Recording A Track Using The Behringer X32 Producer and Cake

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hi I'm Markus Curtis from Markus Curtis music and today I'm going to show you how to record into sonar using the x32 producer okay so it'll be simple we'll do a bass track let's get started okay in order to record our bass track first thing we're gonna need is a direct box and we're also gonna need a cable XLR cable we'll just plug this in right here like so okay now we're going to take our signal from the direct box into channel three on the behringer okay so now our base is plugged into the direct box which goes in the channel three of the behringer mixer so I'm gonna play a bass let's go to channel three here we don't see anything let's make sure that the volume knob is up on the bass make sure that the tone knobs are all up active bass here now we're starting to get a little bit of a signal let's go ahead and send that to the mains and I'll go ahead and bring up the channel fader and we'll bring up the main fader and there we have our base there it is [Music] okay so whoever bass I'm gonna play a little bit more stronger mixer we could use dynamics and and that kind of stuff I'm going to keep it simple though and we're just it's - preamps are awesome okay let's bring down the master fader a little bit there we still have our level [Music] okay good signal okay so now let's go to the cakewalk doll platform okay now that we have our base plug-in in the mixer is coming into the PA speakers you can hear it right there okay there we have our base so what we're gonna do first is start the behringer software okay we're going to connect to the behringer mixer PC and there we go okay so I'm gonna go to the setup first and then you set up if you're not connected or you need to reconnect you know you can do that through here I'm gonna go through the card tap though click on the card tab and we see that it has 32 channels in 32 channels out we don't need 32 channels out so what I'm going to do is click on this and I'm going to go down to 32 channels in and 8 out also on the mixer over here is where you adjust the sample rate we have 48 K here I have older projects in 44.1 k so I'm going to go ahead and select this it doesn't really matter it's personal preference yes you get a higher sample rate with this what you're also taking up more hard drive space but whatever you prefer whatever your background is 44.1 suits my needs fine you can choose whatever you want so I'm gonna go down and close that out I'm gonna open this up now when I play the bass you'll see here we are on the mixer right here we need this to be a little louder though so we're going to go ahead and select channel 3 we want to go up to the channel portion and here we are in channel 3 so now what we're gonna do is we're going to take the gain up a little bit just to give it a little bit more [Music] okay good good good okay so we're set up ready to go so now we're gonna do is going to minimize this I'm gonna go over to cakewalk and start cakewalk now it says choose MIDI ports because I don't have my MIDI keyboard plugged in so I'm just gonna say continue with no MIDI okay and I'm gonna turn off the projects that I pre-recorded and I'm gonna open up a new project okay and we're gonna make this a blank project so this is what the blank project looks like okay and we can this is the track pane now if we want to see the bus section we just come down here and here's the bus section right in here so we're just gonna go ahead and collapse that I'm going over here and right click now we're gonna insert an audio track insert a MIDI track and certain instrument track multiple tracks at a time a track folder or a track template but we just need an audio track I'm gonna go ahead and put that in there gonna drag it down okay so over here in this window right here is where the selection for the track is so if we want to click on that go to all here's all the features of the track everything you would need to adjust but sometimes when you have multiple tracks and you need to save room you don't want all that stuff in there so if you want to you can do the effects and now only effects Bend is present and you just right click and insert to add an effect okay there's plenty effects to choose from or you can go over here and it drops down and you can select mix so now you have access to the volume the gain and the pan controls okay now we go down here and select IO which is input and output so what we need to do now is we need to select the behringer source so we go ahead and click on that and go down to the behringer now we're plugged in to channel 3 so you see our first selection is left a 1 and right 1 this is actually channel 1 and channel 2 and this is stereo here's left 3 and right 3 this is actually channel 3 and channel 4 so we're going to do since we're in the third channel we're going to select that that's our proper source but if I play you're still not gonna see anything in the mixer you have to arm the track for recording by hitting the record button and now it plays ok so I'm going to keep the metronome as default and I'm going to go ahead and just record a line or two now if we check this out I think that's pretty good even balance if you need to adjust the balance mean you need that to go higher just call up your bearings your mixer part right here and turn it up over there and then adjust it to where you need it to be but we don't need to adjust it right now for our example so we're gonna go back to the cakewalk program and we're going to start recording a track now there we go [Music] [Music] good now we can if we don't like that we can go ahead edit and hit undo recording and it's gone if we want it to come back we go back to edit hit redo recording and there it is again okay once you save it and it locks it in so you're good to go the other thing is when you play this back you're gonna notice that your meter down here is not gonna work okay in order for you to see the meter you need to take it off of the you have two unarmed the recording track now when you play it you notice that it's gonna display here in the meter okay that's pretty good balance right in there that's about what you need okay so when you when it's unarmed that the meter is set for playback when it's armed the meter is set for recording okay that's how simple it is but you notice we don't hear it and the reason why is because you have to select an input on the behringer mixer and you do that in routing okay so to do that we just go