Beginner's Guide to CLO Part 2 Editing: Pattern Editing Tools (Lesson 2)

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you hi everyone in the following tutorial I'm going to go through all the pattern editing tools this is a preview of what we will end up with at the end of this tutorial this tutorial is going to be 100% focused on pattern editing so we're really not going to touch anything in the 3d window all the work will be done in the 2d window so the tools I'm going to review our first the transform pattern tool edit pattern tool edit curvature edit curve point add point split line the knotch tool smooth curve slash and spread this is called slash and spread and five-point-one but as a 5.2 it'll be updated to be called fullness and there will be two versions of the tool and lastly a little bit about the trace tool will be explained and will be elaborated on more in the following tutorials if you'd like to follow along I'm going to start with a blank empty project and demonstrate how to do all of this on a set of simple squares I'm going to first import an avatar so I have a point of reference while I'm working for size I'm going to start this out by getting my rectangle tool left clicking once in the 2d window and making a rectangle box that is exactly 15 inches wide by 15 inches high I'm going to check this little icon to link my proportions and then when I adjust the width the height will adjust as well you can also make seven more shape copies and click OK after you've placed them down you can zoom out in your 2d window get your transform pattern tool and set them up so they're kind of just aligned like this sorry I actually need one more piece so I'm just gonna select my last one and do a regular copy and paste and place that down so first thing to go through is how the transform pattern tool works this allows you to select your pieces and move them around as you might have already been doing but it also allows you to resize them if you left-click on a piece you will notice a dotted box around your piece and if you hover in the corner or by these little dots in the corner on the sides you will get a double-headed arrow and it will let you resize by only one side or grabbing the corner will resize the height and width simultaneously another option you have with this tool is if you left-click on a piece you will notice a little dot in the center if you hover over this it says double click to activate pivot all of these little circles will become orange now if you edit your pattern when you extend the sides or the top and bottom the adjustment will apply to both sides and as well for grabbing the corner it will resize from every edge if you click off of your pattern piece after doing this to deselect it will have deactivated that option where you double clicked in the center so you would have to go and double click back again to do this again and then one more thing about resizing a shape using the transform pattern tool it will resize the shape as a whole if you are in the motion of resizing height or width and you do not let go of your left mouse button but you right click simultaneously you will get a transform box that lets you adjust the height by percentage or by measurements so here I can type in I want this 200% of whatever it is and hit OK I'm gonna bring that back and just make this now 50% of whatever it currently is and hit OK or you can move from one area and use the measurement option just change that one inch so you may have noticed that if I'm changing the width and right-click I only get width and also if you're changing the height and right-click you only get height if you grab from the corner and start moving them at the same time when you right-click you will have both height and width options so I'm not gonna change anything here I'm just gonna hit okay and that will let you edit your shapes a little bit more precisely when it comes to overall size and then the other thing that this tool does is it will rotate your piece around if you hover over this handle that you see at the very top left click hold and start dragging you will rotate your piece if you hold shift while you're in the middle of this rotation it will snap to 45-degree angles as you're moving when you're initially rotating you're going to be rotating around the center of the shape you can move your pivot point around this Center dot when you double-click on it and see that it turns orange you can then go click back and physically move it around on your pattern piece even to a pattern edge or corner and release and then when you go to your rotation handle the piece will be rotating around that corner so I'm going to pivot my shape and rotate it and release and it will go into this position so sometimes you may want to move things around for pattern editing but if at some point you want to get a piece back kind of upright or aligned with the X or Y axis you can do this by right-clicking on the piece and you will find rotate towards the bottom of the right-click menu and then we have X Y or parallel to that are some useful options so X I think of this as moving left and right and Y axis is moving up and down parallel to will let you choose another segment of a pattern as a reference for the angle that you are going to turn to I'll show the y-axis if I hover over this edge it gives me a preview that it will align this current segment to the y-axis and then I can left-click and it'll become upright again the parallel to option I'm going to rotate this just so it's off-kilter to show that if I need this segment for example to align parallel to an already existing other pattern segment you can right click choose rotate parallel to and then you will click on the segment that you would like to reference as where to be parallel to and then hover over another pattern segment left click and it will align this segment to that other segment so those are options for rotating pieces in your workspace I recommend holding shift a lot if you're trying to turn things just 90 degrees as you're moving that'll help you control your movements now I'm going to explain the Edit pattern tool this tool will let you select points or segments or hold shift and select multiple things at the same time it also will simply measure the length of a segment if you left click on a