Behringer Wing 003 - Differences Between the Behringer Wing and X32

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hey guys i'm drew brashler with dbb audio and today i'm doing a quick video on the differences between the behringer wing and the behringer x32 and if you have an x32 why you should upgrade to the wing or why not so this video is one of many on my channel so if you haven't already make sure to like and subscribe to my channel as i'm always constantly putting out brand new videos on the behringer products with the x32 the x air and now the behringer wing also check out my blog at and you'll find a bunch of resources and blog posts over there all about production and audio so let's go ahead and dive in i am a long time avid user of the behringer x32 it's a great console it's a great price point it has pretty good sound qualities to it and it's just a very inexpensive great console it has 32 main inputs and main channels and an additional six auxiliary inputs on it making it a total of 38 channels that you have available to you now the behringer wing was just released a while ago and it's behringer's new uh mixer in their lineup of digital audio consoles and this console is impressive everything about this console i've been blown away by there are 48 total channels and those channels can either be mono stereo or this thing called mid side which is basically separating the left right from the center portion of the audio and so those 48 channels are broken into 40 full processing channels and eight auxiliary processing channels so basically auxiliary inputs are going to be less less processing available to that input so you have limited capacity on processing now what does that mean well let's dive in on the console so i'm going to go down to 37 through 40 and show you this so we have our channel 40 here and we have our channel auxiliary one here and so we can see that there's a whole bunch more information on the left hand side than there is on the auxiliary channel and what that means is that we have a low cut high cut tilt uh and delay available to us on our full processing channel whereas on our auxiliary channel we just have invert which is just a polarity invert we have a full gate processing and then we also have uh eq which this also has but there's also a compressor so your dynamic section the auxiliary does not have gate and it also does not have the compression we can see that we have one insert point that is pre-fader and then on the full processing channels we have a post fader insert point now that means that we can place an insert of the effects rack in any position that we want to on the full processing channels but the aux channels we only have a pre-fader insert point one of the biggest things that i loved about the x32 was the effects rack there were 16 effect slots that you could have eight the first eight of them were for your time-based effects like reverbs and delays but you could also insert insertable effects like a compressor or an eq and same thing with 9 through 16 on that you could only do the insertable effects on those channels with the with an eq or a dynamics that sort of thing so the behringer wing is similar and so if we hit our effects section we have our first eight racks that are going to be our time-based effects so reverbs delays chorus that sort of thing and then the standard effects is on the right-hand side so 9 through 16. those are going to be our insertable effects and the behringer wing actually has a thing that is pitchfix which is a form of autotune which works very well and so i will be making another video about that but that's one example of a little bit of a more advanced effect that's built into the wing than the x32 some of my favorite effects on the x32 was the precision limiter which was great for inserting on an output bus for uh say stream for sending it out to a web and then we also have some things called like the ultimo compressor which is a model of the 1176 there's also the leisure compressor which is a model of the la-2a and so those things if you take a look in the effects engines aren't available for us to select here well why why is that it's because it's built into the channel now so if we go to a channel i'm going to go ahead and select channel 37 right here i can go to my gate and my gate has all of these gate emulations as well as a few dynamic eq we have our wave designer we have a 1176 which is the ultima compressor we have the la2a which is the leisure compressor and then if we go into our eq section there is also a bunch of emulations of very famous eqs and then again in our compressor section we have a bunch of emulations on our more fancy compressors additionally we have two insert points and so i'm going to bring up my vocal channel and i'm going to show you what i've done here on this vocal channel so we have this great emulation model it's called the pse 545 the pse 545 is a great emulation of one of the one of the neve products that does a very very natural sounding gait and so this is one of my favorite gate options to use on really any console and this just so happens to have it built into the console next in my effects i have a combinator inserted directly onto this channel so this is going to be a multi-band compressor and so we can see that the ui for this effect plug-in is way better so we can actually go tap on the section and we can change the crossover frequency and it's just visually a whole lot easier than the x32 version of the dual combiner or the stereo combiner and so i loved using this on the x32 for a vocal but it was very hard to train someone because the ui of it just really wasn't that great the wing has definitely changed that next i have just a little bit of eq i'm not using a plug-in emulation on that but then i take all of these into my 12 to 1 ratio 1176. this thing is great i love using this on vocals i'm typically at a 12 to 1 ratio on that attack is usually at three release is usually at seven and then i'll fiddle with the input and output on this to get my gain reduction to the right spot and so then after the fader so that was pre fader there's my post fader section of where i can send it to but post fader i then put it into the pitchfix and so this is a great way of having auto-tune on board on this console without any additional external gear i have a built-in auto-tune so i have in essence i could have five plug-ins or effects inserted on this one channel so i have the pse which is an emulation i have the combinator which is using the effect rack i have this which i could go and select one of these and then i have my 1176 and a pitchfix all on one channel so that alone has just blown the x32 out of the water i would say if i was to put a number behind how much more processing power there is in the wing versus the x32 i would say there's about four and a half times more processing power in this console than there is on the x32 and mainly because you can insert in all of these emulations directly into the channel without adding any latency when we had a channel go through the effects rack on the x32 and additionally on the wing it would add latency so by having it built into the channel it's not adding any latency now this doesn't just end at the channels we can actually do this on the mix busses so i am doing this as my drums here i have my drum buss and then i have a drum compression bus or a a parallel compression bus for my drums so my drum bus i end up sending all the drums so kick snare toms hi-hat symbols all of it on the drum parallel bus i