Recording Music Using The Behringer X32 and Cakewalk part 1

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hi everyone this is Marcus Curtis from Marcus courtesy music and today we're going to talk about the cakewalk software application now in previous videos we've taken the behringer and plugged it into our mixer we have a behringer x32 this is the x- producer any behringer will work any x32 behringer will work and we plug it into the computer we did a firmware update we've downloaded cakewalk and we even recorded a bass track if you don't already have the cakewalk software application I don't know why your dawn is free just go online create an account at band lab and download it it was really simple to do and it's an incredible app at one time it used to be called sonar it was owned by roland it was owned by Gibson and it sold for $550 and now banned I bought it they have refurbished it and now they're putting out there for free so go get cakewalk they don't have it already and what we're gonna do today is a brief overview of cakewalk I don't know how many videos two three four but it's nimble program we're not gonna go over every detail but we are gonna do a brief overview just enough to get you up and started so that you can record your music from start to finish you can record your tracks you can make some and then you can master them okay so let's get started you okay now we need to configure the x32 to work inside cakewalk so we're going to start by going down down to the start button right click and we're going to go up to device manager so what we're looking for is our hardware we want to make sure our hardware is seen by windows here's our bearing tree right here when we click on audio inputs and outputs we can see our bearing jur right here as well now we're gonna use a Yamaha keyboard for our our midi interface and here we have the drivers for our Yamaha is connected as well so our Yamaha is plugged directly into the computer itself we're bypassing the mixer on this so we're going to go ahead and close that and the next thing we need to do is start the bearing your app and we're going to connect it to the computer and we're gonna do the mixer to PC settings so it's taking the settings from the mixer and copying it into the app at this point so what we want to do now is we want to blow this up and want to enlarge this when we go over to here to resize and we're gonna go to windows with and windows height okay good now let's go to setup and our first screen is our connection screen if you don't feel that your mixer is connected or you don't have an IP address check your Ethernet connection you can also put the IP address in here manually and get that from the screen on the mixer itself okay so moving over to the mixer settings okay we have our sample rate that's our first thing and I'm going to switch this a 44.1 Kay because I have really previously recorded projects in 44.1 Kay synchronization has to do with the clock setting we're gonna leave that on internal show control okay over here we have queues and you can see over here queues is selected if we switch to scenes now scenes is selected if we switch to snippets now snippets is selected so if you leave it on cue and you go over here and open up queue you can get to any of those options right here so what you want to open on the default when you click the button okay Q's is okay we're just gonna leave it there let's go ahead and go back to setup okay the next one down is panning mode we want left center and right okay I'm gonna click those - we're not gonna mute any systems okay so general pop-ups yes we want to confirm and we use this to sink our new settings to the mixer when we're ready GUI preferences basically controls the Preferences of our app here so we want to always on top we'll start over here always select these buttons we don't want all of these things to be on top okay under preferences we want to select these okay so like screen follows mixer and now transport controls you have USB to track or live 32 track now basically this is talking about the transport controls over here do you want these controls you control the thumb drive of the two track recorder or if you have an X 32 live card you can click on this and you can have these buttons control that extra gets you live card but we don't have one of those installed so we're gonna leave it right there okay going over to the MIDI controller if you have a keyboard that's plugged into your mixer and you want to use the hardware connections that MIDI in and outs on the mixer this is where you set that up so you'll set up the MIDI receiving you're gonna set up the me to transmit and under MIDI controller over here you're gonna select MIDI in and MIDI out then you're going to select the behringer x32 and the X - USB is the x32 driver well as you put your settings in then you just click enable now you're able to use a keyboard plugged into the bearings your mixer as a MIDI controller okay now the last thing we're going to go over here to the card and we're gonna make sure it says 32 in and and and eight out now you have a lot of different settings in here you can choose to go to end and 32 out but we want 32 in and 8 out think of the outputs like 8 out is like how many speakers are you running to are you running into 8 individual speakers we just want to 8 out okay so we're gonna go ahead and close this out and now let's go over to the monitor I'm going to click on monitor and since we are gonna listen back to our recorded audio through the monitors we're gonna select as our source left and right plus MC it's the only setting here now let's go to routing real quick anytime you're using the USB card in the mixer and you record tracks using a USB card to get them to play back you're gonna have to route some of the outputs of the card into the mixer itself so to do that we're gonna go over here to inputs remember we have 32 in and 8 out so we're going to use a bank of 8 channels to 25 to 32 we have it on play right here we're gonna take this and move it over to the card 1 through 8 let's go over here to record I'm going to move again channels 