One Arm Girl Offended at People with Two Arms

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today we're using Megan's because she today we're exploiting Megan's of disabilities with Ross creations [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me will you strum for me strong for me we had the other way doing a couple times like three thank thank you thanks for supporting my dream okay just like a few more times yeah that's awesome this is my dream to be a professional guitar player I believe thank you yeah anything helps well you just think you're you're better than me because you have two arms you just walk around on the beach with two arms you have two arms it's messed up you think you're like I think that Florida life is hard what's up goody two hours oh look at you goody two arms oh my god you're all that yeah she goes up to a really really pretty girl oh you think you're so pretty with your to our look to you no no no Carl family sitting right there I'm trying to say go I don't think it's funny it's trust me it's very funny survive I think so close to me I've been staying the same oh yeah exactly okay so life I love that dude look at you guys you just think you're so much better than me cuz you guys have two arms like God get a life seriously God Kim just like unreal unreal I hope no you guys did what's going on guys hailer like how I'm fun it's easy at it so you say anything about it good yeah we're just waiting for a sister she went on a walk here so there's you mind if we chill here from it until up hey Oscar Oscar how many pushups her sister can do it's impressive oh my god I just got it honest right your absolute yeah how's your what see you guys hey cutie hey amber hi Megan hi Sarah [Applause] you're serious I'll get all that hair open the door for you seriously you do not see she was like oh god so it's serious [Music] [Music] sorry Billy you should always be the middle passenger yes well I mean on airplanes when I'm like in the middle person on the right side so it takes the only armrest I can use Oh you have to yeah I'm always like low-key really bitterling I've heard at church this morning that um you have got Gabey two hands one for yourself and one to help others so this one's for me say to somebody excuse me my arms getting tired and have them like while you're reading a book and you say livre will you hold this chapter and you try to read a whole chapter with them holding a shot of you pushing me in a wheelchair I was sunbathing like you I'll keep a couple years ago and i sunbathe so much that my arm actually fell off oh yeah I got so sunburned that I just fell off be careful dude be careful one of these waves knocked off my arms yeah literally exactly what you were just doing that's how I lost my work sharkon it literally right here telling you I was literally I was into a speedo just like that note ah and my arm got so burned that everything I do so much yeah never dull yeah I think easily happen that is not gonna do anymore just started be careful swimming here because this is where you lost be careful I lost my arm out here yeah choice charge so we're gonna thought oh where my the line of the audio you just that work I'll do it people avoid acknowledging people's handicaps at all costs so throughout school you would always speak speak up and interrupt in class but your teacher would never tell you Megan foreign language in high school either ESL just so you can do housework oh my god I should have you know I get offended when people call you handicapped you like excuse me it's legi cap do you avoid the use of the horn hand at all cost yes hi uh it wasn't me who knocked it wasn't me oh okay oh no that's okay it just it wasn't me okay what's up nothing wasn't it wasn't me so sorry bye that's good I was so uncomfortable still out of my comfort zone right now I'm not doing that the end well too bad because you have to [Music] oh you're gonna you're some kind thank you so much I said it right there can't taste your name in all view handicaps feel all of you are so entitled that is my two-handed sandwich she was biting their nails Billie's don't eat your other so fine and that's the GP [Music] if you find it just let her know yeah well she had a bracelet on it so it'll did that yeah when I'm on this side of her and we walk down the beach we have to hold hands like this it's it's rough like it's embarrassing for me oh you don't put a boxing glove on yeah oh I wanted to ask you that how long into commented dating somebody do you wait before you tell them that you how long do say you say you and Brandi when you start dating how long did you wait before you told them that idea story this Jesus top crop some guy and be like you're so weak Huckabee just one hand tied behind my back you should have somebody to help you tie your shoes and when they start helping you just hit him in the head as hard as you can when they're down there tying your shoe that'd be big good on totally kidding unless you think it's funny let's do it you know like if you do that I feel it yeah cuz my brain thinks my brother do you an Indian butter you like I'm not looking it doesn't feel like baby I feel like right here yes I feel that like right here oh my god remember playing this game on the bus in the middle school oh yeah you had an arm nun yeah how old are you and you lost it 14 damn right you and the wife okay you should go challenger to a push-up contest no I'm good just go give her like a high five what's that all about why that girl right there you don't see yeah I see you but why why should I give a high five this is how I give her a push-up contest to learn how to arm Kristen Kent okay understand