Beating Pokémon Sword with ONLY Mudkip

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i loved the last mudkip video and now our boy pikachu is back and better than ever in a brand new game so pokemon emerald was like it required some big brain you know i had to pull a lot of tricks and pokemon sword does not require a lot of tricks probably so we're just gonna play with mudkip you know that's that's it i just love mudkip and i i went so far as to buy a brand new nintendo switch and mod it so i could continue playing as mudkip i don't think you guys realize the things that i will do for mudkip because i am just a fan of mudkip and now let's uh turn this music down uh-oh and head over to the game as you can tell this is a brand new switch and uh what makes it easy to tell is because it's in light mode so let's just let's just boot it up and tell me how the the audio balance is by the way if if game's too loud too quiet if i'm too loud too quiet just let me know and i'll change it because like editing wise my audio is clean live stream wise no i feel like everyone's been waiting for this right so i did some stuff beforehand you know i just went through all the cutscenes at the beginning because like yeah who really cares about that um that's me my name is uh mudkip as you can see right here oh you can't but just believe me my name is mudkip all right so if you look to our left we have three starters and one of these is mudkip as you can tell look it's mudkip i promise you it's mudkip and i chose saddle see i told you it's mudkip but better yet you know this better than anyone this is pikachu [Music] so you might be saying alfred did you really mod an entire switch just for that and the answer is yes the answer is yes alfred you know you could just breed an egg and get mudkip no no no that that's not the entire journey with mudkip though that's not what i was looking for i wanted to start the journey with mudkip and end the journey with mudkip and god damn it that's exactly what we're doing look i know that leon has charizard behind him but but does he realize that not even that beast can withstand the passion of mudkip oh yeah he took grooky that's cute i wonder if that's like a venusaur because it could be a surprise it could be mewtwo for all i know all right so we got a whole party and more unskipable cutscenes game is quiet i'll turn game up a tad bit that's a tad bit next day all right we spent a whole night with her partner mudkips made fast friends with his sabbats i forgot i'm mudkip and my mud kip is pikachu it's not confusing what are you looking for you think mudkit might be able to challenge you then i guess he's my first rival so i know that hop was in over his head in all the previous games and you know what i get it we're both starting out we're both new trainers but like do you think like i just find it insulting that he thinks it's possible to even come close to what pikachu is you know you're challenged by pokemon trainer hop this is the moment we've all been waiting for oh you see him throw out lulu in his very first battle which i think is kind of cheating like he has two but pikachu come on out just is this real is this real i i'm gonna oh i don't i'm not oh no no please look away from the screen nope nothing going wrong there oops oops uh i wanna i'm gonna get a screenshot in game then uh okay any second now in the second house show mudkip show pikachu that's all i need to see come on he's got to go on twitter come on give me something good oh wait there we go there we go now let me post this where'd it say was that to desktop i think it was okay so i'm posting a tweet of mudkip will everybody please comment and say so true and with the link as well that's what we need we need that right he has water gun oh perfect what a start of an incredible journey he's here as an outsider but he is going to take the whole gala region by storm and you know it better than anyone pikachu level six and he learned rock smash huh what what that's new but it's not over yet i've added another trusty ally to my team trust me i will never do that i have one trusted ally and that's all i'll ever need because everyone wanted to talk about national decks right and they said uh-oh my favorite pokemon isn't in the game i want all these 3 000 more pokemon in the game but for me i look at it and i was just like i don't i like the fact that they had 400 pokemon but more importantly i wish there were 401 pokemon that's all i ever wanted that's what i needed right there just 401. you can you can remove all of them but give me mudkip i don't even have i don't even need marshall i don't even need swampert i just wanted pikachu my mudkip that's all i wanted yeah so i think that this is going to be a fun series because one dynamax mudkip that's funny and two um uh dynamics my kip's funny and pokemon sword is easier technically uh because i don't have like any hms that i need to learn like that's much easier that's so much nicer boy i don't have i i think like i don't want to say the pokemon battles are harder because i don't think that's true but i think dynamaxx makes this a lot harder for like your little mudkip with like very uh subpar stats also the first gym is grass which is a huge problem and you you know i'm gonna mash through dialogue come on it's pokemon sword we i have a whole series of me reading this dialogue now it's just about mudkip's journey just get ice beam i do want to get ice beam because there is a dragon gem right all right so let's just see what's what do we got here um perfect when his oh his abilities he uses powers of water type moves when the pokemon's hp is low ah too bad his hp will never be low oh the pokemon is pretty lonely by how is he always lonely like i mean i get why he's lonely but like why is he lonely will nova draw animations yeah but yes i am planning on this being an animation video again but i do wonder if i can get like two videos out of it if i can just have like edited highlights of the entire series you know like a typical video but because i think that would be fun to like give you both experiences the the highlight one and then the actual animated one i'm debating on both but they'd be pretty spread out i'd probably upload the um the animated first just so people can see it just because you know there'll be different experiences somehow like the same story but my live commentary is so much different than my scripted commentary also animations are different you know oh we can turn on skippable movies but uh i'd rather just complain you know let me turn tech speed to fast uh battle set switch i don't think it gives me nicknames none of this matters none of this matters um auto save i don't want auto save because i don't i don't what if i accidentally get marshall no i can i can back out i can definitely back out in time otherwise we start over skip movies yeah i can skip movies yeah yeah you're right rock smash strong move kill it killer oh yeah why does he get uh much slap though that's just sad oh i didn't mean to do that i think i will turn autosave off and i will skip movies and then i'll just save a lot yes yes i that's fine he's like oh you're gonna miss out on the story in pokemon and to that i go uh oh oh what's mod price uh do i have it in me to uh i don't know i i don't know if i want to do my price today because if i do it's just like i want to play mudkip i want to i want to play mudkip you know i i don't know all right so this is what we did today 70 fair 70. oh someone donated 50 said love the first market video can't wait for the sequel you know what love that positivity welcome to mod club i i just i'm so happy that we have mudkip i love mudkip all right back to pokemon oh he be sneaking though hello hop goodbye hop how do we have to do battles i'd be running i'm so fast i was talking to a friend about it the other day you ever talked you ever realized like fast is just such a weird adjective to describe a friend of which i know that might not make a lot of sense but like let's say that we were hanging out right and you and i are talking and i'm trying to convince you to let my friend come over and i'm like you gotta meet brian oh you oh you love brian he's so funny he's oh he's nice he's so fast like which attitude stands out there you know it's just so odd to refer to someone fast because like i've never been i've never run in a group with like since high school you know like if you're in an adult life like when i'm how do you know that brian's fast and it's just there's just so much mystery around calling someone fast so i really hope that all of you whenever you're trying to like pitch you know vouch for your friends just describe them as fast because i think it just instills such mystery within anyone who hears it where you're just like god i gotta meet brian i wanna see how fast he is because what like how why is it worth noting that he's fast you know these are the things that keep me up at night just where where did you see him be so fast i don't know this is what goes on in my head are you stoned i don't do drugs actually for whatever reason oh fast brian i love that guy oh yeah big fan of fast brian all right let's go i hate this stupid backpack he has oh it just looks so blocky and gross whatever mudkip do the isle of armor and crown tundra that would be funny just kill everything um maybe i mean that's just like free content really because i've already made it but have i done it with only mudkip wait actually i can't do uh the isle of armor with only mudkip because like i gotta use a little bear cub i mean i just wanted to finish it i guess you know i can just i can just do it i can just show up oh no he gives me the cub yeah i i can do crown tundra though mudkip just scream at him that's what we need perfect keep it up buddy keep it up that move has no effect i will scream louder mudkip i like how hop also has pokemon and he's just watching i mean if you were friends with someone who had a pokemon as powerful as our little pikachu here i mean i just sit on the sidelines too [Music] mudkip i can't see anything you okay yeah but he he'd be screaming a fun fact i saw today did you know that hamsters scream just because they remember that they can scream isn't that just inspiring huh okay so a lot of the early game is going to be us mashing through dialogue which if you're here now you're just here for random tangents you know like that's kind of what the stream's about later on we will do some mud kipping which is what the kids call it hello leon way how do you manage you find your way here your pants with direction oh i made a whole segment about that last time oh and hello charizard oh wait hold up half my comedy's gone uh system uh sure console battery uh excess zoom there we go um look at this dude he's got a he's got a white direct frosted dorito drawn onto his mouth yeah any any mud anyone likes mud kipping in chat ah light mode yeah it's just because this is new i haven't changed it yet how did you guys like the uh the chicken video today it was very different but i i like making stuff like that i just like talking to the camera and if you guys like it i might uh end up doing that more because i think it's it's pretty funny hey hey wait what'd you say hop i was matched through dialogue i tell you a mum oh i'm gonna tell her i mean she knows i have mudkips so like she just kind of expects me to you know take over the world and everything around it i don't feel like i'm telling her any news like she gave birth to me and she knew that i was one day going to grow into the greatest pikachu trainer ever given the fact she made me mudkip oh hello picklin you donated ninety dollars at ninety nine dollars oh and 99 cents gotta give you full credit on that do i not sleep home hey hey hey yo yo yo what is that thing that that hold up what what is that i i got i gotta add something to the screen hold up hold up i know i got a fix for this somewhere um where is he where is he here we go here we go there we go everything's fine everything's great even oh look how happy that little mudkip is yeah it's a weird glitch that happens sometimes i guess but oh well off to the races you do i like that she has beauty bdo's beauties the chicken video seemed like a non-alpha red what's that [Music] is that like a fan channel or something because i can promise you i am alpha red okay so we got wulu blocking look at that that's called game design because then it makes me think i can just tough through them uh oh well i'm gonna try harder then uh do i want to fight any of these oh the game says yes we can just grind some xp uh rock smash i like when the camera pants on mudkip and it's just like the top of his head yeah i was like scovit should have a lot of health i know greeden does so i just assume skogen does as well i really hope we get a shiny this run because that happened last run and then we killed it and then everyone said when raiden for ice beam uh oh that's true i gotta do raids for to get some tms yeah i'll do one i'll i'll just do it with the ai because they are always clutch have you ever seen cosmic power i love that move it's so cool wait evie1259 says it may pikachu be glorious in battle thank you for the donation and you don't even have to say that it's just an expectation you know this is going to be the strongest pokemon that galler has ever seen oh we got some paralyzed heels because pikachu is going to be leaving you stun oh that sounds like a pikachu joke but no it was a mudkip joke he's electrifying but he's the water i'm so happy i'm just so happy that mud kip's here what is nice is that i know you don't have to grind too much in this game but you have to grind even less when you have one sole pokemon just receiving every ounce of the xp [Music] the first gym is grass yes you are correct and that is what i'm scared of but at the same time i rather have the the first choke hold or the troke points if you will be at the beginning of the game you know after this is this just what we do do we just continue beating games with mudkip can someone mod not into the fire red leaf green remakes but can someone just mod mudkip into gen one oh yeah i gotta go in the lab i think are you running physical mudkip special mudkip contact uh um i'm running the i have sex mud kit i'm just gonna put tmz on it see what happens and make some content all right just walking on in uh i gotta give it to professor magnul oh i forgot bow work oh yeah that's me when i see sonya oh i forgot that thing exists wow that was exceptionally horny like embarrassingly so i didn't have to let that one rip but here we are all right yeah walk on down just pretend you didn't hear me say that just please let me have my dignity at least uh yeah what kind of introduction is that blah blah blah blah blah sonia theme slaps though it feels like a dating sim you know all right by leon i just can't believe he wears the cape everywhere it's just what is he trying to prove we already know he's the world champion imagine if wolfy glick wore a cape to a pokemon tournament you know like that'd just be so extra and unnecessary like why would he do that why would why would wolfy vgc do that uh yeah why would he how would he do that that'd be so stupid if he did that you know that'd be so foolish if wolfy glick did that or kate to a pokemon tournament could you who would ever do that you know who would do that he would do that no he did that no he did knowledge is power what do you want from the old man turn around walk away oh bro he picked up a honey on the way back damn this guy's got mad pull hop why are you standing there can i nope okay oh come on mudkip but you've never been inside one it's a [ __ ] pokey center dog hey alpha you know the game requires you to catch eternitis right what if i told you i have a mod to not catch eternitis i actually don't but i'm hoping i can figure it out by the time i get there we'll see we'll see we we could put that together maybe maybe we can do that maybe hello nurse joy i think it's just sure [Music] probably not i don't know if i can actually get a mod for that but i will i will try and we like we're not going to finish the game today i think our last pokemon stream took us uh what three days to to run and i'm not really uh pressed about like uh i gotta get blues though because i am mudkip all right uh wearing it hoodie oh wait orange i don't like the shade of blue oh navy there we go i think the play is for for mudkip we got to get the orange top under it because that's like his little guild you know um and navy again yeah the blue and orange is what we're rocking right now um we'll get some some black