Funniest Videos 2019!

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excuse me yeah go ahead sorry I'm just going do you wanna go yeah he's looking for my friend I okay okay all right all right sorry what I'm just looking for Johnny you know where he's no but you could see my feet from your fists yeah how did that have a good day man you can see my face you can see my ass a beautiful day for some golf ball right go ahead smack the [ __ ] out of that oh we're playing real quick from down there oh yeah yeah pink ball huh is that what they give to beginners or something yeah we've been playing a while we're pretty we're pretty good I mean probably just a little to the right I'm sure you can do it what you guys going I know we're intimidating but we're probably just a little better than you dude how did they get that not that fast dude they're definitely [ __ ] snitch on their 100% already did if we get kicked off this fast let's just say we were taking pictures when they come for us on it we're taking pictures with that hey gentlemen pretty good taking pictures oh we can't we took pictures there we weren't playing I'm Benjamin Dover nice to meet you awesome you can call me Ben now that's fine but again you guys are not so sweet can't be here okay we can't take pictures here whatever happens happens yeah taking pictures okay we don't actually play golf oh you've never heard a bend over come on bend over right lassen bend over good deal good deal did alright I do in place it's awesome dude you went down a hole you weren't supposed to go down to and you guys made some no no we don't actually play golf we're just trying to look like we do for Instagram dude what was even [ __ ] typing that was not a number 911 three [ __ ] numbers and he's typing seven number and I work here okay just making sure you're doing everything yeah checking up we don't want any card stealing yeah I know you don't work here correct yeah I'm just making sure we don't want a card stealing go ahead let Jimmy now okay thank you no I'm just I'm browsing cards now you're you're not my problem I'm not you're a good guy I can tell you're not a card stealer quit harassing me - oh that's language that's language that's harassment just have a good day man love you what my brain works better when I do pictures are not really a writer so are gonna sweet you so this will be on the next test so this is important as [ __ ] right okay thank you twelve wait wait don't change the slides my flash isn't working alright have a good day sir touch it again can I touch it one more time I'm so excited for college you just graduated hell yeah hell yeah so exciting oh my god I just got an email from my teacher a fan sent me liquid ass to his P o box do the [ __ ] smells so bad I didn't even [ __ ] shower look how greasy I am cuz dude when this [ __ ] gets on you it [ __ ] gets on you we got the the puter so I'm gonna be doing this and spray this gross dude I actually entrapped him it's so strong yeah oh god did you fart did you know mind if I say yeah is that Alright yes thank you yeah you can just sit on my lap I guess all the other rooms are taken we're just trying to getting a quick read yeah hush up yeah do you mind keeping it down with your mouth do what those no not Tourette's just moaning yeah we're just doing a social experiment man my bad now it's a science project we're supposed to see how the capability of the human brain process just a dumb project project senior project they let us get creative with it we want to be respectful of course it's a school project not a prank channel so oh hi it smell good oh okay I was just wondering what the best golf club would be what's the best way the golf clubs well how do you play well well he doesn't really well I did I played PGA Tour on Xbox that's a gaming system well I it's not gonna transfer you know I dabble in mini-golf from time to time so I mean now one way to learn how much much smart there's one way to learn you know but it seems like you know it all right now oh I do yeah no one no one can tell me anything okay so take questions yeah they want me to move out but I'm like we do that free money I'm probably gonna stay there totally 35-40 that should be a good age yeah cuz they probably kill you when you're about 20 game hahaha no no what I suggest to you is take lessons tonight I probably need a starting one though I'm looking I mean you'd say the most expensive right why no your dad just the one that cost the most what are you gonna do with that play with it I mean you can do the same thing with something of course the lease no well I do to a point okay you should have seen Tiger Woods PGA Tour I I mess stuff up that's not the same thing as going out on a golf look we made the same mistake with tennis too right we bought you a nice tennis racket and you never even yeah this is different golf is different I mean this one let me see that let me see the pricing on this it's only $100 this can't be good I'm looking for more of like the 300 range she's not there I deserve the most expensive why because you should you're my dad I'm willing to get you a beginner putter but I want the best but the best isn't gonna make play any better than you are now because you don't have the ability to play I guess we could compromise maybe like the the medium like you see this one's good 130 it's not really about the skill it's more about how expensive because I want the best of the best that's not how you'll see if I had a more expensive one I would work better no see it doesn't work this one doesn't work I want a new one wait excuse me ok ok I'll listen I'll listen all this ok I'll listen all this ok ok how much it doesn't matter ok ok I'm trying to get over the price it's hard dad can you get the ball dad come on if you don't get the dad just get the ball