Sonic Forces: PLUS ULTRA

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are you ready wait hi you played a sauna game that is the requirement hey what the [ __ ] whoa don't be coward what easy sonic is no I just wish there was an easy mode yeah it's normal it's a pre and post sonic well I was definitely a commentary on the Sonic universe okay Sonic how at all music slaughter the audio a mixing has never been as strong sonic series also Keeley's here hi I'm Keeley she really wanted to play a good sauna game so Jo and I forced her to play Sonic horses well they're also playing it because they got it for five dollars on scene that's a [ __ ] steal it is concealed I'm not even that mad but I'm kind of mad that we're not playing adventure 1 instead which is a good theme you're really gonna use this platform freeze I'm just talking about Sonic this whole time over this crappy game Sonic's good okay Sonic good come fast go go go so Joe once you feel really funny yeah there's gonna be an evil robot coming up all right and stand the tails hold up where is he I'm holding perfectly up man okay you got it you're doing great Joe yeah thank you oh just so good at Sonic games you didn't tell us okay yeah that's what series which ones X Oh watch the skate in front just don't throw it attack him the stand in front of him watch how he attacks you he just stands does he attack me no Detroit you know he's cool I'm gonna let that one live I'm gonna kill his friends oh he can live a lonely life yeah so Steam was having a sale that ended in 15 minutes of when we bought this game present a jump was like $30 off Sonic forces and I like well [ __ ] I guess they're playing Sonic forces they want to try to check out on Steve it hit me with you got a $5 coupon you want to use it I was like hell yeah so I do think we're gonna make profit on this series and that's what matters that is what matters at the end of the day here I don't understand what's going on in this game Keeley do you know you're running oh okay yeah you get it now from all your problems no how does the have any problem he's sonics collaborate on that he has no problems why I can run from them that means he does have problems no he just has a human tendency to run from them clonic just as human as the rest of us I know you look like a hedgehog no slander the reputation of this good Channel hi Jacob sonic the person what was that [ __ ] obnoxious Reno more like sand hill I don't get what's going on when does the game start yeah this feels like a tutorial level doesn't it well like it doesn't it doesn't it's been telling him a little hints here and there he just hasn't been a region as a coach told him not to Joe reading I really don't read like ever whoa look at the camera angle boost anymore okay now this is that like okay good job Joe you beat Sonic forces was that the entire game I wouldn't Josh it's still a fast game yeah today we're gonna be in one setting is that we're doing yeah alright hope you guys like story cuz that we're skipping it I wanna hear Matt Mercer sto because that's hilarious Wade Silver's dead no not he literally sacrifices himself shadow dine adventure to anyways didn't a sonic oh six they actually reset the timelines nothing actually happened that is true it was just a dream that's [ __ ] so when was the last time we saw an SP Oh Sonic Heroes shadow that chalk show that right you're right Joe the real sonic fan on the couch and then say that yeah I'm sorry that that was made to be an insult sake lees but it felt more rude yo thank you dad look at my deku from my hero i couldíve he's a rabbit what are you talking about there's a rabbit he is he's rabbit one yeah yeah definitely green green green there's not even that green of a green ok wait it's not yet not yet I think this is like the second you do like that green yeah and then we can get brown eyes no green does he it only has green we're only doing green what body color body colors what you're looking for okay so oh yeah Oh greener darker target no that's that's the way down that is Dec your color that actually is like perfectly Deku eye color so we'll look at this eye color I'm pretty sure it's green but I think I just want to go with green anyways for the funnier for wrong thank you google autocorrect search did it I knew I wanted to look for Deku oh which eyes he does have green eyes you're right I hate yeah yes I green tinted eyes no that's that's some pocket go eyes it's not thank you also I look on screen are nude echo Deku merge eye color no that's not his eyes I mean these aren't his eyes no okay let me let me look at a picture Decker over here yeah I'm looking at the one-to-one freak yeah joke I like those those are like kind of scared eyes those like there is some caution and then he's a very cautious boy yeah those years he's a rabbit my color got that body a lion's voice okay wait wait press exit tested which ones X I can't see it was dark I like the first yeah yeah I could barely hear Oh victory pose okay what's he got that's Sonic don't know that's pretty cool that feels Deku yeah no that's a next oh plus ultra stuff no we're talking about Dec you let's go Deku have you got that feel dec you that fell dec you look at that nice tuck yeah yeah completing errands what's great so director plays this piece of [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna get any clothes just don't you wait don't you want to watch him come in yeah I want to see decade okay you want the reveal guys the indexes come in Deku they make us long last thank you is in Sonic I've been waiting for so long I mean smash okay hear me out what did they put dec you in smash and then all my we really got deck using this game we playing this game for fun say run yes that's my ringtone Jeremy you talk [ __ ] back to charming Thames alright I think we're good to go give deck you a gun what I'm done Thank You Jon Deku yeah Joe how are you not made of me of Deku yet and played him in Smash with a so much work so we can help you out it's okay well someone else will make gun deck your forest their assets downloaded someone make them Deku for me that's your new mean yes the Mike on deck I'll just pick them up I saw a major main at the heart you can now play Super Sonic yes we've got the DLC oh okay Sonic is alive guys wait did people think he was dead yeah yep a lot happened in that cutscene you skipped I think well bro look at this pork you could jump fast and go fast this is super scheme that [ __ ] look how cool he is all four wine why is this yeah I just want to run I don't want to play this look how much you're I'm like kind of defending this game but I really shouldn't I love plays or flame deck you know Joe make very quick to see I'm very easy to please or piss off whichever one hey how do you feel right now well right now I'm a flame thrower but I'm not shooting it so I'm not very happy right I'm just saying it's how many other Sonic games have a flame thrower and out of that job I don't even know actually I've never played shot of the heads in it like all I knew everyone was a okay everyone is here it's like Shadow the Hedgehog release of Smash shouts into the Sonic universe caused an explosion yes let me go up there I want the red nice red Joe I did it god I can't believe you finally brought back your home to Sonic nope I can't do this okay okay tell me this we can play shot of the Hedgehog if Deku is in it well can someone hacked out go and shout at the head chunk after this video goes up I'm sure someone will please help see and we need sonic forces they need a seed deck you do nice oh you did it good job oh yeah it was a QTE did you grate cheese [ __ ] flamethrower kill them all yeah how do you still get heart with a flamethrower come on I love how the flames just don't run faster than me they don't or they do run faster than autocannon clearly not how it should be but physics thing this is awesome this is a giant destroying the hitbox I don't think there's any ground I can fall into either this is great what is song oh he'll shout them in it do you think we play up such shadow it just place all Hill shadow like flash really give me you played Black Knight right um yeah did it play all hail shadow throughout the entire game for year or was our disk corrupted no it's all the time all the time why yeah why yeah they finally fixed railing yeah no binding has been an integral part of Sonic since like adventure to it's always sucked and it's only been bad actually there's a granny section in Sonic 1 there something to venture one mmm you're right you're right you're right you're right it's also very bad plus ultra hey guys look slam that subscribe button slam the Bell be sure to vomit plus ultra in the comments yeah if you're a deck you if you're a deck you had yeah new avatar gear has been unlocked I did it your deck you a cool outfit please we can now void annex the persona 5 posture thank God Oh try changing his outfit oh yeah there has to be Deku ish things we can find no I don't think it's any other exec who wear glasses he could I like the persona 5 yeah well this is the worst crossover ever watch oh that's Deku as hell as I learned today Mike here academia's Japanese so oh you just found that out yeah it's Japanese yeah ok I translated it I want to drop the irony for a second that interaction on Twitter was so good you tweeted about Deku from my hero academia and then someone said that they watch no no it was my lone responding to your deck use oh I watched bok'nor hero and you go no he's from Lightyear academia and they know that's where it's called in Japanese and you said oh I really love our bit of just responding to people and telling them to watch my hero even though like everybody has and I definitely think like the best part of it is just being excited when dekhi was mentioned anywhere thank you thank you yeah Bakula worth the mall let's go make it here no don't worry about it everyone yeah he appeared through a wormhole and then sonic was like damn that's weird Oh Sonic Generations no I wanted it to be but it's not they specifically said this is not Sonic Generations - but it kind of is - battle it controls way worse you like the clap generation is good I still want to play the generations I've never got to play it let's play that that's a good sign of game yeah hey it's really funny how does it look like every bad Sonic game put them together and made a good Sonic game it's not weird I they're gonna say I made it worse on a game no it's good I'm sorry - yeah going home yeah the sonic fanbase and the booth right now I know this makes the commentary way harder I have an army at least I don't have to respond to the comments all after the video goes up just um I'm gonna read all I'll read you guys they're just gonna say plus ultra don't know what yeah excite an eclair doesn't the phone and be the comments out loud to you we do it for a living it's really taxing trust us I'm doing it because Jacob bought me a sandwich today so you're torturing me with the comments I read anyways yeah it's no other Bretton Woods so you're paying me for so for the sandwich no real fun I thought European gossipy movie I thought so too originally but then I gotta say what's I don't think so anymore oh yeah so alright I just want to read why his tails like this yeah he's just worried about you are you so gay for Sonic well yes yeah you can't defend that one how do you guys like the rest the sonic fanbase no most people agree with me oh that's it right and you got a net oh I'll try you held forward Joe this really is pulled forward thankfully that's your [ __ ] backpack mmm that feels Dec use yeah that's not Dec cool enough is that gonna have a backpack I mean he's a student of school a couple months ago in the city how do I skip everything I don't know you'll find a way is this a speedrun no Joel uh these things called blind be ready have you told her about the Kingdom Hearts bet Jovie Kingdom Hearts 3 in eight hours on his first playthrough he called it a blind speedrun and skipped every cutscene and streamed it I strained it on this channel alright it's really funny because a bunch people were like are you skipping all the cutscenes to getting really pissed I was like oh it's a speedrun different everyone's like okay it's a blind speedrun every single time and people like just accepting of this okay cool yeah so like if you're the kind of person like Joe who skips all dialogues just once the flashing lights in front of them yeah and you want a stream game just call everything a blind speedrun right it was a blind speedrun I do have world record for blind any percent if you played Kingdom Hearts 3 before that you're not allowed to compete in that it's true feed you did think I was smarter you did it I didn't think you were smart now yeah no I'm very smart about us not playing games properly yes brings especially Kingdom Hearts 3 that people waited 13 years for food I had a friend the other day he was asking me about like well you just asked me what I think about Kingdom Hearts in general yeah I think I'm gonna play Kingdom Hearts 3 soon Joe what do I need to know though cuz I'm only thinking of Hearts 2 I was like oh dude you whole you have like eight other games plays like I thought they're just Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 I was a sweet innocent child you know what the thing is that makes a lot of sense doesn't it yeah and he asked me he sent me text yesterday saying hey so what all the same or do you again which day and what are you talking about is like we talking about is like oh that that's a loaded question right there buddy yeah I just didn't respond to him all I can't you just get to hold a flamethrower down oh yeah I know there's no fuel system or anything you know I have literally it's been holding the trigger I played this game once with Kade and it was an experience of playing the game and I think I'm having a better time not playing the game right now see it what I appreciate about this game is you don't have to play it if you're playing it yes Joe this might just be your kind of game yeah all right I'm digging this game it's really fun activities the least interactive Sonic game you can you know trust me it looked like your auto piloting would be real I don't even know where I died last time God can we just talk about how empty all these rooms are don't you there's so much to do the levels are just so [ __ ] boring that is rings man and I got a flamethrower oh what'd you say Kili fans Master why so much to do so much just okay yeah at least there was a reference I thought you were