loafers though or white white he's got he's got some white on him yeah we can use that um yeah this is like i don't want like this navy on [ __ ] i'll get some white in there yeah it's kind of like his fin and i'm trying do i get orange or do i get blue i think i think or i can just uh get rid of the hat wait oh no no i don't like that i can just get rid of the hat i think i'll just get rid of the hat yeah for now at least we'll find something better in due time that's not what i want to do hello uh x remove the buttons keep changing yes now we're good there will be a better hat though and that's all we have to worry about but this bag feels so weird yes hop i know where to go i mean the gym challenge would oh what do you want me to do you want me to play price is right with you buddy that's a joke i promise it was is his name normie boy no there's mudkip in normie girl we're creating a lore it's called world building okay and now we're gonna avoid hop he saw me through the tree how does he do this he's gonna teach me how to catch a pokemon but that's like the oh no leon's gonna teach me how to catch a pokemon and that is the most worthless information i could ever learn oh i wish this was a zig zagoon just no we only need 401 pokemon i'm dying on that hill um oh i just gotta sit here and watch well then i'm doing great he could use a potion that'd be crazy oh pokeball huh i wonder what happened to normie girl uh she's waiting at the end oh my god imagine absolutely imagine if i could make the final battle be normie girl instead of leon again the only mod i have is that i guess it mudkip at the beginning like there aren't other mud mods but like god wouldn't that be cool wouldn't that be so cool it would be the answer is yes now i just mashed through the true final battle of mudkip versus normygirl what's funny is that mudkip would absolutely lose try his best it would be scary ah thank god i learned how to catch pokemon that's like learning how to write in cursive in third grade i i'm glad to know that but i promise on this little blue ass that i am never going to be used that never going to be used that um i might as have well mine is a well yeah i dropped out of elementary school if you can't tell two plus two equals seven i think i like how kids be testing me right now as if i'm not going to kill their prized little pets with mine explains why you can't do cursive you're you're right you got me don't you sign your name bro signing your name is just scribbles don't act like you gotta know cursive if you write your full ass name in cursive no come on no one no one does that no one does that that's that's just outing yourself come on you don't actually do that right you just kind of make scribbles that look like your initials and then just fill in the blanks come on you're better than that come on right right so for the dragon gym do i have to get a uh a much like another pokemon because i do remember it's 2v2s i'm thinking ahead of time this isn't this neutral or is he watertight okay solo water right now that's fine i guess i guessing this is tackle they're the same and uh i'll see if i can tackle that with mods in the meantime do you realize that this is a fake mudkip oh my god they really tried to do that to my boy as if i couldn't tell this is just an insult faker i think you're the fake mudkip around here [Music] i'll make you eat those with rock throw huh okay that's crazy i like how this dude is just like staked out as if someone's gonna just i'm just bro i'm just walking here i couldn't beat her i see these situations and i want to make fun of it but i'm like i made these exact same jokes last time which is the exact same thing that happened in my world of light playthrough i would die in the exact same way and make the exact same joke that was crazy use rock throw pikachu you did great pikachu so i know that this is like a big big series not even a series just everyone's looking forward to mud mudkip in pokemon seal can i beat pokemon short with only mudkip and i'm not going to show this too much because i think it's kind of lame to do it on live streams but i like throwing it out every now and then uh if you aren't like look down and it's a subscribe button are you subscribed because i just like if you're watching a live stream you might as well right like you're already here for like free content you can click the subscribe button for free like that's really cool right if you want to go above and beyond you can become a member for five dollars and get to be in like fun videos every now and then like the playing against amiibo and stuff like that but like you know if you're just here might as well subscribe and like i know most of you are subscribed but i'm always surprised after i in the stream they're like you gained a thousand five hundred subscribers this stream and i'm like why where did you come from um thank you thank you everyone why weren't why wasn't i using rock smash oh because i was chilling that's why i wasn't thinking yeah rock smash that subscribe magnolia cool i can't wait to mash through your dialogue oh hop dear i see wulu has made some new friends yeah hop had a wulu that's so cool and stuff dynamaxing pikachu pokemon charizard is in the game for some reason i love how the only starters they brought back in base game was charizard they didn't care about charmander they didn't care about charmeleon they just wanted charizard back and that's it uh okay do we have to do something or i just save gotta save gotta save hurry it up my kid gotta battle me so i can get my oh this again all right sure man whatever you got of course i'm ready uh why don't you stream on twitch um you might say it's foolish to like separate the like flows of revenue into that i say yeah sure why not but i just you know all my viewers are here i got nearly 18 000 viewers and i promise you i would not have that on twitch so might as well right have you gotten a bit stronger me and my team will put you to the test and see all right well we we don't got anything crazy going on with our move set right now it you know it's early pokemon nothing's supposed to stand out what look at you seems you really learned you're type matched what was that voice from pop whatever it was it wasn't annoying enough is the story about the chicken true yes the story is true and i completely understand why people are doubting the validity of it because it doesn't really sound true and i think about the details if i really wanted to convince someone that it was true i don't think i would have mentioned that i saw his ass so i think that was a pretty convincing detail or like the most incriminating detail like i don't really know but you know it was a funny story it was true i'm from i'm in la now so like you know that's if you guys don't know what i'm talking about just look at my most recent video it's like five minutes and all i do is talk about a homeless man who stole my chicken that's it that's it that's all the story is am i gonna get the security cam footage uh i'll post it if i get it but like i do not have it yet oh rook a d i forgot he has another one okay oh a nerve rock throw they they gave me a really good moveset specifically to dismantle hops pokemon i feel like game freak kind of knew that i was gonna do this eventually right like they knew they knew i was gonna get here eventually because i just went up my move set and it destroyed everything he has [Music] oh gutted that i lost totally pants did i get a chicken sandwich why did so many people tell me that like i was getting a chicken sandwich i don't think i said chicken sandwich it was chicken but it was no sandwich all right um yeah yeah yeah um letter of endorsement cool that's very cool i don't really care that much just go gas up your charizard and just move on with life huh what's that i hate how he reacts to it before it even comes on screen it's just the is that a bird is it that a plane no it's my self-respect and then hop wants to share it with me thank you for the wishing star what is the wishing story even for oh yeah don't that dynamax that's right come on give me the sauce give me the sauce thank god wishing stars fell right in front of us how fortunate and sonia where did you come from when the camera panned to you but if i have to catch eternitis then that i can answer the video of saying can you beat pokemon like the video is going to be a question it doesn't say i beat pokemon sword with only mudkip it's gonna say can you beat pokemon store with only mudkip then i get to that point i'm gonna say no but then i'm immediately gonna release eternity if this gonna is this gonna be an animation or a video uh why not both we can do both dynomax band neat can't wait to see this mod in a cast form oh now that's funny that would be funny but yeah uh i don't really care if i had to catch other pokemon that's just how it be a lot of it's just unavoidable and if that's how it'd be then that's how it'd be see i've got some great advice for you you know how you see pokemon dang that's crazy hop that's uh that's crazy thanks though dynamaxx mudkip yeah i can't i can't wait to see that our whistle that's the button cool never going to use that goodbye goodbye goodbye everybody i am off on a journey that does not involve any of you nope did you know that there's pokemon in that grass what a good game honestly one of the biggest upgrades was that i can just juke the pokemon feels so good wedgehurst nice we gotta grind and it'll just happen over time and if it doesn't then oops come on mudkip you'll never beat me the station at that pace that's fine we can train in the wild area though you know and i'll need a second book from ryhon i mean just like cast form i didn't catch cast form so if i can get a pokemon for free that you know that i'm not catching a pokemon i i just had one given to me i might have to do the entire aisle of armor to uh get kubfu at level five and that counts didn't catch kufu oh and there's a toxil egg sure but i think the i think going through the entire isle of armor is kind of funny talk soul is there but it's not as funny cub foo is funny because it requires time yeah toxins less funny the eggs completely unavoidable oh then i i think you can walk past it i think it's very avoidable god look at those sideburns my dude it's like stonehenge just woke up there the next morning oh i could get other stars before kupfu that's true that is true actually they just give me that that's true i have to beat the game to get kubfu well they give me starters i know that i can just go to the isle of armor whenever i'm pretty sure that's true though i haven't started a new game in here so i don't know for sure oh i have to catch slowpoke that's right so i just i can't do that can't do that can't do that i can do i can do fossil pokemon i can find a fossil pokemon that does count mr fish in the flesh well technically technically in the flesh the pokemon box link thank you thank you i'm never going to use this let's go pikachu or eevee as an option oh do they just give you one i thought i did not think that's how it worked what about the reporter duo i don't know about the reporter duo i like seeing this giant oh i don't care about this but i really like seeing this giant rock snake and it's just like so menacing so terrifying but i'm like hey look at my little walk fish he go burr or he go wow something like um actually uh you know what but i believe in you i believe in you brother oh screech yeah and we avoided the attack just like that look at that oh this next move is going to be a crit everything's going to be great um yeah i'm not really worried about this oh rock slide nice miss buddy nice miss all right then maybe we were a little in over our head with that one but you can't go far without confidence and look what did we really lose what did we really lose hey what did i click what oh did they just walk me across oh that's so pitiful i did not it's a baby's game [Laughter] she just said oh is it too hard for you i can just walk around everyone and they still gave me a way out i did not know that was a thing that's crazy now we'll fight onyx soon i do think this is good because i can just willingly go into uh fights where i have an advantage in and just use like get mad xp from fighting football what what what what this is huh why is this such a beefy vulpix what are my stats am i stronger my my attack's higher than my spec attack so i guess i'll use use rock throw oh drought was in play oh i'm in the sun i did not notice well good thing water gun was disabled good thing i changed that all right see everything's fine i did not realize there's harsh sunlight but we're all good yeah i just thought it was like a vulpix had high special defense and i was also like at a level deficit so whatever see good mix good miss i'm just saying market got the jukes very few people have been able to land an attack on him onyx did but sure that one was just kind of lucky he wants to learn protect uh that's weird that's weird that he would learn that i mean it doesn't i don't think i'm gonna use protecting in like a casual run though so i don't know i get i guess sure sure why not this is a weird move set they like he's not even like level 16 and has like not awful moves it's kind of weird we still got scorching heat or blazing heat because i still be using that mf water gun yeah the sunlight is harsh isn't it well let's see if this still does good be good okay uh oh no no no no no no that was a bad idea i did not like that play uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh oh oh he's just ground so oh uh oh uh oh uh oh goodbye goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye um bye bye yeah i saw him the fact he had stamina and the fact it's very bright and sunny outside not a good combination good thing how the [ __ ] do we have seven potions all right let me just step out of the sunlight real quick god damn it'd be bright and it be it'd be hurt it harm your boy still be sunny and [ __ ] over here i mean i can probably do a raid and just get some free xp yeah yeah that's a good play i really like the idea of like everyone bringing their strongest pokemon and then i just have mudkip oh a note did someone drop it here [Music] oh doesn't fire gym require catching uh oh oh no is that true because i remember the how the fire gym works oh my god that was like a violent sneeze like i felt my whole body my whole body moved with that one that was that was powerful like it straight up took life from me no i don't yeah nah i'll do it i'll do it no i just kill five pokemon catchings extra points cool cool cool i'll kill them i hate it every time i sneeze they're like oh is that coven 19 no i am i am indoor for the most part unless a homeless man steals my chicken it's time don't you want to see it don't you want to see it the moment you've all been waiting for mudkip do it pull the trigger and make pikachu big he's tired of baby he wants power big mud kip oh and uh evie's using helping hand wait that's not eevee that's that's hulk oh he was using helping him for that gotcha okay hello good thunder punch okay we got a lot going on here but what okay mudkip you're going last you know save the best for last definitely not jolteon get the [ __ ] out of here jolteon not attack not attack right speed that's fine i'm slow as [ __ ] boy mudkips pikachu used max rock oh this is going to get confusing isn't it see if i had faster speed it'd be different oh yeah i totally did that didn't i will this be a video pikachu going off i wish i could attack halucha because you bet your ass i would pit of used gust insightful i'm hoping i've got the jukes but welcomes pikachu is coming out with max rockfall yet again yup all right and pit of explodes oh pogo the pit of his weak throw a poke ball uh no thank you yeah bye bye wait what happens if i get to eternity and i don't have a pokeball yeah that's a pretty good strat you know what just so i don't mess up let's just litter real quick how do i can't i just get rid of stuff oh i gotta sell it i guess in this game oh it gives you one oh well you know what i'm gonna test it i gotta test the game as far as i can for not catching it the game gives you a ball that's unfortunate uh ground i don't think it has stamina though right jacob people have tried this well i'm gonna do it anyways because it makes for a better narrative because like the video should be documenting my every avenue and uh i should i should document that as well mud kit mud kit dynamaxx no sun can save you now mud bray because we got a big big pikachu i have to catch for the dark gem no i don't have to catch catching