X32 One Console, One Sound Tech, House and Stream Mix | Complete Setup

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alright guys welcome back this is Dave with alum house sound and today we're talking about making your mix better in your stream with only one engineer on one console so take a listen to this this is what my mix sounds like in the house for what I need in my room and it's because I've got subs I've got big big speakers I've got live drums so listen to this it's gonna sound kind of thin but this what it sounds like when I just record and push my my house mix out to my stream before we go [Music] all right now that's kind of thin so let's listen to what it sounds like after we go through this video here's what their end result sounds like [Music] now that's a huge difference before it's thin it doesn't have any punch it doesn't have a whole lot of width here afterwards we've got a lot of fullness and a lot of support that's gonna make your stream sound great now how do we do that we're gonna go through step by step this is a long video so get ready I'm gonna put some links in the in the description below so that you can go to the different sections if you need to go back and watch this again but let's dive in right away [Music] all right so here we are we're going to dive right into this console this is the current scene that that's used in my church so we've got drums over here on the left then we have some some guitars some band instruments here in red then we have our vocals we do in the middle have our our pastors microphone on our handheld mic but that that's the general setup here we were only using 16 channels we've got the opportunity of having some pads here 17 and 18 but for this video tutorial we're just gonna deal with a basic setup of sixteen channels if you do have more channels you can adjust this if you got room mics and and more vocals or more guitars or more drum acts whatever the case is you can adjust this however you need to but for simple purposes here we're gonna use sixteen channels and we're gonna set this up for your stream to be successful with one engineer alright so as we dive into this this DCA section here on the right hand side will change a little bit right now I'm just running one DCA four pads of DCA for my my PC which is coming in on one of the auxilary input layers so we don't have to get over to that and then the last two here currently is an instrument reverb and a vocal reverb so this is just one of my sound engineers scenes from my church and this is how he runs his setup now we're gonna change this to make it be streamable so the first thing we need to do is look at what our mix busses are doing if we flip over here to bus one through eight you can't read these but that's okay you know where we are on the board I've got six in ear monitors right here that cover my two vocals my drums my bass electric guitar and keys that's our normal set up on a Sunday morning and then we go over and we've got two blank ones over here if I go down to nine to sixteen I have four more blank mix busses and then I have multiple reverbs over here that our priest that one is the vocal reverb one is the band reverb you see this white one here is a reverb I have specific to the in-ear monitors but we're going to change that because when we set this up for stream they can just use a reverb that we use for the stream and that should be sufficient we also have a stereo delay but this is one of my my more junior engineers and so he was not yet using delay in his mixes so all we've got to do is pick a pair and for this example I'm gonna pick right here 11 and 12 so the first thing I need to do make sure that you're on on version 4.0 for the software so if we go to setup and we come over here to global we can see version I'm on 4.0 - as long as you're on version for something then you're going to have the capability to do this next thing we want to do if I go back to home we're going to pick our mixbus this is mixbus 11 and first I want to link it so I'm gonna hit this link button it says do you really want to do that and I say yeah so now it's linked when we move these they're gonna go together all right so it doesn't really matter where that fader is right now but we're just gonna leave it down next we're going to come over on the right hand side and page over to config now this is important right here channel sins config let me zoom in here all right so now that we've linked it the next thing we want to do is page over on the right and we're going to get to the config tab now here on the left hand side this is important channel sins config we want to send these post fader so I'm going to move up here and hit post fader and then I'm going to click confirm now why do we want to do post fader post fader is so that we're building a mix on our main speakers in our room and any changes we make we want that those changes to be replicated into our stream now the stream is going to have a slightly different mix but it will and then follow what you do because it's post fader that's a real basic explanation but let's just roll with it the other thing I want to do over here as well is I want to click the setup window and on setup I'm going to page over to name and icon and here I always make my stream stuff red it just typically gives people a warning not to touch it so I'm gonna click invert and then that will make my stream red if you want to you can you can change the pictures you can do whatever you want to do over here but regardless we're just going to make it red and then and and then we're good to go so at this point we have our red pair of mixbus 11 and 12 and these are going to be our stream outputs now when we linked