segment you will have it selected and you will see the total measurement hovering by the segment and also hovering by your cursor in addition if you need to know the sum of multiple edges or the total of several segments but these segments are parts of different patterns on the same edit pattern tool if you hold shift and select more than one segment the total will be hovering by your cursor so I've selected these three segments I can see their measurements separately and I can also see the total next to my cursor pointer you can grab a segment and move it or you can grab multiple segments on multiple patterns and move them simultaneously holding shift will stop you from wobbling around it will restrain your movements and give you lock guides so you can edit evenly you can also grab a segment or multiple points and move them simultaneously I'm gonna take this corner here and drop this back down I'm holding shift as I'm moving and if I just move and release my left click it will place the point down where I let go if you are in the motion of moving a segment point if you hold down your left mouse button to not release the point and simultaneously right-click your right mouse button a menu will pop up that will allow you to move that point by a specific distance so if I type in three inches this point is moving three inches from its previous location if you start moving in a direction whatever direction you start moving in when you release is what will be the positive direction if you would like this to move in the opposite direction you can go here and type negative and it will move that point three inches down I'm going to do three inches up and hit OK to place that down I mentioned that you can hold shift and you can move on a horizontal vertical or 45 degree angle axis but if you do not want to move horizontally or vertically and you actually want to move on a specific direction of a current segment angle if you left click to grab that point and hold the control key down on your keyboard for mac this would be command you will be sliding along that very specific angle of that segment and again at any time you can left-click and release or you can move in the direction that you would like to edit right-click and type in how much you would like that point to move it will change how you're moving on the X or Y X e next I'm going to explain something called clone as reference line to clone your pattern shape as a reference line it will essentially put a marking below your pattern of whatever your original shape is and then as you make edits you will see a marking of where your old shape was to first do this you are going to use the transform pattern tool right click on your pattern piece and choose clone as reference line now if you switch back to your edit pattern tool when you move this point and release or any point you will see you marking there of where your shape used to be you are able to show and hide this reference line in the 2d window by hovering over this vertical toggle menu and toggling off show reference line it will hide it and show it the next thing I'm going to explain is the Edit curvature tool when you select this tool and hover over a segment point that has no curvature if you click hold and drag you will be moving this segment with your cursor and when you release it will stay in that shape this type of curvature tool creates a curve using Bezier handles and in order to adjust the shape of this after you've created it you have to switch back to the Edit pattern tool once you click on this and then you select the segment you will see these handles for you to adjust the next thing I'm going to explain is an option called offset pattern outline if you right-click on a segment you will find the option for offset as internal line and that will allow you to offset a line that will follow the shape of the pattern edge by a specific distance and however many duplicates of that you would like you if you select two edges at the same time where there is a corner where a shape may transition if you right-click and choose offset as internal line the line that is created will transition and actually be connected at that corner as well here where I did this offset separately the lines will overlap so if you are looking for a clean transition corner select the segments at the same time and the corner will follow click ok to put that down if you would like your internal line to kind of get smaller or farther as the offsets go you'll have to do them independently so first I had two inches I might want to choose one inch and then choose okay and then right-click and offset another internal line that's only a half inch sometimes when you create internal lines the end points will not fully hit the pattern outline when they generate to clean up your pattern and either extend these ends or clip these ends what you can do is right-click on that point and you will find extend slash trim to pattern outline here I did one at a time but you can very well select a whole set of them right-click at the same time on one of them and choose extend trim to pattern outline and clean them all up at once you may have noticed when you right-click there are two different options that are similar extend term to pattern outline and extend trim and add point to pattern outline to demonstrate this I'm just going to draw two internal lines on the pattern and then I'm gonna switch back to my edit pattern tool you can do this to a segment and it'll extend both ends if you choose extend and trim to pattern outline when they hit the edge they will not break the pattern edge if you choose the option to extend trim and add point it will break the pattern apart so we recommend using this more often and avoiding breaking the pattern apart if you don't have to if you break the edges and you want to sew them together after you'll end up having to used spree sewing to get through the points so generally keep your pattern edges as clean as possible whenever you're creating and editing I'm gonna demonstrate offset and turn a line on a curved edge now just to show you that if a curve gets very tight and the offsets increase and get very large you might find issues like this if you encounter this while you're trying to make some large offsets at some tight corners just reduce the number