Getting My Hair Cut with a Wig On

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so we brought a door from my house to try to wake forward on it knock on dirt [Music] hold on it's closed you stand on this part of it yeah this man is super glued on us i do my back foot all the way back in the back but you just keep your weight here that crop is hard dude it's like you're on a bigger board on top but then a little tiny board underwater [Music] he just drove off and left left us on a banana island abandoned a bandana island abandonment and island this is where the sharks get us yep yup yup yup i uh hello i found your phone it's for you it's on speaker dude put it up to his ear all right i got some explaining to do i don't want to walk over there for that are we out there welcome to the blog today we are on today we're standing on oysters yeah waterboarding at guantanamo bay sounds like a lot of fun if you don't know what either of those things are that's a great vacation spot dad will you mic me up all right so guys so we're here today with ross so we'll fry up the the sea turtle eggs in a pan and then we'll uh mix the manatee meat in it with the bald eagles hey brother off-roading brother oh oh boy shoot can't tell anybody my secret bro that's how i catch all my fish your fish cooler reminds me exactly of my human cooler at home which is smaller all right okay wait am i bleeding or the fish mediterranean diet is the most life-giving well you know probiotics is good that water my grandpa lived to 106. got some good genes there yeah i brought my khakis today don't don't pay now this is cooler you're gonna be sick it passed the camera went right in the water don't worry all it takes is one all it takes is 25 cents so they mic'd us up and the camera guy can hear me talk through his through his headphones so i'm gonna say some really weird stuff and see we'll get his reaction what i'm saying once he puts his headphones on do you ever like to ever like pick your nose and then like put the booger inside your butt yeah put all the burgers in your butt i'm like what like when you don't have a place to wipe them oh this looks a lot better yeah do you think they'd be able to tell yeah dude that looks freaking real look at that hairline dude wow i'll look and be like oh yeah it looks good i love your laughter you're like a [Laughter] me laugh pharaoh should have a staff oh [Laughter] hey mister you're tall okay it's great to meet yeah i just wanted that guy to come be in our videos dude hey will you quit your job and just come record with us we just went out and bought some wigs if we can do it to one of the people that don't know me i'm just i'm trying to think i'll come up with a name okay so this is a wig guys i'm on my way to my appointment which is at two o'clock to get my hair cut i'm gonna get an inch off all the way around how's it going man i'm gonna get like an inch off all the way around yeah so far it's good and just when you comb it out if you could just be like gentle with it because my scalp is sensitive and i don't wanna three quarter to an inch yeah that's fine get rid of the flip this is only probably two months since my last haircut so it's about time for another one what they say like every month is like half an inch yeah oh that looks great in the back that looks good no yeah that's what i said because it's more like all of a sudden exactly that's short oh okay that's why i was like if i cut this this short i mean like i wet it in the morning but that's it and then i don't know if like the more you wet it the long it'll grow faster or something from that like if you keep it dry it'll you know take a lot longer or what [Music] is that normal though as far as like the more you wet it though the quicker it'll grow out but if you keep it dry then it'll last longer or stay the same life longer not my beard though i'm saying this though like the more that i wet it that's why i have to come back it was two months ago that i had yeah that's what i was just wondering is is it because i'm wetting it so much like in the morning as opposed to just like leaving it dry or something yeah i don't know about this system and i just got to give you props right now dude because i'm i'm completely joking with you about the wig thing the camera there the camera there that's your camera i'm like can you water it like a cheetah i'm just going like this the whole time like this because i'm what is her name billy billy i'm sleeping with bella tonight off-roading brother jesus freaking lord ah solid cement ow i know like any other ceiling in the whole entire world it literally feels like straight rock the fish told me to jump so i shall whenever they first came in i was hiding behind i was hiding behind the curtain just totally naked it subscribed to my only fans hey this fish pulled me in the water 1000 well don't let me die then come on good news there he is did you fall in you have a mic on you didn't do that attention did you no i don't know with you guys man yeah that was my scratch all right ross give him a belly round is that the base which ever caught yeah well there we go let's do that again shall we all right come back up here we're gonna redo the scene so your pro wake skater yeah yeah yeah i'll show you one yeah we're done goodbye okay yep i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you let's go we found you i want him to cast the pole and hit hit those people on the dock with a fish on the animal he just like casts it and hits their freaking face of the fish the rest of the hamburger i didn't eat last night dude i just mashed it up and and shoved it in my ears to just keep because jj was snoring so i smashed the hamburgers and put them in my ears i got some of the goo off the fish and i just used it as hair gel because i forgot mine and then wiped in my hair is it wrong to be calm eunice you be the judge let's go jj look at that face bro wow shut up shut up shut up good job dude thanks buddy look at him you know i'm really i got he was like oh my god a human how did it feel swimming with sharks have you have you done this before i have really yeah that was freaking sick dude cut right to work you can't right towards you oh he spooked him this is josh from black tip h thank you so much for letting us come out dude that's a lot of fun if you guys like fishing videos check out his channel link in description okay success what's the max number of marshmallows you've eaten 199. you're a liar dude you're freaking lying you're now you're getting a spanking all right ellie bring this out of the golf course dude we dressed elliott up in a whole like golf outfit and had him go alone on the course like just driving balls that'd be so cute
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 3,314,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: oneAAGN8St0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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