no no you can give them all I'm not gonna love you if you don't get the ball see this is what I have to deal with every day worst dad ever yeah won't even buy me the best of the best I don't want a beginner dad I want the best get me the ball dad get me the ball you know what I'm asking mom for one mom will buy me what I want God ma'am can I pet him yeah thanks what's his name Timmy no the other one Timmy no the other one what another one this one oh that one that your dog yeah your dog is Louise Louise how good I'm Indian scene in 3d was crazy I can't believe it's pg-13 units but I know especially with Holt's death I mean killing off Hulk was a big move have you seen Avengers yet can't believe it till excuse me sir it seems as if someone deficit it in the men's room aisle 69 69 big old [ __ ] no yeah we're 69a over yonder I'm pretty sure I'm just what thought I'd tell you don't know where you were at no I mean I was in aisle six nine it was just a big old Dookie in the middle show me where it's at yeah of course you never know with Walmart at night you never know we got [ __ ] all over the place huh looks like [ __ ] to me oh is that just a speck yeah that was the most awkward [ __ ] in the world because he said take me to it and I was like [ __ ] so I was just praying there was like a brown spot on the floor and I found this little like Ben I was like right there he's like what the [ __ ] you talking about oh that's just a ps4 yes yeah it's a game we're playing the new spider-man on it we're just looking for that disc for spider-man do you know where that is it won't fit in well with the house for me okay thank you oh she can't we can't play ps4 in the store all right just go ahead and pause the game what else can we do Oh put the game down oh la yeah in the future we're gonna look back at this very moment really look how far we [ __ ] a team I'm just gonna say [ __ ] it go down from the start I just land on the mic everything's over you can't fall forward excuse me are we late how late are we speaking of the test so on the test are you like collecting phones or also like Apple watches are fair game everything's fine okay cuz like you know I mean you know we need Safari to pass shut the [ __ ] up do don't tell the teacher oh no no no it was it was a rhetorical question I mean obviously I wouldn't cheer anything yeah everyone oh I just have a question so hypothetically are you gonna make us clear our calculators before the test or oh hello you know I'm here at the libraries for like 30 minutes where the [ __ ] are you oh you've been jackin it hold on you're breaking up let me put you on speaker the old dry is ya know I know if one time I went so hard I like scrape scrape them off no you want to know the real trick flushed away on DVD oh it's like broke and I have to talk on speaker yeah oh it's super important it'll be quick they don't want you to talk about jerking off in the library right now shut the [ __ ] up please dude I can't if it's not me dude she wants to talk to you you want to talk to him dude I don't know what to do all right dude you're in deep [ __ ] now yep there just don't finish jerking off and stop calling me like come on God dude I don't care if there's me or no me - just keep shooting blanks it's not my [ __ ] just don't call me because I my phone's broken bro so now everybody knows that I've zero come I didn't do it apparently uppercut Randy dude I tell me I forgot someone in heels I need uppercut like all my friends no but that's good you don't uppercut random people promise never uppercut random dude what do you test I love tall nobody does who does yeah you know what we should do to try not to laugh challenge Phillip Phillip he's already died you're gonna spit all over me I know exactly one thing that will offend me please also ps4 20 trigger fingers let's go [Applause] I hate comedy playing apex let's switch the apex goddamn dude got all lodged in my throat yeah I started spitting up and [ __ ] we're a hundred percent ready for [ __ ] MLG Dallas baby no we're not a hundred elves [ __ ] them hey is that baby yo aren't you do that does the tricks that does tricks let's go baby oh dude I want to learn how to ollie so bad oh [ __ ] you always on your phone live in the moment always taking pictures of me instead look at me in the eyes guys kids nowadays kids nod is know it's okay you can take pictures Baylin Levine I like that I like how you say what the hug it came she trying to ollie did I [ __ ] I've been sitting since I was like five but I just have never gotten good at it that's true it's true for all the things in life you have to grind every day serious damn but hey skating gets [ __ ] right video it's piss for know it's a piss for what camera I don't have anything in my hand the ps4 what's the difference so you want to go back and pull me back today what we can do right no I just want to be educated now I'm gonna go okay we're gonna do right not all right he put it up a yahoo leave yo choice ah what if we do like Instagram boomerangs I'm telling you up in the head I'm not gonna go this last time I'm telling you he's a potato Oh y'all can leave okay who is this you're holding it oh I tell you man once we go in I just have like jugs in the back or something like jugs in the back or something like something hide I don't know I know but like what why what's going on that we wouldn't be able to video cuz this mall Oh like you're cooking up meth in the back or something you want to try it we just found it go ahead and take it for a spin you got it have it why not it's free blame it on her a worker comes up all her man ah kids nowadays who needs to leave yeah she's she's in that not me no it's not me hey ma'am I I took care of it if you want she took the car oh no no it was all her here's all that girl does it matches my