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we're filling up this computer with beans we call the repairman to come and fix it that's a lot of beans right but the computer's not even turning on and it's plugged in uh-huh it kind of it came like it comes on and sometimes and then just turns off and then sometimes it doesn't come on so what is going on one man i'm gonna tell him that you're working on and telling me the power supply okay oh my gosh dude powers i yeah he'd say it's a power wait wait come here for a minute he says it's power dude have you ever opened this computer up before no i'm gonna open it up and show you something i've never seen before in my life what what what is all that in here this is not supposed to be inside a computer this is beans inside none of this these black things all these this is like food it's not like to help the computer stay cool or anything no no no someone sold you something with a bunch of beans in it and that's not good to be for the computer uh no i i have never in my life seen anything like this before i am shocked what's under these uh that's the motherboard and actually these are the motherboards no no no you all of this stuff you're seeing this pile of these are the motherboards no this is food this is beans someone put beans inside the computer this should all none of this should be in here this is food this is like someone took their dinner and threw it inside the computer but i don't see the motherboards in there like in here it's flat but where are all the motherboard like there are a lot of motherboards here but i don't see any of the motherboards in here yeah well those are not motherboards that's food i hate to say it to you you need a new computer i would how much does that will be whenever they go to spin it i flip the switch and it'll just keep spinning forever so let's get some poor suckers that was a really good spoon yeah yeah we have 20 and 50 off service too oh that's cool then we have a few lesser prizes just a toy mower but it's about split 50 50 with good ones and then just okay ones maybe you won't tell the next person to give it a good spin yeah maybe just give it a normal spin you've been working out in the yard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the sun [Music] [Music] all right all right fine okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the parking attendant guy walking down the street he gets a call he just starts to run into it there's like a parking symbol in the sky they've never seen something like that ever how does that how does that work crazy oh oh what is that that's it that's it oh he's coming back this way he's coming back this way he comes [Music] you have no idea what i'm just taking a picture of it what do i do nah nah is she driving by oh [ __ ] no way no way we did it yeah screw you get out of here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we got a gta 5 map we're in siesta village right now and this is the map here it actually looks pretty similar yeah i'm looking for siesta drive on bay city avenue okay and then the fudge factory is supposed to be i think north this way you mind boxing this up for us i'll leave a big tip yeah but you guys came when you did zero yeah big zero dude like he literally held it out arms out stretches yeah but i gotta actually tip for you now yeah thanks dude go get you a coffee son okay [Music] wow i felt very nice can i have a large one pair of two charcoal espresso is it large what was it a large flathead [Music] fluff two sativa espresso no sugar week okay here's your card back did you want whipped cream or cream in it whipped cream whipped cream gotcha that's it at the end okay right here awesome i can't function without like a thing me either be careful okay all right do you have almond milk in there no we do not have almond milk in there let's take this back i'm starting to get a headache we'll follow my coffee as long as you have to me too be careful it's hot okay thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] beer no nothing for you not for me huh hey hopefully not for you because you need me to die at least i got all my teeth yeah that's why you're walking buddy keep it going the ice cream machine part is not working the ice cream machine isn't working right now [Applause] [Music] now just here to fix the ice cream you're from taylor uh yes okay we just got the scheduled service for it so okay because i've never seen the uniform that's why i'm a little oh okay yeah we switched things up oh okay so you're still tailored yes ma'am okay yeah it's just that they break so often they shut down going to their auto cleaning mode c717 if you could just tap right here yeah just like that okay go ahead okay thank you just give it a couple light taps and keep tapping it okay but we're gonna be back here next week for another scheduled maintenance okay all right [Music] all right t-minus two minutes and counting here let's go for ep part [Music] oh my god get out of here dude this is insane what in the world dude this is crazy holy cow i think it'll spin forever now we just greased it oh yeah he's a pro and we're just filming we're getting some material from the channel okay what's it for again i'm sorry for pba or pro wii okay oh thanks man oh what's this two dollars oh no i don't need that what you need oh nothing why are you holding the sign though so we got these fire alarms we put sticky tape on the back we're just going to put them up right here and then have you ever pulled one before i aim to do it it's like a video game it's fun if you go and press it and pull it down and you can beat the game you want to go do that come on it'll be fun come on it'll be fun come on go up to it and press it and pull it down go do it whenever you do candy falls out of it go ahead do it go do it press it in and pull it down [Music] she's like you guys are f i think she said that