just going off would that be a problem Jacob some extent yeah why explain why right now I don't have to and that's the beauty of this channel Wow so I can't burst anymore okay what I don't know I think that actually has a system see that's that's not there I just want to spam it okay Joe remember this is where you died I think yep look at that oh oh oh you're being dumb kid got stuck there here the game room Oh framed wrong yeah we're putting on a pretty high-end computer no I can't kill myself on this I tried to kill myself just to see that would be too easy Joe oh and you'd be thought I was trying to call myself at the very end game won't let you so you spent three minutes on that level that's like a record right it set a record for how long you spend on a level oh yeah they've all been incredibly short yeah I played this game but I haven't played it since release so it's been a minute for me doesn't thank you that was Green good there's green jumpsuit you have green in this game oh my god Dec who's green yes plus ultra what's he from my hero Academy uh yeah okay what's does that like and Cartoon Network yeah okay so the cartoon it is what is it I really Gentiles that was translated into me no they make it in Japan and America puts the text over it and they translate it back to Japanese oh thank god yes who's Japanese can I think it's [Music] that's the weirdest okay racial profiling I've ever heard those what I say that Japanese people can't read hey so they can't spell her right no what do you think I don't remember what I said man racist but in a way that's like very surprising to me oh okay you're implying they can't read English which is also implying you can't read Japanese if I can don't never said he can read in the first place that's true I can't read been through a lot today so now you're playing Sonic you you're breaking him out of prison he was in prison by the way what's it called smoke in the Epic Games bro I love Olympic Games people always sleep on it it's better than all the Mario sports games great put all the sports in a one game okay can we talk about the guy that tweeted about how banja was a waste of a character slot and then he was popping off on Twitter about how Volkers in the Olympic Games I just see that guy that was really good he doesn't want the picture okay I don't know if it's a bit or not I don't think [ __ ] top golfer shadow in the Olympic Games yeah but like for him to go from I love is ov active how would you waste a character slot I really think like popping off for zavok it's so much funnier than shadow though oh yeah everybody loves shadow he's the edgy fanboy but zavok is like lost world alright oh I'm up here now okay I didn't hit anything you just kind of put me up there stop us from lost world yeah why is he here because everybody was here I don't they put every character they own into this game to sell as many copies as they I said they're invisible wall you've already died to that it's a on the platform thanks keely yeah just don't do that next time okay no gotta be YouTube Commons in the room with me yeah here we are YouTube comics personified take that as you want defending Sonic at all wait YouTube comments or sonic tails a couple years ago here's this whole [ __ ] embarrassing oh I have nothing to hide this is it great I'm also like the judging aspect is only for the bit but it's still just astonishing to me how much of a Sonic fan you are yeah the one thing people actually know about me it's a very iconic characteristic thank you so much ah I I don't like the I can't just how many attacked here somebody on no it locks on though yeah it locks on but if you hit a it just hits the double jump button what is this just avoid lazy yeah I mean you can just get hit by it that is how sonic works you ride that full health or you have no health you're playing hard mode yeah this is hardened Road okay I forgot this is on hard mode what's the [ __ ] difference this is someone in the comments please tell me can you play out you know lesson no that's why I'm asking Oh what is easy mode I should say about that I mean oh no it's letting me do it I was just jumping too soon oh why is he on a bead yeah we haven't asked that yet I mean a lot of gave the hotline Hornet type enemies a first boss for Sonic Adventure at what second boss definitely yeah you're right actually a Hornet well like it's usually just something written on it that's like an actual ass Hornet yeah oh no Jesus your ring oh god I don't know how you're alive oh my god have you died of that little [ __ ] oh he's about to drop some new rings after your lands probably right no I'm done for you so does that put you in the QTE are you jumping in oh no it's putting me in it blaming gay as soon as I see the big big shadow ahead I didn't rest any buttons during that segment I've been pressing a non-stop for about five minutes he's made a chili dog joke hey fun fact sonic likes chili dogs nothing sexy for the bottom sextuple trouble Oh save trouble I don't know if a chi minh SAR on the recording but we definitely got an achievement if it's sex tape successful yeah I have one more deck you what okay hear me out Sega billion-dollar idea no deck your DLC who will complain about it no one no one at all where was the last time you heard someone playing Sonic forces it really bring life into this dead game ok Paley's a lot of people wanna play Sonic forces now though cuz every single place I went to before this recording session one had brain outlet oh yeah we had Joe actually went to like it's like I'm not even excited at my store why yes to find Sonic forces and they're sold out in the year 2019 yeah I went you good death man thanks but yeah I want to like finish stuck because I think someone has to ever turn this game nope went to target didn't have the game when a game stop they said the place about two hours away has it and that's it an Oklahoma so it is not selling it anymore about making much I think they don't hear to believe it sold it i I truly believe this just sold out well yeah then Walmart didn't have it and Best Buy didn't have it wow it's wild yeah it's funnier that it looks that better for us because uh this was only five dollars yeah and also we got to tell the story which means it was worth it yeah dude I don't even care what shitty thing happens to me anymore because I can just milk into a story nowadays it's dope you know I I'm pressing the jump button but mister sonic does not want to go to that top thing just hold on any longer a platformers yeah I know hold it down yeah okay okay is yeah that up there you make it smushed but it oh you're wondering all right I don't get him why I can just jump through that originally I don't even that wasn't like a fun obstacle you know yeah that is just let's wait this is just regular sonic with platforming takes bar with double jump now which is not oh yeah it doesn't really go anywhere it's like each double jump in melee where it doesn't really matter mm-hmm I like that you can't do sick tricks now it makes me happy I'm as happy trails work you knew six Exynos before if you're good enough okay that's probably that's think I've ever has the most youtube comic thing I've ever heard I know no I didn't even think they let you do that in this game yeah we just praised it and then they go remind us why we don't praise this game at least you didn't die that high standard I was really scared of talking no I caught you oh I got stomped a tad yes yes sonic ability I've been wanting there we go it probably is a good reason Keeley's here because it really balances out everything Joe and I say about this game yeah we would just be [ __ ] on this game a non-stop opposed to what we've been doing well she's freezing Sonic in general yeah she really said the rails are good if you're good yeah oh okay let's do the cutscene now I'm spamming gay and there's a cutie about like Star Wars oh I like Star Wars what a Deku wasn't it oh yeah there's no other thing I'm just raving gay yeah it's good enough for me it's good yeah I got 5000 points alright perfect time to turn down the brightness on my phone to the keys I think you smash okay Joe hear me out okay do nothing I'm doing nothing nice I guess that's the end of the level I'm out you're out of fast awesome I want more fast sauce sorry can anybody recap the plot of this game Sonics dead let me look it up no he's right there we're playing his ghost Sonic see look ghost Sonic is dead he's a valid point okay keep going Joe yeah Sonic's dead and now they're trying to host a funeral party for Sonic okay with our good friends only psycho would do that oh there's good friends yes sonic saved us yes sonic saved a cougar who's dead now I can't lose deck restart build off what if Sonic actually killed Deku he did Oh redeco it's AA decade never mind age 7 oh yeah you've been here for like 20 minutes has it only been 20 minutes Joe once you have both of them it's Sonic & Dec use you plug in a second that's where he's held the little brother oh no now I can just do cool tricks with rope yeah you can play as deck you and Sonic that's what I've always wanted from a video game on ironically you know someone has asked for it oh yeah wait Oh Mike I discover academic I'm dancing a lot double Busan so camera came with all of them I don't know if being magic even do any things I feel like this is just scripted so Joe I will tell you um you get a fail animation if you don't do it and that's even funnier cuz the cutsy still plays well you get all powered up and they just stop we're not moving honestly yeah Oh Sonic I cannot agree with you more buddy thank you God put his life in your hands and you did that yeah hey I provide five dollars in Sonic hey he almost has full help again oh there you go yeah hey sock has all them okay I just really you don't have it yet you don't have the ability why why just let me do that say ya know why do they just keep taking that away that's it just let us do it everyone knows that's mechanic flamethrower you still have it oh well I have no reason to let my middle finger off of the trigger now to this conjuring snow even fighting yeah we're all right okay so we're really tackling the low-hanging fruit of attacking Sonic okay yes I think he deserves that no that was where the sender said oh yeah I just wish you continued with something else would you like his continue go to Taksim sonic you could do that okay Joe look let's bring some positivity what do you like about Sonic I like that he's blue she's your where is blue I love the color blue crush 40 songs are bangers they are bangers thank you you finally agree on something ever Sonics blue no what is he then that's way more of a hot tape you know actually I don't do I need to defeat these enemies I really love it as you give you flamethrower for no reason it's it's Sonic's best weapon everyone knows Sonic how is it where she just in this but yeah that's the thing that's bad about this game is the environments all look the same no they're different man you guys aren't paying close enough attention Oh see you put a lot if I was better I would understand it yeah we're just we're dumb YouTube I think we're lucky that most Sonic fans don't defend this game I'm not yeah nothing defendant yeah exactly I do it with Sonic is their objective yeah so we're kind of liking it for the same thing yeah early here for the characters good job Joe you did it I did it what do you do the level whole level Joe what'd you do I help for it and press the right trigger what's ultra look at him Deku oh my god deck to them Sonic you guys been drawing fan art of this for years and hearing it finally rocks there's Crocs oh we're putting on Crocs tuck your knees Crocs yeah giving the people what they asked for really crooks is the cross ever nobody knew they wanted I kill everyone do they wanted this I think one life there's this game when it first came out he had a hawk and he named it Crocs the hawk which is really good who did that light there oh you know I feel like I don't need anything other than playing through everyone it allows you you do like lightning or - this ring - I don't remember though I don't care about that you can't have both you got two hands do you want one gun where's your hands two guns hello where's with you we're Crocs it's kind of is pretty deku deku would definitely rock some croco their daily mission was to change your footwear you did it all right luminous forest can you handle episode eight how many episodes are there I think I not know more than thirty I think it's like 25 okay I assume you're doing this game we're getting there we're definitely doing because I wanna be down this game it's little friend the child gardening and in fact you guys I'm really thank you people want Chow garden but I really feel like in current year the Sega's Sonic Team would still [ __ ] it up oh they would definitely [ __ ] it up I just I don't know I want a mobile phone app working take care my child and spin microtransactions daily oh my god that would be so much money yeah you realize pokemon goat brings in like millions and millions of dollars per month still really yeah I don't know a single person that she fought stuff on that game a couple people I lied to you then oh we just do all we do is walk around people are embarrassed about microtransactions because they feel like a loser when they buy him it's like a guilty Oh for most people thank you a guilty pleasure yeah I definitely why about how much money I spend when trying to roll for a random picture of a girl I like in Fire Emblem how long I've been playing the fire long game for heroes keep sure that was called a mobile game yeah since it came out one did it come out 2016 how much money we spent on the game since 2016 oh I see Jake that one answer my question I mean I don't think that's hardly aggressive yeah I definitely spent like at least over a thousand dollars on it what geez what are you the person in a game for like other targeting used yeah Hey Joe what's going on in this game I'm pressing X I'm also holding down flamethrower case I get up again I mean look a thousand eligible yeah but like for me I had quality entertainment over the past three years for the bringing joy so yeah they just put out summer legs so like I'm playing the game again some early that's your wife wearing a bikini you know named Joe nice thank you for giving sonic double jump oh yeah they just they just uh every summer they just like lunch pick eight characters put them in bathing suits and then sell them for a portion and you're like yeah yeah and it works what is