Behringer X32 -Troubleshooting The Audio Interface

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hi this is Marcus Curtis from Marcus Curtis music and this is our fourth video on the behringer x32 producer in our last video we covered downloading the firmware update downloading the drivers and installing those on our computer downloading the app and getting the behringer x32 producer connected to the computer via the ethernet port and the USB port as well and we downloaded the free software so we can record our music on our computer and I will provide a link to the last video in this videos to script the script so you can go back and catch up on that information now by now if you've done all this chances are you've come across certain problems you don't know how to work through so this video is basically gonna be a troubleshooting video it's gonna show you certain things that will come up and we're gonna address those things common things you know and so if you're unaware of this is the first time you're doing this some of these things would catch you off guard and it can be extremely frustrating so hopefully there's something in here that will help you through your issue if you're having issues doing this I'm also gonna show you how to connect the hardware with your computer and how to get into your software and set that up so it works seamlessly with the hardware so without further ado let's begin okay in order to explain how to integrate your software with your hardware we're gonna use several different types of audio interfaces we're going to use the behringer x32 we're going to use that as an audio interface I'm also gonna use the line 6 pod x3 probe as an audio interface I'm also gonna use the tascam us 16:08 as an audio interface as well okay I'm also gonna use my Yamaha MX 61 as a MIDI controller MIDI controller is an important thing it allows you to control software synths okay so the first thing we're going to need to do is to make sure that our operating system sees all of our hardware in order to do that we need to go down to our Start button right click and go - device manager okay so when device manager opens up you can see that this little triangle sideways triangle arrow thing you click on that this is all the audio hardware okay I'm using a Yeti mic for this portion of the video if you see my default sun card is a real Tech audio device so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start turning on the hardware one by one and you'll see as the hardware turns on if the drivers are installed correctly it'll show right in this area so here we go we'll start with the pod and then we'll go to the tascam and then we'll turn on the behringer so the next thing we're going to do is we're gonna turn on and plug in our MIDI controller okay so here is our pod here is our behringer here's our Yamaha our MIDI controller here's our task cam unit us sixteen times zero eight okay if there's any issues with any drivers you'll see like a yellow triangle over here if you see any yellow triangles over here no matter what you do with the software if this is not lined out first you're never going to fix it so always start with the drivers because because if you have a hardware conflict it doesn't matter what you do with the hardware or the software you'll never get it resolved until you get all the yellow boxes out of here okay so once that's done the next thing you want to do and I always do this whenever I record is I go over here and I disconnect from the internet and it's just a matter of disconnecting here we go alright so once that's done the one other thing you want to look for is you want to go down here to where your sound card is and just click the start button left click and go down and what you want to do is get to the control panel I'll show you why here in a minute and once you find systems click on windows systems you'll see the control panel right here now if you don't want to go through this every time you can right click and go pin to start and it's on your start or what you can do is you can right click and go more in the taskbar so now here's your control panel right here so you can just kind of move it wherever you want now every time you want to go to the control panel all you have to do is click on the icon and the control panel opens up just like that what we're looking for basically is our sound card so we're gonna click on the sound card and it should open there it is okay so here's all the hardware now see the Yamaha when I clicked on all all the hardware the operating system went in and it selected the Yamaha and the pod as our default sound devices that's for playback for recording it selected the Yamaha for recording as well our Yamaha keyboard is also an audio interface but we're using it as a midi controller okay so this only will take one time to set this up so you only have to do this one time but what you want to do is you want to find your default sound card in this case our default sound card is the realtek I just want to right-click on that and go to set as default device right click again and set as default communication so we're going to go into the recording tab one of them down here and we're going to right click and set as default device and set as default communication okay so here we go so now our computer sound card is set as the default device and the reason why you want to do this is because