Mario Kart tournaments are terrifying

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i invited 60 content creators to compete in a mario kart tournament each person was added to a randomized team and placed in either pool a or pool b everyone plays against five other teams and then the top two teams compete in a championship match my team was named sonic speeding consisted of jaiden animations void minecraft matthew and major duncan honestly i i got the homies on this one but is that enough to win another rick uh win another tournament the whole squad and then that thing is here our first match was against team banana of destruction which is a pretty raw name for a mario kart tournament oh my god baby we have a rogue baby parking shot vacation we got a banana the car in fourth place i think that's the only blue person in the pack right yeah cybertron is like closing up behind me but i you know we are we are winning this right now yeah voting coins just for melee he is in front of you well now he's in front of me no no i kind of blundered oh wait oh oh oh no drywall stuck past me oh my god nice easy i'll be honest i think if we go like neck and neck going forward i think we just went in points yeah and that first game was so brutal like chess you know when you're headed in material you trade down oh i have i am in last night not gotten any items this whole game all right bullet bill time that's how you know i'm i'm desperate oh i see a black shy guy in front though i should have held that long on the way when he got off horn i just got to beat wolfie i locked him first i got third oh you got you guys you still got your sword [ __ ] oh that's that's a good traitor that's definitely positive that's still positive yeah i think if as long as we're not in the middle the that's that's so huge but it's too late oh easy game i i think we might win this one guys going into the final game we had enough of a lead to honestly just put our controllers down and still claim victory unfortunately some stupid idiot forgot to turn off auto acceleration so the joke doesn't even work it wasn't even close i wasn't even scared a little bit 1-0 feels good to start a tournament off with a win for once so as we got ready for the next ray hey hey get out he won't leave we just we we just had to bully him make him feel worthless anyways as we were getting ready for the next race we discussed what went right last round personally i think we went fast speaking of fast nordvpn that makes sense right i'm sure you're all familiar with nordvpn at this point perhaps the fastest vpn service available on every major platform in 60 different countries but you might not be familiar with some of the other ways nordvpn can elevate your online experience nord features an automatic kill switch and the option to route your traffic through two vpns in hopes of keeping your information safe you can also travel anywhere and keep your vpn in your home country so you don't miss out on any of your shows or switch it up and access shows and video games in other countries that 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knocking volcanoes volcano all right one of the baby parkers is random good that's the weak person on the team no no that's the baby party this is the baby park this is against the rules but i'll allow it no let them do it and then disqualify them i'll always qualify them if we lose we can bump boost on this uh so sorry so sorry i was about to let that red shell rip no rachel rachel boyd yeah yeah it was just about to hit me okay i have a horn and i am saving it i just played some of the finest defense of my life put it what caused a blue shell oh and i missed it i'm i'm claiming this first uh yes i got first second oh oh we got huge i got seven i got six which isn't great oh yeah positive ratio yeah they're going crazy they are unhinged they're wavering their confidence is low now team baby park this is worse than baby park i've only played this map on mirror so i'm pretty [ __ ] up right now uh right now it's they had just have one in second whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm in tenth i might beg uh oh i'm gonna find you jacob you take first you take first hand off i toss you the baton right here i'll take this red shell for you my sister my leash oh [ __ ] i was thinking about mushrooms oh no that was such an insane lightning oh no wait wait wait that's a rough lightning that's so rough that lightning cost us the game perhaps i don't know what the points are i think we're still in it i think we're two point differences i think if we just win this game no okay so else smith has first locked like we we just have to clean up in the back i got first i didn't i can get them oh huge oh oh this is oh that's so rough that's rough that's a loss for us oh damn that's that's so sad they cheated 1-1 not great but considering that they cheated uh perhaps 2-0 no you're right one one or with an asterisk on it but team baby park is horrendous losers or winners like i just want to talk about them spamming babies in general chat this is insane our next opponents were the corporate entity of conor esports who notably featured a drift king in the making and perhaps the most insane mario kart stream i've ever seen alright guys this is a this is a pretty good team we got are they honorable i i think they are honorable but this team was not random i think we can take him oh i got wait oh oh double hit i'm insane i'm insane with the green shells sniper is carrying right now yeah major's doing great oh i have one red who hates me blue shell blue shell coming that's not i don't think that's ours yes that's fine it we didn't really lose anything placement wise is that tanooki mario in the front all the way up there yeah yeah oh connor caught it i got a star don't touch me i'm i'm trying to catch up to connor i'm going to item him right here i feel it i'm going to do something to him right shell there we go for connor oh huge connor got rocked at the end of that turn oh my god oh my god that was a crazy comeback yo taking second through sixth that's a win they have blue top two yeah this is probably one of my worst maps honestly a little unfortunate let