this segment I'm guessing quick turn event where I just keep spamming get you lost somebody just died again are you still matching yeah okay don't worry it's so funny because I actually died on here the first time because I strength time is an idiot yeah I know I realized I was a very first one that you just press the X button where's the camera oh hey again you can get as a see like 20% of that was just that snake cutscene right Amy if we can get like a black version of that that's Dec you sure you put the yellow one on yeah gamer hat the gamer shirt piece yeah yeah thank you doesn't wear gamer hats I'm so excited gamer know he's named deck would be a gamer he would but he would not wear the merch y'all think deck who plays league he'd probably he's plays for at night I promise you he plays for much no he is the right age he's a ninja kid okay young duck who watches Naruto do you think all might is like the ninja of real life know that you're long ninja real life thank you Joe Joe don't encourage him do you know he encourages me yeah Joe and I are like the worst pair of friends because we enable each other perfectly someone edgy it's infinite God he's so edgy so called versus infinite probably that's it alright I'll show you my spines he says come I got one spine cut what is infinite he is the ultimate life-form but for real this time but that's like actually kind of what he is there was the thing Amiens yeah they can tell us the lore Eggman put the Phantom Ruby in what the [ __ ] did him something data what yeah happening you're the oldest played this game which is really he takes you to the netherworld if you touch those red things oh so straight to hell I guess so I don't want to touch the right things correct you want to touch him Oh forbidden snack and I think if you get those little capital to give you boost power oh dude you can just kind of like walk over that that's yeah that's a connection we hit up again thanks by the way there's just one big name also this is like the exact same sound effect of song when Sonic mania starts like whenever he takes you to this [ __ ] and then it's kind of like oh cool how are these games related and they really aren't I think I think sonic mania maybe like the prequel to this game cuz classic Sonics in this game you know no I I think that might be how the lower works or something but I don't know I I feel like this should be the sequel to the game because I know that the end of song generations they what's it called they teach classic sonic attack homing attack yeah as the double jump now yeah I mean that's why I would assume oh I can't just booster that I miss all right all I got my one ring so you got an axe health Joe good job Oh God oh I think you got a jump there really good Wow al Oh got me other the the netherworld though good job mine diamonds people have been asking for a Minecraft series dude I'm so done to play Minecraft I also do you just enjoy Mike so Bob recently did a minecraft playthrough and they look like they're having the most fun they've ever had but they they play down a lot yeah they did like 30 plus episodes like a whole month worth of content and now I say you meet herb in my LAN we just sit down and we play the same shitty switch version Oh gonna hate playing Minecraft with me are you gonna sabotage him I'm just gonna sabotage all you guys I'll be real okay but we got a team up and defeat the Navigant or no I would see keep their track inside best that's fine I mean honestly probably what I'm gonna do is I'll just go my original [ __ ] of Minecraft where I'll just wait you beat him I did it anyways if you want a Minecraft series let us know but what I used to do on minecraft was like I would just like you know how like redstone doors work while you place like the little panel and open the door for you I'd always just put TNT under people's houses away whenever they step into their house on the redstone door they're just so cool - my god very recent still so you know how you beat him in the game yeah you lose to him in the cutscene oh I hate don't you love their corn cape stupid I want to watch me losing the cutscene actually alright this is the first cutscene we watch I feel like this is an important cutscene to watch chili dogs no oh I'm not gonna lie I don't care well discussing anymore you get it yeah he [ __ ] died he took a blow to the chest he's like the third time Sonics died no it's really game honestly like back in Sonic Heroes days I loved the customs I thought they were so cool and now it's like oh dude those campers were so shiny I don't know why they were so shiny I'm sorry Elise I need a voice acting was horrible fans I was so mad when Sonic Heroes came out and were like this is not Adventure 3 and then my mom like just wait oh come out next year and she [ __ ] lie to me oh yeah that's never gonna happen in that it's not I really don't think it is well like at this point if they do make Sonic Adventure 3 there's no way it's gonna be good see that's why I think they're gonna make Sonic Adventure 3 yeah I agree I fully believe that it is coming out eventually I feel like when their backs against the wall we were like [ __ ] it we gotta do it right it's like what do they have to lose at that point so hear me out we're gonna have one more main line sonic title mm-hmm it's it's gonna be called sonic ultimate ok and then after that Sonic Adventure 3 comes out and it it it has three storylines and it has sonic shadow and silver and it's just Sonic oh six with teammates pretty much okay so that's pretty much it Sonic Kara's again yes just guess what Sonic Heroes again no I don't but that's what they're gonna do well I mean Sonic I'm not saying like you have teammates I'm saying like you rotate through levels like ah like a venture - cool cool game insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome dude it just threw me that way like that ass that's what come on thank that ass and Iran my life well thank you I like how this is just 8-bit fist-bump dude hysterical why it's called fist bah what more do you whine you ever wanted Sonic to talk about bro fisting consisting of bros yeah yeah truth drawers being dudes fancy god this game this this is a game alright by all technicality it is a game so yeah I'm not gonna lie I forgot that we saw that we were playing this game instead yeah you came here expecting adventure wanted to have a nice time you know I woke up this morning about the fact we're gonna be playing Sonic Adventure what what yeah what don't go fast so you want to go fast and all the theme song stays you go fast but don't I do think that's we've talked about it before if I do think that's one of the biggest problems in Sonic is it like the whole game is incentivizing going fast the actual gameplay does not incentivize going fast yeah I'm just really confused about how I died there fell into a pit but no he did the death where he like jumps up and does like the Mario 64 death because I think he fell in the pit but he doesn't do that he falls in a pit if you fought it you just it disappears I don't think so in this game or maybe the platform moves and you get squished between the wall but I had rings that doesn't matter if you get squished either way it's like why I don't have answers free Joe okay I'm not that person I was hoping that you would justify it that's the end right okay cool I can't that close to the end that many times anyway yeah I really want to play adventure 1 in school but now I'm stuck in Hell so oh yeah I played adventure 1 I want to be able play it again I want to details and you can be Sonic now just really but no you gotta play the game gonna be tails no I wanna be tails how are we trace it well I'm said I agree tails palms it's my turn something even something that your one's really good but all of it yes I played through all of it but I don't think it's good because it's a phenomenal game mm-hmm it's just such a buggy game yeah they like any loading zone with any character and so much good you play like the beach level the tails you play as hell would you please big play does that actually I say that all right yeah big nap yeah big actually so they're Amy's the one yeah Amy Amy only has like two levels he's like furry actually he's got many levels I don't finish Lee stressful it was that [ __ ] robot chasing you around the whole time you thought it was gonna be easy but it's not hey he's joy be honest I feel bad uploading this in a multi-part series because people would have to come back on a daily wanting Mario maker or something yeah we just thought well this is one three-hour video can we uh rip that band-aid off for everybody I was gonna say what we could do is that we could just if he wasn't here that's what I would suggest we take the sonic and we take this games gameplay and that's where we put the sonic in the Black Knight audio that'd be good very really well she's play another Sonic game just put Black Knight audio over it if I still have it I think it's somewhere on the audio but you don't have the actual yeah the footage got corrupted the audio did not yeah that's a good saddle thing I ever heard yeah especially cuz it was genuine commentary cuz we both played it for the first time and we were drinking we were very drunk I thought they should be done for this whatever oh it's noon I know that's what I'm saying I like how those rocks can hurt me if I'm jumping yeah all right ease drills are supposed to be scary I feel they're really shiny can you I feel like he just struggles hitting you yeah so there I just jump oh yeah see you got rewarded for timing the jump good job yeah that's what I did you know the other surprise we have a final box by the Oh shoes island that felt like a very mighty number 9 explosion oh that was classic sonic oh good job Sonic couldn't tell a story that could gear decker gear that's not dented year neither is that tails let's kili gear feely do you want to do you want you to worry Nick your house will change yeah there's no way Decker doesn't have a chain thank you with chain chain deku deku with chains that Cooper certifies that's cursed Decker was especially curse because you're saying Decker persona 5 in Sonic yeah yeah - put the chain on in Sonic 4 smash where Shane body body suits no oh there it is oh no you can't wear your t-shirt have you got your chin yeah sorry tails no were you yeah weird neck I sound a weird midlife crisis I'm really sad that they don't let us formally name our characters I wish like Amy would just say thank you thank you you know do you when do we get that technology like I feel like that should be that that we'll just get every single sound that humans make all right every single English sound yeah as you just do text-to-speech can you make it like it's it's definitely possible I don't remember what software it is but I though we selected a few years back there like if you upload a two-minute sample of Oy constantly talking for those two minutes you can there software allows you to just text your speech in their voice oh that's cool which it's cool but it's also terrifying in the future you know yeah people will definitely be able to play start calling like the doctor's office or the bank yeah you could go I could take any let's play of you talking and then call your girlfriend and break up with her over the phone dude I have a girl harder than this fine lines yes you do hey not breaking up with her am i right all right if someone broke up with my girlfriend for me mm-hmm I would just think that's kind of funny George ever date a fan he's asking cuz he's a fan true yeah I don't know any ladies out there willing to take a ride on the Jo train so that we another fan can break up with you yeah just just hear me out if any ladies out there looking for a boyfriend Joe is pretty cute you know how to cook Joe I have an air fryer all right there you go and the thing is Joe will air fry you dinner and I'll break up with you for him holy [ __ ] that's an experience dude that's like middle school spell having your friends pray do you say old friends we're not asking for a long commitment here you know we're just looking for a bit really yeah so if you don't want to date Joe I will call you ain't break up with you on a future episode of Alpha REDD+ Jesus Christ man give me like 20 girlfriends ha ha I won't dump as many girls as I possibly can thanks man I hate for you Joe ok here's a little deal what's going on will get my tinder going and we'll ask as many girls out and then you'll dump all them for me hey I'm I'm frequent Joe it's like illegal to record people against their will but I feel like it's really funny yeah to break up all really text to speech goes other people don't but I agree already there oh we did it pretty reached that point I just got to say if any ladies are now hopping on you Joe forty minutes into a sonic forces playthrough I'd yeah deck you look at him he looks awful swag the [ __ ] out we already have a piece no but now it's a different color no the head nope now it's white you've got his cross you're still on my neck you know the bandana feels Dec you yeah that's that's kind of cool let's do you guys even know deku yeah he's from my here okay Academy ax you almost okay I said it right okay oh it's Academy a right Joseph I don't okay thank you game I just want to I want to Jairus on my sonic OC I don't know your applause this is like the most confusing way to do levels - yeah I couldn't just been linear all right that's all going in like random like someone someone was there trying to make a sense of world also why aren't we on the moon yeah um first off it's like okay where's the next episode like I think you can press left right or left right bumper to get to it but I stole the game this always just did yeah okay I wouldn't know else too oh yeah cuz it's Sonic Sonic has died again oh no it's a pinball level Oh every Sonic game has ever pinball level I don't understand why especially this because this feels way out of left field yeah so I have a question is classic Sonic that's time travel right I think so there's a wormhole I just wanted to play the game please so here's here's the paradox right here does Sonic bring back classic sonic because he's lived through this and he knows it works Oh what what like okay if this is time travel yeah sonic modern sonic already been through this right oh yeah so he already knows the outcome he's like oh I'm just gonna write dude know the classic songs been through this before in Kazakhstan so it's not time travel wormhole like is it parallel universes oh no classic sonic has done this