hair color yeah y'all can leave the store I wouldn't touch that and I wouldn't touch the camera so were you exit now which way do we go to leave so we can't ride that thing out or so apparently everyone's freaking out it's like the best sandwich ever dude and they keep running out I went to 2:00 yesterday and they sold out of we have literally been in this line for how long like 30 minutes you see people walking like goddamn this [ __ ] so [ __ ] long goddamn have you tried the chicken sandwich apparently it's orgasmic just want me my [ __ ] chicken sandwich goddamn Papa sandwich can I get one of them uh sandwiches everybody's talking about hello y'all their dad died guys come here often never seen you know what do you mean what are these houses this is the new trend heard of it only like the finest golfers where it's I wouldn't be surprised you know daddy just dropped us off and we're looking to make a wager if you gentlemen want to play to bands some cash to bands baby play for your clubs two bands take it or leave it we'll make it for four bands it's pocket money oh yeah I just dropped us with some cash you know we're looking to looking to double that [ __ ] you know and my daddy's richer than yours I wouldn't judge mine yeah Ben what's yours Ben Hayden so you're walking away we do whatever we want our daddy lets us I knew it as soon as I saw you're not a real golfer quit talking while you make me yeah daddy dropped us off or we're playing we've got our clubs oh so we're trying to wade your easel is it cool if we bet money are y'all members yeah our daddy is what what who's your what's your dog's member number remember name and stuff like that I can ask my dad hey either way y'all have to call me okay I got the I got the number I got our member number Hootie JA ask the child can do that though we got I got the member number an approach yeah daddy ooh daddy daddy there's no what do you mean that our daddy Oh daddy who's that he dropped us off you don't know him he's like the best golfer he kind of runs [ __ ] around here let's go I got our number 6-9 6-9 6-9 no we were trying to place just we forgot clubs okay so we were trying to make a little wager let's go inside inside oh there's a golf course inside there's a there's an indoor range daddy has a membership not us daddy do we wear the hats or know I've kind of feel out of place I'll call my I just want you to talk to him directly you know okay I'm a little confused though daddy just said like we could come play here why can't you just tell me your dad's name we can look you up well because you know I want to you know yeah daddy will spank us daddy might treat us a little different since you know who our dad is we kind of get that special that's great we don't want to be treated any different I don't know about paparazzi riding in the car with us you ever ride he's good I don't want to hear about my daddy everyone always asks about my daddy you know I'm me I'm me been a while since I've seen Sam pretty excited pretty excited you know people always tell me he's not real believe I know he is everyone's like aw you're too old like no as long as you have a little magic and belief he's always there last year he didn't get me what I wanted well for the past 15 years he really has her but I just keep asking them you know it's the least I can do is this your buddy up here take a picture oh no who's that I have one please take the picture what do we do he's probably bullying me cuz I'm seeing you everyone says I'm too old but it's like oh you're never too old you're in a virtual I've had a buddy two-year-old playing oh see I'm not too old no no my friends at school give me a hard time because I see you like oh you're there with you over some sabers okay all right thanks what do you want the Shrek movie the first one oh you want the first for it yeah the first shrimp yeah yeah yeah check - oh you will Shrek - - and maybe if I'm lucky Shrek three four on that note okay we'll have to see what we all right all right I think I made the good list have you been a good boy I've been a good boy I well I did one bad thing but that's it was pretty that's it I knew it was wrong yeah you never know after Christmas oh yeah yeah yeah all right yeah but this one's closest to the paintings yeah that's weird you could swap with us it's just we're trying to get a little jerk into the paintings Pocahontas is tits or pop it man we're like pokey Minaj we're young you don't have a circle Church what you're leaving you [ __ ] turn to the camera how do we get [ __ ] this pastor he's already telling on us complain it on him every time you that's the ultimate defense mechanism you left your camera hey man you left your camera do put this in los and Founder the recording inside here and trying to play a prank yeah are you taking some pictures you know six nine the rapper your mommy just up they came up to me and said some nasty stuff and are recording it right now are you talking about you you talking about this thing yeah yeah you you were the one saying the nasty stuff I'm getting out here this is weird why I need your side of this too they came up to me started saying something about Pocahontas yeah we're attracted to poke on us we're taking pictures of it can we not take pictures of pecans okay see I got the wireless mics on and they were talking about masturbating to do and it's on the camera as a courtesy to the people who work in this cyber yeah everything you do here must be absolutely and completely appropriate he is not interested would you do you weren't talking about I am NOT it's gotten a little bit twisted guys you may stand in front of that painting and videotape whatever you want oh we can with no talking okay okay cuz we were doing like commentary you guys are custom cakes oh sweet so how much could it fit oh just