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well then let's get started today we're holding an anti-zombie security house building competition oh to see who can make the stronger build that sounds like fun yeah that means mikey and i are each going to work on building the most secure house we can to fend off a horde of zombies let's do it i'll get started okay i'll go this way well let's find out who can build the better security house i'm gonna get started first i need to lay down the foundations for the house i think i'll go a little overboard on the size of this one let's see hmm dirty's good how's that okay this is how big it's gonna be although it is pretty wide i'll just make the whole thing bigger now i'll place the frames for my walls i just have to follow the edges [Music] now for the corner there we go okay this is looking pretty good now then i want to use a lot of glass in this build it's going to be awesome i think this color is nice i'll use the light blue glass for all the windows like this alright nice just because it's a security house doesn't mean it can't have a cool modern aesthetic glass isn't the strongest material to build with but that's why i'll be adding other security measures to protect the house from intruders really the glass shouldn't be a problem in the end just like this [Music] yes that looks great that does it for the house's first floor next i'll work on the ceiling this will only take a second yep the roof is ready to go i think i'll get to work on the entrance now i'll put it over here this is a good spot i'm gonna make a hidden entrance let's see first i need to build something that works as a door like this and then this part [Music] right there then this build this circuit [Music] yep this is exactly what i imagined this is going to be the entrance to the house but you can't tell it's a door from the outside i'll use an iron button since it blends in so well with the quartz it won't be easy to find the button if you don't know where to look in the first place now to cover the inside [Music] gotta fill that in [Music] there that should do it for this part it's a super secret entrance with a cool hidden door now it's time to focus on the interior what should i build and prepare in the very unlikely event that someone breaks through the front door well first things first i need to be self-sufficient so i'm gonna build an indoor farm once the farm is finished i'll have fresh produce always growing and ready i can live here for a long time no problem i'm going to use dispensers filled with bone meal this really helps indoor farms i'll line them up like this along the side then i'll fill in this row here with dirt you know security houses are built for when disaster strikes when something like a zombie outbreak happens i'll probably have to stay in here until it's safe to go back out that's why i focus on being self-sufficient first i don't want to worry about zombies and my next meal now i'll lay the redstone okay actually i have an idea [Music] i'm gonna water the soil from below like this [Music] now i'll fill some more dispensers with wheat seeds i'll make a row of them [Music] i'll place redstone dust on top of these too [Music] okay the first step is to place these levers on the side of the dispensers i can flip these to plant a row of seeds then the other side needs to be triggered a few times so the bone meal makes the farm grow wicked fast instant fresh wheat awesome my self-sufficient farm is complete with that done i won't need to worry about food for a long time so now it's time to move on to my next idea i think i'll start working on the second floor i'll use ladders to get up there i think this spot is good [Music] then here on top i'll put a heavy duty door latch it feels more secure that way [Music] nice that's done [Applause] [Music] now i want to focus on designing and building let's see i think i want to make a huge bedroom with poolside access the first floor is for surviving the second floor will be for thriving i want it to be fabulous and extravagant it'll be an escape from all the zombies outside [Music] and then i'll curve it [Music] okay now we'll go back to this side that's great i don't want a big cube sitting here i'm trying to make the shape of the house interesting so i'll line the edge with the white blocks kinda like this perfect [Music] just like that [Music] i'll fill in the floor here [Music] this is where i'll put my poolside bedroom okay looking good [Music] now for the windows i'll fill in the windows by hand [Music] i need to do the windows on the other side you know now that i'm looking at it i might have built it too big i think mikey's gonna be surprised plus i just wanted to build something huge today [Music] there finished the windows are done finally the last step is to build the roof of this house okay here comes the ceiling [Music] concrete 15. nice that does it for the beautiful second floor now over here in this area i'm going to build the pool it's going to be epic i better get started first i want to do this seal it up with glass yeah right there is that good [Music] sweet it worked now for the main attraction i'll have this line of white blocks act as the side of a giant pool i should add some steps [Music] time to use my bucket if i dump the water diagonally like this it'll fill the pool with water really quickly perfect filling in water diagonally makes it a lot faster and easier the pool is done next up my vision wouldn't be complete without a place to rest my head by the pool i'll put the bed first and build around that i think i'll go all out on this bedroom something like this line it with wood i can put some bookshelves on the headboard that way i can read in bed there's nothing more relaxing than that okay i'll put up some torches so i don't strain my eyes while reading then i'll complete it with a step at the foot of the bed that does it wow this turned out great one more thing i just thought of i might want to eat up here i'm envisioning a dining area i'll make myself a dining table with some comfortable chairs now i just need to add a door to the second floor [Music] how's that okay now it's all sealed up i'm going with an enormous chamber door the bigger the better this is perfect that's really nice with that final piece my poolside bedroom living room is complete this is awesome now even if a giant horde of