Pillagers vs The Most Secure House - Minecraft

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well then let's get started we're in big trouble tonight there's gonna be an attack on our house by a gang of pillagers huh what do we do but don't freak out we're gonna spend the day preparing an awesome security system we'll make the best security system we can in order to survive yeah we better hurry up and make it before it's too late no time for chitchat all right let's do this thing hmm right let's see the first security system should go around here what's that it's a cage cool huh make sure you don't step on any of the mikey okay i'll be careful hmm these cages are actually traps if you try to walk over one of them you'll find yourself locked inside a cage i have an idea to make it easier to catch the pillagers we should set up a fake path all the way to the house be extra careful around here mikey okay this looks dangerous if we make the pillagers think that this path leads straight to our house it'll be easier to catch them in our traps along the way wow great idea jj thanks the cage traps are our first security system any pillagers that get caught won't be able to move wow we finished the first trap next up we'll be trying something new the intelligent munitions systems pretty cool huh what does that mean you'll see i'll place one down to show you wow if an enemy steps too close this thing will pop up and explode huh hopefully this will teach the pillagers to keep their distance they seem strong how do they work you'll have to wait for the raid to see for now let's surround the house with them like this all right come on oh there that's our second security system the intelligent munition system this is gonna be awesome our house is already super safe you're right it's gonna be tough for someone to get past these big time let's add a few more security systems better safe than sorry right check it out what this is a sentry gun sentry gun yep it's a super powerful security system wow yeah sentry guns can sense when enemies are nearby then automatically attack their targets that sounds awesome i can't wait to see it in action same i'm so excited all right next up there's more you better believe it our next security system is something that's been around forever we're gonna build a moat one of the strongest defenses of all time we needed to go all the way around the entire house sure this is how we dig our moat i don't think we need to make it too deep looks like it's the right size now i'll finish it off with some commands [Music] perfect let's see okay that should work whoa all right awesome yes wow this mode is shaping up really nicely uh thanks for fixing the corner mikey it's gonna be one of the most helpful obstacles for our security awesome that does it for our fourth security system the moats done nice hey mikey do you know what the worst thing about pillagers is i know it's their ranged weapons right yep wow you got it in one try mikey you're right pillagers usually attack with bows even if they come right up to the moat and still can't get close to us they can shoot arrows at us they carry crossbows like this one and they're pretty strong oh that hurts i have a solution huh check it out we have a unique mechanism called a trophy system what hang on how are trophy systems supposed to protect us from crossbows watch this first we have to set it up oh okay we'll place them around the perimeter [Music] make sure to spread the trophy systems around the trophy systems might look kind of funny but they can actually stop incoming ranged attacks like arrows it's pretty epic huh cool should we test it out whoa incredible i'll aim at you mikey whoa cool what if i aim higher amazing sweet this will stop the pillagers from attacking us wow that's awesome now that that's ready yeah we should make a bridge but why a bridge would let them right in well you're not wrong mikey but i have a plan imagine if we built a fake-out bridge for the pillagers whoa let's put it over here okay like this what for i'm about to show you show me what well i want to give the pillagers a way to approach us why that's crazy it may sound crazy but i have a plan it all revolves around this huh stay back mikey it's not safe see that what is it a landmine i've never seen one before watch this the land mines go on the bridge and when the pillagers try to cross they'll explode this might be the best plan i've ever thought of that's wild good idea thank you in that case i'm gonna get to work we don't want the pillagers to be able to cross it first so i'll make sure they can't reach us until we let them oh these go here perfect now then some torches [Music] almost done [Music] i just need to connect this whoa i'll lay the redstone all the way up to the surface [Music] how's that [Music] [Applause] last but not least a lever this bridge is ready to go wow awesome we'll leave the gate up to start i see then when we're ready for the pillagers we'll pull the lever and open the gate after that they should activate the land mines [Music] where should i place them in the middle like that i wouldn't want to cross this bridge yeah me neither it'll be a big surprise for the pillagers well careful mikey the pillagers might be so surprised they give up who knows really now it's time to build the secret entrance yeah we don't want the pillagers to notice it so let's build it here okay whoa cool i'll put a gate on this side that should do it [Music] i'll dig out a little piece of extra space there we go that's perfect here's the lever wow and this is how we'll close it if we want to leave we'll just flip the switch and go it's perfect nice work let's see oops you can go around here huh one sec okay this should do the trick smart that looks great sweet [Music] all right there's absolutely no way for the pillagers to cross our bridges yeah you said it great i think the bridge could be wider oh i'll add some more landmines yikes that's a lot of landmines make sure you don't step on any of them this one over here will be the real bridge nice these two bridges are ready to go they're the strongest they can possibly be no one's gonna make it through here i guess we could use some more sentry guns there we go that's better the pillagers won't stand a chance spectacular let's move on huh over here i want to seal off our front door seal it off [Music] yep we'll need to remove the entrance but how will we get in don't worry about that part mikey on the other side of the house we're gonna build a secret entrance that won't be easy to build yes it will how take a look at this what is that thing here plop [Music] this is a projector it's just