one just one yeah just my girlfriend and this stays between us right like nobody knows cuz it's pretty private with her you know yeah um so each flavor could fit cuz I just want to congratulate her on her period do you think that could fit on it [Music] congratulations Congrats Congrats on your period yeah okay and I was thinking like maybe a red velvet cake to really get the symbolism you know yeah I'll be good yeah red velvet would be perfect yeah I was thinking about doing vanilla but it just wouldn't make sense you know like that really just uplifts the symbolism and really gets my point across yeah I can grabs on your period man wow she's gonna love this excuse me what color what's ready oh definitely red I'd say red or maybe we could like make congrats on your black and then period red I'm not an artist but I think that's pretty good yeah all right well thank you Wow what up bro good when you see coolkid's you go whatever and they were always just fun what up bro bro they'll do the signature cool kid not good what up bro started as a joke and now it's turned in like what I say to [ __ ] everyone so now that's a what up bro sorry damn kid how to get the microphone from these yelling everywhere kids nowadays all right shut the [ __ ] up excuse me ma'am up at the left bond here ma'am you're very beautiful no problem what is the funniest joke ever whatever we're looking for a group massage we're pretty quiet to you like we don't make a lot of noise at all my name is Ben and over let's fill it with crevice hugh janus Oh Robin it's feeling good you're good wow you got a magical touch no it just feels so good I'll try to quiet it down that's always their excuse where's the more customer fine fine one of you one of you get it I'm too noisy I raised you right 18:18 it's a fake he bought a fake just to get him inside Noah shut the [ __ ] up really really I couldn't walk by here not [ __ ] connected actually we need to behave we need to do it wasn't me wasn't me wasn't me what there's just two grunting she was taking a [ __ ] what do you have a dirty mind dude she was just lifting something heavy what do you think it is a sex noise there's no boy there's too many of you no laughs sitting so is this the part where we tell you what we want for Christmas sir go ahead tell me what do you want what I want Lissie that's a good one but you're the coolest Santa ever do we want [ __ ] for Christmas on three three two hey say quietly say quietly one two three I do want on soup and mongolian beef please small wonton soup and mongolian beef Tommy the mic Tommy the mic every time oh it's just a Playstation no a Playstation that he's just playing Mario yeah you beat Bowser yet our spider-man obsession has gone a little too far we're buying costumes today grown-ass 18-year old men buying Spiderman costumes that is perfect how do we get it it is back here I don't know if we're allowed back here we're near near near near excuse me do you know where the spider-man costumes are oh yeah oh we didn't know we weren't a lot of go back oh we didn't even know we were we went from down there there was not that sign we just saw that sign but I'll have very much common sense can we just get our suits then my manager yeah it's all good it's all good [ __ ] dude art just our luck we find spider-man costumes when we get kicked out in his defense I wasn't the wrong because I literally walked in there saying that's supposed to be back here who's the manager yeah we didn't know we weren't supposed to go back there we're just looking for spider-man outfit all right but can we buy the costume you know any other place to get spider costumes bro we're going on the wrong side wrong side only [Applause] you see Star Wars that what you see Star Wars yet you got a favorite character oh you don't watch Star Wars you don't want to Star Wars one time which one so you don't know like Luke Skywalker Han Solo the [ __ ] I hate them Anakin and obi-wan now that's more like it not Obi one from the [ __ ] originals obi-wan to the prequels now we're talking what time is it oh [ __ ] my movie [Music] today's a very special day it's the first time that Bonita is gonna meet the man himself mr. Caan how they never met dude that's the same see you guys best fortnight dance go oh oh boss boss boss give him a round of applause ladies around applause good god mr. Khan this is Benito's many because this is where the name comes from go ahead shake hands chop it up what a beast right y'all got your UT thing your YouTube thing going on it's all good good day mr. Caan greatest gas station employee I'm trying to start conversation be nice enjoy the cigs man what are you a high schooler hey I'm not with all that YouTube stuff I'm just trying to smoke a cig I love it how like we wouldn't even mess with him I was literally talking to Khan he comes in he's already mad I like to have fun not put smoke in my yep yeah so you were starting to myung we're teaching him right [Music] left left left right left left do we honestly bring more attention to ourselves wearing tell me Gees going full black ops 2 dude what car please don't believe playing golf forward driving cars we're just trying to take the RC car on the course I was this not the RC course [ __ ] come on you swing like a girl he's come before it has an obsession with wife beaters and do-rags right go around if you man what the [ __ ] are you looking at will you do that no just what are you looking at I'm be like you see my you see my shirt right yeah you see my dad you see my shirt right all right change into it I'll give you the mic okay which I tuck this up okay you have trained me for it got to be confident got to play your part okay [ __ ] are you looking at dude you see my [ __ ] beer ad you see my shirt don't [ __ ] with me dude I'm just there now you're gonna