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20:17 was the best year my channel has ever seen and it is all thanks to you so thank you to all of my friends all of my fans and everyone who's helped me along the way so without any further ado here is the best of Alfred 2017 huh Super Mario the man who reigns over the Mushroom Kingdom but he does not do it alone no he does it with good help from his forward aerial my favorite tool that he asks is his forward aerial it's real good at what it does you can set up into in the most mean ways possible just flip around a little bit forward aerial you wait till they mess up over step forward aerial such a low tier character like Mario for example so first off the thing of weight lately what me what do you mean what do you mean this is like Ouija this is my own thing this is the Alfred personality it's a lot different um I've been working on this new series and it's smashed a lady and the people I showed it to her kind of saying it's similar to your style oh well okay so he just really struggles getting in you know but and once he gets in it's a hard because Martin is really happy tools to kill you at 80% it's it's just really difficult to play Marv oh my kidding I don't think YouTube allows gifts yet so I want to put this title in somewhere but I don't want to put it somewhere where it really distracts from now I'm realizing that this thumbnail could be a bit misleading and make it seem like he's having a threesome with Brian Williams and Sasha Gray hello everyone and welcome to a new series called opening the dm's I'm here with my good friend major Duncan yes thank you for having me Jacob equality I think it's a quality piece of work here cuz you're you first ought to be afraid to recognize just the artistic value that this picture has like it just rippling muscles I once called you my second favorite white trash youtuber at least I'm not the first is if anything the first is you think white trash has this this is high class my dude why trash does not have oh my god it all broke have a little tongue fest you know oh wait there's a platform over there Oh meet me halfway come on oh we're kissing we're touching tips yeah it's a little you know I would like to do things such as you play the game and that's kind of intervening okay I'm done usability No thank you diva sucks I'd like to believe Jeff Kaplan was playing a game her diva scream yeah and his reply was have fun with this patch you like what you see mercy alright so I got kicked for being in the emo for too long whoops but that doesn't mean we can't hit him up with the old [ __ ] this this looks like what you'd expect from a rocket League type game trying to move my car it's not working out well but I'm hitting the ball so we're making progress we're moving now go for it oh oh oh this is not a good game this one is not a good game where's my car doing what are you doing stop it stop it please you stay out a little orange thing up but there earlier this is how it all comes into fruition boom right like that you can't beat this I got it all covered this is the perfect clickbait thumbnail oh no we have another one how how to get oh I need a thumbnail for a combo video this guy says DM and he makes graphic artists and this one's just about sending a message honestly some might call this petty but I call it justice Oh some Bonnie your spawn did alright but I'm a better designer than you though what an [ __ ] do you I'm just having fun and games and this guy's being an ass hey brah hands up [ __ ] that alpha rat [ __ ] dis happy face crying face crying face that [ __ ] girl eyes can kill himself money face okay sign your graham fix robot pumpkin are the real man deal mailbox yeah thanks I shouldn't have mess with a dumbass person that has 300k and his fans the suck his dick thanks that boy monkey covering his eyes more like a girl flag of Germany like if you agree Statue of Liberty yeah like Easter Island head and comment Fox or just like man with two sons can i buy doctor a graphic city city son stocks you're a lot better than alpha [ __ ] ROFL and I want you so what are fly snail butterfly yeah you can you're looking for a thumbnail or banner I am making alpha rod exposed video shrimp Koga Koga Koga Koga Koga Koga Koga Koga Koga kosh rim I want you to make good thumbnail I have dirt ki pedo shoe then two dollars I'm definitely gonna make it good hey pal me I know you make good ones man with daughter and son then this is his email address has been censored yeah tell me when since when can you make or break crying crying crying crying it take me like 20 min to make a thumbnail why do you use so many emojis lol haha how about instead of dollars you help expose on video happy face I'm sorry you have to pay bro it's only two dollars but I support you on exposing him I will pay you the money Taiwan PayPal me then I will make a date then when you send it I'm looking my bad I didn't receive a notification I see it now haha mailbox do you have an image you want me to use have him as pedo chick like baby baby thermometer thermometer thermometer exposed toilet yeah this is a picture he took of me while we were eating lunch yes what that image exposed him he been I'm not trying to thanks for the two dollars no please call off your fans and that's it yeah so apparently he said one last thing to me before I blocked him for the last time become that's not gonna do it that's not gonna careful careful careful careful get the hell get the hellcat the hell time to go in time to go in time to go in for all of my friends who aren't here or maybe they are this question will be resolved in the next game someone called me out let me take this platform of your video to call out my friend DeAndre who said that the first part of sorta online was the best anime he's ever watched woke up that morning over a hundred of Twitter notifications of my own people of a weeaboo army attacking me on something I love I apologize DOJ taught me to just put you on blast like that here you can if you'd like you can defend yourself you know tell us about how Sao is just amazing that's it was amazing you have some great main characters you have key Tito Austin uh greatest couple name a better couple [Music] look I get it you're tired of Palin okay I figured it out I'm gonna win this game what I had to give a very honest and objective review of both games in comparison to each other I would have to say that both of these games are alright [Music] leave your angry comments below uh-huh uh-huh that's it oh that's it Oh accidentally edge cancel accidentally that was a trick can you beat this I don't think so I pretty much high rest send me an email and they're like oh hey here were these codes you can give away and stuff and all that cool cool cool but um I just want a heartbreaker sky and they're like I don't think we can do that and I was like please sir I need these emotes well looking no look at this that is not okay sorry Charlotte sorry kit this is my game this is my game I'm unstoppable yeah oh my god they're all dead right now yeah you're welcome everybody I'm cleaning up I'm cleaning up see what happened doing Maeve's not in the game you're the Trent you're the [ __ ] trash man dude you're the trash man I'm the trash man I'm the trash man dude it feels so liberating cleanup from here on out oh oh oh I'm just gonna drop it what do I got to lose nothing that's what oh my god it worked call it since this is a bootleg game I'm gonna go with this flag that looks like a bootleg America it wouldn't be Mario maker if they didn't give you levels where you don't have to move [Music] are we having fun yet so I'm just on a quest searched rightfully say that this game is bad I wasn't touching those spikes I wasn't touching those you can freeze frame that the game might disagree with me but I was not touching those spikes oh wow they caught me off guard as a player with something I wasn't expecting I think the worst part about dying is that the song starts over this song yeah plays on loop in hell - oh I hope you're ready to hear it again hello everybody I'm just here wishing everybody a good game and I hope we all try our hardest much let's just go for it oh oh that's not good sound oh that's a tear Oh oh no bad time you use that bad time to use that ah it's looking good it's looking good so far this is a this is a shield blocking the light you see it you see a skirt this is actually a it's a what's that what's this thing called the caveman huge condom yeah so we did tweet out saying that we want some love advice and we want to give the love advice but this guy says please tell me get the puss puss you cannot be referring to getting women as getting post books cuz I shouldn't stoop Sam's really stupid hey little mama Louise can you imagine running down the strip with your boys and it's like we're out here looking for some post please let me holla at you real quick how how big is that post booth purple Dido asks how hung are you we are we are collectively help help I want to know how to get a [ __ ] I will say one thing you're not on the right track at this moment yeah this is a bad starting point yeah you can't you can't yo you cannot he'll yell help help is not I hope is not a good thing to say during sex nor before it yeah no flat no point for place should help be like [Music] it's not unusual to have fun with anyone a girl named crystal searches for the truth of her parents death fighting herself within a lost corner of the lylat oh okay alright thanks game half-transparent it's just there and huge and there so I think the voice acting is fairly questionable but I felt like it was better in other games honestly I think I rather prefer this I wanna fight that Mario was sleeping Pepe cuz he's old haha and look you got hip young slippy on the jukebox over here look how cool he is and then you got huh that aint falco have you been following me on Twitter or have listened to the end of any of my recent videos you're aware of big news 2017 I've pretty much been saving up money for the past year or so to make this happen so without further adieu oh my gosh it's major hi I woke it I've awoken this is that to the news that's it oh they're still building the desk we put a green screen up major still he's eating food now and he has a mini fridge there's no point of walking business from here oh yeah what business it's pretty walk way made you go stand from the green screen no it's like it's like [ __ ] I get throw rock major what's behind you oh it's uh I don't know something witty [Music] oh no I'm in space it's still January second third fourth how its jits 2:00 a.m. on January 4th so yes I just kind of want to say thank you to all of you because this whole office is kind of everything I dreamed of well it like it's the embodiment of everything I dreamed of I've always dreamed of being an entertainer and having a demographic to be able to make videos or entertainment content something I've wanted some something and this has become my something that's honestly a bit surreal my all my friends and family especially my family are insanely proud of me it's huge for me like I've always wondered oh what am I gonna do with my life and you know I'm there's a good chance I'm not gonna do this forever there's a pretty there's a pretty good chance I'm not gonna do this forever but I honestly want to do this as long as I possibly can this is crazy to me that I'm able to do this it's crazy that I am very confident that there's hundreds and thousands of people watching this this video I'm recording right now it's crazy it blows my mind I'm just so thankful so this wouldn't be possible without you so thank you it it it means a lot and I never dream well I've always dreamed of this but you know I never really thought it'd come true that's kind of the boat I'm in I'm still processing it's so surreal and this vlogs so different from all my other content and I hope you guys understand it's just because this is one of the biggest things to happen in my life so I kind of wanted to capture it in a video and share it because this is the kind of video that I personally will constantly look back on and say this was such a huge milestone so again thank you and a huge thing is happening tomorrow the other person in the office I'm sure you guys have guessed who it is by now but anyways big news is continuing tomorrow so I'm gonna go home go to sleep and I'll see you tomorrow with company my god this is that hi how are ya the man that's me the myth I'm Scott Falco hi everybody this isn't gonna be done for a while but we'll keep you guys posted along the way and I've talked about Frontalot benefits but like we're they say with or without now we're in business huh this is a fun new toy look at it maybe if you can just throw it and then you can catch it onto my noggin I bonked my noggin just got a place sneaky-sneak oh hello up i I panicked I panicked ready [Music] I think I'm not sure oh you press the button down here oh that's harder than 200 look at that look at that speed that endurance it's an art form oh you know what the how do you doing this work yeah no jerking off to the victory yet again Troy that was a mixup announcing that mix-up out loud and not doing to mixtones so no what makes a mix-up you're like it all wrong see it says switch yeah we swing your arm to throw the ball like if you muted this and put music it just looks like an iTunes commercial you know so I win a bowl do you feel better about yourself now yeah over the once you switch I still a rather I wonder what you switch you rather want to switch okay okay I could destroy Ganon or I could seek out info one of those things sounds easier than the other wherever you are Impa I will find you she does not look impressed yeah hello my game so she gave me a camera app for my iPhone and just asked me to take a picture of her so let's see how this goes ah huh I wonder where my adventure will take me next I wonder if I'm strong enough the answer's no the answer is still no but maybe just maybe if I had one more heart container this might be possible if I just believe in myself [Music] even though I have the Master Sword they won't let me in this city to save the world because I'm a man I guess there's only one solution to this this wasn't quite the solution I had in mind but the oddly sexual music makes me slightly uncomfortable yes link she is making me feel a certain kind of way - uh-huh Oh No for this it's going to be the arrow oh well we destroyed Ganon thanks game I'm so ready for this final cutscene show me the romance I want to believe ask whatever you want girl do you really remember me yes oh no I have to go find the memories as I yes please ask do you really remember me what I did it ah of course there was