Best of Minecraft - Monsters vs Security Build Hacks

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tonight keep your eyes peeled for the vicious toon cats what the toon cat is coming to town tune cat that's a super dangerous monster right apparently it chases its prey to the furthest reaches of the world what do we do here's the plan Mikey we're gonna strengthen the security on this house to defend against the toontcat we better get moving we might not have much time what do we do first let's see oh I know to start let's make sure we've locked all the doors and windows then we'll set up these pressure plates when the toon cat chases us we'll run back to the house unfortunately we need to open and shut doors manually if we leave them open for too long the toon cat will come in but if I place the pressure plates here what happens the door will automatically close behind us once we're inside wow that's gonna be our first security measure an automatic closing door oh I see we might have a problem if we place the pressure plates on the outside see here's what I'm thinking the toon cat can't open doors on its own so this should help us the door will force him out even though we can't get in the front door we should expect the toon cat to eventually break inside in that case we need to add some more security like what it might be a good idea to build a trap inside the house okay what kind of trap how about a cage trap good idea all right what type of materials do we need let's use sticky pistons iron bars Redstone torches redstone dust and repeaters for now that should do it wow this looks like a good spot I'm digging a hole how's that good job perfect next I'm going to set up a row of redstone torches terrific moving on all right what's next let me think [Music] I dug another big hole so I have somewhere to put the repeaters down repeaters next up is the Redstone Dust what's that for now we'll cover the top like this cool I still need to install a lever whenever someone pulls it the Redstone torches will flicker on and off that means it's working oh time for the Pistons they'll go up here [Music] we can control all the Pistons at the same time with just one lever edible yeah how does it help that's the easy part watch this Wow Let's see okay complete this is great yep one more thing wow awesome we have to put a lid on it otherwise the toon cat will be able to climb over why don't we try using glass sure we can't have him climbing over it right this will work better this will block him off right yeah probably sweet there's no way toon cattle get past here great we did it now we don't have to be afraid of two cat anymore hang on Mikey not so fast there's a chance he might be able to break through the glass so I'm gonna use a fence instead that's better wow all right what do you think Mikey he can't climb over that I think this is enough to stop toon cat yeah I agree now let's go to the opposite side and see if we can set up a similar mechanism that way we'll be able to trap toon cat inside we'll use the same setup over here too [Music] now for the Pistons there [Music] all right [Music] thank you [Music] are both sides finished yet Yep looks like everything's done nice uh-oh we might have to lower everything by one level I think I made a mistake no worries we can fix that right now [Music] thank you foreign [Music] cage trap whoa when the toon cat makes it inside pull the lever that's epic once he's in here he'll be trapped there's no way to escape perfect I'm not even sir that does it for a second security system the cage trap hooray if he gets past it yeah we have these wow diamond armor sets cool huh thanks there next we'll need some weapons I'll put a diamond sword beside each armor set one for each of us this way we'll be prepared if we ever need to fight just in case current security system against the two that's for sure here's the thing tooncat is a super powerful monster there's still a chance he might make it through all our security what then we'll need to find a way out of here and I know just the thing an escape route we're only gonna use it in case of an emergency like if the toon cat gets through our security systems I'm gonna punch in a command [Music] I made a long tunnel hang on George I'll fix it it's huge there great you might be wondering why did JJ make this massive tunnel this will be our Escape Route not only that but it'll stop the toon cat in its tracks ow easy huh what see these I'm filling them with arrows Arrow filled dispensers one sec whoa there they are is the Trap finished how do we know it's gonna work that's easy Mikey it's not finished yet but I'll show you just a second let's go here [Music] I need to make sure the Redstone is connected [Music] now I need to place a lever here's the lever look that's amazing this is gonna stop toon cat for sure if the toon cat gets past the cage we'll Escape through the tunnel then we'll flip the lever there we go I don't think it's possible to get past all these arrows me neither I'm not sure if all this security is really necessary JJ hey we can't be too prepared true there are still more security systems we can add for now I'm gonna stock up on the arrows I need to expand this mechanism through the side okay that should work perfect what do you think about this Mikey it's coming out from the top he won't be able to get past this there aren't everywhere good luck with this tune cat we can win for sure we can't forget that tooncat is one of the most powerful monsters in existence it won't be easy stopping him but we can think about adding our next security measure great right great I have an amazing idea for the next trap we should build this is gonna be awesome let's make a maze genius we'll put it right here no matter how strong tooncat is Amaze might stop it yep you need to be smart for a maze that's right come on we can use our brain power to take down the toon cat once and for all it's mace time let's go if we design a super difficult maze that tooncat can't escape then we win this sounds good to me we can do it a dead end yeah that's intentional all right wow this looks tricky let's make it a bit wider once the toon cat makes it this far he'll have two different options let's see which way [Music] toon cat will have to decide if he wants to go left or right from here Which choice should lead him to the exit maybe straight yeah straight will be so okay I know a way to drive two cats absolutely crazy huh what is it whatever it is let's do it yeah seal this off right here okay this mind is difficult I want to make it clear to toon cat whenever he makes the wrong choice this will do the trick a dead end that's right great there's no getting through he should just give up that's what I hope will happen we'll see this maze is almost impossible this section is gonna look like another dead end except there's one more thing I'm gonna add I'm stacking signs where the rest of the wall used to be check it out well I know where this is going good idea first I install the signs second the painting whoa go [Music] huh I'd better make this a little bigger foreign [Music] this painting is a hidden door amazing it looks like another wrong path but it's actually right to Ricky I'm gonna use Stone to cover the floor [Music] nice touch he's gonna think he's at another dead end but it's