10 Security Build Hacks vs Zombies - Minecraft

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well then let's get started tonight a swarm of zombies will rise up and attack so we're going to reinforce this house with anti-zombie security measures a swarm of zombies we need a security system hurry jj for today our plan is to protect this house by using 10 different security systems 10 security systems to kick things off we're gonna use lava lava is super useful it's the simplest most effective security system there is we just have to dig a moat around the house like this then fill it up all right it's digging time oh i see okay nice let's split up to dig faster yeah sure just like this great wow protective lava is a really good idea yep simple and effective that's lava for you it rocks amazing there that looks good oh here we go all right that does it for the digging now all we need to do is pour in the lava okay go go it's pretty simple simple but powerful no one can get close right no one will be able to reach us we're ready for anything wow impressive nice that should take care of most of the zombies they'll be driven off yeah this is perfect okay okay that's probably good enough awesome it's good enough we're all done protective lava's complete next are the snow golem turrets snow golem turrets what are those you'll see mikey you'll see first we need to build a few towers to hold our snow golems in maybe we can build them with stone bricks like these now then we just need to add some trapdoors trapdoors next we'll add in some snow and finally a carved pumpkin now it's time to put everything together there's a specific way to put on the trapdoors like this nice and some more trapdoors will go up here then you just carve out the middle of your tower [Music] huh that looks strong now you can summon tons of snow goblins that's awesome see this interesting i want to try it too [Music] it can hold quite a few gallons finished our snow golem turret now you try sure i think that's right like this oh i get it and now yeah lay down the blocks like that oh okay it's hard to place the blocks in the air so try to crouch when you do it that'll make it easier all right the impressive thing about snow golem turrets is that they throw snowballs when they see enemies awesome so with this many snow golems they'll bombard the zombies with their snowballs unfortunately snowballs don't do any damage they're gonna fight for us though yep they'd fight for you so it's really powerful they can hold off anything i guess that means our snow golem turrets are finished now then mikey number three a secret entrance secret entrance yep basically it's just like a basement [Music] check it out whoa if we want to fight the zombies we'll need to use this basement effectively i'd like to be able to go straight into the basement from the outside that's why we're installing a secret entrance it's probably a good idea to build it outside of the moat this area looks good let's start building our secret entrance around here i think that maybe i'll turn this section here into a staircase keep on digging oh i'll help this should be deep enough nice i'll keep going ahead all right now for the actual stairs awesome nice this passage here yeah let's connect it to the basement hook it up over here if i count it correctly it should line up perfectly check it out it worked amazing perfect now then we haven't made this entrance a secret yet that's true we haven't hidden it yet let's do that right now the most important things we need are sticky pistons then we need some redstone dust and repeaters just clear this out that's perfect now we can put these in here awesome there we go what's next oh yeah now we need to attach some repeaters to the sticky pistons here's the first one the second one goes on the second slot oh [Music] hmm great next up interesting that's how you set it up nice then you just connect it with the redstone like this [Music] looking good there just like that good job now to use the redstone dust yeah and then then we can have the lever right here okay just pull it ah the last one didn't activate i should reinforce the signal with more repeaters good idea okay [Music] now what it works now we just attach grass blocks to cover all these sticky pistons whoa like this that was incredible watch this oh we just cover the rest yep wow impressive i think there's something not quite right about these three okay perfect now everything is working correctly wonderful now then we just have to make the redstone circuit undetectable all right like this just like that nice nice just lay it down and hide everything from sight okay can't forget this spot awesome oh it works yeah it's amazing you can walk right in wow we still need to make a lever so we can open it from the inside too let's do it make sense how are you gonna add it to the inside of the tunnel i just have to lay down some redstone on the inside as well a lever will probably do the trick amazing whoa sweet oh it's finished it closed perfectly that's the best security there our secret entrance is done all finished this was our third security system now we can get into the house using the secret entrance but mikey in the unlikely event that our secret entrance is exposed security system 4 can be fire charged turrets that sounds strong to make fire charged turrets we'll need all of the following items dispensers redstone comparators redstone dust and levers and i can't forget to mention fire charges with all that i think it would make sense for the first fire charge turret to go somewhere around here [Applause] then the second one here plus we'll need a way to watch over the invaders so we'll have to build ourselves some stairs this will raise us high enough all right now then oh thanks mikey we need to put the fire charges inside the dispensers in that case i'll put more in next i'll need to break some blocks and open up some space along the walls here like this bust up the walls what's next next we need to install the lever oh there here's the redstone comparator now we connect it with redstone dust wow like