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I've signed a stay at home order for the entire state of North Carolina Trump said we were session ace we still have power what's up you sexy YouTube mother lovers its day four of being trapped inside my own shop thanks to the quarantine water ran out two days ago so we're down to just alcohol now thank God yesterday I was able to find cell phone reception for like 30 seconds so I immediately went might just work to ask for some help and you guys responded by flooding my inbox with as many cursed gun images as you could oh hell yeah power came back on that means we've finally got enough to tears from a our guys to power my hydroelectric generator that would come in handy what's going on guys back to you with some cursed gun images I hope your quarantines are going well still trapped in the shop but that's okay no it's not because now the only thing I can do really to get content out to you guys is another cursed gun images which I really don't ever look forward to because you guys have some sort of sick pleasure in sending me some of the worst gun images you can find on the internet and some of you have even resorted to trying to make your own and they're heinous stop it I got to get ready for this one having a taste of good old-fashioned lead swingers whiskey all right now I'm ready for Chris gun imagism just remember you wanted this all right let's see number one here up on the docket this is why I don't do these videos more often so you've already started out with my complete hatred as this is a bullpup take a but that wasn't bad enough you now have screws and screw build it this is a screw build a K those are clearly bolts the heat-treat on that receiver was clearly done expertly as it is doing the wave and for the bullpup front-end I actually kind of I a little bit respect your devotion to the a K but I also still hate you because that is a that is an a receiver that they've used as their chassis for the front end the lower handguard area for their bullpup I really want to say this is photoshopped I'm gonna call this one this is almost becoming like a game for me it's like is did somebody actually build this coat hanger abortion in their garage or did is this just a Photoshop I'm gonna call Photoshop on this one and I really hope I'm right I really hope nobody did this for real please nobody proved me wrong because I am gonna sleep very very soundly tonight thinking that this is fake I knew we were gonna get to this one because ever since cursed got images one you guys have been DMing me this this is a mayor's leg lever action a K and it's hideous I do the air quotes because this clearly does not work that is like just a crazy trigger guard looking thing going on there I'd be surprised with gun this gun works yeah you can't even see the weld there in the back that lever-action people keep asking for a lever-action ATK just buy a [ __ ] a K and if you really want it to just be a single shot don't drill the gas port it's that easy nope you want to look like some sort of [ __ ] Soviet John Wayne and I don't understand it what would that look like by the way what is this resting on that is it there's a unique background this is just like a brass shavings from a lathe or something like that movie Gone tired of looking at this oh sweet baby Christ trolling is art and you're doing it well you know somebody knew what they were doing because of the troll sticker and yeah this is superb this would look amazing on like Gucci Han Solo turquoi blue blaster the Germans did an engineer perfection back in the 1890s just for you to do this in 2020 please stop all right so it looks like we got some FAMAS stuff except it's not because that would be - that would make too much sense this is some sort of retro FAMAS conversion the air 15y why did you do that not only why did you do that why did you spend that's a lot of effort this looks like somebody went through a lot of effort to make this this physically repulsive of all the things people like about the FAMAS I don't think anybody said hey that big ass charging handle up top let's let's make that bigger you are going to bring down the wrath of gun Jesus on all of us and frankly we deserve it okay so now we've gotten to this one this is a Sten bullpup soapbox moment unfortunately I have become the very thing I have sought to destroy ever since I started doing these cursed gun images videos people have started photoshopping things and posting them all over the Internet of just random bullpup crap or fusions of different guns altogether it's cancer please stop and don't still tag me in it don't I I hate looking at it some of them are okay and that hurts to say but then there's [ __ ] like this this is where you know someone is either trolling the [ __ ] out of people like me or they genuinely have no idea how firearms work it's a magic [ __ ] box that looks vaguely weapon shaped that you pull the trigger and bad [ __ ] happens to the dude you're pointing at that's their understanding of firearm mechanics so this that is an open bolt blowback 9-millimeter submachine gun is basically an angry tube with a bolt that moves back and forth igniting the little nine millimeter pues see that little welded cap there above where you put the trigger that's where the that's where the bolt stops that is that is the bottoming out point of your bolt so it is alarming to me someone with a vague understanding of the Sten why there's a magazine behind that point this is alarming because the bolt cannot now reach your bullets as you have essentially put a stent mag holder beside your single-shot stand one out of ten this gun would not work stop photoshopping these things if you don't know if you don't just stop don't don't do it oh goody more stand stuff that this is this is the other one and then I'll be done then we'll just be looking at Kriss gun images but I gotta say this putting weave [ __ ] on a gun does not make it a cursed gun image it just means you should probably have a better relationship with your parents I don't know if you had a father and if so I don't know if he's extent but I hope he didn't see what you did because I'm confident he would be embarrassed by you okay I genuinely don't know what I'm looking at let's try to break this