a hidden cut scene after the credits show me some romance show me something okay uh-huh oh I'm the idiot yeah of course so there's a cut scene after the credits well okay I believe in my heart I've ever all of us work together yes Eldo can restore my mood yes yes I agree let's make hyrule great again even or greater you know what Zelda I'm ready this game has been an adventure and I'm ready for so much more let's explore these lands and look I've been rewarded for playing through this game Zelda but this game has it all here the voice inside the sword I suppose it makes sense if my power had dwindled over the past 100 years it's okay Zelda you're still great to me that's a beautiful shot you look great I'm surprised to admit it but I can't decide tonight let's put all the past aside and make hyrule great once more and the DLC that comes out later this year which where does this send me hell yeah I hate this [ __ ] game let's go but the new sack right combo go let's go Berenice this trophy and the Bosto o bamboozle oh you just hit me into the hit I porn oh Jesus hell yeah the hell are you tonight let's go okay [ __ ] my ass oh it's like I flare blitz to myself oh oh [ __ ] okay oh god oh so that's how that works you're not getting on these last you're not getting it oh you're not getting it you're not what was that what was that got it oh [ __ ] yeah you thought you were convoying me you thought you were following me yeah yeah yeah that might be the best combo in the game why don't more people do that like I've never seen anyone do that in tournament before I didn't even land a single falcon punch what are you doing what are you doing down there accidentally killed someone along the way by dying no everyone out of here everyone out of here it's just us two only we need a fight here everyone else out of my way on my way if you're not the enemy Arisa get out of my way you're only going to die I think they really need to step it up all right I just turned the hero limit off so let's see how the next game goes well um this is awkward one of us is gonna have to change excuse me I'm just gonna come in here thank you okay so we got the point we are the superior or recess how do we even get through this we just fly in this game just like every other game and you get still okay you get straight-up snipe people that's cool oh okay leave some funny comments I know a lot of funny jokes are gonna come from that one all right now you can just hide in the wall until someone comes out someone came out oh oh oh oh wait I got a first try let's go he's a stupid little dumb baby cute cat gonna win oh look at him he's so happy but we lost who the sniper not anymore more like the uh he's dead I just want to play one more game okay spoiler alert we're not playing another game well um I'm in California to smash for this oh yeah we're definitely not playing I'm at California at a smash for this event and I'm gonna go drink and go downstairs we'll see how that goes hello alpha ride high mr. Khan Khan how's it going pretty well um I got some cup noodles can we can we get a commentator cam I'm gonna make some extra slurpy sounds just so the stream gets it it's a full effect of these cup noodles this is exactly what you guys tune in for is it no they can see that well hello everybody good do not like the stream layout I have nothing I don't I don't I'm not that was all how many viewers do we have enough I'm gonna say what everyone everyone wants to hear what who's better you were elegant give me that give me the analysis I know you both have your days but like even give me the truth what's on your mind he's giving me a dirty look right now he's smilin I'm slurping a lion king video so I looked the lyrics up this is a song from Polly Pocket / The Lion King he looks like Ed Sheeran make his face thicker please Hollywood it's like Hollywood but skate themed I know that we've had all the sounds muted he needs to come into the world with a banger yo product placement that's a sick McDonald's ad I'm gonna go get mcdonalds now that ad from 2003 got me it all came into fruition as a matter of time I'm sorry man you're gonna have to find another small boy on a skateboard to turn your lighthouse on does this game have purpose no I'm sorry if you guys thought this was a subpar April Fool's video I know but it's let's see if I can entertain you with me at Chucky Cheese [Music] how about another video of me at Chucky Cheese [Music] april fools that was a simple plan music video what what is he everyone died so early that night for force burn you're not looking too good but are you okay put that mask back on don't look human that's what he says on a victory screen I honestly would have bet money that he would have said yeah hit it or yeah or yeah oh my god he did the funny thing haha Joseph Joestar where you think you're going now Iggy haha the world oh I want to see what their combo attack was and uh it does nothing and he says the thing oh and the Joker Oh such a thing they're pulling out all the stops for this one what did you even do okay okay very funny game you did it all right there I truce a truce I am a shotgunner and I do not discriminate so you attack me first for my friend thank you very much this one's me right zoom in on this guy like look let's see if we were playing console that will you be lame emoji that would be you and look all these are Dylan he can't play no game [ __ ] loser but with aircon so and all of these guys in the one I'm one super emoji I love it see you who has traveled to the silent I present you with the challenge in your travels you've relied on the equipment you found along the way here you must cast this equipment aside and faces trial with only your wits and whatever you can scavenge oh alright [Music] look at that flourish three you see these sick moves you get when you get maximum flourish oh oh it doesn't stop new missions have been o winner winner chicken dinner can't I go in your house oh no oh this is where it becomes terrifying let's just put this to the test I'm gonna wait inside this girl's house until she feels like she's about to pass out and then comes home [Music] oh wait wait wait she's about to pass out Oh surprise I broke in your house and wait until you're about to pass out let me get real close to you oh is he about to grind up on her mmm give her the moves give her the moves he was into closed corners he was shy a rank King receive what that was the first a rank I got right that that took me 14 minutes what I don't understand this game you could not get away with any of this in real life like if I went up to someone and gave them a whopper huh okay so it's 907 I got some Burger King I've been waiting outside of a homeland looking for someone okay look you see that person see him all right we're gonna sneaking all up in this okay oh well my car was non-park let's put that in park okay [Applause] got him you can't do this you can't get away with it oh my god what is love you may ask well it's the greatest part of life love is a feeling or better yet a lifestyle allows you to grow as a person and truly understand life's truest wonders so believe me when I say I am in love with you mercy yes yes you it's less stupid okay that's really really reassuring all right hey everybody I got a shirt I actually love it deed the Macho Man Randy Savage oh man Randy said guys don't like this nice little hat oh thanks and cover up my ponytail exactly it's uh I'm like a I'm like a hipster wrestler here's the weirdest furry porn I could find I means you did some searching do we click on it does that mean it's a fourth episode in a row that's featured furry porn probably okay well let's check it out yeah it's pretty weird that's really weird I'll describe it to you um it's like this big scaly monster with a big ol big Mabel honker right here and like a little dog girl is popping out of said honker I guess the girl escapes and then the honker sucks everything back up into it it's a comic strip by the way I counted you in character and in stage a pokey deuce marry ha ha how did coke enjoy over there bud [Music] holy [ __ ] dude the math is coming off you see that yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay maybe I should put it back on hey guys what about gone my Bayonetta and my sheep are my worst characters Oh oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] wouldn't you have been pissed if I which time that all you wouldn't have your bail sucks remember I know site B oh yeah when I do they don't yep are you [ __ ] kidding nope I'm not that's a that's a that's a very well known Luigi thing is it really are you [ __ ] with me no that's what that's that's the thing see oh my [ __ ] I mean come on it's forward Aires where it's at in this game I write oh my god no no I'm sorry oh you're not he a son of a [ __ ] he hit a well I'm dying [Music] [Laughter] I really think my most hated character to fight now is probably Luigi who was it before probably like Bayonetta a cloud at least then I felt like I had a chance against the [ __ ] unlike I do right now honestly when you say Luigi's bucket he's bad [ __ ] with no he's not he's not bad he's not [ __ ] bad yeah yes oh my god yeah another one how are you gonna call this bad look I'm not making it back to the stage I'm not making it back I'm not back he's he's fine he's not he's fine he's [ __ ] busted are you kidding me see look it's happening again I'm not gonna make it back now holy [ __ ] [ __ ] we D sucks No aah oh my gosh Oh cow Wow be sure to hit that subscribe button is that how you become a minecraft youtuber look look at this expert positioning oh alright look at this this house is coming along very nice very uncomfortably I'll add I still blame this shitty game Alfred here was another realm crap playthrough today we are playing Braille craft and we're gonna be building a house be sure to like if you want to see a house let's break 50 million likes be sure to hit that like button if you don't I'm quitting my channel stop everyone it's alpha right here with a brand new video today we're gonna play with Legos on this episode of let's playing okay so we got the Lego cam set up you know it looks like they got some tape on here so that's gonna that's gonna take a while alright so Dylan since you did the worst where do you want to go let's go to the sweet sweet Kingdom I made a little a little baby girl who step on the killer Oh Oh No let's go I was behind the pillar and uh oh god it got them all this is dramatic it ricocheted off the goddamn ball hello like like I was like pressing a and B till I go forward and back to try to position myself right behind the pillar and I did that successfully so you got behind the pillar and dodged them all but this one fireball over here boom doesn't even hit me the most generous hitbox I've seen in my life oh look no you drove in both fireball didn't oh my gosh wait the obvious one the one that's taking YouTube by storm I'm not gonna post this one to Twitter this is exclusively for the people at home but if you weren't a lot of views just title your video Family Guy funny moments and use any of these thumbnails does the quality matter no does that should be this image no but he has to involve boobs and for some reason there's always a live stream on YouTube that's playing Family Guy funny moments that I've never clicked on that will never leave my suggested box I'm just a little upset because YouTube what the hell are you doing I don't want to watch haha funny Family Guy moments like okay when I go on YouTube do you think that's the first thing I want to see I have never watched a Family Guy clip on YouTube and that's what you think I want to see oh you got 10,000 people watching cuz the pits in the thumbnail okay YouTube that meat aha I do too I want to watch how how Family Guy funny moments [ __ ] you know what YouTube I'm done I'm done I'm quitting I'm done with YouTube I can't believe I'm losing so Family Guy funny moments whatever i'm dinah worn out places worn out faces well is that that no that is me that de yeah oh no no the land on this ship oh [Applause] my god no you know I lost but that's a victory in my book that's a victory we all know who the real winner is don't back at me don't back here me that's better than back here the game gave you a second chance but no no no no oh my god oh we traded spots I I don't know how that one happened oh ho ho oh that was that would have made oh my god yeah yeah I got it whoo oh my god Oh [Music] [Laughter] oh my oh my gosh what is what is wrong with her look I get it you're tired of Sonic the Hedgehog or some of you are absolutely not tired of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog fans are some of the most avid fans I've seen for anything ever the greatest people have to deal with a horrible abomination known that's cute Mario now like even more than some extreme fan bases now this this is my life with sign it's like there are people who dislike Sonic there are people who hate Sonic but the people who like Sonic love Sonic go behind enemy lines watch me win yeah kids getting picked and losing right now watch this because it comes back around the world wait for it oh my all of you every punch is coming through right here Oh some widows gonna come up here am i right am i right all headshots baby 15 player killstreak I'm not scared I'm not scared I'm not scared oh my gosh did this really just happen alright we just got to wait patiently and we have liftoff look I made a friend let's see if we can be friends up here do you want to be friends oh look I made a friend a friend when we sure play the objective actually I'm out no you can't escape you oh no it's my friend I'm so sorry my friend oh no oh they're just coming in we're having a good time follow my gosh my friend oh no come come here friend come here okay good friend no I don't care about this game anymore we've lost this game I just want to find my friend where is my friend at oh and I never found my friend what a sad tale [Music] Suneetha and today we're gonna be starting off with near Tama tub to touched Tata Tata oh and by the way yep that's me now this is what I look like I just thought it was pretty fitting with the cute girl episode so hey how are you doing nice yeah she can climb that ladder as many times as she wants to honestly what excuse me what what happened does she look oh no not this again oh no let's go just just kill me just in my life oh okay yeah [ __ ] balloon yeah that was a good hot so what do you do about this one I can't float encounter so not that uh-huh uh-huh so what I'm thinking of is all the best characters in this mode just have a really fast aerial they just carry your ass away yeah yeah yeah let's go okay okay well yeah you pissed me off that