any kind of system sounds that playback to your system will playback through your sound card but if you have your audio interface hooked up then those sounds will play through your audio interface if it's selected as your default device now you can change your default playback any time you want by going down to where the volume is you click on the volume you see Realtek that's what we just switched everything to you hit on the arrow and here's all your hardware so if you wanted to make the behringer your default device to playback your system sounds you would just do that and you can click on it again and let's go back to our default sound card here which is the realtek that's what we want for our default operating system that way we can use the software we don't have to worry about the operating system trying to get a hold of the software of the hardware that we're using for recording our music with okay it'll play all the system sounds back to your sound card whether your speakers are on and off it won't matter it won't interfere okay so once that's done the other thing I like to do before I start recording as I like to turn off any program running in the background and if I'm off the internet I don't have to worry about certain types of programs so to do this all I do is I right-click and I go up to task manager when task manager comes up we could see the ones that are open these are background processes or 63 of them there's a lot of these things I really don't need and just right-click and and tasks now if you don't see this when you open up task manager chances are you see this right here I mean it only shows you what's open up click on more details and it will open up this box right here and then you can look at your performance your app history what turns on every time you start your computer and you can disable and enable stuff in here so what we're going to do now is anything that's running in the background we're going to remove and the reason why is because we want to the system resources we don't want the CPU bothering with these things in the background while we're recording music so it's just a matter of right-click and task right-click and task right-click and task and as we do this you could see that down here are all these icons are loaded into Ram okay so what we're going to do has to go and end tasks on a lot of this stuff you'll see we don't need the cd-rom running in the background we're not on the internet we don't need Google running in the background okay how not using a cloud service so we don't need that running in the background so just go through and get rid of all the stuff and you see how this kind of shrunk down these are all programs that are running in the background and as you do this you want your drivers these are drivers for the behringer so as you remove the things that are running in the background that you don't need this is just an example go through all of this but you'll free up your CPU and your amp for more recording power and you'll need that once you get into mastering and mixing so you'll be surprised what little every little bit helps and that'll make a big difference okay so now we've got that done whatever audio interface you're going to use you need to start the software for that for example if I was going to use my tascam I'd want to start my tasking I'm software and I'm gonna get to it here and here it is on my other screen and so if I was gonna record in my tasks and this is the thing I'd have up if I was gonna record with my pod I'd either start pod farm or gearbox but I'm recording with the behringer so I want to start the behringer app and the bearing to your app should come up now the first thing that's going to happen is it wants you to connect your computer to the behringer now if you don't see this chances are there's something wrong with your Ethernet connection make sure the ethernet is connection is connected to the computer well click connect so we want to take the settings from the mixer to the PC or take the settings from the PC to the mixer in this case next year to the PC so it's all going over so now that it's all setup everything we do on this app will automatically adjust in the mixer what I'm going to do is when I blow this up now if this doesn't fit your screen right here you got this resize you have standard medium so this will basically resize it to however you want it to be so we're just going back to standard here see there's a standard medium then there's high the windows with and windows height and that's basically what I do okay so well as we got this done what's going to hit on the set up this is the same set up button that you find on your behringer mixer so you can see if you're not connected then you can connect 4 through here and then over here we have our mixers settings okay right now we're at 48 K okay and then over here there's our GUI preferences but the one we really want is this all the way over here at card this is our audio interface section and we're gonna make a choice right here we can go 32 in 32 out basically what this means is you can record on 32 channels going in at the same time and playback third few channels at the same time well we're going to keep it real simple we're going to go down to 2 & 2 out for now just just to keep it real simple okay so now I'm just gonna close that out and this is all we're gonna do it in here for now well