Behringer X32 Recording Music and Using The Audio Interface

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hi this is Marcus Chris from Marcus Curtis music and today we're going to take the behringer x32 producer we're going to plug it into our computer we're gonna download the drivers we're going to do a firmware update we're going to download the app and install that on our computer and we're going to use the computer to actually control the x32 I'm gonna show you how to do all of that but in addition to that we're gonna find free software that we can use to record our music with so if you're a band and you want to record your own music but you don't have a lot of money I'm gonna show you where to get the software for free now there is a lot of of YouTube channels it's show you how to use the behringer with Pro Tools but who really has an extra six hundred seven or dollars for Pro Tools and even if you get the cheapest version you can find any units they're still showing out a lot of money so if you're on a tight budget and you want to record your music and you happen to own one of these behringer x32 mixers any of the X circuit remixes will work now if you happen to own one of those then you can plug it into your computer be it Mac or be a PC and still record your music and today I'm going to show you how to do that so let's get started okay the first thing we need to do is go to the internet and download everything we need so gonna open up Firefox and in the Google page you're gonna type bearing jure and the website comes right to the top just click on that to go to the website and once the baron's your page loads we're gonna click on support we're gonna scroll down until we find downloads there it is just gonna click on it so in the first column categories we're gonna look for digital mixers or just mixers I guess in the sub category we'll find digital then we're looking for the x32 producer we go x32 producer TP and then we're going to go to the apps well download the app first and this is gonna be for PC one file comes up and we're gonna go ahead and click on download and I agree to the terms and we're just gonna go ahead and save the file to the download folder once that started we'll go to the documents section and see we have some product information here in English and there's a wiki manual I'll click on the download for the document I found the manual on some of the other places so I already have the owner's manual in PDF okay so next we're going to go to the drivers these are ASIO drivers okay so we're gonna get both of these okay I'm gonna download the top one and the one underneath the top set of drivers have Windows seven and eight in them and the bottom one is Windows 10 also the Windows seven and eight drivers have a Mac version of the driver we're going to get the firmware next let's go ahead and download the firmware okay so most of stuff should be downloaded check our folder I'm gonna download folder and there it is okay so we're going to make a folder and we're gonna title it behringer and we're gonna go ahead and highlight all of this cut it and paste it into the folder good now we're gonna start extracting things so it's just a matter of right-clicking I will do edit first PC edit and we're going to go to extract all will do the same thing with the firmware update go and do the same thing with the drivers the behringer drivers both sets of drivers actually all right now we need to place a thumb drive in our our computer before we do that let's look at the firmware here's our firmware update if you click on the release notes this will show you all of us pull this down a little bit there this will show you all of the new features and improvements that's in the new firmware ok so we're gonna look for our thumb drive and we're going to put that in you should show up is D just close this out let's take the thumb drive in there we go and we're going to highlight these right-click and go to copy I want to paste it onto the thumb drive let's highlight our thumb drive right click and go paste ok very good so now what we need to do is go down to I'm gonna close out the browser going to go down to the right-hand corner and I'm going to eject the drive eject drive safe to remove hardware so now we're going to pull out the the thumb drive and now we're going to turn on the behringer mixer okay once the mixer is booted up we are going to insert the thumb drive and if we hit the View button you can see that this is where you could record your mixer onto a thumb drive but we're not going to do that we're going to do that firmware update so we actually have to hit the Settings button and you can see on the very left of the screen shut down reboot or update firmware you just tap on the button and then there's our firmware shows you which version it is if you had more on there more would be available if you had different versions of firmware and tap on it again to install yes gonna click on this right arrow to install so now it's checking the file for its integrity and then it'll do it again when it starts installing the firmware it will turn red okay once the firmware is installing you do not want to turn this off because you'll break the mixing board you'll have to send it back to the factory never shut the power off and anything you're doing a firmware update to update complete now it's rebooting okay first thing you notice is that the screen is totally different this is one of the updates the screen is easier to read the fonts are bigger the same features but it's just kind of mapped out a little bit differently there's meters routing there's our library and effects okay here's the settings and here's a lot of the other windows that you would normally see on the screen here okay so click on library one of the things about the the firmware if you have an older version of firmware is that newer versions of firmware have a preset library you won't find that in older versions of the firmware and you can just tap this and a load an EQ setting for the various instruments and this is more or less a jumping-off point and you can go modify it from there another thing about the firmware update is it includes more effects there's got you have effects presets here but you have a lot more effects if we have an older version of the firmware you may not have all the effects that come with the board so just by updating the firmware you can add a whole host of effects to your mixing board and these are expensive hardware rack mount systems that you buy this all in software form all