and being gifted are two very very different things and i do think we have to uh uh get the baby toxil because we do have to catch slowpoke to go to the isle of armor that is correct so i think we'll just take free baby toxin idiot who throws pikachu with that no mudkip he stands strong [ __ ] you mudbray i like the sight oh yeah we definitely dying aren't we we definitely dying okay water is good water's good brick breaks good okay just one more turn i just need to max rock ball and i got torrent i got moves up in a pitch isn't that crazy can we like make mud break calm down though can i get one water gun in here max quake okay don't target pikachu okay well you know what that pikachu is actually fine you can attack that pikachu i didn't know pikachu was there yeah so max geyser huh yeah yeah good job pikachu you're doing great that was comedy right there mudbray's weak throw a pokeball hell no all right drill run good good good good good mug kip good can you read this comment for your video uh probably not but maybe we'll see if i remember i'll i'll throw that in for whatever reason don't forget to save often very true very true so right now i think this is probably the best place to farm also we might as well use all these xp candies right so might as well dynamax candies same thing oh because you want to learn super song what the [ __ ] is this move set so this is the first time you'll see this screen and i promise you this is not going to be the last they try to take mudkip away from us isn't that just evil why would we ever want to evolve them why would anyone want to evolve them that just doesn't make any sense to me and now we save again trappage yeah yeah yeah this is good you should probably get an evil light yeah that's probably the best play i don't know where to get evil lights up okay big pikachu max geyser when you do max rager pokemon will be healed i thought that was the case but i didn't like want to confidently assume that and look stupid so i'm glad i now look stupid by healing beforehand which i think is better safe and stupid is better than stupid which is what i usually feel like oh avio lights by the fairy town gym all right well someone will remind me when we get there right someone in this chat will be here when we get there and i just ask that you remind me because i will forget yeah mudkip has a weakness on the first jam and that's kind of hard but it'll be okay number again no someone i know someone's out there thinking like that we should have evolved to marshtop wouldn't have died there and to that i have no response i'm just upset that you would even suggest such a thing i can cheer from the sidelines wahoo yeah oh good solar beam nice nice nice trap and shoes max quick yet again what's nice is that like even if i die in these raids we won't lose them right because we'd have to die four times and i just don't think that's possible alpha farm metapods they're level 60 and free xp um where are they where are they do that i don't are they in like i don't know i just don't know oh well he's dead who cares oh [ __ ] first crit nice nice yo i think swampert's like kind of cool but like how do you go from mudkip to marsh tom like one of the biggest downgrades in pokemon history mudkip got so much rips plentiful [ __ ] and then marsh dump really real that's insane that's insane wait i just looked and realized uh pp poopoo donated 99.99 and you know what you've left me uh at a loss of words uh thank you obviously but i'm still you know trying to process everything else you just threw at me yeah a lot of starters suffer from the awkward teenage phase and mudkip defo one of those hello delhi bird hey listen up [ __ ] it's genocide season we're gonna kill them all uh rock throw cause isn't he ice flying i think he's for the present and it doesn't affect me very cool all right goodbye deli bird you did great though okay level 18 water pulse this early what what what are they gonna teach me hyper beam next what the [ __ ] oh did little z pop in well uh oh no you said little z because of delhi bird haha i get it that is a reference okay thank god he didn't evolve i think after every like level up which is going to happen for oh oh my god they are angry i can't blame them i i just killed him in broad daylight and his brother came out swinging yeah uh i think he's going to suffer the exact same fate oh but i avoided the present yeah all right call that return policy okay xp 304 not bad not bad oh this dude wants none he wants none of the smoke he saw what just happened yeah walk away walk away i would too don't worry uh nuz leaf how about uh no i'll get a little bit of wattage over here get a big mushroom oh god dude the army's still under attack yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come on uh-huh uh-huh the war's not over yet brothers oh i'm taunting them they just seemed so uninterested but everything changed when the mudkip nation attacked go on pikachu i know you can do it what if i did rock throw huh wouldn't that be crazy alpha i respect you for doing these challenges to yourself yeah they're not really that hard i just think they're kind of fun like i don't think self-imposed challenges are inherently fun like i see the videos where it's like mario without jumping or mario without collecting a coin and like those don't really uh interest me all that much because like you know i did mario sunshine without flood but i think that one's interesting because you still have tons and tons of other movement options outside of that so i don't i don't know it's really weird like the line of arbitrary challenge that i like versus the ones i don't like because they have to be funny i'll be honest i just kind of like the meme challenges which i think like only mudkip definitely falls in that category and i think like the nuzlocke is funny and then like doing that in world of light is just funnier because it's like oh it's [ __ ] smash bros yeah we're gonna save again cool damn dude pour one out for a deliberate all right no no no no be cool be cool bro be cool be cool be cool no no no no no no no no no okay yeah i'm glad you just uh a minimize in front of me fix the stream layout what's wrong with the stream layout oh actually i do see a little bit of i see this i saw that um then i saw a little bit of what was what was going on here is that is that what people were talking about or they just being annoying either way uh is that how's how's that is that is that all people meant is that is like kind of going off screen a little bit because that was a little that was wrong and i fixed it so now no one should ever complain ever hello pokemon hello [Music] hello gastly remember when i got a haunter once or a gengar once because you honest to god you got to earn a gengar i think if you grew up with like original pokemon like a gengar was like a trial of trust and friendship someone gave you your haunter and you were expected to give it back after it evolved into something cooler that's that's trust right there that's what friendship looks like mod mudkip into kanto oh god damn it i want to i do the whole game in a stream yeah no no no why did i say that i meant no i'm just stupid um i'm going to not do this in one stream i'm just i don't know how long i'm gonna stream probably like a few hours i'll just stop when i get tired i know i got something to do at seven so i'll probably stop um in around three hours maybe so i can get some food because i got a vocal lesson tonight and um yeah i gotta i gotta eat some food before that all right hey over here what am i looking at hello sonia i'm well i was walking over there to begin with and the game just finished it for me okay i love her boots i never gave her boots enough attention they're really good boots hello oh it looks like there's a box sonia i don't need this i promise you i don't need this or that i just need mudkip that's it that's all i need i love the very basic mudkip getup he's just like blue and orange done deal got it i say boobs no i said boots she got nice boots you got nice boots that's it oh wait let me run it back let me run it back hello hello sir um i got a steal for you would you like 27 pokeballs cause it's a it's a threat if i'm even holding on to a single one of them yeah i don't need any of those thank you very much oh hello welcome back yes i know where i know where i'm going but thank you for reminding me uh yes i see that the ceremony i will do that um can someone look up what mudkip's pokemon number is because i'm gonna make that my jersey number it has to be like to late 200s right that's got to be the poke the mudkip number that's my guess is 258 258 hell yeah thank you everyone um hair yeah we gotta we gotta look a little bit more mud kippy um i would like to look at these what's mudkip like you meet someone and they're like oh i love mudkip and what do you expect their haircuts to be um i like medium and wavy but bowl cut reeks of mudkip energy but i'm gonna go with medium and wavy um gold no um white he could be the normie boy but yeah we're gonna make him full on mudkip yeah yeah there we go i was gonna make him a mohawk that was my first plan but sadly no mohawks here um okay um now do the makeup market's hair is an orange like his little gill um wait no no thank you thick eyebrows thin eyebrows hate that i'll do a thick eyebrows um also blue of course and um ultramarine eyes multi-color swirl lovely hearts also i like i like the stars uh i like the star-studded ones because he's just such a fan of mudkit now we'll just do this though no orange eyes i guess there's poppy red uh [Music] i'm just gonna go with ultramarine i think i'm fine with that i'm so bad at making the meme characters because i always just want him to look good too oh actually i look like a protagonist as [ __ ] right now so this was perfect yeah no i'm happy with where we're at right now all right like i'm just trying to look like i'm a water type gen gym leader that you just stomp first try orange hoodie wait let me find something else blue varsity jacket actually that's chat as [ __ ] i don't have money oh hold up hold up we're running with the varsity jacket go okay okay hold up hold up absolutely running with the varsity jacket that meal was great all right [ __ ] whatever uh i don't know if i'm the only one who feels this way but [ __ ] is a gender-neutral term to me i just want to put that one out there uh try attack uh can't learn dragon claw oh big nugget big catch uh [Music] i can i can sell these right no i mean i don't need them so hmm i don't berries not worth the sale uh what about can't sell swift oh it's a oh tm vs tr um yeah i'll just i'll just sell these yeah sure oh i can sell the revive because i'm actually never going to be able to use a revive so like those are just uh gold to me uh i can i teach him swift no i can't so it's just worthless anyways oh your big mushroom also correct i guess i'll go back i really don't need anything except healing items and ice beam tm or tr i might as well sell honey i'm just gonna use it yeah i only need healing items let me uh what am i gonna run into maybe a little bit of poison maybe a little bit of poison maybe maybe a field few burns i'm not gonna get frozen a single time this game play you know what no one's gonna put me to sleep i'm good ice beam is uh 5 000 watts okay or is it 5 000 i can do that i can absolutely do that all right um yeah honestly big fan of blue varsity jacket that that goes hard with our protagonist aesthetic um and then uh we get a an orange hoodie under it oh this is a polo oh like that's a oh i thought that was a hoodie no it's a it's a chad polo um is there a white one because like i kind of like the blue and blue and white kind of go hard i don't i don't hmm because i was gonna go with orange for the mudkip i really like hmm black polo's chat too here let me look at pants can i get like whatever i get orange pants um do they do they even have any oh white blue yellow stripe on the blah oh what are these pants with the plaid pockets oh these pants mad weak okay so we're not even getting new pants here okay we gotta go get pants somewhere else what so let's look at mudkip real quick right mudkip has orange on his face and like light blue belly which is kind of white you know what i am going to go for that i i got to find like an orange accent somewhere oh wait hold up so i i can uh get this i'll go with white for this yeah we'll go with the white polo and orange glasses maybe that's it that's what we've been missing or do we get a hat a sport cap this is that's not that's not a hat also get orange shoes eventually i'll go orange shoes eventually orange gloves goes kind of crazy but they're all plaid i don't like plaid we'll find something else we'll we'll find something else eventually i'll make sunglasses at the right place we're getting there our journey is about finding the right look and you know just stomping everyone along the way just cherry on top i'll give some black socks while i'm here yeah that's good enough yeah we can rock this for now i i'm not upset about this i can't have hat with long hair that's fine then i like the haircut too much to give it up it just feels very mudkip energy hello charizard who would have guessed another charizard in my pokemon game uh literally anyone with a brain so i obtain mystic water oh oh you don't say that that's pretty cool isn't it so i really like this but like after seeing him like he looks like a fan of mudkip but i need him to be mudkip i think we get the orange polo like after i saw him staying next to him i was like oh yeah we do need that this looks like a mud kit boy and you know that's exactly what we are i'll let him get the black shoes then for now i mean never mind we never mind um i don't think i want wait orange shinto glasses orange tinted glasses give me the gamer glasses come on that's that's brown and brown brown's close though i don't know if i love the glasses though yeah he has gunners straight up bro hmm i don't know i don't think he needs glasses yeah i'm done actually now he looks so naked without glass after seeing them with it all right well you know we're the mudkip cosplay uh it's a work in progress we're just collecting it as we go we'll find something as time goes on let's uh get that mystic water though might as well give that to mudkip i mean pikachu oh and he leveled up who's ready to mash that mfb button go back to the first shop now there'll be other shops we'll we'll be good level up again oh no not today now we got a save saying you'll sell all the mass the pokeballs but you can't sell the master ball you can give the master ball to a pokemon and that's how we'll hold it oh hello ball guy i know you might not know me but we've met in another life hop did you really cuck me from talking to ball guy whatever man how is pikachu evolving without a thunderstone i don't know i think my game is glitched personally um pikachu can learn surf yeah see you ever seen surfboard pikachu okay have you guys ever watched hunter hunter just asking just asking for a friend no reason in particular actually just you know no reason no reason at all i'm just curious if anyone else is singing the santa he's very underground yeah why would anyone have heard about it nope wow this dude got an hourglass figure oh this looks like a mudkip fan like if he enters your pokemon weekly and you see him and you're like let me guess swamp hurt he goes no mutt kip this dude constructed a whole mudkip team and he's gonna win that's the scariest part and by constructing a whole team i mean it's mudkip yep okay now let's uh okay our uniform number well as you guys all know uh pikachu's number in the pokedex is 258. straight down the middle just had a double check real quick because i you can't take that one back all right can't i buy a jersey or do i have to do that like a different gym because i know okay no shop no shop all right um you must be challenger mudkip oh what was the giveaway huh couldn't have been the fit huh he's just he's just standing there you can buy a jersey here maybe next time all right here we go you cannot wear your jersey and gym battles well that's sad i'm still gonna get one i need the water one this is gonna be a video yes absolutely it is oh look it's a sword and shield what did this have to do with the game i never i don't i know that oh yeah the legends were proven wrong it was actually a dog yeah that's right dog sword and dog shield when are they gonna release pokemon sacred sword in super silver shield edition it's gonna it's gonna yeah it's gonna be great hello let's go fight team yell a lot of people said that this was one