flowery [Music] that could be a nice planet possibly so [Music] [Music] okay we need emeril maybe this guy sells it hey what do you saw [Music] not no nothing [Music] okay on to the next i like i like the way this one feels when you when you get in it oh we're also looking for a a planet with emerald exactly i've said it before and i'll say it again the living ship it just feels icky i i don't know another better word to say it's it feels disgusting to me like i'm sitting inside the carcass of like a being like like i got swallowed by a monster i'll i agree on the outside they look cool um on the inside though yeah i very rarely use mine because you know to me it's a rubbish ship oh emeril we need that yeah it's a rubbish ship can't put scanners on it you got a basic you gotta glitch the game with your friend just to unlock all the storage [Music] look at this planet wow it's cool [Music] hmm emerald [Music] there we go zoo they call me double x some people say no nobody nobody says that some people say zao zeo [Music] oddly enough i did ask a man one time uh and he who who who spoke japanese and he said that it would sound something like show but i still continue to say zoo [Music] uh what did i need this for are we getting this for this thing oh yeah we need 250 or so hey lord kika bugami how you doing thanks for coming by jesus [Music] all right we have enough uh where's the ship i left it over there [Music] maybe the guy it could have been chinese i'm not sure [Music] so i i i don't know [Music] show me the money [Music] okay we got that bit installed [Music] oh let's uh warp the the old freighter in all right now we can warp to all kinds of systems looking for modules oh you know should we maybe we should [Music] let's go to a rich system and we'll become rich again [Music] yeah i got the scanners now so let's go to find a rich system [Music] no [Music] this might be hard with this ship all right well that's maybe close enough bye marilyn austin all right you wanted face cam huh nah i've done it before people people have seen not lying people have seen face cam [Music] [Music] okay what do we got here [Music] all right it's got a hyperdrive and shield perfect did you see my screen just bugging out that was weird okay let's see wait a minute all right uh should we get money i didn't mean to do that all right let's get out of this area gotta get out of this area of space [Music] [Music] there we go hey ricey how you doing thanks for coming by it's good to see you i haven't had to use the stash in a while yeah that's because i was playing with everything free mod on and then you get used to that having that mod but that mod um hasn't worked in a long time logan4573 followed new follower thank you so much logan is that a twitch follow [Music] i don't know yeah actually actually coco peli bob found it [Music] but this was the ship i was looking for and it was weird too because when bob found it and gave me the glyphs and i went i couldn't find it and then he gave them to me again and then i found it no problems but did we ever figure that out bob what was up with that oh here comes a nice nice second little fighter yeah that's what we got red and like a cream color [Music] it's kind of cool [Music] received [Music] yeah check that out pretty good huh i like the i like it okay let's sell the let's sell those stasis devices all right these will make us a instant billionaire again ready one two three go there we go i'm good with that number so we'll stay there and that that right there guys that is one of the few times the very few times you will ever need your stasis device farm is when something like that happens sorry i got distracted by my phone for a second but you know a lot of people talk about best ways to make money and all that you can make stasis devices and they come in handy when you you know just spent almost 3 billion on a ship but that's like one of the only times [Music] oh look at look at what does that look like like mustard and i don't know it looks like he looks like a [Music] futuristic mcdonald's mascot i don't know i don't know that's a strange one strange looking chip all right this is pretty difficult because we we got this lit tiny tiny hyperdrive range to work with but we're finding some tier 3 systems so that's good i find a lot of yellow ships ricey i don't know i don't know what it is but i find a lot of yellow [Music] [Music] [Music] my freighter hyperdrive upgraded oh yeah my freighter hyperdrive is like 6 000 something [Music] maybe one night we'll do a stream where we try and upgrade my freighter further that would be really hard we would be we would need to find a very good derelict crater that gives very good freighter modules [Music] and also as an a nightmare to run uh one last one of those yeah sure [Music] and but he doesn't have much [Music] um [Music] whoa look at that that's snow speeder that's a pretty cool one that's almost like the one i got there it is if anybody wants it uh just we are in euclid tonight everyone [Music] so if you do want that euclid hey kill walker how's it going [Music] we're just working on upgrading my new ship vamana v mana like saying that um but i'll tell you what let's see what we got here for hyperdrives there's a 59 [Music] well that's a good one that's got our hyperdrive range up 803 that's that's really good oops [Music] [Music] okay uh where are we suspicious shields what do we got not so good but