zombies sends the world into chaos any fortunate soul staying in my security house will be living a life of luxury that should pretty much do it for the house part of my build now it's time to add some security to my security house our first tool for reinforcing is a personal favorite of mine lasers what's safer and cooler than that this should be about right [Music] these are important for a solid security system a single zap from one of these bad boys and it's a full-on zombie barbecue they should be perfect for protecting the house from zombies i'll surround the whole place with a laser fence nothing will be able to cross through these it's way too strong right there yes last set here we go all right check these guys out they're the best way to protect yourself and your base nothing will ever be able to get close but still i have a feeling this might not be enough i need to keep adding to my ultimate security system here's another idea i'll use laser rifles and energy cells as my next line of defense all right this goes here and that goes there then this on top yeah nice i've installed a laser rifle turret now i'll load it up with energy cells this is a good idea nice it's done the ultimate turret time for a demonstration let's say a witch tries walking up to the house the turret will activate automatically and start firing the laser rifle at the witch see it's super powerful with enough turrets on the wall the zombies won't stand a chance they'll be fried before they know what's happening with the huge horde of zombies coming i'd like to be able to shave down their numbers as much as possible before they get too close to the house wow this is awesome now for the entrance i think i'm going to switch out the turrets for something a little more substantial since this is one of the entrances to the house i'll start by making a path leading up to it one sec here we go this is looking good now there are no lasers right here i'll make the turret much much stronger how about something like this a nuclear deathrate rifle i have a feeling that'll do the trick now to set it up first you place the weapon then the ammo there all done now the perimeter is finished i used lasers and powerful turrets to build a wall that wraps it up for the exterior defenses but i'm a bit of a worrywart i want to make a plan just in case the zombies somehow break through [Music] i think i have just the idea i'll put some bodyguards on the first floor in the unlikely event that something passes through the lasers i want something to protect me [Music] and another one perfect yeah i think i'll build this next part using more quartz blocks let's see i think i should probably place some pumpkin dispensers on top there we go just like this now the last part is this right time to extend the redstone circuit hook it up the lever goes on the end here and when i pull it it transforms all of these iron blocks into iron golems they're super powerful bodyguards if anything can protect this house from zombies they can moving on actually my security house is almost finished but i have one more thing one more important security measure i'd like to put in it'll be my last resort when i have absolutely no other choice this will be it and it'll go up here i'm going to build the last mechanism on the roof first the tnt like that this is how to build the final escape mechanism this goes in the middle [Music] now the water and the corners some slabs on the side there okay now for a button right here i'll finish it up with a ring of redstone dust around the perimeter alright it's officially done time for us to test it out let's go whoa it launches me straight into the sky this will be my final security measure but before i activate it i think i want to add some elytra into the mix let's see how should i do this um looks about right [Music] like this i'll go ahead and fill it with lots of elytra i'll need a helmet too for the big drop after i'm launched i definitely want to protect my head from that also the escape mechanism causes some damage so i'll eat a golden apple the apples can go here last step a pressure plate hang on now all you need to do is step on this and cool check it out i'm wearing elytra holding a golden apple and i have a diamond helmet on my head i'll get the equipment slapped on and hop straight into the escape mechanism right now you might be wondering why i want to build an escape like this in the first place well if the zombies break through i plan to use a self-destruct device on the house i think it'd be smart to build the self-destruct here this looks good and then there that should be it i guess i'll do the rest of it like this now i need to add a delay in a perfect world i'd like to have roughly one minute before it detonates just like this i'm using plenty of repeaters to delay the signal for as long as possible so far so good to test it i'll put a redstone lamp down here i'll replace it with tnt later if i were to test the mechanism with tnt loaded and ready it would be a huge mess and i'd lose all of my progress now i'm going to hide all the circuitry [Music] clean it up all right let's see how long i have to escape before the bomb detonates 1 2 15 16 17 18. roughly 19 seconds is that enough it's drill time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. oh that works perfectly nice but that's only enough time for one person i'll build another for mikey there testing is done now it's time for the bombs after pulling this lever i'll have less than 20 seconds to make my escape i have something special it's called anti-matter tnt and it's the most intense explosive i have i'll use this for the self-destruct and with that my security house is officially done mikey's probably finishing his up too i'm curious as to what he's built here we are mikey's security house looks like it's all finished so let's start checking out what he's built check it out this is it isn't it great it's pretty cool to test it out i'll start by spawning some zombies sure you can act as my guide okay leave it to me all right i'll go ahead and make the zombie generator here there once this lever is pulled the zombies will swarm then you try to fight them off using the security house you built sounds good can i pull it sure go ahead three two one start oh this looks bad mikey the entrance it's closed pretend you're going in from the front door hurry over here oh i see