of the weakest enemy teams but i think you're approaching it wrong like this is just the tier three sub stream like they're fine i i think they're hilarious in that sense like they don't have a mission they're just here to simp ain't nothing wrong with that all right so uh rock smash yeah god my mudkip is a kind of beefy right now people throwing level nines at me like they don't know who they're messing with well he definitely tried i think team skull was my favorite i just really liked team school i thought they were funny hello team yell grunt they sent out nikkit i am also going to use rock smash oh but nikki what's the ever stone rule uh it's cheating and or hacking yeah you know what every stone is just hacking i feel it messes up the pokemon's genetic code and you know no artificial growth hormones on this mudkip nope not even one i wasn't expecting checking in mudkip i just forget my name as much he looks like he loves my kips oh he likes mudkip so much [Music] oh yeah a double battle that's crazy um what if i spam the same move uh what if i kill hops pokemon you know just just out of curiosity what happens uh oh oh hop you were looking away i can't believe zig zagoon hit you with hyper beam wow that's crazy hob you looked aw oh you looked away you didn't see that oh you missed it hop oh i can't believe you missed that you know what let's come together hop let's defeat that zigzagoon that used hyper beam on you because that's that's a real problem going on right now god you really look away oh that's so crazy that's so funny that that happened that's so crazy see hop show us what you got tackle oh yeah you did great buddy you did so good you did so good wait hop what's that over there what's that hop hop look the other way did you see that that's so crazy oh my god didn't naked just use uh uh ancient power on score bonnie oh no no oh you missed that how how did you bob no you gotta pay more attention buddy oh that's so sad that's so sad that that happens to you wait did wait wait sonia sonia did you just walk in oh hey sonia what's up how are you doing over there yeah oh no hob show some respect it's sorry no no no nickit just used sacred sword oh no gob i'm sorry you really got to get your head in this battle bro no i'm sorry you hate to see that happen god hop i'm sorry i'll you know what maybe that's on me i should have been paying more attention i yeah i think i distracted you there it's [Music] okay you know what you know what we came out on top though it's all good hop don't worry about it i carried you you know it was a team effort but we know who the champion really was yeah just hob why do you why are you so easily distracted i i say that and then hop is going to be like addie'd up next game he is going to be he's going to be adderalled out of his [ __ ] mind and then marnie comes over and she's like yo did you just attack your teammate's pokemon three times and i'm like no no no no no no marty you don't know what you're talking about come on come on marty why why would i do that why would i you know intentionally sabotage my teammate's pokemon what does he do that's why that's why i bully him that yeah all right off we go did you get the mudkip oh yeah i got the mudkip yeah i got the mudkip all right dynamaxing makes your pokemon become huge all right oh god wait no he just gives me a pokeball that's the last thing i fall guy i'm sorry i hate to say this but we can't see each other anymore as painful as it is you only bring me pain he just gives me balls and i don't need them all right let's go to the ceremony though yep good thing i have coca-cola cutscenes turned off yep that was a fun ceremony can't wait to talk about that in the video oh i haven't gone in it yet well now now we skipped the cutscene right hello all right thank you how's like where did all the good games go i remember this part and like what happened to their facial hair it looks like leon just put glue all over his face and they kiss and he took some of it because nothing really adds up on either side you know [Music] huh yeah the first time you see this man you kind of think like oh he's the bad guy and then you play the game a little more and you're like oh he's the bad guy and then you beat the game and you're like what the [ __ ] was he here for like he he doesn't really do anything i just i just don't get chairman rose he's got a banger track but but but nothing i don't know i don't know save the game before it's too late i just did nice mudkip the chairman asked me to deliver this gifts to you it better not be a pokemon better or not better not be uh oh it's fly oh thank god you know mudkip tried so hard last time to learn fly in this time he finally succeeded absolutely crazy don't know how don't know how much it learned fly but boy did he and off we go yeah we really uh oh forgot there's another poke center there but that's just you and me hop another battle just like old times is nova gonna animate this yes he will be keep up mate this is our chance to see if we are shut up uh today your wulu dies did you know that mudkip is water flying type this is true this is very true [Music] because you want to what rockslide what what did what rockslide and fly okay [Music] what why haven't they given me a ground type move yet what did you know that mudkip is water flying and rock type did you know that's crazy back into a corner you got it all wrong this will make my i mean i guess we both have one pokemon remaining huh it could be anyone's game god what what a move set this is i think matt yeah mud kip's on his way to become the avatar that's what it really is thank god that was a that was a huge evolution skip right there it's actually a speedrun optimal um you might say hey alpharet have you heard of an everstone and i say don't bring that up to me ever again so like you guys are gonna watch this stream but this video is not gonna come out for like a good while you know like it's it's just not like the animations take time i mean if you know i could i could binge finish this and we i think the fastest possible turnaround is like a month and that's like all hands on deck kind of thing so uh if that happens just be impressed the the sooner this video comes out the more you should be impressed jukes chooks oh yeah there's nothing over there i love how zig zagoon only moves in zigzags nice little touches you know i like that and now we just get to talk to sonia who doesn't see me aw she did i'd be more impressed by nova yeah what's nice though is that we actually have like an art team now and by team i mean three people um so we'd probably actually like be able to divide it up actually yeah we might be able to finish it much much much much much faster than expected um because we have two three artists uh nova obviously you know who's like the the lead artist the main guy then we have uh bobber who just started helping with some thumbnails in the past and nova can work on some other projects and then we recently brought on suvi who has been doing the animations that you've or like the pokemon the what what animation am i talking about the the among us ones you know like with the meat layer and stuff like that uh yeah subi's been doing those so like we we could you know what we might we might be able to do something here how bad is mud kit why jennifer kelly what the [ __ ] are you on i don't know i just i i'm not looking to just be minding his own lone business mug's great and also you know i am a phenomenal artist you you've seen my work everyone's familiar with it so between the four of us yeah yeah we can definitely make something happen rock slide kill them all i can't believe mudkip learns rock slide and never learns a ground move apparently [Music] that's insane torchic is better that that's some jaden propaganda right now she fooled an entire generation of people thinking uh torchic was better than monkey when everyone already knew that mudkip was better and then she made one video and now everyone thinks that war is back on the table and it's not you know i'll tell you it's not um yep excuse me don't mind me what if you didn't attack me miss okay trico is better well you know some people might say yes but a correct person would say no so sorry about that water pulse diglett you scratch the [ __ ] how what i'm like gonna be thinking about that for a while that's that's crazy hey alpha i haven't seen a best of alpharette 2020 yet that's crazy well maybe it maybe that's dead series will come back soon you know it might be a surprise but we'll see we'll see i don't think i'm gonna make this one as chaotic as last year because last year was just like alfred out of context for the 2019 i think i might like try to do that but just make it like maybe like twice as long just so it has like a bit more context but it's still like chaotic you know like chaos but chaos that you can follow i think that's what i'm gonna go for this year hello bead god that fit is like someone who went to new york once and learned the word high fashion and can't stop saying it you're the challenger endorsed no no no i'm just gonna definitely like shout out to the hedgehog energy zooey mama i read that in chat and i don't i don't think this is a zooey mama moment but i like it uh what if i just did water pulse but again you're so slow and stupid you're just one cell just foolish i'm just giving your pokemon a little chance to shine that's all yeah yeah i bet you are huh that was so cool oh [ __ ] oh no oh no mud kim no uh we got we got to use the super potion [Music] yeah that was not very cool oh endeavor oh my god endeavor cheat cheap cheating ass move cheating ass move there's no way he's going to use endeavor again though right right yeah confusion we'll take the confusion if you don't know endeavor makes you have the same health as the user which is like a very situationally good move but uh okay watch this fight the confusion it's pikachu yeah do you think you can confuse pikachu hell no you can't yeah see we got this battle in the bag i am not even scared a little bit see fight through the confusion hit them with water pulse and confuse them luke can do that watch it happen right here well it could have ah okay okay stay strong his confusion worn off we're through with that this is the last one you can't fool him he can't be fooled easy easiest battle i've ever seen oh dear what have i been doing and then sent out hattino which is very cute but it dies tonight i snapped out of its confusion like we were ever confused in the first place easy oh get [ __ ] [Laughter] oh watch this fall for it oh okay well that's also fun you want to see how strong i am watch this protect mudkip use protect ah die fall to your own confusion worthless worthless little creature okay well whatever can you can we just like pretended it died though it avoided the uh oh hmm did i get a little cocky uh oh uh oh why wait this has a hundred actually that has 90. why would i do such a thing let's just do this let's just win okay that's a pretty good idea wow i can't believe antenna killed itself because he was confused that's so crazy uh back up back up back out back on veto veto veto veto you want ever to play halo 3 halo 3. you remember mashing x every time snowbound came on screen that was cool a bag of star dust come on through come on through we are making progress uh oh yeah we're on r oh guys are you ready for the for the the boss the the bad the gym the gym leader that one's scary all right what's that okay hold up i'm trying to make my way through here without getting seen all right grab this a paralyzed heel a nest ball is worthless to me absolutely worthless ah they're chasing me they're chasing oh he can see over the garden wall okay that's a that's a tm that's a that's a sure it should be a tm can i get down from oh no i would like to call a ref on that one i don't think he actually touched me um yeah oh he was faster than me he could have hit me with like any electric move and that would have been very scary if he doesn't die to this rock slide we're just running away but i am stupid yeah we run i'm just stupid i'm just foolish we make it through that entire cave and then this is what happens i i could have healed i could have done anything that was just stupid god damn it oh wait what what baby game baby game baby game i didn't even have to backtrack yeah you just wow wow they thought they could take me down okay what do we got what do we got run it back run it back run it back wow you look so foolish what did i run into that's not meowth that's not meowth i'm just gonna run away i don't like this guy at all let me grab this oh pin missile oh can't wait to do absolutely nothing with it uh okay run around yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe go back to the wild area later and get some more xp that'd be cool oh also a wulu is going to start rolling down and apparently this doesn't you know count as a cut scene hello milo you are the bane of my existence right now it would be crazy if he just forgot to go into work today and i just got the gym badge anyways that'd be really cool and then who is waiting for me ding ding ding did you guess hop okay so we all agree this is gonna be rough right this is not gonna go well what do we do about the wow okay i know they want me to go over there because of sonya could get ice beam [Music] um yeah yeah i think we just grind for a little bit i'm here to sell take uh my revive because they're useless uh and all my all my balls i am selling them to the highest bidder and anything in here pin missile oh it's also tm stardust can get rid of that cool what do i want to do i could yeah i think back to the wild area just for a little bit just for a little bit oh uh tr earth power it's the only ground move he uses that's so wet i don't have a bike yet it's also wet hey uh no actually thought about it it's hot outside he has competitive for stamina stamina is what i was talking about not competitive uh keep on walking keep on walking oh it's raining oh someone's about to catch some [ __ ] hands right now oh you're definitely a higher level than me but i i feel pretty confident with the power of pikachu a very strong looking leo card that life hardly apart was level 30 maybe 30. oh oh bro we got this in the bag oh you can't torment me i am untormentable except for this time but just you wait confusion that's perfect they're gonna fall for every trick in the book now oh i can't use the same move that's fine i'll use rockslide oh yeah fall for my confusion oh you look so foolish right now little cat my mudkip laughs at you for you are pathetic and we got a crit you would have flinched anyways i i promise you i'm gonna protect and watch you damage yourself again because you are so stupid oh oh oh oh use torment well that's just come on and now i'm gonna use i'm gonna finish you off with rock smash see i didn't even need my super effective moves on you i could just use anything oh oh oh all right bye bye thank you mudkip you did great okay what else do we got we're just gonna be mf grinding out here looking for some dens maybe oh there's a couple but they're over there none of them are on this side oh not having a bike is a kind of a [ __ ] i do like how just because i'm playing on pokemon sword now uh whenever i cut to footage in this game it's now full screen like i don't have to uh you know cut back and forth between making it be like this weird because this game boy advance is not four by three but it's like very far from 16 by nine nintendo kind of went crazy with frame uh uh aspect ratios because like even melee is not four by three it's like a very weird number and people can tell when it's stretched to four by three which is just weird i just i don't understand they they just be making [ __ ] up everything's 16 by nine nowadays but even mario party had different aspect ratios if you are on the board or in a mini game why just like i just don't get it honest to god i just don't get it okay before we go in here i've never really used pokemon camp before but this is like the first time we're like oh i gotta because like this isn't just a pokemon in a trainer these are two souls bonded by motivation and passion alone oh and he's so cute he's so cute i would do anything for him i would die from mudkip i would kill for my kid so you know how like uh i loved mudkip growing up just my favorite little guy and you know like how there was a meme of like so i heard you like mudkips every time because people just said that because they were xd random but every time someone would say that to me i was like yeah i do and and i was just so so i was i just didn't understand