to the one where it's not getting distorted and then hit okay and put that down and then go to that last offset select them and continue offsetting the internal lines and you should be able to continue so the next thing I'm going to demonstrate is the Edit curve point tool this tool works by left-clicking and it puts curve points on your pattern edge curve points are different from Bezier handles we're busy and handles restrict you to one high and one low if you use curve points you can have as many curved areas as you like and if you do try and put a curve point have a segment that has been created using Bezier handles so just be mindful that you can edit curved points with the curvature tool but if you try and add curved points to a curvature edge it's going to remove the shape completely and force you to use the curved point tool you the curve point tool will also multi-select points and let you move them it will allow you to right-click on a point and convert it to a segment point when you do this it does not lose the shape of the curve what it will do is place the segment point down but it will add additional curve points to the shape on the left and the right in order to hold what you had already made if you are on the edit pattern tool and you grab a point and just left-click and start dragging and moving it you'll notice that the curve points all move with it and your shape or your curved area will get distorted if you need to move where you do not affect the curve points behind your selected point if you hold the letter D down on your keyboard it will stabilize those curve points so this point and nothing behind it will move freehand it moves holding the D key down it stabilizes this so you can very well hold D and simultaneously hold ctrl to continue on a very specific X E and then not move any of the curve points you and then it will select single points and delete them you can multi-select and delete more than one point or if you are on the edit pattern tool any segment that has a bunch of curve points on it already any segment that has several curve points on it if you right-click on the segment you are going to find delete all curve points as an option and that will remove all of the curve points on that segment and bring it back to completely straight I'm going to just go ahead and put my curve points back in [Music] get a little curved shape to keep editing so the next thing I'm going to show is cut or cut and so to demonstrate this I am going to draw some internal lines just through the shape and if you use the edit pattern tool and right-click on one of these segments you will find the option to cut cutting will separate the piece but no sewing will be applied and if you right-click and choose cut and sew it will separate the piece but sewing will automatically be applied one other detail about this cut and sew feature if your segment hits one of the edges but does not hit the other side of your pattern if you right-click and choose cut or cut and sew it will separate your piece and slice into your pattern if your line does not hit the pattern edge at all when you choose cut or cut and so you will get an error message fail to cut some patterns in turtle lines must intersect the pattern outline so these points must fully hit the pattern edge in order to do this using that extend slash trim to pattern outline option will allow you to quickly correct any internal lines if you're trying to use that option so they completely hit the pattern edge you the next tool I'm going to go through is add point split line so at point split line is the tool that puts these black segment points down if you hover over an edge you will notice it gives you a little preview of the measurements that you can see as you're hovering and dividing if you freely left-click you will be placing that point down exactly where you click there are some precision options with this tool where instead of left clicking if you hover and right-click you will get a few options to split in different ways the first one I'm going to explain is the simplest way which is uniform split if you select this you will then be able to just decide how many segments you want your piece split in to and it will evenly divide that one segment into 4 more segments whatever the measurement may be you can hit OK to place that down the next option is to right-click and place your point down by a specific distance from another already existing point whenever you do this where you initially right-click creating a shorter distance versus a longer distance the shorter is which will show up in yellow and the longer is what will show up in blue so I'll just hit cancel and demonstrate that if I were to hover at the other end of this segment and right-click the shorter distance being over here is what would initially be in yellow I could very easily go in and just type longer number in there whatever you need then hit OK to place that down I'll just add another one that's 2 inches from that end and then the remaining option for add point split line hover over this free edge we have left right-click and the middle option called split by length does the following if you type in a concentrated segment length and increase the number of segments you will be able to change where that little cluster of segments is placed current is where you initially right clicked reverse will place it at the opposite end and then Center will move it to the center I'm going to click OK and put that set down if you have points already breaking up different segments if you use your edit pattern tool and select more than one segment even if it turns a corner or something when you go to the add point split line tool you are able to hover and right click and place a point from a specific distance between this entire area that you have selected so it will kind of disregard the points that are there and not even see them when you're doing this division amongst these areas then you can hit okay to put that down if you've done this so just be also mindful what sometimes happens is that you really don't want to be having more than one thing selected and you do and then when you right-click it's not distributing it how you need so if that ever happens take a look at how many areas are selected and you can hit cancel deselect