before but modern sonic has exactly so modern sonic knows that it works thank God I do that I mean I don't know does he sauna spent any time travel so he has not been through the thing before phrase i if it is time travel that means modern sonic has done it before as classic sonic I don't think you know how times how it works wait yeah how is that if classic Sonic is past Sonic but I don't know there's like parallel Sonic's that's all time travel listen I don't know what's going on anymore okay you're not even participating in the conversation that's not fun I'm trying I know that you're wrong but I don't know you're just dismissing it that's all people you're wrong I don't know why you're wrong what you are on this course were having today but I don't know I mean let's just not encourage commentary on our commentary base Channel yeah Jake oh shut up forever I don't know I feel like Oh [Music] modern sonic and classic sonic even the same sonic or they just like kind of to do to look a bit alike alright they're definitely different people are they definitely the same person but they have different personalities sometimes yeah but you think you screw out of their personality they're like oh you're not the same person as you were in high school really bold assumption oh yeah I followed up with I hope thank you I know Jake it was his time travel or what is this oh my lot of [ __ ] talk now speak now what's your hot take I think it's time travel that was my whole [ __ ] discourse oh it's funnier when it's repeated yeah it is you're right you're killing Jacob I think it's just you actually you're helping by not saying anything I'm playing I'm doing nothing you I am by definition doing my job of playing Sonic and having discourse good job Joe where you going Joe I I just want to go somewhere and just go home Oh like in the game I think he did great yeah all right indels low-level soon right it's been three minutes which means the exit of the level should be appearing oh we did it how many where levels do we have in this game 12 is the final boss like super super long I don't think so or is it I think it's probably infinite and Eggman in a wormhole song generations it took me like [ __ ] forever jory panel by I don't its final base final boss my guess is that infinite breaks free from egg man's control okay like I'm guessing I defeat Eggman infinite together then Eggman alone then infinite alone cuz infinite overpowers Eggman and then effin it becomes our friend that's that's your final conclusion yes that does I'm willing to place any amount of money on that bet how much money any no thanks I got a penny in my purse we were saying hypothetical money keep the conversation moving people Deku know what's at stake here resetting the conversation really setting momentum vacuum speaking of money and bets yeah I'm still really sad that I lost the best major last night yeah you had a thousand dollar bet with major and then it evolved into a slap bet instead just great ironic Travis's final thing found is in odd-numbered he while we were bowling and they gambled on a Travis's final pin count was odd or even and Travis had no idea I have never seen major pop off that hard before I was so upset he was out of his seat I think the worst part was like he Bailey slapped me at first I was like I've been like freaking out about this and yours gonna you thought you were gonna get hurt by major okay thing like I just dunno I'm not sure they're like I have the pain that I was expecting like I'd already mentally accepted I've made peace with God well this is really crappy control by the way not my fault as a player you can do it but yeah I was just I was ready to be like in pain I think he's like barely touches my face I was like what the hell dude that's warm but it was a grace yeah he's very kind I think he's just weak why is that an insult it's just not servation her Joe did not hurt what am I supposed to live consume there's so many [ __ ] funny comments on that video too the best one was calling major bottom so that the guy did this laughing is definitely a bottom I see nothing credible so it's okay to assume major takes it in the ass but when I call him weak I'm like what the hell is happening the game disagrees Joe all right Joe you're getting really good at this whole waterslide thing I'm sure you probably had like 40 lives by now oh there's not even wives in this game I just realized that yeah no there's no I guess yes soon it was just hittin somewhere but to be fair there aren't life in Odyssey yeah no I I think lies I'm sorry no I think lies are honestly bad yeah I think it's okay I think it was good back in the day whenever you they had stretcho games but yeah sorry well like nowadays I think life's suck because let's say if I'm playing Mario yeah and I get super far in one level and I only have one life and then I die I have to redo all the [ __ ] I did before and that's not fun yeah redoing [ __ ] you've already done is not fun yeah like just just by design it's being punished so even though you go back to your checkpoint at least you aren't going back to the start so I think that's fine doesn't have anything lives things is gonna only get game even slightly more challenging well I think like have an arbitrary challenge yeah I think they like by taking away the arbitrary challenge of oh I only have one life so I need to play this as cautiously as possible I think that like it's much better to have no real penalty for like death like you don't know game over and they're like yeah our backtracking because that makes it so that way they can make levels even harder I agree and they also allow the player to experiment more yes which is I think that's a big thing in Mario maker mmm like there are some [ __ ] levels and I have made some of those [ __ ] levels most but I do think that a lot of people who can like it's you can have difficult levels and it's fun yeah you got difficult levels get to the checkpoint and then you die and then you go back to the checkpoint and it's fun because you're being challenged and for some people being challenged as fun but nabbit it's not it but I definitely do think with I think Sonic and Mario doing away with lives is huge I think those were like the only two characters who really need to do it for other people to follow suit yeah oh wow you're still losing I know I like doing that though my guys less the Allies which platform is definitely do it yeah it's short iteration cycles but extremely hard screens which I think that's the way to go I agree I think hall and I did the same thing I still need to play through all and I played a little bit of it but I need to play through like the entire game okay same we can play together one day maybe how yeah but yeah I think that's a shred III like seeing my death count at the end of levels too I think that's why I then got stick - yeah look you got a thousand times this one screaming III think that's badass like oh cool like but then when you get to the second chapter and you only died eight hundred times then you're like oh [ __ ] you have a sense of improvement yeah and it's also like wow I failed this chapters three thousand times I didn't give up the fortnight mentality that means it's very night mentality no no hear me out like I'm fortnight actually has an insane progression system and that's why it's so psychologically addicting to people we I've mentioned it before we're drunk and I was talking about it but it's like so if I play fortnight's and I'm a casual gamer who's never even touched video games yeah the first game I hop into I get 98 places the second game I get into I did me nothing different but I arbitrarily got 76 place I am now feeling like I have improved immediately and all I had to do was play two games oh okay so I now want to continue and play more because now if I if I get eighty second place after that I already know I can improve because I got 76 and then when I just live longer than other people and get like 17th place I know it's possible because it going in any sport or anything any ranking system going from 76 place to 16th is huge that's massive that's insane improvement for the thing is in fortnight it's so random anybody can win virtually it's just the opposite of smash tournament yeah I mean I'm just saying that you can just [ __ ] die anything for tonight oh there's shadow shadow just hanging so I just stopped trying to dying but I did I was impressive and one thing I do want to touch on for tonight is I brought up in the same the synthesis run episode this is a good [ __ ] point okay we uh my sister played for tonight and that was our first video game she really played and then she played overwatch and she she went her first your first game she went on like a five six kill streak died and then got on her phone and then respond and all like hey you're still in the game she's like no I died and I was like what no you you're alive and then she was like oh that looks bad oh whoa okay I have a lot of money mister that's not shadow anyway stuff up for tonight let's talk about Shadow the Hedgehog fake faker ha I'll make you eat those words my fake I'll make you eat those words I can't wait to play the shadow I genuinely can with project shadow or episode shadow so infinite can make replicas white you just do whatever obviously you know I hate seeing Jack you pop up in this he just looks like a toddler accidentally got you some military cob that is essentially what happened that's the plot of this show I mean that note you're actually right I love cannon I work it's so unnecessary are you gonna love deck you man I'm really glad that Sega decide to put deck you in that that might be the best balance decision they've made it looks great feels great fly yes [ __ ] yes flying deck you flying decades no deck who's going straight to hell yes put the game upside down everybody loves it when you do that oh cool mechanic let's just turn it upside down and post yeah the thing is this doesn't change I'm holding for it at all right it's still forward and right it's just upside down the house but I really hope I forgot to remember to turn it upside down and pose cuz there was a chance I didn't oh [ __ ] he's doing it again okay well on my fix after this time it's all up to you Joe okay well you throw to victory oh that's that's the plane buddy carry on woo hey I like you just don't give a [ __ ] about the laser why would you mean - why would I yeah I have flame thrower in rings the world so why are we not playing out a 90-degree angle right the camera turn with it this time I don't know what the direction now soldier what is that 80% of our forces our sonic coordinates oh my god the real friends were the sonic forces all made along the way oh wait you can make it damn it why didn't I still have the issue of just sometimes you just don't jump over to the rail does my character what though have homing attack don't mind oh yeah it doesn't lock on the rails you know maybe maybe is a possible answer thank you for that analysis you're off you've lost 100% of our forces The Phantom Ruby yeah that's what infinite is like shoved up his [ __ ] and that's what makes him powerful Oh something like that thank you I think it'd be a really fun thing for Joe and I to get tanked later and then just trying to recap everything that's happened in this game for Joe Joe knows everything yeah he reads you paying attention or no one else oh okay cute what worried the whole big attack go you play thrower well weren't gonna totally [ __ ] you nerd your self now you flamethrower words we talk on nothing oh okay so that's useless for me yes good job Joe I think okay yeah never mind forget yeah why would you home Agra Tech oh god where did that acceleration pop this is a great game to watch sonic Orson is really a spectator sport Shh it sure is good to take off sometimes yea this game is much better spent watching than playing yeah I'm having a really bad time husband right now speaking of which that's kind of why I want to play Mario Party 10 because that's a great spectator sport cuz the game's not very good that's true I still like we get my London and major in on that right what about truth yeah because it's a PI player oh right the five player is boring oh is that you boring player one person places Bowser in its 4v1 but Travis is Bowser that would be fine he would lose he's just happy to be here sometimes right oh I shocked me like how bad Travis is that Mario Party something that game does the right thing for him and he undos it yeah by i speaking English oh it's infinite guys how many profile pictures on Twitter that infinite as you have to finish your profile picture tweet of you right now yeah don't make your profile picture infinite just with a bit nothing just if it is already just tweet any that's a funny meme you know I will say to detract from your point a little bit I think would be very funny for everyone watching this to change through an infinite profile picture cuz literally nobody should do that I feel like he's like the one character who people should not have as a profile picture I didn't know this character existed till today I'm not gonna lie yeah he's just edgy like really edgy and his name's infinite it's pretty good his color palette is white black and red like that's edgy sona vs. infinite you know Joker persona has a write blocker on yeah it's the same thing oh Kili okay I was gonna tell the story yeah have you played for certified suing I've seen a lot of bad events okay well there's one point where it has a kick to the subplot it didn't really matters yeah but I was just skipping through it was like this isn't gonna come up ever again but then Jacob and Travis walked in as I skipping through all the text oh yeah always do look you ever I feel like it is important I will read it but how do you know yeah if I feel like they're gonna talk about this characters dead mother again I'm gonna read that okay but I didn't feel like they're going to talk about that character is dead mother ever again so I just didn't read it yeah you know what I was right reading is definitely not your strong suit you can tell because he thinks the only important plot point at persona 5 was use Kate's mom dying no I don't think it wasn't important fought plenty at all got it like what happened in persona 5 Joe we don't tell me Ashton yeah I don't spoil it for Keeley so you're saying you do know oh yeah is choosing Isaac yeah it's really good at helping you out oh no I I just know yeah he doesn't need the defense you know I saw the anime cutscenes don't worry do you be with