installed on the mixer all for free and we're gonna remove the thumb drive and we're going to turn off the mixer now we need to go back to the computer and now we're going to install the drivers so we're gonna go back to our download folder highlight our behringer and we're gonna click on the driver so we're gonna do the live one first want to do the PC version not the Mac version and there's our driver bérenger live I'm just gonna head click on that okay so and then we're gonna hit next hit install and next should finish it off finish and yes just we want to end the program here okay okay now let's install our next set of drivers okay one click next click next again okay click Next again and finish yes or no really doesn't matter at this point click no hit finish and we're done and you can see the drivers on the bottom of the screen on the right hand side there they're installed so let's go ahead and close the browser let's go to the mixer and I'm going to plug in the ethernet cable we're going to plug the other end into the computer Ethernet and now we're going to plug in the USB connection 2.0 and we're gonna plug it into a USB 2.0 slot on the computer and then we're going to hit the power and the mixer is going to boot up and you'll see it's working the red light comes on on the interface portion of the mixer we're good to go okay now we're gonna go back to the computer we're gonna open up the folder I'm gonna go to downloads go to behringer again ok and we're going to we're going to install the app so I'm gonna right click hit copy and go over to documents I'm gonna paste that in here also I also want the Adobe files so we're gonna go back let's go back and highlight all these a Quick Start Guide and use your manual you can get all this stuff at Behrend your website by the way I'm going to right click copy again go back to our Documents folder open up the app and hit paste and there's our then we're going to what we're gonna do is going to install our backup Drive I'm going to click on our behringer and we're gonna cut and put it on our backup Drive so we have it for reference and there we go cut and paste we're all done ok so now what we're going to do is create a shortcut right click go to shortcut hit the Browse button we're going to navigate down to the folder that has the behringer x32 app okay there's our pdfs I'm gonna highlight this hit okay next and hit finish all done I'm gonna right click we're gonna sort these icons I'm gonna sort by item type very good so now we click the icon to open it up and this is the app we use to control the mixer with okay so we click on setup and we need to connect the mixer to the app we see our IP number here for the mixer if you don't see that hit connect and that should appear or hit rescan rescan will bring it up again but here your ethernet cable has to be connected in order to get this number the app works off the Ethernet hit connect and we're going to take the settings of the mixer to the PC and there we go now the mixer is interfaced with the PC we can control it from here so we have these user banks over here we're going to click we got eight of them so let's go ahead and click the first one hit edit and just click the channels you want in each user Bank now if you click the blue selection if it takes the channels away so you can customize each user Bank so we're just gonna go ahead and create a couple different groups here we're gonna start with this first group first 16 channels of the mixer and then in the title we're going to call this set a user 1 we're gonna change it to 1 through 16 and then we just go somewhere off the side and click and this this screen will just appear there we go now we can create another user bank so no the second user bank edit now we're going to do 17 through 32 ok so now we have most of our user banks the way we have set them up and you can set yours up any way you want this is how I've set mine up ok so we have I have I'm not using a 1 through 16 16 to 32 here's the auxiliaries here's the busses the effects the main D CAS and here's every channel ok so we can go over to highlight a channel and and click on the Chan button and here is everything about the channel strip and you can engage everything from here if you want you can click on config and you can see your phantom power that kind of thing here's your noise gate dynamics this is your compressor this is DEQ and this is the Sens here's the main outs ok so here are your effects ok and there's a lot of effects in here like 39 effects total and they're all modeled after expensive rackmount gear you have a model of guitar amp models there's a sansamp in here some of the reverbs are modeled after lexicon you even have a BB e sonic Maximizer these are all high-quality rackmount effects so if we have the behringer mixer you can do your firmware update and have all of these effects and just that alone is worth the cost of admission there's our sansamp model I don't say sansamp because of trademark and see what else we got here there's our Maximizer model ok alright so we can go over here and click on routing and all the routing that you see on the main screen of the mixer you can access all of that stuff here only everything is much bigger on your computer so the various because we have the AES port use we have the SD 16 plugged into it we have an additional 16 tracks that we can record from the app as well so we can basically reco control all the routing from the app and we'll have to do another video on routing it's kind of a complicated subject see if we can explain it a little bit better ok here is all the meters for all the input and output channels okay you know we click on setup again it's you know you'll this is where we connected to the mixer okay so we have a choice of sample right we're going to 48 K or 44.1 k and synchronize through the mixer or we can use the AES outputs then we have also the GUI preferences this is preferences for the app then under the midi control section this is where we control the midi inputs and outputs on the board okay so if we have keyboard plugged in in the board we can control from there here's our preamp blocks and here's our USB audio interface and we can select a number of ins and outs from here we can do 32 in 32 out 16 and 16 out 3288 out that's the one I use 8 in 32 out 8 in 8 out or 2 in and 2 out you can do surround sound mixes with this as well 8 out you can do some surround sound stuff with this okay and that's about it for the app really and now we need to go get these software for recording music with