this i'll put this here that's good enough for now nice [Music] i think this should work impressive let's try wow this is amazing all done i have a pretty good feeling there won't be any zombies who make it through this hallway there's no way now to patch up the walls you can kind of camouflage it like this right yep still works maybe i'll raise this up a level [Music] okay oh nice it's amazing flawless i guess that means our fire charged turrets are complete all right mikey if we're gonna fight zombies then we'll need to arm ourselves there's really no other way to survive what did you have in mind well when the zombies attack it'll take a lot of time to equip all the armors and weapons especially if it's one piece at a time we should make an automatic equipment system to do it all at once what is that actually a thing it is let's build it what kind of items will we need well for starters we'll definitely need dispensers and some redstone dust oh yeah and a button first things first we need to set up two dispensers on each wall like this once those are finished we should build one into the floor too we need to have another dispenser that goes above your head then we need some redstone dust down here and we can put the button somewhere on the side there that's it that's it yep huh what's that for let's make one for you just for mikey let's see like that oh then we'll add one on the ground there done now you just need to choose the six things you want from it in my case maybe i'll go with the netherright another right armor and another right sword one two three four five i need one more item i'll go with a golden apple nice choice now i just have to fill it up swords there we go i chose all mine all right okay finished when the zombies attack we can just run in here all we have to do is press the button and we'll be fully equipped in no time wow amazing let's try it out later sounds good time for measure six i want to build the zombie capture device we could probably use the captured zombies for science yeah we'll use this hole to trap them let's build it here yeah somewhere here sure now then mikey we need to cover the hole with four trapdoors placed like this right here right here the next step is to surround the whole thing with redstone dust okay all right [Music] next we need to send a signal from down below we can build it vertically like this just like that [Music] great i think that's done now perfect it just needed a lever look amazing when you flip the lever they fall in the hole we'll capture all the zombies wandering around above us hmm if we lead them to the trap on purpose we can intentionally push them in and capture them down here i see it now wow i guess i need to build a cage yeah you do let's see here we could build it with a stone fence like this yep like this just like that nice yeah you got it iron bars all right these iron bars the cell whoa these iron bars turned it into a jail cell oh wow amazing this is great we can take out the zombies that fall in the hole yeah and use them as our research subjects good idea it's a great trap whoa it's closed now i feel so safe security system complete next is number seven a self-destruct mechanism self-destruct yep why would we do that if there are too many zombies for us to handle or if they're about to take over the house our last resort will be to blow the entire place up huh come up here coming blowing up the house is crazy i was thinking we could build it up on the roof on the roof yep first we need to spread some dispensers around evenly along the ceiling just like this you got it yeah is this right check it out the dispensers are gonna go in above these holes okay it's dangerous to load them with tnt so for now let's just load them with redstone dust we can always just switch it out later when the zombies come now to add the redstone dust that's all of them yep next we'll connect everything through a redstone comparator so the mechanism should look a little something like this alright [Music] hang on place these one at a time oh no i let the lava in i fixed it now then yeah place blocks in every other spot like this sure now the next step is to place down a single redstone torch on every block that way the signal will travel to the top and then comes the lever maybe i'll switch this block like this [Music] maybe not what's going on just flip this switch whenever you want to turn it on or off okay sure this is probably turned off but we should keep it like that for now we'll just make sure it stays closed off [Music] just like that if you switch the lever on it'll activate the self-destruct mechanism so i'd like to keep it nice and secure i think that should do the trick we'll leave the lever behind a red stained glass pane if we need to access the lever we can just smash the glass [Music] and switch it on okay there alright mikey flip the levers so i can make sure that it's working sure let's see three two one now check it out it's raining redstone dust if it were real that would all be tnt it's super dangerous you can say that again there's no going back from that so we have to be extra careful i'll be extra careful i'll put the tnt in now now it's time for measure number eight the secret escape hatch secret escape when we activate the self-destruct mechanism we'll need to make a quick escape or else true we need a plan for when that happens like a secret escape hatch we have to make a break for it and flee from the hideout that sounds great it's good just in case we need it yeah that's a good point for the escape hatch it's a secret so maybe we should hide it with moss and stuff there's a bunch of items like that we can use to disguise it so no one else can get in we'll use moss blocks and moss what are those for we'll put it right next to the self-destruct mechanism nice [Music] right here use the moss hang on there first use a shovel to make a dirt block path then after that lay out a piece of moss carpet on top [Music] all right the most important part actually goes behind the blocks of moss right here sure attach a lever here right behind the block there