BEST Palworld Optimization Guide | Max FPS | Best Settings

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what's up I'm troubleshoot and welcome back to another video in this quick one I'll be showing you how to optimize P world for the best possible performance while still keeping it looking as good as possible this video is only going to cover the in-game options so if you'd like to get even more performance out of your system make sure to check the description down below for a Windows 10 11 and Nvidia optimization guides as well as anything else that may help you out so without further Ado let's hop straight into game before we start with the optimization let's quickly get a baseline for what kind of performance we get in game my graphic settings have defaulted to Epic so we'll see the kind of performance just a quick note I have disabled dlss so we can get some true- toli performance numbers I'll create a new world leave multiplayer on and leave everything else as is and on the top left you can see a performance overlay as far as I know there isn't an FPS counter in the game however using the steam overlay with shift tab you can enable the FPS counter in the extreme top left like I have it or you can use a thirdparty program such as MSI afterburner and and River tuna to get a more detailed cph outside here we're setting in a solid 90ish 100 FPS looking to places with less going on and looking out into the world we're sitting at a solid 88 maybe a bit lower at the Box performance is pretty good especially for really Modern Hardware but on much low end systems you could really be struggling and that's where this video shines so without further Ado let's start I'll pause the game head into options followed by graphics and in here we can start customizing presets you can leave set to whatever you want really as we'll be customizing it further down below screen mode should definitely be set to full screen and it should match your displays resolution here as well anything lower and it'll be needlessly blurry anything higher and you'll be pushing pixels you don't actually see Max FPS leave at No Limit and turn off vsync let's just quickly double check our settings yep FPS hasn't changed much at all meaning vsync wasn't limiting us we're still at 82 is FPS so V sync off motion blur you can turn off it shouldn't have too much of a performance impact but for a lot of people having motion blur on can lead to motion sickness and things like that antialiasing this is quite an interesting one TSR has the biggest impact on FPS but it does improve the games look quite a bit TAA may make it look slightly blurry and FXAA is the best option if you want anti-aliasing for performance it's really good and for Quality it's okay the next option down is none and should give you the best per performance but you'll be dealing with some Jagged edges and things like that if you don't like the way that edges look FXAA is pretty good TAA is even better there's less grass shimmering and stuff like that and finally TSR comes with a much bigger performance impact but it makes the game look a lot better overall so if you can handle Jagged edges none is a good option otherwise FXAA though you can notice grass is a little bit shimmery ultimately this is your preference but personally the grage Shimmer is a bit too much for me I'll be using TAA here at the lowest but of course if you need more performance don't be afraid to push this down view distance i' recommend leaving it epic or high as it'll let you see the most while you're in game but of course on lower-end systems this is something you're going to need to drop though if you're comfortably above your FPS goal you should definitely return here and raise your view distance later on for a much better experience grass detail you can comfortably push down to medium or low without too much change to how the game looks as you can see here if we head back to fxa the grass Shimmer is still there but there's noticeably less grass having grass detail raised up there's more of it so noticeably more shimmering if you're going to be using FXAA I'd recommend grass details as low as possible but usually medium is fine then Shadows this usually has a huge performance impact this is what the game looks like with epic Shadows then high medium and finally low low seems to turn off Shadows mostly if not entirely and we've moved up to around 110 FPS if we have it set to medium a lot of Shadows return and we drop about 10 FPS down to 100 cranking it from medium all the way up to Epic we lose 20 FPS so it seems to be about a 10% performance impact for each step you go up therefore I'd recommend having this as low as possible if you're really struggling for FPS medium is probably the lowest you'll want to go without removing Shadows entirely then effect quality throughout normal gameplay this won't have too much of an effect but pay attention to the particles and smoke in the background sitting at 90 7 will drop effects too low and not much has changed at all really we've gone from 97 to 107 so we've gained 10 FPS and things still look pretty good the only place you'll really notice this usually is combat and things like that as well as maybe a few other specific areas most of the time you can have this option much lower for a relatively good performance impact so medium is a pretty good place to leave this especially if you're dropping FPS combat then texture quality this totally depends on how much vram your graphics card has if if you have anywhere around 3 gigs of vram set this down to Low 4 gigs medium 6 gigs high and anything more than 6 gigs of vram set it up to Epic you're not really going to lose any FPS or gain anything except for when the game's trying to use too much vram that you don't have available so having this option set too low won't gain you anything having it set too high will cost you FPS though you'll definitely notice when you're running out of vram as the game will start to Hitch stutter Etc then dlss this is a great option for a ton of extra free performance as it is an AI upscaler you may notice a degradation in quality in some areas but improvements in others for example we're setting at 104 if we set dlss to Performance you'll notice a big Improvement in numbers we're setting at 120 FPS though everything is super blurry this isn't good at all however pushing it all the way to the right to Quality things are noticeably less blurry and more trueu native though we definitely are losing a bit of quality that being said we setting at a solid 120 FPS so we've actually moved up quite a bit in terms of performance I think it may be maxed out at 120 there may be some kind of hard limit something to do with my monitor Etc but usually the more to the performance side you push dlss the better the performance you'll get though you'll notice more weird visual artifacts buler and things like that too just a quick note you won't actually have the dlss option here unless you own the game on Steam as the Xbox game pass version doesn't have this built in as far as I understand if you don't have dlss available the other performance options here should be more than enough to help you anyways also when you enable dlss as this Smooths out edges and things like that it'll disable anti-aliasing completely meaning you also save a bit of performance from this as well personally I'll be leaving this on off as the game is performing more than well enough without the extra help of dlss then finally Field view while this does technically affect your FPS so for example 70 gives us around 104 and 90 gives us around around 110 it shouldn't have gone up it should have gone down technically but anyways when it comes to field of view it's all about your preference and how you feel when you play the game don't let numbers change what you feel rather play with something that's more comfortable than what's better for your system that's it we've gone through all of the graphics options here the only other thing you may want to change is camera shake once again if you suffer from motion sickness motion blur and Camera shake or the two options you want to disable completely as for the other Graphics tabs there's nothing here that will really help us gain performance and we've optimized the game to its maximum potential so if you'd like to optimize your game even further make sure to check the description down below for Windows 10 11 and Nvidia optimization guides to get even more out of your system thank you for watching Money's been troubleshoot and I'll see you all next time CIA
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 65,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld optimization, Palworld best settings, Palworld, Palworld settings, best Palworld settings, Palworld pc settings, best settings Palworld, settings Palworld, Palworld pc setting, Palworld improve fps, Palworld graphics settings, Palworld settings pc, Palworld controller settings, windows 11 gaming optimization, Palworld fps boost, best settings, Palworld lag fix, Palworld fps, performance boost, better fps, optimization guide, fps improvement, optimized settings
Id: DjE4uwhW8D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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