actually the way out wow secret passage and this is definitely gonna fool him tooncat is gonna have a really hard time figuring this one out totally he might even give up once he sees how elaborate this maze really is yeah once we get to the end of the maze we'll run through here uh hang on a sec Mikey we might want to cover the maze in case he tries to go around it oh [Music] oh there well that's awesome yeah now it's secure best maze ever you can say that again we're done not yet I'm drawing arrows to trick the toon cat even more oh cool this is the wrong way confusing tooncat's gonna be so frustrated he'll reach a dead end come back here and follow the arrows to another dead end nice there we have it our fifth security system is complete now if tooncad ever makes it through the maze we should have a backup plan in that case we'll need somewhere safe to hide what do you mean JJ at a certain point we may have to give up on the Maze and Run for Our lives our next goal should be to lure the tomb cats somewhere we have the upper hand and trap him there we just need to figure out where all right [Music] [Music] whoa I did it let's see perfect this is our Panic Room Mikey it's like an emergency shelter the only problem is tooncat will still find a way to get past it so we need to add more security measures what's that hole for for jumping in huh wait it'll save us from the toon cat how I just need to do one more thing there I'm done wow this is the hole that we dropped down from right here [Applause] and here's the Slime Landing pack yeah you got it epic I'll play some hay bales good idea thank you this will break our fall that's brilliant all right next we need to prepare a security system for this room let's go it's going right here I'll need power rails wow time to lay some tracks the plan is to escape with mine carts I see [Music] I'll put the mine carts here okay what comes next we need Redstone to activate the rails let's head to the surface good idea whoa [Music] this way wow almost there Yes we made it out yay we're through hang on what about the other side come on we'll just stick with one rail oh [Music] that's a wrap cards now okay this will take us straight to the surface so sweet an Escape Route let's climb that mountain sounds good to me we'll need tons of powered rails to get up yeah let's do it hello let's get to work [Music] foreign [Music] awesome we'll be able to make a clean escape with this whoa we're at the top nice we did it we can just continue what we're doing Straight Ahead down the mountain sure okay wow this is epic let's keep moving it's so [Music] now then yeah I want to connect this to a new location all right we'll find our destination using ender eyes oh it's that way we'll lead the railroad over there sure we finally made it hold on is this what I think it is that's right take a look the end portal check it out wow cooler very interesting let's fill the portal with Eyes of Ender why you'll see we'll fill all the slots except for one wow our goal is to launch tooncat into the end portal in order to do that we'll need to set up these iron blocks on the sides this way okay I get it like this that's right keep going okay [Music] that's it yeah this should work watch out don't fall into the lava oops I'm burning careful this is dangerous stuff we need to find a way to trap tooncat in the portal well I'm less focused on the trap part and more focused on luring them in we can do it okay we'll hold this eye Bender over the last slot and wait for the toon cat to chase us when he's close we'll slam it in oh that'll activate the portal forcing the toon cat inside and sealing him off in the end for the rest of his days that's okay with me not bad huh some yeah this might be our best trap ever I agree great we're done we did it okay Mikey let's return to the house there's still more work to be done what another security system it's super basic but it's super important here we are Mikey get ready for the next security system what is it JJ do you see what I'm holding a lava bucket yep I see we're gonna create a lava mode around the house sweet it's pretty basic security super basic oh well if we make it three blocks wide we can still jump over it if we have to any wider than that JJ let's go there we go nice wow we've surrounded the entire house with lava this is epic I don't think the toon cat will be able to jump over it even though we can that's good we've completed our security systems let's put them to the test I'm not afraid of you toon cat we spent all day preparing for toon cats attack I think that's enough to protect us for now let's sit back and relax until tooncat shows up yeah it's evening wow there are no signs of toon cats showing up anytime soon phew seriously but we're so well prepared after all we did to prepare for it yeah I guess it's a good thing if he doesn't show up hey Mikey yeah let's be extra careful just in case he does decide to show up he won't who knows huh hang on a sec look over there behind you no no way wait is that toonkat time to jump over The Lava Moat I made it wow the moat worked can he make it I don't think so he seriously can't get past it means we win hooray it looks like we were able to stop toon cat with the Lava Moat those extra security systems don't matter really this mean we've successfully survived tooncats attack that was easy good job so many security systems I guess lava's all you need what hey toon cat poured water over The Lava so that he could cross no way he turned lava to obsidian get inside we'll be okay you're right remember the pressure plates we set up by the door toon cat can't get past it there's a door blocking him I'm glad we're so prepared JJ wait a second what I didn't think he could do that there hurry yes wow that was a close one we trapped toon cats yeah hmm stuck it looks like it that's a huge relief he can't chase us anymore we can relax Mikey just to be safe all armor up good thinking but it'll be fine suit yourself I'm prepared for battle if toon cat wants to fight then I'll fight really I'm not so sure about that huh we gotta go oh oh Mikey are you gonna fight him don't even think about it he's too strong these arrows should slow him down no way what's wrong the arrows don't seem to be slowing him down he's moving ahead like it's nothing run [Music] I can't imagine toon cat getting past the maze we can wait inside the Panic Room for now right we'll be safe in here I'm scared we'll be fine yeah let's just wait tooncat will probably get lost in the Maze and decide to go there never mind there he is hurry okay we're in we'll put one Minecart here maybe toon cat will give up can we go already he hasn't come yet really oh look it's him time to go hurry see you later coming hurry hurry I'm going I think we lost him we're so fast he's look behind you how did he get so close hurry oh look he stopped chasing us now's our chance all right let's head to the portal sounds like a plan we've made it to the stronghold perfect did we lose him yep he should be gone okay now then Mikey let's keep going with our original plan we're gonna wait down here until tooncat arrives we'll try to hide for now but as soon as tooncat walks up to these iron blocks we'll activate the portal and trap him in the end oh that'll seal them away we'll be safe from the clutches of the toon cats will