we're leaving all right class today we're going to be doing some artwork follow me this is the canvas just let the crayon do the drawing [Music] [Music] foreign got my leg and my my back i think dude that's so fun [Music] who was your wish i can't tell you but it's much more likely to come true than yours [Music] alright oh man i can't stop laughing dude [Music] uh thank you very nice yeah we probably won't get that salad [Music] oh certain parts were scary they wanted to be what they want their morning routine to look like exactly first i wake up at 5 15 with my bed already made and then i go and brush my teeth at least two minutes gargle then i get dressed [Music] then i like to have a cup of coffee and sit on my porch while i read an entire 2000 page book then i'll swing a toaster around my head in the backyard for like two minutes and sacrifice the goat to the sun god then i like to go for a light run [Music] make my way down a dock and hop on the nearest boat that's driving by then do a little wakeboarding just to loosen my muscles and get ready for my day next i'll swap to a helicopter and wakeboard a little more i forgot to say after i have my coffee i'll make a smoothie with blueberries raspberries and bananas a large coke and that's all right hey want some candy come on hop in what's your favorite kind sorry no hey you want some candy come here and taste them come on get closer we have all different flavors hello i'd like to uh place a reservation for tonight at 7 00 p.m for two people please reservation this is my donuts we don't make a reservation oh yes sir no i understand that your list is you're very busy and you get a lot of calls is there any way you can squeeze me onto the list keep it warm [Music] there's a guy with should we freaking drive up [Music] hey what are you doing it's all off-ramp right that's an off-ramp that's the semi-trucking trailer okay this is a breakdown zone there's a sign there bigger than your car that's breakdown zone oh my bad i got confused [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right so what happens if i crash this i gotta fix it i get to watch you fix it and hold the flashlight i broke it and we got a dog shot collar we're gonna put it on and pretend it's a sensor don't let it touch it i touched it dude dude i know well don't touch me you're falling again dude [Laughter] cole's on the phone hey cole [Music] we're coming buddy dude you're right that was awesome right you're doing my turn here you go in there hey jj jj jj jj what hold on open it up coming can you hear me on the phone i didn't hear you i'm mute i think yeah you are me you almost heard me like hey hey i'm starting to freak out yeah i was i was yelling hey stop that's enough i feel better now as i'm you i thought you all weren't listening to me i'm like what the [ __ ] i'm almost done i really did i'm like these guys are really pranking me open up wait till [Music] [Applause] yes i was freaking out hey you need to quit playing with that hammer and get a job yeah quit playing with your computer and get a job again you need to quit playing with your computer and get a job patrick's day is that why you're wearing green yeah okay is that why you're pushing that green cart is that why you're poop screen today oh that's why my poop screen what's the wonder wait slam pastors say isn't every day of the year you know inline won't work out here right yeah i just haven't got a hang of it yet dang i'm getting it chocolate ice cream oreos no broccoli sprinkles no so you're welcome elliott put your signature here right there write your name you're right that sucks hey you're gonna be a doctor when you grow up did it fall off no it's still there no no no yeah yeah do it do it don't do it uh you're good to the guy up there person up there those kids thought it was so funny [Music] thank you [Music] no no i was wondering if you took this to me look at this just had this scent yeah cause i just had something set to me and someone behind me i did too did you take pictures of us like a picture and send it oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay yeah um this is fun and how do i just push wait what are you doing i was just taking a picture you're not taking a picture with me bro no no okay what are you doing all right why are you taking pictures of me that's what i was asking her if she did she said she did no you just asked her to take a picture of us no i asked if she took a picture and she said yeah and then she asked we wanted to take pictures i was like sure i think i'll take a picture you know each other no you know but i'm calling here thank you all right thank you man so i said somebody took a picture of me too somebody behind me clearly turned he's like dude that's you took that no no look like someone took it over back in my head but you can clearly see [Music] okay [Music] or a couple days now he'll be like eating a family dinner and trying to explain this to her grandkids so anyways there was this duck like my really losing it [Laughter] kids now is when we're gonna put find grandma home right grandma a huge duck did you guys have a tea party afterward i'm not crazy i'm not i know what i saw i secretly visit her in the home just outside her window like once once a week just to reiterate that she's crazy she was doing better for the first two weeks and then all of a sudden duck stuck stucks again she won't stop talking about ducks giant ducks lift with your back and release securing strap what a securing strap two three i think it comes with beer in these packages goodbye everyone someone's like you guys need help yeah we're trying to get out there further [Music] [Music] yeah just two of us all right i'm gonna cut this short of the bunker on the right that'll leave me 150 in sounds good bro ball on the big dog where'd it go in the water all right it hit that tree then it hit that tree i'll drive it in the water