we'll cover a little bit more later so now we need to get our software set up and we use cakewalk now I'm using cakewalk as an example but you'll find the same settings in any audio recording platform you use any DAW application doll stands for digital audio workstation any one of those that you use you'll wind up having the same settings they're more or less Universal settings the first thing is that cakewalk wants us to choose and maybe output now now we have a MIDI controller in but we're not gonna set that up just yet so we're just gonna continue without MIDI okay so now previous things that I've recorded previous projects have come up okay so what we're going to do is we're gonna go up here to edit and everything that you adjust in cakewalk is found in the Preferences tab okay so I'm going to click on the Preferences tab and we're gonna focus on the audio section right in here okay I want to make sure that that's set up properly okay so right now as you can see we have multiple devices hooked and that tells me that we don't have the right driver base so we're gonna go to playback and record and you'll see we have to choose a driver type here is mm mm mm c stands for multimedia extensions and missus these this type of driver has been around since Windows 95 windows 98 is old okay then we click on here and here are our choices WWD m kernel streaming this has been new technology that was introduced with Windows XP is still an older platform or driver type now lwas API is the new driver type that Windows uses but what we want is ASIO ASIO sense for audio streaming input and output this is probably the best driver type you can find with your hardware to record with especially with the behringer if you look at the bearings your drivers you'll notice it says ASIO on the drivers okay so we're going to hit apply so now we've just changed everything here by hitting apply so now we're gonna go back to device and this is where we can choose our audio devices we have the X USB here's our behringer mixer right here everything else is grayed out we cannot select it okay if we uncheck the behringer here and we uncheck the behringer here everything becomes dark and now we can if we want to select a task and just select a task and everything else now we can't select a Behringer or the Yamaha the reason why is because ASIO will only use one hardware device at a time you can't use multiple devices of ASIO with different platforms you can only use one hardware device with ASIO at a time and we want the behringer so we're gonna click on the behringer and then we're going to go ahead and hit apply okay so that's setup now we're gonna go to our driver settings now you see in the driver settings tab we're set up at 44k sample right that's what we've recorded our projects on our previous projects on and here's our driver in and our driver out okay and we can call it the ASIO panel and this is according to our behringer mixer here and in here we can select our buffer size and we can select where's I see ASIO that's won't it make sure you use that now the higher samples we go okay that the higher the latency is gonna be okay so right now we're at 512 samples okay so if we select that you notice that our our latency is 11.6 milliseconds okay if we take that adjust that back down to 256 you'll see that our latency is 5.8 milliseconds I wish we could adjust this all the way down to eight samples but the problem and see our latency is real low problem is you'll have dropouts and I wish if we can just take this all the way up but the problem is with with it with the way the low latency a lot of times we wind up with dropouts and the software will just stop recording so the 250 to 456 sample rate is a great sample rate five point eight seconds is a really low latency so here's a tip record with your latency really low because that's how you get the best recordings but when you go to mix and when you go to master you can raise the latency setting to 512 or 1024 samples so what this will do is it'll allow the processor to handle more plugins and more things so it's okay to raise the latency setting when you're mixing or mastering but lower it when you do your audio recording okay now we have for the most part our drivers are all set up okay so now let's go to our MIDI devices as you can see these are all the different MIDI devices that we have to choose from we're going to use our Yamaha but before we do that we're gonna go through our instruments here's a list of our MIDI instruments notice there's nothing in there this is supposed to be hardware and output channels and these are our user instruments or like a software sense types the type stuff and then a controller surface we have to set up a controller surface to do so to do this let's go to devices and we're going to select the Yamaha okay and now we're going to select the Yamaha down here but I'll show you something will select this Tascam MIDI and we'll select this job will move to the top and then we'll select the Yamaha and we've got two so now that we have this when I hit apply we have it somewhat set up so when we go back to our instruments notice that our task cam is first in there we need the Yamaha to be first in here so we're gonna go back to our devices I'm going to uncheck this and why don't want this to be at the top so just move their lights to the top you want the Yamaha device to be at the top so now if we