NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a TITAN CAMERAMAN Build Challenge!

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today we're doing a Titan cameraman build challenge but I'm gonna be secretly using hacks to troll my friend using the command slash paste I can instantly spawn in this massive Titan cameraman build and little does my friend know I'm gonna be filling up the entire thing with traps to troll him but now let's go check out my friend GE and GE what in the what are you doing you have to help me bubbles I'm stuck in the middle of this lava don't worry I'll help you Jill help you but bubbles what are we doing today we're doing a Titan cameraman Build Challenge Titan camera man that's my favorite Titan cameraman that's my favorite Titan camera man no it's not bubbles but anyways what side are you gonna go on the green side or the blue side you know what G I'm gonna go on the green side the green side you know I'll go in the blue side then it's better anyway whatever bubbles we'll see about that and we only have 10 minutes to build it so let's get started now that you can't hear me anymore it's time to cheat so let me just go in the chat and type slash slash paste and oh my goodness her Titan cameraman just spawned in we're so ahead of G right now but now it's time to put in our traps and for my first trap I'm gonna be making a fake entrance where should I put it hmm oh I'm gonna put it in titan cameraman's head right over here so let me just break out a few blocks just like this and make the entrance out of emerald blocks to lure G in now let's go inside and start building our trap since this is the fake entrance I'm gonna be making a completely fake treasure room after landing in this water right here he's gonna think it's a regular treasure room but I'm gonna be replacing this entire section over here with a bunch of ghost blocks let me just fill this in real quick and there we go you can't even tell anything is there but when GE tries walking toward the chest he's gonna fall right through and down here I'm actually gonna make a Bedrock cage that GE is gonna fall right into and we're just gonna fill it with a bunch of these Scooby-Doo toilets oh my goodness they look so scary make sure to stick around to CG's reaction to this because it's gonna be hilarious but just like that our fake entrance is complete before I start building the real entrance into my Titan cameraman I want to go check on GE real quick basically places security camera on the other side of the competition so let me just go inside my monitor and click in right here and oh my goodness we can see GE building his Titan cameraman alright just a few more blocks and there we go my cameraman looks so good what do you think of it Mr Enderman what in the world ysg talking to an endermite has he gone crazy wait you're not talking to me get out of here what the oh little bubbles no I'm gonna fill up my entire cameraman with a bunch of traps with the super secret treasure at the end and we only have eight minutes left so this is gonna be perfect wait we only have eight minutes left it'll quickly get back to my build go go now it's time to build the real entrance and I know exactly where to put it we're gonna be building it right instead of Titan cameraman's belt over here so let me just break out a few blocks like this and place down some hidden doors and look at that it's so hidden but now let's go inside and start building our first trap for my first obstacle I'm gonna be making an ocean of deadly sharks that GE is gonna have to get across first let's fill this entire area with a bunch of water there we go and now we can spawn in our great white shark and some tiger sharks oh my goodness they look absolutely terrifying and now that the sharks have spawned in we're gonna put some little booby traps around the room starting with this ladder right over here G is gonna think that that's the way out but when he tries to make the jump It's actually gonna be completely impossible then he'll get eaten by the Sharks then for my next booby trap I'm gonna place down an emerald block right here with a lever on it and on top of the lever we're just gonna place a sign that says pull to get to other side there we go then we'll set up a little Redstone Contraption like this and finally when GE pulls this lever it's actually not gonna bring him to the other side but instead it's gonna open up a hole in the wall that exposes these fans that's gonna push him into the pool of sharks oh my goodness but now that we're done with both of our booby traps we gotta give him a way to actually get across and for that I'm gonna be putting down a chest disguised as a diamond block it looks like a regular diamond block from afar but if you right click it you can go inside and find this portal gun if G is able to find this chest he can use the portal gun and get across safely yay and just like that our deadly shark obstacles come completed I can't wait to see G try to beat this obstacle but for my next trap I'm gonna be making a jetpack laser course first we'll put down a chest right over here with a