time with me Oh mo whimsical Orin Kerr Black Plague is in here for another exciting situation where people are signed play some hot custom-made game play with these hotels we got a lifetime whoa oh okay well we're looking for all right parents not gonna go for the heart fires I thought that was a free estimate that was definitely three outs man but you know what there was I got you oh how do you get that listen I'm an eternal abyss I don't know who plays maybe you don't a PG oh no it's not just for YouTube you don't forget I mean I'm saying you you double Stelfox now until five he is getting older you're stuck right here which twist interrupts the recovery but they both go to them I like that effort though even it up yeah you want to make sure I'm not gonna be the only one dying right here I mean if your name a baby was someone's son that's all I'm saying yeah that's science I can get it yeah bail a mango go for it everybody loses form expectation exam I'm the devil double is off the ledge with opponents hardest and here it's mere oh the effort story two holes oh man alright alright here we go standard combos I'll tell you what I bet boy could still pull that off and now he's back into it hey engineer I just noticed that they get little dears to me why don't you know knows that you said that is adorable that our friend is born off right now oh yeah not adorable want that combo right there this is that one ugly baby you can't tell friends about but you baby baby you won here to get bad and all right what is like a real match now yes this is actually torn I heard of it the respectful limit charge wow he really literally had a mirror right there he cancelled give up one minute with the tale office ugly that's lit I knew that you can do that hold up [Music] I think it's really funny that people only say good rez when it's them oh oh my that was it see you buddy I lived no I didn't wait yes it did I haven't what okay buddy [ __ ] dead yeah I was going for some dirt what what excuse me did I just push oh I was still on the stage nope you ain't gonna get me oh that rest that's real cute you're not safe you're never safe oh man you're tall girl I understand I'm lazy as hell man uh-huh I learned Bionic armor a pistol should not do [ __ ] to me no holding in would be an even worse idea I'm sorry you're an [ __ ] gotta risk it to get the biscuit yeah you're right [ __ ] you gotta risk it to get the biscuit you know yeah so you really think the captain falcon is gonna be the answer nope I was D Iong away - yeah you're not safe oh my god you get stopped she just had to sit there analyze the situation and then she went in what do I do I don't think there's much to do bud [ __ ] no nice 69 percent no I think my favourite name is probably death notes like all of death No okay okay a reasonable part until obviously when I get e L dies so I just gotta play it safe ah what okay I can make a quick comeback I can do this 30 seconds on the clock whoa [Applause] okay um just run around oh come on give me give me my Mac be my Mac oh I can do this I can do this I can do this oh my god oh come on oh my god this blows this blows this is gonna be like an endless cycle oh my god will this ever end oh my god my plane with someone I'm playing with someone I can't I can't leave beat their ass man beat their ass all right I'm gonna try to beat their oh yeah I played this game they haven't exactly a yeah no I'm gonna look like I know what I'm doing oh she's not ready for the bomb she doesn't know about the bomb oh I hit myself her name oh my god when you were telling me when you're telling me you play ribbon girl yeah I thought you just didn't know her name no her name's actually rivet girl but now she's dead oh you're only playing for one game and then you're out okay look how high-quality this glove is there are so many textures I don't even know how you'd pull the trigger but you know I don't think he's so I don't think Sonic came into this we don't we don't care about logic we make bad content okay you're right you're right let me his mouth needs to be like or either it's a chili dog or he needs to be like shocked he looks surprised right yeah that's least looks pretty like you didn't see this coming this morning no there we go oh yeah oh he's there we go make those eyebrows like wait let's give him my brows actually he looks pretty evil right yeah I think let's take that frown upside I was just thinking that flip it oh this is this is starting to not look very good oh yeah there we go in disguise to kill himself yeah like exactly people are gonna they're gonna fall for this this is like a game theory on Sonic actually killed himself in another timeline and get that game theory logo yeah it up there oh it's me a question mark but uh there we go oh I see yeah yeah yeah that just it's like night and day this is like this is like this is gonna net you some good views this is good this is great I love it I realize he only said sonic dies and sonic forces yeah we took it we took it and ran with it yeah we took some creative liberties but I think it's pretty good yeah I think it basically is what he wanted show me the tour why'd you make me switch lady fight what do you think about that we got carried by turret never mind yo I kill so god this is hard okay apparently not for him let's see how fast he hit this uh-huh Jesus and a lot of the grammatical errors you have to blame on Google Chrome like Andrews and iOS oh look at this logo look at this that is overwatch and if you look on the left side right here you got boom soldier girl McCree Winston and Sephiroth you know overwatch classics if you look over here you see Hawkeye mettaton one of the guys from Mad Max and then uh okay you've got me so again here's some Chinese I can't read Chinese we got to move on this is the new center let's check out game features look at girl McCree they are milking that game features again I don't know what this all means but I want to play this game so bad no it's a mobile app just want to say you got your flying knife shall Lee Lee since ancient times and then in order to pass the skills of this knife down he created a technology knife I feel like that was all kind of pairings of other sentences thrown together and make a paragraph destruction day comes lead or was destroyed he once wanted to commit suicide and I'm just kind of looking down here you gots her assault reloading defense auxilary okay but if I'm looking at it this looks like attack tanks defense and support no matter what it says above it soldier 9527 wonder who this could be nine fights you seven is the former Republic Marine Corp soldier destroyed and the future the Marines were dissolved and his family was all killed on the day of destruction so day of destruction on net cries is potato patata well he's got tactical grenades that'sthat's pretty different Oh Luke he has an AoE attacks that gives him health hmm Black Widow : Natasha okay okay come on she became a protective umbrella organization vicious fangs for hunting guard dawn members I mean you can call something an imitation all you want but they made a cute girl they know what they're doing to some degree Oh technology madman downing this one looks fairly original wow I'm actually looking at these abilities it kind of looks like a Bashan mixed with fair but you know what this will get to check good job original idea kind of we got fuck-boy Lucio over here okay future warrior Izawa he traveled all the way through time and space came here to stop it from happening and to protect their leaders what's with all this time and space stuff I'm you know what I'm gonna blame the Google Translate for this because here they spell his name like this and like that and like this I don't think they know how to spell his name wolf and then we got Jenny after the day of destruction the whole America was in chaos and in the West she's machree she's that's it oh but her gun is not called the peacemaker everybody it's called the peace messenger it's a very different okay translation went wrong somewhere by the wind whoo king of the eye that's just Hawkeye it's it's just Hawkeye not even from overwatch it's just Hawkeye actually these are hones abilities on Hawkeye mad man leaden spelled differently leaden was born California butcher family like the massacre he made two guns for himself and plus a slaughter hook deadlock change stretched the hooked okay road hog handle warrior Panta that's like naming Winston gorilla something like that look at this guardian of the galaxy looking ass oh he can jump drop shields and do primal Remi no gene enhancement excuse me the last night oh how are you doing buddy is this right yep yep it's Reinhardt just Reinhardt this is perfect this is exactly what we need it's like streamer diva you see you've even got the headphones and everything like that's all you need Royals sound division Alice she loves music and is willing to use music to deliver beauty I don't know what that means oh really know what she is all of her abilities look original her not so much Sophia okay okay this is like Mercy's younger sister who's trying to be her so she made wings out of like cardboard and [ __ ] also Oh does she not have pants shout to Andrew who films all of these are cool guys say hello Andrew hey you had one line thank you only get two letters on three I said say hello oh they said say hi it no busted yeah a [Music] good friend Ari sent a strange message top or bottom bookshelf is better how are you ignorant or not I feel am I like too old for this question what because like the first question I was with I was with it yeah okay with that Nicole now I'm not sure Oh gangster rap lyric that I'm not familiar with yeah is this some sort of position I'm unaware of the the bookshelf like showcase the bookshelf it's uh I have no idea I couldn't even pantomime the bookshelf the bookshelf is probably something like like this like okay no okay right it's like a put them in a headlock [Music] more fun from the creators of squiggle wiggle riders you ready for this though like but you I'll you wait what yep you didn't tell me you could do that well you never had your limit so I didn't really mattered oh no oh oh no let me know okay yeah I'll take it I'm telling you out no I'm timing no no dude this is real this is real basketball no oh you ready okay since we'll never know who won that no shut up okay this is a good one to end it on pokemon ultra son in ultramoon starter pokemon leak and since we got new pokemon game we got new starters so you and i we're gonna make those starters oh heck yeah I at least assume we're gonna go back to the Lola region so I'm gonna put this in the background and then we're gonna blur it out give it that classic Gaussian blur fan-made pokemon peih-gee oh there it is tige era right there where that weird oh that one this one yeah can you imagine the kid the kid who drew that it being featured in an alpha rad video we're gonna make that kid's day okay so I just searched grassman P&G and found this I think that's a good starter that's amazing what in God's name is that thing that is that is genuinely scarier than minion nests yeah that's your Pokemon yes yes we can track grass boy right here and here's the water starter yes hypothetically if these were the starters on the new Pokemon game let me know in the comments who you were choose cuz this is this separates people this is a great divide I believe in us we got this we can make it back [ __ ] Oh see what can you do my whole stage is closed I'm just the stage is closed okay okay well it's open right now what Oh sucks going for it see ya damn it Oh mr. kabuki what are you doing someone sponsor this man he puts the control stick ine presses buns man oh thanks for the assist Wow yep you like that [ __ ] cloud handed victory oh how does that feel we're first three Oh incoming all they left oh this low now looks like a MOBA oh yeah it's but that's right so we recognize all these character oh that's a stormtrooper that one's new that one's brand new that's okay we are ripping off a complete new realm see we still have Hawkeye female McCree and a stormtrooper got their new hero killer Murphy probably an old cowboy nope it's medicine okay who would have guessed oh that's her render yeah they're not uh they're not Messner okay that that is highly inappropriate that is that is just her nipple like that's a metallic nipple why does she have actual oh no she's a cyborg that's why she still has actual boobs of course she wouldn't compromise the cleavage you know what I have no idea who she could be imitating um she Sombra now I got the gambling man Stephen you know what this looks like a pre original character or a twisted fate from League of Legends what is a weeaboo you may ask a weeaboo with someone who washes pretty much anything does Japanese are related to Japanese culture the implication is very negative and often is an accusation of wanting to be Japanese at least according to a Google search when it comes to anime there's a huge divide between sub versus dubbed and a lot of people who prefer dubs are usually called words such as normies well some people can stay true with their subs and get the full authentic taste of what anime should be and then there's manga and that's a completely different story don't know but I think we have it all wrong I don't think a we've as someone who watches it's subbed hey what the [ __ ] you got a [ __ ] problem I think a real weeb watches everything dubbed what I mean by that is that they watch all of their American cartoons dubbed in Japanese with English subtitles I think that's really the next level some people are focusing on their anime watching it sub with their JoJo's Full Metal Alchemist Kappa Mikey and you know the best show on crunchyroll URI on ice right it got so many awards deservingly so - oh my god this intro alone is gonna trigger so many people but the other day I was curious so I searched the Phineas and Ferb intro in Japanese [Applause] and I have to say this might be one of the greatest Opie's I have ever seen look I get it you're tired of Pokemon I mean I understand pokemons have been everywhere since the late 90s just as soon as you think pokemons dead Pam just as you think you're only gonna do core games Pam just as soon as you think you understand all their spin-off BAM and I don't think people realize how big of a cash cow Pokemon truly is there are bootleg games there are bootleg plushies but here's the thing if you have merchandise of one mario you're saying I don't need any more Mario merchandise but if you have a Pikachu plush you can still get a Charmander plush and a Vaporeon plush and all other 750 plushies and hundreds and thousands of other people want in on it so I went on Apple's App