check this okay I'm gonna apply when we come back to our instrument section now our Yamaha is at the top and as we scroll down you see here's our tascam device okay so we want the the top device we're going to use we want that to be first to control our audio since okay so let's go back to your devices and what we're going to do is we're going to take off the tascam we're just going to use the Yamaha I want to move all of these to the top okay so there we go and now what we're gonna do is going to instruments you can see we're all set up or you just gonna hit apply so now when we scroll down we have nothing but Yamaha that's what we want so now I have to set up a control surface now all of these are type of universal things you're gonna find in every dot and it'll be in different locations in different places and terminology might be a little bit different but all of these settings are going to be in every recording platform you use so we're setting up a control surface for a MIDI controller and we're gonna hit the plus to add one so this box comes up it's just an act MIDI controllers all we're doing we have a Yamaha the first thing that we have is there you hit OK and so now we have the Yamaha hooked up so anytime we load a software synthesizer we can use our keyboard or Yamaha keyboard to play that synthesizer okay so our MIDI is completely set up and our audio is completely set up now let's go to the VST settings if you're looking to extend the capabilities of your platform you could do this through VST plugins' and now they come in a variety of flavors you can get VST instruments you can get VST synthesizers you can get VST mastering effects and dynamic plugins and even VST effects such as reverb units and chorus units and I have arranged a lot of these on my website for free there are thousands of VST plugins out there available my favorite ones are arranged on my website and you can download them for free this is a dx7 right here Yamaha dx7 from the 1980s and there's a bunch of them available and I have a whole host of effects available for free these are all my favorite ones they've all been tested and they're tried-and-true so you can go to the website and download them I will leave links in the video description so you can go ahead and get them an atom to your recording platform okay so what do you do if you have VST plugins that are not showing up inside your software and in my case I have some line6 software because I have line6 hardware and the plugins don't saw a show up inside cakewalk and I want to use them in cable clock so what we're gonna do is we're going to troubleshoot some VST problems we're gonna start by starting our audio interface hardware and in this case is our behringer app and we want to make sure that this is started every time we start a recording platform there we go so now what we're going to do is want to minimize this once this is started now we're going to start our our cakewalk software our DAW application and notice down to the right here is scanned 330 plugins we have but I'm missing my line 6 plugins so we're going to do is we're together preferences you'll see here's the audio section a video section under the file section you'll see VST settings click on VST settings and this is the area where we troubleshoot so as we see our line 6 folders are in here and it didn't install the programs in some of the default plugins VST plug-in folders so now what we have to do is we have to find these plugins so we hit add and what we do is we we're just going to navigate down until we find them and here's our hard drive so these are 32-bit type plugins so we click on that here we are at line 6 gonna go down there and here we see VST plugins' so we're just gonna highlight that hit ok and now notice it's scanning the gearbox plug-in so now I have 33 plugins I have more I need to get so what I'm gonna do is hit add I'm gonna hit the arrow blow it up go down to my hard drive we're gonna go down to the 32-bit folder again and we're gonna look at line 6 and this time let's go to pod farm and see in pod farm we have VST I like that hit OK and now it's installing the rest of the plugins and I'm missing all the pod farm stuff is being installed and that brings a total count of plugins up to 357 plugins and I can use okay so what you want to do is you want to make sure that this scan in sandbox is is checked that's what's turquoise box that comes up okay and also you want automatic scan in the background anytime there's a plugin change it'll pick it up okay so you want that checked to now if a plugin is not working or if you're having issues with certain types of plugins and all the folders are correct you can hit reset and then you can go ahead and start a rescan I'm gonna do it right now because gonna take a while to do it but hit reset and then you rescan it and it will find the plugins that you're having issues with typically if you change out to a newer plug-in version that might solve a lot of your problems so this is the area where your troubleshoot if your VST plugins are not showing up that's the area where you'll need to address it right in there okay so it's gonna hit apply once you're all done and close always apply your settings okay so now what we're going to do is going to go and open up a project and we're going to make some adjustments within the behringer mixer so we're gonna do a new project and we're going to