get it's good star me from back there you staring at me hmm you who are you I'm biggest guy on campus I would not be talking me like that what's the last thing under these guns you guys do rag if I'm walking whoa you don't [ __ ] around keep on walking yeah I'm from here my side brains in keep on walking oh well old enough to be your dad it's someone fart I didn't that isn't nasty I had to I mean yeah it's always the old ladies they're always Tooting up a storm nowadays this is where we go to meet Santa Wow hi Santa this is the part where I tell you what I want for Christmas I will you offer Christmas an Xbox well we'll see what happened yeah well this is year two of not getting one last year you got a ps4 it's not funny Santa oh you'll be ok I kept asking for Xbox but I got a ps4 instead you promised me this year no not we'll see I will I will no I'm not playing around I don't make a good list I'm good I've made the good list well I check that out you get a candy cane over here today Eddie said I'm not walking away to pinky promise me I'm getting a can't promise anything I'm not probably my second year but I want an Xbox you need to talk to somebody else you're Santa you get candy Kate over there ok Santa said stop making her first L don't understand I can't help it every year you don't deliver every year's the same [ __ ] stop the bus ok I'm just really upset you're gonna be on the naughty list but now I'm on the good list I know I'm on the good list oh can I have two at least seven seven oh 6-9 6-9 6-9 6-9 sinan never gets me what I want every year I think things might change I like your shirt Thanks thanks Santa got it for me last year but of course you didn't get the one I wanted he got the shitty one Thanks Thanks oh six nine nine hi Santa please they literally drove here to give us spider-man costumes this is why I have the greatest fans of all time so do I get naked inside of it or the fact that they have the finger tips makes it ten times better you got the real last [ __ ] how do I put it on that way it looks good how are they gonna tell who is it backwards again yes please thank you that looks so good how did spider-man change out of this this fast every time there is evil then you cannot see [ __ ] you literally cannot see [ __ ] this [ __ ] gives me powers I feel like spider-man right now who's ooh the one with the bigger balls is Balin oh my god dude I literally cannot see [ __ ] I don't know I can't see I've never seen the Mimas spider in on the [ __ ] pole tourgee I need to get off on it William hoist me up top let me get on your back oh [ __ ] it's slippery as [ __ ] dude hi guys so one of the funniest things in the world to me is the key and peele mattress kit so we dressed me up I went into a mattress store and I did it as a prank hi I'm looking to buy a bed I'm looking at these I like the way these look yeah Queen I nice to meet you rich Ben yeah yeah I'm assuming this is gonna be for you and every night use yeah I just die and move to college and I need a bed well congratulations thank you thank you for you it comes down to this what type of field deal like they like some will sew off some Piatt for you know how it gets in college pretty crazy on the bed so I need something that that holds up cuz you know them late nights oh you know you know not to be weird I'm just I'm just being honest no no you're being very accurate as I'm concerned yeah so I'm if I understood you correctly maybe something leaning towards a firmer type of field yeah I mean I could just mind if I test it out oh please these are here to be laid down on you might guess thank you I get kind of loud who got that good D I got that good D yeah this one's a little not the one alright I'll just I guess I'll just go down about 40 models here no not all I'd say just this this real okay yeah I just like I don't know these look he's like nice who got that good D I got that good D who got that good D nope not the one just doesn't fit the the flower again you're moving towards the more plush feel yeah this is called a a pushin firm but efficient fair mocha it's the most comfortable for a mattress I've ever been on who got that good D I got that good D oh this is the 100% that was good I mean wow well ojp come here come here you have to say hi to the camera I met my favorite person in the world today hi bye if they ever get near you run away don't let him in your house and don't let anyone ever tell you you are the sexiest man alive I will kill you tell me your full name tell me your full name I'm from a zoo my name is long and he's not ever gonna get it any of you is good and biology course you do my quiz I do whatever you ask I'll take your quiz you know I was gonna go to Harvard but I decided I'll do YouTube instead yeah that's where you got dude I had a 69 GPA you know how much higher that is in a 4.0 the bond formed when two atoms share at least one electron is homeostasis no covalent yeah covalent bond yeah I think it's better for you not to take my crease just say your name bedroom whoo nice it's a cool last name no it's longer than that don't you like it don't you I don't bathe a food some of this if any if any of the comments can spell it yeah if you know but the comments could spell my middle name we gotta say it okay Pinero penis are we okay in something like a nap in your bed tonight check it out now we're friends baby what is with all this a certain camera turns on you hate me but thirty minutes ago we were best friends by fine Brian one last question I'll get out I'll get out do you jerk-off yeah how many times a day no no business you go next door knock on the door adds up here they're gonna say you everything you need and what it's a Peter up here the opposite of that disappear yeah like a magic trick it's up here for me wait is that the Brazilian wax