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yo guys what is going on welcome back to another reaction video this time i decided to get my virgin friend here as we are both born again virgins we have decided to react to six non-virgins yes the one secret us because virgins right yes oh yeah no of course obviously in the past i have reacted to five non-virgins the two virgins something i don't know what it was no the other way i don't know which way i reacted to the opposite of this they should definitely invent a word so that well for non-verbal yes we don't have to say non-virgin okay if you're not a virgin you're a [ __ ] unless you're married as always this is on jubilee's channel so make sure you check them out in the description down below and go subscribe i'm sorry if i forget to put the link i think i forgot last time but it's there now wow look i'm really virgin i don't know let's watch does anyone have a name for their genitalia wait did you go me no i said wait oh this guy's been in videos before he was on the one where the girl judges the she judges the guys and then like one girl with like 15 guys maybe that was a different video yeah maybe it wasn't even on youtube looking at this who do you think the one virgin is i can't do that i'm not i'm not you have to that's you have to do we always do okay yeah far left she was one of the ones i was thinking so i'm not gonna say her i'm gonna say him i was gonna say that but then i was like i don't know he's got his hands his pockets he looks chewy looks relaxed he doesn't look like he's gonna get called out whereas like she's got a bit of a nervous stance that's why i'm picking her whatever what do you call yours harris paris paris paris both are weird i guess it's like the eiffel tower i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin i am not a virgin they all sound like a lie i still discover where the liar is they'll split a cash prize there was another girl that i was like he or she wins the entire prize odd man now what about the women i know disgusting okay okay i say we just start asking questions and everyone answers i agree does anyone have a name for their genitalia that's the weirdest question my initial thought was sean he seemed too confident too talkative let's go around the circle all right figure it out do you have a name for your genitalia no no yeah me neither the thing is like surely the first thing you ask is when did you lose it not what do you call your what's on his neck looks a little bit like fingerprints that's a weird hickey in it well that's like she's gone like i mean i can't i've never had a hickey it's not my vibe neither sex am i right virgin gang also the guy i said his t-shirt is a unicorn dabbing he has to be the virgin no he probably just works in it you just inside so many people no it's not insult what do you mean you say all people who work in i.t dress like virgins what do you call yours harris okay harrison okay when did everyone lose their virginity it wasn't eight that's a good one 19 12. hold on 12. yes mom it was on myspace what he's like me when playing among us where you act so sus that people are just like well that harris understands stop you're addressing his penis that's the one that had sex true when was the last time you guys had sex oh two days ago three days last night it's been three weeks we got nowhere else since april they have to vote what about you wait wait no you didn't answer the question wait i said recently recently recently there's barely enough time to introduce ourselves thing is like vote someone out if you are not in a relationship or maybe if you are in a relationship and it's like i don't know like you don't keep track of like oh it was like he said recently maybe he's in a relationship and he can't say when he last had it because he's cheating on his girlfriend or boyfriend so he's like he has to be vague because if they see it and they're like wait a minute when you film this we didn't have sex a week ago oh oh he's a virgin oh no that's one of us what is it feel like she was telling the truth maybe she was just me oh the comeback oh how did you say her name i hope he made the right choice i trusted you i was shocked i definitely thought it was going to be jonathan or emily i don't think at first glance why does she go look like a virgin she just said i don't think i look like a virgin that means virgins do have a specific look and if i have to pinpoint a virgin look i'd say a plain t-shirt with a singular graphic on he just looks a little stuck he just looks a little bit like nerdy do you think he's a virgin maybe i don't do you think he's a virgin no he's quite confident i reckon he plows he's got what happens if they just end it after one round okay so when you lost your virginity this is a big tell this is big brain simon coming out here okay if you are the mole you want the game to end as quick as possible yeah so i always think whoever raises their hands quickest is most likely not the mob yeah two people don't have their hands up yeah one isn't even reaching so when you lost your virginity how did it how to go down high school both virgins didn't know what the hell we were doing what was the first letter of her first name jay that was quick how about you okay i'm a late bloomer so i lost mine at 21. where i worked at a movie theater and he was my co-worker so kind of scandalous oh the old popcorn trick her name was harmony and how'd you guys meet myspace myspace you next uh i was 14. it lasts about two minutes jesus christ two minutes that's a long time oh my god i hate you actually jesus you should be allowed a youtube channel love you shattered stacy in the back of my volvo i was on i'm a late bloomer i was i believe i was in college and how did you lose it like where was it uh in my apartment slash dorm that wasn't i lived i'm just saying zero is under 