FNAF vs. Security House Battle - Minecraft

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hey here we go again with a really strange problem huh what are these they're so scary wait they're just a bunch of dolls mikey they're not just any dolls huh they're super evil super violent dolls scary but why aren't they attacking huh see nothing they're really dangerous but they're only dangerous at night oh when it becomes nighttime these dolls will get super violent and attack us what night time will they attack the village too what should we do i know mikey let's build some security right that's the best way to survive we have to build a security system before night time let's do this once the sun goes down the dolls will start to move we have to start preparing huh right here let's set up a couple of arrow launchers let's do it we're going to be constructing security right at the village entrance i'll load the arrows this looks good yeah now then these launchers will be automatic cool now i'll do this oops now i'll put a lever here the launchers are ready you loaded them yes sir should we test it out sure bombs away this is awesome that's something this can repel any enemy no matter how strong they are yeah this will protect us a lot i think that's good for now okay it would be nice if arrows were the only things we needed to defeat them but we should probably be prepared in case they make it inside the village oh what are we gonna do then i have an idea for something we can use against them huh it's a cobweb i know what a cobweb is careful not to get caught in one exactly when you get caught up in a cobweb your movement practically comes to a standstill we should set these up throughout the village and make sure the dolls don't get through too quickly one other thing we should set up the cobwebs close to where the arrows are launched [Music] right there here yeah here just like this we should put down a lot we'll put a bunch over there but we also want to put some cobwebs down in the village we better go fast i want to be fully prepared by night time cause that's when the dolls arrive yup we'll set them up all over the place this'll slow them down make sure they're spread out evenly okay that way we can protect the village yep let's keep going this will totally stop them [Music] there just like this this is incredible i'm gonna set them up in places like this too yeah let's do that hmm great this is so well protected there's no way anybody will be able to get through here this is probably enough for now you think definitely here's the plan they'll come at us from the ground and get caught in the cobwebs along the way once they get close you and me can escape on the higher level without being slowed down oh oh i should make mine out of glass too that's better like this yep looks good awesome we can attack from up here too yeah what kind of weapons should we use i still have a bunch of arrows those might be useful hmm what about grenades what here you have grenades thanks we'll fight with grenades sure we can attack them once they're caught in the cobwebs like this yeah exactly like that oh nice this is good we can take down the dolls like this whoa that's awesome [Music] we'll win this yeah nice is it done we should prepare more in case this doesn't work what we need to think of another way to defeat them in case the grenades don't work i have another plan huh okay let's build the last resort secret base we have to make sure it's extra safe we can hide there if the village gets destroyed let's do it in that case i'm thinking i should build a perfect rampart for the next section huh did you say a rampart yeah it's kind of like a wall we'll build a wall okay sure it'll lead up to our shelter i see it's more like a really long path incredible i've never seen anything like it is this good yeah i'll add another layer the higher the better very nice okay oh i want to make sure that the dolls can't come in from this side over here jj i've got an idea that's great wonderful there's no way they'll get through this rampart and that lava i'll add just a bit more lava great it looks tough the toughest what should we do now i don't know i have something in mind watch this what here oh hmm [Music] i'll place a bit of redstone okay there this will let us jump on the side whoa that's great it's a jumping board just stand on the slime and hit the button [Music] i see awesome we'll climb up the wall with this okay let's do it that way you and i can run up and down the top of the rampart and escape from the dolls now i'll install some infrared security lasers cool we'll put the first one right here oh i see what you're doing we'll cover the whole path this is good awesome if we have lots of lasers like this then we'll definitely beat the dolls yeah we'll set up enough lasers to send the message that nobody gets through here the electricity bill's gonna be expensive i know they're glistening so much whoa well sure is expensive but you can't put a price on survival you're right staying alive is always the most important thing i think we'll be okay no matter what happens it's a good thing we're not in survival mode right now that would be bad this is awesome this looks good are we done no we haven't even started building our last resort shelter oh right i want it to be high above the ground so i'm gonna construct a flight of stairs good call hmm let's see [Music] there we go whoa stairs will this be enough i'm making stairs wow awesome those stairs are appearing on their own i'm still going higher there