down and call up the behringer app here and we're gonna go over to routing and let's go ahead and click on play okay and you see channels 25 to 32 we're gonna take that inputs 9 through 16 and we're going over to the card you remember we've selected 1 to 8 outputs in the card you just will move that over there like so okay now we're going to go ahead and exit out of writing and now we're going to go ahead and play it again let's go ahead and play this let's go back to the behringer app you should see see how it's playing right here [Music] stop it play again okay so now let's check out the monitor system that's built into the behringer x32 producer there's gonna come a time in your recording adventure where you're gonna need to invest in some studio monitors I have the atom audio studio monitor it's got a ribbon tweeter which is an excellent excellent feature that's an awesome speaker they retail for about 250 now the reason why you're gonna need this monitor is because all speakers lie anything that's not a studio monitor is gonna lie to you they're gonna try to improve the signal they're gonna try to minimize distortion maybe they'll increase the bass you need an accurate representation of the sooner you recorded in order to mix it properly and that's what studio monitors are for there are many on the market I went with the atom audio I'm really happy with them here we are looking at the back of our atom audio studio monitor now these things are self powered you just plug it in and the amplifiers within the speaker itself we have two inputs you have an RCA and a XLR input the outputs on the mixer are quarter inch Jack so we have a cable here that's a quarter inch on one side and an XLR on the other it's just a matter of plugging this in like so then we're gonna plug this end into the behringer mixer now when we turn this on with a turn this on and your power switch is right here when it comes down and see our little green light here and this is uh this is our volume level of course and right here is 0 dB ok if we need to crank it louder you can go a little bit louder or there's you know 0 DB it's got a little shelf and a high shelf I just kind of keep keep those two off and we're good to go let's go plug this in okay we're going to use the monitor outs on the behringer and this one is left and this one is right okay I don't know if you can see this input right here but this is the input to our talkback microphone I'll go ahead and unplug the monitor your let me plug this one too so you can see I'll go ahead and plug in the XLR cable and plug our monitors back in okay so this scale is going to connect to a microphone that the sound guy or the mixing board operator is going to use and the talkback microphone can be used to send a signal via the monitoring system so you can talk with the people who are up on the platform so if you're in a church this is a great way to communicate with us guys just hook up a talkback microphone and you're good to go the controls for this is on top of the bearings your mixer will cover that here in a minute okay this is a section of the mixer that controls the talkback mic the studio monitors and the headphones that plug in to the mixer okay so to get to the detailed settings of this all you have to do is press the View button and the settings load over here on the screen you can also pull these settings up on the behringer app on the computer or on your iPad or whatever it is you're using okay so this is the volume for the headphones at plugging and this is the volume for the studio monitors that plug in back here okay and the dim switch will actually reduce the volume by whatever you set in the settings okay this is the volume for the talkback microphone and you have two buttons for the talkback mic talkback a talkback B talkback a needs to be held down anytime you talk okay talkback B leaves the mic hot so you can go on and do other things in the mixer while you're talking to people on the platform or the stage or wherever you are okay so now let's go to cakewalk and we'll finish this up okay our goal here is simple we're going to get the audio in cakewalk to play back through our studio monitors now that shouldn't be too hard right I've turned off the PA mains I've turned on the studio monitors and I've loaded a project in cakewalk so let's get this project playing hit the play button and there it goes okay so we're going to call up the behringer app and we've got channels 16 through 30 two selected and there's nothing playing audio wise so what we're going to do is we're gonna fix this in routing we're just going to go over here and click on routing and see we're on the card we're gonna go over here to inputs okay and we're going to take channels 25 to 32 and we're going to move it over to the card channels 1 through 8 because we have 8 out okay so I'm going to take the routing off so we see right away we have a signal right here ok so we can turn it up but we're not gonna hear anything just yet ok so now what we need to do is go up to the channel right there and we select channel 25 there's our in an output there okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna link these to stereo so we're gonna click on the link click OK and now these are linked together stereo so we'll go up and go down notice that the pan is set automatically ok now we're good to go so turn this down a little bit now we're gonna go over to or the monitor button is and it brings up that monitor section on that screen that was on that mixer so over here we're going to change our source I'm going to change that to left and right and there's our audio so let's go ahead and turn that button off so now we can adjust the volume of the audio [Music] alright there it is so now the audio is playing back through our stereo monitors you're gonna you're gonna want to use your stereo monitors for mixing for mastering you don't want to use your PA speakers for that so that's how the monitor section works so thank you for watching this video and I hope it was helpful for you or to you and if you liked the video don't just forget to click subscribe and hit the like button give me a thumbs up and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 13,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Audio, Behringer X 32 producer, Cakewalk, Behringer X32, Recording Audio, DAW, Studio Monitor, Routing, audio equipment, recording music, audio interface
Id: tjHR0Y9_AmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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