like when you go to the movie theater we'll use this projector to project an image pretty cool huh what kind of image just watch let's make the entrance stone see that the projector is making it look like there's a stone block right there isn't it awesome check it out it looks like there's a stone block but it's actually just a projection oh wow i have a plan for this projector hang on let's move the projection back a little bit how's that oh great now we're talking it looks like i sealed up a big hole in the wall this is blowing my mind the projection isn't actually stone which means we can still walk through it that's so cool i really outdid myself great job it looks like there's no way to get inside thanks to this projector pointing at the wall we can safely slip into our house without the pillagers noticing our security is on another level are we done nope not yet huh if our security system ever fails us of course a last resort yeah what should we do i have an idea we'll use this block it's really special it looks normal to me let's see wait what's that can you see the blue outline yep what does it do once activated everything within that outline gets sheltered from the outside by the ultimate barrier what do you mean what kind of shelter this is the last resort yep it's for emergencies only got it it's the ultimate form of protection it can shield us when we run out of other options sounds good one other thing we have to build a self-destruct mechanism we can activate it then take cover in here okay since the floor might get destroyed i'm gonna replace it with obsidian good idea if we activate the self-destruct mechanism everything else will be blown to smithereens this is one of the most dangerous security systems yet by far wow okay let's get to work that goes here now for the sides there we go [Music] perfect [Music] that should do the trick well done it's a redstone circuit cool [Music] hang on [Music] almost done a bit more redstone time for some comparators okay three comparators should be enough great [Music] like this [Music] let's extend the platform sure awesome every few blocks we'll set up plenty of dispensers we can fill up the dispensers with redstone dust for when we test it i want to see if it works good thinking if we used tnt we'd have a big mess on our hands [Music] that should work time to place the dispensers [Music] so far so good nice work you're doing great mikey thanks only a few more to go [Music] almost done [Music] how's that [Music] not too shabby [Music] okay let's try pulling the lever yeah ready three two one no way it's raining redstone that's crazy if that was tnt we'd be toast that's exactly what i was going for mikey we're all done whoa if we replace the redstone with tnt this place would be annihilated i just have to fix one thing and we're good to go yay we're done this rocks yep that does it for our security house oh hang on i almost forgot something mikey what is it this one sec okay right here we need a security camera oh what's that for here's the thing we don't know where the pillagers will attack from this camera will help us figure it out my guess is they'll attack from the road right by this tree [Music] oh maybe it should be a bit further back around here this looks like a good spot for a fake tree yeah now i'll install the camera on the side okay you know this fake tree should have some leaves on it definitely yep thanks to this security camera we'll be able to tell exactly where our enemies are that's super helpful for sure let's check out the video feed check it out whoa whoa awesome i see you mikey cool we can even see our house this place is perfect and it's finally complete time to wait for some pillagers sounds good okay mikey take a look the sun is setting sunset they're probably on their way they should be here any minute now let's see if the security camera spotted anything yet right let's see oh great the camera is working perfectly hang on do you see that mikey a pillager what [Music] is it going to get caught oh it worked really awesome looks like our security system is all ready to go epic terrific huh the bar the pillager rating it's starting really are we gonna stop them [Music] whoa it looks good so far mikey the security system is fighting back look at it go that's amazing all right let's take the fight to them mikey gear up it's time for battle here we go let's do this let's go yeah fight the pillagers huh oh shoot they're attacking from this side mikey oh no come back mikey come on i need to close it there it's closed the trophy systems are protecting us from the pillager attacks their arrows aren't getting through wow that's great we can take them down for sure whoa check it out mikey the trophy system is shooting everything down for us yeah awesome wow their crossbows aren't working this is it's excellent best and look over here mikey let's open up the fake bridge this is the one with all the land mines sure okay three two one let's see if this thing works no way sweet it worked yep i guess the sentry guns will take care of the rest they'll probably finish everything off no no huh they're already past the bridge uh quick get inside the house i hope the secret door fools them no no they're inside you hit it coming phew that was too close yeah i'm glad we had a panic room ready to go there's no possible way for the pillagers to break through the barrier and get inside here good wait what if i step outside for a second whoa come back all right mikey let's take a look outside wow it's like something out of a nightmare it doesn't look like the pillagers will leave anytime soon we're out of options should we do it we can use the self-destruct mechanism to destroy everything it's time in that case i'm pulling the lever three two one let's see what it looks like from the outside huh hold on to something whoa what's happening i can't believe it we blew it all up but at least we'll survive all of this we're safe and sound in our shelter nothing can pass through our shelter but us even if the whole world explodes whoa whoa that's insane huh hang on did the explosions finally stop no way whoa that's nuts sweet well then the pillagers tried raiding our house but they didn't stand a chance yep we survived everything all thanks to our security systems if you enjoyed this video please make sure to like and subscribe thanks for watching bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick talk whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 11,555,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: QIiclQeea3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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