jet pack inside and then we'll start filling up this entire area with a bunch of burning acid whoa that looks really dangerous and now we can start placing down these super cool lasers let's just put down a whole bunch of them right over here and just completely fill the entire room place the last one down and look at that we have a whole bunch of lasers now the only way to make it across is by going slow and steady with the jet pack and not touch any of the lasers and make it all the way to the exit over here and just like that our jetpack laser course is completed for my third obstacle over here I'm gonna be making GE pick between two roller coasters that he can get on there's gonna be a green roller coaster and a blue roller coaster as well now let's start placing down the tracks for the green side just like this for the blue side as well also we can't forget to put down the Minecarts but now that that's complete let's go build what's at the end I'm gonna be making blue the correct roller coaster and green the wrong one so let's just go all the way down to the end of green and we'll put out a little Bedrock cage completely filled with these dinosaurs right over here so if G decides to go on this green roller coaster he's gonna get dropped right into this pit of dinosaurs and completely destroyed oh my goodness it's gonna be absolutely hilarious and if G decides to go on this blue roller coaster he's gonna be able to move on to the next obstacle but before I move on to the next obstacle I want to go troll GE and I have the perfect idea for trolls let me just fly to the wall over here and go into my little secret chest and we'll just grab these items and break a little hole in the water see if you can see GE and look he's right over there building whoa this cameraman is coming out so good just a few more blocks and nice okay quick before G sees me I'm gonna Splash this invisibility push it on myself and let's just fly over to his build let me just break a few blocks out of his build and oh my goodness we're right next to him and he can't see us let me just fill in the inside just like this and this is coming out so good and now quick before he fills it up let's spawn in a bunch of these mutant Strays wait what the what is this oh my goodness where did these even mobs come from I'm literally about to die this is so bad and quick while he's distracted I'm gonna fly right over here and grab a bazooka for my inventory and we're just gonna blow up his build wait what was that sound quick run run run oh my goodness what the heck happened to my build my leg looks like he's seen it oh no no no this is terrible and we only have five minutes left this is so bad wait we only have five minutes I gotta quickly get back to my build go go go we don't have too much time left so we're gonna have to build this fast for this obstacle G is gonna have to fight a super op mob boss so let me go ahead and place down some iron bars so that the mob boss can't escape there we go and now to help me spawn in the super open mod boss you're gonna have to hit subscribe in three two one thank you for subscribing and oh my goodness look at that our mutant blaze just spawned in I have no idea how G is gonna defeat this thing but the least we could do is give him some gear to fight with let's set the password on this chest to be one two one two and then we'll fill it with a full set of dragon scale armor a fairy sword and two golden apples there we go and now we'll have to give them a way to figure out their passcode and I have just the perfect idea let's start by building a little tunnel over here that's only one block tall and at the end of this little tunnel we're just gonna put that a side with the code written on it the only way he'll be able to fit through this tunnel is by finding the secret chest hidden as an iron bar and inside of this chest there will be a personal shrinking device if G is able to find this personal shrinking device then he can use it and turn super duper small oh my goodness we're tiny and now that we're super duper short we can actually fit through this one block tunnel and just like that the code is right over there let's turn back to regular size and looks like our mutant blaze fight room is completed oh no we only have three minutes left to build we gotta hurry up for my next obstacle I'm gonna be making a quiz filled with super difficult questions and she's gonna have to get all of them right if he wants to move on to the final obstacle for the first question of the quiz I'm gonna be asking who is stronger and the options will be skippity bubbles or skippity GE if he chooses skippity GE which is the wrong answer he's gonna walk into this pool of poisonous water and if he chooses skippity bubbles he can move on to the next question let's cover this up with paintings real quick for my second question I'm gonna be asking who does TV woman have a crush on there we go and the option over here will be GE and bubbles on the other side since we all know TV woman has a big crush on me gee is gonna be the wrong answer and if he chooses it he's gonna fall on this pit of super