Store to look up Pokemon ripoffs because let's be real mobile gaming is where ripoffs truly comes to life and I found it it's not any Pokemon this is dracco mod we're gonna start off creating her character these are not creative names hire gon go uh what should you do probably set it on fire my guess oh okay that thing's dead does this look like the face of Mercy to you we got ads after every battle you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna go get my wallet I'm gonna pay for the premium can I get a Diggy turtle I'm sorry I'm sorry we had to do that so am i I did not want it to come to that yes what the hell wait but you know what you proved to me Diggy turtle what does that to me stutter we'd only go for it Alfred if that's the real name you are truly James Bond you thought that was eyes James Bond but it was actually bames jond oh oh oh even though you didn't even though I was right in front of you in that whole time you didn't even though look I get it you are just as excited as I am today is June 23rd and that means that heroic mission is now available for Andrews devices they're having a little play test beta type thing just to probably see how the servers go but for me I'm just excited to experience the magic I know I bashed this initially but after seeing everything that's in it Sephiroth girl McCree a stormtrooper I just have to give the game the benefit of the doubt so with that being said let's dive into my first time playing heroic mission the absolute best overwatch ripoff I have ever seen whoo okay is everybody ready look it's giving us a little preview we got Jesse I mean not Jesse that's McCree this is Jenny she's got a peacekeeper I mean a peace bringer and a whole lot of jiggle physics there's a kill we are looking for an another note and another one first try baby pouty lips heaving tits and an ass that won't quit even if you try and fire it not only will she get your balls pumping so full of juice well this girl can make you laugh too like when she parodied Sarah Palin in who's Nayland Palin never mind oh wow the same goes with the missiles that's that's uh should be balanced feel free to get in front of me yeah that's what I thought you can't just sneak past ginger the giraffe oh so we got first place nothing too surprising to me the reason I wanted to play this is because I want to draw attention to an individual by the name of Paul Byrd ouija and I played wild animal racing on French without benefits and there is a huge cult behind Paul bird from a lot of really weird steam forums to of just a weird person who uploads strange videos to his YouTube channel like this one but I think one of the weirdest things is that he has a book and it is on Amazon and yes I have purchased it haha yeah you laugh every time he jumps so don't worry about that ok ok is it it's fun yeah these are his jumps a waiter that covers a whole stage trying to fill walk through those areas super armor help me know this is his upbeat that's his actual one ok he's has a lot of jumps like who cares okuu just loves laughing yeah oh no I can't land on that land over there no what's a man to do ah this is what power feels like you know you've got to be kidding me ok this looks pretty unfortunate doesn't it but uh what how how how do you doubt that I'll call no in it anything what the hell oh you can't for an area like me sawing alright I gotta beat him at his own game what okay buddy up smash - puppy - nothing oh I got stock oh no I don't have a stock weed oh no I got a much bigger disadvantage and I initially thought I might even bigger one now oh my god I don't know how oh but he's out of there okay okay one hundred percent difference I am a still in this but he not very likely hit him with the classic the bread and butter I'm so scared when he just like when he just dances around my shield I get so scared I have no idea what he's gonna like what's he doing he just woke up and down smash okay come on buddy you're going with me okay okay this looks hopeless like yeah I agree and that's because it is Oh hit him offstage it's not as hopeless as I initially thought we can maybe do this actually look at all these up tilts Oh some good up tilts oh no no what's gonna do not like this Oh oh this could be big it's not [Music] what kidding you guys think you're going I don't kill I just feel like death is all around me everywhere I go there's someone die I mean my aims got a little better as times gone on we're really out oh no I honestly have no idea what I'm doing what I'm doing it so well and later buddy you know we didn't do too poorly all at all that went pretty well we kind of rocked from that round you know what I think I have enough clips and put a montage together you know I know everyone's been waiting for it so here it is my halo online montage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here oh yeah what are you really supposed to do you know oh my god Jeff Kaplan you son of a [ __ ] they made us think that next year was doomed fist but bam robot girl and then we thought it was doomed fist and they showed us lunar horizon colony and good you know what it's not doom fist it's gonna be a monkey in a jetpack boom doom fist and after watching the trailer for doom fist there was one thing that stuck out to me where is Terry Crews yeah we got the play of the game you know we did you want to see it when I went off you want to see when I went off so I just panicked I killed him then it killed Ginji and then what everyone everyone was after me so just got a press all right I did get a card shoot lasers that me that's the only thing I can deal with this is I can't I I can't do this oh not the snowflakes god bless america oh I was doing so well up until these snowflakes oh my god I can just get behind her oh that changes everything can I just can I damage bruised past them uh-oh so I think this tries to hide behind her with the lasers and shoot her when she's in the Triangle and run like hell when she shoots snowflakes at you oh my god this could be it this could be it I'm not even taking damage I'm doing incredibly and snowflakes yeah that sounds about right oh my god hitting her did so much damage play that back this has to be it I could not just get so close and have it go to waste oh yeah god bless america oh my god finally whoa let me pick everything up off the floor Oh like my huge dick right now oh my god okay oh [ __ ] what do we look alike and that is all he sent he's asked me to go above and beyond he just has landscapes no no no you wish no one else has yeah yeah oh no there was one time we thought about putting Andrew up one episode instead of me because people thought he was more entertaining than me I think Andrew should just take both of our spica I would be down with that I was actually completely like in agreement that Andrew probably contributed more jokes than I did okay Vonda Soros Rex - Devon dough says would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or ten duck sized horses yeah the ten duck sized horses oh you're done okay right whoops did me to do that oh excuse me how did huh hello how did wait this isn't this isn't even the map we're playing on hey I helped can I break out it here no well I hope everyone's fighting the good fight without me yeah I don't know everyone I don't know don't ask me okay let's see if I can get all the way up here and use my ultimate nope nope looks like we're stuck over here very cool alright alright just kill me now oh I tried to go high but what was the point of that oh there wasn't it's gotta defeat these neces okay oh-oh-oh the postal save thank you so much Oh rednecks is dead that means he's gonna take blue neces last dog it's all going according to plan [Music] no it's not it's not going according to plan uh-oh try to sneak up on me and now it's just me and blue Ness yet again this time for sure oh we're so close oh did you see that we beat them fair and square we finally beat all three messes oh my god now let's see if we can do that when they reach level fifth oh they are level fifty X I've green s he's a he's a special boy you got it buddy this time it's all yours just me and redness how it should have ended Oh buddy are you ready are you ready for this yeah I earned it on the best morph player ever against three Ness amiibo oh wow this does not feel nearly as good as I thought I did it's a children's video game and I'm fighting against toys huh well huh I know you've seen the Aki oven but I'm really going to show you the octo oven here because look at that look at this look at this menacing beast I mean just a puddle now but here it comes do you hear that beat in the background yeah sounds like it's sampled from whatever new imagine dragons song is out there it actually does okay so you can upgrade all your weapons but yeah I don't I need to get more of those orbs maybe maybe it's better if I do buy them I hope you guys enjoy imagine dragons [Music] brain fart [Music] that's Auto stomp he's back baby what happened to you Cali Oh Oh No what did they do to you Cali why okay that was a sick poser hey DJ who is it who is the DJ oh my god this is unbelievable it's the guy from the first game zapfish and now Cali and the octobot King - he remixed Callie's brain okay okay first off i want to say i 100% called it my guess is that Cali has probably been captured by the octarians and she's been brainwashed or something like that and he's about to drop the beatdown you ain't all over the place the squid sisters are bad baby it's the song who could ever forget the song the squid sisters are back I'll kill them what the power of music girls I know you can he's got a new gun for me what you got for me bud the Rainmaker I'm ready I'm going to suck you dry oh okay oh she's just doing it well well no she's she's thinking about doing it okay uh well here's someone but I just kind of Madison come on eight hours lay down so what am I supposed to do do I need I need to start over is that how we do this with all these people all right all right then this game oh my god okay so I asked her for one two maybe think that would uh make her go up here no she just got down the staircase in uh you did to my started going for it give salami no dude back off hygiene hygiene yes IG gets back okay baby where are you going I'm gonna let's go buddy you ready you're ready for this oh look at that pure IG and I who would have seen this one coming yeah we're in a [ __ ] ni you know I'm done I'm done griefing IG and they they have enough footage for the reviews I'm sure of it okay where's pure IGN there you are buddy come here come here we need you we need you but oh no oh we're gonna argue new okay okay pure IGN I don't need any of this lip all right I'm gonna wait right here kill this boss when it reveals it's one weakness Bob poem there you go can that kill it no I got very close though Oh get out of there get out of me oh hell look death in the eyes there you know what I Jian I'm sorry I'm sorry I forgot you so much I just want a friendly Booya in return i Jian please give me a friendly Booya barging in give me a friendly Booya please it's all I want so they're not gonna give me a Booya so whenever I Jian releases there you know whatever splatoon to YouTube video review whenever they do that please spam their comments and ask them why they did not give Alfred a booyah in splatoon - you know what where's that in all the videos I don't care the emoji movies the most beautiful piece of garbage I have ever seen in my life I might be on some seventh level of irony but I have never laughed as hard as I did during that movie I went with a few friends after taking approximately 8 shots of vodka and I still can't comprehend that a unified team of people work together to actually produce this touching on the alcohol thing yes we did almost get kicked out but that's neither here nor there so please be aware that all I'm content in this video contains heavy spoilers about the emoji movie starting now surprisingly enough this movie did not have any character development at all and there was a surprising amount of social commentary throughout it the comedy was exclusively observational humor and terrible puns this movie is just about an emoji wants to be more than a man but it's frowned upon or something like that so him a hand and a hacker girl named Jay jailbreak go on a journey to turn him into a man after reaching their destination he says man never mind I don't want to be a mess that's concluding their journey essentially useless the evil dictator of the world tries to kill him for being different where ever you heard that before somehow she dies and the world is safe Oh someone I forgot to mention he put the world in jeopardy because he's different and then saved him so he just kind of balanced it out there he went even today so that's it for the emojis but in the real world the phone user Alex wants to talk to a girl can't talk to a girl goes to the phone store sends her an emoji and then she comes over and says hey I like her moji and they live happily ever after that's it that's it that is all that happens in the movie so when the movie was over the whole room of people in the theater stood up and applauded the phenomenal trash we just watched so all-in-all it's pretty bad I mean no no this pretty bad yeah that's it every single youtuber has uploaded yeah roughly 60 70 80 maybe 200 videos of her doom fists in the past few weeks and I am like no other but I'm a little different you know cuz I see the line at the end of the tunnel I know that overwatch is teased oomph is before but they just ripped off a character of paladin's who you may ask oh poor Vall oh don't take me seriously so I thought I would do this big boy some justice and given the publicity he deserves welcome to not doom fist see there he is the original doom fist is not I think he's really confused right now okay thank you seeing spirits man he's seeing these evil demons just go do it put him I was misery it's done it's over well he tried his hardest he was really confused and then he came up with a brilliant solution of getting cross slash in this level before isn't the strat to just do this yeah isn't that how I want to handle this oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no okay no that's not how you do it and sometimes you can fall but you know what they say rome wasn't built in a day easy does it now easy does it you know what maybe I should just try and see how far I can make it in this level without the cheese strat and then decide when I need the cheese strat and look a checkpoint just like oh alright okay I'm learning so much about this game so see these little so these dark brown boards these fall over time these brown ones with holes in them they break but if you jump