it why was everyone trying to just tell me things i already knew i'll receive ball you're sorry to rent your let's chat what's up what's good let's play with other pokemon well i got some bad news for you buddy i didn't know you get xp that's cool all right what is a psychic fairy okay cook form i don't have any ingredients oh i love raw like this feels like the third gen route you know because this is where we would get ralts and everything would have have a good time uh i think i'm just gonna use max geyser uh yeah i'll just i did not realize that ralts was also fairy type because i knew gardevoir was but like because obviously they retconned that when they added fairy typing to the game it's just like i didn't expect it to be a fairy type usually they just kind of said is it pink make it fairy type and then move like jigglypuff was just chilling at mononormal and then they said but what if it was fairy alright ggs uh throw a pokeball that's what i like to see temptation not even in the picture they made meryl a fairy type though yeah like they just did [ __ ] but typically it was because it was uh if it was pink not saying that like all of them were pink but you know hello please ignore me please please no no no please look the other way okay thank you i never know if they're gonna charge after me or just disappear into the void grass poison um actually doesn't matter if i [ __ ] with this because like if i die it doesn't matter hello my kit oh good intimidate from quail fish perfect uh yeah i guess i'll just like i can use max rock or max knuckle get an attack buff and then do rock fall i think that's the play because i'm not going to kill beat you in one turn unless i do and then it's cool grind for grass leader yeah that's what i'm doing first wait hold up i just saw a chat that said what do you think about mario in terms of elite smash in terms of cuteness and i don't know what those words mean they see matt pat is arranging in a mungus game no i didn't but he's just gonna ignore me so who cares i i've given up hope it's never gonna happen i tried i tried put a valiant effort for to garner the attention of mr mr patrick but uh alas it was it was a failed effort but a valiant one at that all right delhi birds oh they don't want any of this smoke they're [ __ ] running they've seen what mudkip can do they still tell legend they tell stories of the legend it's ground right ground ice oh he avoided it that's so cool remember when i said i am never gonna get frozen i feel like we knew this was gonna happen exclusively because i said that right we knew that was gonna happen yeah okay i did say that well maybe i just said that so it would be funny when i got froze maybe i'm just really smart you know maybe i'm just really strong all right that's when it was level seven i didn't even realize all right mash that mfa button some more okay so it's snowing right now maybe maybe maybe what's in here uh normal flying i got rock i got rock move i love how his hair blows wait what mudkip is in pokemon sword and shield yeah did you know he's one of the starters uh i'm not even gonna waste time using dynamaxx i'm just gonna use rockslide it just takes so long to do the animation just for jolteon to almost oco it anyways i'm just wasting less time kiddo just [ __ ] died eat a spirit somewhere uh try attack more xp candies which is always nice um yeah [Music] what what are my my little uh how many watts do i got we can probably kill this guy too what he's gonna be like level 30ish this is probably uh just an easy water pulse victory yeah see level 26 we can take that double kick i don't like that though oh oh beefy mucket beefy mudkip oh and a crit pathetic he looks down upon you confusion confuse them do it do it mudkip do it okay but it would have been funny um okay so he definitely did more damage but he got to crit that turn and now he's using mud shot that's not very good is it accuracy down or speed fell well i was going second anyways um crit confused confused i'll try my luck here yeah i'll try it oh oh we're holding on though you want to see something crazy watch this play watch this play he can't even attack me good oh oh hurt yourself [ __ ] mudkip is so cool and smart how did he do it he doesn't even need to fight them they do mental gymnastics just thinking about fighting him and that wins the battle for him and i got just enough health to not die to hail genius absolute genius i also think hale did three hp and he had four left so i think he was safe anyways but i looked so much cooler and smarter just thinking i was taking a gamble uh yeah let's use these potions because they're not going to get any use like in battle or whatnot pick the berries no wait hold up what my mudkip evolved and now it looks entire did it what that honestly scared me a little bit but like no that's just a lie that's just not true mudkip doesn't even involve in this game it's like clearly it says that if you cancel i just think it's kind of funny that it does that uh yeah let's just use all of these uh we're gonna get to level 24 take down uh i mean it's it's a strong move and we got pretty good physical attack compared like i guess protect has been funny because we just time out confusion but we never like really need it need it yeah yeah yeah that's fine i'll i'll take takedown i guess like it's just not necessary but our moves just at the end of the day honest to god just does not matter i gotta get an ice move though 85 accuracy i mean the thing is it's pokemon nothing matters is is what i'm trying to say [Music] all right back out back out back out back out back out back out back out um i'm glad you can hear the the b button mashing in the background because i'm like i can't make this mistake i can't accidentally get a marsh on okay let me just see how many watts i got right now um i guess some frame drops which that's pretty nice not everyone can say they have that alpha red do you like uh assassination classroom banger show um i haven't rewatched it since i finished it actually uh joe was watching it and i was in the room like a couple years ago and i think i watched um i watched a few of the spoilery episodes if uh like in the middle of it um a tentacle episode but yeah i thought that was really cool just a really good show all around i'd love to rewatch it one day it's kind of a banger show in general um so let's walk on over here can he give me anything what would you like to do spin my watts uh thunderbolt stone edge surf so that's that's a that's a big get right there so i need to get this oh i need to collect more watts because surf and ice beam oh big gets all around let me go over to this other geyser um not to fight the battle i just want the stuff from it i just want the watts because i gotta start saving up i learned surf at level 30. oh then yeah let's wait for that oh this is a yeah whatever i'm just going to hit him with rock smash it's gonna be four times effective and then we're just gonna win for whatever reason or normie girl and mudkip dating uh if that's if the community the fandom besides behind these trainers decides that then so be it just a rock smash this very weak move is just going to kill the sneasel oh thank you for the helping hand evie i hate the eevee cosplayer has evie i mean i am a mudkip cosplayer let's be honest oh it takes that hit like a champ good job because you're using electro web couldn't have done it without you speed fall speed fall nice rock smash it's togepi it's all up to you now good job yep wahoo it's slower now so it doesn't okay quick attack thank you pikachu from one pikachu to another thank you for actually carrying your weight uh save [Music] let's uh actually just give all the exp [ __ ] oh we got a rare candy i'm going to save that because it's more valuable later than if i use it right now i'm trying to be like as hyper aware of this as possible i i do not want to mess up and accidentally let it evolve um no good tms and by that i mean i can't learn any of them so that's just cash money right there uh yeah okay okay we got a lot of stuff that we can we're just gonna sell all right we are gonna try something we're gonna try a boss battle or the the gym leader because we know that this is going to be hard but you know where's the pokemart got nothing nothing we don't need anything let me just sell it let's get as much money as we can so we can lose it when we go to the gym leader oh no i don't want that yeah get rid of this if honestly if pikachu can't learn it what's the point yeah goodbye bye bye let's heal up something about that it shows you all the pokemon you've collected and it's just mudkip it's always been mudkip you may be able to see a rare pokemon it's [ __ ] slowpoke nurse joy um i don't want to like potions i mean i guess like might as well heal in between battles but you know get in everstone that's cheating where did i get never stoned it's not fair oh i forgot i gotta go do this quick little quest yep we just gotta walk over here bow work couldn't be me i know there's like a leaf stone in here but that's so worthless i guess i can sell it again for cash money evio light no i will use evio light whenever we get there but i don't it's in uh it's in the fairy gym that someone told me uh 3x attacks nope not going to use that and that's at the end maybe maybe use that at the end because that's what we'd have to do for the last elite four oh but the elite four's different this it's just like individual battles really love sonia's fit it's the jacket with like the the cyan on it i just like it so the the was it the grass gym leader this is going to be hard sonya's saying like oh imagine if you were a flying type well don't you know mudkip is also part rock and ground and water he's such a complicated little fella all right onwards we go oh my god hop do not do not do not even think about battling me oh he got a gym leader badge and one well he has a score bunny so it's not really that impressive you know [Music] ball guy we can just greet each other just you know hello it's we're respectful we're well respectable and i'm just gonna continue on my way um god ice outfit is clean though we gotta get you're right you can't buy water i have to earn it um i will take the flying type maybe this can scare milo into thinking i'm a flying type trainer and he might just forfeit by default how do i change or do i ever get to i never knew how to put them on but like how do you or do you just suffer [Music] don't i just like do nothing yeah you can't change how do i wear those then i just forgot that's so sad yeah that's so sad why do people say he's not going to obey you that's not how pokemon works if you caught the pokemon it obeys you no matter what level it is yeah i just wasted money that's fine okay so we all agree this is gonna be the hardest part of the run so like if we if we can get past this i think everything else is already done you know we got some grass trainers in our way but uh we got the moxie to get past them do we have the type advantage no but we have confidence and blind confidence gets you places sometimes i think gem8 will be the hardest what is that is that dragon [Music] i'm just gonna come out from an angle that that was my game plan but this this one lone woo got left behind no not a speed run world record but oh well yeah isn't rahan a double battle i'll figure it out don't worry i'll figure it out [Music] stop spreading out please that's fine see i don't know why i thought the gym battle was going to be so hard i feel like we're kind of doing it really well yeah yeah i think we're i think we're going well yeah yeah we're doing great oh [ __ ] yes hello okay sending out grass pokemon i don't really have an answer because mudkip's also not like super fast either so like rock slide flinching isn't oh wait maybe grass pokemon are kind of slow too if he can just flinch okay well that's not flinching that is the opposite of flinching please don't do that yeah let's use rock smash this should just kill don't want to waste the pp of my other valuable moves all right okay samuel eat [ __ ] and die as expected a gym the challenger and their pokemon are in perfect sink i don't think you've ever seen a trainer in more sink than mudkip and pikachu um i'm gonna let yamper do his rounds i'm gonna speedrun this now okay well that did they just automatically go on that well that sucks this sucks i i did i didn't do nothing what are they even doing they're just this sucks yeah just keep going for go around him perfect perfect uh i'm just gonna try and there we go that's all i needed to do does anyone know that a yamper stuck on the field no no no don't go that what are you doing stop that right now okay uh what what path do i want to take i'm going to go around the outside wait for yamper to finish this round real quick okay just just on a collision course straight to the end it seems [Music] i just thought they would stop if i did nothing i could not be more wrong all right can you go this way please all right just go straight towards her that's fine i don't remember having problems with this last time i think i'm thinking too much and that's the issue always been uh my downfall is thinking too much as you guys know move over there jukes jukes okay [ __ ] you we did it though against all odds i think they're just more scared of mudkip than normal i think that's what it is like you know i had an actual team last time but when you have mudkip you don't need a team you need a prayer if you're fighting against them that's it [Music] okay so all the wulu are done wow we did it and all we had to do was so yeah and all we had to do was shove samuel in the locker you'd love to see it oh people want me to hit you guys with a fat slow chat how was that slow chat because i see some people spamming and that is not cool can i save right here yeah i'll just save right here all right walking out to the first gym battle like this is uh it's scary just uh just a wee bit scary okay they are uh staring each other down slow approaches into subtle eye contact and now what this is the part where you mash through dialogue [Applause] okay this is where boys become men and where men become mudkip we can do this let me think what can pikachu do here um dynamaxx is the play but i'm going to save the dynomax but wait actually actually i'm no we're just going in uh i'm going to start with a max knuckle buff my physical attack and then just drop the max strikes that's the play right now that's what we got i know that milo was like i'm gonna conserve my dynamics i'm not gonna lead with it well i only have one pokemon in one prayer and this is all i have he's got six pokemon on his belt are they just for show he's like i haven't caught another one yet i just had two the belt is just like an insurance thing like one day he will have six all right i love mudkip using max knuckle because he does not even know how to make a fist okay okay buff attack very good magical leaf take it take it like a champ mudkip okay so this is my play right here it's a little risky because i'm gonna use mack knuckle again and now we're plus two attack and so if i bring out max strike next turn that's good [Applause] but then turn four i'm gonna be baby mudkip again oh okay okay questionable play questionable play but i i think we got something going on here if i just break it down with the strongest physical move i can we're gonna strike them down trust me god's watching oh they're dynamaxx too so they're gonna be very big but i also have plus two attack uh will this work please please pikachu pikachu pikachu i need to take one hit i'm faster i got to be faster so this turn i'll go first the next turn i'll go first this is possible definitely possible come on pikachu use that max strike look at the electricity surging from pikachu okay i wish that was more honestly wish that was a little bit more that'd be really nice speed fell though that's good uh this will leave you in shock and awe it's our dynamaxx move i really prefer it if you didn't max overgrowth uh you hate to see it okay okay very cool holding on hold and on and now we're going to become small again we heal that might be all that we needed what's the play here what's the play here [Applause] not even worth healing rockslide they can't flinch guys i just say we take the 85 chance takedown even connects and then we just pray we get a crit is it impossible no is it likely i say yes let's go oh let's go pikachu did i think that was gonna work yes yes amnesia what is this moveset that they're giving my little pikachu what wow getting your grass gem run down by little old pikachu the mudkip oh honestly a