do just a basic project and it's going to open up and it's created it successfully so this part here is called the inspector if I highlight this this turns in this channel right here if I highlight the next one it becomes the MIDI Channel so this is the channel strip force so if I put like a bunch of audio tracks in here whichever and I'll hit to hit the F key and that'll blow everything up whichever track I highlight here is channel 3 here is channel 3 channel strip here is channel 4 channel 4 channel strip this is the inspector so that goes from here to the master buss ok and then so I can remove this if I want to just by hitting the I and the inspector goes away well we hear the browser this is where I can plug in all kinds of MIDI instruments plugins all kinds of stuff I can do rewire I can do effects I can I can browse for all kinds of things in here including loops or whatever I find it all in here I don't want the browser I hit B and the browser goes away so now here I am in this section right here so if you look at over here it says custom I'm just going to make sure that all everything is is displaying so I'm gonna take channel 3 and I'm gonna gonna make it bigger and if I hit none you can see that right now for source I have none but before I record I need to pick a source so I can just pick from the behringer and I can arm it and I'm ready to go I'm ready now to record I just run out cuz I don't have anything plugged in right now but I would just you know set my meter and hit record and that's all there is to it I only have because if you recall I only have to win and two out so I only have the option of two tracks at a time we're gonna fix that though okay so if I hit GD is for the multi dock and here comes a multi dock right now in the multi dock we have the mixing console and you can add other things to the multi dock by going up to where it says views and let's say you want to do the piano roll view well now the piano roll view is in play and you can switch back and forth from the console to the piano roll view but right now we don't care about the piano review want the console view and if I go over head over here and I pull this out you'll see I have two outputs basically so I have two in and two out as I have selected so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to shut this off I'm just going to go ahead and exit out it closed and no don't want to save the project okay then I'm going to go ahead and close out this part I'm going to blow up the behringer and we'll go over here to setup we're set up I want to go to card and I'm going to change this right in here our configuration I'm going to change it from two and two out to 32 and an eight out okay I'm go ahead and close that right there I'll keep that open I'm gonna minimize it go up to cakewalk and open it up and says there are no audio devices if you ever get this see this here's our little famous yellow triangle box and it okay so this is gonna boot up now here's our VST scan we there's our missing plugins that we found so we're gonna go over here to edit I'm going to go over to preferences now what what happens when go into audio it says no audio devices are found cuz nothing is checked mark we've switched it now look at all these we have eight in now so we're just gonna go down here and select all eight of these and we have thirty-two and with the behringer up here so we're gonna go up here and select all 32 of the inputs for the behringer let's take a little while but that's okay so we get everything selected I'm gonna hit apply and now we're all set up okay so now what we're gonna do we're gonna open up another project brand-new project and we'll just still make this a basic one okay so now I'm gonna open and insert an audio track here now when I pick a source before I only had two bearing your behringer inputs now look at this I have 32 I can go channel 1 and channel 2 or channel 1 and channel 2 stereo channel 3 and channel 4 or channel 4 stereo I have up the 32 inputs I can use now to record at one time if I want and now when I hit the multi dock which I do want so let's press I get rid of the inspector press B get rid of the browser press D and engage the multi dog okay so I'm gonna go ahead and raise this up a little bit so you can see here is the bus section I'm gonna take this and drag this over now when I drag my inputs out come on over here inputs you see I have a collection of 8 left and right left and right left and right and left and right that makes 8 outputs now what this is cool because that can do surround sound now I couldn't and sonar will enable you to record in surround sound also does a audio to video work as well so you can do you can import your video in the sonar you can do your your audio and video work and you can if you want to record in surround sound using your behringer mixer okay so here's a problem that'll really stumped some people here our previous projects that I've recorded okay so I'm just going to open up one of them this one the nightfly to open up that one and it loads just fine so we're ready to rock a project is loaded right so we're gonna hit play and we get an error here's our little yellow triangle okay says unable to open up audio playback device device may not support current project audio format or may be in use for help please visit and you wind up chasing your tail as you visit all these sites trying to find a