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[Music] hey what's up everyone my name is lee and i'm here with a midas m32 the uh twin brother but better looking than the x32 and we got something really cool planned i'm gonna throw together a mix on this console in less than a half hour so a lot of people have this console i think this and the x32 are the most popular digital audio consoles in the world behringer midas congratulations so we thought we would uh show you how i would put together a mix with my band on this console so some things i've done ahead of time to get started are everything's already labeled everything's already routed i've got a couple effects already set up let me just walk you through everything that we're doing and what i've got to deal with and then i'm just going to go channel by channel and set everything up from scratch so the band it's a modern worship band from my church we've got drums we got some tracks bass guitar one keyboard two electric guitars one acoustic guitar and a handful of vocals for effects i've got one drum verb a vocal tap delay and a vocal verb and my subs are on an aux so i'm only looking at four auxes here i'm using the dca's in the center of the console drums loops bass keys guitars vocals effects and then a band dca there's the master gas pedal and my user-defined keys i've set these up as uh the send for the tap to lay on the vocals if i were going to change songs and mute groups that's really all we've done there's no um inserts of anything like that i'm going to use everything on board and i think that's it let's dive in the clock's ticking here we go so i'm going to start with drums kick drum first i've got two kick mics but i think i'm only going to use one to save some time okay first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to eq it first and then i'm going to put a gate on it i don't know that that's important to do it in that order but that's what i like to do so go to the eq i'm going to turn it on okay and then right there see as soon as i cut that huge amount of low mids out it kind of tightened up got a little less muddy that's what i like and then i like the attack out of this already i'm gonna add some more on the top end maybe cut out some of that 3k clickiness that i don't like too much so they just tame that a little bit and then i'm going to add a little more air on top okay so here's on and off real quick for you okay now i'm gonna put the gate on and then we'll do subs dead last so really important attack on the gate needs to be as fast as possible because if this is too slow it'll take high end off of off the sound of your kick drum so check this out look at that 30 millisecond attack just nuked it okay so i've got the hold and release time set pretty tight i want it to actually sound like a kick drum there's not much resonance happening i may change that later if if this gets messed up but that's just where i'm going to start all right now i'm just going to roll the subs in you probably won't be able to hear that at home um let's see [Music] you know what here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna turn those back off i'm gonna add a bunch of low end just to the eq and see how much we can get out of just that [Music] [Music] okay so let's listen that on and off okay huge difference and you're probably hearing that gate act up so let's go check that out okay i think that's good start now let's go to snare drum oh i should also say that kick mic is a sennheiser 901 that's important so that's why that all that attacks in there without me having to add a ton to it there's a 52 on here listen to this that's probably more what you're used to if you're just dealing with one mic i like just the 901 if i'm only going to use one [Music] all right so we got a beta 57 on top of a black beauty five and a half inch drum with a coated head we're going straight back to eq i'm gonna cut out a bunch of like six seven or eight hundred that's usually the first thing i'll do [Music] so check that out just that difference and then i like a little sizzle on top off great now let's add some compression to really get that thing to snap turn this guy on [Music] okay so i'm gonna roll this threshold down so you can really hear it and to me the the magic of the compressor on a snare drum is about how much it's compressing but the attack time again because it's such a transient we really want that time to be perfect so that we let just enough through that we get a really nice crack but not that it's so fast that you don't get any punch of it at all so i'll show you show you each way here so that's zero milliseconds attack and i'll slow it down [Music] hear the difference see that and i'm just rolling that threshold down and i'm not trying not to watch this but i'm listening to the hi-hat in the background i don't want that to get too weird and just the overall volume of the drum the ratio and the attack time are really what i'm messing with now and the threshold actually that's pretty good okay so now i'm going to add some gain to get some volume back out of that okay so here's compressor on and off so there's the drum flap okay now let's add some reverb so i love ambience reverbs spx 990 preset ambience is something i always go to first there's a reverb on the m32 called ambience so i loaded that up let's go find it effects number one there we go i've got this set to two seconds with like 14 milliseconds of pre-delay and i think i left everything else as it came up on this okay i'm digging that uh we just burned up a lot of time on two channels so let's uh let's speed up a little bit let's go to snare bottom i'm gonna do the same thing here i'm gonna start using high pass filter a lot eq and lots of compression okay so same thing cutting out a lot of low mids adding a little sizzle in now let's go compression all right and some verb blend these in [Music] i want more top end out of that yeah some of that there we go okay kick and snare good hi hat i'm just gonna throw a high pass filter on this really quickly and hopefully it doesn't get annoying later we'll come back to that he's not even playing the hi-hat during this part all right toms let's find a section where they're looping leave right here okay again eq then a gate [Music] right there 300 just cutting a bunch out and let's add some top in great and now let's get it [Music] and open that release up [Music] fast attack [Music] okay adverb [Music] great i'm gonna pan this to the right here [Music] and same thing to the floor tom let's go eq [Music] actually i'm gonna high pass filter that rack tom [Music] there we go just tighten that up a little floor tom high pass a tad just a little bit and eq [Music] oh yeah listen this off [Music] great now it's the gate [Music] okay so that's really hard to tell if that's going to close because he hasn't stopped hitting it so i need to find another part to see if that's going to actually translate let me back this up here turn this off [Music] okay i think that's going to do for now most of the time i end up going back to the gates