it work I hope it does let's keep waiting sure there's no sign of the toon cat coming anytime soon maybe he gave up really we're really far we gotta wait pretty easily hmm he wasn't much of a problem huh what what no way this is bad he made it JJ he's right behind me what I never expected him to come all this way that's crazy what now the plan oh yeah here I go now oh yeah yay I was worried it wouldn't work but it did we rumor has it that an army of wither skeletons will attack us tonight our solution is to construct an anti-wither skeleton security system for our house we need defenses right away wheeler skeletons are no joke right that's why we're building six different security measures to protect us let's go great what's number one number one is a cactus puffer fish defense system let's build it we'll use Cactus which are plants that are covered in spikes it hurts if you bump into one yep that's why we'll use Cactus just like this to cover the perimeter of our house the thick layer of cactus will act as a protective barrier okay okay I like it the cactus aren't supposed to be touching all right so instead we'll build the cactus barrier with two separate rows this way when they try to pass between the cactus the wither skeletons will bump into the spikes wow a natural security system that's the best yeah this time we're using nature to protect ourselves what what great we'll just plant the cactus along here yep that's far enough all the way around hurry up hurry right the wither skeletons are coming [Music] there we're all finished is that it for number one nope there's more to it Mikey I almost forgot what else the puffer fish I got them ready for a reason yeah what for well it's possible to pass between the cactus and it's likely that the wither skeletons will be able to walk straight through and up to our house that's why I'm digging a hole in the ground between the cactus and filling the hole with water to make a moat around the property oh it'll be the spikiest mode ever nice [Music] foreign a gap like this [Music] great now then Mikey it's time to fill in the moat with some puffer fish Hopper fish you heard me right if you get too close to puffer fish they'll poison you what when the wither skeletons try to squeeze through the gaps they'll be hit with an overwhelming attack of puffer fish poison I get it now let's fill up the most between the cactus and the puffer fish it's a double layered security measure wow great plan that's good enough right the cactus puffer fish defense system is complete now then I think a giant pitfall trap will be a good choice for number two hitfall in the unlikely event that any wither skeletons break through our Cactus puffer fish defense system yeah I was thinking we might want to drop them into a really big hole like this [Music] is this right yep that should do it a pitball trap this enormous is really something just look at the size of it whoa what a view yeah we're gonna make the hole around this big wow all right let's clear out the hole we're digging down into the void foreign [Music] it's a massive pitfall trap whoa sweet time to set up the rest of the Trap first off we'll need lots and lots of TNT then we're gonna need some sand a bit of redstone and a few repeaters oh I think it's supposed to go like this that's good well this is how we're gonna build the Trap okay I'll do my best fill it up with TNT let's hurry all right [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] so far we finished everything including the wires yep clear one side okay there now watch How I lay these repeaters down the entire side [Music] then I'll add some more Redstone Dust oh [Music] I'll set it up like this [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] here too [Music] all right I'll finish it off with a lever right here sure almost done almost just a little more sure does that look all right hmm okay to make it easy to tell where the Trap is the next step is to mark off the edge of where the Trap begins good idea let's mark it off with gold blocks nice [Music] incredible all finished it's done now then that should do it for the giant pitfall trap just don't pull the lever by mistake don't worry I won't leave a finger on it don't want any accidents to happen redo everything else thanks now then all of the space inside of the gold lines is the pitfall trap so whatever happens stay out of it we're gonna trap every wither skeleton that walks over it yay now our second security measure is finished sweet number three iron golem security guards just in case our first two security measures fail I'd like to add another layer to our defenses I think we should hire some bodyguards bodyguards are reliable yeah but when I say bodyguards I really mean Iron Golems as for materials we'll need fences sticky pistons Redstone repeaters and a lever last but not least we'll also need some iron blocks and pumpkins too with all this we can make our very own Iron Golem Ranch does that sound good to you Mikey come on we can leave the Iron Golems here to stand by until we finish building everything then if the wither skeletons manage to break through our defenses we'll open the gates and have the Iron Golems to fight for us wow that's amazing so right around here [Music] right here just like that cool there we go how about we put another gate over on this side [Music] we'll make it separate there perfect nope thanks Mikey now it's time to start setting up the Redstone circuit for the gate okay here we go [Music] I'll place the lever here foreign next I'll need to connect the Redstone on this side too [Music] okay this gate closes now I need to close the other gate I'll just extend the circuit there wow awesome this lever opens both gates please now we can finish the Golems you prepared Mikey just place the pumpkin heads on the iron blocks to create Iron Golems wow I feel so insane let's keep making more this is the Ultimate Security yeah Iron Golems are incredibly strong Fighters maybe they're strong enough to destroy the wither skeletons crowd of iron golems they look strong it's reassuring I feel so safe well that's it for the Iron Golem security guards number four a beacon what's the scariest thing about wither skeletons uh they're really strong well they're really really strong wither skeletons combat abilities are way better than most other mobs as for us we don't stand a chance unless we can become stronger that's why we need to make a beacon sure let's make our Beacon out of gold this time wait a sec Mikey one two three four five six seven eight nine make it nine by nine okay thank you just like a pyramid build it so that it's pointing up to the sky ours is the most powerful Beacon type place the beacon on the very top of the pyramid oh awesome the power is flowing through me the last thing I need to do is insert a gold ingot into the beacon then I can activate our special bonuses wonderful for our first power up let's start with regeneration then for the second one let's do resistance let's do it nice there we go now as long as we're close to the beacon we'll have increased defense levels and increased regeneration so we'll be able to heal way faster incredible yeah I think that should be a great start is our security done we still have more to do still in the event that all of this isn't enough I think we should build