on them you just die so you kind of yeah okay checkpoint is not gonna do me much when I only have one life left but we'll see how this goes okay oh no I don't like this scary okay those high-altitude hogs we got to watch out for them and try our heart is not to die oh no Hawk please don't hurt me he hurt me oh now let's just hope I don't choke right here cuz I feel like I'm gonna choke right here alright are you are you serious about that one can we go frame-by-frame do you see where I fell in between that yeah okay let's retry that level don't ask god bless america okay I'm trying my hardest game I hate this part I don't like it not even a little bit oh are you cereal K again okay okay okay okay okay okay little peeved this time but you know what oh no this games pretty hard this games pretty hard everyone you know I'm starting to see it now oh but we're having a lot of fun here today aren't we by the way I could have played a lot of it off camera so uh add this number to your death counts for you keeping track at home oh that's the end just like that that's a I've never felt more relieved in my life oh I could be missing a million boxes and I already feel just as happy as I do right now remember that difficulty spike I told you about earlier update I found it hi this is Steve from Nintendo how can I help you hey I'm a big fan of all the pink Minh games I was just wondering when you guys are going to make like pigment for on the switch or something like that no no no I'm not no not at all in fact actually we an antenna are very in touch with what the people want so we are very big on giving exactly that oh that's that's great then I'm really looking forward to whatever you guys have to do for Pikmin for Pikmin 4 no we're not doing that that series is discontinued instead we're gonna give the mobile game and what they really want oh god no bajillion platformer involving old screens on the 3s shaken by new and innovative ways to play with Olimar in all his pigments no no no well hey if it makes you feel better we're also discontinuing curvy Mario and just ending the Super Smash Brothers franchise as a whole oh my god oh my god you you yeah you can't be serious that's right - and now do you need help with anything else sir oh but first kind Pikmin will you do me one favor put me out of my misery oh it's a 6 B 0 right now something's wrong with you I don't think I don't think we get to them verse no.1 wait wait but we are also on their team right who what the bugs go home so good job team let's go but look someone joined the other team now it's a3 b1 and I'm starting with you people of greenhorn Oh alpha does not like that time to taste true fear say goodbye to your faces don't take my face please all right well everyone else is losing your face so that's not my problem yeah give his face back what's this that's a happy little enemy though be seeing you if you survive that is alpha oh yeah I can hear you am i hallucinating I mean hopefully there's no kind of a garden spirit okay well I'm pretty lucky to have that on my side you know okay so I can be a warrior a mage a cleric a chef a pop star oh [ __ ] I didn't want to be him no I don't want to be a female pop star no I didn't mean to do that there are different genders and I try to look at no no I don't want my cool Borya to look like that can I change it so the actual panel to Minh is the Great Hall oh I don't know how we're gonna walk that path but you know what I don't doubt Crash Bandicoot anymore huh okay that was the hardest level yet oh okay yeah that took me a minute sir prone cave just happened there that was awesome I didn't know it could stick on India I'm I shot you I'm not gonna lie I played this game for two years and that might have been one of the coolest things I have ever done in this game also what's up my leg oh okay let's go Kirby did you like that how are you oh my god that's so brutal my worst characters are probably she committing other was Bayonetta oh yeah oh whoa the Barrow canceled are you serious let's go at the heels of to be you see alive is he a robot an Android I oh I don't know oh it's another one from his wounds I think I got it oh no that's not good [Music] what excuse me oh well uh you can fall off just just so you know that's a lot of rings for mock threesome I think once you hit Mach 3 the goal is just catch the UFO nothing else matters oh oh no that matters phone oh look look how close that UFO is oh we got this just don't choke here what things are looking good I think oh we're so close oh that's ours that's ours we got it yeah let's go and I still don't quite know where I'm going I feel like I'm going the wrong way I'm just scared I had a bad time with the last level and I feel like they're only gonna get harder from here on out okay so I think I got enough rings for now start focusing on these cuz I'm gonna be fast now No are you serious I felt oh my god okay okay cool we get a Redemption we get a second chance of this cuz I'm I'm pretty pissy that we threw it last time okay Oh Mach 3 we're in and now baby are you serious okay oh okay I'm so mad so mad at myself this is easy they're all easy levels and I'm just a big dumb and stupid you know I got a feeling this is gonna be the run I just I just know it alright Mach 3 now we just gotta chase it down that's the goal are you serious how one of these days maybe we'll be able to do it there see there it is okay this time or sure okay look he's right there hi I think this could be big oh do you see that emerald oh it's right there oh my god oh my god at long last oh my god yeah how's that for a pop-up how's that for dam six Chaos Emerald let's oh let's go dad over there were three in this one level you know how pissed I'm gonna be if we do this on the first try that's it oh my I am so pissed that I took like 18 tries on the sixth one I got the seven one just like that you know what Sonic mania I don't give a [ __ ] oh wait I just turned supersonic oh that was an accident but uh hey we'll take those he goes - fast razón now he's little tiny baby super song that was invincible little tiny baby supersonic I'm not even being patient with it I'm just pissed living life on the edge cuz you want being patient what he didn't [ __ ] you is that it oh my god I was it oh that was literally it that was the last thing in my way this holds oh my god and I got please don't miss his jump oh my god where's the king I have to meet him I don't mean to barge in welcome traveler okie is that you oh hello the king is huge why is he so big is that pewdiepie the king of YouTube the Dark Lord attacked the town of greenhorn please help what I just saved all the faces that you don't believe me well there goes his face he's gonna believe me now if we get a new fourth member of our team it can't be true oh oh oh wow he's taking credit for all the work that we did i this game is incredible Oh Oh what the hell can yep that's my bad that was my bad you better let me sit down what are you doing I don't think it'd do anything about the yeah oh really no one I'd do it anymore yeah she's kind of Prince fun [Music] my man all right I live I live [ __ ] no all right now we're flying you're ready for this and we're airborne and are all done no no oh well at least now I get to play battle mercy Oh McCree very cute Oh everyone's dying at my hands oh my god oh man how dare you blizzard if we average recipe three people four ultimate even though it sounds generous let's say I got five Ultimates per game that's 15 people Blizzard but now with this new recipe leti if I rest about every 30 seconds in a 20 minute game that's like 40 reso wait one sec I didn't play in the game every single time when I hid with my ultimate nothing filled me with such a foyer like flying out and matching the only key I needed that's right the legendary q button she is a DPS now even though she still shines by using her ultimate as peer support ah she's be a healer just a healer even though she had the pistol before the patch giving her more options to use it as absolutely horrendous Blizzard reworking your character to make them more enjoyable and unique is not how you balance a game Blizzard even if it does link to the competitive timeline of overwatch it helps the overall game and every skill level Blizzard this is about me and the lack of my mechanical skill how dare you take this away from me Blizzard I'm so salty I missed the old mercy support one trick is getting mad about Blizzard and creasing the skill floor on one of the easiest character in the game see this guy gets it a terrible change players meaning mercy never played to have an aggressive play style let's make mercy to us heels more pew pew with her pistol whose idea was that not submission say goodbye to strategical game deciding clutch mass revives now exactly my guy I get what you're saying with healing you like to prioritize an order of healers DPS two tanks right but now I need the same amount of situational awareness that I need for that res all throughout the game like how do I prioritize who I rise every 30 seconds you know the answer is that it all depends on the situation how am I supposed to think that heart Blizzard doled incurs much hope for it to not go down it's their game we just played sorry I'm salty but I don't like to change nope no old Mickey coming back till you change them all to sub hashtag nah my mercy hashtag nah my mercy you guys hate use don't you think it's time for a new game why the change it feels broken now I have to actually aim in a videogame oMFG Blizzard see think oh my god this voice hurts I've got a lot of poison on you best oh oh my dance on them my group spacing on my part how did you know I don't know man I just focus or dance on the froggy got him Oh Oh what what what we weren't even on the same floor I was still below you I'm trying but our tribe is hear me out my new main is are we not done what excuse me [Music] yo my fappa Beaulieu girl that's not how you talk to women [Music] yeah even she's not into it this cross the whole porn studio we got another image of her am I gonna censor it out absolutely I don't care you know what that's a nice wholesome pictures that me am I just chilling in her lap well nice to meet you chew girl for what okay so the last picture was so wholesome we were just hanging out and now she's nude with some doves excuse me what's the progression here you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain ma'am is it do you mean you either play the game remain cloud yes well I like how that's your answer for cloud is Gannon yeah he's a superior character didn't you know yeah I mean I guess you're right yep do you like how everything's framed safe like you definitely did something about that but cloud said no oh my god [Music] no [ __ ] you're coming with all those I'm coming after you or ready for that one I was not I expect you to stand there and charge lemon I was gonna brothers 1 in the limit charge oh wait Bravo we can't up calculated it's like I just found and punched myself I am dead yeah oh my grass broke in you had something go in there I saw the gears turning this is broken side B one's broken [Laughter] no that was dirty oh I'm gonna be sick clouds disgusting it's pretty gross let me look at that hair Oh Waluigi you are still this did not fix anything not on don't worry I'll fix it I'll fix him up real I don't think we he's a god he can't be killed what okay I only I can win this fight no I can't be stopped he's gone let's watch bye no all right let's go Waluigi there's a disgusting creature I don't think you fully appreciate that she just kissed me on the dick shut up on my screen you okay totes trying to hit you man he does not know what you're doing Oh incredible just a jump and then minimize your screen I just want to see what he does paid so hard [Music] all right wait wait wait there's no way got him honk on did you like the tricks we had yes that man is not a high schooler look at him no this boy's not 16 not basketball high school all-american over 1 million views on YouTube mafia talk about MJ my mom they hate me everyone hates me yep I got it mom but uh grant got most of them I meant to tell you that I've been thinking about going pro next year what I think you're making the right what I'm into it I'm super into this right now I'm just confused cuz it's just like titties in space Oh No is this what happens is she gonna turn into Purple Heart yep that's how we get to to not just the titties of the ass - I want you to [ __ ] me I [ __ ] make another ground beef jerkies oh shut up girls you'll [ __ ] wake sting anyway like I was saying before imagine in a world where one man and it is a stupid [ __ ] guitar play the same song on stage Oh and over and over until he eventually gets banned this is not no ground beats own camera upfront somebody's taking your ground beef it killed me not to know this but I've all but just forgotten what the color of her eyes were and the scars to tell inside a drink down a single tear is bothering checking in what were you trying to press something they're doing was it not working it was not the case that was a combo Oh what is he doing we're just trying to sleep in the end who do you take from us I don't like this at all what is it just me I don't even have eating in my clothes I mean that's good for the most part but what happened so I think this is one of the funniest images I've ever seen it's just Mario but with a knife hey everybody welcome back to another great episode of clickbait I am here with a quality clickbait connoisseur Inferno Omni you think about it actually makes a lot of sense did wait wait did you just call me infernal did you come to life I did I was looking at the discord thing is that infernal I'll hold up hold up hey everybody welcome back to clickbait I am here with a world-renowned clickbait connoisseur Omni oh hello there Alfa how's it going geez this is not okay that looks excellent yeah here's the thing if we get 500 suggestions in five of them are good that's a win right even though that's like literally but that 5% yes 5% 1% 1% 500 my guy you're an accountant you can edit that out you know you oh please Oh God I was not oh you got busy trying oh I don't like this you don't Oh No okay I like that come on don't give me it's not the right place to be feeling sad okay Pizza time lose my momentum is going all over the place I can't control all I care what you expect is hardest man oh wait here I'll be right back all right the delivery has come through we got some chick-fil-a oh what a great day did you want a cookie - there you go Aunt Ruth enjoy your cookie so at riot sauna asks hi so I'm gay for Duncan and I really want to meet him in person so what events is he going to uh no we go to his house yeah you