25 to 32 over 2 1 through 8 on the card now our routing is set up so I believe that's everything we're good to go we're going to minimize this and now we're gonna start cakewalk by band lab okay once cakewalk my band lab comes up we're just going to get rid of the welcome screen and we're gonna go up to edit click on edit and go to preferences so now the Preferences box loads and you can see that our Realtek sound card which is our computer sound card is what's selected to record the audio and if you go to driver you see the real tech is in here Yamaha's some kind of recording types using the keyboard for something we have a 24-bit selected now this is where you can change the bit-depth okay we're gonna keep it on 24 make sure 64-bit the whole position engine is selected and this is where you would change your sampling rate remember in the mixer we changed it from forty eight to forty one four to four point one so we want to leave it on forty four point one this is the latency the latency for our sound card is forty milliseconds and that's pretty high okay so we want to switch this so we're gonna go over here to playback and record and we're going to change our driver type want to switch it from mm II to ASIO so next we're gonna hit apply now we see that our driver type is selected okay we're gonna go back to devices here now notice our our audio interfaces that are plugged in here okay our behringer is the x USB ASIO driver okay if i select a different type of driver notice that it's grayed out i can't select it up here i can't select it either so if i uncheck the US 16 times 8 which is a task am unit now it's it's everything is black and i can select it again it's no longer greyed out but now the tascam is grayed out and i can't select it no reason why is because ASIO only lets you use one hardware device at a time so you can only select one hardware device in ASIO to work as an audio interface since we want the bearings here we're gonna select these four right here these are our outputs here's our 8 out and there's stereo so left and right left and right left and right times 4 now here we have the inputs remember we have 32 + and there's 16 of these because they're stereo left and right our two inputs we're just going to go ahead and highlight all of our inputs for the behringer let's go up okay good now hit apply when we go back and check our driver settings we notice that our behringer is now selected as the default audio interface now we can use the mixer to record audio so notice our latency though has changed to 5.8 mmm seconds which is a lot better than 40 okay so now that our mixer is set up and need to set up a MIDI interface so if we go to devices we can see that here's all the hardware we have to choose from for MIDI so if we go to instruments right here this is where our hardware would be listing in this little box right here so if I go back to devices and I highlight the behringer okay and I select move device at the top and it apply now I go back to the instrument box now here's our hardware now remember what I said about setting up the behringer if you're going to plug your keyboard into the behringer via the MIDI connections make sure that under setup you have the MIDI controller set up properly that's you want all the MIDI receive and maybe transmit all checkmark you want the MIDI in and out and you want enable make sure it's selected in here okay now you're good to go okay so let's go back so let's go back to cakewalk so now that we're in cakewalk we're not going to use the MIDI hardware inputs and outputs on the behringer we're gonna use the Yamaha that's plugged directly in so if I come down here to the outputs and I select the Yamaha and I select move device to the top and I click apply when I go back to instruments like what happens I scroll down you can see the Yamaha is second okay if I go back to devices I uncheck the bearings your mixer moves devices at the top recheck the behringer mixer it apply go back to our instruments again and now the Yamaha is in first place and the behringer mixer is behind it so when you're routing in for software sense to record with hardware this is usually connects to the first device so let's go back to devices and we're gonna just shut the bearings your mixer off because we're not using it for MIDI and we're just going to make sure we select all the Yamaha devices I'm gonna move to the top use friendly names and warn about no many devices we're gonna also select all the Yamaha devices down here and hit apply okay now let me go to instruments now our MIDI is properly set up now we still have to do a controller surface within sonar so that's where this tab comes in and we're gonna add a controller surface by hitting this little yellow icon here it's going to be a simple act MIDI controller and we have our Yamaha in and out hit okay and there we go it applied one more time and now our MIDI controller is set up so we have our audio controller set up and our MIDI controller set up the next thing we want to do is set up our VST plugins' okay for that we're going to go over here and highlight our VST settings so we have one VST folder here but there are others if I hit scan you'll see a box appears here and it's looking for those plugins now and it's going to create a list okay so these are things like reverbs courses software synthesizers all that kind of stuff and once once it's done scanning it'll give you the total amount of plugins right down here we're going to make some changes up here first we're going to do for manual scan we're gonna scan automatic background scan and next we're gonna scan in sandbox that's this little turquoise box here and now we're going to hit apply okay so now let's go ahead and find more folders I'm gonna add go down and just find a couple more plugins here where's here real quick okay let's go into the x86 these will be 32-bit plugins let's find cakewalk open that up via C plugins hit OK and notice it starts scanning right away once we in add the folder okay let's find another one okay we have a total of three hundred and fifty three plugins so now the next thing we need to do