even more security measures the next thing we need to think about is a shelter yeah we can use obsidian as our shelters building materials should we build it on top of the house oh sure even the floor is Obsidian obsidian is one of the toughest blocks in Minecraft it's strong enough to withstand the blast from a TNT explosion it's our last resort I don't want to use it yeah honestly I don't want to use it either but there may be no other choice whoa I'll leave a small chunk open as a window whoa it looks sturdy yep that should do it oh we still need to build something so we can get inside right how about here that works all right then this is the entrance here's the ladder nice we can climb into the shelter through here just like this this is excellent we should probably make this shelter a little more livable though let's put up some decorations and include some emergency supplies bread nice touch security measure 5 obsidian shelter is complete number six a massive TNT block what number six will be super dangerous so be extra careful while we build it I will obviously we'll need to prepare some TNT for our other materials we'll need quite a bit of white wool red wool and black wool we're going to use them to create an enormous TNT block we'll lay it out next to the house like this there it needs to look like TNT one two three four five [Music] okay whoa that's big yep we'll use the colored wool to construct the TNT pattern this is probably gonna take a while [Music] TNT whoa all right yay we did it not yet the TNT isn't complete yet because yeah why because we haven't filled it in with TNT yet come on Mikey let's do this thing let's do it I'll help you this TNT is incredibly dangerous so be extra careful we should only set it off in case of an absolute emergency yes sir foreign [Music] all right the TNT is all filled in now we just need to cover it careful not to set it on fire I'll be careful I don't even have anything that can start fires perfect wow that's the way to do it this is great there it's done it's done it's enormous amazing let's not use it that's a good plan all done we can only use it if we have no other options although this massive TNT block may be a solid security measure but we still need to figure out a way to light it up for that let's head back to our shelter sure let's go remember the window I installed in here I remember well we should put another chest inside the shelter in this chest we can store bows arrows and flint and steel as for what to do with all that take the fire starter light some fires right here and shoot arrows out of it if you shoot through fire the arrows will ignite so when it comes time to do it you can light the wool on the TNT block on fire wow that's amazing that does it for number six so it's finished yep when the time comes we can start the self-destruct mechanism and use the a massive TNT block to blow away our enemies meanwhile we'll be safe in our obsidian shelter wow and with that our six security measures are complete oh Splendid now let's wait for the wither skeletons to attack look wither skeletons what they're coming already looks like they brought a whole Army to raid us whoa you're right it's an entire Army nope oops puffer fish poison you okay Mikey we'll have to jump the Gap it worked yes jump I made it do they see us not yet let's get closer to lure them in scared well they still don't see us what they just don't care are they actually friendly is that a thing no hang on we've been spotted they're coming Mikey jump over the moat it's gonna be okay they'll never be able to get through whoa what the oh you gotta be kidding me right now wow wait for me some of them are breaking through that's not you okay I'm still alive oh hey try to draw them into the pitfall trap at least a bunch of them are falling this is bad here goes there the pitfall trap has been activated oh no this is so bad whoa they're even more now what do we do we use the pitfall trap Mikey there's no choice it's time to release the Iron Golems let's do it release let's go Iron Golems fight [Music] all right face the power of our Iron Golems wow watch them go they're protecting me they may have broken through the cactus wall but these Iron Golems can really turn the tides for us then again with the sheer number of wither skeletons out there it doesn't look good for us are so powerful come on see they're fine go go go wait a sec we're losing Golems Mikey impossible are you sure huh where'd they go no oh oh let's Retreat to the house for now Mikey these Golems are done for get inside hurry get in here hang on they're right on my tail there are too many you'll be okay the beacon I don't think Mikey no you barely made it I hate to say it but I think we're finished the house too we prepared too much for this to happen there's no choice even though we built all those security measures we still got overrun by the wither skeleton army Our Last Resort let's go to the shelter it's time for the last resort it's the only option we have left is to detonate the massive TNT block I'm afraid there's no other way all right Mikey are you ready to do this thing yeah first we light the Flames Flames then shoot our arrows through the fire hit the TNT oh look it's lit look huh will it work where's the boom huh these are spreading I think it's gonna whoa there it goes will it destroy them I've never seen an explosion this big before wow I don't want to get caught in the blast what's going on out there I can't see wow that's crazy oh this is the most incredible thing I've ever seen what's going on it's still going it's unbelievable oh the sand is flying everywhere oh huh what hold on it's finally over wow that explosion was enormous I want to check it out but if we drop from this height we could take some heavy fall damage yeah oh we have this some water pour it in the hole Mikey sure yes thanks I'm heading down what do you see wow what happened here careful wow whoops yikes there what the huh wow check it out by hiding in our obsidian shelter we managed to avoid any damage from the massive explosion as for the wither skeletons we successfully destroyed them all I'd say today was a huge success yeah I agree tonight something really wicked is heading towards this Village well Mikey a super Wicked creature known as the cartoon cat is the one who's coming for us tonight huh the cartoon cat yep well what is it for now in order to protect these villagers we have to reinforce security got it let's make it secure and survive yeah no time to waste right for starters we'll build the ultimate security house let's make it really big yeah huge how to iron blocks sound iron blocks yeah we might as well if it's our security house sure it should be strong enough to keep us safe totally although the cartoon cat is seriously evil really the cartoon cat is really bad oh let's hurry no time to waste would it hurt if we made this really tall no I want to make it big enough to look over the entire Village wow that's high well I want this to be the strongest house ever made is this good yeah that's high enough now it's time to make the roof make the roof let's hurry right the cartoon cat is coming tonight and it'll be terrifying but we'll be okay if we secure this place that's the plan we're finished great now let's build some stairs over here yeah [Music] here are