and then go back to that tool to do the action again next I'm going to move to the knotch tool really because it works almost exactly the same in all ways as the ad point split line tool but by placing a notch down instead so our first option will be just too freely left click and it will put a notch down wherever I clicked if you hover on a segment and right-click you will get the same three options so first I'm going to choose uniform split and evenly divide this segment in just six areas you can hit OK to place that down the next option will be to hover right-click and place your knotch by a specific distance either from one end or the other and then lastly hover right-click and split by length the middle option will do the same thing as the add point split line tool I can add one inch concentration of segments in the center reverse or current area that I'm clicking and those will place down the other options that you have with the knotch tool is to right-click on an existing knotch and you can either delete it or add a point to the knotch so notches are seen by the sewing tools you don't have to break them up in order to sew with them but there may be times when you would like a point where your notch is for either editing purposes or maybe grading purposes so right-clicking or selecting several notches right clicking and choosing add point will do that delete will clearly get rid of your notch or you can left-click to select it and hit delete on your keyboard you can also select a bunch of them and hit delete on your keyboard so next I'm going to show you the smooth curve tool if you grab this tool you so now I'm going to show you the smooth curve tool this tool has a couple different functions if you are on the tool the first basic thing that it does is just round off a corner by left-click holding and dragging as you're moving you'll see a preview it will clip that corner into a nice smooth curve second option you have with this tool is if you are in the middle of this motion and you do not let off of your left mouse button you keep your finger down to hold that movement and simultaneously right click a box will appear that allows you to one link or unlink these two rounded corner legs so here I can select that linked icon and when I change it to four inches here the other side changes or I can unlink this and control each leg independently and then this section below called curvature percentage it will do this if you select it and move this little toggle bar to the left it will invert the curve and then when you hit OK that curve will be more of like a bite taken out of the corner this tool will also allow you to swap a segment with a new curve segment doing the following just for reference I'm gonna take the add point split line tool and break up this curve a little bit and like distort the shape if you use the smooth curve tool click on this corner click on this other corner and then your cursor says set the side that will be replaced with the reference line so as you hover here it's going to see the starting and ending location of that line that you drew click on that then you're gonna go back to your reference line click hold and drag when you release it's going to replace that old jagged edge with the newer smooth curve that you just drew over this line if you don't hold anything at all and you just click drawing a straight line whichever edge you click on next and then click back on that reference line it's going to swap the pattern outline with that new edge you so again I'll just do a drag inward I'll give a right click maybe change my distance and invert my curve a little bit you and hit okay to put that down so the next editing function that I want to show is something called offset pattern outline it's built right into the Edit pattern tool if you select a segment or more than one segment right click on that segment you're gonna find something called offset pattern outline now when you click on that is going to leave your existing edge as a baseline or as an internal line and you can extend that area however far you want the other option that you have is to change how the extension is finishing or mitering by going to this area at the bottom and choosing extend or mirror or perpendicular I'm gonna choose extend as the option and then hit OK you can also click on these options when you use this offset pattern outline what cloade does is it puts a marking where your original pattern edge was but it's not a marking that can be used with the Edit pattern tool markings that are purple like this are called baselines they sometimes generate when you do pattern edits to leave you a reference but they can also come in with DXF files that are imported that are created in either another 2d CAD or illustrator or somewhere else to activate this line when you are using the offset pattern outline option when you check this function on called create internal line when you hit okay it's going to leave an internal marking where that baseline is just for your reference this internal line is on top of a baseline if you were to move that and turn a line you would see the baseline below this is totally fine the baseline is really kind of null and void none of the sewing tools can touch it or the editing tools can't really do anything with it so if it's below an internal line that's completely fine if you have a baseline and you actually need it to become an internal line the trace tool will allow you to do this sometimes you have them and you need to activate them if you get on this tool left click and hit enter going to turn that baseline into an internal line that you can then use edit pattern with so these two sections that have a little corner if you trace them out separately click 1 and then hit enter and then select the other and then hit enter this little area where they have a connection will not actually be connected when you see overlapping points and they kind of are white or open on the inside that means that they are not joined if you were to left-click on that area Clos would give you a drop-down asking you which of these points you would actually like to select this point for example that is filled in and dart if you click on this it is one connected segment point that moves together so to join these points you simply have to be on