it at first it comes up here and it makes the panhard left and a hard right so we we get that stereo width and there's a couple things we need to do later on to make sure that our our sources our inputs our instruments or vocals stay panned the way we want them to alright but to start out with we've got this set up we've changed the color and we've got it set up as a post fader for the channel Suns all right at this point what we're gonna do is we're just going to select one of these and hit sends on fader okay and the easiest thing to do the base place that we start is we just bring all of these faders up to zero okay so we're just going to push all of our faders up to zero now in the intro you heard what this sounds like because this was the first part if you don't remember here I'll play it again for you we go [Music] okay now what that's doing is that's taking a copy this means that 100% of our fader movement will be tracked so if I click off of sends on fader this might be what your mix looks like you have some maybe a little bit less let's see here less bass & Drums in the house right maybe you've got a little bit more electric guitar maybe your acoustic guitar has brought up some and your vocals are usually pretty hot but your drums you typically don't have any cymbals in your mix so this might be what the mix actually looks like and anything that's at zero this snare drum is at zero and when we hit sends on fader we're going to get that full output because everything is at zero here again kind of hard to explain but just roll with the concept here so now we're looking at our mix here for our house for our main output and it's gonna be a hundred percent copy of this but in our stream we know that we actually need to hear more kick drum and more bass because it's very thin and doesn't have the punch that we want so what we can do at this point is we can come in and just turn our kick and our bass up let's say by 5 decibels okay we'll see what that sounds like now the vocals were a little hot in our stream mix so maybe we pull our vocals down a couple of DB and just see what that sounds like now this takes a lot of playing and listening and playing and listening so I really recommend that you do some multitrack recordings to make sure that you've got a good setup to work with and not have to waste time when your band is there but let's keep going we also heard that acoustic guitar was a little bit heavy in that mix for the stream so we're just going to bring down a couple DB all right now our overheads we want some in there but we don't maybe need a whole bunch in there because overheads just get overbearing usually but now we would listen and see what that sounds like so at this point we've taken a bass mix from our house which looks like this and we've copied it over to our stream but we made some minor adjustments by raising some of these instruments that are naturally loud in the room to go to our stream and be heard more strongly like the room sounds now what we need to address we've got a basic mix going to our stream we can listen to that hear what it sounds like now our levels are probably a little soft so the next thing we want to do is add a limiter again we're going to come up to this screen here and I'll zoom back in alright so we've zoomed in now we're going to go to our effects tab here and we're going to take a look at what we've got now in this current setup we're going to end up redoing everything and then explain to our engineers what we've done so we'll start out with having a vintage verb as Effect 1 so that's actually a good thing right there we were actually in place there with vintage verb we'll go in and adjust our settings accordingly in in a minute but the other thing I want to do is go to effect 2 and I want to change this to be the delay + verb see if we can find that one I think I missed it there we go delay + chamber so I'm going to set that that's my delay + chamber now these two effects are going to be used just for our stream that leaves us with two more effects we can use in our house but we'll get there in a minute let's just deal with the ones for our stream now I'm going to come in to effect one here this is the vintage verb and I'm going to make a couple quick adjustments that you're not really gonna be able to see just because the camera is so far away but I'm gonna take my decay and I'm going to turn that down to about 1.7 mile of multiply I'm going to go to 1.00 high multiply will be 0.5 and modulate I'm gonna turn all the way down to about 25% 26 closest I can get alright and then when I go to the next tab down pre-delay I'm going to turn this down to about 35 low cut is at 132 I'm going to leave that high cut I'm going to turn the high cut now it's at 10 K I'll leave that there and the level I'm gonna make it at zero we do have vintage selected which is nice that's gonna make it for a nice warm reverb if you haven't seen some of my explanation about this go check out my other my other video about the the best reverb to use in this console to me is this one vintage reverb but let's keep moving alright Effect 2 is my delay in chamber now I'm gonna set my pattern to be one over to my feedback cut is it 6k my feedback I'm going to turn all the way almost down to 10 percent my cross-feed is going to turn down to about 10% and then if I go down to the next one pre-delay I'm going to turn all the way down to zero my decay I'm going to set to one point one point seven my size I'm going to turn that to about twenty percent twenty four is good and we'll leave the rest of the stuff alone so that gives us now a reverb and a delay but that delay has reverb attached to it as well we're only going to use these on our