the steps so we can get up here quickly good now then next I'm going to add some glass so that we can see outside like this okay hurry hurry hurry the villagers are watching us they look worried let's go [Music] done now oh there's a villager inside everyone should get in sure they can come over yeah it's our job to protect them all right then we need to make it safe enough right here like this yeah I added some buttons that should keep us safe we'll make the doors automatic from the inside okay that's good nice this will be our observation deck to watch outside cool we'll have a clear view of the whole village and just in case I'll leave a chest full of bows and arrows emergencies only good idea if the cartoon cat attacks us while we're up here we'll just shoot arrows at it arrows we could probably defeat it like that oh Mikey what's this what do you think a stone wall that's right I'll make it lower so that we can see past it okay plus the cartoon cat isn't very tall so if I made your wall two blocks high I think that would still be enough to keep it out what's it look like I'm nervous next here Mikey let's fill this in with what with lava nice idea the lava's Gonna Keep it out yeah once we fill in the moat nothing will get in yeah absolutely nothing all right I'll keep adding the lava in like this and it'll keep out Intruders hurry hurry hurry right nice job JJ it's perfect all done great there we go it's really starting to look like a security house yeah all right Mikey what should we make next what something that'll really boost our abilities how about a beacon huh we'll make a beacon and we'll put it right on top of here let's do it one two three four five six seven all right okay foreign check it out JJ how's that now for the oops now for the beacon whoa cool I know how to use the beacon to give us Powers great what should we use first let's give ourselves super speed nice yeah I also want super jumping so we should build another Beacon let's do it good idea actually the jump boost Beacon doesn't need to be as big oh really like this that should be enough all right I can give us a jump boost nice there whoa I'm running so fast wow sweet now even if the cartoon cat chases us I think we can get away is there anything else to prepare yeah of course oh what is it we need more manpower Manpower like more people right we just need a couple of iron blocks and a pumpkin for the head then there what does that make watch this security yep oh I know you do done I was right it's an iron golem let's make a couple more of them in fact let's make a lot more of them wow with this many there's no way we'll lose all right we have five should I make one more yeah there six Golems nice good job we're gonna survive this one well Iron Golems have one of the strongest basic attacks plus a really high defense I think they'll be able to hold back the cartoon cat they might even beat it for us does that mean we're finished not even close why next we have to prepare for the worst possible outcome what what happens if all the villagers and iron golems get wiped out I don't even want to imagine that I don't want to imagine it either but if it does happen we should destroy the whole village what okay we're gonna build a self-destruct mechanism in the sky for the entire Village wait what are we making we'll need some dispensers we're gonna drop TNT from up here oh I see we can defeat the cartoon cat Yeah by blowing up the whole entire Village nice idea it's gonna look like this what how this will be amazing something like this I mean this is our last resort so I'd rather not have to use it me neither but I feel safer now we'll take it down and survive right we'll see if we can take the cartoon cat down with the rest of the village if we do that the cartoon cat will never reach the rest of the world that's great okay are you finished yet all done sweet now then wow that's crazy yeah there awesome I'm gonna put the lever right here nice there amazing it's all done yep that should do it I think we'll be able to beat this thing just fine okay things could be really bad if you touched this lever I won't it'll activate the device there's just one more thing to make huh what is it well what happens if the TNT from the self-destruct device still isn't strong enough to defeat the cartoon cat yeah what then just in case we should find a way to seal the cartoon cat off in a pitfall trap trap wait we should dig the pit far away from the village good point we need to make it really big somewhere around this size in Minecraft as soon as you fall beneath the Bedrock there's no way for you to get back up to the surface you're stuck whoa this is the pit where we're gonna trap the cartoon cat it's our last resort huh I think I'll do it like this yeah [Applause] [Music] now I'll put sand on the top nice [Music] we're using redstone dust as a wire let's go yeah [Music] all right [Music] now what it's a little bit sloppy but we'll do something like this okay I'll add the lever and we're done we did it there's so much security now finished good job what is it look we totally forgot about this oh cool armor make sure it's all on perfect okay now we're ready we just need to wait for Nightfall sure thing we'll destroy this cartoon cat [Music] Mikey it's night time now you're right I really hope this plan works is it here yet I'm worried not yet oh what's up what's up it looks really evil whoa it's already killed one of the villagers really is it eating him but the village is fenced off how can't it cross the fence maybe not oh now it's inside oh no look the Golems are fighting it now well did they beat it is it down maybe they did we won it's missing the Golems beat it really then how come the creepy music is still playing it just came back for our Golem it's alive huh no what this is bad time to fight yeah let's go no way did I see it right there careful I'm hitting it wait so the arrows aren't working I don't think so oh no it's hitting the villagers inside their houses how impossible this is so bad hang on what's it doing I don't know wow no way can it reach us it's up on the house I hit it the arrows are working oh wait it's looking right at me stay back huh [Music] well where'd it go and Mikey get inside the house I see it it was right there I think I think I'm way behind the house that's so creepy JJ use a self-destruct wait a sec there it's right there okay Mikey our Ultimate Weapon wait huh oh what is it I think I can beat it like this that easy this could work where are you I'm gonna fight it okay maybe use the lava the lava here look out oh nice it fell in sweet it fell right in did we beat it is it over it looks healthy even in the lava what the what's it looking for let's get out of here [Music] well how did it whoa oh no wait a second stop wait what happened hey what was that I'm not sure you okay oh no it's gonna eat me no Mikey don't let it see us Mikey we need to use our last resort let's go the okay here it is the final weapon hit goodbye Village go TNT [Music] did we win what it missed seriously how no the weapon broke this is really really bad Mikey come on we need to try the pitfall trap what a great creepy laugh okay right is it after me it's coming this way hurry please come on quick activates no who fell in with him you disappeared off the mat I can't believe it but