little embarrassing did i think i was gonna win that absolutely not i thought we were getting uh uh oh pikachu's evolving oh gotta back out of this one i almost pulled a fast one on me oh hit me with that prolonged eye contact oh hold my hand and don't let go no matter no matter how awkward it is yeah oh yeah oh yeah nice on to the next one now what we just uh keep honestly if we got this far i'm happy i was expecting to be on this for much longer and they gave us magical leaf and i can't wait to not use it how do you come from that way yeah i would never use an everstone that's actually cheating bald guy's proud you know like he gave me an improving glance but he knows that we just can't be together anymore it's just forbidden for the run permits against it it doesn't permit it words english heart um wait do we need to heal or do they heal me when i leave nice i'm gonna i'm gonna save we still got mudkip [Music] uh and what's over here is it another hot battle because i know we just go on this route oh look away wow you can actually walk by them do wait do they even fight me oh since i'm gathering information you should bring at least two poke wow all right well no thank you and uh we will we will be back here just so you know i just wanna i just wanna get this flight point down i'll be back i'll be back here when the time's right the time's just not right now oh yeah this guy was on the wave though by that i just mean wear a [ __ ] mask this guy was on some other [ __ ] way ahead of the curve now we have another hot battle coming up yeah i did not know you could just avoid the reporters if you only have one pokemon why does alpha look like a jock oh that's not me that's mudkip you're talking to oh the fly points on the camp down not the nursery okay i'll just walk down then i'm just gonna keep spamming uh rock smash do i learn any other fighting moves or is it just rock smash it's like that moves not great but i'll take it doesn't he have a lonely nature like the other one yeah it's honestly very fitting you can learn superpower oh that's funny isn't that like essentially close combat what's the difference of super crowd in close combat because don't they both don't they do the same thing uh sableye okay gotta gotta pay a little more attention here can't use fighting again lowers attack okay oh i see the difference now i thought they both lowered no i didn't i'm stupid i see now i see the difference i knew they were very similar moves though jacob did you drink water today uh i have been drinking water off camera but just since there's no face game today the answer is because i just ran like two miles before uh starting stream so like you know i didn't want to look all sweaty and gross on camera but i still wanted to play mudkip so here we are yeah but that ruins the mudkip energy though oh god hello how can i help you because it just it it makes me uncomfortable because like i don't know stufful just like when you see uh let's say combustion and then you see blaziken you're like oh yeah i see how that can evolve into that but like stufful just looks like they shoved beware down just made them tiny baby i don't know like they just look too similar and it makes me uncomfortable does that make sense oh hello ralph uh i'm just gonna do this if you don't mind yo was that chicken video for real oh it was real uh that was a very real story i will never tell a false story um if i do tell a false story it will be so clearly fake but i guess like that one like all those details are like yeah this is fake right so you know what maybe maybe i'll never be fake al's never tell a fake story but that did happen to me literally the other night the only lie in there was that i said it just happened it just happened the other night and i needed some time to process it [Music] back back back back back okay no god why am i even what am i fighting for do you have a plan on getting past the double battle gym uh it's just patience patience we're getting there we're not there yet no need to think about the future when we haven't even gotten through the past that makes sense i promise just don't think about it i'm machine menchino the run ends at ray han just remember do you guys remember it did not end that lisa and tate in pokemon emerald that that's all i'm saying we'll find a way don't worry we'll find a way oh and they flinch and couldn't move god you look so stupid right now oh they oh this wasn't this was not planned oh this should be fine though i go first anyways you can learn ice beam oh trust me i know he did that he definitely did do that [Music] back up back up back up back up back up can i fly here now that's all i want to know i thought i could oh well whatever oh i can't even go fast oh there we go just slow oh wait let me i don't think i got a heal i might as well use this yeah 19. uh goodbye oh background love background oh what i love more than scenery hop all right he says take one more step if you want to battle and boy do we is everstone still banned yes absolutely it is all right uh i wish i could just dynamax anytime i wish baby like pikachu could just it'd just be funny just giant mudkip on the bridge he still only has three pokemon though which means he's gonna lose the same three moves he's lost to every single battle so now we do rock smash after we've mastered type match ups then he sends out not hop or score bunny he sends out oh a corner squire did not see this one coming can't wait to use the same move i've been using on it of course it's faster than you do that's fine then i use rock throw and then it dies and then he says look at my starter it's evolved and then hop goes hey why hasn't yours evolved and i just asked him to look at mudkip in the eyes and ask him that look him in the eyes and ask that do you think he needs to evolve are you saying he's not perfect as is right now i mean look yeah okay you might have evolved but what does that mean you know like a poor crafter a poor craftsman blames his tools you evolve you have better stats you have cool moves but i have heart and my heart is full of mudkip i'm gonna take him down just to flex i'm still flexing the super potion ain't gonna do [ __ ] okay it did everything well we're still taking him down okay you know what we're just not we're going to water pulse them and confuse them i don't know he screeched oh i'm going to use a special attack move anyways god i thought you'd be confused oh no yeah i just realized how does my mudkip have more health than him because that super pokemon stored all his health but mudkip has 70. i know he's a higher level but still whack oh you got strong mudkip yeah you would see oh hello thanks for the literally you just handed me a piece of trash this mudkip's never gonna use that revive why is or do you think it's because if he dies he won't be able to use it no it's because he will never die that is the answer that is why all right keep on walking though oh good [Music] all right well goodbye then uh no thank you to that uh no thank you to this trainer oh perfectly avoided look at that movement i forgot about this song always scares me um oh yeah god dad bought extraordinaire i'll just stare at him while i master dialogue at least gives me something to sit and ponder about just just odd what a peculiar man you know huh all right i forgot beats here when the video releases can you say uh trans rights i don't think there's going to be an organic spot for that to come up but trans rights you know okay so just mash through this dialogue blah blah blah blah whatever go have dinner at fancy italian restaurant is this going to be animated yes it will be don't worry i'll open the box oh disgusting yeah the spammer is gone you can remove slow mode uh do we do we trust the anti-slow mode it's still 15k people so how about i just make it a two second two second slow mode which is like you know it was five seconds previously so i think that's fine um you got anything for me buddy no worthless um take my stuff take that revive all all three of them god they're just dumping the revives on me x-attack i might actually use those leaf stone i don't think it's possible for me to ever use that i can't buy that okay yay you know what let's save uh wait no that's not what i meant to do let's uh let's make a card maker for mudkip because we have the normie girl one i think it's done i think mudkip would just make his look like this actually um oh water he loves water oh yeah he's a big water head oh in a blue head he likes the color blue lighthouse though no water frame water just just a big water head um how do i try no oh our change modes there we go change the expression actually yeah i'll change pose that's normal that's the normie girl pose but i really like mudkip just hitting us with the with it with a thumbs up uh it feels almost right yeah yeah that feels good uh what about the other expressions um shocked um angry i think i think he's a happy boy i think mudkip is like obnoxiously gleeful i don't think he'd ever be sad oh oh that's straight up pensive um i like colin d i want his eyes open what are the other poses though and powering up and dancing yeah he would he would be a loser he might do something like that but i'm going to give him the thumbs up for now it just seems awkward enough you know and i i think that's what he's all about um clear coating perfect [Music] i'm glad we got that out of the way so now we're going to the water gym which is kind of nice because i have other moves but i'm going to assume that they will only use water type moves on me and that's probably not true actually but you know okay i'm sorry i just ran you head on with my bike but he took that [ __ ] like a champ hello you must be a gym how did she know just like how did she know i existed she couldn't even see me she couldn't even see me as a mudkip cosplayer i wonder what people think of me and pokemon when they see me do they just see like mudkip and just think wow what a cool guy can't keep doing this i'm sorry it hurts me as much as it hurts you but we just got to move on to the gym battle i'm sorry but we gotta do it all right you're in your gym yes [Music] and we go huh all right hello sir god why does he look like he'd work at an amusement park you know like not in a cool job he would just man the roller coaster and just kind of sit there and be racist that's kind of vibe i get from him i mean does that make sense does that make sense okay so i i understand i remember this puzzle to a degree i think we can get through it julie you ain't [ __ ] how do you do that zoom in oh like this i got takedown i got i got 10 rock slides though so i might want to save them for these i might just do take down just because i can heal after i wish i had more moves though it's like this is kind of like a hodgepodge move set ooh that takedown's not gonna last if it doesn't insta-kill i actually realized i'm not like over leveled like i was previously because if this is 21 uh ness is probably going to be like around my level i did just kind of skip over everything huh that doesn't even kill does it yeah not even worth it i mean the second one will because defense fell yeah i think i gotta just spam uh take down for the time being because i think next i think i just do the exact same thing i did last time in dynamax we should just do max knuckle max knuckle max knuckle just get attack up up up up all right let's do one of these and one of these and one of these i know i know how do you put on such engaging content i i don't know how i do it either so now i go over here we do this battle by force oh from downtown she hit those diagonals we got a bishop [ __ ] over here how did alfred get mudkip as a starter uh very careful um yeah i don't really gotta play i'll use a few rock slides i think i can get through with it all right and he flinched and everything was great okay well mudkip spin yay mudkip spin he's just having such a grand old time he doesn't even care yeah yeah make them spin more he loves it like water is his natural habitat he loves it that's fine i'll be damaged by the recoil i'll take it yeah sure oh corp fish i don't know why like i love corp fish just something about gen 3 just hits different like all the designs were so fun and colorful i think colorful is like the secret to gen 3. i think that's why i like it so much oh here uh oh it's time for mudkip spell okay now we're done with that that ark's over oh he avoided the attack well it does have an 80 okay we both avoided that turn just didn't happen bye-bye court fish [Music] yeah i love gen 3. like almost all my favorite pokemon come from gen 3. is that nostalgia speaking yeah probably but that doesn't mean it's any less true okay now hit this red real quick and let's run back around all right making some good progress this is the part that trips you up though i or by you i mean me um because we got to get hit this one and then we unhit it i don't quite remember how let me let me just like look at all my options real quick what do i have okay this takes me to the beginning um look away look away ah i'll hit this because they clearly want me to [Music] then i gotta hit yellow [Music] hey hey hey hey thank you oh yeah here's yellow and then when we hit red again [Music] what's the secret here i know there's like a trick here i think it's i hit yellow first i think i remember i think i'm very smart actually because now okay oh uh uh uh as i go this way hit the yellow because that yellow is good for me there we go oh look at that cycle right there this one actually like takes a while so the fact that i can like vaguely remember it makes me happy this is a big win it's true big win look at how far i am nice i'm actually impressed because i thought i'd be suffering on that wait wait longer yeah drop these pots real quick how does he do it it's what i love reading in chat just honest question how does he do it we'll save right here i really like how since i got mudkip and he's not even in the regional decks it just says pokedex zero i like that a lot i'm gonna be ashamed because that number's not gonna stay there forever but god damn it i wish [ __ ] mission cleared yeah pikachu's is not a pokemon pokedex doesn't know [ __ ] it's new speedrun category zero pokemon yeah all right let's spin another 30 seconds walking oh yeah never never seen someone walk like me come on nessa come on turn around and fight me oh i can leave the gym and go back without having to do the challenge okay that's cool then i just want to get back into the action faster oh the pose every time i was like this [ __ ] bendy [Applause] i hate the people who are saying oh nessa thick and i'm like what do you just think thick means what what all right max knuckle oh wait she has three pokemon uh yeah i'm going to take this one a little slow horn attack it'd be nice if you didn't oh i didn't even kill that did not even kill okay fine max knuckle here because now it will kill max uh i don't think i don't think dynamax in here was good uh oh wait actually it's a water gym who cares she's gonna use her water moves on me and i'm just gonna have plus three attack so uh who cares goldeen i just like mudkip that's that's it that's all i think you know that's it that's all i gotta say oh nice crit don't know if it would have killed otherwise but it was a crit so it meant i was intentional all right uh arikuda i i just forgot that that pokemon exists because i only think a bear scuda oh use bite god i am slow huh mudkip just doesn't have that raw speed i'm sure mud kip's very fast oh i thought that was gonna oco that would have been crazy so it's a little unfortunate uh because we are wasting a turn of dynamax right here but uh we're gonna have plus three attack and we're just gonna spam take down on you know whatever pokemon she throws at us it'd be nice if it was slow that'd be that'd be very nice oh i'm just saving the best for last and it was dreadnought oh that's actually perfect because now i can use my water moves again let's do that because hear me out i know i can use rock smash but rock smash is 40 physical six this sixty percent water and i have stab which makes it the exact same right now this is this is that would make this 90 whereas that would make this 80. and this is neutral and i have a plus three attack actually i worked so hard why yeah i'm stupid i'm so stupid i'm a plus three attack why would i use a a a special move i'm so foolish yeah god god sorry i just forgot i had that buff on deck right now and rock smash also lowers the defense of the opponent so this can work yeah plus three attack max darkness i honestly expected like water water [Music] i like seeing