can come to my house in hold on let's hope I remember to censor that out if you don't then he comes here and he meets me just like he wants me and every one actually no but that's how she could have won the election that's why she lost yeah I was just about to say I thought she'd dump on Ellen oh did she table I think she did yeah maybe that's why she lost the election Oh Ellen was hating so she deaf that's upset it really sucks today Sarah asks would you have sex with the invisible girl from my hero academia oh I see so there's this girl who's just hands okay in uniform for she wears gloves I can't see her I'm gonna say yes just just satisfy curiosity mm-hmm she's like would you be able to see yourself in it you know I don't know that's a good point yeah yeah I mean I probably would just cuz I Wendy will do that ever yeah it's just an experience that is really uh unattainable if the opportunity presented itself absolutely with Dylan be interested in me sending him a video of me snorting something so there's only bad way this could go and then it even worse way this could go I'm gonna say there's no good way that this is gonna go yeah [Music] [Laughter] so my abilities are hold hands talk menu affection system what is ha who is not surprised nor let's hold hands Oh snot into it see the widow chillin here or they just kill themself whenever I hit them so I don't get the kill that's a sick strat for life come on apparently they have a Super Mario Odyssey demo and I'm all about that people are gonna look that's fine we don't care who sees water but no ice zone actually can't get in yeah you're such a big voice oh my god oh so if you don't want me to take your ice away just don't hit me yeah that's the solution that's that's it yeah even for the big boy I can't just all Oh sick oh you already super [Music] Wow GG zone I don't want to play this game anymore I'm going oh excuse me what person was I at I just died Oh No Oh No got the damage what oh you know what I taught him well oh come on get that ring right there well push me up there we go Oh Oh Sonic you're kind of on the ground oh hell yeah oh no Sonic oh SIG's calm down let's go explore the area that we aren't supposed to explore Ohno get that ring get that ring that's all that matters oh no run away run away it's pretty badass I'm digging the white and black color palette what is her name something fierce something ferocious well that's a damn shame alright I think I fixed it don't worry everybody welcome to this kid-friendly gameplay we have starring these two girls [ __ ] how you know breaking your back well you know what this game had an idea they knew what they were going for and they accomplished just that ever since cuphead was announced many years ago I have been looking forward to this game no game has come even remotely close with how unique their overall aesthetic and character designs are and I am proud to say that after 26 long minutes that I have officially beat the entire game of cuphead so okay we got a power I gladly put her service to the test if you're no one I'm saying be sure to smash that like button and subscribe if you haven't i promise i try to make really good content please please he have other youtubers like my boy Stiles who's killing it at this game and then you have me who's just being killed in this game there are also a lot of support of commons people did admit they struggle with the game some people even took it so far - give me the extreme benefit of the doubt and say that was faking how bad I was playing and you know what I'm gonna take that as a compliment kind of cuz you were soon better of me and you know what I'm here to give you better through all your battles and all my rhymes you have failed in Paris 22 times this one full Redemption did I miss him no we still got one that's good enough slowly but surely I'm figuring the game out I'm figuring out like I'm moving around the way I want to I'm learning all about the game and now is where we bust out the super oh god and everything not even gonna hit by the flamethrower not even getting hit by again that's the first perfect run I've ever had oh god there's this bubble Oh switch spread sure oh okay no I just died that yeah yeah that's fine on oh yeah oh yeah that's okay so he's got a lot of little enemies here and there we're gonna break this out we're gonna have a grand ol time never mind okay so hear me out I have an idea what if I just use this weapon um this is this is easy well I'm at least glad I didn't spend a lot of time making it harder than it had to be yeah no that's it all okay moving on [Music] oh my god your boys doing it look at what got up little boy it will cut that dodge and everything look at all oh it's knock out it's a knock out it's a knock out it's a knock it's a [ __ ] knock let's go yes I've had a rate that robot on a scale of 1 to hard that yeah that was hard yeah there we go high like this buddy hmm we got some real spooky scary skeletons in here now wait let me get the meter first well you can't get them all sometimes they go behind you oh this is easy such a disappointment for the final world now what we got oh these guys doesn't matter who I kill first how am I supposed to dodge this all boo but me if I do this it's a knockout baby Wow okay yeah we're gonna move on to the next world okay buddy I'm ready lay it on me Oh okay so let's see here we're over here we got start we got a roll and get here card oh let me get that on there oh that's gonna be some nice damage oh I miss one Oh God look that's fine oh it's a knockout casino night baby where you guys going you want to you want to come home with me cards we I'm just gonna avoid everything we still got to help we're using our super things are looking pretty good oh hello oh god please don't let it cuphead Wow it feels like falling in love over and over again with each and every boss and with that Cup head and mug man who didn't do jack [ __ ] this whole playthrough destroyed all the soul contract releasing equal isles residents from eternal servitude to the devil last one there is a leaky cop bug man tease as they ran even though he was not a part of this adventure at all just came for the credit at the last second well he didn't smack your ass so he didn't [Music] I can do 26 ahem or split 16 the double six seems better oh it sounds pop that's what I was doing oh okay fine from Andy's book phone oh damn it right now time oh my car please stop the door it's me or this one's gonna stop here never mind Oh Jean that's pretty good too so more than it's so fast yo this stage sucks I'm not a fan I have to say I would love to do things with Paulo Tana consensually Wow I wish you saw my face oh yes it's fruit combo by the way oh wait wait oh she's gonna die isn't she right something's gonna happen and it's gonna be really bad whoa something bad happened oh my god am i right is she actually gonna die well you know what yep yeah chapter one damn mom just died costumes oh we can play the masked lord or I forgot I had this so if you get the season pass for all the DLC I think you get this included which I would like to say that product was not provided by Nintendo I dropped that 20 bill all on my own for this but also something I just remembered is that Niall should be an archer huh wouldn't you know it Niles is an archer oh let's hope this doesn't go poorly and it did it wouldn't oh my god you just one shot in our ass Gordon no no no Gordon Ellie oh no oh oh oh god don't be a sign kind of oh hell yeah oh god Oh help me put me out of my misery oh I don't be a sign anymore okay so maybe I can clip through here No Oh yep I just become the gate okay yeah that's one way to do it all right goodbye Bowser okay goodbye for real this time when you become the key well that's a damn shame oh god Bless America your ear um okay we're kind of clipping oh I saw it oh we got it for a second Oh No oh okay we're cooking we're cooking back here we're cooking that's his jump that's a jump no joke go easy hit it with the counter Oh is grab dude yeah do not shield do not shield against me [ __ ] are we trying to run in he just keeps getting jabbed all this i explained the intimidation Oh total domination who this guy just looks like soldier 76 and he probably is but he does have a cruel war lower skin which is again not soldier 76 oh we have fire uh she looks like mercy but she probably plays like Farah wow oh my god this is like an American Hanzo or a Japanese McCree either way this is Oh so that actually was a Japanese machree and that's female Hanzo oh okay we got titty monster Ginji over here yeah look at those jiggle physics this game absolutely knows what they're doing look at her they just don't stop coming and here's our big boy this is absolutely Reinhart yep there's his big ol shield I don't know why all these games like to rip off like a card character cuz this isn't Twisted Fate at least but oh we got an echo made so you know what this is just called pandering who is this is this Winston is this a man named Winston you know I'm gonna give it to him oh okay pineapple grenade nano healing enhancement potion yeah okay this is honor and there's robot Winston electric shell rocket fist Thunderbolt actually oh no rocket fist is a hook this is road hog with Winston shield I see oh my god her body says Lucy oh but her face says mercy yeah this is just female Lucy oh that has res look at all these characters oh my god this game is horribly incredible you know what I mean oh but look we can get it for free wait wait $0.99 to get her for free I'm just gonna say I think there are some errors with that logic this is absolutely mercy but with Lucy owes everything else and we're chilling on 420 pinhead nice what is this blaster though I don't know what this is it just shoots I guess oh everybody you better watch out it's 3:30 aiming on your phone is so hard though just a gunshot hey you did it wait excuse me no that's where I just was that's a okay then well it looks like I got a lot of kills somehow [Music] [Music] yeah for now I'm just gonna yeah see you later buddy a player sent an image to one of your groups boys one two three excuse me all right so we sent me an image thank you very much kind sir you are indeed a man of culture fine okay oh yes I am oh my god I I immediately regret this decision [Music] sure oh my god oh my oh my god it's every pound so multi pounds this was such a mistake oh my god I wonder how long it's gonna be until he asked us about the talk or Tuesday line again really makes me hungry oh my god there it is Wow Taco Tuesday everybody who can't wait I can't believe that she's actually a long-range beam sniper like look at this I'm gonna go so far away wherever you are I'll be watching you oh my god that's a long-range beam sniper oh I figured it out all this time I've been trying to hurt them but little did I know all I need to do was just keep my distance and they just died oh my god he looks very unique I'm gonna say I guess Sonics is dead oh yeah you're right your honor he does not look like much it's like knuckles it's like you know what guys I know you're upset the Sonics dead but look what I found it's the next best thing let's give it a Raygun I'm sure this isn't hell-bent on world domination more so than Eggman is you see that everybody now we can put a hat on to signify that we're a gamer just in case you didn't know real gamer hours smash that [ __ ] like button how would we possibly beat this boss if we aren't a true gamer you know look at this monstrosity I could not ask for anything better where is this supposed to go why is this here that is a wall right there who drives through here and why is it $15 well it's time to just try every damn house until somebody lets me in you know someone helped me wake me up wake me up inside I can't wake up okay sorry I thought I got to class early but apparently if you're too early you're late there okay wait no class is over now that it was just a hard cut that was it well you're so fast yeah oh no oh yeah don't kill me oh my God look at and you're invincible Oh God oh you're invincible still she does it ever in what okay Cora you're getting [ __ ] on my corn my damage ratio is lit like alright oh you've got a stack side I'm on over here what does it cost us T wasn't yes damn it this is the game I've been looking forward to the most in 2017 and we're just less than a minute into it and I'm already in love with it oh is that gonna kill Mario oh yeah he's dead oh she looks so cute I love her oh my god that's a sign of defeat right there all wow so this is the first appearance of Bowser he's dressed like a pimp and he's already flexing on Mario I want to be a fraud that's it Mario doesn't even know what he's getting himself into and now we're a little frog we captured a frog well Oh Mike whoa look at those hops hello fellow frogs I am one of you I come in peace and here we go on the rails it's a new donk city possibly I don't know I know what that is Oh Super Mario Odyssey this is it no no okay we're going to Cascade kingdoms [Music] Mars just screaming he has not truly processed what's going on cuz I mean Cappy didn't really explain is this when we become the dinosaur this early on okay so if they put something this cool right at the start they have to have a lot cooler things left for me right oh my look at him look at that stache you do not want to mess with this guy or don't follow up oh no and that's how the dinosaurs went extinct I think I've already figured out how to beat it oh no we possess the Chain Chomp and this is it this is how it is just like this like if you take three hit straight to the face you're dead right atop the highest tower oh my god okay so if you don't know at the target down the street they had a demo setup and I've been there multiple times so I know how to do this yeah so trust me I know what I'm doing I finally got here nice now on the sky garden tower this looks like a boss fight but first let's go down here Oh Oh what are we fire Mario just tried to look intimidating but put on some scuba gear but dear God peach you're looking so good in this game even those cheese's kind of you know held captive but what else is new Oh God Bowser he has arms on his hat oh god oh god oh I got here just in time it was not gonna survive another hit what wedding dude oh excuse me oh look at that oh we're gonna die right here those oh I'm sorry I don't really have time to chat right now I need to figure out a way to save my city yeah yeah I understand but girl I'm Mario I will do if anyone has ever done hundred [ __ ] I'll show you know it ain't my input Mario just stood there God okay let's try again I got to break 100 what impresses me the most is the arms on these women because they are champs like oh my god oh that 