still this means we won we did we won we can't climb out of there victory yeah awesome here shoot it with arrows that was great although the village got completely destroyed yeah that's true the cartoon cat fell into the pitfall trap and is sealed away forever it's still down there it's impossible for it to climb back up here so I'm considering this battle a major victory tonight we're in trouble something really wicked is coming for us and it's gonna wreck the entire world what's coming for us tonight we're facing something called a Wither storm and it's on the way wait what's a Wither storm all you need to know is that it's super Wicked that means we need to get started preparing some security for the village secure the village right first yeah oh nice Mikey we need to build our base okay it'll be an anti-wither storm base let's make it as big as we can we need to hurry is a Wither storm a big wither yep wow it must be strong yeah the Wither storm is really big it's the ultimate Evil being huh it's super strong we'll need someplace really secure to fight back from let's hurry I want to live right a secure place to fight back from we need to survive somehow we'll use iron blocks to make the ultimate security house these iron walls are going to be really strong this is a super solid building I think it'll be pretty strong come on whoa awesome there this looks like a good height to put the roof now we just have to fill it in got it roof [Music] let's hurry [Music] okay now it's time to pick a spot for the entrance entrance right got it it's a bit dark I'll make lights nice [Music] a window will be helpful for us to keep an eye on the Wither storm once we've cleared some space help me fill in the glass blocks sure [Music] oh how about some more reinforced glass on this side reinforced glass the Ultimate Security house it's a great shelter wow yeah that's amazing we're gonna be safe in here for sure probably hmm [Music] great [Music] let's add some flooring maybe we'll use a stone floor that's fancy let's use Stone I'll lay the stone down foreign [Music] [Music] yes it's all coming together we'll be safe in our security house yay I'd say this bunker is almost finished I think some torches would go well here I also want to secure the entrance an iron door should work automatic iron doors this feels like a proper security house I'm gonna add some lasers ah good idea I'll do it too we can install them all around the building amazing I'll put some here [Music] like this on on [Music] oh oh nice I've never seen a safer house I'll just slap this here [Music] even get close to us it would be really difficult for someone to break in there now this is strong security awesome wow strong [Music] foreign that should do it Mikey are you putting down lava whoa nice thank you wonderful the lava surrounds the whole house this is really great security no one's getting in hey Mikey what's up since the Wither Storm's so freakishly strong we should hire some security guards higher guards oh you're doing it I know what to do yeah yeah yeah nice how many Iron Golems should we make let's make a lot no that's not good those two Golems just walk straight into our laser hey hey problem uh whatever maybe three is enough to oh crazy how come they keep on self-destructing and let's focus on something else for now hey Mikey do you see the animals hanging out in the field yeah when the Wither storm comes I have a feeling that all the animals probably won't survive the attack what no that makes it our sworn duty to protect them let's do it luckily I have a plan what is it this what the whoa that's more than I thought JJ this is great it's crazy oh the doors won't close anymore now it's time for the cows let's do it that sure is a lot of cows yeah at least all the animals will be protected in here we're all gonna be safe your taxes will be fine all we have to do is stay inside all done okay what should we do next Mikey when the Wither storm comes we'll need to prepare an effective way for us to fight back right where should we fight it around here maybe yeah we should probably fight the Wither storm in this area sounds good we'll need weapons anti-wither storm weapons maybe this will work what's that that looks strong hmm I'll bet we're able to beat the Wither storm if we use these weapons to attack it totally so you think we can win do we shoot from up here good idea wait what's that I'm trying to build some kind of platform oh I see up there yeah here hang on what is it [Music] watch this Rock oh bedrock let's go yeah it's the strongest resource in all of Minecraft so we've got a Bedrock platform we'll fight from here if we use your guns we can be absolutely anything for sure yeah I'll make some stairs [Music] there we go [Applause] [Music] nice thanks nice we'll win from on top of this unbreakable platform and blast the Wither storm with these we're unbeatable whoa hang on a sec Mikey what's up well we've done a really good job of getting ready totally but there's still something I want to build in case we can't beat it huh like what come with me I have a plan yeah if all else fails we could make a basement in our shelter and wait out the Wither storm down there oh smart maybe around here is good let's make a basement on it [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a basement this looks good in terms of size [Music] perfect awesome what are we supposed to use this basement for well Mikey I did say we could wait out the Wither storm down here but if I'm being honest that's not the only reason why I wanted us to build it huh wait what do you mean if we can't beat the Wither storm with our guns then I'm gonna activate a device that will destroy the entire world okay that means we're gonna use this basement to store our secret weapons what secret weapons yep [Music] foreign [Music] that's good here's the door cool whoa that's great this will be the entrance to our basement okay come here sure first we need to light it up then we can start to install a special something what is it it's extremely dangerous ta-da Mikey look over here what here whoa careful that's a gift from me to you it's a super powerful Mission thanks this looks seriously dangerous if we're not extra careful with these when we go up against the Wither storm there's a chance we'll get caught in the explosion what are you kidding me don't worry we'll secure them in here [Music] extras just in case [Music] know you could do that four missiles should be enough that means we get two each we have to fire them through a rocket launcher I see I'll put the rocket launchers in this chest nice make sure to load up the rocket launcher with a missile before you actually fire it and remember only shoot it when we have no other options just aim at the Wither storm and launch fortunately I think our security house upstairs will be all we need I think you're probably right oh wait one more thing what I want to make sure that this room is extra secure just in case this is only for emergencies right let's add security hmm I know [Music] perfect oh wait a second [Music] I don't want it to open too easily that's dangerous foreign [Music] I'll set it up like this [Music] now over here [Music] okay this lever should only be touched in case of an emergency situation whoa I'll cover it great now if anything happens just break the