that but what are we doing here they're just be funny no the other so were you left-handed or right-handed but not your left-handers nothing just be oppressed Connie wave waves are you kidding me be polite you're just gonna be rude I can't honey wave don't be a jerk as soon as you started dating me this hand became mine you actually have no hands now this one's mine just stupid you're handicapped and stupid so clammy how was the black people brief intermission I just want to thank my patreon supporters and specifically my hundred dollar-a-month patreon supporters you guys really really helped this channel and make videos like this possible thank you sincerely you wanna like help me any tips any advice no I'll just record you from here and laughing like yeah you don't need arms to use it well you need one arm no you don't so you probably shouldn't do that without elbow pads Megan or elbow pad you probably shouldn't do that without gloves you're just trying to look capable no I don't want your last hand hey folks hey folks steam roller rolling over it did you guys end up on this yeah it definitely worked this is the flattest my very oppressed that's gross been oppressed I call this camera light and they go that's lit you guys you guys know it's lit with the E and I go no that would make it light like when I'm talking that might be too short you don't need to put your other put your other arm on ebuy so you guys oughta go that way Oh Joey this Joey that what about Charles for once do you think that every song no no no I was turning I was coming sorry I was coming from stop it I was coming this way so if you were over there that's better I'm cool with my arm I just need a new face trying to save up for plastic surgery yeah that's a gene I just learned that your doggy is growing a tail out of its tail it just grew yeah oh my gosh I wish my arm would do that yeah you're way better than your wife you got it got that touch ok bye double tail so I could like strum with my toes like this have you ever taught you to anyone's enough before oh the other way you got to shove it down yeah while your nails are like a guitar pick built-in yeah that's beautiful thanks for making beautiful music with me [Music] bye Billy do you know them you should sing karaoke and then whatever people clap about you get a big coffee bird girls born are I just find water you're like my other half what you'd be a bad Nana no uh when she accidentally almost feared an accident that's what are you grandma but it's true I'd be home grandma yeah BOM isn't bad BOM has never meant bad if you bomb a performance no no that means you're doing good by the way if I was driving my arm would be on this side dang it Suze Nana's reflexes like that anyway do you know how many children a year Nana saved just by doing nothing the dad just by doing that yeah throw your football go Tom throw a football so me the football huh I'm not supposed to catch it okay you're a woman hmm lost your arm in a shark attack I go pick up the tree say you do it you said you'd do that in front of your video of your trash [Music] saw Carm she's a soccer mom [Music] what figure it out hey you're not we're gonna make sure it's ferments for Megan where it only has one sleeve that has opening look like a pillowcase with a head halt basically we'll make Bank on that marriage you know we could sell it to that the surfer girl who got her arm but off you saw it too you you know there's we saw so many people know Megan's cool and stuff but she's not like a hugger yeah we'll try you two go ahead on guys but I want to be sensitive about it to Braden hey you I'm gonna get this for you looks heavy let me get it for you it's fine come on I'll help you let me help you yeah let's go where are you guys parked so dang that's a long day at the beach where's your arm what do you do at the taxidermy no say man put your nose like [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no your little beach your hey don't be Pablito Beach you say that gets face hope is that open your bug catcher I don't normally do this massage therapist and he said like I would go in and start talking about random that's the wrong kind of therapist to be talking about stuff to massage through I've been feeling really depressed there like nobody cares about me he's like whoa lady you guys have clearly seen Meghan's confidence and sense of humor something else is just her decision to live powerfully that shows up because of her physical because of her accident she chose to live powerfully and not be a victim to life but beyond that even in the rest of her life you can I see how she lives day to day with that powerful she refuses to be a victim to situations even it's like she took the mindset necessary to make it out of losing an arm and she applied it to the rest of her life and it's incredible it's inspiring to me because even though I didn't lose an arm I can take that mindset that she has and be powerful with my life with everything that happens to me I instead of finding reasons that I can't do something I find can find reasons that I can based on her and you know based on her choosing to do that I wanted to inspire you guys to be that way like know it know that about her and now she's a sprinter long jumper in Olympics Paralympics with that mindset that's where she got so follow her so you so that can spread to you so that you can live the life that you really want at least at least check her out her channel link is in the description
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 2,555,040
Rating: 4.8800082 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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