stream how in the world do we do this we're going to zoom down to the busses next alright so we're going to look at this section here these busses again we are on buss nine through sixteen which is where we can work with our our effects racks here the the input side of the effects rack let me hit the sins on fader button and get rid of that so right here we have our stream left and right and then here we've got our room reverb now we're going to use this room reverb for all of our instruments we've got the luxury with two others that we can split up and use on other things but for right now to keep it simple we're just going to use this one room reverb for everything so what we would want to do is go through and and listen to this but maybe we add some kick in there we've got some snares from overheads we want to have everything go into the stream on some level because we what they're not going to sound like they're in a room unless you build this room for them okay so what I'm doing is I'm bringing up all of my instruments to a certain level a certain degree I'm kind of guessing let's just put kick and bass here at zero will add snare at zero we'll bring our toms just below at negative five overheads as well at negative five our electric guitar will be we'll put that at zero electric two at zero acoustic at zero keys at zero now my pasture my handheld mic are considerably lower you can see that and you just have to adjust this to taste and play with it and see what it sounds like you still want them to sound like they're in a room but you don't want to be boo me and echoey and all that stuff vocals I'm gonna leave my vocals at negative five for all three of them and just roll with that for right now now on my delay I can just click this sends on fader button or sorry select this other reverb there and now this delay I only need for a couple things I'm gonna use it for vocals mostly but I want my electric guitars to be in there some as well it'll help to thicken up the sound and and we'll just again play with it and see what it sounds like now the next key thing that we have to do is we have to make sure these reverbs do not go back into our house mix so I'm going to click sons on fader just to get out of that we're back at the main mixing window now and what we have to do is go find the return so the right-hand side of the console this is where we send our mix out to our reverb or delay on the left-hand side now if we click this third button down this is our aux-in and USB FX returns so here now we've got effects 1 & 2 what I'm gonna do to make this a little easier is just color these so I will select this I'll go to setup and I'll just make this one blue and these blue I'll make this one dark blue and these dark blue all right and maybe that'll make it a little bit easier to follow but this first one is the return for our room reverb if I click on it you'll see here that we have the stereo bus is selected this this highlighted button right there if I deselect that now it doesn't matter what I do with this effect it will not be heard in my front of house mix in my room so I want to do that for both of these because these are for my stream okay now at this point I need to add these into my stream so to do that just like on our on our other setup we're gonna select our stream we're gonna hit sends on fader and now on this screen we can actually pull these up and we can add these into our mix now I probably want a little bit more reverb than I do delay again because this is kind of set it and forget it for the most part with only one engineer it's it's a challenge to juggle back and forth between headphones and front of house mix and the street mix and so you kind of want to play with this stuff as much as you can by yourself with a laptop and see what it sounds like here with the amount of delay that you've got in verses the reverb and you can just mute these and you can unmute them and you can listen to your mix you can you know play with your mix over here and you could actually mute it on this side here for these two effects and turn them off but anyway that's enough about playing with the mix we've got now a basic mix built in that's going to follow our house mix and then we've got these which are going to be static but they're specific to your met your stream okay so let's take sends on fader off and at this point now we're actually looking pretty good now the next thing that I hear a lot of people ask about is your volume is too low so the good thing about working with a stream mix as an ox bus here or a mix bus we have the ability to work with EQ and compression and even some other effects like a limiter so what I want to do is show you here quickly what we can do and by selecting selecting the mix bus we can come over and hit our EQ and we can see our EQ window again it's really small for you but I can turn my EQ on and I could maybe do things like do a low cut and I could low cut anything below say I don't know 35 Hertz and then I could maybe add in some low-end here by using the second one I could maybe boost this up some and make it really wide just if I needed some some really low-end stuff to help round out the mix the biggest thing here is finding this 4 to 500 Hertz range and turning that down that's that's going to clean your mix up so quick and then maybe you can add a little bit of top in just a little sparkle I don't know whatever you need to do we also can look at the compressor and normally on a compressor you can treat this like a mastering compressor and what that would mean for me is a four to one ratio an attack of 40 milliseconds no hold so I'll get rid of the hold and release is going to be all the way at zero as well or five that's