98 are you serious oh I got distracted for one second I start talking about tragic commentary and it was hard okay this time for sure so you're telling me I've been killing it on all these boss fights but when it comes to jump rope that's where I start to have trouble with the game oh my God look at me shaking my controller violently come on one more time Mario how how how how burn stop it's so simple it's just jump rope everybody come on I mean yeah this does look like the easiest part of the game doesn't it I just have to sit here and press one button but that's the thing why is it so hard for me not nineteen really oh okay oh let's go okay no stop who cares we got it hit me we got the moon that's all that matters let's go more jump rope genius no what look look at these leaderboards I want to see where I place and I don't have any friends so I'm automatically the best out of my group of friends really that's so much this game just came out I'm playing this this episode has been recorded on the 27th the day honesty came out that means this game dropped and people said yeah that's what I'm gonna spend my time on all right you know what yeah this is looking pretty good to me Mario's a man of culture you know oh is this time is it time for the song it's time for the song [Music] cities of our city this is the moment I have been waiting for since I started this game here we go take it Pauline [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god she's everywhere and she's killing it let's celebrate let's go she stopped singing as you can tell it's finally time for diddy kong odyssey cuz now oh oh hey Mario Quinn has Mario ever had to use water to clean up in Island well there's a moon right here so I think I'm good to go under look at Mario he's just going to sleep over the other in khakis doing all the work carrying the team yet again yeah right about here this gets really hard if you're just Mario the alternative to this is just having really good and precise aim with Tapie and just throwing him at the ball each time that scares me you know one miss input and it's over but this I just fly around I can overcorrect it's perfect God never mind it's not oh my God look at that you can just get past that entire level excuse me is this Peach's castle really oh my god this is the core here oh my god oh this is sodium cool what am i what is going on Oh am i meat and the stupid cross-eyed bird once the this is weird hello oh what's wrong with Oh what hello oh my what what is everyone doing here hello Pauline what are you doing alright Bowser you cannot marry that woman because we are here to crash this wedding oh no he can't get rid of us that easily nevermind yes you can I know exactly what we have to do you know what of course it had to come down to this this is the only way the game could have ended oh my God look at the sequence of all these boss fights this is incredible [Music] [Laughter] he looks so stupid it's gonna tug how does that work [Music] alright see a moon [Music] oh my god this has been a trip actually no I take it back this sounds like an opening to a Disney Channel original movie but eh we're outside of the chapel and peach looks phenomenal in her wedding dress what if this is it this is a game where Mario peach finally get married for real oh no never mind yeah he's reunited sue has forget it is this how the game is no it's not oh she does these one at a time are you are you serious I just got to keep talking to her oh that takes so long oh my jaw Oh okay we're done all right let's play the game again I'm down now we know just what we're doing we know right when the things expire so everything smooth oh god I blew that we're starting over oh my god there's the moon oh my god is that it is that what we had to do let's go oh are you serious I love job you said just job okay oh my god and I died all right come on big bullet bill I can't even see does that stupid camera know what I'm predicting just a few mishaps and then we're good to go because I think we're doing pretty well on this so far oh god bless god watch as we drop through the platform to go down here and miss and die you know what I'm feeling pretty good about this time I should never speak it looks so simple because you just think why Lauren why don't you just read the long jump but let me adjust my glass is real quick to prove my superior intelligence hey my hand hey all right [ __ ] first off that's not funny second off this shit's hard okay but if you want to be the [ __ ] and copy that word-for-word in the comments be my guest oh we're moving oh this is it this is the road oh okay finally as soon as we got past that first point it was just smooth sailing and then we get that free move all that feels good validation baby everyone's here partying what the hell this isn't really what I expected what is going on we Pauline singing over here and girl what are you doing go Mario jump man get it she called him jump man got nope turn around turn at all [ __ ] that sucks no fouls are you stupid idiot you got to turn around oh my oh my god Bowser you buffoon just please Bowser Bowser for the love of God Bowser you will not blow this for me what the [ __ ] I'm so good god yeah let's start all the way a [ __ ] you game alright we just can't get hit we can't lose any health because health is so important right now because I am going to blow it if I lose again god bless okay well I also know how this works doc pals are just [ __ ] turn around that's all I ask how do you how the [ __ ] do you do this you know what just [ __ ] it yeah I'll take the day Oh what I don't know or whatever just keep mashing buttons don't even think about turning around not even for a second come on guys we got through hell you know what we might have more if I just mash buttons mindlessly from the beginning oh no we're just Mario now okay you got some left for us game [Music] god I'm so terrified was it gonna be Oh something oh god what is this or is this cute is this just say thank you oh my god we did it okay oh I'm so relieved this is just like the end of champion Road in 3d World God Wow can we just talk about our experience playing Odyssey this was the most fun I've had with a video game in forever like I've never enjoyed a game this much yes this trick really was amazing Cathy I was there for all but don't worry I had the time of my life playing this game it's been an honor walking a mile on your head oh my god this is the final moon we need to collect in this entire game that's it I just 100% 'add Super Mario Odyssey and boy what an adventure this has been I love this game so damn much why did the difficulty say hard like you know he's just hard Oh bad nope I can't take that one back now huh line up the sights he has no game plan got it Nina Rosa we're just gonna make mad cakes you know what that means time for a lewd peach art Oh funny peach emoji ha get it fellas we got that and you know what if you want it bad enough we can put that in the thumbnails from now on you get roll with us before Ichi you seem pretty cool yeah so Joan's gonna go change models so he's a more attractive for the ladies that are coming tonight you know you know I got terabytes if you know what I mean oh yeah here I'll show you around buddy right down here is the laundry room okay well we call this the [ __ ] room nice this is a really nice bathroom also known as the [ __ ] room like it and then if you go down even further um this is the bedroom oh so this isn't the fun no no no this is just a better bedroom yeah yeah it's this bedroom okay yeah this is cool I know I'm kind of intruding here but uh we're gonna be hosting a really large party if anybody wants to join I'm gonna put a portal down here okay you go on ahead we'll talk probably mebbe follow not sure Wow this guy's an [ __ ] he doesn't even know doesn't even know he's missing out on you may have been right yeah this game is incredible oh my god everybody everyone look behind us waluigi has [ __ ] all talking to me right now child you never heard of voice changers i mean i have mo from hit disney/pixar floor if you find my Evoque I think you might be in a contestant with this guy about who's the best assassin so if I really want to submit myself as the best legendary legends player I gotta go online let's see who's ready to play I'm sure this game is poppin with people three weeks later I've gotta take matters into my own hand let's just invite all of my friends and let's just see if anyone else wants to play I'm sure no one's really gonna judge me for this right I thought of every ward wanna play it many months later oh my god I think I have competition really luck he's ready to rock whoo get ready for some monkey business [Music] what Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] so we are agreeing that we're going with this blue color now I think so I think blue truly is the future red is for the past blues for the future question is how do we turn this thing blue oh you want to see how we turn this thing blue now make Photoshop I think I did oh my god how's that like that was that perfect I want to have a loss of words that looks better than I could have possibly imagined 33% more dimension I mean tell me I'm wrong that is entirely accurate yeah I know what else can really flaunt this you know that's good right there there we go oh it all comes together I think we figured it out he's Matt Pat look hope the whole time thing he never gave undertale to the poem he just bought it yeah that was the trick the whole time we gotta finish this quick cause soon enough area 51 is gonna start knocking down our door because we never lay down fight or just blowin up the office any minute now we got a hurry we got to get the word out before it's too late okay Kay you know what I think there's more to this is there more I think the Pope might be a red herring no I think this is head he has to throw us off of his trail why what happens you know too much turn off the computer but I won't be sure to subscribe bye if you wanna play music can you go [ __ ] yourself you stupid [ __ ] going to the rainbow temple oh I see the rainbow temple I'm going in wait so is this the rainbow temple yeah I just saw solid sneaking chased down by two of them Oh oh my god that's it I'm one of them yeah yeah one of us so many people are coming in right now oh cool I think this is a cult oh wait what she's gonna do it she's gonna do it oh look at us feel the power there's a dude getting chased Kyle Kyle Kyle I see you down there Kyle you can't run from me guys he's coming around the front hit him good a bargain oh we're all ready rainbow now what no no we're not gonna catch Kyle so we got to make our own cordon that's how you know he made oh okay let's start a cult everybody so if we want to make a cult we have to make a cruel cult you know yeah I think this is a how about that's a good wait guys guys guys guys I think I got it oh my god I think this is a this is the one can I get a hell yeah for rubber duckie wait no no you're close you're close come on come on you know you Amy yeah we got a lot of Ernie's alright let's go Bernie King Bernie King I need a party gang dirty gun she had to click yo do we go back to the Bernie getting big party day 30 day Yankee game game it's now property emerging we own this place now this is our place this is my place hey Ernie okay are you game all right let's go upstairs mom we gotta invade them we gotta all brought upstairs while scream an Ernie game are we all here yeah three two one we took it back you and me Wendy did you just say the rubber druggies juice we meet again Ernie gang Oh No all right you say it's get the hell out of his bar [ __ ] this is our bar now why do you look like light yagami dropped out of high school why do you look like the fourth Jonas brother how about you shut the heck up this is our home now you can't take that for lost no I don't know I feel like I'm in heck man hear me out we will leave this place in peace if you admit that this is property of the Ernie gang I'll do it all right who owns this place you gotta say it yeah who owns this bar Ernie game no Ernie gang no get the heck out of my poo or he was here a hashtag ducky oh that's how you know ooh what's the logo your logo okay watch this so you see I'm gonna make a lowercase e oh and now it's a G Jacob you should totally get that on a shirt okay are we making Ernie gang shirts all right check the description everybody there I saw no change Ernie gay yo she's got a gun in it yeah hey you want to draw an Ernie gang Ernie gank Ernie gank dad for us hey would you guys like to have an Ernie gang on the show nope Oh what do you guys want I told you to get that hello bartender I'd like a margarita or water for me and I'm driving the customer's always right I'd like that glass of milk I'm underage [Music] yes hey Firefox I got a hand it's ooh this is a really nice bar yeah you know um you know my dad he was in college but look fire funds I have a question I have a question yeah who owns this bar yeah I was gonna I do but I'll see you guys do too so are we all ready Jake our DJ's early day you found the cold earlier but we realized you wouldn't make it okay Firefox is the bar unattended hey Firefox what are you doing here do you want to be an Ernie gang no please let me know in the comments that this video is now property of Ernie gang and please do that on every other video you watch for the next year yo Firefox Firefox well your bodyguards not doing a good job right now Ernie gang y'all ready gang Ernie game my children what my bodyguard I would say no to that you can do that but just as Ernie not there already energy no no you don't have to do any of that stuff to Joyner okay go dude all you do is change your model door or us or Ricker Morty you don't have enough IQ and that's IQ what are you guys talking about you bring what I mean later Q I have is my what what what if I just Davis name and also EU I can just show you quick that's not possible during the bloody wear a blue shirt exactly yo bro that's a lot of red your way well yeah it's my name's Tom wait and black it Firefox I'm gonna ask you one more time Ernie gang if you guys weren't red and black I will probably join but no they're not wearing black Firefox left yeah you can spread their ass on no change you'd like to join our gang but I out I'll just roll with you guys I'll feel like we roll with yeah like you didn't roll with us but I'm saying you'd be more accepted if you were in Ernie you know red and black suits yeah you know what we really needed someone in our crew who only wears red and black so I think you're in oh he's we got a runner everybody we got a runner Kearney and Danny hey there's two of them now oh you're in there oh my god guys I found the