when all this is done and fine-tuning those thresholds i'm sure that would probably happen here let's add some verb and pan that guy a little to the left okay overheads and we are not paired here because you can only pair one direction on this console so that's okay so we're gonna do this twice so high pass filter first [Music] i'm going to do both sides at the same time [Music] and eq i'm going to cut out a lot of that boxiness again [Music] so cool same thing [Music] yeah so we need to find out how those crash symbols are going to do that all we're hearing is toms right there that's a little like ice picky so i'm going to cut out some of that high mid [Music] that side's not so bad i don't know that it needs any so let's pan these hard left and hard right listen to that [Music] okay full kit [Music] okay so far so good takes care of the drums we've got tracks these sound great coming right off the tracks machine i hope yours do too if not fix that that's a super easy problem to fix i'm just going to make sure the levels are right so probably just some high pass filtering and if i need to trim to get the fader up to zero so let's check this [Music] yeah they're definitely hot so let's go trim these down i'm going to go 10 db just as a rough whoops just it's the wrong channel how many of you done that before [Music] man it needs more than 10. 15. right that's about right and i've got a beats track here take that down 15 should match [Music] okay bass guitar [Music] okay it actually doesn't sound too bad so a little bit of a high pass filter not much at all and some compression [Music] i'm gonna go limiter on this guy so like 20 to one and then add some volume that sounds good to me and then i have a dirty bass channel check this out so i'm going to high pass this get the low end out [Music] and low pass [Music] get that back in there something like that this is really going to help that you hear the notes of the bass guitar so our primary source the bass with some of this dirty check this out where you can where you can really tell is when this is in the mix so i'm gonna pull this out here's everything together so far okay pretty cool keys next again these sound good just coming right off the keyboard rig i'm just going to hard pan these and hey i think i can link these they're in the right spots so let's go [Music] there we go link 17 to 18 yes beautiful [Music] okay that sounds good and i'm gonna trim these way back like 18. okay that's cool now i'm gonna listen to everything again [Music] okay guitars oh i can link these two actually i've got two stereo guitars a rhythm and a lead i'm just gonna use one side off of each just because i'm just gonna high pass these so i cut that up to 130 that may seem aggressive but i think it's fine um let's listen to the other one oh he's using two amps so i gotta pick which one i want [Music] i think i want that brighter one and i'll just knock some of the high end off so let's high pass that first [Music] and trim the crap off of that okay so that shrilly stuff i want to try and knock down [Music] okay acoustic guitar and then we're going to go back and really massage in all these levels i'm just trying to get everything roughly into a good spot acoustic let's see the guitars cool high pass filter first [Music] i'm hearing that like mid-range stuff that needs cut [Music] more trimming okay and compression now i do like fast attack fast release on an acoustic [Music] okay the band's done vocals we're just going gonna go to the lead vocal first okay definitely high pass filter then i'm gonna go eq then compression as nations rise to glory okay all the junk's out but there's still some low-mid definitely that's reign obnoxious i'll praise the name of jesus christ oh yes say hallelujah open up the ancient doors oh hallelujah okay so that's cleaned up quite a bit now compression and i'll go like three or four to one super fast release i'm just trying to make it sound like an 1176 and medium attack as nations rise to glory heaven breaks in glorious okay i hear that pumping a lot so i'm just gonna fiddle with this while she's blasting away [Music] okay so that's better so it's not normally what i would do but i think it's working it's a lower ratio um medium attack 16 milliseconds it's less noticeable to me [Laughter] okay now let's add some verb i don't even remember what i dialed in here let's see what it sounds like [Music] and with him we will reign forever [Music] listen to that trail that's actually pretty good maybe just a little long here we go plate reverb yeah 3.4 seconds let's just dial that back [Music] okay i'm going to go to the aux that's sending to this let's see and cut some off of that guy it's it needs like a high pass filter on that there's already one on it but i'm going to crank that up let's go oh frequency see what this sounds like okay i think that's better it was causing the vocal to get muddy so i just put a high pass filter on the send to the reverb that's different than high pass filtering the return so the low end info didn't even get to the reverb if that makes sense all right uh tap delay already got her sent to that tempo should be already good this is pretty straightforward it's just a high pass and low pass filter [Laughter] as nations arise and with him we will reign forever okay cool now i got everything set i feel like i can go back from the beginning unmute all the band and start getting those levels really dialed in so here goes that [Music] okay those feel good now drums and loops together [Music] add bass [Music] cool guitars [Music] so when i add some level to that it's kind of disappearing on me you know what maybe some top end of that will help [Music] jesus christ [Music] okay so only thing i'm really hearing now is maybe that kick drum's a little too clicky so i'm gonna back that off [Music] glorious i think her vocals too muddy check that out turn the effects off oh yes [Music] okay i feel like that's a pretty good spot that's about as fast as i could possibly move on the m32 um that's actually the first time i've ever done that on this console um i'm pretty impressed with it to be honest i know thousands of churches out there have this console and if you've bought this thing and think and wonder if i made the right decision or not i mean you probably did for what you get out of this console and for what we were just able to do it's pretty impressive to me hope you enjoyed
Channel: MxU
Views: 136,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixing, church, how to, drums, vocals, keys, guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, worship, mix, audio, live, console, resource, ministry, concert, music, stage, andrew stone, lee fields, jeff sandstrom, mxu, mxu now, live stream, master, mic, balance, training, tutorial, subscribe, broadcast, live production, churchfront, jesus, worship leader, worship leading, pastor, mxu teams, compression, high pass filter, low pass filter, snare drum, micing
Id: e7YgcRl0vDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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