Behringer X-Live Card Function and Features

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hi everyone this is marcus curtis for microscopic music in our last video we installed the x live card and i did a step-by-step approach to installing that and i'll leave a link in the video description but in this video what i thought we would do is cover the features of the x live card what you can do with it how you can use it those kind of things and i have a unique system set up and i'm going to demonstrate the x live card for you right now so the goal in using the x live card is to see how many channels we can record with at one time so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my audio interface here my tascam right here and it's got 16 channels in and eight channels out i'm going to plug these eight channels into the back of the behringer mixer so this stage of the game you can probably see that we have our eight outputs from our audio interface here going into our eight inputs the first eight channels on our behringer mixer okay so every audio interface usually comes with some sort of software that will allow you to control the audio interface from your computer and the tascam is no different it's really not a bad piece of hardware and it sells for three hundred dollars really cheap but if you pull this up you'll see here's the software that comes with our tascam now we have 16 channels in here and i can click on the link button and i can take two model tracks and make them stereo if i want to now i can enable a channel by hitting this analog one on so now i can access an eq right here and i can access a compressor if i want okay and i can have a different setting for uh each each uh channel if i want um i'm gonna go ahead and turn this off though okay because i don't need it for what i'm doing so in the interface along we see here's our h outputs in the back okay and we can see our um software uh version and our firmware version and our sample rate click on the output settings and we can see here is our um outputs and we have eight separate outputs so if we go over to sonar we'll call up sonar sonar is now geared to the tascam if i go down to preferences you'll see our tascam right in here i have these are actually stereo so there's two outputs for each thing that's check marked here okay so um this is a project we're going to record into our behringer unit so if i hit play you can hear it start to play [Music] let me tell you how i have this set up real quickly so what i have here's our eight outputs here and i'm using the pans here okay so what i have is i have the bass drum and i have a snare drum right here i have the symbols right here on these two tracks then i have the toms right here on these two tracks then i have the room mic for the drum kit on this track it's actually on the left hand side if i solo it you'll see here's our room mic for our drum kit i have the base right here this is on the um right side so this is going to be our sixth track and then i have our guitars right here our guitars are right here sorry about that and there's four of them and if i uh solo those i have two guitars on one side and i have two guitars two guitars on one side there we go then i have two guitars on the other side so the guitars are going to be on track seven and eight six is going to be our bass and uh five is going to be our room mics and our toms are going to be one and two [Music] and our symbols are going to be three and four the bass drum is going to be on track one and the snare drum is going to be on track too you can see the routing down here as it's routed to the outputs of the tascam [Music] i have the eight outputs of the tascam going into the first eight channels of the behringer so i want to show you how this is set up here so we're going to go ahead and start our project and you're going to see the project's going to display here in the meters these are the symbols right here here's the guitars the basics is going to be right here here's our base and our snare drum so watch what happens when i hit the solos there's our bass drum here's our snare okay and here's our overhead mics and here is those are our overhead and there's our um there's our overhead mics and this is also our hi-hat mic this is um the room mic [Music] okay here's our base here's the guitars here's two more guitars it's got four guitars total okay so there's the whole project and that's how it's divided up this is how we're going to record it on our um x live card [Music] so this tiny little micro sd card is what i'm using and you can use these to record if you want to you're just going to need this adapter here if you're going to record and just kind of slides inside just like so and one thing is that you have a safety switch on the side of the car that's this little switch right here i don't know if you can see that or not if you flip that down now the card is in safe mode it will not record as long as that switch is down it has actually has to be up in order for you to record on it now if this is set down and you insert this inside the mixer it's going to say protected and you're not going to be able to record on this card until the switch is set in the up position okay so let's cover what you can do with this x live card if you're recording someone on location nine times out of ten you're not going to bring your computer with you so you're just going to access everything from the screen here so i'm going to show you how to operate the live card from the screen and to get to the live card what you have to do is hit the setup function okay and then what you're going to do is you're going to key all the way over until we get to where it says card and this is where we access our recording function now as you may notice down here