flame-throwing yeah I feel like it's definitely like you're incentivized to homing attack them for damage because that's sonic I don't know if I homey attacked them then guess what happens it goes to different cutscene I could just flamethrower all I wanted oh yeah it put them to the you can't hit him zone good [ __ ] I guess there's one point where I accidentally did homing attack home not cool want knuckle and smash bros okay yeah have I introduced you to this game called project in there legalizing knuckles yeah legal in those knuckles please me too like forever ago no they're they're setting into like the next patch it's actually doing it yes someone finished it yeah for real someone just finished them yeah ChaCha so yeah but I I will say look I will get back in a regularly playing project dammit they legalized Lynn that's all I require it's not happening smash no no she was like 80% done yes yes yeah I know some her knock-back was kind of janky but like it was cyclic uses like the thing is like I like Lin a lot yeah but she was like my ideal character she was a swift and nimble sword fighter with a projectile like that is what I dreamed of that's it are you saying that cuz she's hot and literally I feel like I'm running the wrong way you're going left yeah I know that feels wrong but you have coins your way but her rings before someone gets mad I hope the comments are just plus altering people getting mad at me for calling rings coins how would you have known that honestly why would you have known that was a pit I don't know I should have reacted that was the Mario maker [ __ ] right there honestly like the game was definitely leading you to go down that pit yeah there wasn't any indication we admire Omega white we had Sonic maker I give it two years awesome yeah I think something here want to come out and be fair I give it two years I didn't count sonic maker I probably would not play very often though because like the platforming in Sonic is that's cool is Mario personally yeah and I feel like you will just make as shitty of levels as possible I mean yeah some cool fan stuff I mean I like platforming and even though Sonic is a platformer by definition it's not it doesn't have like platforming mechanics does that make sense yeah yeah he is fast and it would be cool to go real fast like the additional hop down to that platform and then you hop down to the left platform but there isn't one it's just a pit yeah I just assume there's gonna be more downwards so I think that's a justified yeah assumption honestly don't even dunk on me wow that's a chemical god someone would make a water sonic level is there any Soni sonic water levels actually you can't swim oh I can you jump undergo a double jump this right okay then you can out breathes underwater Oh check please Oh too much quiet tail says why did he say that yeah he's got too much quiet is a sign of danger he's right it's quiet too much quiet [Laughter] okay I'm that's my catchphrase now it's too much there is too much quiet around here so I think a vegan shirt by feeling that's connected to her sir I just lost a bunch of speed for no reason because we went underwater knows before the water Oh didn't I do a prepare probably the water was active before it was visually that that would make sense yeah that's my guess oh no Joe please oh that fan looks promising oh crap I'm about to die that water shield would allow you to breathe underwater yeah okay well I guess I'm going left but don't go nope oh wow that big game said no baby easy baby game nice baby no baby not you I'm not baby don't you [ __ ] say that no I'm not baby good Kili you do not know the territory they're getting into people will flame you on Twitter for that one you guys I think of his baby Jacob's not baby you're asking for some dangerous tweets my friends Joe's getting goose bumps Dana people no even [ __ ] know why are you baby and Joe's not some [ __ ] baby why the [ __ ] are you baby babies don't even swear actually baby sorry baby can swear you can teach a baby safe [ __ ] but I've taught my nephew gotta say [ __ ] actually Friday Joe Thanks whose deck that microphone but proud of you I forgot there's a microphone I was like ingesting the mic but I forgot our job yeah no I know it's just like fact about how far back the microphone goes god this game just it's going on doesn't it yeah throw a match yeah I think that we're only about an hour and a half into the game too please they went for a quieter quality it feels like I don't think they would for either there's a lot of levels no there's no there's 20-something loans is a lot for a Sonic game if I really hope this isn't gonna be a QuickTime event where I express others in this just Green Hill Zone in the background no maybe Oh zinger why did the level start with a 30-second cutscene the sonic forces that's good and they put a checkpoint after that 30 seconds let's see hey so I might fail that oh wait where do you come from you sure did then wait why was there a 30 second freely to fighting how do when I play through this I did not use flamethrower for the boss fights and I don't know how I didn't you have impotent can you have infinite play throw it's [ __ ] wild yeah I like it you waiting for a touring flamethrower Oh guys fine we have a full hell I really just can't believe how well flamethrower just works okay oh you can't use it out of a boost very well is he attacking you it doesn't feel like he is I just want to ring me in Meadows son huh you know thermal metals on with the final boss in Sonic here I was just thinking about that actually how's weird they like threw me off but I didn't know who Metal Sonic was oh I was on you yeah he was just this giant thing in the ocean and like songs what teamwork are playing Metal Sonic is kind of like the the Bowser of the Sonic universe because his size just fluctuates so much between every game yeah yeah Sonic Heroes he's like he's pretty big in Sonic Heroes actually yeah yeah he's massive bigger than chaos I'm sure there is some in universe oh yeah and I don't care there I know there's some explanations I used to know because I'm really curious about it one of the like Sega Genesis Saturn from which games had like hyper Metal Sonic they like some big voice Metal Sonic I don't remember what it was there's not Sonic CD cities they were just a sprite I saw in every new ground animation ever I know you're talking about big boy he's big boy yeah yeah the one that was used for a travelin saw or Mari Rosie or yep yep yep that one not one to talk about that see what a finger dude that series is so good like you could tell it Super Mario Bros II yeah dude I grew up on Newgrounds I lived off that reduce things a lot doesn't it yeah that's what my humor is objectively bad wait don't do it Joe don't do it don't do it don't do it was not worth it I press X 3 times me said don't do and I stopped they just kind of tripped into victory there don't we all know you and that doesn't matter I mean Jacob tripped into YouTube Ames was the cup scene at the beginning the level for it oh that's nothing to do with Metal Sonic like that was just checking rope like why did they do that was great always letter printer cut seemed house a cutscene does the entire cut see they just brofist that was very well animated and then just for some reason 25% is team sonic what go sonic 25% does that's what that means yes [ __ ] guardian rock we don't need to do the extras I don't care about the extras I just want to beat the story okay oh yeah and the right hill zone no they don't recycle things nope they definitely does not recycle this recycled level that will you play through like 20 times I know we said green home I really like soldier soldier for sonic Atari only base 20 2000 saver smash I like that even more what a MIDI Olympics I think being height for the Olympics is one of our better bits it's any more things just who you are well the higher the funny part of it is that we always say like you never know when the next Olympics game is gonna come and then we also refer to the Winter Games as spin-offs and we always pop off over the roster reveals yeah you should I know that they announced shadow and zavok okay runs heavy but I never played lost world with shadow with shadow I love shadow I can't wait I can't wait play shadow like I think he's gonna be really good in the growing events yeah so hey the other day I'm sorry I just couldn't even conjure up a response to that one so hey I have a story now I think I told Jacob he lead such a subset kayaking for the very first time in my life me this yes and I didn't they threw me into the water and the boat of my own and I was like I don't know what to do and then I realized really quickly like how to how to kayak hey my friends they like then turn to me like Georgie figured I was like yeah it's just like Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and I said it without thinking yeah no I would have laughed my ass off at that yeah you would have they didn't you know I would have agreed with you had hey just so cuz you were so right and you should've said it yeah I mean were you wrong oh I wasn't but he just told me to [ __ ] off and I just I start paddling really quickly get it get awake it power do you walk do you like just be like Sonic run from your problems my problems open up your heart Joe my heart is very I will throw something I do we have Mudkip on the couch what is this boss white if the crabs most of these levels are just cuts easy yet the crab dance song in the background of this you know that's popular I love these sections where we can't see what's going on in front of us every Sonic game it's kind of what it is but the truck scene or the whale scene the whales sold the Dreamcast though into the oil did sell the Dreamcast Brett really great and then the truck which is like yeah we get it didn't steal the truck from Pepsi man really yeah that truck scene that sequence is exactly for Pepsi man okay yeah first some reason they stole that but it's like the exact same thing it's like you're going through San Francisco and everything odd it's just the Dreamcast all right and Sonic Adventure one looks a little bit better it really [ __ ] me up every time I go to San Francisco ever think of that I know I was literally there and I was like wow he was here he wasn't Kili Sonic is not real Jakob don't you dare Sonic's is real he's too early in the day he's real in your heart Kili my heart's open I get a brofist brofist that one fist bump no not you I'm saying the word fist bump thanks for excluding me you weren't even wannabe you didn't want to be included and then he got exclusive from yeah I know I was just saying the word fist bump no okay this has been a very fun playthrough on my let's play channel you have this on your channel but it's my channel now so Wow and even funnier joke thank you Oh typical plan Wow original level but we already here yeah haven't we already done green hill as well no it's kind of weird to throw a green hill like the final levels cuz well they already had it like twice like way before so he's skipping through the plot but I really don't know I I don't think the plot would help us understand what's going that's what I'm saying okay that's for the fans Joe you're planting fans dude I always play for the fans just playing with fire you never I'm playing a game on my own on my switch so something else that Joe and I were talking about the other day was we are so many layers deep literally drowning in irony and the thing is the people who are also terminally ill like we are with irony they love it they think it's hilarious they're people who just think we're genuine also love it and the people who are in the midway point hate there are people that think we're Jimmy Wynn doesn't realize that yeah but also yet to realize a layer after that and the people who think we're genuine but also agree with everything we say oh thanks all right playing for like for the first 30 minutes of this playthrough we just kept screaming Dekker and for the other two hours of the playthrough we also kept screaming deck you yeah thank you yeah there are some people who are like yeah I feel that as a nossa lose my mind over there dude exactly yeah leave adjoining the irony saying that Jake over that's it I really hope that like art comedy channel ruins the sense of humor of everybody watching my new grounded but Bill like spawning with a swamp in Mario maybe yeah I I just got thrown out of the fast tunnel I should have reacted to the water awful yes of course Joe good thing you hit a checkpoint right there like you're just gonna hold forward what else are you gonna do he's so wet yo can we talk about how the sonic movie comes out no Joe just for I want you to sit ladies if you want to go we will fly you out to see the movie with Joe and then I will call you and break up with you holy Joe we should host a bachelor oh my god that was so much money in the winner get to go on a date to see Sonic and get broken up with that's such a good bit I think like practicing the fact that his friends will break up with you at the end of the night for him is the best that's the best selling point yeah of course it is you know what you're getting into you know how come I would be going into a relationship if I knew the end point yeah yeah like then you're like huh I only got one night to do this sure I guess I can't talk about Salonika I will sit outside of the song before you and grabber when you go to that you say yeah he's breaking out he just drive her to the airport yeah exactly I'll show for her she'll try get this shotgun I'm like no no no sit in the back damn Uber's also had ok anyways I really like this bit well let's do it like early January ish we will host the best of bachelor sonic the system 29 2020 edition Wow times they'll be the first Sonic Bachelor of the decade really a brakeman the new years the new decades do you definitely I really feel like host the first sonic Bachelor of the decade now yeah that's 2019 okay I think we should do it you will I really like this bit how do you make this happen I'll gladly spend a plane tickets worth on this bit in a sonic movies a good I think flying a girl just for me to ask her out and then break up with her immediately after isn't really funny Wilkes was probably came like Andrew to document it oh my gosh we can see a documentary yeah we can that's that's really good and then yeah it's gonna be good I really do hope they're like the bit above this is you do find love throughout this that would be hilarious Joe I think it would be