me play you might be able to get connor depending on items oh stop is so close uh i'll take the sixth i'll take the sixth i don't know how we could possibly touch [ __ ] i think we just have to focus on the others i'm gonna put a banana on the left side of the cannon okay i'll always go right all right schleide is i i can see him though and that's that's new i got a retro boy get out of the way i threw two at him we got him to we got him to fall down oh blue shell coming watch out uh oh yeah falling behind yeah big uh big man and josh has second a third right now oh i'm passing them all right nice hit him while he uses mushrooms why what i did i hate you yes i'm sorry and you laughed i thought i hit uh josh no oh no banana's gonna be on the right side of the cannon trying to hit i'm trying to hit oh ooh we're falling apart in this last lap guys oh they're all right here okay i got one for flat great show oh we're all oh i got him that's all i got is ink i think he still passes us oh on the way oh no no insane play that was a red game though it was a red game we still can't nice oh my god that bomb no no no not another red shell oh my god i got washed i oh that was embarrassing i think we still got that i think we're okay yeah okay guys how many points did they lose because the the score is they had to get 16 lost points 2-1 with an asterisk technically uh amaranth has been having frame rate issues so she like took the switch out of the dock right before the gamecube and it put her in spectator we did actually put dq rules in law if it's one person the race continues if the lobby shuts you replay it all right well i accidentally dq'd this race so it might just sol now too we had rules in place for this so amaranth and altri both got disconnected during the race and their points were removed from the totals so content creators did what they should never do math and came up with seven different answers eventually a scholar in the stream chat solved the impossible riddle and declared our team as the correct winning team 2-1 with two asterisks not an awful record certainly not the worst record but to make it to finals we had to be on the top of our game for the next few races unfortunately our next match was against light thera's cartastrophy crew this game probably determines the winner of the pool so life thero is the one i'm scared of and also like bs kind of kind of kind of a theme too mia is also also this is a stack team actually no no i drifted i didn't see it i didn't see anything i don't know what you're talking about i just want better items jacob oh my god i'm so sorry i'm throwing one red throwing another end just kind of like space them out you know throwing another head throwing another hat i somehow hit you you were behind me on my screen all right i'm oh that lightning's huge oh my god there they go with their bullets and their lightning oh no so this is what they're doing huh oh my god i got oh that was a killer i wonder if scott was even bagging her if he was just doing poorly oh you got in front of me oh my god i was jockeying we're the three stooges yeah i was joking like whoa behind oh whoops well everyone is close right now i got a lightning i'm using it oh oh my god that was such a huge lightning wait wait wait oh that boomerang missed oh that almost took first oh [Music] oh my god don't tell me they haven't connected wait you got connection issues too this game was just not meant to be oh my god [Music] that was jaden you did you did great they sniped my first i was doing so well how am i still top of our team two two ah it hurts it hurts but we still have another match ahead of us and winning that could possibly maybe potentially perhaps land us a place in the finals to take it all maybe i've only got mushrooms it was only mushrooms we rough that's i mean awful that was in place the entire time oh two three damn i don't think this negative win rate is going to make it into finals and ah would you look at that we lost well with life arrows crew going undefeated it was time to face off another team in pool a and wow they're not even halfway done what upon investigating further i learned that pool a was delayed due to multiple reasons one amy ritchie had to use her mario kart team as tech support two certain team members didn't know how to turn off motion controls oh my god this is so hard and three apparently there was an entire hot tub stream going on with a multitude of tech issues so needless to say we had to wait if you're also waiting now would be the perfect time to subscribe but eventually the finals were decided the cartastrophy crew versus big large my job as a competitor was done but my job as a host is all but finished i had one more twist for our finalists finals was gonna be free for alls all right hey guys um little little to announcement there are no teams in finals uh [ __ ] i knew this was coming okay why it's 1v1 v1 i thought it was more hype to have winner takes all but uh if if you guys want to i guess you can do teams we definitely would prefer teams i mean i would okay teams all right and nobody liked that twist so we're just gonna play it normally okay these two teams had close race after close race and they were practically even in points going into the final track but with lyftera's team achieving an early lead all they had to do was make it to the end yeah i'm getting okay hit by a bomb and get hit by uh no no no no no no it's okay it's okay i got hit on because of rosalina i got knocked out of the [ __ ] game oh first place for your boy there we go is the pack good enough are we good are we going we got four or five i think we got four five we got four five throws in last year are we good because of uh is this good and just like that big large takes home the mario kart invitational but i know what you might be thinking alpharette alpharette aren't you sad that you didn't win no because i officially have compelling evidence that these tournaments are not rigged
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 970,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: BvOHBw2VsfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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