solution right this is the most frustrating thing imaginable so let's find a solution really it's really simple if I were to start a new project I would be I would have no problems recording a new project and I recorded this with my tasks cam so at first I thought well this was the tascam audio interface maybe that's the problem right maybe it just needs to tascam out of your interface but I want to use my bare manger what is the problem well the problem is I recorded this at forty one point one case sample rate okay so what we need to do is we need to close the project okay and then we need to close cakewalk now let's go open up the behringer mixer and we're going to go over here to setup and underneath the set up you'll notice 48k now the previously recorded project was recorded in 44.1 kay what happens is when I hit play it tries to play back with this sample rate and it generates the error message so to get rid of the error message all we have to do is switch this to four to four point one case ample rate so if you have previously recorded projects and chances are you have it in four to four point one cake sample rate the behringer by default from the factory is 48k sample rate so if you set the factory defaults it'll be 48 K sample rate and you won't be able to figure out let me just drove me nuts trying to figure this out so we go ahead and hit close on the card there and all we have to do is minimize this and restart of the cakewalk software so now the software is opening up I'm gonna reopen up our project again and now when we hit play our project works it plays with no problems so if you ever run into error message and you're not quite sure how to address it that is the problem right there you need to make sure that the sample rate in the mixer matches the sample rate of your project okay so we have another problem though as we listen to this we're not hearing any audio okay so let's address that we're gonna stop this right now I'm gonna go over and open up the behringer mixer okay so the solution to this problem is actually found in the routing so we go up to where the routing isn't we click on routing and we see that this is the same routing we find on the mixer in the screen when you hit that routing button on the screen this is the same type of map that opens up okay so routing basically is complicated it can be very complicated but basically what you can do is you can route any input channel to any output channel and the nature of routing okay so we're gonna go over to the cakewalk application and we're gonna hit play to start the project plan okay and now we're gonna go over to the behringer again and if we hit just a routing if that's all we need that'll open up but we're gonna need the mixer - so we're just gonna go ahead and click on the mixer and the routing get it both connected okay so here we have our channels and group of eights here's our outputs okay now this card right here this card means our USB card or our audio audio device here okay so what we want to do is use channels 25 through 32 to playback the sound card we have 32 in and 8 out so all we're gonna do is go to the input section here okay and right now we have it on play I want to take this and move it over to where it says card one through eight it's just like that so we're using channels 25 through 32 to playback channels 1 through 8 on the card now remember that on our selection for the audio interface we have 32 in and 8 out so the first eight channels out is what we're playing back so we'll just go down here to where we have 16 through 30 to click on that and look there is our audio plane back which is kind of raised up our meters there we go here's our master fader here if want to make it louder there we go so we have eight channels basically that we can use to mix so we can do surround sound I'll show you that in a minute if we want to do left and right on this it's just a matter of highlighting this right here or having anything on this channel just clicking on the channel I'll go over to this channel right here and do stereo link and we hit OK that makes it a stereo link and it compares these two together so now we have left and right up and down together okay an overall volume is so adjusted right there okay so now we have our audio playback we're going to go back to our sonar project now here are if we pull this out you can see our eight channels so we can do our surround sound mixing and we can do audio to video work cakewalk basically does it all it's great software it's hard to believe that it's free and I'll put a link in the video description where you can get it and so that's it for this video we've solved some troubleshooting issues if I didn't cover your issue just kind of leave a comment down there we'll see if I have an answer for you I'm learning stuff about this all the time and see if we can find an answer together okay if you liked the video make sure you subscribe and and click like and share it with people and thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Marcus Curtis Music
Views: 14,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer X 32, Behringer X 32 producer, Cakewalk, Bandlab, Audio Interface, Tascam US16x08, Recording Music, VST, Free VST, Free Software, yamaha X61, audio equipment, recording music
Id: JST93vZLO2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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