only send the snare the toms and the kick and what this does is you put it through a very very good compressor doing a lot of compression on your channel and then you do some eq to it so you boost the lows boost the highs maybe cut the mids and it just adds in this enormous sound if i was to do this with an inserted effect it would add latency and that latency would then add comb filtering to that channel so when i brought both of those up it would mess with the sound and make it sound terrible but because this is built into the channel by doing this no stressor which is the empirical labs distressor it's an emulation of that i can have all of this with no time latency added by using this compressor so that's another great portion of this the next portion of the behringer x32 and the wing debate is that the behringer x32 had 16 mono mix buses so there were 16 mono mix buses so if you wanted to have a stereo mix bus for say like a stereo in-ear or a stereo send for some reason you would have to take one and two and combine them together you'd link them well the behringer wing if we go and select our mix our bus masters has 16 stereo buses wow 16 stereo busses so that means that if you want to have your in-ear in a stereo setup all you have to do is to take one of the 16 and then if you have another band that's two of the 16 rather than four of your 16 mono on the x32 moving on with more of the buses our main bus we actually have four main buses on the wing whereas the x32 has a stereo plus mono which could be set up as a stereo plus mono or an lcr or left center right setup the behringer wing has four stereo main busses which can also be configured in a mono setup and then those can feed our matrix section so if we take a look at our mains and then tab over to our matrix we can see that we have all of our matrixes right here so we have eight matrices all stereo built into the console and one very very cool feature is on a matrix i can directly send two inputs that of my choosing directly to this matrix so i could do a mix minus if i wanted to or i could add in crowd mics into this send without actually having to take up a whole nother separate portion of the console for that my next favorite thing about the behringer wing is the user section you can actually link the left center and right fader banks into these two user buttons so we have user one and we have user two and the beauty of these is i can press user one and all of these channels will link together and i can press user two and this is a whole separate fader layout and so i can simply add these by pressing view and go to assign and so we can see all of my sections here so if i go and select user one up here i can just drag and drop all of these channels how i wish to have them additionally if i want to i can select multiple and drag them down in and it will populate all of them so if i had all of my drums that i wanted to add in i could just go select all of my drums and then drag them down in now not only do you have the ability of programming what's on your user layers but you also have the ability to program what is on your channels 1 through 12 layers so for instance if i went to my 1 through 12 i would see bass through my vocals now i have this channel 12 down here now what's fun is i can go and throw my drum vca actually let's do the vocal dca i can draw up my vocal dca right here so i have my inputs 1 through 11 here and then the very last channel is actually a dca so the ability of customizing this layout is phenomenal you can put a reverb send or a mix bus send directly next to an input directly next to a matrix directly next to a dca so the ability of controlling what's in front of you on these faders is amazing on this console one downside that the behringer wing has in comparison to the behringer x32 is this only has eight xlr inputs which are a combo jack and eight trs line level inputs which are a quarter inch jack on the output side it has eight xlr outputs and eight quarter inch outputs as well whereas the x32 the full size came with 32 inputs and 16 outputs and then six quarter inch trs inputs and six quarter inch trs outputs as well as some rca jacks so there is a downside in that if you purchase the wing you will have to purchase some aes50 stage boxes now with that being said if you already have an x32 you can use the wing and the x32 together and use your x32 as the main 32 inputs for your wing and now you have either a broadcast console or a monitor console or some other use for that console that you may have for your venue or church but if you have also purchased any stage boxes like the dl32 or the dl16 or the s16 or the s32 any of those you can get those to work with this console with just an aes50 cable so a cat5 cable it does have to be shielded and it is suggested that you have the ethercon barrel at the very end but the rj45 portion of that cable does need to have the shield on it and all the way through that cable to work correctly but with that being said if your church has an x32 and you're finding that you are at the limit to what that console can do and need a few more channels or a little bit more processing to get that epic sound from your church the behringer wing is going to be your next step and it is a very good step because all of the learning that you've done with the x32 can correspond and come over to the behringer wing and all of the input boxes and stage connection and all of that will just work with the wing my very last two points is that the expansion card on the x32 was 32 mono channels so it was 32 in 32 out and depending on which card you had would give you a usb connection to a daw on a laptop or even recording to an sd card with the x live card the behringer wing ships with the wing live card which is a dual sd card slot so it has two sd card slots on it and each card can control 32 mono channels and you can actually link sd card slot 1 and 2 and actually do 64 channels mono together at the same time which is amazing but then there is a usb 2 port on the back of the console which allows you to connect your behringer wing to a computer and have your favorite daw program running on it so such as logic reaper pro tools any of those things off of that card which allows you to have your expansion card completely free by no means is this video a comprehensive list between the differences between the x32 and the wing i'm just going to say that but these are my favorite things between the x32 and the wing and if i was a church or a venue that was at the limit of what my x32 could do in terms of processing or input and output count i would be looking at the wing it is a very great console at a very great price and it has been a joy to mix on all of the plug-in emulations that are built into the channels has been great and my mix that i've built on this thing is phenomenal in comparison to what i could get on the x32 so thank you so much for watching this video make sure to like or subscribe to my channel and make sure to check out thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 18,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer Wing, Behringer X32, Behringer Wing Tutorial, Behringer Wing Tutorials, Wing Tutorial, Wing Tutorials, Behringer Wing vs Behringer X32, Behringer X32 vs Behringer Wing, Behringer Wing Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Behringer Wing, Differences between the X32 and the Wing, Differences between the Wing and the X32
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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