hilarious if you end up marrying the girl I don't think I could say yeah I marry the girl because she wanted my sonic dating Phil is that not what you want she really so how'd you guys meet you know really does you lie and say tinder whatever attendees a lie that's see how you don't exactly but everyone says like oh yeah we made we mail like the dentist or something you met these two media friends I was catching Hurwitz on French in high school recently I was like I'll hide you in your girlfriend meetings like you want the truth I guess it just Tinder's like yeah like throw it no one gives a [ __ ] anymore and there's a fine way to meet someone yeah yeah tinder sponsor me not with money both girls yeah and they're male just some girls so where does prostitution Lyons sponsoring with women is that I don't want to prostitute if that's what you're trying to get me no I'm saying like if someone is sponsoring you by giving you women and substitute of fiscal goods oh we like prostitution yeah that's okay it's kind of like somebody works on your farm for like nine years but then you decide oh that's way too low it's like instead of paying the guy for working on your farm you say you can marry my daughter yeah that's what they people just used to actually do but that's true yeah I don't really know oh man the grounds gone you're definitely stood there before well I could just come from that axis I thought I'm just gonna fall down but yeah I definitely think I'm anti prostitution that's a good point yeah some good takes on this channel before yeah okay what chef I I'm sorry that that one I should have known that please bro I I just figured that you know I could still just told Ford III know better now don't don't treasure what's the best sake we've had I really do think I said milk weed Oh anti murder that's okay Wow so we're really power are you from murder I don't know you know that's fine yeah we're gonna shove our beliefs on other people but we are definitely anti murder yeah you feel me like it really safe spot right now oh we are also we also believe that penguins do not smoke weed why not because they don't what do you know how do you not know Tommy there Thank You mr. gay how many doesn't say that other than like yeah oh I beat the death a Clarion the death yes good job Jay I don't know how I destroyed it but I did it hey Jacob why were you why are we on the death thing yeah because that's where the gamer girls you've got a million points Joe yes I feel like we're just gonna be thrown into a final boss call me no glasses why they're climbing two closets we're surely getting their kneepads baby brother you face kneepads what the heck what do you see well that's my shoes take your shoes there yeah now we're putting on ducky shoes don't worry thank God I'm sweating already oh it was awful well if there's cutscenes then probably not but wait right it's and they're doing it guys we're almost defeated team Eggman suck it Eggman Wow I mean I'm just I said it from the beginning Sonic won the popular vote mm-hmm thank you comedy I'm just I'm watching it off okay Footwear Footwear green like your shoes oh there you go those are deku shoes holy [ __ ] wait see if you can change the see if we have any other deck of gear I mean sure Deku again to kind of make sure so I think we're just going into this mission okay no we're not all right then oh okay all right that's Deku he not they were colors of his uniform up here yeah in the middle headgear let's see if we can find more stuff we have a pretty nice mr. red belts he wears a green outfit with the red belts and he has black give his sunglasses name never wear sunglasses and that reminds me of nerd girl yeah I don't know what her name is but nerd girl Oh a give given that to the right yeah give him the scuba okay and now lower headgear hey Jacob white mouthpiece hey Jacob yes why is blue seven sending me hate mail about your cat I don't know he says he puts and Deidre Frazier and said he has zero fans that's okay but that's also a lie no no I'm pretty sure Frazier has more fans than like most people yeah yeah so we go to bodysuit again we need change this tails I am making green man from always sunny just like slimy and gross that's deku wait is that broad like why is that on there ya go - uh that's the body I just always want to see what else there is he's growing so there's that what you can't give him a chain keychain Stefan let's give him a backpack sure oh that yeah yeah changes gloves alright it was do bottom right bottom right you have white gloves apparently okay white gloves nevermind that's good yeah you guys have weights us yeah that feels pretty Deku that's dead that's Hookes Breast Cancer Awareness Month oh yeah it's coming up guys get ready get ready we're gonna show breast cancer what the hell is up yes dude we bought pink Sasuke shirts so we can show awareness of breast cancer awareness that was a really hard center street to say huh hey breast cancer doesn't mess around no that's just the problem with me is that each word in that sentence was very intentionally said in the exact cadence it was delivered okay Joanne I just have a very [ __ ] sense of humor we're saying awareness for breast cancer awareness is funny to us we see a wearing this one yeah we see their awareness boys yeah yeah now we're at plus the beauty of Joe and ice here were is it actually doesn't inconvenient ill we explained it because you just think I'm stupid and you move on with your life yeah that's like oh no he's intentionally this yeah like it's like saying ATM machines but everyone says that it's not do your cool upside down we're getting there yeah I like that sign looks bored sometimes relatable yeah just kidding I'm not bored I'm talking about breast awareness I thought it was just gonna keep me on the path no it didn't yeah but like that's the thing what you're in sometimes you feel like you can go fast and then you try to go fast and then that happen yeah you're being a lot of trust into this game this game has not proven itself to you nice I I think that's true for every boost Sonic yeah that they make you feel like you can't it give you the tools to go really fast yeah I just kind of expect them to be like the little bumper guard rails thank bowling well like right there I love it so late alright so early and it's still just I just say take the scenic route not about the destination it's about the journey journey sucks I know I don't want to go to the destination either it was like a family vacation I don't want to be on where's your first what under where's your worst family vacation okay so one time I went to oh okay this - mm-hmm one was the one of our parents got divorced I was just awkward and then I don't want to kid of that one but there's one where I was going to Arkansas I think I talked to the Steak and Shake we were going there for like this basketball tournament for my sister and I threw up nine times because after we went to take and shake all right we went to take a shake and that's like the first time I their fries and I thought they were the best thing ever my mom got me a plate of them to kill you it did and I also I get really bad Carson our motion sickness how you - so I threw up like nine times and yeah that's it also wait similar one that was about motion sickness that was never I was like nine I went on my dad's honeymoon right out of high school and it was - somewhere in Alaska some fishing resort which I don't like fishing but I went anyways cuz I was like oh my dad wanted me to go fishing with him I was like why wouldn't I go oh that suck that hope there was no reset yeah so anyways like I was like yeah sure dad I'll go on a fishing trip with you and then the day before my stepmoms tells me that she's going and then I realized very quickly that they got their own hotel room and I had a cinema room with some from like Denver who is a cool bag oh that's weird yeah oh nice I think I'm very lucky that I have never never in my life growing up that I ever witnessed my parents having sex all right I've never seen my parents having sex together I've seen them have sex I think worse I don't even need a story for that no I see was like yeah like I've walked in on my dad like the morning after like oh it's it with his current wife okay that's all so I found out that they were dating a little bit less traumatic than yeah yeah when I was like like I brought me when I was like maybe 14 or something and like my both my parents were divorced my mom was like dating again yeah I I found like a condom wrapper and I was like what is this and then it said condom on it I was like oh that's sex and but that's like it like I don't even feel like that's that bad yeah that's not that bad that's like not traumatic or anything like I know people who straight-up just watched or walk in on parents having sex or something no that's like honestly like the best part of having divorced parents is that you don't have to worry about seeing you know your parents do the thing with sexes you can still see that sex with other people yeah but it's no Squatch right sure epic all right let's do this one section again okay thank you Sonic this is a very cool platforming section oh yeah no oh I'm very glad I've had my friends that do have kids I they told me that their kids have walked in on them having say that's rough just lock your door oh yeah I think my my high school girlfriend she her dad with an Afghan Stan working IT yeah so like you know how do you have a marriage across the ocean hmm well you sext a lot and she was like triangle looks coming up Oh laughs hop and soccer step dad's dick just opened up and it was like you know I am conversation says she definitely saw her mom's tits before that oh and she just texts me she's like I'm scarred and I was like what and I was like you oh Jesus crazy how do you come back from that I was just like sorry and she's like yeah it's okay like you know what are you supposed to say also mmm there's nothing in the world you can tell someone who just saw their mom's boobs or their dad's dick you know not a single goddamn good job Joe I feel get more homeless beat it okay I can't fall off it see this one I can't fall off this invisible wall not even know but no space that were you were yeah sure word and now you're out I'm glad we had another 30-second cut scene before the level a man and they they have that hype of how important all this is no space this feels like a my hero songwriter that's exactly what I was thinking I hate that I can't just hold flamethrower in the air what is it just this is fist bump though I think the song is hilarious this is just my hero yeah I know my hair it's actually she's just using ugh what can we edit together a fist bump my hero a and B together oh my god yes yes - that sounds like so much fun in all honesty you know what sucks feel whenever I get home she always asked what I did at work yeah so many days I say nothing five of us you know reported and she's like oh yeah I get that but now she's been asking more questions ever since you got the receipt for the Salford she's like I thought I knew what you enjoyed it but clearly not understandable to you and then I bought Sasuke merge see that's what I'm telling you like Bo trusted me it's like the the good friend now she knows no one that's enabling it well fear knows I've struggled because nobody has ever indulged in my [ __ ] with me so she's happy for me reluctantly I like how that interaction just showed me that you are constantly holding the plane for a button everyone you can't oh no I'm not taking my finger a hostage like even during the sonic levels I just keep it down in case maybe I'll turn into shadow or okay a good can see like this guy's who's busted if only deck it wasn't heavy but yeah for real can we please to make that a MV i want to that sounds like so much fun I'm really happy cuz we'll make zero dollars off of it and it makes it funnier to me wait nope it's what might be like we might make money off it Oh Mike never mind it's worth it oh he's holding a flamethrower what if you land it though if I did land okay see I didn't realize like if that was gonna happen and then the camera just kept changing like I wasn't holding it so that's why it was really wrong right they all rapidly sports and Wii Sports Resort powerful high-tech feeling we sports resort you can do that you know we have the power oh yeah he is just we could just make me Deku you could be in so many games can we upload the MV to some random Channel I don't know like I feel like if we have let's do some random [ __ ] channel I don't know I have mixed feelings on it like we have like here will definitely like people will see it but if we hide it on the Internet that's even funnier lettuce was already mean it what is someone maybe maybe okay someone might actually look at that huh I don't want to copy someone else's work right exactly you're really against plagiarism here in Alpharetta - all right so is this this is the boss I think the thing you are looking at egg me with his back turned to you oh he's doing this b-17 someone said sonic force this thing is actually a boku no hero opening and then just whatever what's that yeah my hero Academy uh-oh I love that show yeah we're guy got translated Japanese here's another cutscene well there was another cutscene I know there's a lot of plot will get cooking I did it exist already yeah someone actually did it two years ago they were on it someone's bringing this [ __ ] huge out there so can we uh wait this is we are even the first he'll put deco in this game no we always do the DLC okay I think there's the this and then the boss fight the DM DLCs dancer Deku oh wait what tuxedo trust me trust me wash this cutscene oh my god just watch look how weak all the impacts are and then way they're already shadow just check off how do they know which are the real ones to be fair soldiers do you like how they rode it into where they can just reap do the same model over and over again look at you can literally see it's so and they were like a team's Avex on the other side dude this reminds me of game hearts 3 this is the Keyblade graveyard - just keep our trust this is the exact same thing I think infinite is definitely very similar as they annoyed and I don't think that's a big stretch holy [ __ ] oh is that supposed to be like seventy traumatic reveal I don't know I feel like we've seen Omega yellow he wasn't working earlier tails fixed own judas team shadow from Sonic Heroes Oh through bad connections you know I lost shadow from Sonic he's just there he's smiling