or something but danger is my first name my last name caution is my middle name rotate rotate rotate rotate and i'm strong dude dude i hate that hospital would you help me open this freaking jar i can't get it you guys got gloves too that's [Applause] there you go right off look at that wow that's amazing break the glass all right yeah you try not [Music] have you ever seen such a thing [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] uh [Music] this ain't no bar [Music] i'm gonna have to trust that you give me the right change here okay uh nope that's not real money well i'll give you a one hold on let me get five oh you gave me the five oh is it 107 with tax no no you're fine it's 99 cents period i thought i'd give you the one yeah that's the one yeah so what do i do um so um we can't use this what's that how come um i don't know how come i don't know because it's not it's real it's extra money yeah just a copy of the money a copy of the money yeah this is just paper what do you mean just pay it's pay for money yeah uh yeah but it's not real money can i get the grill right here a glass of water tall glass of water [Music] thank you hey excuse me excuse me i left my coffee cup on your roof it's a it's a little further my coffee cup accidentally left it up there okay you mind grabbing it for me it was just an accident i'm sorry thank you appreciate that how did it get up there i just left it out there accidentally before i drove off yes these are nice i just got some jeans today and they're i just need to get them patched like these holes patched because like i got you know like i said i got a good deal at burlington just now i have a receipt and everything but oh you don't like the style no just the holes the style looks good but i didn't like the holes where the hole they pay for this they pay to have the holes fixed yes no no the jeans they pay for this style the hole oh no i pay for the style of the jean but not the whole i just need to get the hole fixed no how would they make style their style they pay for that yeah i'll be back for it thank you okay bye-bye bye oh this is great wow yeah that looks great we'll fill up the entire gas tank full of spaghettios take it to a mechanic and see if he can fix it so it's literally full of spaghettios now now we just have to put it back in the car [Music] i think they said it was a like a full pump pool plumpy oh man you might have some issues bro that does not look like gasoline dude somebody [ __ ] you dude you got [ __ ] spaghettios in your fuel tank who put spaghettios in your fuel tank bro wait a minute there's spaghettios in your fuel tank there's food that's not gas that's spaghettios that doesn't go no your fuel pump and this is the fuel pump this is your fuel tank and but the thing inside is the full plumps bro that's not supposed to be in there that's food that's not gas that's nothing car related we're taking pictures and it immediately prints it out oh that's a that's a good picture wow wild hogs you're going hard tonight huh another one to me [Music] [Applause] d ah so close huh [Music] oh you have any experience kicking a football sir at recess in like sixth grade the super mario and i played it for probably an hour the other day and then i fell off one of the cliffs and died and so now i gotta return it and just seeing if you guys have a new new one i can buy it didn't just restart you with like another light like it's usually supposed to start with three lives well it restarted but it must have been a different character or something because my character died it's got multiple lives like if you die it's not a different person you like ice cream yeah yeah yeah just a dollar for ice cream we got chocolate vanilla got sprinkles oreo oreo oreo bar just a dollar there you go thank you thank you sir the machine's down so there you go welcome i think you ran out of blinker fluid on the right side yeah whenever you're switching lines back there i think the right side's out here you go thank you yeah what do i do with this well you just gotta refill the blinker fluid on the right no yeah that's the right side is out so just wanted to help you thank you you're welcome is he gonna use this blinker oh he's still using it oh we gotta give it to him again i know no i noticed your left side was out too you're lying no no i swear the left side was out too first i just noticed that the right one was out but then the left side was out [Music] too oh it's beautiful could you imagine christmas lights hey hello hi uh we were just in the neighborhood and saw the house was up for sale wanted to see what you guys are asking for it i have no idea [Music] are you guys selling no no no no i know how it is when you have a house that you like it's hard you kind of put it on the market and then you take it off and oh no like i love the house so much you mind if we check out the living room sorry it's amazing no it's it's beautiful sorry are these real wood yep yeah real wood works in florida it's so nice in here this is beautiful yeah you guys you guys make it very homey in here we bought this one the farmhouse we still got stuff to do we won't even popcorn ceilings anything else like that and super safe obviously in our kitchen it's the people are really super friendly yeah it seems like it mean thank you for [Music] you sure you want to do this seven paces i can't do it i can't do that i'm not even buckled up you're not bacon tacos soft chocolate two tacos that's it thank you what a gentleman make sure we got everything i want what they have so bad i wonder what flavor it is huh what what flavor is it chocolate that was so clever dude i was like threw me off what i had no idea what you're saying yeah you know and i meant to make it like a joke twist yeah get out of here did you really think i was talking about ice cream no you never know no you did did you do you know where henry's appliances is