How To Setup X32 USB Output For Live Stream | Basic Mirror of Main Output

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[Music] all right guys everybody right now is streaming for church and we are trying to figure out the most efficient way to do this a lot of people have access to this console this is the behringer x32 console and they are trying to stream into OBS or Wirecast or some other digital streaming platform and so I want to give a quick video tutorial on how to set this up the easiest way to go out your USB there are some things we can do at the end that can customize this to your needs but for right now we're going to set it up to map our main output so whatever mix you make that you would hear in your room on your main PA you can also take that same mix right out to your streaming platform so let's get started first thing we want to do hit setup and confirm that we are on version 4.0 software if not you just go to behringer go to the x32 area find downloads and you can download the updated software and put that in real fast ok now that we've confirmed that version 4.0 is on the reason we need that is because it gives us user output routing capability so next we're gonna hit routing and we're going to page over until we find outputs all right so here on our output tab and what we want to do is confirm where our main outs are routed typically it's going to be 15 and 16 if you have a smaller console or a rack console usually it's going to be seven and eight but usually your last two outputs you have your mains set up to route out so here you can see on my console 15 is set up for main left 16 is set up for me and right so the next thing we want to do is page over to the right all the way to the user area this is new custom feature for version 4 so what we're going to do here first encoder now we're going to push so that we go to our outputs now we have the ability to set up custom outputs 48 of them to be exact but we just need to use one and two this is what your OBS software is going to grab as a default so output one we want to use this third knob and come down to output and we are going to scroll down here to output 15 and when we select it by pushing the button you can see now output 1 is going to mirror output 15 which is our main left we push the next scroll down and get to output 2 now we can come over here select output 16 on the far right and that's now going to have output 1 and 2 of our custom user setting mirroring our main outs next thing we need to do is set that in to USB so we page back over to the left and we come all the way over to card okay now these are card output settings so what we're gonna do is on our encoder number 1 we're going to scroll all the way down and we're gonna get to user and we're gonna choose user out 1 through 8 you can see now it's telling us that channel 1 and 2 are patched to match our main outs and so at this point you should be able to connect your your USB A to B cable to the card output on your console plug it into your laptop and if you select X USB as your as your audio can't you know connect card then you should be good to go because it's by default especially in OBS looking for channel 1 and 2 which you have told it to be your main left and right out okay so that's a quick video of how you can use the behringer x32 console to set up your routing with custom user outputs to route 2 channels 1 & 2 out your USB card and get that into your DAW or into your streaming software and and have a mirrored image or mirrored sound of your main output into your live stream check back for more videos let me know if you got any other questions I'm happy to help out in the comments and yep keep making great music see you
Channel: AllamHouse
Views: 87,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YRIw4qmVzSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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