we could use it for now so okay so all those can be replaced those are just there for now okay so let's go to the next station so we're looking for s-class upgrades will my cadmium drive over oh yeah what's it doing there geez louise okay rich systems guys we're going to rich systems if we can we can um yeah let's switch uh third person for a little bit excuse me how did i do that geez louise morning i would erect those ships if we if we did decide to fight them [Laughter] [Music] [Music] all right what do you got ah hyperdrive perfect [Music] now one trick we can do and i think we will do is finish out the hyperdrives right here [Music] now let's see what it is [Music] 24 248 that's really good better than that [Music] so now what we could do is the reload trick you know hello minecraft bot how are you all right we're getting hyper drives and this little guy sells them i'm i i'm well minecraft bot thank you for asking well thank you for coming here it is appreciated okay i want to go to a new station i can't i can't do that reload game too much i i i get bored i like to keep it moving you know [Music] because maybe we'll find a cool planet we want to stop at i want to see how this thing's handling too [Music] [Music] i'd like to get the maneuverability up to 800 in this ship if we can [Music] [Music] you do need to buy it if you don't have it oh yeah i actually can't find another game that i really really enjoy playing still and i've tried i mean i found a few that i liked and were fun for a bit but nothing like this i mean [Music] there we go s-class positron launch structures nice we might have to go to my nanite farm how are we doing on nanites we still have 96 000 which is quite a lot but [Music] [Music] [Music] uh actually let me put that back on because uh we could put it [Music] to fill this space right here [Music] holy smokes look at that look at look at that ship [Music] look at that that's perfect for banana tom why doesn't banana tom have that ship [Music] where is banana time here no why you see this one ricey nice euclid that's a cool snow speeder i'm telling you in late 2021 in no man's sky snow speeders are all the rage in the universe everybody's everybody's getting snow speeders looking for snow speeders where i can find the best snow speeder [Music] that's not true [Music] hyperdrive has no fuel [Music] everyone's rocking the snow speeder it's the style for late 2021 which ships are going to be in style in early 22 i don't know will it be explorers will it be droid rossus will be living ships i don't know the ship scene you know the trends go fast [Music] okay let's go this way [Music] [Music] i got a rasa oh yeah i used to for a little while i had two rosses because we had uh the blazing yoda the original blazing yoda and then me and me and mao you know you you guys all know mia the streamer she found um she was on the hunt for ross's and she found another one that i had for a little while that was really awesome but i had to i had to get rid of it whoa look at that one barrel nose white and it's got like the the chrome see you later minecraft bot yeah that's not bad if you like those but really i mean come on look at that is that two of the same explorer yeah flowery do it i want to see your very best snow speeder you probably have great pictures of snow speeders the thumbnail i did for this stream was very much inspired by your work flowery i took the ship to space i got a proper picture of it normally i don't do that i like that you do that and i appreciate it and it makes for a better picture i mean no doubt i think hello games should be paying us for advertising their their ships they don't advertise them [Music] so oh what that was weird what what were those sentinel ships that just flew out of here maybe they maybe they flew under the station did i fire oh that was weird let's see i was hoping one of those sentinel ships will come and land in here [Music] oh yeah no question flowey squirrel is amazing ship photographer whoa what the hell is that thing look at this that's kind of a interesting looking one it's a c-class but i i don't feel like i've ever seen one that looks just quite like that [Music] okay got s positron [Music] oh look at this planet let's go take a look at it real quick apex hey thanks for popping in i appreciate that hope you're doing well dude oh it's it's a rainy wow look at this look how good this looks look there's like crazy butterflies over here wait i know i saw him [Music] where'd they go there's jingle deers i guess i could there they are they're in the forest [Music] oh my god look at this would you listen look at this oh these are cool you ever seen these before these butterflies with like the double wings that like or they have like tails these double tails they're really cool let me see if i can get a better view of them [Music] see they have like these long tails they're really pretty look at this plant it's very alien looking what's that oh it's this thing look at this guys what soul reaper with the 50 super chat holy smokes dude thank you so much you guys know what to do in the chat 07 for soul reaper holy smokes knocks it out of the park grand slam crowd applause thank you dude thank you so much really appreciate that one more time thank you [Music] very kind [Music] uh oh incoming storm we better get out of here [Music] oh they look big demogorgons yeah let me do uh some how do i do this [Music] uh i