mudkip tiny little mudkip just staring in the face of this giant dreadnought and not even phased oh his defense is down that's promising that's promising you know like these moves don't miss though so like this could be a loss this uh this could be a loss right here which uh uh uh you hate you hate to see it but it's it's definitely possible use a water move please max so 42 it deals 42 huh okay um yikes yikes yikes um i don't know if i'm gonna i i'm gonna use this potion and i don't think i'm gonna live but don't kill me please i thought he was gonna use water moves on me okay okay okay we're alive we're alive what is he going to use on me now bite he's going to use bite right he's for sure going to use bites i only got a push okay so he's little now okay if i can live this and attack rock smash is going to destroy him hold up hold up head butt okay didn't see this one coming okay just just keep talking through it just keep talking through a monkey you can do it you can do it we're gonna play the lame game and we're going to win games come on okay we're at 27 and watch this miss miss miss miss miss look at where the jukes at mud keep where the jokes at okay i need i need something big mudkip i need something big come on miss miss no oh my god no how do we beat the gresham and then lose to the water gym oh [Music] okay okay all right we just needed one more rock smash that's all we needed all right you sell super potions oh that would be so nice if you sold super potions okay all right let's let let me think here um what what is more value i think x attack i might just bust that right at the beginning i wish i had like a citrus berry i mean i'm not using water moves anyways so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna give this to him you know using on a pokemon makes it more friendly but lowers its attackers now what's down here i know there's some stuff down here is there anything worthwhile i don't think so right it's just these like incense yeah um grass water water and sea what's the difference here rock type moves uh the vehicles that would be pretty good huh i i honestly i i think i'll just take it for the rng chance more moves miss um yeah anything over here herb shop uh i don't i don't need any of this right now uh energy root would be nice for the time being i'm gonna get a couple of those if it looks real desperate because like having like healing 60 is way different than 50 for the time being all right yeah we're gonna we're going to give them some lax incense which is right here gives you pokemon yeah take that berry back all right yeah we're just gonna go straight back into this don't look at me don't look at me ball guy don't tell me i have to like walk across the stadium again that's the part i fear the most oh 60 potions deal 60 super potion steals 60 now i thought they were 50. is that true i can just check actually huh they do that's crazy well i learned something today and i can't use my bike here comes nessa ah yeah previous generations they were 50 i knew that much i think this runs different i think like 10 chance we definitely would have dodged one of those headbutts and we would look so cool doing it [Applause] okay so let's uh bust out this uh x attack right from the start just so goldeen can use horn drill but miss because i got a 10 chance of missing next time i mean okay so does that mean mack knuckle might kill now maybe maybe i will not out speed anyone though the thing is i honestly don't mind using this here because i get plus uh four by the time it gets to dreadnought oh headbutt literally has 10 100 accuracy that doesn't mean it always hits though because in pokemon that still gets affected by like evasion evasion evasive buffs and stuff like that right i'm not confident oh i thought that would kill goldeen no that close though um if i used another x attack that would have been that would have been huge wait actually this might kill our escuda though in one hit oh that then that doesn't matter and that's just the exact same thing as last time [Music] accuracy is a value not a percentage [Applause] i know that math sounded dumb but pokemon math is dumb oh it's at plus five because x attack gives plus two oh that's crazy okay well let's i'll use bite i don't care so all i got to do is just not die and i'm not going to be dynamaxx for it which is a little unfortunate because i know he's gonna use max darkness on me but that's okay that's okay we have plot armor and i think that's enough [Applause] all right so i think i think i might die here if i use one attack i think i think it dealt 40 damage last time so i'm just i'm just gonna heal i'll use a potion yeah we're gonna play this a little slow but it will work okay yeah yeah yeah yeah because okay i had 40 hp so if i lose more than 40 hp then this was the right play because he's gonna use max darkness max strike what that's even stronger why wasn't he that's just that's big head butt big head butt just big head butt okay okay okay okay buddy all right this is hard this is getting hard i i think honestly i just play the first few pokemon a little more aggressive and kill them naturally and then go dynamaxx for dreadnough after like healing on uh arakuda or something why don't you just grind gmax pokemon i mean i i could just grind if i wanted to um but that's just not what i'm doing right now you might want to grind a little bit after this your name is please ignore my comments and i wow facts just spin straight backs [Applause] so now if this is a battle of one-on-one i'm just mono e mono despite me having tons and tons of healing items i think i got this oh headbutt cute cute still on the green uh but not on your team i'll use headbutt again i dare you don't get a crit though please don't get a [ __ ] okay rock smash defense is down i could green okay let's do math uh 72 minus six 46 i i just ran the math and i'm pretty sure i can just rock smash see see you guys gotta trust the math oh there we go let's go dreadnough oh pikachu i never doubted you everyone else did but i didn't i never doubted you how can this be you just brought a mudkip and i say no ma'am this is a pikachu now shake my hand yeah no one ever doubted pikachu and then and vanessa goes wait it looked like that market was pretty drugged up and i go it's pikachu nessa it's pikachu the fire gym though smooth sailing mudkip spin that's not a good move so we're not gonna learn it but mudkips spin all right you know i'm just paranoid so i gotta check all right he's still mud kip that's all i had to check oh i forgot this is like this whole plot i just gotta go to the restaurant and stuff that's weird but okay uh i've never gone in that top left what's over there you could wear the water gym outfit yeah i could but i rather just wear like what i got i kind of like what i what i'm sporting oh i wonder if my power spot detector detects power spots wow [Music] y'all ready to mash through story events god i did that so bad and then doesn't he give us like tm revenge or retaliate yeah how do we not think this guy was bad imagine some guy just gives you the keys to nuclear weapons and i was like you get it it's a joke and i go no no no no okay um yeah i tried to look at what pokemon i have as if there was a gonna be a surprise what do there want i'll probably take mystic water now because i'm gonna go to the fire gym no one in gallery even knows what a mudkip is my pokey deck says zero pokemon i can just call him galerion pikachu and everyone would believe it that's good it's true though um wait where are raids okay that's very cool what about over here any raids anything no all righty then isn't there just like a fatal snorlax right here yeah i hope he's not level 50. that'd be bad 36 okay um we should this is not going to go well is it let's use my very weak rock smash it'll it'll do more damage each time i use it it'll be okay body slam oh that's a big boy you know what you want maybe maybe this wasn't a good idea you know maybe not oh yeah thank you thank you for the for the saving me uh would you like to help me see the next town no i'm okay wait can i just ask her again because i realize i'm gonna do exactly that uh yeah huh i bring my mic a little closer so now if i remember correctly we just gotta go back to the first gym we went to and then uh this is fire and like i know we are a little under level now because if you're using one pokemon being the same level is under level you got to be dummy overleveled so now let's just uh yep let me through [Music] or or not oh yeah i gotta go in the [ __ ] yeah that's right that's right i thought it was on to something there i have to do plot first ugh you plot in this economy when are you streaming on twitch again never [ __ ] um like look at what i'm i got dummy viewers on a platform where all my viewers already know where i'm at and now twitch is going through dmca [ __ ] and you think i want to [ __ ] with that yeah no thank you i'm just chilling and i could not be happier um so anyways a lot of people say or pop in say something and they're like where can i watch these full streams well like they are unlisted on this channel but like i usually like to uh up i upload all the streams on alpharad replay wow so if you want to subscribe to that channel it'd be really funny to get another silver play button and also you just get you know notified whenever streams go live which is uh uh an easier way to catch them wait what oh oh discord discord you're you're uh plugging it thank you that's very cool alfred replays just a channel where stream archives go so if you're trying to like do homework because like alfred videos are pretty high energy you know like you kind of got to pay attention because the edits are so fast but if you just want something you can put on while you uh relax slash study too alfred replay is the channel for you [Music] can i have one of your silver play buttons if i subscribe that'd be a very funny bit to just raffle them away one day oh yeah plot battle you again that blue person of all places i'll make you eat those words yeah yeah oh decline no time to deal with pathetic trainers i just get to welcome cutscene starts again naturally oh right is it cheating if i listen to your stream while i take an exam uh oh you have to answer number three as d if it's multiple choice that's all i ask that's all i ask hey hey idiot you want to get confused real quick you're so stupid you're going to fall for this trick aren't you it's a good one yeah looks like you've grown a bit you didn't even get confused what the hell is that i better not get confused i did not buy this game to lose oh my god all right well water pulse please this is gonna kill i need to grind bro i need to grind i might grind a little bit off stream but i won't like you know do anything big just like dang i'm going to finish the third gym though that's where the stream is going to end that's uh that's where i have it in my head oh don't use psyshock i don't use scishot that'd be so cool clutch flash clutch clutch clutch man the streams are so much lower energy than the videos dumbass the streams are the videos it's just edited differently that's it it's it's the same audio file and everything it's different but it's the exact same at the same time it's all the highs and no lows oh this isn't going to hurt me oh it hurt me so i'm going to water pulse that's cool but then their next pokemon ain't going to do [ __ ] because they're going to get confused and i'm going to be faster than that because i'm so cool and fast katina remember when they confused itself to death last time i remember that let's do that again i could try rock sliding and getting some flinches in there because sometimes flinches just happen it's not every day gets a battle you that happened two hours ago sci-beam disliked the look of that uh well i go first so i'm just gonna i'm gonna do this yeah what do we say do we heal or do we go for the rock slide flinch because one is hype and one will win us the game oh we got surf though okay surf is big water pulse confuses though you know what that's fine we'll replace sir or water pulse with surf come on come on we're i know that people are saying you should heal you should heal you should heal you should heal oh what's cooler watch this flinch though oh that ponyta is faster than me we're not gonna make it flinch oh we're just gonna win the game nobody was happy with that one nobody was happy can they even use a cool move confusion again boom boom ponyta ain't [ __ ] i gave him all the opportunity in the world and they couldn't even damage him oh coward absolute coward [Music] yeah i'd be tilted as [ __ ] after that like he was like oh he's about to he's about to heal right and then he just didn't he just did it and then he was like oh is your mug camp about to evolve and i go sir it's a pikachu thank you for your lead card i will throw it away promptly oh uh so i gotta i just use potions yeah oh that's not right dropped four of these yeah because i'm not gonna use them in battles i might as well oh can't fall for that trick damn it i'm so stupid look at me point and laughing me for being foolish how did i fall for that trick i'm gonna surf on him because isn't this ground type ground steel right i think is correct yeah i think that was right not metal sound not my defense oh no now you have to attack me but they don't get a chance to yeah i'll take the xp though [Music] oh hey look away look away look wait look away look wait look away that's okay i was not getting out of that one steel is weak against fighting okay but surf is special attack stab and he's also ground type so i'd rather do that like the same people are going to be like oh he's rock type you should use a rock smash no no thank you yeah i'm trying to figure out like how i can beat other pokemon games because i've been theorycrafting how i can beat pokemon uh red because i was like can someone mod mudkip in just because that'd be funny um and the answer is maybe i'm yeah i'm gonna fight these for xp actually oh he's a rock type use phantom force yo true that's so true uh i think i'll use surf because it's super effective oh that that kind of hurted oh sucker punch oh wise guy wise guy you think you're so cool stone fisk goodbye oh all right bye bye oh getting that xp slowly but surely also i've seen a lot of people like over the stream just say hey you have a rock a little bit rare candy why aren't you using it um it's because level ups are more useful the higher level you are because realize it's easier to get you from level one to level two than level 99 to 100 so usually right before i go into the end of the game i usually just dump all the rare candies i have you just get more value out of it that way it's definitely a big picture game but uh that's how i like to play yeah i'll fight them i think fighting or grinding in here is really good because it's all going to be like rock type ground type typically yeah that's good surf i think a funny title would be like own beating pokemon store with only two landoruses as if that would be a challenge just a funny title oh my god whoops whoops whoops sorry about that oops oops that that's a that's a that's an oopsie right there i just tugged on the on the cable on accident and my it the game did not like that so that's an oopsy can you guys still hear the stream all right yeah one time i did that and audio game audio just stopped working so i'm always paranoid about that ever since then did i level up in this battle uh then get prepared to mash bee bye bye bye bye uh pokeball grip claw uh no jute baited what no that hitbox was not right i feel like i got straight up cheated the [ __ ] stun fist all right hell i guess i'll use surf then i guess i just got out played i think that's what it really was you stepped right on him yeah i was trying to bait him and then he got me he got me anyways i just got all played that's what it really was oh this again huh why are you here like honestly why are they here marny ain't even around here oh thank god hop is though any uh tier three hop subs in chat no uh what a shame so i choose you civil wow also what's going on alpharad deluxe uh just you know fill in some space while i just talk um we are continuing we're just uploading we're just gonna play through all the mario games you know we just thought it'd be fun to do something stupid and call it mario mary mario christmas and we're just going to be playing mario games until the holidays and we are currently playing through 64. uh odyssey is next and that's already been recorded and in the other time slot we are going to be playing persona 5. yep that's actually coming back