dangerous lava spikes now let's cover it up once again and we can move on to the last and final question for the last question I'm going to be asking who is the best builder in the world it'll have GE over here and Bubbles over here and guys let's just be honest I'm definitely the best builder in the world so behind the wrong answer over here I'm gonna be putting a bunch of these obsidian poisonous spikes there we go and looks like our quiz room is completed after completing this quiz he can walk over here through this tunnel and take this water elevator all the way to the next obstacle and it looks like we only have one minute left so we gotta hurry up and build this go go for my last obstacle I'm gonna be making GE choose between jumping on green slime or jumping on blue slime if G decides to jump on the green slime over here he's gonna fall right through Atlanta these super deadly explosive mines and if he chooses to jump on the blue slime over here he's gonna land safely in a nice pool of water last but not least he'll be able to go into the treasure room and collect his secret prize let's just fill it up with a whole bunch of emeralds green crystals and his favorite food poisonous potatoes and just like that our Titan cameraman boot is completed and oh perfect it looks like the timer is up as well so let's go meet up with GE and check out each other's builds hey GE hey bubbles what is that on your head huh I didn't know what you're talking about bubbles is that a shopping cart oh no I think you're just seeing things but since the time is up who's build are we gonna look at minor ears well I think we should save the best for last so let's look at yours first why don't we look the best right now come check out my Titan cameraman build what the heck this is actually pretty good which he why is he such a square uh because Titan cameraman love squares remember uh I don't know about that one GE but how do I even get into your build I'll give you hidden bubbles it's your favorite color oh so it's blue let me just look around and wait a second I think I see the entrance right down here yup you found the bubbles good job let's go and now that you found the ancient you have to get past my super dangerous lava parkour whoa well good thing I'm a parkour professional let's just start making our way through the parkour easily wait what the how are you getting through it look at me I'm almost at the end okay but can you get past this final jump oh no this looks really difficult come on come on I see the running star and I did it let's go and send to get past my parkour you can get the treasure now wait that easily I'm gonna be rich and what in the water guy oh my goodness there's no way you just fell for that bubbles are you serious right now GE yeah I am serious right now you just fell to the fake engines oh man well if this is the fake entrance where's the real one I'm not telling you bubbles you're gonna have to find it fine is it in his other leg over here and no no is it in his camera head right over here and no it doesn't look like it not even close gee I can't find this entrance anywhere can you please give me a hint hmm fine I'll give you a hint under one condition Bubbles and what's that everyone watching the video still like And subscribe right now like And subscribe everyone hit that like And subscribe button in three two one thank you for subscribing gee looks like everyone did what you asked so where's the entrance wait what how'd they do it so fast Pine bubbles I'll give you your hint it's somewhere on the back somewhere on the back let me just fly over here let me see and are you serious right now GE that's so easy to find I could have found that well obviously you didn't bubbles but now that you found the real ancients you can go in the first section let's go and it looks like there's a chest right over here so let me just open it and grab this stone sword nice and wait a second teleport to next room let me just try clicking the lever and wait a second a bunch of silverfish responding haha there's no wait you just fell for my trap and now you're gonna have to buy all this silverfish what the heck they're so tiny I can barely even hit them yeah they're short just like you bubbles what the heck I'm not sure look at that G I just got all the silver fish good job Bubbles and now you can make it to the next treatment wait a second uh bubbles my finger just said what the heck oh my God oh my goodness there's way too many superfish I'm just gonna make a run for it go go go go it looks like one go through I just gotta kill this one and I did it nice job bubbles but now that you made it through my silver fish room you're gonna have to go through this super scary Chopper a dropper uh I don't know which corner to land in looks like there's love over here and wedgie that's literally lapis you can't trick me oh lapis I don't know what you're talking about it's totally real water look at that I'm gonna take zero fall damage what how did you take no damage I guess I'm gonna just jump down and try it out are you serious right now I was in creative mode silly but you still