Bringing Nerf Guns to a Shooting Range

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I love seeing Kole again, he's so dang funny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Howlett_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"What Caliber is it" Killed me dude

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lightsout2012 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

how was it haven't watched it yet still got school

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Airmeerkat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So funny dude! I was watching old episodes last night, the one with the leaf blower at the beach had me dying. β€œMy boss wouldn’t let me take it home”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/N94V πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so my neighbor called code enforcement for some bull crap so we got them this basket over here there's nothing mean about it it's actually just a nice basket to welcome them we could be jerks to them back and just like have a battle forever but we're staying really quiet here like we don't do much we're gonna move out of here soon anyway but crackers well there's wine in here too we just got this for you that's all that's so much better than what i used to do when i was a kid like we freaking would like we did some messed up stuff to our neighbors can't even say it she didn't even answer the door she's like oh that's nice so does that line stop it from going all the way to the pole i know i got taller since last time huh [Laughter] do you want to jump off with us i'll give you a boost yeah bro there's definitely a spring i'm gonna get a room okay all right okay have a good night hi um uh i have a bad dream can i sleep in here with you um i don't have a place for you to sleep here sorry can i just sleep can i just sleep right here you don't want to sleep right there just in the corner um i don't i don't think so but you're in what 237 a drink tried to sleep here and here with you is something wrong with the broom i just had a bad dream oh well we can talk about it if you want but we can't we just can't like sleep here can you at least come and check under my bed um there's no underneath your bed well i think i heard something okay are you being serious yeah bad dream okay or just send someone to check under my bed okay um let me see let me see what uh i can i can do okay can i just sit here and tell you now um we just can't have you laying in the lobby can you just check in my room well there's no under the bed part of here maybe he's in the closet like what is in your closet i don't know because i can't really go in the rooms really okay have a good night though bro that's a fashion statement though yeah it was pretty fresh that's pretty cool looking you know my friend jake i grew up with him if i'd met him i'm sure i would know him isn't that the case with everyone if i seen his face i remember what it looked like [Laughter] was how i assure you uh 11 and a half things it's like how a little kid answers like after 11 in half how am i driving what a weird question dude how do you think he's driving with his butt like oh he's staring with his butt obviously not you have reached driver's alert for calling drivers alert they have the vehicle number you're calling about yeah it's ch5 all right and what would you like to report well he just he has one hand on the steering wheel and then he has his mask on and then uh i see i think his feet are on the is on the gas pedal yes and what what's he doing now how's he driving um well it's he's using his feet on to press the gas and then he's using like his left hand to steer okay and um all right okay we'll notify their safety director um oh now both hands are on the wheel just wanted to help you guys out some ear protection and then we just want to shoot [Music] boom dude right in the freaking neck i'm ready dude i'm ready i think we're ready for anything right in the neck dude go you want to try it it has some kick you want to go you want to unload a clip just be careful it's powerful it's like a regular pistol yeah safety's on jj let him shoot shooters out of target try all the way back you gotta [ __ ] it you never shot a gun before between each shot yeah what's that what caliber is it i think it's just a 22. but it has some kick you can feel it to put some arc on the bullet you know hey [Laughter] nice job i just want to make sure like if it ever comes down to it that i got the skill to you know hit the target dead on i don't want to have to use this and then one day i you know i'm missing and not able to protect myself seeing the three-wheeler drive to the field i want to see a three-legged dog chasing after it the four-legged dog looks weird you guys need to change that i know a guy you off-roading brother you off-roading yeah how many skips can you get like see this one see how it's smooth on the bottom it's a perfect skipping rock you gotta like throw it parallel to the ground you know [Music] put a little arc on it so it hits center exactly so anyways fourth story long okay what if i went up to people and like said and like told him a little story anyway short story long and then i just keep telling him keep going but short story long and just keep going on going but you ever seen shorts sag this much though i got shorts on shorts i was a kid my mom would put my clothes in the microwave and say oh it's nice and warm put them on real quick didn't your mom do that too yeah she's bringing warm clothes you're like no not in the microwave she's the oven imagine all the radiation on my legs and balls i like going hunting with nerf guns that way i don't actually hurt the animals i only shoot alex just give him a little spook but i just like to spook him right in the neck dude right in the neck good job partner good job domestic partner [Laughter] putting putting fake boobs on coal oh yeah and then breastfeeding my son oh man in public that is good man breastfeeding his child in public dude that is good that's like that is like the mall or something man breastfeeding child in public social experiment oh yeah but the caption could be like if uh if this offends you you can unfriend me yeah it's like it's something you're so passionate about it and now so we're just gonna wait we got a nice view of the pool watch me skinny dip later tonight when i was like 16 when my friends used to like run around naked all the time on golf courses and like wait are you recording what's up here there's like a little little dog up there you can keep your cactuses up there i keep my nails and my hammer oh i keep keep a piano up there so you can keep a handville up on your side of the panel out of here oh my god the sound of it hitting his tooth uh i'm just i'm i'm just joking with you i'm just checking around are you really are you serious i was like i don't want to be mean you're so nice when you asked me it was a joke it was so hard not to laugh you weren't laughing i know my manager was like lock the doors that was so funny do you remember me from earlier when i came in yes to check in yeah and that's what i said i was just saying my manager i was like he seems so [ __ ] bullseye on every shot yeah
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 2,358,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: aNXq2N7xMrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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