it says no card no card that's because our cards aren't installed so i want to go ahead and install a couple cards there's card one in the first slot okay and here is card two in the second slot now notice that in the card second slot it says protected if you have that issue and you don't know what the problem is it's that little switch i showed you earlier on the side of the card so what we're going to have to do is eject that card i'm going to go ahead and change the switch on it i'm going to install it again and now we have access to that card so you have four features down here that we can cover okay and um to get to those features we're going to go over here to this down arrow and hit those okay so we have another window here we can adjust what we're going to do now is going to go to utility and whenever you insert a new card what you're going to want to do is format the card okay so it's just a best practice thing to do so this switch right here is going to be format see it's this knob right here this is a warning format it's going to erase everything just hit yes and now the card is formatted and now to switch the card if you want to record on another card just hit this down arrow right here and you're into this setup here let's go back up so this is the main screen you get if you want to format the card you're just going to go or change the card you're going to hit the down arrow you're going to hit sd2 right here just dial it down and now it switches so we're back to our original screen and we're switched to the other card to format that card we're gonna hit the utility button okay then we're gonna hit the format so now both cards are formatted and ready to go so we're going to go back here sorry go down one actually and we're going to switch back to the first card now we'll go down one again we have 32 and eight out you know when you're using the s uh live card you probably want to switch this to 32 in and 32 out just gonna we're going to dial that up 232 in 32 out and there we go so right here this gives us an option of playback do you want to play back from the sd uh card or the usb interface this still has the usb audio interface built into it so if you want to select the interface you would just go down and select it like so okay so uh channel routing uh playing back from recording you just want to hear the recording thing or the playback or automatic we'll just keep it on automatic you want to record on 32 channels at once 16 channels at once or 8 channels at once we're going to leave it on 32 okay so to go back we're just going to hit the up arrow to go back to the setting anytime you want to delete a session if you make a session and you want to delete it all you have to do is hit the utility button and that'll bring up the section for deleting that session you can delete markers as well okay so we're going to get out of the utility function so now what we're going to do is we're going to play our song and we're going to record it here and you'll see it right in here it's going to start a session so to start recording we have our stop our play and our record so let's start recording [Music] do [Music] okay now it's time to play back our project and right here is our play button we hit that and it starts playing but you notice we don't hear nothing yet and if we hit it again it will pause to stop it we can go ahead and hit stop and it'll r rewind everything back to zero now if we want to forward anywhere in the project we can use this little turn knob and go anywhere in the project you want to go so we go three minutes in for example here we are over three minutes in and then if say you want to set a marker up at three minutes and 14 seconds all you would do is hit this button right here and you just set a marker right there so you can go to markers at any time so let's set up another marker let's set another marker at 3 minutes 41 seconds now we have another marker and we just go down to where our markers are which would be right here right here actually and then we can just switch between the two just like that to rewind the project of course all we have to do is hit the stop button or what we do is hit the play then the stop button that takes us back to zero and then if we want to play the project we're gonna go ahead and play still can't hear it so that's gonna be fixed in routing and what we're going to do is we're going to hit routing now we recorded on the first eight tracks so what we're going to do is going to take this right here which is normally what you'll see in routing is you'll see the setup right here we're going to take this right here this middle one and we're going to go down to where it says card we're going to the first eight tracks because we recorded on the first eight tracks of the card we're going to hit that right there now what we'll see is if we go ahead and hit 17-24 there are the tracks that we recorded all we have to do is lift the faders up and there they are so this is playing back from the x32 this is not from our sonar project this is not from our audio interface we've recorded this on our x live card so this is playing back from the x live card so i want to show you a couple different things right here so notice that we have separation so if we want to separate the bass drum for example here's our bass drum here's our snare drum here's the two overheads here's our room mic for our drums here's our base here's our guitars these are other guitars so let's go ahead and stop this recording [Music] okay a couple more things to point out to you first of all while we're in our setup mode here we're going to key over until we get to our global setting here notice we're on 48k okay so what we're going to do is we'll go back over here add to where our card setting is and we're going