the lowest you can get it and then I would turn it on and I would come down until I'm removing maybe two decibels at most that would be more like a mastering compressor but what I want to do is I'm going to zoom in on the screen all right so we're back to the screen here and what I want to do is go back over to my config tab excuse me my Home tab and here we've got these buttons down here that allow us to do different things here's some quick things to note we're going to use a limiter and we want that limiter to not be at the beginning of the chain but at the end of the chain so I'm gonna go from pre to post you see that jump there then we've got our EQ and our compressor what I want to have happen is this compressor is going to come after the EQ you could change it this way so compresses and eq's it's whatever you're you like honestly it doesn't make a big difference the compressor will change the compressor will change the the tone slightly this compressor will that's built in usually will add a little bit more upper mids and so maybe the EQ afterwards is a smart move before you hit the limiter but regardless I'm gonna move it back to where it was sorry EQ then I compress and then I'll be able to hit a limiter so we're there which is good now we need to add the limiter so what I'm gonna do is go ahead and hit effects and I'll go back to our effects home screen and I'm gonna come down and use effects rack 8 to put our precision limiter on so I'm going to scroll through find precision limiter I'm going to set it and then I'm gonna hit edit now here the real basics is I'm gonna go output gain to negative 1 squeeze I found that I like about 50% squeeze the knee I set to 2 my attack is all the way down and my release is about 500 milliseconds and at that point what I'm gonna do is I'm going to I'm going to build my mix I'm gonna be listening to my mix and then I'm going to turn this input gain up usually you're gonna get about 4 to 8 DB if you're getting more than 8 DB you need to go back and watch my video about gain setting gain struck sure I can post it up here right there and I'll also put it in the description below you can go watch that later but none of this stuff works well if your gains not set properly so in an ideal world my mix that I did I had this going up 5 DB and then it was limiting and it still sounded full and it was good so at this point what we've done is we've set up we've taken this basic setup of our of our normal inputs and we haven't touched our faders we've left those normal like they are in our normal mix in our house then we went over we set up a aux bus or a mix bus and we set that to be post fader and then we went to sends on fader and we started out with all of our faders at zero and that's a one-to-one correlation but we said you know what that mix in our room in our house is not great for the stream it's thin doesn't have the punch it needs a little bit more so he came in and we made some small adjustments by raising the things that we needed or lowering the things we had too much of we then when we set up one room reverb and the delay + chamber to give us two effects here to be able to use in that mix now we went over and we went to those two effects here we selected them sorry I got sends on fader I'm getting all excited here we select that effect that we make sure that the stereo bus button is not lit up we do that for these two effects that we're sending into our stream at that point we went back to our stream we set up some EQ we set up some compression and then to top it all off we went over to our effects rack we added a limiter and the only last thing to do is actually go back to the effects home screen and make sure that you set this to be mix buss in this case mix buss 11 and mix buss 12 and once you've got those at the insert button and you'll start to see it working alright so here we are back at our main screen we've got our inputs on the left and our outputs on the right hand side and what I'm going to do is just come in I've made a couple changes here to the the coloration of these I just made these red because they're stream specific but over here we've got our stream and what we can see now is when I hit play this here is showing our main output for our left and right and if I hit solo it's gonna bring up my stream my stream is now this farther left indicator or metering window and you can see how that's sitting just a couple DB higher than my mains but if I bring my main volume down see how the volume gets much lower here but my stream stays the same also note that if I move this fader it is going to adjust the overall volume so you want to make sure that in this scenario we don't move that now the next thing that we need to do is we want to make sure that all of our inputs follow the panning that we've done in the room if that's what you want the easiest place to start is by doing the painting that we do in the room as an example my acoustic guitar left is panned a little to the left my acoustic guitar right is panned hard right also my overheads have a hard left and a hard right pan my toms are a little bit to the right or left accordingly and so all of that panning has been done on the board for front-of-house and what I want to do now is make sure that that is followed in my stream so to do that I go ahead and select an input and then I hit the View button here next to these bus sends and that takes me over to the sends tab you could just mouse over to the sends and that would be fine but we want to go ahead and do that then we're going to use this first encoder to scoot over and let me zoom in so you can see this better alright so now we've zoomed in and you can see that we've got an encoder here