have three more options left so which one's the real one oh my goodness well I guess this one looks safe because it's just cobwebs yup so are you gonna make it I don't know let me just try jumping down and let's see if I survive what the heck gee how did I just take fall damage from cobwebs ah probably because the cobwebs knew you were super duper smelly but it's okay you only have two more options left two more options left well I guess it can't be the lava so it's Gotta Be the slime blocks let's go what the what the are you serious right now G I just died in slime blocks too you've just died three times in a row and now you have to go in the lava oh no hopefully this is safe come on and wait I survived good job bubbles but can you make it through my ultra hard skippity toilet parkour what the heck are those skippity toilets yup and if you failed this parkour They're Gonna Eat You Alive they're so close to me I'm gonna have to quickly make it through the parkour go go go come on let's just make a few jumps like this nice and thank goodness they're getting a little bit further away from me yeah but one wrong move and you're gonna fall right into that pit well since I'm a parkour professional I'm not gonna even fall once are you sure about that bubbles I can see you trembling in fear right now um I don't know what you're talking about let me just make my way through the rest of this parkour nice and wait there's a chest over here what's inside oh a glider but I don't need that right now so I'm just gonna keep making my way through this parkour good job bubbles but can you make it to the end come on I feel like I'm really close and witchy I think I made it nice job bubbles but now you're gonna have to choose the right pathway the left one or the right one well right is right and left has to be wrong so I'm just gonna jump on this right one over here and wait I just fell haha you just got ate by the skimpity toilets what though that was really scary oh wait a second GE is that jump even possible oh yeah it's totally possible see I just made it right there are you serious right now gee you just flew but that reminds me I did get a glider earlier so let me try using this glider and look at that I made it nice shot bubbles but now that you made it through my skibidity toilet parkour you can move on to the ice boating section let's go there's a blue Boot and a green boat so which one are you picking blue and green well GE isn't that obvious I'm definitely going with blue because it's the better color all right bubbles whatever you say you can get in the blue boat all right let me just start making my way through the ice course come on come on are you gonna make it I'm already at the end let me just jump down here and wait why is there lava spikes down here haha there's no way you just fell for that are you serious right now G does that mean I have to go in the ugly green boat you mean the beautiful delegate is coincident Green Boat over here ew I don't want to but I guess I'll have to if I want to get to the end so let me just start driving this smelly Green Boat to the other side and wait a second gee did you get into the bow as well yup isn't this super duper fun no wonder it's so smelly let me just make my way to the end like this and wait I just got teleported to the Next Room good job bubbles but now you're gonna have to go through my mob battle mod battle wait is that a mutant hot glue yup and you're gonna have to defeat it with what G my bare hands yup are you serious right now I'm just kidding bubbles there's a chest over here with all the items you need oh a chest all right let me just go inside anyway there's a password on it let me just try guessing it one two three four nope gee what's the password I the password somewhere inside of this room and you're gonna have to find it somewhere in this room well it looks like there's a whole bunch of painting So It's gotta be behind one of these paintings good idea Bubbles and let's break them let's go break them oh and wait a second I think I already found a chest good job bubbles but what's inside it's a piece of paper with a number of five on it nice job bubbles but there's still three more chests left three more chests well I better get to Breaking these paintings and wait a second I found another one already and it looks like it's the number five again nice let me just continue to break more of these out and let's go I found the third one and are you serious right now five for the third time yup are you starting to catch a pattern now bubbles gee why do I have a feeling that the fifth one will also be the number five maybe it will maybe it won't there's only one way to find out well let me just go over to this chest and type in the password 5555 and look at that I'm in good job Bubbles and now you have these diamond armor this netherade sword and these golden apples what the heck I look so strong and now they have all your gear I'm gonna open the walls in three two one go oh what did they look so powerful let me just try hitting them come on come on they're super duper strong but can you defeat them wait they're