Survive The BREAK IN In Minecraft! (Story)

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this year we're going on family vacation to Hawaii I'm already ready to go I'm ready too oh I'm gonna swim at each that'll be nice Mikey now it's time for dinner let's go [Music] oh oh oh we're having hamburgers for dinner tonight these hamburgers taste so good so happy this time tomorrow well I'm full let's go to bed early so we don't oversleep tomorrow Mama Papa good night we don't want to be late for our flight so let's go to sleep early well time for bed good night Mikey yes we're at the airport only 10 minutes until it's time to board our flight we'll be on our flight to Hawaii in 10 minutes oh I think I need to go to the bathroom oh me too Mikey let's hurry so we don't miss our flight mama papa wait right here there's the bathroom go go go whoa oh let's be good are you done yet Mikey it's time to get on the plane hurry up hang on oh my belly hurts oh thanks for the way Mikey we need to hurry or we'll miss our flight oh that's right hurry let's go let's go let's go uh where are mama and papa where are they maybe they got lost we told them to wait right here hmm here they are oh no kidding hurry hurry we made it in time all right Mikey let's go we're boarding the plane I can't wait we better go too I want to swim in Hawaii already yeah let's go Mikey here we go [Music] oh there's mama and papa oh these must be our seats I guess we don't get to sit next to Mama and Papa but at least we made it wonderful we nearly missed our flight I'm just glad we were able to get on board in just a few hours we'll be in Hawaii took off no kidding no cool oh the winner with us mama wait what's wrong Mikey huh hang on they're wearing the same clothes but there's someone else but that means we we boarded the wrong flight Mikey no way but where are mine Papa oh [Music] thank you so Mikey I have no idea where we are right now still this place looks like fun too we've come this far so we might as well have fun well I guess so mama and papa will come for us once they realized what happened that's right until then let's have a kids only travel adventure oh I brought Mama's wallet with me let's use our money well yeah we don't really have any other choice let's enjoy our vacation [Music] we found a shopping mall let's go shopping whoa what a huge shopping mall wow check it out I already found a great store oh what what oh yes oh what is this place a cake store a cake store hey they look good which one should we buy they all look so good hmm oh we have so much money give me everything you have all your cakes please that many Mikey whoa this is the best day ever [Applause] there are more stores here so let's check them out let's see some other stores all right Giant shopping malls are so much fun oh oh I bet you'd like this place JJ a video game store games whoa what a great store whoa uh I'd like some games everything one of everything all right foreign [Applause] Mikey bought us games and there are still more stores to see let's check them out look at the next door another store look what kind of store is this it's a toy store the toys are so cute wow this is a nice store too whoa they even have Rubik's Cubes let's buy lots of toys too oh yeah which one should we buy I know give me everything everything all right give me everything everything this is fun [Applause] we got so much stuff today we're gonna have a snack party well actually we forgot something important huh well what we need a place to stay oh right we went overboard and rented out in out at higher house staying here with just the two of us kids is the best no one is here to bother us while we eat lots of snacks awesome doing whatever we want without anyone here to stop us is the best we can play all the games we want this is so much fun [Music] who could that be someone's here who is it oh right when I was getting hungry he said the pizza's here ow hold on Mikey time out huh don't open it we never ordered a pizza huh are you sure really this smells fishy hang on Mikey it could be a kidnapper if we get kidnapped no more mama and papa that sounds absolutely awful call the police hello is this the police there's a kidnapper in front of our house plan someone right now as soon as you can you can did I just hear him run away oh he might have run off let me check huh no one's here there's no one here Mikey the kidnapper ran away a stranger was here oh we're not joking it's no good oh they don't believe us why not they don't believe us because they think it's a joke Mikey [Music] I was so scared I couldn't sleep oh wink Mikey I'm sure the kidnapper will try to come back again tonight oh then he'll take us away [Music] oh but the police don't believe us so what do we do I don't wanna be be kidding me kid you want my mama and papa Mikey we have to do something about it ourselves do we have any money left well let's go to the shopping mall what are we gonna do at the shopping mall all right Mikey here's the store what store is a department store they sell all sorts of things oh Mikey while we're here let's buy what we need to build a security system there's a lot here okay and after this we're gonna fight off the kidnapper yeah [Music] all right Mikey let's get right to setting up our security system let's set it up whoa let's fight off that kidnapper which means for starters security cameras let's put these security cameras up around the house yeah okay okay I think we'll put some outside too maybe here good idea here too okay up here as well fair not bad where else good question huh inside the house is somewhere where we can see everything from the living room oh yeah let's put one there too in the living room where should we put it here's good maybe here and in the bathroom too all right near the bathtub too ah job Mikey next let's put some up on the second floor as well let's do it let's put a camera up here in the bedroom too okay what about the balcony as well good thinking yeah he's good where else one for the tree that should do it that's probably enough we put up so many security cameras yeah okay now next up look here at this door this wooden door it's easy to break it down so let's switch it out for an iron door now he can't get through there nope oh this iron door won't be so easy to break down whoa perfect hmm we still have a lot to set up what are we setting up once the kidnapper realizes he can't get in through the front entrance he'll probably try to get in from the balcony into the living room that makes sense so look right here we'll play some pressure plates to set up our trap whoa