other colt I found the rainbow girl cold hey guys let me tell you something we came to the rainbow temple and we saw what you guys were doing and we want to start our own gangs you want join an early game all right dude meet us at outs so many people following us when I say rubber you say duck rubber duck oh my god Ernie yeah okay all right guys Ernie gained through the portal Oh the gangs rolling out a new tank stay minor judgment [ __ ] Ernie who's the leader of the blue station like you guys want to endless no we're earned a gang we're a gang which is we add person we don't care about the executive branch what's up with her knee game it's just a puncher yeah Ernie gang Ernie you think I didn't come from parish of the [ __ ] up what do you think lock you all here in the back I mean I just walk outside yeah you didn't really I would die for Ernie gang what do you mean I'm the leader of Ernie gang and there is not a single Ernie who would ever go against the ethics of Ernie gang do you care for your subordinates that is weakness that is what makes you weak you'll never win Bacardi get some real [ __ ] walk away like walk home and find your girl with another Ernie because there's a party the great pub we gonna Billy gotta go Bernie gang where's Bert no this is not the men's bathroom this is the Ernie bathroom Ernie game Ernie yay well looks like they tricked us there is not actually a Bert here they're not ready for us we're back Ernie gang Ernie gang Ernie gang Ernie gang Kimo where to Ernie go I'm doctor to do green gang man it's ok I'll green screen you in post and you'll be an Ernie this is our bar no matter what Firefox may say guys can I have your attention please I have an announcement to make and Ernie gang pretty good evening Ernie gang Ernie gate we have to meet our new member of the gang Ernie oh my god dad oh my god Ernie gang I say rubber you say duckie rubber duckie Robert I say please you say subscribe please subscribe my god there it is folks we have reached peak brawl hey that's a good move oh oh hello FD oh look at this sword and look at your small ice sword all the way over there but somehow yell lean into it okay it's even worth it for me to try to edge guard my tonight no I can make it back to ledge three times and that's without even use my FB I go that way right for the platform nope no platform Noah how's it feel to have all this power feels good man wasn't this legal in Brawl this stage used to be legal okay let's get the full brawl experience today I hope you're ready for knuckles mania and hand knuckles oh wait so this is part of the mod I didn't edit this in this is just okay let's move on and now we're just gonna enjoy our day knuckles and knuckles and a lot of other knuckles here what is this nah-nah goals that's what it is hello we got a they got a lot of knuckles here huh oh look the blue orbs are sonic see not everything is the knuckles okay I was pretty scared on what word was coming next but I want to know it's just knuckles stop it get some help I'm Michael joy that's what everybody I am in the virtual world I am now part of the Internet excuse me do you have any demons on you like no no demons at all then what am I doing here I think in the wrong business nope can you get away from me Oh Brandon for your money matching me Kelly it's right at the start let's go oh that's tragic okay Oh God spaghetti let's go what [ __ ] oh do you want it back sorry I'm gonna win it back this all the money I've got I'm really just desperate no every single one of your moves kills before mine you don't have any money left I have 89 no we're going back in is it letting you put the bet doesn't look like it I'm out of money all right you know what here's a fried match real quick you can go Clarence and I'll go Zetter oh god oh god I was winning just a second ago what happened I learned how to play the character oh [ __ ] ok so now we have a robot what would a robot eat I'll be honest I don't really know what robots eat apparently it's not human flesh so that's a little relieving hmm I was gonna go with oil but I don't know if it cooking oil or motor oil I'm just gonna he just eat the bipod was that this cannibal has shown up for something special right something for the kid oh you know what I got just the thing for you I'm not I'm not gonna lie this games kind of [ __ ] up well it's all sort of makes sense I am finally the king of all darkness with my five five heads also he has a gun that's cool you know what no no I don't like how you're looking at me buddy how would you like to be dead to dread whoo whoo yeah that's why I thought oh oh no no you can't get away from me buddy dad oh god dad dad there we go yep I am the god of the new world wait I just got a star wait I just avoid all these stupid missions and just start killing people the Philosopher's Stone is almost done I need another ingredient how about dad look I get it you're tired of Fire Emblem a beloved series to all has now been tarnished by waifu culture we're a real family now Fire Emblem used to mean something but now it means two things the main appeal of Fire Emblem was once a strategy game as hard as that might be to believe once upon a time people played it for the actual gameplay but now the series has evolved and you have girls with huge ideas as well as some girls with no ideas and you even have the overrated goth girlfriend that everyone's obsessed with but I need something a little more all right so instead of a weapon triangle it looks like we have a weapon square with the four elements so this games pretty different already you could say all right I feel like I could make these cuts he's the worst part I am not qualified at all to make these but I feel like I can just move things along a background like hey look at this isn't it that's what a cut scene looks like everybody you see anybody can do this don't cry because it's over smile because death has finally come for you Gandhi there are too many oh my god I I can't believe these cutscenes they just look like someone downloaded iMovie and figured I had a keyframe on it and now it's back to the map as if that cutscene ever happened as if we never saw any characters go zip zap zoom buddybops spin around and do whatever I'm sorry but that's all these cutscenes are you just have a face and then when they start talking you'll bring him up then when they stop talking you push them back before you cut to the next scene and then before you do anything else and then when you want people subscribe you gotta say hey subscribe we're gonna know you say hey subscribe please be sure to like this video ah it's that Ernie gang part of the Illuminati dude ever since you made that video oh it's been having had so many people come into my chat like Ernie hey Ernie hang and I'm like I'm gonna be completely honest I think I killed VR chat and I feel a little bad about it oh is just have you been in back in VR chat it's just only I have refused to visit it but I've had friends who go in there they're like there were just a lot of Ernie's know christmas is coming up my family's gonna start asking me what I do for a living and this is all I have to show for it's very much like when you watch it's like girls put on makeup you're like individually the things look okay and then suddenly it's like everything works and it was like whoa what happened I'm gonna do something else an ingenue never would okay oh good that certainly never happened well whoa oh god you're huge I think that's why is not in smash I'm ready for it what was that oh I wish I had that oh my god this is what I do against this do if I want a good time you're out I just do it and I just can it hopefully I can hate you also but in the moonwalk it's just a menacing I love the moonwalk yeah it's really good yeah where do you that Crouch you're not kiddin me oh well that person was afk and wow this shot hit him so hard they just disappeared wait there was a draw really yeah what [ __ ] this [Music] well there's overwatch there goes overwatch Oh Petey are there goes PTR uh-huh and let's drag this in there uh-huh whoa I'm glad I'm a paladin's player now [Applause] [Music] because of look at all this customization I have and my girl Ying is still killing it and then everyone's favorite girl sky from paladin's oh really might be the best paladin's player of all time how was I not playing this game earlier then I walk a little bit forward and then we get a double kill and then someone else died somehow well we got it wait what we unlock Team Fortress what oh we don't have a support as much as I want to play my main girl someone else gonna go support nevermind I don't have to do anything be the change you want to see in the world they tell you what did those people ever successfully grief their teammates into go and support what happened to my little innocent Yin what have they done to her and how do i unlock this emo hill and call it uh triple kill oh no no team don't die don't die I'm on my way oh oh yeah wait wait what what what do you remember though in these videos how whenever how every time the mouse click there is always that red circle around it okay yeah I think we just need to add that just just to really make it look convincing to really sell it I mean that's that's that like it's usually a yellow circle in my experience so is it okay we can go with yellow that's fine sorry I died I don't mean the vaccine phone no no you got it you got it see that's it right there right you're perfect yeah I mean I'm not saying it's impossible for Yoda to be kylo Ren I'm saying it's not likely no but you never know you know hmm join the dark side you white out of my way [ __ ] you will move sage we [ __ ] what did you hey Joan look up holy [ __ ] [ __ ] there's the final challenge with my with my shiny Illuminati sword ah ha ha ha that's what I thought yeah we gotta get out of here he's in the hostage area what wow did you just oh I might get my roblox dick sucked the Rope will see I think like girlfriends in the other room playing doki-doki forever first oh yeah oh [ __ ] she's my fiancee now and everyone yeah how much [ __ ] earth did you go off this so what you up from 2x2 revolver like understand how you moved like how turning to do why Santa Claus is kindly I give her the drunk-person one way did I win got him hot like a fart car I sound weird like a friend with a hard R don't stick up her ass okay how do i word this gently what the [ __ ] is this well uh huh Lydia you under the ender does it be doesn't beat whoa yep okay you see the tech man next level going oh oh you had to read - hmm Oh Wi-Fi why have you forsaken me No oh dear let's go oh come on wait no weirdo that was so [ __ ] nice let's go oh okay I see there's a big hello look at long arms game I think you're gonna roll this isn't your average for glory player you call me neutral beef what up other than this he really is proud it might hit I've seen a lot of [ __ ] in Smash man all right take a knee for Gannon both actually some [ __ ] they call me tech boy oh okay sample song a dance o1 tech doesn't [ __ ] save you just tech bro no I tech three times right oh [ __ ] you got me oh don't we'll slab but yeah you got me you got me you got me okay dick that's how you countered the double slap man oh damn it you put no person on me uh no I mean it still counts man oh [ __ ] you wait what can we both do the same thing except uh okay help no that's not helping I mean it help me man I I knew what I was doing I don't know what you were doing out there but like I was out there to kill you it was it was so perfect holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh man look at us drain the swamp the only way I know how by throwing my hat in Sweeting emojis I hope that in history books this is how they tell about the election of 2016 this is exactly how it happened the winners Trump the Trump family and that's about it huh I actually don't know what this game was ah the losers I see Robert Downey jr. okay he's just chilling there so what it feels like I came into this game thinking it was made by a Democrat but I don't think that's the case anymore is now I feel like a loser what about that one oh that down okay I see now oh that side beat stop god that one feel good oh god no don't get me out 55 what is that angle oh my jab legs let's go if only if only and yeah and that's just like how that happened I think this is one of those moments in gaming where you just piss at yourself because you beat it when you're a stupid kid but now you're an adult with a bigger stronger brain and you can't do anything this time for sure oh my god I just wanted to see what would happen I will say pac-man does have excellent form for a skater especially considering that he's just a yellow sphere grab that [ __ ] oh god I don't forgot to miss the checkpoint that would have been bad almost as fast being stuck on a wall okay we're moving we're moving make the jump okay man this is pretty easy once you get the hang of it okay excuse me did pac-man just teleport behind her nothing personnel pinky and just like that we're on to the next game really all those hard-earned stars he's gonna pretend those never happen huh [Applause] what the hell Yoshi okay you son-of-a-bitch whatever alright peach you see that dual space we got to roll a one I could have gotten to one and gone up to this dual space but oh no oh my god is this how we take it all back let's go Yoshi give me back my [ __ ] stars that's not real fat sometimes you get a nice thin roll and it's still oh no he has a bone capsule ah he too has a bone capsule well toad a full-tilt that reminds me of myself earlier in this playthrough [Music] no no no no no don't ruin it like this waluigi what are you doing how many times are we going to do this it's not just a me and Yoshi well huh I thought I was gonna pull out on top but apparently not what what can we do oh ok so before I get to experience chance time I have to duel waluigi okay that was probably the worst plan I've ever had in Mario Party but somehow it just worked out it many games even matter anymore honestly I don't know oh look at that brand new record [ __ ] dude I killed it this time oh my god are you serious Yoshi back off please we get it you're in last place finish oh my god well peach it's time for us to finally take that victory lap [Music] huh page maybe and that's the ice gauntlet 2017 see you next year [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,390,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, best of, smash bros, overwatch, paladins, opening the dms, not overwatch
Id: SyUjN24j86k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 2sec (10562 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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