comes from Brazil right yep so every lady in Brazil is waxed pretty much how would you know JP no way that's actually where it comes from yeah thank for Brazil Brazilian people man I agree oh oh you dirty dog that's what one of these angry [ __ ] is gonna do that oh you know no daddy just left us here we're kind of bored no no daddy daddy's golfing don't care you can't be right here oh but daddy said we just kind of hang out hey man what the heck man hey man that's not cool so do we get the car back or all right so should we wait for daddy or no what it's all good no it's not good all right you think you are daddy's not gonna be happy [Music] I really want an iPhone 8 Greg down the street has an iPhone X I mean the least you can buy for me as an iPhone a would you ever do this to your kid you won't buy me the new iPhone it's not fair you're the worst dad ever no do you mind helping me thank you I'm looking at the iPhone 8 she says it's too expensive yep I want this one I know you want that one it's not fair dad everything's fair look we can't what help me out man but I want it sir I would recommend just whoever your carrier is I would talk to you verizon the shittiest one of course can't even do AT&T it has the best coverage here it's bull crap maybe for you but I would talk to a mobile they can break down all your plan and see Dada what about what about an Apple watch or something who doesn't mean an I bet you have one I do what do you what do you do what do you do video games video games movies well I mean the fingers yeah notifications will be the big thing you get on the watch yeah notifications I need those it's not the same I have to work to take out my phone when I could just look at my watch I mean do you're the kid I do you'd buy for him right away right he's telling me to get a job I mean 18 what what am i an adult mom would get it to me mom always buys me what I want never do I hate you dad I literally hate you no he doesn't he would buy me the phone he bought our sister an Xbox but not me you know it's like I have a ps4 but I want an Xbox this it does dad you're an idiot you're a frickin idiot 7:49 for the unlocked out right and then you could break it down yeah that'd be perfect what dad I this one you got to help me out here you were a kid once and well it's your duty to buy me stuff as my dad yes it is this is ridiculous I want it excuse me do you what kind of iPhone do you have yeah that's the one I'm looking at how does it function really good yeah yeah he won't get it for me my problem now I mean did your daddy got yours for you right dude I'm 38 years old I got my own can't expect us to pay for it give me the new iPhone dad please dad I want this one I think it's my graduation gift everybody has an all the coolest kids I want to be cool do you mind talking some sense into one dad this is honestly the no a job split with me dad what do you think I am a bank it's ridiculous this is ridiculous yeah you know I want it leave I never want to see you again that I hate you God hey we're doing a school project and I have to crowd I first shot is it cool if I do it real quick really quick I gotta get an A like all right let's take the [ __ ] right side this time this heywhere behaves weird babe I promise we're behaving we're baby who the [ __ ] did that we are [ __ ] who threw the fireworks someone snitched you guys better snitch who threw the firework dude who threw the [ __ ] firework you throw the firework [Music] what's going on well it's like we'll be playing he's hit nine and I hit 13 she gets [ __ ] up all the time like yeah it's really bad your work on that swing whoa I can show you a few moves just wanna check us out and I'm back to my back in my minute I call me Tiger Woods Oh Oh butterfingers I can I'll ring you up one let me just let me call my manager yeah Phillip we lost a club he lost a club [Music] yeah yeah yeah she's been here for two weeks they've lost six clubs that's like almost a club a day yeah that will [ __ ] kill us we go to this Walmart Tommy G won't let go of pranking in the hood we go to this Walmart every single employee is gather around the house about a year there was everybody described by crime described outside with the employees even you know it's bad it was literally all the employees outside like sitting around [ __ ] smoking and [ __ ] you know I'm telling you maybe just for y'all go to the hood Walmart whatever [ __ ] it you want to get killed [ __ ] it just dude do you know how angry people will get at me putting [ __ ] in their shopping cart if you're silly about they don't do anything dude it doesn't matter that did you hear that guy said with the pillars your [ __ ] different look at us dude I am the most killable person ever you've got these I don't dude I have [ __ ] these onto the hood Walmart adidas dude if I die at least I die doing something I love this Walmart guys literally he just escaped from jail look at that that is a [ __ ] prison outfit dude this is the sketchiest Walmart dude there's security patrolling around this Walmart top sirens and [ __ ] mom 30 people are gonna be here show yeah I'm getting the cart right now yeah mom they said 30 people how many pickles is that yeah 50 people come on one second my left phone yeah mom she said 50 people start to get a lot of pickles for that mom I'm trying I have to go I just put pickles in the wrong persons car what I am I in yeah are you me you're mrs. Buchanan right she said meet mr. Buchan in the pickle aisle and put the car in their car and show there's plenty of heavy 50 I don't know I thought you were mr. Buchanan she said go from this weekend yes ma'am I hope you guys have a good night okay report it says Robin [ __ ] you get that [ __ ] no I'm helping I'm helping I don't give a [ __ ] how to set the [ __ ] up out of you know I'm