better not mess with it [Music] wait i had some i had something to tell you guys i've been thinking of getting a second office where i live one for gaming and one for work is that healthy i think so [Music] and i was thinking about buying a mac for work [Music] all right let's keep going a little bit but we're gonna get to some uh we're gonna do some building tonight [Music] this ship will be a work in progress for the next few months [Music] i like that we have it oh there is one all right after this station i i know something we need to do [Music] i'm serious um i mean you know i fix i fix computers and that kind of thing for a living [Music] but i've never held any mac certifications or anything like that but where i work some staff are using them now and i feel like i have to know it you know pretty inside out so i was thinking about getting getting one of those imacs and that's what i would use for my downstairs office because i mean how how powerful uh rig do i need for work you know i just need something that can run like you know uh office apps photoshop that's pretty much it [Music] oh thank you soul reaper you're very cool all right let's uh let me go look at the portal over here i feel like i started building something new that i was like kind of into yeah see handsome handsome phantom lemon that's what i was thinking yeah i mean it would cost a little money but hopefully i would make up for that with my sanity downstairs probably better anyway um oh this one hahaha well i figured uh on the mac downstairs if i if i do that i i would use parallels and run uh run a windows install as well okay so this is what we got here for this build that um i kind of had an idea going into this but it's kind of supposed to be like a bombed out city [Music] or maybe it should be like um [Music] like maybe it used to be like a nice museum now it's just wrecked let's see what it looks like from up here that'll give me some ideas and then i could have a vape i'm not good enough ricey for a linux machine with mac and windows vms no i am i could i could probably figure out that how to set that up i have a bit of experience you know working with window or work on linux but usually simple stuff like you know restarting a service on a server or something like that rebooting a server but i've messed around with it on uh laptops and stuff it's pretty fun it's cool i never i never used it though for with virtual machines or anything though [Music] ah thank you soul reaper you were awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we got a circle here what can we do with it i got i do have one idea uh let me need the freighter [Music] so hmm that didn't work [Laughter] [Music] okay so we got a big circle and what are we gonna do with it [Music] we could do i was thinking about like maybe [Music] see you later ricey thanks for hanging out uh flowery i would clone yeah i would clone to the ssd because actually i did uh i don't i don't build my my computers anymore myself instead now i use third party or i use the companies where i can pick out all the pieces i want but they do the actual build just because i have bad hands now and i i can't do it anymore but um on the last the computer i have now when they shipped it to me when i got it they had you know it had two hard drives that had a had a ssd and also had a like three terabyte mechanical drive internal and that and that that's where they installed windows and that's not where i wanted it i wanna on the ssd so i downloaded um [Music] what's up program it's it's free uh [Music] i don't think a free partition manager clone cloning tool but yeah so i i just cloned it onto the ssd and had no issues and then i you know deleted windows install from the other drive but windows install on ssd is fast fast fast [Music] i was actually thinking about getting a new ssd uh because i saw that one terabyte one on amazon for pretty cheap [Music] but i don't know [Music] [Music] we're thinking about doing a circle of rooms but that'll really take a long time [Music] [Music] is asus asus asus wait whoops [Music] [Music] um let me think okay let's try that [Music] whoops [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna go with the small alloy panel [Music] [Music] dragon age to subscribe thank you so much dragon age really appreciate it that's awesome thank you okay now we're going to use small alloy triangles back to small alloy panel reverse wire glitch reverse wire glitch all the way around okay now let's take these no dvd bonkers one just subscribed thank you so much thank you dvd bonkers one dvd bonkers i like it alright um what was i thinking here [Music] okay let's keep it going sorry i'm talking out loud but that's what i do when i build it helps helps me flip that okay you know what we need to do is save okay so if you're following along at home once you build a circle of light floors like this you can really really make a lot of cool things now the way i put the light panels in was so whatever parts we glitch are gonna glitch out out this way [Music] so we're gonna do [Music] the planetary globes [Music] gonna go all the way around a whole circle [Music] okay now that we got those in there i was thinking about doing something with these maybe and we got to be careful but if we take our time this is going to make something really awesome but we gotta take our time [Music] there we go [Music] almost there [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now