he shaped like a friend I feel like we got one where he went from this cutscene no I love the music so much love that game ok that's so funny that's like so clearly Matt Mercer - I really can't wait for the song to that chocolate movie though I can't wait for you to go on a date with it see ok good to hear all of them I'm very sad that we got sidetracked with me going on a date because I just wanted to talk about how good that movies gonna be yeah it's gonna be good it's so funny that not only you'll be seeing the movie you'll be seeing it on a date and I'm dumping the curl he told me that it's not you it's him it's not you it was the movie he can't believe you agreed to go on a date with them here there was a test and you failed looking for someone who and on enable is [ __ ] but since you said yes he's decided to go see the movie anyways but that's it that's where it is yeah I like I think that's a really fun time to introduce wall-jumping have you had it the whole time and just like nobody I don't think he's having never yeah there's never been a wall before hope you've never seen one before actually it's like what's the West us just um yeah yeah this game is just like so much wow they really are all the same game just uh every game is just sonic versus you know sure thing prove me wrong I just can't believe they introduced wall jumping I can't believe it they have platforming segments Jose is jumping over I'm just why would I platform oh I'm going sicko who got his bail set they're minuscule the thing is I don't even have to let go of flamethrower a shirt yeah it's so good just for some reason you know the song slaps though hell yeah oh I died try again I think it's really weird how the song place on the you died screen but it still loops anyway yeah every starts I notice that during fist-bump last level we can probably hear the same time you know we push them in bold wait what should have been bought the girl I'm so happy that all Jo has to do is beat this level and then we're home free but let's see if you can and only that yeah oh yeah you get coffee yeah having caffeine you jealous I got really quiet josie make it easy on you the sooner he finishes the sooner we get caffeine yeah Joe please Joe I'm [ __ ] better what are you doing hi you can't know is speed running have you seen these strats hi I am running I thought there was a chance he just falls and dies no one's dared do it I feel like this has to be a very unoptimized game cuz no one wants to speedrun it no one wants to be here I can't imagine this is a fun run either it might be a glitchy mess I don't know I think this could be a really glitchy fun run but I don't like the movement in this game what's yeah the movements very stiff sonic force is any % you don't know 55 minutes that's pretty slow yeah honestly cuz I feel like if the speedrun is only like a third of what the casual run is that's uh that's just one hit ko that's cool can you not stop yeah I'm trying to do the stomp I think that's the only saw no and there we go I like how the laser just quit yeah the make the throat will record the 56 minutes and 40 seconds I'm not saying like oh the runner should do better or anything like that I'm just surprised at the game sonic doesn't allow for that are you pulling the sonic for help I don't know what the button is just ground-pounder it baby oh you got your you're above the cycling alario your kryptonite I have to go slow in like I can't believe they introduced wall-jumping this lovely for the last [ __ ] level why didn't they just design something else like oh it's not a hard thing to do it's just surprising that this is all this level is I did it show everyone what you're made of come on you can make what I'm made of I like how that laser was like catching up to you but stop rifle Oh button oh that was it about Sonic Heroes Oh here's your's hey Jacob wouldn't let her I'm the bad guy that is not Deku that is very true Healy yeah I don't care no after all you think you've already mad at me for skipping these cut scenes probably thought crab man it's me the YouTube comments shocked you yeah is this it one could hope mortar canyons the end of it big man and agile bad squirt bottle behind the 2d section so I jumped and fell it off I'm sorry mr. shake no I don't need to be you guys ma you know I'm blown away I love that we don't know what's gonna happen I played this game and I just remember one part of the cutscenes that I don't want to spoil for you guys just make sure I don't skip it there is a fist bump in the last cutscenes Stan's older as well I'm a soldier fan account what if he's in Sonic Olympics just saying you put it out there he could be he could be I mean I think we messed up hey Joe that's not the ground thank you I just assumed that it's gonna you know guide me there cuz I want you to go fast Oh almost cluster it's you're almost a gamer I was almost gamer but now I'm bad okay man I'm not holding your direction come on Joe nice dude soldier is passionate maybe one of the best voice actors in all of Sonic forces agreed who was soldier he deserves a good follow on Twitter for thee yet I just want to say I love you in Sonic horses soldier oh my god what a breathtaking performance well ok God waiting so much for speed from that you can do homing attack man you got this you know I'm not even you're onto something I don't need a tip to them just just hold X fly let's I think you just John while you're flying protect what oh no what is this I can't see hey Chris tons of sonic versus voice cast the guy who plays Sonic is I am Phoebe picture as a black-and-white photo of him with a [ __ ] song oh yeah but the captain wasn't like Roger pick Smith right yeah okay what you got hit by missiles like blue from above I was doing boost I think you're invincible during boost yeah I know don't meet us in that consistent and my video game what yeah I love this one guy he was talking to girls and we're like 12 animation really don't like that Wow yeah don't do that please don't unless you're also 12 yeah then you can do that yeah chords rate for some reason he gets a pass yeah it's weird did it is the final level Jacob I don't know oh there's only 2 minute level 253 I definitely thought there were 25 levels now I think there might be 27 28 I know there's not 30 Cheston because I remember being displeased that it ends on a very odd number huh I hate it when I call like Oh 28 that's such an odd number and on of you're looking even and I'm like ah [ __ ] that's funny vs. infinite this feels like the last level I don't know about that one I feel like I sit on 29 you know it not a prime number thanks Joe hmm oh that was a good animation would you like your efforts out I want to play his deck you I don't want to play a sonic give me playing drawer again you get Deku by the end of it don't worry Nick oh my god protectors I just burn so good you know it's more powerful you would be if you had decker right now maybe that's why they didn't give them to you yeah they needed American that's understandable they need your Deku like thank you I would just be plain firing them yeah you would you wouldn't even need to do this I would need a hit a like 20 times to prove that I get a hit you were told right trigger for like 16 seconds yeah what is he doing alright doesn't matter fair enough I'm not gonna Joe this isn't really well oh oh the old ayah I had a press the bumper at the end dude good reactions you know okay yeah I'm kind of an epic gamer don't you just love how this game is just holding forward I did not fully believe you never you said that are you exaggerating what's real oh I I thought the power went out for a second do we need to watch this I don't think so oh we missed him how did he get here like damn you tell them Sonic I guess witty one-liners while you're on your neck first date Joe I wanted all my witty one-liners to be something sorry about that chili dogs before dinner oh is that too much I feel like too much III don't think I think that's good for the bit but I hate chili few topics I do too because I'm not Sonic there we go he's flaming him he's like the comments I've been doing to us all day oh oh yeah man I still I'm still really nervous for the video where that Super Mario maker that's a--that's not gotta live yet hey there's one where we spent 18 minutes doing nothing yeah we spent 18 minutes doing a level doing and doing it wrong oh yeah I'm so proud know that you walked in on and I started doing it correctly okay and I pop yeah correct so did you guys start talking you said uncross crush 40 just to provoke me into coming in I think it just came up naturally yeah I think it did too cuz we talked about our Sonic in the black and I played through and we just mentioned out all those songs are like thematically the same I mean you're not wrong there yeah we're not yeah but cuz you can always tell when like Sega like tells them to sneak some words in this song it's like an open your heart it says chaos in it yeah heart friends sure does defeat infinite showed you in it sonic a deck you scheming up what the first time ever why did they give you that choice guys keep thinking no there's one more there is one more boss Oh God oh [ __ ] I just thought it might be in like the same level like a second phase but I guess it is level 28 you got a lot of skirts yeah they really want to make [ __ ] characters you wouldn't let them I wonder how many people on ironically commissioned porn of their OC in this game Oh tons hmm you skip this I was skipping it anyways man I was just saying that this is not the cutscene I want you to watch okay oh I forgot about that cutscene iron fortress what the hell is 29 you just defeated panel boss now we get a classic Sonic back to safety this game at all it's really strange to me how like just Sonic Generations like classic Sonics felt so fluid maybe feels very stiff in this game yeah it's weird oh you say that but then they make it so that way if you jump after getting a bunch of speed you just die yeah you have no like Eric's acceleration is the thing yeah like once you're in the air you're committed to whatever direction you're going way didn't start a goddamn randomly I don't think you did but I would believe it if he said the D word Oh yep oh hell don't worry yeah oh hey just said though jump I hate this stuff I think you've walked off a double jump no I mean the game sucks yeah the game sucks the great thing about playing us on a game is that I got your fault yeah absolutely game sucks all right even sonic fans will have a review no they won't no they don't they do not trust us we have talked about Sonic plenty of times people do not like a green wig you say that Sonic's final smash and smash alternate is bad people go off on you if you call it for Sonic again yeah yeah but it's worse it's way worse than it's ever been and we have proven how bad it is many times then people just know we're the bad ones sure you wanna upload a video of us avoiding it with every single character yeah and then people will still say the thing is people will still say like oh you guys just did at the stage and it is I could have hit it yeah people do say that I love like those comments I know people like wow you guys failed this level I could have done this level there like the hard decays like I could have been hard deep yeah when we had like a sample pool of like 50-plus people who couldn't beat it it's like it's like people don't realize how bad they are at games I tell like you have somebody else watch mm-hmm well they need something to compare their skill to if we just have random people played they don't know how good they are compared to that but then if they see nairo play it they're like oh he's good I know that oh whoa I got so much that is spicy dude balls were out on that one also I don't like that this is a autoscroller yeah I don't know why that's on a game especially I never controls like crap I thought you're supposed to go fast oh thank you game hey you know like that whole autoscroller proportion will you do that but again that sounds like fun man thank God why is this here I don't know why this is the exact opposite but something things are supposed to be having been autoscrollers into T Sonics before don't know I don't think so and people don't say oh they're just trying something else this is just bad yeah this has been proven not to work plenty of times people do not like having the game dictate the pace for them because people are idiots like me and we just want to actually play the game doing a whole board oh I love that this is a giant explosion so that way I can't see where I'm gonna go watch out that's where you died last time yeah don't don't even do the full loop just jump well that's scary let's do you have to get speed is it oh yeah that's actually the head actually oh this sucks yeah well I hope I jump up fast enough oh you got it they're happy do they are soldier he's cheering you on Silver's in this game everyone here I feel like the silver has not played a role except for the intro cutscene yeah he felt some bad guys for chaotix oh that was true alright alright well hope I got speed oh I feel like those fall and I do but very slowly I'm praying because I don't have dreams oh nice this is quite a game man what reinforcements what it wasn't even mean Thank You Sonic okay so what I did this the first time I actually died on that and I was told you have to have enough speed when you go over that that's good because I'm in because you know after making you go slow the entire level they want you to remember that you can go fast Ike you've been holding a this entire time I just skip through all that yeah Wow I wasted like a year of my life hitting a there I can't believe you done this to us is this lesson final judgment they actually spelled judgment wrong yeah that's like English judgment maybe their English Bernard you didn't notice the spots hi British accent this whole time no but like really I want to bring attention to this judgments not spelled with an E what if it is yeah the English version is that's why I'm saying QE for the record by English you mean like British version not like the language British English is judgment with an E but Americans they spell with J UD g m-e into you why would they do that it really just comes down to a how words were written like yeah like okay it's a very long explanation but pretty much we don't we have not had like standardized like how words are spelled for more than like two hundred years epidemics are not uniformed yeah like okay like books weren't like popular till like three