Helping Capable People Cross the Street

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there you guys leave you okay whenever you find a spot can you save it for me so I can have it Thanks hey are you leaving hey are you leaving hey are you leave hey are you leaving you're gonna leave all right I'm gonna get the spot don't let someone else tell you okay it's not a parking spot oh there's room behind all right there's room in here behind are you are you leaving are you leaving no it's okay no that's all right are you leaving she's gonna pop what are you going bye-bye oh you are so we can park where you park so you parked over here okay you're going bye-bye so we'll come and get your spot okay I'll follow you what are you doing come on no see that's when my speedy horn honking skills come in handy you'd better not oh let's do this dude's gonna steal my spot just stood in the truck don't let him stay yeah no no no I followed them from the beach man you're still gonna take it from it how about we'll head bought our trucks for it and whoever comes out on top look at our competition okay but this guy is trying to get this spot with the Asian men but we're also trying to get a spot with Asian man so we're gonna see who wins what way do you think he's gonna back up this way he won't have the chance to pull it before us I don't think so this dudes like I'm not backing down Mike I'm not backing that yeah we're trying to are you leaving are you leaving shoot how's it gonna work oh you got the backup is he getting in there he's better Halon are you leaving buddy yeah yeah so I'm talking about it save it for me you won this time hello hey we're parking parking spot pals you guys just get in here no you're leaving you're not leaving you just pulled in you're not leaving you just pulled in you don't hang out you do cool meet it what do you want to do a place volleyball play soccer ball drink drink so you don't wanna hang out you change your mind already girls are so stupid yeah you wanna hang out yeah want to go walk out of the beach together no oh gosh I'm not ready to feed yet stand in line everybody will get fed you just wait your turn oh yeah we'll just go ahead a perimeter [Music] you wanna go further now anything down over here yeah I'm just trying to feed these birds because it's a lot of these birds I'll have parents that are gonna feed them when they get home tonight there's a natural whole nother story - you really shouldn't be feeding them to the station - learning how to take care of them so but I'm not gonna get into that with you or your holiday Birds I though can you see the spread of it hey the birds tuppence a bag tuppence tuppence tuppence a bag fee the birds tuppence of a poppins tuppence tuppence a bag I'm almost out of chips now I'm like the biggest piece of crap on the beach right yeah tuppence tuppence top and sub feeding the birds do that in the back can't do it around the patron I just go how to wash my hands I know but you got to pick that up you can't roll with it it's not putting anything out right now do something don't be doing that I know your pranks here people are trying to enjoy this something yeah I didn't do it up here yep somebody left this truck running for us oh yeah he's sleeping come up come up come up hey can I have a drink out of your cooler travel a drink okay wait what Oh sort of water Oh Anna soda oh man right thank you this is awesome thanks man what sorry for interrupting you're not know what do you want to party with us excuse me you want to party with us oh my Fleming look there they can party with us too do you guys see this this car things cited some motorcycle see this shower right here these people are stopping cuz we're recording that's so sweet of you caucus anyway I'm gonna take this shout and get to give this guy what he deserves set up just right this'll teach them if he thinks he can park in the motorcycle spot and get away with it he has another thing coming right there's like five woman's bathrooms and one men's bathroom let's deal with that coming through they're all a we give people I advise like that high five so you got to hold my hand as you cross there you I want to keep you safe you must not be from here otherwise you know that we have to hold hands while we cross the street foreigners so that you don't get hurt also for my own sake so that I don't get hurt oh my I behold my hands across I want you to get hurt cool hi I'm washed up oh alright oh my god a vehicle I'm sorry I'm bad at this i just started my new job yeah look at it I know I do you giving me I'm sorry appreciate I can't go back this way look alright well you hold my hand while I go back Thanks do you guys need do you ladies need help crossing the street we got a big strong man right here it can help you he's very big and strong that one guys like backup I'm just holding your mirrors so that you can get to safety while you cross the street ok I'll hold your hand actually what do I like what Cougars huh do you like young young men Oh perfect but you guys are gonna have to cross the street at some point otherwise I'm gonna get tired this man doesn't need help crossing street [Music] sighs a desert