10. do you see why he's suspicious now he's getting more and more he's being so vague he's either a virgin or he's doing something bad he might just be funny about his family knowing these things you wouldn't come on the show or if you were lying maybe you told someone oh you're my first and he hasn't thought the first question is it's looking more and more likely that it is just definitely him it has to be 30 and like damn girl 70 get it what about you my space 300 i don't think he's a virgin but i think he's lied about every single thing yeah a hundred that's a hundred too many yeah how long have you been together a few months how long is a few months like six months no less yeah he's gone he's gone i'm gone oh you do think it's me i just like figured to maybe get rid of the guy with the pony t-shirt it's so obvious that it's like yo is it if it's obvious we have to we have to take it i think so we have to honestly though i'm kind of flattered i didn't want to be too defensive about like no i'm not i'm not a virgin just because i'm kind of like it's okay if you are i think he's just a nice guy i think he is at the same time he's also a virgin hey like in an elevator yeah like a obstacle course on my college campus like one of those rope course things you went from zero to a haunted craziest uh the greatest place the bed that's a great one you never went outside [Music] maybe [Music] he is nice he does seem just really nice but mentality you just want to be safe but i think do you know what the reason i don't think it's him is because i don't think jubilee would put in the obvious man stereotypical virgin do you know what i mean listen to this listen to him good luck guys i had a different shirt i was told that this shirt worked fine i feel like that may have contributed but also maybe don't judge people by the shirts that they choose to wear what's everyone's favorite things about exactly i see the intimacy the middle oh you're a lover that's sweet bro it's like not the destination for you it's the journey exactly well i had a another boyfriend from the movie theater but we broke up that was a movie and then i had a one-night stand so that was the three foundations yes okay i mean that's actually believable yeah that is i believe yeah but like statistically if we eliminated her we'd make more money i was kind of just playing game theory at that point damn often with that family hey you're typing them by the way that they just enacted i kind of just de facto got everybody to kick out all the introverted people because i thought it was a good game plan but maybe i was kind of messed up a little bit i think he could potentially still be the mole all right let's ask questions what color was the volvo by the way it was gold it's like a candle you mean like yellow like tannish as far as a volvo did you have like padding in there or was it just like he really wasn't no everything just to see it wasn't the greatest experience yeah what was the was the body part that hurt most after you finished it was definitely my knee because it was on like a little you say 30 to 70 18 yeah yep i think if you said like okay yeah especially like for an 18 year old i'm not here to judge anybody yeah fair enough if you know it's a judge but also 1370 from 14 to 18. i mean yeah that's quite a lot but you know i've gotta do what girl gotta do the hickey was probably like a bottle cap you just put on his neck oh that's a bottle cap tell me that's a bottle cap right now it's something that's stuff that's a real hick yeah i realize you know it's kind of hard to read before they have sex as in like before as in like kids as in like 18 year olds not like kids and little kids adults don't do that i have never touched a male the most intimate moment i've ever had there it is yeah those numbers bro i'm sorry it's going to be a draw i know for a fact for him [Music] no matter what it would have been 2v2 oh okay it is there's been a tie in the event of a tie we do a re-vote the two people who have tied are julie and trevor troy is the same though kicking bowfoot can we just say that we're done yeah can we just say we're done yeah i think the mold is probably out but i was just trying to make more money so raise your hand if you want to end the game uh let's just end it i love all you guys if the light turns yeah i just realized actually you know my big brain moment earlier it's the opposite no wait they've changed it now haven't they who wants to end it so one early made sense okay my brain is too fast for me i i genuinely don't think i was right now based on his reactions going out the way he went like oh he was just the i think he's just a nice guy i agree with that maybe it was the first girl whoa what's wrong it was him was it you it was him it was you you stinky boy oh my yeah i said he plows i get it it's the game survival of the theater hey don't judge a book by its cover back you really never know no it's a lie i know but it's in life i grew up in the church sex is a covenant between me god and my future wife i just made that promise to myself and my family that kind of reason i would wait until marriage smells i love that like paper wow group hug come on damn i did not expect him that's the whole point man said he plows jesus i did i mean did you see him i did exactly just kidding well clearly don't judge a book by its cover everyone probably thinks that i'm a massive player and as clearly you shouldn't you know judge a book by its cover same goes actually they can believe that thank you guys for watching um leave a like for virginity and i will catch you guys tomorrow peace you
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 867,483
Rating: 4.9737191 out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: joow-4O7kQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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