one down because I hesitate not to call this curse because it actually looks kind of neat but it also might be cursed let's see that is clearly some sort of Glock I am assuming maybe like a 19 by the size with a suppressor on it but that's not what's weird what's weird is this stock attached to it I don't know what kind of stuff this is might be kind of fabricated definitely would i if this actually works that might be some sort of trigger linkage to the Glock this clearly makes it an SBR short barreled rifle so I hope this guy's has papers either that or you can say goodbye to Fido a Woodstock with a cheek riser with a knob on it under adjustable cheek riser man this is just a Frankensteined frankenstein's carbine and of course the optic that is not attached to the slide but instead to the wood stock that's excellent choice luckily judging by those magazines to the left I think this is airsoft so false alarm we're all good this isn't cursed this is just a 16 year old all right we're back to cursed I almost respect it I really do so this is some sort of bolt-action rifle it seems with an aka breakdown everything that's on this gun this is it looks like it's a bolt-action barreled action with an AR handguard hose clamp on to it don't knock the tactical hose clamp it's good enough for an ache a 50 prototype gas tube it's good enough for me no he's got not one but two tactical hose clamps here as he has one also attaching his flashlight to the end of okay I got a love discus you went through all the trouble of putting an ar-15 hanger on it like a rail system on it so you can attach accessories and you don't [ __ ] use it you use the hand you use the hose clamp that's wonderful that's wonderful but you did use it for one thing and that was an error m16 style carry handle that you use for the rear sight the rear sights attach but you have no front sight except for the one attached to the barrel which isn't good I don't know two inches below so either you're using this for indirect fire or you're just trolling me what you're doing well I honestly can't be butthurt I enjoy this alright this is God his quarantines got me [ __ ] in the head because I'm enjoying Kris gun images right now but to finish everything off on the back end we have an ache a endure folding stock and that's a piece of art I'm just kidding it's bad you should feel better oh goody speaking of under folders we have no other thing that should not be this is an SBR I hope somebody's got their paperwork for this because this is an AR pistol with an keh under folder attached to the buffer tube because you know when I think a K under folder I just think you know that's so organ Amish a wanted on all my other rifles a lot of a lot of actual work went into this and I'm not sure if I should commend it or not normally I kind of I don't like it when people put a are [ __ ] on aks but now I'm starting to think the opposite is worse it's actually worse when you put a k shoot on airs mostly because it could have gone on an a K and it would have looked alright Wow okay that's a lot to unwrap a holy [ __ ] actually that's the gun from from Deadpool to the one that cable used I actually I remember sitting in the theater wondering what the hell he was using so let me try to break this one down because I think this one this one's up to the prop Department so I guess kudos I think so this is like a modern Thompson says they stayed they started the core of the gun is like a vector I guess a vector 45 with a Thompson stock on it but the thing that was freaking me out that I couldn't quite figure out I couldn't pinpoint it in the theater was they had a an m-80 to barrett break on the front which is a little overkill for 45 especially a 45 rifle configuration but hey i'm not from the future i don't know these things looks like they have a smaller front end of an ar-15 underneath that barrel and just to top things off because you know there's no such thing as overkill in an r-rated Marvel movie they have an m203 grenade launcher for 40 millimeter 10 out of 10 would bug with this rifle we need to have a serious sit-down talk with Florida the idea that the standard ar-15 pistol grip was not comfortable enough for you you were instead much more comfortable holding a dear hope AR guy's meets Florida man and this is what you get a little bit of Alabama sprinkled in honestly this was probably seized from Joe exotics home okay believe it or not this is not actually a cursed gun image this looks like something that would have been photoshopped but it is not this was actually a real thing that the US army developed I think it's the the Davy Crockett recoilless rifle or something like that and this is basically a small artillery piece that fires nuclear warheads I am NOT making this up I don't know if this was ever used or anything well no god no it was never used tested I mean like actual field tests with people and things I gotta not it was that weird point right after the end of world war two or we had just used nuclear weapons for the first time in human history and all of the scientists were warning of the implications that could have on the future of mankind and the entire world was afraid of going into a nuclear holocaust meanwhile the military-industrial complex was just kind of like hey could you build us something to shoot that from a Jeep that's us weapons develop it for you right there it's a terrible idea never should have been done but goddamn we sent it anyway okay I was actually wondering when this one would show up I don't necessarily hate this one it's been floating around the internet for a while this is an under folder ache a pistol chambered in probably nine-millimeter maybe seven sixty by twenty five but I'm guessing nine by the magazine being straight judging by that third pin I'm guessing it's a machine gun and am I sure hope so no this was never a production gun this looks like it comes straight from Khyber Pass Pakistan where dreams come true and aks go to die the really sad part about this is that if zooming in here it looks like this was actually like a type three mil de K because it's got that little dimple there and that's actually okay so I've gotta get my get on my soapbox one more time so that one of the weird things they do over there in Khyber Pass is