glass bam nice good work [Music] the output should run through here [Music] [Applause] [Music] almost done [Music] um great it's all connected now all the switches are connected [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay I'll do this [Music] wait hang on there sweet there we go that should work this is amazing it's connected to a circuit over there you just pull this and the door opens nice emergencies only if we're ever in a situation where all hope seems lost we can just run down here break the glass fill the lever to open the doors then grab the rocket launchers okay finally we'll unload these super powered missiles into the Wither storm but only if we need to these missiles will probably get the job done but if they can't for some reason I say we just give up all right I think we're ready all that's left is our equipment oh thank you Mikey you prepared armor I sure did not only did I make armor but I have another surprise as well where are the guns over here huh oh we have more bodyguards those are great but we need ammo too good point in here I'll put yours here thanks all right okay I'm pretty sure we've got everything prepared nice awesome here we go great my weapons loaded I just need to equip the armor we should probably do a quick weapons test looks good yep don't forget to reload between our gear and our security house we'll definitely be able to survive against the Wither storm yeah now let's wait for night to come let's do it we can survive this here we are it's night night time is the Wither storm really coming I wonder how powerful it actually is we can beat anything our security system is the best security systems are fully operational the Iron Golem Army is standing guard I wonder how the village is doing oh they should be getting inside what's wrong it looks like that one's having some trouble hmm I'm sure it'll be okay let's see huh what was that what what do you see I don't even know hang on something popped up no JJ do you see it in the Wither storm we need to take it down fast let's have the Iron Golems attack dush shooting is it work is it working the Iron Golems are no I'm hit shoot it shoot it we got this this is really really bad I'm hit inside all right we should be safe here come on Mikey let me in dog hurry up I'm here get to the basement I thought it would be safe in here but the pigs and cows are being sucked up into the sky and Mikey for now let's head down scary let's get inside the basement let's go let's go our shelter was so sturdy shutting the door sorry pigs our only option left is the missile quick go go glass broken door open are you okay I got it let's see we get two missiles each come on yes what the oh well I only got two the others disappeared maybe the storm sucked up all right Mikey let's head back to the surface here goes nothing go it's got a hold of me oh no it's not letting go JJ hello just run for it Mikey the villagers are going crazy Mikey we have to shoot these ready let's go three two one what happened did you hit it really look wait did we beat it yeah foreign what happened did we win I'm not sure but I'm still taking damage is it some kind of Wither poison oh he beat it I don't see it you got it oh look at this place you Dev we won we survived we defeated the Wither storm amazing so wait even though the village is totally destroyed we still managed to beat the Wither storm this means the rocket launcher we used was the Ultimate Weapon to bring it down we did it the village in Forester Rubble but I'm glad I shot it tonight something really terrible is coming to attack the village what's coming you said at night right right we're going up against a really dangerous enemy known as the blue demon blue demon what's that what are we gonna do Mikey let's build defenses around the village to repel it alright let's build up our defenses and survive first things first the demon will probably come in from that way oh in order to keep it away from the village yeah we should make a TNT cannon it can attack by firing TNT explosives right let's build one okay Mikey I think we want to set up the TNT cannon right here but first we have to clear these out nice nice be able to fire three shots of TNT cool at the front of the cannon I'm just gonna put in a little half block there we go we'll need a TNT dispenser too good work Spencers are in now then hmm yeah that's good these go here all done yep yep actually let's make it one block wider oh like this whoo there that's good next we put in the water nice okay now all that's left is to put the TNT in great I can do it since we want to make it three shots let's expand the cannon over this way huh like this perfect Hmm this way we'll build it out more sweet what oh okay now we'll make one more over on this side right [Music] here we go almost done [Music] oh I'll replace these with dispensers oh [Music] nice nice here okay we just add a little bit of water and our three shot TNT cannon is finished check it out okay now the cannon is complete wow it's so amazing let's try and fire it hang on a sec you're gonna fire it not yet uh you're right if I fire it now it might be dangerous great let's just save it for when the blue demon comes sure this will keep us a lot safer and we're gonna be all right we'll keep it away I can't believe we're done it'll come from over there so when it does we're gonna hit it before it can reach the village this is our first line of defense the three shot cannon awesome oh that's right I need to make a staircase so that we can get up here nice nice nice like this yeah this works we should be able to win with this totally this is the Ultimate Security not even the blue demon can beat it I have a feeling we'll be able to stop the blue demon with just the TNT cannon but just in case we aren't able to we should build some backup security systems as well we'll need to stop it from entering the village how about we make a couple of automatic crossbows yeah let's do it I want to set up the automatic crossbows that will fire along this line here good idea huh [Music] like this nice let's set the line of defenses here sure great let's start building the turret so that the blue demon won't be able to cross over this line yeah all right let's set up the crossbows now let's go and here done thank you let's Place one here too all right there whoa another one awesome [Music] this way oh [Music] there we go the automatic crossbows are done wow this is gonna hold the line against the blue demon pretty well it looks so strong let's make more whoa should I place them here sure [Music] there's no way it'll reach the village these aren't pretty strong the strongest okay let's test it out on a husk yeah I want to see wow that's amazing automatic crossbows are the best seriously we can win with these let's go yay next we should look for a spot around here to build our secret hideout we should also make a secret passage that leads directly to our Hideout good idea [Music] nice that looks pretty good yeah [Music] there since we're up against the blue demon our security should be really tough true it needs to be Rock Solid [Music] we should be able to defend here with all this foreign let's build a wall here too we'll keep it out with this for sure [Music] nice these will definitely stop it we'll be fine with all our walls there's no way to get