getting him in trouble I'm in trouble you're following me we're the ones walking [Music] y'all doing who the [ __ ] up I told you we shouldn't go to [ __ ] Walmart dude I [ __ ] told you my favorite movie of all time is Karate Kid and with the new season coming out I thought I'd do something special for it obviously you can tell by my shirt I'm not a fan of Danny Larusso totally illegal kick Johnny's the [ __ ] real hero Daniel's a bully but I look more like Daniel no it was kind of a bigger guy can play a bully so I will be Daniel I'm gonna have all the fans come make him the bullies and I thought it would be so funny if I went to a karate place and like acted like Daniel and I'll walk in and I'll be like hey I'm Daniel I just moved here from New York I'm getting picked on at school and then I have all of them walk in like a game Cobra Kai's and beat me up and in the karate studio and I think that I did I just think that's funny saying wrong hey I'm Daniel I just moved here from New York I'm getting trouble at school looking at enrolling classes you know I got gang and bullies at school and you know I just want to be the best around I want to be the best ever was Oh 17 second and you know man it's it's senior year I got to make it work you know and they're really I mean it was a cool summer last time I just need us if you want to come in you can actually try that an adult class I mean I got this one guy showing me stuff but he basically it's just like chores like it's not even teach them anything yeah you know I just want to get it back and compete with them maybe you know like a tournament or something I mean it just doesn't stop so I am looking at that one nothing you decide to push up in you no no no no no you're gonna picture yes did you look like the real strap dude he smells so [ __ ] bad we don't drink we just want swamp water is this the swamp water doesn't look like swamp water what's up do the roar dude shrek is smoking singer off dirty Shrek dude they really took their time they got all the little details and everything I'm glad I spent $500 we drop come here hey it's worth it man fellow broker hey can we get a picture with you yeah you're welcome to grab a sir hi we were just wondering why your doors like that yeah what I just didn't know that they were doing that two doors now you know it's like I mean if that's the normal thing that I get it but like you you don't have to do that to your door yeah oh we live here yes we do oh that wasn't me nice impossible I live here 69 I've said this like 69 times I promise I live here I don't know how that you want to see my student ID oh I'll end up a traitor it's a piece for everyone suggest camera everyone how do you confuse a ps4 in a camera dude those are some tight pants Tommy that is some [ __ ] like girls wear to concerts and say dude this is such a dad print you know what I love about you know what I mean no one talked about you're so in a dad pranks like the snakes are the boogers or the poo you want to touch it no it's fine have a good day dude she was mad and then she realizes she was like nah it's not real that no you know what I love how Tommy thinks the mic is picking him up right now he thinks he has the mic on 24/7 this is Tommy Tommy where's your mic at all right so when we first had the idea to play video games in public we'd brought the Xbox but then we thought would be funny if we did it like demo oh my god are you kidding me God Mario karts way better ah the police are coming for yelling at a game we the game got me heated I have anger problems my bad yeah well don't be rude don't be rude about it yeah I just it's it's not my fault I got heated you know we just got a little heated I'm I'm being rude you're right I'm just getting heated it's all good you want to play a few rounds with me yeah I'm not going to college roommate we make enough money off youtube so that if she didn't have her kids I gotta be I gotta be respectful of kids kids didn't do anything stop following me wait for you to walk out stop already how are you yeah I'm good here I'm I'm miss JP yes well JP told me that everyone in Brazil always gets waxed but that's about it I don't say so everyone I want do but not everyone Wow I need to make a trip over to Brazil maybe I'll take your trip one day with JP and me and him together no take no take too many hours too much time with the pain oh you don't really have to say that this I'm good to him here don't give me ideas please I always keep them safe we love them we love them there's a good chance of him getting hurt not me and we dance like this hi man would you like to have a dance my buddy Ross is teaching me I'm sure you'd love to take your brisbane oh is this your husband no okay cuz I was about to say you might it's stolen real quick we know what that is that's code word we're trying to free 21 savage on have you heard the popular rapper got arrested yeah but he makes good music so you don't like 21 [Music] are you are you more of a little easy type of girl no like the rapper you like yeah we're just trying to free you know you don't the restaurant you know listen Annie you don't want to but you don't want to bump any 21 with know any more of Akko type like type of guy lil yachty type of guy I mean I need you out the property I can't get with a 21-7 ringtone okay alright I'm gonna ask you're a good guy you're a good guy we're just we lost a bear have a good day what's your name nice to meet you I'm bailing yeah you can call me mr. Dover bend over you guys got a [ __ ] I can use thank you Oh excuse me can I borrow a napkin sure I had a little accident I had a little accident in the bathroom yeah this this is a bad Dookie for sure excuse me do you guys have a wet rag there's no more toilet paper wow this one's a stinker thanks man which one's the light