i've never been here in my life it's not my first time here if you make a left through here and then go out to the main road lego ranch boulevard and then you make a right on university and then right when you get off the exit it's going to be there on your right yeah thank you yep see ya i'm right between the cheeks going to see the hedgehog yes ma'am i just need to check your bag oh okay that thing behind you oh i don't have anything yeah okay i didn't know what what it was oh yeah no it's nothing oh okay okay you're fine all right thank you off-road on road [Laughter] y'all country boys don't know nothing about this on road hey brother are you off roading brother huh you off-roading brother us too brother there's a lot of sheriffs comes around here all right brother don't get stuck i got a winch if you need one stuck oh no dude somebody left freaking tire marks back there freaking hooligans driving on the grass there's these kids so no one's ever pranked ross but today that's exactly what we're gonna do oh imagine what they're gonna think when they hey [Music] while ross is inside the restaurant we took a spare key and secretly moved to zan over here mike is taking the tires off and we're putting them on the replica one to make sure the tires look exactly the same and once we get this done we're putting it right back where he [Music] parked [Music] i hope somebody goes in there and just be like somebody put a van upside down well what is happening here oh what is that marilyn come on all right guys all right lean back everybody did you enjoy your food dude what the frick that's really funny but sucks [Music] he told me to go wait oh he's going to the g wagon does he what if he knows what what's actually going on around here [Music] [Music] [Music] like literally flip your car like like literally it's really funny but stupid the van the other van um okay what yeah you know how i can unflip it is it damaged yeah the back windshield's broken uh i don't i don't even i mean i guess just a truck where are you at i'm not i'm not 41. oh my god he's kicking [ __ ] cars do you remember that time you shocked me without collar sorry i guess i'm just clearing my throat sorry guys i was talking to a fan we're here at his house we're picking him up he's in a wheelchair he got shot in the back and we're gonna take him to a trampoline park and goof off of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so megan she uh was an amputee and she did a video with you just like where they were basically like making jokes out of like what had happened to her and stuff like that like i just seen that video and it just made me really realize like that that's the kind of humor that i wanted to adapt okay where's jimmy where's the boy [Music] well i'll probably learn how to myself get the fire on the car yeah i got the fire zoom in on the flames if you're done oh my god here's the red light right here oh man man it was on fire your car's on fire yeah yeah you're good and road work and the road work [Applause] oh hey look at me quit trying to kiss me are you sad elliot's little sister haley's right there elliot you can stand five feet away from her and kiss her [Music] oh dude you can't be sitting there you can't be sitting there i don't know if you saw the sign or not look before then what's that for why why are they allowed to sit there all right so we'll follow the extensions if we have one of the square tubings at that bench and we'll sneak up behind him and do it again like dude seriously come [Music] on [Music] dude really seriously you're pretty literally you just find the next one to sit down get out of here man come on you already know the rule you're just going to sit on another one about a show or something huh you put that there dude i don't have seen that jesus i got it over the peel he's working on his 20 20 part right now [Music] boom dude right in the freaking net i'm ready dude i'm ready i think we're ready for anything it's right in the neck dude hey excuse me hi hey i was wondering do you know who put gullible on this guy do you know who did it good one you don't know who did that did you see i'm not looking you know [Music] okay i was just wondering who did it have a good one hey i'm sorry i just really want you to see this somebody literally wrote the word gullible on a banner from an airplane you know do you see it i'm serious you're completely at the screen with me i'm sorry here i press this button all a lot all the time and i'll press it a lot of times and it's just not turned on anymore and it was working earlier and then now it isn't working anymore this is just plugged into the it needs to be plugged into an outlet but you don't have any room left but i had this was plugged in there right no this is plugged into the wall yeah but is it if it's just close enough it can right no i'm not sure if this one is not working or if this is the one that's not working or i don't know which one of them isn't because yeah it turned on [Music] this is it yeah this is what you need man now yeah unplug everything hold on there's no no no no no no don't do that wait wait wait wait wait wait no no the hole isn't in this one though [Music] all right [Music] [Music] you want to ride somewhere you want a please so ride can get a pop i'm right down here and i'm scared to get in the car with strangers if i could get a dollar i'd really appreciate it my money doesn't come through so tomorrow and i'm waiting on my disability i don't have change i hope something really nice happens to you thank you so like hurts to think how much that means to her dude oh my god ugh like that crap this is so that's like nothing dude but it means that much to her ah jesus i can't get over that
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 1,915,424
Rating: 4.9687939 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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