hundred years ago like printing press Liberia era and so everyone just kind of spelled words however they fell they should be spelled yeah whenever they finally got their ability to print books they just say the site at the app will have an e in America we decided yeah we won't great great yeah color color yeah like all of it is literally just because it doesn't matter cuz that's why I respect this Catalan Spanish their language is completely phonetic yeah I know Spanish is so badass that's different is like I started learning Spanish from like mill school they took it yeah but then I continued it through high school and college because to see the language really interested me because it makes sense I think conjugations are sick because like you can say like for English words in one Spanish word it's a complete sentence yeah that's so badass double boost I'm getting still near inks for this I'm just watching it all out I like how they have Briggs going over the ceiling and like the sides as if I could like control that you probably could no I was I was moving left and right oh my god is there actually a 30th level in this game was I wrong that's okay I hope it's 31 keep it Prime or maybe that was the final level to be honest no I do remember what the boss looks like oh yeah I keep forgetting you played the game yeah just final judgement was a two minute long level the final judgement judgement here it is versus Death Egg robot okay so it is it pleasing thirty levels that's fine I take it all back forces it is a good game wait next cutscene Oh baby Sonic maybe he's B I can't stop saying I'm suicide I'm still trying to figure out without one robot that we had to fight this war which one the one where is Sonic yeah yeah those weird this is Mario 300 just Mario three final boss yeah it quite literally is just just things are gonna come break those blocks so I don't die this is this final box not a scroller that's us if you could just pitch one thing in a board meeting for the final boss who did this hopefully someone I got bite you looks [ __ ] up to think about what ideas didn't make it into this game oh the ones that were probably fun oh there's a hole hope I fall into it you got so lucky you got to hit those back a time right Jane I can't hit those it they don't look pitiable the game mechanics consistent because no okay these came with chance they're not mr. consistent at all I mean he pressed a and he do with John Wright but that's like it oh I'm Xu Li hit the thing that's on a gamer right there don't worry with full health nice don't waste your other health packs Oh wasn't you did not commit to either well I was trying to hold left for ladies if you want a date with Joe he will commit to you for one whole night you can be exclusive I can be exclusive for that night oh oh I could have pitted - dang it oh you know you're another good bit you really be Facebook official dude I think that is some cool sub go go on date volleyball please be the boss is your oh but please tell me that's the game blinguard oh no it's time it's time it's deck your turn dad that's ultra rookie he has a flame I can't believe knuckles as Gabe yo flamethrower which implies that they've just been holding on to this for a long time right he's probably had this sense like probably I should probably cool health there's weird yeah so what's it called Oh oh yeah that just gets rid of those that's pissed I like no impact to it oh this is damaging him cool it's really good but it was a lot of damage for no reason holding right trigger and winning is satisfying but just visually I don't feel like the flamethrower is yeah wait especially when you're inside of him do you feel like I'm playing contra like I feels like I have like the max upgrade you're holding right trigger and just watching his health bar go down yeah that's it this is a prolonged cutscene remember that one cutting before Metal Sonic did you see that no I was thinking about the cutting before you just got outplayed I did there's like no indication that was gonna happen it's called reacting I could have reacted to that yeah you take us becoming to commissaries oh yeah I'm just gonna go for the chest no you did more there yeah no that's okay boy do they expect you to play this differently I don't I I genuinely don't know the flamethrower is meant to be right like they're definitely like a multitude of weapons you can get so I feel like they expected people like mix and match them you know and try different things why would I do that here you give me pick kill all button right off the bat that's true like literally everything just died someone pitch of this there's go stab my laser and go oh my god yeah that's a risky job yeah that was a halo jump right there listen the music doesn't restart whenever you die yeah least you want to do the autoscroller yeah the autoscroller was just boring this is at least I have to press a button one button in particular a certain favorite button is a good fun whoa [ __ ] ton of damage actually yeah we're doing that but I feel like it's a threshold no no wow that yeah the Olsons much this time well that was Texas man deku he's about to bring out the United States of smash attack because all might looked at him and said now it's your turn if it was okay okay Celia you would know you're a hero head yeah you're right you're so [ __ ] right that's the one I want to hit somewhere they might hear in Leuven definitely scary on the flamethrower the whole time yeah hiss and sonic was there no no watch the mind your movie the judge I haven't seen anything I've heard it's really good though I liked it a lot but all my was so [ __ ] useless in it oh my he's just an aging hero okay okay we should oh I know on my hero but we [ __ ] around it you know what yeah I really do think two heroes was like a phenomenal movie because my biggest problem with deck you is that he's just like kind of a little [ __ ] and doesn't really learn he just kind of gets superpowers hanging on a silver platter sin gire but the thing is the leash in she has like some growth like I don't really feel like decking does ah and it's but I will say in two heroes that's the first time where I felt like he was fighting alongside all my not applying all mine yeah yeah I've not seen the movie but I understand what you mean by saying like oh thanks for walking on that one yeah you get what I'm saying like I get I get the principle of him like hanging all my shadow and not really doing anything productive millionaire - yeah it's crying I mean the thing is he got handed them those broken ass power and then like three seasons and he still loses a fight to Boff you go oh he's know how to use it be fair I know he just did you look these baby he's just baby and that's my problem mom I want less baby weird weird of you to say that that's scary that's scary yeah I'm kind of just committed at this point though man oh I feel like you still would have died being rebuilt I feel like he's gonna laser some more platforms yeah well I would just keep jumping and play it safe I'm gonna just nice to let yourself over yet this is my line now all right death egg robot breakout the flamethrower and I beat him Oh No yeah your pad it's just a homing attack oh yeah I should've died I won't flex there what are you doing I'm getting four rings [ __ ] damn homeless living life on the edge guys so I think you just flame through him I think you got it oh they like all just running you say run I do I say Ron you say run the water sucks I thought thank you could do it wasn't [ __ ] without a one pit guess you squished you I guess it's okay just keep holding attacking his chest I don't give a [ __ ] our yeah no flame fire flames for cantock smashing eggs I feel like you can get an got an extra one last time mm-hmm oh I think that's the Strad I can I can bait him up and then that'll hit yeah all right yeah I were just uh you know get on to something here Joe this I think that's the strat but now we get the six minute cutscene of him breaking the stage how are you supposed to know that the first time I I don't think you're supposed to I guess we were just actively moving it's fine but there's a chance or not hmm you're staring aw I mean like you hit the exact same spot every time but if you just had to be standing in that spot yeah then I'm well what's up now he shoots the missiles and he hits and now you just uh know you be good again I think that's it why yes you really took the scenic route on that now it's sonic turn Oh oh yeah I forgot something yeah modern sonic has not had his fair share of butt kick in yet hmm chili dog style chili dog oppa sonic style no words for you what the hell is that the phantom Ruby oh my gosh game just let me let me not play you anymore man that's that's the only one in this sonic to feed them oh it's Sonic Heroes me and my friend it's Sonic Sonic and deku yes all my friends are here all right just give me some warnings please go fast nice nice yes yes yes yes yes nice whoa all right that didn't no damage whatsoever I'm gonna die no lasers so there are boosts and rings hidden in those crates by the way great those are great okay there we pray sir item drops all right yes yeah yes Joe Joe Joe you've gotten spaghetti close to the microphone it's possible so you guys can hear me that was Deku all right I'm Deku all right come on I think decking can be the one to do it mm-hmm okay why is the camera angle like this nice of Sonic you again never more alive I have that's weird okay come on you're getting there Joe I'm doing great man thanks I just take that yeah why you're so smart and again so smart the brain on you Joe whoa whoa God actually start dodj no it's okay you can depress a all over again yeah damn pickles why did Amy look so sad in that because she thinks Sonic might die again Kevin I four times out just speed boost I was holding X I I guess I wasn't holding X properly that yeah it's probably your fault not the games sometimes I just gather we can show the world what we can do this from Sean again Jackie but deku too pissed on Sonic Sonic I'm so happy doctors in this game I know him I know what are the fist ball players I think I'm right dude again the way to show the world what we can do here in Seoul again thank you - it's not my hero academia is Bob Bob let's get it okay Joe you're about to fist bump the boss straight in his stupid face yeah this bum were like punch oh you gotta tell him like it is Joe oh look how close you are just gotta touch him go yeah I'm just waiting for them to let me yep oh there's a booth there's a boost now no don't go too fast I don't know stupid boss oh never you get close to him the camera he looks kind of get scuffed you can't go back at all so um if you run out of the boost machine you're kind of screwed oh yeah so you so if you want rings to break the boxes if you want boost you break the boxes yeah and it's completely bringing up also some don't have it yeah like such as a nice there are rings I do see you famous for sit through them that's impressive here we go all right sonic I don't know boy the duck-duck-goose this shit's like a sonic detector nice ring nice your max health show you got this all right I just want the boost machine now wish they weren't hiding it well where's he like I think if you just stand in the middle motionlessly you got it yeah well if the game will love me okay so you see how they're like this triad formation yeah trying to hit I think it might be the middle one the middle one always has boost hmm let's just go with that for now the brain on Jacob show there's fire right there yeah that there is fire right there oh I think you got this thank you yeah Sonic Sonic and Decker check girl huh I always get so scared like what if he just isn't there what if what if he all might call them [Music] I'm very surprised that there was still a hip box there do that point in if it looks like there is a hip hop's or probably it it looks like there isn't a hip hop's there might still be yeah we're on a 15 minute boss battle so far yeah sounds alright it's hard Kili and now it's just wild yeah it's so hard you would get it if you played it yeah I definitely would know any YouTube comments you think it's easy have you beat sonic forces yeah the comments down below thank you it could have been oh my yeah where's all night do you think you want to help with something like this god this is like playing tip one I mean yeah that is kind of just do sonic in a nutshell oh oh looks like you got okay don't worry I guess my damage boosted in those ones it seemed did you do it is this it did you deck you I'm Nick them deco kick do your shoot style shoot out your style Deku Josefa P smash wait hold up alright let's do it hear me out okay [Music] well III don't think don't is an option oh the music just stopped they thought you they really thought you'd get it you gotta do it Joe I really need to use okay just for and just so you hang your coffee we got the joke established did that doesn't it just feel so empty I get so quiet so hard yeah I really wonder if you compare this to the Sonic 4 series it with Kate years ago how much of my commentary is the exact same at certain parts cuz I don't remember anything I said let's all try plus ultra I didn't say plus ultra ultra good job Joe you've lost ultra I did huh I guess I did go sicko mode sicko mode okay all right don't skip this cutscene I'm assuming all right I hope this is the last one there might be two cutscenes but you'll know at the exact moment where it's okay to skip it Sukie like this looks like it's a party not really a fighting sonic party how do they know which is the real good one we just replay this with end of evangelion comb see Sir Todd playing in the back nice and himself or however you speak German yeah all right the very least in the future two rounds in this game soldier yeah these do look like two is holy [ __ ] sergeant huh well you probably so many tunes named sonic wait wait Joe are you ready are you ready ah I think he doesn't feel so good wait wait hold wait thank you Oh Raffi's tell just lost along his life how does Sonic feel about that Deku doesn't even care sure if chills I'm sure we'll run into him again
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 1,680,841
Rating: 4.897521 out of 5
Keywords: DEKU, my hero academia, sonic forces, plus ultra, sonic the hedgehog, alpharad, alpharad plus, josniffy
Id: hzr7qaiImjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 12sec (8712 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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