you dropped the trapdoor yep gotcha isn't it cool you parkour over here whoa they're falling in into your lava trap hurry up jj over here follow me can you see the way it is no here look this is the entrance whoa i see the secret door now cool look mikey the zombies are getting fried nice just like i planned they're getting stuck in spider webs and can't get out okay then what's next mikey to the second floor all right up the stairs and open what a view wow look at all the zombies do you have any plan on what to do about them i've got weapons go over here and grab one oh sure thing okay grab the bow from here and then whoa that's wild you shoot the zombies down below i get it when the zombies get stuck in the spider webs and can't move you shoot them like fish in a barrel exactly it feels like one of those carnival games take that feels like there's no end to them there's so many well what now is there anything else there's still more what's this oh it's a secret passage oh really it's kind of like an air vent right follow me whoa wow cool this is kind of dangerous what's that oh mikey our house is still surrounded by zombies no problem nope they saw me this dangerous thing here can help us what's it do i see the gold block with an arrow in it you put a lever on the gold block oh i see don't pull it yet see i made this in case everything gets out of control but mikey i think everything is already out of control jj just watch sure after you pull the lever do everything that i do okay hey hurry up and pull it you're okay i'm coming hurry go jj oh man i need to get away whoa wow crazy some of the zombies survived the explosion still that was really interesting okay let's keep going mikey we better run away my security house was a bust i even used my last resort it's okay your last resort was a self-destruct mechanism huh that was a lot of fun let's run let's go mikey let's run to my place next i'll show you my security house i can't wait now i'm gonna show off my build how does it look it's huge and so fancy i'm really curious about how you made your security house show me around okay get ready i'm gonna start summoning the zombies i'll be right behind you but where's the entrance don't worry about that three two one go run mikey get inside the perimeter look at the turrets they're shooting the zombies instantly nice yeah that's awesome piece of cake look at that whoa whoa jj they're breaking through oh you're right let's go inside this button opens the door i'm right behind you whoa no it's not shutting a few made it through don't worry i plan for this bodyguards go what no we're attacking i made iron golems they saved us oh nice now it's super safe inside the house look outside thank you the zombies are fighting with the turrets wow cool well i doubt the zombies can get in here now how are you mikey my health is really low i'm not doing well honestly oh in that case you can have some of this mikey what is it take a look i made a crafting table here you go have a few loaves of bread you're giving me your food yep thank you watch this i can make as much bread as i want how i can plant the wheat with this one then if i flip this one look it's growing so quickly yep i have an almost instant farm that means i can make as much bread as i want wow i could go for a quick bite now that's amazing you're self-sufficient yep and you have bodyguards hey mikey should i give you a tour of the second floor let's go open up it opens like this oh there's something i want to show you mikey it's up here first i need to open the door and close it behind us check out this room oh wow isn't it cool man it's like living in a mansion i know isn't it a bit much there's a place to sit and eat then you can play in the swimming pool fabulous i've never seen anything like it i know right wow look here mikey we can watch the outside world from the pool let's sit back and relax while the security system takes care of the zombies look at it go you're right wow they're dropping like flies maybe it will destroy them all for us i feel safe in here well mikey let's take a much needed breather yeah that sounds nice [Music] it looks like there's no end to the zombies this house is the best oh no mikey look what's wrong wow look at the lanterns zombies incoming really oh what do we do hang on mikey i need to check out the situation oh no it's bad ouch what's going on see for yourself the zombies have armed themselves no whoa they're shooting at us mikey oh no back to the first floor no maybe not they got mikey we can't stay on the first floor it's overrun this is really bad oh man there's so many shooting out we have too many zombies we're done for mikey the turrets don't seem to be able to take out those what do we special now i'm scared i have just the thing the ultimate self-destruct device where here what's that the lever first i have to smash the glass then what after that we have 20 seconds before the giant explosion using my device i'm going to destroy all the zombies you ready mikey will we be safe be okay as soon as i pull the lever dash up there we'll use the escape mechanism to run away got it ready you only have 20 seconds let's go this security house is gonna explode and take all of the zombies with it let's do it three two one go hurry up mikey let's go what's up there what do i do you're gonna be fine i see it okay go through the entrance to the left i'm in in the center okay we're out of here here we go to fly away we did it this is amazing what a beautiful view mikey [Music] whoa that was a close one that noise was terrifying what happened jj oh no way wow it's gone without a trace that's insane look at it some of the zombies still survived we may not have been able to destroy them all but they definitely can't climb back up here so they're trapped we win i think you should probably come back mikey i'm coming give me a sec well to wrap it all up my security house is gone without a trace wow but the zombies are sealed away so i guess we achieved our goal today we both built our own anti-zombie security houses if you like this video be sure to like and subscribe thanks for watching see you later thank you so much bye-bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 20,727,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: Kz5v5QH9CN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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