is click on folder locations because we're in folder locations these are all the folders that we can access that have sonar files in them but this one at the top project files this is where we save our projects when we record them so if you want to choose a different location all you got to do is click on this button right here and the scylla menu opens up and we can navigate down so what I do here is I usually put sub files in so I have a main project let's go to a Saturday night jam here and like for example my hardrock project I have songs that I've recorded inside that hardrock project so I just highlight that hit OK now this is set as the default folder so anytime I start a new song it's going to place that song inside this hardrock project folder so let's go down to themes we can change the way sonar looks by changing the theme and all we do is go over here with this drop down menu is and we can select another theme here is mercury this theme will take us back to the sonar x1 sonar x2 soon our x3 days tungsten is the new default theme we're just going to leave it there you okay let's go over here an open up cakewalk and as the project loads you can see the first thing to pop up is the cakewalk Start screen okay there are four options over here and if we click new project we can click on a template to start a new project recent projects basically show the last twelve projects we've been working on we can change the way these are displayed by going over here and clicking list we do our little icon view existing projects basically show you a list of existing projects remember we selected our default folder of hard rock projects so whatever your default folder is selected in options this is what's going to display in here okay so let's go ahead and close this out and our screen will come back and finally we have demo projects you can click on a demo project and get used to how sonar actually works you can close out this string screen by going up here and hitting the X if you want to see it again just go over to file and go to Start screen and it appears again okay so what we're going to do is we're going to close this out and we're going to go over here to file and we're going to go to new and then the options menu here we're not going to give it a name we're just gonna do a blank project okay and this is the blank project it opens up there's nothing in here it's completely empty and this is the track for you to add a track you just right-click in this area and insert audio track fairly simple you just pull it down if you want it bigger this little double arrow thing will collapse the project or collapse the track rather okay and you can control what's displayed in here I'll show you that here in a second let's pull this in a little bit further you can adjust how wide this is by coming over here and you see the icon changes and you can stretch it out you can pull it back in like so okay so the features of our audio track first we can name this track so you can just click in here and say drums and now this is our drum track you have the mute solo which is green and record and when you press this you are this track for recording okay next is the input echo okay what this does primarily is you can put an effect in here anything you want so we can insert an audio fact let's see let's go to pod farm delay okay and now our pod farm delay comes up and so when we plug our guitar into here we can hit input echo and the guitar player will hear the delay but it won't be recorded so this is a way of recording a dry signal without having to actually record the delay okay and just to get rid of the effect just right-click and hit delete and the effect goes away so down here we have clips and this we can change to clips we can adjust audio transits in the clip or we can add on a mission and there's various types of automation we can add okay so down here these reflect the automation as well this this is will read any kind of automation we've written and of course right will allow us to write automation and then we have freeze this allows us to freeze a track so if you have like say 50 tracks down here and the processor is having trouble playing all of them back you can come back here and freeze certain tracks we have a volume a pan left and right we have the gain and right down here we have the input so this is where we would select our input from our bearing but your mixer now notice this click on here go down to our burns your mixer and look at here's our 32 inputs okay so we have track 1 track 2 and then track 1 and 2 in stereo track 1 track track 3 track 4 then track 4 in stereo ok down here we have our outputs ok so when we go to record track we just arm it and we select an input source from here and that's how simple it is really so down here is our outputs and you can see our four outputs and these are basically stereo outs this is 1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 & 8 ok here we have a phase reversal ok and this is our interleave down here is our automation track lanes if we want to do different types of automation and then this is our take lanes and so do punches so we can make sub tracks so we can set it up to do guitar solos and just record the section over and over and over again and record each take and that's it for the audio track we can add a MIDI track the same way so just go ahead and right click and select insert MIDI track and here's our MIDI track a lot of the same features we have a mute solo record here's our input echo so Eclipse here's our automation stuff volume or pan okay so we have also our MIDI interface down here a lot of the same features to add more tracks with just simply right click so we can go down here to you insert an instrument track or multiple tracks when we do multiple tracks we can go over here and select let's say five tracks and we'll go down here and no MIDI tracks okay and now five tracks have been added to this side and you can blow them up or you can collapse them or you can adjust them all to the same size by hitting the F on the keyboard and now the tracks are displayed evenly okay so you can relocate these