so we're going to open up Firefox again I'm going to go to google and type in my website Markus Curtis music should be the first thing to come up ok so we click on the link go to the main page and from the main page we click on the ultimate free software collection and go down to free doll software so here we have cakewalk by band lab cakewalk has a unique history I'll have to explain that in another video but this is what we're gonna want to use now if you want some different software there's some software other software you can you can choose from the list and I have here and it just takes you the manufacturers site and download the link here is a version of ProTools if you really want to use Pro Tools but it's limited it's limited in a number of ways number one you can only do 3 projects and everything has to be done online you have to be connected to the Internet if you're using Apple use GarageBand and if you can get a version of logic that's a really good software that works with this mixer a door is a our door is a is a Linux software but also the version for PC and a version for Mac so when you click on the link it takes you to the band website you're just gonna have to create an account once you create your account at band lab click on this link right here click on the windows link ok and then click on save file once that file is download so we're gonna download it right now and click Save and we're gonna install the app alright now what we need to do is log in online to get the software so we just click on the log in we want to allow access from the firewall and our username or email address that would just set the account up with and our password now we are inside the app we want the apps tab all the way over to the right and if we can also get like a collection of loops and there's loot packs that you can get as well but we want the apps now we will see cakewalk down towards the bottom right here we're going to click on install ok if we click on the arrow the little arrow there it just takes you to a website you learn more information about it but you click on that to download it and you want to get the studio instruments you definitely want that and you want to drum replace here and get the theme editor get all of it okay and then click install now starting to download a software and it's gonna install it using the app we're gonna speed this up thank God for video editing right we'd be here forever okay so now we're going to install I'm going to accept the agreement and we're gonna do the advanced option so you can see what's involved here see there all the folders and it's going to be created on your computer okay we want to create a desktop icon and just click install so now it's starting to install now cakewalk doesn't work with the apple operating system you need a Windows environment to run cakewalk so if you're gonna if you have an apple computer you might want to use one of the other software platforms that's on that free software page and then once you install cakewalk it's gonna open up this release notes would just close that out though and now what's happening is the instruments are being installed and all the other extra goodies are being installed ok and we can come back later if you want and you can get these loop packs there's a bunch of loops that you can download various styles of music and download them and you can arrange them you can use them in cakewalk or any app really and there's all kinds of styles of music to choose from and there's audio loops and there's MIDI loops so if you're using some sort a of a MIDI instrument you can find loops for your instrument there now when we open up cakewalk Baybayin lab it's gonna open up if we need to go in and set up the mixer says choose MIDI outputs now so we're just gonna go ahead and use the x32 we're just gonna do a quick little setup to show you okay so it's doing this VST scan - so when click on devices we can see that our ASIO drivers are selected now if you don't have that you're gonna want to go to this playback recording tab make sure ASIO is a top driver mode selected here's our instruments are digital for MIDI or it looks like we're all set up to go I want to do a more detailed video on this next okay here's projects that I've previously recorded okay so let's open up a project so you can see a little bit more what cakewalk does open up my C minor project here sometimes I name a song after a key and come up with a name later okay so here's here's the project that's opened and what I like about this sonar is they have the Pro Tools you click on that and the pro channel opens up and you can insert modules on the fly and there's a lot of modules to choose from there's a compressor we just kind of threw in there after the CA - a it's a great compressor hit and it's got an incredible EQ - is a for band EQ when it has two shelves in it I'm really great Q and it flies out you can just control it on the fly very nice it also has console emulation some of these mixing consoles that cost you know eighty thousand ninety thousand dollars it'll emulate those consoles so you can sound like you've recorded through one of those consoles here is a mastering compressor and then here's a reverb unit reverb okay when you can remove modules - of course so as you can see and you just you can close out the approach annal if you want you have two cents so you can do sends two bus groups so there's a lot of stuff this software does and it's hard to believe but it's all free and so that's about it now you're ready to go all right now you should have all the information you need to integrate your behringer x32 producer mixer and with your computer now this also works with the behringer x32 any digital mixer that bear puts out this information will work with ok so download the drivers download the app do your firmware update download some recording software you're good to go okay so this is Markus Curtis from mark Markus Curtis music signing off if you liked the video then give it a thumbs up subscribe they react Amin tell me what you want to see tell me what you want to know so I know what kind of videos to make in the future thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 118,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer X32, Behringer X 32 Producer, firmware update, audio interface, recording music, cakewalk, ethernet, new features, driver installation, Bandlab, X-Live, audio equipment
Id: wYTTpS9eb84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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