move supporting don't say about supportive yeah well you teach me how to play the flute like you Oh which I haven't much but not lot better take care of it Thanks excuse me you have a very great scent on your skin you have a very great scent on your skin it's beautiful you must go to Siesta Beach the number one beach in the US what's up this is me and my dad right here what's your real name I just call him dad Ricardo Ricardo we're we're a great team he taught me a lot in life he raised me right he taught me how to be a man here he goes in there speaking this is my brother yeah I'm the younger brother I'm the little guy the family they make fun of me because I'm a shrimp do you speak English no you don't you a little he loves me so much and he is proud to be my father but like you will see amo muñeca see if that really she still fighting okay good did you tell Mia one more thing so family soup I know I know keep going you got a hair tire someone didn't pull my hair tie on it how come you want to braid my hair do you think she's actually wanted better or else she was attractive but then she made those comments and she suddenly wasn't attractive anymore yeah the sand on your skin is really pretty Thanks you're welcome my name is Charles I'm charlie you're Charlie wow it's great to meet you Charlie I was talking myself but it's also good to meet you it's it's actually Charles is your name actually Charlie or is it Charles it's probably charles honce is your last name Ross yeah mine too hey why I'm fun too I just misspelled it what's your middle name Alicia Alicia yeah Michael this over the list Alyssa Alyssa come on play your front layer Billy dang it it's a sport hey look I have a belly button ring too sorry I didn't clean it out yet so you have something on under this towel it looks like she doesn't my middle name is Thomas yeah it's Thomas with no less so it's not Thomas well we're gonna go oh okay I gotta go too so I'll talk I'm Pro I'm pro at the football dude we gotta walk together everywhere we go man just separated at birth we were but I found our dad you saw him earlier this is my brother to me you can tell her brother just because our hair yeah and it's fine I have lice I crossed them that I'm just gonna give me a high five she gave me a high five before recording I promise and this is Bret and this is Mike and this Mike they're our best friends they're like what are you doing they're waiting for us to do something we were feeding the seagulls over there earlier you like my pink hair tie do you want it I got it from some girls so I'll give it to some girl spit on it and cleaned it I think it's thanks man that's so kind anything something beautiful coming to the beach we're going to then back further say can get us we're like Billy's all like oh hey I'm gonna get one person at a time this is what's up this is a dude that I took his life for his life what the Freak is worth rescue board well as Superman go man yeah [Music] another loop and did you ever see that video yeah do that's hilarious yeah you liked it I mean I would suggest at first but afterwards sorry I saved somebody with it I would brought on the top just like this water that's dope and endure waste hilarious what do you say that is true drew I'm Ross kids made it I didn't know if he's so worried yeah well every time we see you guys out here like huh guy stole your recipe board I've never lived I'm ever gonna look gone you're a cool guy man you guys had it out done with it done for the day yeah thanks but can I get a ride so close I'm good all right you can come on dude you see how fast I went I don't know what to do now with my life not just right now in this moment I don't know what to do in my life I got a new mic today yeah mic what that mono that's not that's my new friend Mike this is my new mic he is a new mic no this is a new mic right here he's it when you're done with your cans make sure you just throw them on the ground or put them in this guy's Walker thing are you done can I put this in your trash bag wait this isn't even empty look how much is in here look at this he's a beggar it's like literally full stick he's like they just said crushes they're all this stuff comes out done bro totally chose it these are my new friends that I just made they're pretty cool hopefully I'll fit in well probably not most the time people get to know me and so I get out here I don't want to [ __ ] up here I'll die if I want to fit in this what it is yeah I'm too much of a loser what I did I made this shirt I bought it online from roadkill t-shirts calm there you go check it out link to the description probably the cop comment to this dude this dude sent me like 10 shirts and then he also shared one of my videos on his Facebook he has a lot of like a hundred thousand followers so it really helped my tree video get a lot of views what's this and then crack the top or what I never done this before I'm new at this beer got you drinking stuff but now go yeah let's go Oh thanks for the beer yeah it's so enjoyable that here that's what I like to do after a long day's work just sit on the couch shot gonna be here we're gonna do a group kiss on the count of three haha