doing so much damage and I think I just killed one of them make straw bubbles but can you get the other one oh no I'm getting really low and it looks like I died it's all right bubbles try to come on just let me get a few more hits on him can you get him I think I can maybe just a few more and no I died again this guy's so strong wait but you got him too no way did I get him right before I died yup you got him at the exact same time and now that you killed both of them mutant hoglands the walls are gonna open up and you can get your treasure let's go you have two choices the diamond door or the Emerald Door well since diamonds are way better than emerald I'm gonna go into the diamond door Nice Shot Bubbles and now you can get your treasure let's go wait why did I fall into a pit of sharks haha you just fell for my trap ouchie that really hurt does that mean that Diamond's the wrong answer yup and you're gonna have to go through the Admiral door let's go oh man and wait a second what is this it's your treasure bubbles open it up let me open up this chest and whoa a bunch of diamonds and run flash my favorite food yummy yummy yummy wait what the I didn't think you'd actually eat it it's super tasty but geez since I saw your build do you want to check out mine of course I do bubbles let's go yeah when can I turn around turn around in three two one turn around what the heck what the heck G why'd you sound like Michael Jackson how did he build this hole in 10 minutes because I'm the world's best Minecraft builder I don't know about that bubbles but how do I even get inside this thing I'll give you a little hint it's your favorite color my favorite color then it has to be green so wait a second where in the world is the green on this build you're gonna have to look around maybe it's on top of his head somewhere come on come on come on in aha there's some green right over here nice looks like you found it so let me open up this chapter right over here and let's go the Treasure's right in front of me yep now come over to this and collected alright so let me run over to this chest and wait a second what the heck is this you just fell into my trap there's among just give any toilets you just spoke for my fake entrance oh my goodness hope that was the fake ancients and where in the world do I find the real one I don't know G you better go look maybe it's inside of his camera head and no nope or maybe it's somewhere inside of his hand and oh my goodness not even close bubbles where in the world is the sanctions I'm not gonna tell you are you sure about that bubbles what the heck it's right inside of his belt right inside of his belt oh my goodness I totally could have guessed that but you didn't and now looks like you made it to my deadly shark obstacle your deadly shark obstacle and ow how did they just hit me because they're super dangerous sharks gee you're gonna have to try and find a way to get across safely get across safely well there is a ladder over here so maybe if I get a running stir I can make it all the way to the end so let me put on my running shoes real quick in three two one go come on come on come on in wait a second what the I can't believe you failed that jump that was so unfair bubbles but wait a second there's a lever over here pulling it to the other side we'll say unless I'm gonna press it let's go in what the hell you just got blown into the shark pit by some fans bubbles this is literally impossible how do I get across gee maybe there's something hidden around the room hidden around the room let's see maybe if I just try clicking on all of these blocks I'll find something come on come on come on and aha a portal gun looks like you found it so if I just use this portal gun I can make it to the other side let's go nice job GE and wait a second what the heck is this welcome to my Jetpack laser course you're gonna have to use a jet pack to get across without touching any of these lasers oh no this sounds super duper scary but wait a second what's inside of this chest and I have a jet pack let's go that looks pretty cool GE but can you fly it I think so I've never taken jetpack lessons before but maybe if I just press the space bar real quick and oh my goodness okay this is going super duper fast you gotta be careful GE how ow okay I already took some damage and I'm on half a heart right now what the heck but you're so close to the end oh no bubbles I think the jetpack is now functioning oh what's happening ah you just ran into a laser yeah because you gave me a faulty jet pack bubbles um I don't know what you're talking about oh my goodness whatever bubbles I'm gonna make it through second try good luck come on come on come on and I made it what the heck that was so quick now you made it to my roller coaster room are you gonna go on the blue roller coaster or the green roller coaster I'm gonna go in the blue roller coaster wait what just kidding green is way better let me go on the green coaster and let's go go go go and wait a second what the you just fell into my trap are you serious right now bubbles green was supposed to be the right answer