tracks too you can go over here and you notice if the icon will change and you just hold down the left mouse button and you can drag it and you'll see online appears so you can change the order now our MIDI track is down here you can also delete tracks by right-clicking on the track itself and go up to delete track and the track is gone hit F again and blow it up okay so you we can change what's displayed within the track so let's go ahead and make our drum track bigger and under here where it says all we can go ahead and click on all and we can say let's go to IO IO input and outputs now we have our behringer source here's our inputs and our behringer outputs okay we can change also the effects if we just want the effects pin or if we just want the mix section the volume of the pan or the gain now because you wind up running out of room if you get a lot of tracks in here so if you need to see group of tracks just go over here and and you can even do custom and set up your own custom display here so let's go back to all okay so this is the way that tracks are set up you can also do a folder for example let's go ahead and create a folder insert track folder so here's our folder just going to take this and drag it down a little bit so we can get this icon we're going to move our folder to the top here here's our track folder and we're going to call this drums now let's say we have four tracks for drums okay so you can double-click on on the first track and that highlights everything or you can just click a single track to highlight it if you hold down the control button and hit individual tracks while holding down the control button you highlight the ones that you want to select in this case we have all the drums selected right click on that and go over to move to folder and drums appear we can create a new folder or we're just insert it in the drum folder now all of these tracks have been inserted into the drum folder and we can collapse them all the advantage of this is that if we want to mute all the drum tracks we can now do that if we want to solo all the drum tracks you can do that if we want to record all the drum tracks at once we can do it that way so having everything in the track folder allows you to adjust all the drums at once this is a really handy feature ok ok this section of the track view will display all the audio clips whoop we record all the MIDI clips we record it'll all be contained over here along here is the timeline and we can change the way this is displayed right click and go down the time ruler format changes these things so if we wanted to change it to hours and minutes seconds we can do that also you can see we can change it to milliseconds or samples let's go up to measures though so these each one of these is an individual measure now we can expand or contract this by down here by these plus signs and minus signs if we hit the plus sign notice that the measures get wider and we can also expand the width of the tracks by this these these the plus and minus on this side so we can also do a quick expand by changing to this little icon this is our car lasting hold down the mouse and click and notice as it expands all while holding down the mouse button we can also contract ok so over here this is called this line here is called the now time anytime we click within the timeline the now time appears this is the current part of the playback so if we're on measure seven one go to measure seven just highlight measure seven click and the timeline is now on measure seven and when I hit play we'll start playing for a measure seven on to access the bus section we just come down here even those icons going to change when the icon changes hold down the left mouse button and pull up and now we're in the bus section to add a bus it's fairly simple right-click and add it the same way you would add a track when the bus comes up we can pull it down and we can name this anything we want so we can click in here for example and just make it master bus there we go okay so we can take all of our tracks down here like say let's go ahead and pull the bus section down we'll take track five and then right now it's running through our behringer output so we're gonna go ahead and route it through the master bus now in this track plays back it'll route through the master bus then down here our master bus is actually going through our bearings your outputs that way we can route all of our tracks through a master bus and we can control the volume of all of the tracks through this one bus okay up here there's other options we have we have we can view options there's Clips options and under here we can control for example the meter behavior and when we come down here we have horizontal meter so we put on vertical meters now all the vu meters are vertical instead of horizontal you okay one of the best things about cakewalk is the various ways you can view a project let's go down here and collapse this bus section here and I can go over here to views for example and then I can click on console view console view comes up and here is pulling all the way up and here is a mixing board resembling our project here now right now we're on these narrow strips if we want to widen us we'll just go over to strips and widen all strips and here's what the strip's look like when they're widened now any one of these tracks let's go to this one on the end we click on this little triangle sideways triangle and then the pro channel opens up and pro channel is an area where we can add modules there's all kinds of modules that we can add into the pro channel itself okay for example if we want reverb now we have reverb right down here and then you can go ahead and grab it and just put it anywhere in the effects chain that you want okay and to remove a modules fairly simple you just right-click on that module and click remove now you can also replace it you don't have to remove it but we're gonna remove this and so we have here we have a compressor this is the default setup here and we have an EQ it's EQ is a very good EQ you click on the double arrow and it rolls out like this you have four types