let's do well all right first let's save and do a reload and we'll see what this whole thing looks like whoa [Music] that was weird [Music] look at that [Music] wondering if there's anything else we could put in there [Music] well we could do yeah i got an idea [Music] wow look at that it's like a it's like a christmas miracle i don't know what it is but i built it uh oh the last one didn't place did i miss one [Music] pretty neat [Music] and you'll need um [Music] what two two pieces [Music] [Music] so all right um [Music] okay so now we got to ask ourselves is there anything else we wanted to do with it because we can [Music] all right let's keep going with this one uh [Music] so we're gonna put the light the light floors back in so we could glitch on them [Music] i always gotta pay close attention at this part i i mess it up [Music] uh all right uh my idea was let me see because they did have an idea we could we can make this into a functioning portal that's possible to do maybe we will do that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay um now we're gonna [Music] do this killwalker i'm not anything close to an engineer or an artist i have no artistic ability whatsoever whatsoever my penmanship is so bad like like checks i write to people get returned because the bankers think that they tried to you know that looked so ridiculous have the worst handwriting [Music] um this is all just learning the technique i just showed i just kind of did right there let's reload [Music] [Music] okay let's see we got here [Music] i think i see the missing i mean it's on this planet here so maybe maybe this is not a good thing maybe it's a bad thing so yeah if we want i don't know if we have any power out here could probably get a portal in there in the center if i delete the center tiles could have a functioning portal i think i don't know why this doesn't wanna green why do you not want a green mr portal that's really weird ah no good huh [Music] there we go oh wait a minute before i do this let's get rid of this wire [Music] all right i don't have any power out here so we're gonna have to set some real quick so [Music] so weird huh it's like that's weird why won't let me grab grab a wire huh [Music] oh snap is that why [Music] [Music] [Music] what did that say look placement unavailable [Music] disable the wiring mode [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't know it's weird [Music] hey james how you doing hmm oh look at that look at it look it took out parts of my circle and everything that sucks we could re we can reload we have a save [Music] so [Music] oh um all right good because i don't even know if i want to put a portal in there last night i was um [Music] oh i know the last thing we need to do on this ship is [Music] [Music] technology [Music] technology [Music] technology [Music] [Music] okay i got a little boost a way to shrink the mpc based terminals but not the npcs without mods i don't know of any way to do it i'll tell you i'll tell you what uh last night or over the weekend sometime i was running around this planet look at this 19 waypoints i found but i'm still missing an animal but this planet is just so good it's weird where's my ship [Music] there's all the stuff for making the stasis devices maybe i'll make some not right now [Music] i like to just run around this planet sometimes and just look at things really cool but yeah it makes me wonder how many waypoints are on a planet like said 50 i mean 19 and i was that was pretty much all on foot so i don't know [Music] [Music] i like this base it's a little broken it's kind of it's got a few things aren't working right but overall i like it it's a good one yeah this planet is awesome if anybody wants to build here this is this planets in eisendam galaxy uh 10 but there's the glyphs [Music] this is a really nice planet oh whoops yeah there are the glyphs so they got him we got a long look at him but anyway with that guys i'm gonna end it there because i'm a little bit tired and we've been going for about almost two and a half hours but we got some exploring done so that's cool we got some upgrades for the new ship um i'll be back on on wednesday i'm not sure what we'll get up to but uh and yeah and exo craft is a vehicle like a car thank you bob thank you so much thank you you thank you for all your help thank you soul reaper for the super chat thank you guys for coming by thank you new subscribers if you haven't subscribed yet please do it would be awesome we'd love to have you here with the zoo crew and yeah i'll see you soon so make sure to hit the the bell thing it doesn't really work but i don't know hit it maybe it helps the algorithm but anyway have a great night guys i love you very much thanks
Channel: Xxiou Games
Views: 520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No Man's Sky Ship Hunting, No Mans Sky Expedition 2, no mans sky expedition 2, no mans sky expedition 2 rewards, no mans sky expedition 2 redux, no mans sky expedition 2 end date, no mans sky expedition 2 walkthrough, no mans sky expedition 2 rendezvous 1, no mans sky expedition 2 guide, No Mans Sky Ship Hunting, no mans sky ship hunting, no mans sky ship hunting guide, No mans sky exotic ship hunting
Id: 0vAT0lS96DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 2sec (8462 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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