there's no way you actually thought that blue is a way better color whatever bubbles I guess I'll go in the blue roller coaster so let me get inside this Minecart wait a second this smells so bad it does not smell bad but gee welcome to the mod battle room the mall battle room and wait a second is that a mutant blaze yep and guess what you're gonna have to fight it oh no he looks super duper scary but wait a second there is a chest right over here so what if I just try opening it and oh my goodness there's a password haha maybe I can just guess the code four three two one and no I'll just tell you now G you can't guess it you're gonna have to find it somewhere hidden in this room somewhere in this room well it has to be somewhere around here and wait a second what is that tunnel over here I don't know GE so what if I just try walking through and uh I can't fit through I'm way too tall yeah gee maybe you're gonna have to find something that'll make you a little bit shorter yeah you're right this tunnel is way too bubble sized but wait a second this block in the wall looks kindness suspicious what if I just try clicking on it no way I got this personal shrinking device nice you found it and now I can turn Super Duper tiny let's go now I'm finally the same height as you bubbles but now I'm gonna go through this tunnel over here what could possibly be inside and look at that you just found the code one two one two oh my goodness I totally could have guessed that but whatever Bubbles and let me open up this chest right over here and type in the passcode let's go I got these dragon armor this fairy sword and these golden apples it's looking like you're ready to fight yup I'm totally ready immune Blaze bring it on alright the walls are dropping in three two one fight let's go let me get a few hits on him and oh my goodness he is super duper strong and why is he carrying me everywhere whoa he is completely destroying you right now GE uh I don't know about that I already defeated him wait what how did you defeat him so quick cause I'm a PVB Pro but now that I just got the bullies we can move on to the next room oh my goodness well I guess I'll welcome you into my quiz room who is stronger skippity bubbles or skippity GE wait what the heck is a skippity bubbles bubbles what do you mean she eats us as Scooby-Doo characters yeah I wish I could be in the new skibety toilet episode but if I was I would totally be stronger let's go and wait a second why am I dying because you're wrong this quiz is so rigged but whatever I guess I'll go through the bubble section because I'm stronger and now for the second question who does TV woman have a crush on bubbles or GE well she obviously is a crush on me so I'm gonna go through this section looks like you're wrong again oh my goodness no no she does not have a crush on you what if I just break this sign over here and then place it down again and now it says GE let's go hey that's cheating TV woman definitely has a crush on me I don't know what you're talking about but wait a second who is the best builder in the world bubble I think this is a trick question bubbles obviously I'm the better Builder but you're just gonna make it you so I'm gonna go through bubbles let's go and look you survived which means I'm the better Builder I don't know what you're talking about bubbles but wait a second what the heck is this you just took the water elevator to the and I've seen my wife I'm gonna go in the green time let's go in what the you just blew up are you kidding me how did I pull through the green slime because that was the wrong answer GE oh my goodness whatever I guess I'll go through the blue slime now I'm gonna jump in three two one let's go oh and nice you made it to the treasure room now you could collect your secret prize let me open up this chest and a bunch of green crystals emeralds and poisonous potatoes let's go yummy yummy yummy no way you actually ate those ew okay ge now that we've checked out each other's builds whose do you think is better I'm looking carefully at both of our builds I think that mine is better what the I think mine is better wait what then who wins I guess we'll have to let the comments decide everyone comment gee what the heck no everyone comment Bubbles and if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and if you want to see another one of our adventures then click the video on screen go click it click it bye bye okay now [Music]
Channel: Bubbles
Views: 1,570,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft noob vs pro, noob vs pro, ge and bubbles, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, jamesy, maizen, jj and mikey, mongo, wudo, minecraft troll, minecraft prank, minecraft mod, minecraft build challenge, minecraft noob vs hacker, skibidi toilet, cameraman, titan cameraman, titan cameraman minecraft, titan speaker man, alphabet lore, i cheated in a titan cameraman build challenge, i cheated with //paste in skibidi toilet build challenge, dafuqboom, block buddies
Id: GU5yjfCHGjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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