that says jump 1 through 4 so this is showing buses 1 through 4 and these encoders will address inputs 1 through 4 we're trying to get to 11 to 12 so if we scroll over here then we can see that 11 to 12 are right here and there's a button right here that says follow left and right pan if I deselect it now I've got the ability to actually pan just for the stream and not in the room so that would be independent of what's going on in the room this would be a pan specific to the stream but to start out with I want to follow the pan of my front-of-house mix I'm in a stereo environment so I've already got things panned if you're in a mono environment you might just plan to address this accordingly here but for ease of use I'm going to click this and then I'm gonna go and select the next Channel channel 15 now you'll see that as I go through these I've already done this 14 13 channel 12 11 so all of my inputs are set to follow the pan if you can see here this is my acoustic guitar left and this little yellow knob up here this little yellow triangle is showing the pan if I pan it more you'll see it changes see that with a pan knob you can't see I'm touching the pan knob but that's adjusting that panning to the left and then this is the acoustic guitar right you see is all the way hard right also we can if we really want to fine-tune the amount of level that we have that's what this encoders for so this would be at you know at zero there this next one is that minus four I could address that either with the sends on fader or by using this encoder here all right a couple last things to do here is we're going to go ahead and set up you see I've got these blinking buttons down here in my assignable section these are my tap tempos for my delays so if you remember I've got a room reverb then I have a delay with chamber for my stream those are both specific to the stream then I have another reverb and a in a delay and those are for my room so this button number six I've set up for the tap tempo on my stream and then butt button eight is set up for the tap tempo on my room to do that all you have to do is that the View button that's down here next to the assignable section this screen pops up and we are on you see here set a B or C we're on set a and so we just have to page over to set a and this is where you can scroll down choose your encoders which are the actual knobs or your buttons which are labeled and so I actually set all of my stuff to not assigned unless I'm using it I don't want there to be a chance that I hit something or hit the console or twist a button and something happens so I just say set these to all not assigned except for you'll see here button six is this button it's set to affects number two parameters and then I've assigned it to my time once I've done that I can move on and I can go down to number seven and then number eight number eight is also for effects for this time but it's also set to time and that way I can just tap these and that will adjust my time to go with the tempo of the song once I'm done with that all I do is hit view and I go back to the screen I was on and we're set up for those tap tempos now so with all of these settings set you should be good to go I'm going to come over and hit view on my scenes I'm going to save my scenes so I'll do save and then save and then I'll confirm and that's good let's back this thing back out so here what we can do is we on the monitor section here we've got our headphone knob that we can twist and what we want to do is hit the View button here the View button brings up a couple different options for monitoring a couple things that I I do like to put in I like to select the solo is exclusive last that way if you solo your your mix buss then you will be able to hear the actual output there and it'll hit all of your effects before it comes to you the other thing we want to do in this scenario has come down to mix buss solo AFL what that's going to do for us is after fader level so if we adjust the volume we hit our limiter all of those things we're going to be hearing the actual product that goes out to the stream in our headphones now I want to caution you because we've set a limiter if I go back to our effects here and I come over to effects eight we've got our limiter and remember our limiters boosting our low stuff by five decibels so if you're listening to your your house mix and then you solo the stream it's gonna be five DB louder which could be shocking so we go back and we hit this View button and this one last thing here is dim this is the one two three the fourth encoder over says dim and what that allows me to do is turn my headphones down some so that's I've set that to minus five and this button over here says dim and if I turn it on then it's going to turn down my headphones by 5 DB that just makes it easy to jump between my house mix if I'm soloing something in my headphones for the house mix and then I hit the dim button and I solo my stream then I can not be blown out of the water but I can hear a pretty accurate reflection alright well I hope this video has been helpful if you found out some great information here that's gonna help you with your stream give it a thumbs up go ahead and comment below to what what part of this video did you find most helpful and if you've got questions toss those in the comments as well I'd love to hear those I respond to every comment that I get and anyway hope this has been helpful we'll catch you guys in the next one peace [Music] three [Music]
Channel: AllamHouse
Views: 70,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pMnaiuC55RY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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