they actually mock the look of a stamped a K by milling a little stamped dimple in the magwell to make it look stamped but it's actually a milled gun you can see there on the front trunnion that's obviously a milk gun there's no rivets in there or anything like that I've even seen fake rivets like they do some weird [ __ ] over there I don't understand their taste yes definitely a little ache a pistol probably a machine gun you know in Pakistan why not is it cursed yeah probably but I don't know I'd still rocket so this appears to be a pistol and side-folding version of the barrett m82a1 I'm gonna go back to my previous cursed gun images reverence with where to bolt godo so the problem with this here is that huh that has a very big bolt and carrier because that is a very big firearm now in order for a semi-auto weapon like this to function it has to have equal if not more space behind the bolt and carrier assembly to reciprocate and load you know eject around load the next round that whole nine yards to actually function or have a prayer in hell the functioning notice where the bolt and carrier assembly ends on that pistol now know that it has to go with least that distance further back beyond where that ends if you're shooting that like a pistol that appears to be dangerously close to the shooters face and or shoulder in reality it's actually probably behind that meaning that this thing is a hole puncher No Country for Old Men style to your jawbone still seven out of ten money operate actually while I'm on this page Kalash lover god I feel mixed about shouting this out right now Kalash lover runs a very interesting page where he's basically become known for a lot of these cursed gun images such as these like challenges basically people shout out in the comments and he does a very very it's not the worst Photoshop I've ever seen but it's it's crude it's it's it's hurtful so I guess go check him out if you you like this sort of thing I'll judge you though here's one of them Sten doe martini-henry seems simple enough bullpup five five six Kriss vector that wouldn't work but okay type one a k47 sawed-off shotgun I would find you as soon as I get out of here PSL plus m240 Bravo plus broadsword bayonet I'm not even mad but I am a little disappointed at least you got the general size of the cartridge and the magazine right you know you're throwing other guns that are almost close sorry I got distracted again by looking at that type 1a K with a sawn-off that's no mmm-hmm-hmm that's like taking a Faberge egg and ripping it apart for the jewels to put on your bedazzle jeans so I think this is like I don't know this it's maybe like an M 44 Mosin because of that side folding bayonet in some sort of chassis with a thumbhole stock and like sheet metal sides like this is like a sheet metal block that's either screwed or riveted together this was a lot of work you put a lot of time into making this look as terrible as it does on the bipod the bipod that you clamp to the barrel directly to the barrel even though you put that Picatinny on the bottom like you went through the effort to put the Picatinny there right there and then you just clamp the bit the the bipod straight to the barrel why not you know I refuse to believe that people put that much effort into trolling that had to be somebody that was serious serious seriously hearted these are getting worse I was actually starting to have fun there for a minute you guys made sure that that was just not in the cards for me cursed item obras reverse bullpup Tavor yeah it's pretty cursed I think I'm going to amend my bullpup policy so at first it was I hate Bullpups and then I had to clarify I hate all non purpose-built Bullpups you know things that started as normal weapons and that you bullpup did because I guess you're [ __ ] bored I mean I'm in that a third time I also hate non bullpup things that started as Bullpups because this is this looks pretty heinous either that or it looks like a Star Wars prop gun for those of you who don't know the obras is kind of a slang term thrown around for a shortened pistol version of a Mosin Nagant rifle it has since been adopted and kind of used as a slang term for a hacked up Bubba [ __ ] pistol of any kind yep I've seen that one around Oh Perez nunchucks why do I bother it's your favorite Ninja Turtle just [ __ ] nding and it everything g11 obras i don't necessarily feel comfortable saying that that doesn't work because i don't know how the g11 quite works but i feel pretty comfortable in my assessment that somebody who does know how it works would agree with me that that doesn't work or at least doesn't make any sense that is an obras again you guys like oppressors for some reason that is a no bras with a ridiculous muzzle break on it because you know you're gonna take all that weight off the front under your gun lose the muzzle velocity but add the weight back well guys I hope you enjoyed this video I sure as [ __ ] didn't if you have any recommendations for future content please let me know and I'll reach through the comments remember a chance so that I'll know what to do for the next video I hope you get me the [ __ ] out of here because I'm starting to lose my mind of the stack of Aki shirts over there in the corner that I've just been wearing so every day is kind of blending in I don't know what time it is and please for the love of God please stop sending me Chris Keller images cuz I don't I don't like to see him I don't know I just I don't want I don't want him you know what [ __ ] your cursor images I don't need them I'll [ __ ] you want fluffed up Oh breads I'll show you for hop over is where's my Mosin where's the hacksaw where's the whiskey that way [Music] [Music] using the wrong side of the bucket we should put that up in the shop how could you say no to that place I've seen things where's the hacksaw [ __ ] sir don't worry about it
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 3,634,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, meme review, gun meme review, cursed images, Cursed gun images, cursed, part 2, photoshop, bubba, AK, surplus, Garand thumb, Mosin, Obrez, gunsmith, Famas, call of duty
Id: udm7Mnjf1DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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