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yo guys what's going on and welcome to another video today I have my girlfriends vs. my best friend do is gonna know more about me basically just a random quiz you will see if you are after this course anyways here is a pen each here is your answer sheets and we're just gonna see who not knows me better but just a better person twinning already ok we're gonna starve very easy okay when is my birthday oh [ __ ] I'm kidding I'm kidding [Laughter] seven September 1992 I'm gonna get to jay-z there we go that's what I said but that is the day I was born I was gay so what is real one-nil by the way if there is a question which neither you get right it's whoever's answer I prefer okay question number two what is my favorite food I just recently know that you're vegetarian I think it's always been my favorite food as I said I will just choose a child sacrifice let me see you answer pizza pie muscle car the answer is pizza my goodness does bang know number three what is my favorite porn category basically whoever's answer I prefer I don't even know who consecrated come on no group what do you think what do you think a cat's agree a poem called group entails a first we have a mature okay I actually don't like a mature really but I prefer to find never watch amateur film like a handheld what football team do I support oh come on Leeds Leeds okay still two one just you know I just have to make sure if I was a superhero which superhero would I be like I haven't thought of one you need to pick one now go ah that'd be sick I'm trying to think how many superior actually no rich one time one time I just oh no the games off til two on I guess then he had reasoning behind it yes you said the reason dislike her videos please what is your honest opinion about my hand we'll go over to JJ first need something new mobile assignment how you spell my there's no W I don't think I'm oh it's better than JJ's I like changes you know imma give the point to change it yeah yeah who is my all-time favorite music artist mm 3 2 coming up my friend out of you to whose channel do I prefer okay I know well they're both awful but no you're right yeah which of you has seen my genitals the most you've never done anything we're both virgins ksi ksi obviously tired Oh weird that you said the same answer's no they asked for newspaper they could use it after speaking to all the trees I'm sorry describe my dress sense JJ has put dad's 12 year old boy in JD Sports yeah well your point because I'm winning oh if I had a movie which celebrity would play me there could be doesn't have to be an active be anyone JJ has gone for Bruce Jenner Bruce Jenner boobs generated booze no because he's gone for the past Bruce Jenner past Bruce's yeah no I'm not going for Kevin that's a woman you've gone for Ellen dig some reason I'm gonna go for Bruce Jenner yeah someone there just copies dead G's jokes Ellen's a woman the penultimate question on a scale of 1 to huge how big is my penis what is this game Denis go boost personal business Tonia has gone for very huge JJ has gone for small of the Trump's this chumps even small yeah how do you know of course he has a small how do you know there's no way how do you know that look at him special double checking he has like here's a week JD has like a pubic wig and jackin like when the wind blows yeah yeah wherever she's from I saw he's racist the tools yeah the final question for obediently ultimate ultimate need second loves describe me in one word JD is confident wait the final question describe me in one word Thalia said - I mean it does describe me JJ has gone for stubborn [Laughter] [Applause] tune in next week when I do a breakup video yes watch him please she wants to be my one-night now she wants me to I just wanna be free I just wanna I just wanna do any and feelings and the mix I like you born ever
Channel: Miniminter
Views: 13,845,844
Rating: 4.9181089 out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen, girlfriend, talia, ksi
Id: gINDX9c25yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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