so uh yep we didn't forget about that series we just pretended like we did but yeah yeah we got some stuff i i'm not in it right now i'm not a high enough level to beat wulu unfortunately i'm probably gonna have to heal after this one uh will you please focus the the little leopard with me yeah oh good turn good turn nice single double kick alpha why no xenoblade content that game's [ __ ] hard to make content over what do you mean it's so hard i only get to make persona content because we talk over and mash the dialogue no one would even watch the xenoblade content well actually else brad i would watch that you know like content well most of the people wouldn't because like if if a game tanks you just get to abandon it and move on like you just make one video over oh well but if you start a jrpg people are gonna ask it for the rest of time and i know how this is gonna work i know if i started jrpg on the channel and don't finish it i'm gonna be asked that for the rest of my career and i would not like that so that's why we're doing persona 5 because we know we can finish it and people will actually watch it xenoblade livestream would be pretty cool bro that's 90 hours of my time i played that game doing it on stream without being able to turn that into like videos come on that's all i'm saying it's just it's just it's just hard man it's just hard to devote that much time to a stream like that i love xenoblade it's my favorite game of all time but that's that's a game for me okay like there are some games that i love so much and i like that i have that relationship with them that don't exist in content because trust me playing games for content and playing games for leisure are very different experiences and like i can make up as many excuses to not play xenoblade but i like that it's a game for me that's what it really is uh what about splunky 2 content um i think i figured out why i haven't done any splunky 2 content lately i i think it's just because i realized why i like spelunky one and it's because i know a lot about spelunky one and it's because i got into splunky years after it came out so i think i want to wait some more time before when someone else figures out all the stuff in splunky 2 and then i just learn it and then i don't like finding it for myself and splunky's a lot of that so i think like i'm just gonna wait until more people figure out splunky stuff so i can just learn it and then play more it's easier to get better that way and uh yeah does that make sense yeah excuses maybe sure i mean people asked for an excuse they said why aren't you doing this and i gave them the excuse what do you want from me still in my kit kin safe [Music] no not falling for that one nice drive buddy move on move on go back under yeah that's what i thought i don't like this guy's energy i want to fight him i'm not gonna fight these either yo [ __ ] shallows is that his name i remember oh yeah kabu oh cool can you go back to your gym and do your goddamn job why am i a ten-year-old boy a little little messenger to to wrangle you back up yeah yeah yeah get on your way paladins please uh maybe one day i don't know i haven't touched that game in a while [Music] that carnival from before yeah that's crazy here's on a poke job well i'm not gonna use those ah they all popped up oh nope god i try to run i try to hide alpha what starter does hop have uh he has a score bunny i guess it would have been funny if we gave him torchic and then trico yeah that would have been kind of funny but that is not what we did oh i see electric on the field and i am scared the amber please flinch and die thank you in that order please do gen 5 with only whimsicott when's the guy it's not like an attacker though so that's why i mean should be fair mudkip's not like the strongest pokemon in the pokey decks either but like i don't know whimsicott's like there for support am i gonna do ps5 content uh yes i would i would like to have you know that i did purchase a ps5 on ebay above retail value mind you and it is arriving sometime uh i think like within the week and then i'll make a ps5 content i just couldn't get one [Music] uh goodbye knock towels can't i just fly back um under leveled but we are a water type so who cares yeah let's go in here all right is nurse joy really going to try and tell me that there is a rare pokemon at the train station [ __ ] it's slowpoke up up by the way eat my ass what do you got for me net worthless uh you can take my my dust balls from me though i don't want the temptation of sin lurking over me uh any tms are you gonna retaliate oh it's a tmtn okay and uh no you can't have it am i gonna play spider-man miles morales yeah i love the other ps4 spider-man game i feel like i have to put more adjectives around it because or just descriptive words because it was just dead ass called spider-man where is mario galaxy finale every time someone asks for it i delay it by a singular day oh oh okay i guess i'll go sleep good i was looking forward to it would you place ace attorney uh i i'm a fan of ace attorney i like it a lot but i don't think that's one of those games that i can play again in stream you know like it it's like am i really gonna struggle with two plus two equals four once i've learned that two plus two equals four you know what i'm saying uh if i'll feel awful if i lose but there's no way i'm gonna okay like the confidence pro gunk what should i use uh i don't know what ability i'm just gonna rock slide he's gonna flinch and he's gonna look so stupid when he does that watch this flinch fool fool absolute cool now i get to surf but i just thought like he might have had like dry skin okay yep that's what that's what i was uh yeah that's what i was scared of that's cool uh i guess i'll just take down i guess i just don't really have a good move set right now that's kind of what my issue is oh revenge oh please don't do that yikes um okay i feel like he's gonna try and revenge again but if i heal nothing will happen oh why does alpha sound so dead inside i don't know i think that's just how i talk so i don't i don't know i don't know i wish there was something i could tell you for that one i just feel like i'm talking like i normally do that's not how revenge works i was thinking counter so whoops alfred you could you should do a podcast with joe where you guys just relax and talk about whatever you want we already do that it's called alpha red deluxe oh morpeko uh this is terrifying okay so don't use it's fast as [ __ ] too so uh rockslide won't do anything take surf just get lucky just get lucky come on do it and then we can uh rock smash it next turn oh you use bite oh that's so that's okay yeah that's fine okay well then all right sure oh it is a dark type oh well i that's stronger right now oh sent out scraggy oh well i should heal i'm gonna heal right now and then use rock smash oh age of calamity do you want to do that soon okay nice headbutt that move gives me ptsd but uh just rock smash i think surf would just work though yeah people chat just be like yo rucksmash rock smash super effective rock smash you don't get stabbed it's come on come on you got to use it i know you're holding mystic water but what if you just punched [Music] i want to make overwatch 2 content when it comes out probs not maybe a singular video but maybe that's it if i like it a lot if i play it a lot then maybe more but bro it's just going to be overwatch [Music] what just happened to my tv it just went to cable i would like to look at game thank you the next morning morning monkey i don't know just something about that something there's an energy there a very specific energy okay i'm glad everyone just exchanges lead cards and burn heels not going to need them okay thank you thank you more petco very profound words from you was oh you're that challenger everyone's talking about i i feel like if people are talking about the trainer with one mudkip they're not saying good things about me go all out well uh i'll do my best and this guy is just spitting straight bars hello hop don't tell me you feel like we have to battle right now because we don't in case you're curious oh thank god all right walk on in hey we don't have too many challengers since our leader cabo has made his gym mission so hard all right well here we come i am curious to see how this one works because it's uh the challenge is a bit different than the other ones so uh here's hoping i guess hello sir hello i'm sorry about what i said to you last time this guy's got a lot of work so we got to earn five points to clear the gym mission in case you're wondering you'll earn one for defeating a pokemon in the tall grass and two for catching a pokemon how i don't oh this ah how do i am cause like you gotta catch two pokemon and fight the other i'm just gonna hope they respawn that's all i really got and i'm just going to kill the other trainers along the way that counts right i love watching mudkip just pop in the background all right yeah see we killed two pokemon two points [Music] i wish i got xp for killing their pokemon challenger mudkip claims one point okay so uh that's just a technicality i got okay i thought it was char bug for a second sizzle feed all right al i'm sorry but your pokemon's also dying nope oh okay good catch good save good save all right flinching couldn't move okay well that's just [ __ ] petty that was that was just petty i'm gonna kill you now yeah sane attack huh white smoke okay nice try you're just foolish you're just utterly foolish and stupid i love watching mudkip bounce [Music] sizzle peach sounds like a bug snack actually kind of true um john your mudkip claims one point thank you and now on to litwick so we're faced with a dilemma here either uh the pokemon respawn or we just lose here because i always interpret it as like their three pokemon you gotta catch two of them and i thought like okay weird challenge but i take that i'm down for the challenge but i i just don't i just don't know huh i guess we'll see right after screech why am i learning screech at level 30 dude they just press the rain is this a randomized move set what the f what oh [Music] the games the game's not over all right claim one point and okay they just respawn yeah why was i even scared for this the game just gives me the win on a silver platter why are people trying to tell me that's not a randomized moveset i know that that that's a joke anyways surf kill everyone like i i'm not really worried you know about the last about the last battle yeah you think mudkip is gonna learn okay moves but it does like the thing is mudkip learned a pretty decent move set uh naturally in emerald uh i wish it learned because we had to find ice beam on our own which we're also gonna have to find ice beam on our own but like that's fine like we're just gonna get ice beam and then uh things are fine selenite use fake out very cool go [ __ ] yourself [Music] thank you oh sizzle peed is not getting hit okay we'll just [ __ ] you to land it am i even going to have enough surfs because i'm just going to spam max mf geyser um i got oh oh if i get flinched it doesn't count i just thought like using it would work so oh well why does it keep attacking mudkip uh the trainers are sabotaging each other what they say is the double battle gonna be a problem like tayden like i don't know i haven't gotten there yet we we figure the problems out when we get there not before oh wow how do we clear another miss hard but not this challenge [Music] okay uh let's i just want to make sure we're healed like i assume we are okay that was a bad assumption on my part but good on me for uh double checking okay we got mystic water i don't i don't think we need anything else i got surf though surf is a is a good move to have in double battles okay adjuster here real quick before we uh spend 30 seconds walk oh okay we're just going to hold hands you will need two pokemon for the dragon okay well we'll deal when we get there oh he okay i like how he's jogging and mudkip is just going at a very just quick pace hello welcome i am kabu the fire type gym leader the fact that you are here means you've bested both milo's grass tied pogon and nessa's water types too that's quite an accomplishment every trainer and pokemon trains hard and pursued a victory all right cool thanks why are we worried right here do people not think i'm just gonna max geyser and win the entire battle it's gonna be raining guys let's get once oh you son of a [ __ ] all right yeah yeah they have a game plan huh yeah they have a game plan oh that didn't even kill for shame shame uh it doesn't even matter if i used to burn heel because they're just gonna do it again next time all right kill nine kills kill nine tails all right so not arcanine so burn only cuts down physical attack right not special is that correct i'm pretty sure that's correct right can someone confirm that it's only physical then i should use rock smash right now i think that's the play yeah then i'm just gonna use max geyser it don't matter [Applause] physical only got it then we are using our special boy yeah now would be the time to use rock smash have even more okay ark and i use fight that's cool uh but what if you just uh know you wait burn cuts attack yeah burn cuts your base physical attack and it's like dummy insane oh thank god it's raining [Applause] uh hurt by my burn all right i know that he's like gonna send out oracle he thinks everything's going fine oh he doesn't have purple i thought he had protocol oh no he's sent a scorch oh well then it just dies today oh he has giganta max change your size and your form wow that's so cool of him to do that i wonder what's going to happen use rock because it's four times effective no because i got burned so it doesn't matter i that's physical attack it's physical attack and it's also raining don't die don't die oh my god i got scared for a second i got scared all right all right well everything's okay my special attack fell that's not very cool but it's raining i'm wet and a winner that's all that matters i suppose yeah and they're stabbed like no world would i not use max geyser wahoo god i like mudkip and his pokemon pichu pikachu i just think they're the best of friends ever oh is that is it pikachu you're revolving no no you aren't i still have much to learn all right thank you so much for the kind words thank you for just throwing the victory straight to me like it was a pass and now we are going to shake hands awkwardly but passionately for as long as you'd like all right hope everyone's having a good time but i do think that is about gonna wrap it up for the stream i'm gonna mash a through a few more things uh all right please i hope this guy never comes back to me again oh willow wisp that's just insulting i know like there's like a cutscene that's gonna play when i leave but we can just tackle that later uh am i gonna stream this tomorrow maybe don't know i yeah i'll stream more tomorrow how about that all right let's save we ain't got no marsh tom we have collected zero pokemon thus far and now let's talk about who are we gonna raid let me open youtube real quick is there anyone streaming on youtube any homies any homies uh me me i'm streaming so everyone just raid alpharette uh following who who's streaming let's see uh i think all right you guys want to do something real wholesome actually some wanna do something real wholesome so there's this one player named shattuck right and they are a they're from texas and they're like 12 13 years old and they're like an up-and-coming smash bros player and i met him and his dad at low tier city once and he was he made a huge upset against like a notable player and he has like this killer stream set up because his dad supports him so much like he has like a professional stream set up and i just think that's so [ __ ] cool to have your dad support you that much so we are going to he means corin too and he always says corn is good so i just want everyone to say corinne good in chat um so that's what we're gonna do just say core and good but don't ruin their chat maybe get some follows you know just support them and uh then after that uh just stop spamming in like two or three minutes you know just get the message across and then we will uh stop being annoying but yeah all right have a good time everyone and i'll see you tomorrow when we do more pokemon
Channel: Alpharad Replay
Views: 897,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: otbCJ5PVA80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 1sec (13561 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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