once he steps on the pressure plates I want arrows to launch at him so nice I'll set up some dispensers here whoa okay now for over here [Music] just like this I'll hook it all together like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] like so and once the Redstone circuit is hooked up yeah oh I'll bring it up from here all right like so now that it's on the balcony I'll bring it around to hook it over here next I'll make a clock circuit whoa that looks impressive okay wow now I'll Place pressure plates here and it's done alright let's test it here goes that's powerful it's the ultimate security system there's no way he'll be able to make it into the living room from the balcony it's impossible are we done uh not yet you see once the kidnapper realizes he can't come in by the balcony he'll try the pool area through here so what do we do well this house has a back entrance so that's where he'll try to get in from what do we do hmm I have a plan watch this oh well a trap these traps will be perfect for catching kidnappers so let's place them around the poolside these look painful to step on yeah yikes well it would really hurt to step on one of these oh yeah careful not to step on any yourself oh be careful scatter your traps all around the pool lots of them all right whoa whoa with this many couch that was impressive be good with so many set up no I think so too wow did we use too many oh well with these traps out here there's no way the kidnapper will make it to the back entrance through the poolside area not a chance it's perfect all right whoa well on that note let's imagine what will happen if he does make it into the house if he happens to break into the house we will be in the second floor bedroom okay in the bedroom so the kidnapper needs to come to the second floor to get us so we'll put a turret right here whoa I'll set up the turret right here then the turret will use this there whoa check it out I set up a turret and I attached a flamethrower to it well this way if the kidnapper tries to climb the stairs to kidnap us then the turret is set up to shoot Flames at him whoa the kidnapper will catch on fire yep whoa then once he's on fire he'll probably try to put it out at least that's what I think I'd do I think he'll come over to the bathtub he'll dive into the bathtub to try to put out the Flames with the water but if we predicted that correctly uh-huh we'll take the water and suck it out and in its place check it out lava lava in the bathtub so when he jumps into the tub to try to put out the Flames he'll dive right into the lava whoa hot hot hot yep he'll burn up even more next up Mikey Our Last Resort our last resort we're doing more well just imagine the kidnapper somehow manages to break through our security and he's standing in front of us in our bedroom what right here we'll build a pitfall trap oh here by making a pitfall trap whoa we can catch the kidnapper by dropping him into this pit yeah okay let's get to building this thing here we have to take apart the kitchen but we don't have a choice just like this like this and here we'll make the pit okay [Music] really deep and now whoa here we'll use iron bars like so okay wow whoa we can trap the kidnapper in here [Music] underneath here in this section I'll place an explosive a bomb maybe we should change the color of the floor in here all right Mikey once the kidnapper stands on the floor there it'll explode oh when that happens the kidnapper will fall into the pitfall trap trapping him inside the cage oh yeah and then we can call the police to come apprehend the kidnapper sounds good [Music] I'm scared I want my mama and papa I don't want to be kidnapped don't worry Mikey it'll be all right once we catch the kidnapper this will be over oh foreign the kidnapper he's here oh I knew it the kidnapper's here kidnapper you'll never get the door down even if you try to break it down it's an iron door so it's impossible hmm huh did he give up nope he'll try to find another way to break in let's watch him on the security cameras [Music] he's near the front entrance oh looks like he realized he can get in from the balcony but over there we have a security system [Music] he's getting angry do you think he'll give up right I wish he would did he give up it'd be nice if he would just go home what what now it seems like he thinks he can get inside from the poolside area oh is it enough still on that side oh whoa he's getting caught in the traps oh he's hitting all of them he is that looks painful oh oh we did it did we beat him whoa did the traps finish him off he must have that looked like it hurt no hang on he got back up oh he's staggering oh Mikey this is bad he's about to break into the house hurry to the second floor hurry Mikey oh no hide here [Music] we're hidden and the kidnapper can you get inside oh he's inside he looks pretty angry whoa he sure is we ticked him right off he's searching for us he is if he realizes we're in the bedroom we'll be in trouble please don't figure it out duh [Music] huh does he know uh oh he's coming up to the second floor he did Set It Off there's no way for him to put out the Flames nope [Music] doesn't he realize where is he going that looks bad hey he fell for it yes where'd he go where is he the toilet oh oh oh we forgot about the water in the toilet the toilet water put out the Flames huh oh I just remembered oh I forgot to flush the toilet after I used it oh you really did it this time Mikey like the kidnapper he must stink I think it ticked him off even more still the kidnapper can't get up to the second floor right we have the flamethrower security after all that's true but we shouldn't let our guard down let's keep an eye on the kidnapper with the security cameras okay hmm what's he looking for he still hasn't given up it's no use trying hmm what's he doing he sure is angry extremely angry he's Furious what's he planning what did he find hmm he went out onto the balcony what did he find what is it what is it what's he up to what is it huh this is bad the kidnapper he made it to the second floor no way oh no this is bad look he's smashing the glass to break him through the window he's here the kidnapper is here we did it whoa I think it worked whoa we caught him we did it Mikey call the police yeah let's call them oh [Applause] we did it we caught the kidnapper wonderful yeah wonderful oh [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 2,392,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 164YWnOe4kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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