on here you have Hybrid pure ete type and g type then you have a gloss also that you can engage then you have four bands and you have a low shelf and a high shelf and you just engage the shelf like so and in order for this to work you have to turn on the approach channel by clicking the power button over here and each module has its own power button on and off okay so right now we have two EQ on and we can take this and just drag and click and just adjust this however we want and notice that it's adjusting unless you're not a high shelf here let's turn off turn on all those shelf there we go we can adjust it accordingly however we want to adjust it and then when we change the type you notice it's gonna look a little bit different I'm gonna add a gloss okay so say this band right here the blue band here is our cue it just basically adjust the shape of the bell curve this is a frequency it just shows you where you want the frequency here is the volume of the frequency you want to cut or boost and go down here and boost and you can really narrow the curve if you want to narrow it so you can do real precision things with this EQ it's a really good EQ and then each channel has these features here is a console emulator so you can emulate expensive 80,000 to $100,000 mixing boards the tube actually simulates a tube effect running the signal through a tube so this is a really elaborate mixing board here and to collapse it we just collapse it each even the busses have their own Pro Channel okay we can also insert icons let's say the drums for example click down here to where our track icon is and our track icons load and then we can go down here to where it says drums click on that and we can just choose an icon of say there opened up now this is drums or inputs and our outputs are displayed right here let's say we want to run this channel to the master we just click down here and go to master and now this channel is going to the master buss and we do this for all channels so now when we play back all these channels we can adjust it through the master bus if I double click on the fader it brings it back to the default point so even if I'm using pans if I double click it brings it back to the default point deleting a track is pretty simple just right-click on the track go down to delete track and that track goes away we can also add a bus or delete a bus as well same way in stereo bus and there we go now we can wrap this bus to the master simply by clicking on the output and routing it over to the master if I go over to the master bus and right-click and go down and set and click on set as default bus now the master bus has become our default bus so now when I right click and insert an audio track notice that the default bus is selected if I go over here and add another bus also the default bus is selected by choosing a bus and making it it's a default bus any track or bus that we create will automatically be routed to that bus now this console view is in something called the multi dock I can go down here to where it says console I can right click and click undock and now the console view is undocked from the main project and I can pull this over to another monitor if I want let's pull it back just go over here to the corner right click and click on dock and multi dock and there it is I can control the size of the multi dot by pulling it down like so and we can see our track view behind it if I want to collapse a multi dock completely I hit D and the multi dock collapses hit D again and it brings it back I can have several different things opened up and docked into the multi dock for example if I want to do a matrix view go over here to views go down to matrix view and the matrix the matrix view has opened up and I can switch back and forth between the council view and the matrix view that's more or less how the multi dock works and I could just collapse that by hitting D anytime I want now let's open it up let's go back to the console let's go head and raise it up let's say I want to make one of these buses of effects bus so I can click on bus B for example we're gonna make it a reverb bus now let's add a reverb unit go up to the effects bed and we're gonna go ahead and click on insert audio effect let's use reverb and now we have a reverb unit add it to the bus and so now what we can do is go over to the sends we can right click on the sent and go down to reverb now the sent is routed to the reverb you can also go over to here to this bus and we can make this one a delay go over to our channel strip again with the right click and we can insert a new send to the delay and now our tracks have expanded and we have a new send going to the delay look at insert a delay over here too let's go over to insert audio effect there we go so when we play back the audio the signal is going to go through this channel to the master buss and then the reverb unit is going to take the dry signal and send it to the reverb bus which will add reverb and that will send it back to the master buss and we can adjust the volume of the reverb now by using the fader the signal will also be sent from the delay send choose that delay bus and then route it to the master and we can adjust the volume of the delay with this fader okay now let's go ahead and collapse the multi dock let's go over to track six I'm gonna open it up you see down here here's where our busses have been inserted okay we can save this project anytime we want by going at the file click it on file and go down to save as we just type our name in example one okay that's it for part one so as soon as I get these things edited I'll get them up as soon as possible lots of editing going on right now remember to hit subscribe every member to hit like and we'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 12,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer X32, Yamaha MX61, Cakewalk, Recordin Music, Behringer X32 Producer, Home recording studio, audio equipment, audio interface, tutorial, audio software, setup, recording audio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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