to the Village the demon will get blasted by our cannons terrific then he'll run into a line of automatic crossbows for sure come here this is the spot where we'll set up something really really strong like what there's still one thing we haven't used yet lasers whoa like this remember we have to be extra careful not to touch these oh right can we jump over it nice the blue demon is Big so if we put one up here we can make gaps for us to sneak through good thinking like this amazing nothing too big can get through oh right I get it nice nice nice how's that there's no way we can lose [Music] now then there whoa it definitely can't get through all this security yeah definitely I mentioned how big it is right uh-huh dodging these will be impossible we're gonna stop the demon and win this yep all right so now let's build our Hideout around here sure how should we do it well on the off chance the blue demon manages to break through our defenses I think we'll be safer if we're higher up we'll distract the blue demon by making our Hideout high in the air yeah let's do this we should make an elevator to take us up there sounds good let's make an elevator we'll make it somewhere here we can't wait to beat this demon I'll make it out of glass [Music] [Music] keep building it really high like this great next we'll use signs we'll just put them here okay now what we'll stack them one after the other there an elevator wow just jump and place the next one okay then we'll fill it with water all the way to the top foreign nice maybe we should make it one block taller why not that's good okay now we can go up using this great whoa Ben Rock Sweet Bedrock is the toughest Block in all of Minecraft yeah it's unbreakable yep we'll run to this Watchtower if the blue demon beats our defenses great foreign next we should make a secret weapon a secret weapon just in case if we can't beat the blue demon then we'll destroy the entire town along with it nice let's put it right around here [Music] hang on what is it could it be [Music] here what you making it'll be something crazy huh you mean the secret weapon right yep I'm so excited the weapon is it's the matter explosives these things are super powerful if we set these off it'll blow up the entire world so it'll be pretty bad if we set them off yes but we've got a plan be careful we'll cover it in redstone then in the middle we'll put a redstone lamp in place of the bomb for now when the lamp lights up it means there would have been an explosion if we used actual explosives I'll just cover them up add a layer of pressure plates oh [Music] what now that everything's in place if we activate the pressure plates the lamp will get a signal from the Redstone circuit and light up this way we'll know it works when it's time to put in the actual explosives so when either you or me press on a pressure plate instead of lighting up it'll blow up so if things get really bad we'll run up here okay and we'll fire arrows to activate it finally the plates will trigger the explosion whoa all right it's scary hmm careful this is really dangerous so we'll fix this part later sure from now on it's dangerous to step here right but once we replace this with explosives we'll be all finished except what the last thing I want to do to prepare for the blue demon is set up a bunch of iron golems everywhere hmm let's put them here [Music] is that enough yeah I think three Golems is good we're just placing them for extra defense now all we have to do is replace the Redstone Lamp and we'll be finished we'll wait a little bit longer before we do that that's all that's left now what we wait till night [Music] it's night time oh it's night already yep what really is there something here yet huh is there I don't see anything no what you don't see it no way come on quick look hmm it's you where no it appeared wait a sec that means this is the blue demon oh no I'm gonna fire at it get out of the way Mikey fire fire let's go TNT cannon again okay Round Two Fire it doesn't look like it okay this is sad come on gotta change the positions really keep going wait so it's really hitting it yeah it is but is not doing any damage to it we gotta run Mikey come on the crossbows right our defense line come on it's not enough why why I think we can stop it here are we gonna be okay wait a sec it's destroying our automatic crossbows huh [Music] that's bad it's almost destroyed every single one of our crossbows and crossbows are strong too last one here we go no they're all destroyed we gotta run Mikey let's go okay don't worry it won't get through our laser defense right delay the lasers nice yeah I'd like to see him try to get he's good but is he even taking any damage I don't know come on no what the oh that was a close one ship is this bad come on Golems I only have one Health left leave it to the Golems finish this I'm leaving [Music] I'm coming with so this is really bad Mikey the Golem should be able to win right no I think they're about to lose oh the last one went down oh that's all our defense seriously oh well at least we made it up here what are we supposed to do now this looks like wait going down there might be a bad idea Mike it's okay I'm oh I think I'm going to lure it over there oh I see lead it to the explosives go there and come back come on how's it going oh nice it's working good job one sec now then wait not yet stay there next lead it right over there Mikey will I live come back once it's there I'm scared oh come on Mikey run run hurry oh no please please all right I'm so scared once you get up that elevator I'm firing I'm in I'm coming up I'm gonna shoot our strongest TNT explosion I think I set the fuse you did it it's ticking okay still ticking hi huh what did we win what happened wait even the Bedrock got destroyed the bomb was so strong it destroyed the Bedrock well at least we beat the blue demon didn't we I fell I think we beat it but we should go check at least the damage to the Village wasn't bad some of it's gone let's check it out we still beat the demon though right JJ I wonder but I think we did easy win Sweet let's go check if we really Beat It we must have over here sure let's go whoa great it was so dangerous but I still wondered if it would actually work [Applause] let's go down from here is the blue demon really dead it must be what I'm so relieved we did it somehow wait a sec Mikey what it's so messy down here no Mikey coming down blue demon is still alive no I don't know it's impossible to beat let's lure it into the lava we still win if we do that the demon won't be able to follow us anymore basically we'll trap it in a lava pit come on let's go yeah let's go oh you're burning be okay hot hot too hot it's coming is this really gonna work oh nice he's in we did it Mikey let's trap it here actually it doesn't look like he can climb out he'll be stuck in there forever it's not how I thought it would go but we've successfully captured the blue demon down here this was a really fun video don't forget to like And subscribe see you thanks bye-bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 8,810,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 8q9kmkFO4Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 34sec (5674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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