all right ready everybody come together how you do that one do I I thought all of our lips touch now you guys kiss now it's officially not weird I've never done that before you all right now you two kiss so it's an upside-down hands then yeah oh wow his necklace is gonna kill him one day yeah he's gonna like fall when he's running and just and then just slit his throat I'll be so cool dude that makes him more of a man because he's so comfortable with his heterosexuality he's willing to kiss a man partially you guys in a date or what you're gonna date her again and see what I do as well right now it's time for you guys to kiss again give me some more of that baby it's earlier oh yeah oh yeah where you going buddy not me not me I just farted nobody can hear though i'm blair drummond there's a hurt Oh you see the hold I'm sorry where's our online I'll be gentle boys I'll just play with my imaginary baby funny Oh Oh you have to wait your turn and I held in her hand when she was crossing the street but she actually wasn't crossing that she was just driving in the car is that you boy that's my woman yes ma'am works too ma'am this is this no ma'am okay she said see you later boy he wasn't good hey sir all right I just want to apologize putting a blueberry in your pocket sorry my hands are sweaty I'm sorry about that whatever please forgive me for that though I didn't mean to make you upset no I want to one of these you're one of these neither don't ever pull runs in my pock I'm sorry packing how do you do it oh you didn't know I did it blueberry pickpocket well I put one in your pocket a little bit ago oh yeah sure yeah okay I remember I'd say fly the other day it was cool with it the whole time he was cool with it he must have just let it go I guess well people put blueberries in my pocket that's my best day that's what I look forward to it like no blueberries blueberries blueberries for the worms what a mean old lady what a mean old prankster that's who's the main one that's son of a gun Ross creation blog creations autists that son of an artist they put on their mirror protectors act they keep the mirror say father they're gone nobody can run into them and scuffle nah oh we got the rocks here be careful they're very pokey on two feet all you gots to do is believe and you'll make it through anything in life we should have inspired the peoples on the beaches we should have inspired them give them the wet fur okay you can do it you know what the white fur the what first so they can get through any hard situations right I haven't heard down before you know what I'm saying there folks they know what I'm saying you can do it any hard thing in your whole life King all you got to do is believe mmm good versus men loading advertisement hey do us a advertisement or advertisement happy of course right who the Freak would say adverse now that's the weirdest thing ever do you say Caribbean or Caribbean Caribbean Caribbean everybody says Caribbean what about when you say pirates of the what ah it's witches yeah that's weird switches right tourists or tourists will be recording that tourist thank you for letting me interview she's like I'm gonna go running and the highly densely populated area there she is there yeah I see them right there hi Daryl Lauren how's it goin there hi there melody melody I was going there that's my friend hey you guys have a lot of time to talk and hang on sir yeah cool I used to always come in here and just like sit in the corner and talk to him forever and their boss would always be like who's that guy like some of them sits and just bothers you guys and then they'd be like oh he doesn't bother us he's our friend we love him oh yes they totally say that that's Lauren say hi Lauren that right there is melody she's so kind she's a sweetheart she's a sweetheart she's a hard-worker and this right there is that's Ryan Jared that's cherry yeah that's all now we're gonna stop this you are you are this is my friend tell me if you care or not this is my friend Christina we just met her on the beach she ran ten miles today right if you don't want to say that song we'll stop okay you don't have to say anything I'll just talk if you prefer she was friend ten miles that's really long distance the most I've ever run is like three miles in my whole life so she's a freaking trooper good job I'm proud of it she has stage fright she says so I just do all the talkin for ya sorry so what she was thinking just then was man this sunset is beautiful it's so awesome out here on Siesta Beach is that I am alright I knew it she's like now I wish I was on that boat that's what she was also thinking wow this is actually really beautiful not so much belly but hey Bronson disrespectful right now we're in the back of an uber driver these ladies graciously allowed us to you in their vehicle on Tagus RV they're so cool you
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 2,485,263
Rating: 4.9268665 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, siesta, vlog, seagull, jokes, friendly, conversation, interact
Id: qPly-Cun860
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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