that's perfect oh then put some more moss blocks on top that's probably good for now what is it well take off the moss carpet now you can see the lever through here no way you can actually reach the lever you can amazing yeah no one will know it's there yep this is for our secret escape hatch so it needs to be secret from everyone yeah let's keep it a big secret we need to put a repeater here [Music] and some redstone dust right now it's finally time to dig the hole for the secret escape hatch somewhere around here [Music] whoa hmm okay what's next oh i get it fill it all in [Music] okay whoa then if you knock the moss carpet off uh-huh you can hit the lever and jump down here that's the eighth security measure the secret escape hatch no one will ever find it don't even think about looking back there let's keep going number nine the underwater getaway railway the ocean is actually on the other side of here really ocean let's go dig to the ocean i never realized it but i guess our house has an ocean view see whoa eureka wow the ocean this means we have an escape route that goes right into the ocean as for our mode of transportation i was thinking we could build a secret railway i like that idea let's start by getting the rails ready we'll need enough for two people the water keeps on pushing me back jj in times like these use signs signs just like this i think we'll have to remove them later though so there's enough space to build the railway this is much better let's clear this all right now it's time to lay the first rails yeah let's lay them down we can use redstone blocks under the actual rails for a power source [Music] then we can place powered rails on top [Music] one here make another railway that way there's one for each of us sounds good okay we should hurry now then [Music] time to place the buttons here an ordinary rail [Music] now because the rails were updated to work underwater what really let's add rails all the way to the ocean yeah more rails whoa it works let's keep going just like this like this oh i see nice [Music] awesome [Music] we don't want to drown in the mine carts so this is far enough yeah you're right it doesn't matter that the rails work underwater if we have no air to breathe finally mikey what is it the tenth security an underwater shelter an underwater shelter sounds tricky since zombies only go on land we can hide in the ocean where they won't be able to get us we'll just stay underwater all night long until the sun comes up in the morning and takes care of the remaining zombies for us it'll be the ultimate last ditch emergency underwater shelter it doesn't need to be that big since it's pretty much just a panic room all right how's this nice that's good enough we're almost done i guess it could be a block wider okay our security is almost ready to go that's awesome i can't wait cool cool [Music] like this [Music] we need an entrance for the rails yep [Music] i'm gonna connect the rails [Music] all right almost [Music] perfect now for the rails [Music] let's hurry [Music] oh thanks there it's all finished but it's still full of water i guess it's not all finished the shelter's flooded that's what i was saying in that case we can set up signs to prevent the water from flooding back in then we can use sponges to absorb all the leftover water inside that should do the trick nice nice now all the water's finished yep we just need to add a few things like a crafting table maybe a furnace and a couple of beds too we should have some food oh definitely now i'll just put down the beds okay nice i think we're done for real this time we're done whoa this is really something now we just need to wait for the zombies [Music] they're here uh-oh it looks like a lot of zombies spawned so many this isn't good oh no let's go back i think they see me hurry whoa will the snow golems fight hang on there's a swarm of baby zombies chasing me bring it on snow golems stop the baby zombies for me cross the lava boat come on gj right the lava nice are we safe why aren't the snow columns fighting they're definitely fighting they're knocking the zombies in wow great security it's time to run come on get inside oh this is really bad i'm opening it the secret entrance [Music] let's go hurry shut it oh some of them got in they're inside here they come let's try this out this is bad fire charges it's so strong that worked pretty well wow super powerful yeah i can't believe it so effective are there more breaking in i think you might be right the fire charges won't last there are way more zombies getting inside it'll be fine what how we still have more security yeah okay let's see here click yes me too it's my turn now do it now i'm eating the golden apple oh nice transformation mikey close one whoa netherride armor is the best mikey do you think it's about time we tried out the zombie capture device oh i forgot about that one quick pull the lever will this even work okay three two one that's amazing great trap whoa there's too many let's take them out jj wow incredible they're all riled up well it is zombie horde day today yes finished awesome we did it good job our security rocks uh mikey this is bad the zombie horde is getting in we are this is terrible how can there be this many of them oh well at least we're still safe for the time being uh oh this one's out of fire charges no way hang on mikey hurry come over here quick here they're breaking in get in the hatch they're coming for us that isn't good oh mikey what now we have to run for it i'm pulling the lever get it hurry hurry hop on i think i hear the explosions well we're in our ultra secure underwater shelter now so we'll just have to wait it out until morning sounds good yep i'm glad we made it yeah me too that means our 10 security measures protected us from the zombie attack if you enjoyed today's video please like and subscribe bye for now if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 11,408,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: GC-CnHxwB6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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