this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] he's freaking out so I get like excuse me you guys do cakes right you guys do custom cakes right can I can I have a custom cake I just want a birthday message on the cake I want the cake to say happy birthday can't wait to eat your cake but in parentheses but that pass all right cut the cake out just say happy birthday can't wait to eat your ass all right all right cut out the happy birthday just say can't wait to eat your ass right there he's recording you he's actually not being serious that's what you're doing it are you pranking me no you're breaking her you're pranking her right now you're still filming whoa don't don't don't touch - touch me also I got horny I got morning what's your name Joe Joe q-value bend over nice and bed let's see your driver's license all right you gotta you gotta come in here these are dad guys dude thank you sir a somebody's working here so it's always good it's not harassment Jamie check the pills you're gonna look like a dummy All Right see you daddy yeah he's like harassing us he touched me what snow he told me it was weird dude we're just we're just shooting the New Avengers yeah nice try the new one yeah it's like age of age of iron [ __ ] or something like that I surprised you best with Shrek tickets I'm texting Sebastian's mom and she goes he's right around the house screaming I'm the real Benito's my last name is Vanitas yo I literally just realized I yo I don't need this I'm fine no I'm like fine over here [Music] [Applause] they're rumors going around that the police are coming they are it's just a mess it's just too much I said food court I know I just said food court all right have a good day I left something there can i grab it no I can't get my wallet how is it you don't have your wallet on you and your right front pocket that's my mics you can check you can [ __ ] you can Pat me down I don't have my wallet all right every car that drives by stops and takes pictures of it that isn't the same that's the best I've ever seen like last year I got tp'ed for senior junior horse and it was not like this I guess they had to prank the prankster let me get these mussels get a shot of [ __ ] [Applause] oh my gosh what kind is that what kind is that what kind is that can I pet it no the dog could I pet it sure Wow thank you yeah I'm doing that so you don't have to know I'm being good I'm being good you can do it if you want I'm trying to make your day better no it's okay what it's a Playstation it's a Playstation yeah oh this is a necklace this is the necklace and that's a Playstation yes oh you can do it for us your employee of the month they make you she should be employee of the month yeah yeah said she should be employee of the month yeah she should be employee the Munch she's really good why'd she get so mad at that I'm just complimenting you he's a photographer what do you mean oh it's just a simple shoulder tap Frank nice to meet you I'm Ben Ben Dover oh yeah where's mr. Khanna yes how you doing he's my best friend are you doing every every time I come in your store there's always someone that doesn't like me I think his people having bad days take it out on other people you know how you doing I think and you met Tommy G love you he's in a [ __ ] gun or something yes my chance at Battletoads oh my god it always happens so we want the original Battletoads yeah sorry no I called earlier I did what was his name then I swear was it Alex it was Alex what's the prank oh we're just wanting to buy Battletoads we're looking for that one you know which one it's a rare game yeah it's an old Atari class ok congas I mean it's fine if you don't have it I guess we can just just the customer service here at Gamestop back in the day I used to be a professional airsofter but last time we went and we shot his ass a bunch of [ __ ] times I went on the field and I sucked so bad so I'm gonna redeem myself today oh my god y'all majesty I used to be able to run up that [ __ ] 20 times I can't even do one peanut you know what in good houses to ding-dong-ditch around here you know any good houses - oh I think peanuts choking on some [ __ ] just wear your ring door buzzing run we're doing a little prank yeah yeah it's a school project peanuts choking on some peanuts what's that ps4 yeah yes the new the new ps4 just came out yeah it's crazy I mean they designed it to almost look like a camera but it's a ps4 pretty cool right I know I know you new do need to get one it's the best investment I've ever made way better than the Xbox yeah we're live streaming on Twitch right now we're playing Minecraft planer in Oh have a good day we got a 5k to run we got a 5k just put the shorts over it just put your shorts over it right here yours is too obvious mine's like a little hidden his is just [ __ ] out there hi we got a 5k so we bought a headband and a speedo but it's on me yeah in the back how should I take that off should I just keep it on is it possible for us to rip it off with your shorts on I think um we're just in a really big rush okay I mean it's fun we don't have time we got a we got to really get there fast 77069 6-9 6-9 6-9 747 where does excited about our race check this out unfortunately she wanna [ __ ] me run around like a GOI like a G gang kinda stuck in all this paper around like a player I might just take your girl yes you wanna try my flavor a little burn
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 9,138,196
Rating: 4.8494716 out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, baylen levine vlogs, baylen, pranks, funniest videos, funny videos, best videos ever made, benitez, dank memes, funny vines, popular videos, you will laugh, funny pranks, best of 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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