we go this should be high enough for a shelter totally i better reinforce it i'll help sweet yeah i decided to make a shelter really high up however it's not finished yet there's more what's next i'll show you now that the stairs are done i'm going to make another long path that i can adjust later down the road right path path path let's put a shelter here we can make it out of bedrock bedrock's always really useful right bedrock can't be broken no matter what true minecraft's toughest block yeah minecraft's toughest block now we need to build a couple of facilities here that will help us survive for up to three days what do you think we should make it out of sand maybe yeah we could do sand huh is there a better option than sand why don't we use iron let's use iron for safety yeah let's make it tough it's a shelter after all [Applause] [Music] this looks awesome something like this [Music] this rock thanks i'll make a little lever to operate the door cool now i'll make a window sure good job thanks since we plan on being here for three days we definitely need some beds and maybe a crafting table and a furnace while we're at it nice and finally i'll throw in a cauldron great last but not least i'll make a chest full of apples for our emergency food supply yum all done does that mean we're ready to go uh wait not done yet mikey i'm gonna tear out this path huh in order to make a true last resort shelter i need one more mechanism what are you talking about i need tnt also sand and pressure plates this is important like this yeah just like that i'll keep going [Music] let's fill in the gaps sweet now let's cover it with sand sand i can do that [Music] there nice what's next now we add the stone pressure plates on top i'm gonna practice it once if anybody steps on the pressure plate oh then they fall to the ground whoa and so does the tnt cool the only way to get inside the shelter is to cross the bridge with the collapsing floor i don't think the dolls would be able to make it over huh perfect let's fill in the rest of these pressure plates be careful if i step on something it'll fall through and we'll have to rebuild it oh no oh that was fast one more great there awesome the bridge is complete this means that the shelter is complete too we finished everything now we just need to wait for night time to come wait one more thing did we forget something follow me surveillance cameras yep i'll place more using a surveillance camera is a great idea thanks whoa i'll put one here definitely we can put them wherever we want i'll put one more down where whoa they're scary i can't believe the latakus when it's nighttime let's wait [Music] look the sun is already starting to set oh it'll be night soon does that mean they'll come for us i'm scared it's going down are they going to attack us soon i don't want to think about it i know we've prepared a lot of security but it's still really frightening hmm i think we're gonna be okay considering all our security make sure we start shooting arrows right away okay the sky is getting a lot redder hopefully they don't attack us until after it's dark oh yeah but even if they do attack our security will protect us the sun is setting huh i'm starting to get kind of scared [Music] yeah they're coming i'll turn on the arrows hurry hurry it's hitting them i'm glad we prepared we can do this oh they're really moving they're getting past us mikey what no way run run run run run mikey wait i'm gonna throw a grenade but they're moving pretty fast it looks like the cobweb traps are actually working sorta now's our chance grenades go keep throwing them mikey go oh no i've fallen off the walkway i'm in trouble i'm in trouble too i've fallen jj no way i'm climbing back onto the platform did you fall yeah i did no even the cobwebs they're getting past them aren't they i think they might be not good they're running towards us this is a problem get on the walls what i'm coming huh the rabbit is almost through don't come any closer to us this isn't good the lasers are upper hand they can defeat him mikey i'm falling again huh jj are you okay this is really bad what do you mean i mean terrible something terrible the infrared laser is hitting but it's not doing any damage are you serious the chick is catching up i'm escaping it's up here are they climbing don't give up no way mikey no it's only you jj does that mean i'm on my own yep i have to leave mikey behind and keep running i'll hurry hey are you all right is the chick still after me whoa i made it safely are you okay i'll go there mikey hang on oh i see you there you are wait this is they see me hang on they're headed toward me no don't give up stop it stop it stop it what's happening no the dolls are falling what happened whoa huh have they been defeated the chick is still alive but it seems we've defeated the others [Music] you know mikey we survived they could never make it across the bridge to get a hold of us what there's no way they could get over without all the blocks collapsing amazing let's sleep in here for the rest of the night inside our shelter good idea in the morning they won't be able to move sure there you have it we were able to successfully escape the threat of the three scary dolls don't forget to leave a like on the video and subscribe please do see you next time bye if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 5,569,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: fjzPQodZ76c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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