Trying to Get a Temporary Tattoo Laser Removed

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JJ's been in Ross vlogs all last year... my fiancé watches Ross and I know its mostly filmed in Florida, I was like.... wait is that guy named JJ??? yuppp

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JunkInTheTrunk 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Seems more like their cup of tea

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PatientFall8898 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Normally these types of videos aren’t my cup of tea but that extended warranty clip killed me. That was actually really funny.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/papiyawn 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lol yess I’ve noticed this. I’ve watched vlog creations for years, it’s funny to see the two worlds collide

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bwolffff 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes hey is your phone broken is your phone broken i've been trying to reach out to you about your car's extended warranty this is the last chance man all right well i'll call you i'll try to call you later okay so for today's joke i'm playing a character of someone who's spraying their ankle and i'm a method actor so i purposely twisted it really hard man my ankle's freaking fat i ate a bunch of cheeseburgers and all went to my left leg oh you got a light on the front too dude that thing is bad you run over my other ankle [Laughter] heck yeah dude you look like the suez canal right now [Music] see all things are possible through wheelchairs that strengthen me all right we'll race out to the first lifeguard tower right there okay we'll race for pinks oh mine's on rabbit full rabbit mode you say go okay go go you go you go ahead yes no because you guys are really big and strong yeah i'm like my grandma right now and she would butter me up to get me to do something for you guys are so strong i bet you could carry it out to the beach looks like we're doing something nice for like a grandpa oh yeah that's all this nasty stuff in the water i'm supposed to keep my ankle elevated hey what are you doing i got an ingrown toenail i just run over i run up for people sand castle it's her 80th birthday 80th hey you want to switch me and you can have a little ride it's fun yeah that's the gas and this is reverse okay and that's the nitrous that little button yeah sure she drank a little too much coffee right here we'll turn this to half half oh there you go you're not going thank you yes ma'am you all are awesome yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry hey i saw you yesterday we're stuck hey what's going on my wheelchair got stuck hey my buddy hey let's play just normal life we did it [Music] ross how did you make into a cool guy [Music] ross how do you be so cool [Music] see you guys thank you um okay so let's talk about what you want to get done um i just want to see what the treatment options are for a tattoo like it's like this big it's filled in and i just don't know how long it takes or how long it takes to heal the procedure takes about like 45 minutes we go over the over the two like four times we use this this machine right here oh okay i've been keeping it covered for the most part anyway because i'm embarrassed like i got it like a month ago i was out with my friends and i don't know i was just in the moment but yeah no it's healed but i'm like all right i want to get it removed so yeah yeah where's your tattoo on my arm okay does this hurt um yes it can be worse than when you got it done show me the tattoo okay all my friends were saying it was going to hurt and stuff and i was surprised like when i when i didn't i just really didn't even feel anything yeah it's really fresh that's really what it's fresh like fresh ink oh it's already starting to work no you're kidding right i mean it shouldn't be like that it's not that's all you do no i didn't even feel it this is a prank oh my gosh it's like a temporary tattoo you already you already made it come off i thought you had to use that thing it just comes off with what you put on it it looks like a temporary tattoo to me well i mean i didn't feel like a prank when i got it did you put enough you put just a lot of that numbing cream on it's just a temporary tattoo you're wasting my time and i'm doing this like an idiot no i'm gonna pay you for it we're making a video there's a secret camera here we're making a video i want to pay you as a normal service make sure you tag me on whatever it is that you're going to put in what's your name i'm ross carla carla good to meet you i really i don't want to charge you for this well i really want you to tell me out of tip i was like oh you already did it so i guess i got to come back for my next treatment [Laughter] dude eli eli came through with the freaking idea for today and we got it done and you hooked us up with a location there's a fun little joke on april fool's we're going to cut my parents brake lines silly pranks when your dad's taking a shower sneak in and dump a pot of boiling hot water on his head it's a fun silly april fool's prank oh man i feel bad dude somebody had to come and take the bike down it's not up there anymore i see bikes chained to fences like for a long time yeah hopefully the kid climbed up and got it that'd be sweet because the code to the the lock was like zero zero zero i think if you do it backwards it's easier when you sit down i can see the fear in your eyes dude this thing's coming for blood bye sure i was trying to stop but i couldn't slow down i kept going faster it's probably my favorite thing i've done in a while the principal to lilly's school called she's like well i just wanted to call because i have to tell everyone that we have to send out a letter saying that y'all did the video or whatever but uh just just so you know parents are aware of it but we really like the video like we watched it and we laughed and we thought it was very respectable like how y'all uploaded everyone's face oh cool and at first we were nervous because we were like oh man are they gonna are they gonna kick out cole's kids and cole was like it doesn't matter to me we'll homeschool them his wife says the same thing yeah so it's really cool to hear that the people enjoyed the video or it didn't cause any problems because we didn't want it to but i got a piercing too right here i got some linen there too how embarrassing if you want to get have you ever had somebody get a gauge and then put like a gauge like a tachometer kind of looking thing in their ear you know or like rpm or like miles per hour that'd be funny right all right uh left arm are you sure about this yeah this is what you want yeah we've been talking about this for years dude and you're finally going through with it it's going to be for the rest of your life you're going to go get them easier is that weird dude you're so brave you're you're the strongest man i know are you guys just being friends with me because you say that i have crutches and you don't want to make me feel bad no it's because you pay me no oh my god you said that a little too fast i've just been trying to find the best time to say it no it's could you pay me are you embarrassed of tate because you suddenly stopped scratching his head right when i said let's record you all know nothing about choke up here we go choke up i'm cooked let's go about the old punt keep that wheel on the bag otherwise i know i'm staying jj swing the ball bro you know i had at least five people come up to me in the two minutes you were gone to say that how nice it was that we let her use the wheelchair i said well what can i say i'm just trying to make myself look good yeah they don't make people like me anymore look at that talent dude raw talent unfiltered uncut talent uncircumcised talent look at that [Laughter] get on my front page you're out yeah i wasn't even running
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 3,103,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: 7bY8UszBcXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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