to go over to um our options here we're going to switch our card i'm going to go to the next xsd one and let's go back up now you see that we have 32 gigs on this card we have one hour and 26 minutes of recording time if we key over you'll see our sample rate in our first global setting our sample rate is 48 k hertz if we adjust this down to 44.1 k hertz and hit that and now we go over to our card again notice that we have more time now we have an extra 15 minutes or so and when you record in a lower sample rate it takes less room so it's going to wind up giving you more space on the card so with both cards installed at that sample rate we'll probably have about three hours of recording time total um 44.1 sample rate 48k sample rate 44.1 is cd quality and 48k is dvd quality okay so one other thing i want to point out before we uh venture on out of here we're gonna go ahead and go down one and we're gonna switch back to our other card here and then what we're going to do is we're going to key back over again and we're going to change our sample rate back to 48 k and the reason why we we do this is because i can't call this project up because it's recorded in 48k until i change the sample rate back so now what we're going to do is call that up and we're going to load the session the session is loaded and we can play it as you can see and it'll start playing and we're going to stop let's say we want to do an overdub on this session watch what happens when we hit record it starts a new session we can't even hear the old session and the reason why is because you cannot overdub using the x live card over dubbing is impossible with the x live card it can't be done okay at least i can't figure out why okay so you can't overdub using the x live card that's not what it was designed to do so in my x32 producer here i have 16 channels what i can do is i can go and mic a band give everybody their own track then record everyone and everyone will be recorded on their individual track then i can take this back to my studio and i can dump it into my doll and then i can go ahead and mix it from my daw and that's the beauty of the x-live card it separates everything for you so you can record a band in a live situation with an audience or however you want to do it if you have the x32 you have 32 channels to record the band and everybody can get their own track so if you're thinking about getting an x a live card for your studio you're probably better off sticking with what you have and just use the daw that you have if you're going to do live setup and live recording situations and that's where the x live card really shines and you may want to get it for that reason i have one more thing to show you though so check this out okay if you are playing live somewhere and you happen to have your computer with you and you're using the x32 to record a live band and you're plugged into your computer you can use the behringer app to control uh everything you're doing so there's a couple things i want to show you to get started right off the bat we're going to go over to here to the setup button click on that and we're going to go all the way over to the card function you can see here's all the settings that we find on that little tiny screen on that behringer mixer so here we can select between the usb interface built into our card which is right here or we can go to the sd cards which are right here okay also uh you can switch which card you're going to use you can format the cards from this you can also change your usb interface we can go to 32 tracks in and 32 tracks out so a lot of the same settings we can adjust here now one more thing i'm going to show you is that if you go over here to where it says recorder and you hit on recorder this is the recorder that comes up when you're using the thumb drive this is not the recorder we need so what we're going to do is go ahead and click that off i'm going to go over here to setup and we're going to go over here to where it says gui preferences an open door pc transit control we're going to select the live 32 track okay so let's get on that and then we're going to open up our recorder again and there it is there's our 32 track recorder now you can also do it by just kind of clicking on these right here but by default if you want this to come up by default every time you hit this you have to have that setting in setup hit so over here we can select our project we have two sessions here this is a second one we did here is our first one all we have to do is hit play and our session will start to play okay so that's going to be it for this video if you like this video go ahead and hit the subscribe button i have a lot more videos coming your way in the next video we're going to go ahead and take the tracks we recorded and import them into a doll so you can see how that process works i also have some more x32 videos coming we've got uh one coming up on routing and we have a couple more coming up on various x32 topics and i have some cakewalk videos coming that will show you some really cool tips and tricks some things you probably haven't seen from my old school days and also we have uh other surprises coming in video wise so go ahead and hit that like button if you would because that helps the youtube algorithm and it really helps me out getting the video out to more people and i want to thank you for watching and i want to thank you for your support and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 3,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: X live card, Behringer X 32, features, recording live, function, behringer x32 producer, recording 32 tracks live, audio interface
Id: pX1KH0bi95w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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