the edit pattern tool you can marquee over them right-click and then choose join overlapping points the reason why you would want to do this is because the sewing tool will only bypass points that are connected you just to demonstrate how to divide your points apart if you use the edit pattern tool right-click on that segment point you will have divided internal points this brings me back to this state where they are separate points and they are not connected I'm gonna put that back with control Z and just quickly demonstrate that the sewing tool cannot move through it so joining or dividing overlapping points is something you will do using the Edit pattern tool through the right-click menu by right clicking on the point you next I'm going to demonstrate how to use the slash and spread tool I'm also going to demonstrate the update that is coming with the 5.2 release currently in 5.1 there is only one tool or one version of the slash and spread tool it is now going to be called fullness and we will have the option for fullness point which is kind of like point-to-point and fullness along a line which will allow you to evenly add fullness throughout different sections of the pattern and flounce your shape so first I'm going to explain fullness point this is the same thing as slash and spread in 5.1 now called fullness and 5.2 if you have no markings on your pattern for where you would like to add fullness this tool works where you left-click on the edge of a pattern and you will have this line attached to your cursor then you move to the other end of a pattern and left-click you now just kind of dictated your slashing point the top section will be where your pattern pivots and the bottom wherever the arrow shows is where your pattern will spread apart now the next step after I put this last click down is to select which side of the pattern that I would like to rotate I am going to left-click you only have to left-click on the inner fleshy part of the pattern you don't have to aim for the points or segments simply left-click and then the piece or section will be attached to your cursor as you're moving around at any point you can left click and you will freely place this down but if instead in the middle of the action you right-click you will be able to spread that bottom area by a specific distance so here I can type in 3 and hit OK now I'm going to show another option for using this same type of fullness point or in 5.1 is called slash and spread but by first creating evenly distributed markings for where I would like my fullness to go before I do this I'm going to make a duplicate of this square because I need it for one more example if you're following along go to your transform pattern tool select this piece you can do copy and paste the shortcuts are also really good to use control-c and control-v and place that down below this set so first step is to get these markings on my pattern to do that we're going to use the Edit pattern tool and if you select two segments that are parallel to each other or you will find distribu internal line between segments when you click this option you will be able to increase the amount of offsets in between these two lines by default it evenly spaces them apart but if for some reason you wanted to move their spacing or move it in one direction or the other this offset and distance to segment edge will allow you to do this and then these options here will really let you actually just switch if you're offsetting from the current selection or if your lines are perpendicular between these graduated segment lengths won't be an option in this example because both sides are the same length this will make a difference if one side is shorter than the other when you start your selection so I'm just going to hit OK to put these segments down and when you have internal lines that are already on your pattern the tool will see them and really kind of want to use them you'll notice that depending on which end of the segment you hover towards the arrow will follow you so that arrow is going to show you where it's going to spread open from kind of like we saw before so I can instead of having to click on the first point and the second point I can just left click on the segment and then next I will select which side I would like to rotate I'm gonna left click to grab right click and then type in a specific distance you can use angle as well if you know that and hit OK I have one tip for using the slash and spread tool if you intend to spread a bunch of sections that are right next to each other in your pattern start from the outside and work your way in to the center so here I started on the very far right I'm gonna demonstrate what happens if you don't start on the outside part but instead you start on the inside but you have markings that you intend to use after this first one if you left-click and start moving this side and then left-click to put it down these two internal lines that were there don't move with the rotating pattern so I needed to use these again to continue spreading but now my lines have kind of become distorted I'm going to hit control Z and backspace to undo that and just show you that if instead I start from the outermost section and do that part first the lines on the other side don't shift and then I can continue and used my next marking I do lose the placement of this one but since I've already used that to spread what I needed over here it's okay for this process of slashing and spreading so the last option I want to show you and this works for both the free-handed slash and spread version or the version where you're already using an internal line if you simply left-click on that line and then instead of clicking on a side of your pattern you click again on that slash point line it will do this so it will keep that slash point stable and actually move the patterns out from both sides then you can left-click to put that down but be mindful of where you need your markings to be after each movement because these don't move with it so now that I've done this work I can very easily clean up my pattern so I don't have all these leftover markings and get rid of this unevenness with the curved areas an action I like to use is if you right-click in the background of the 2d window you're gonna find lock all the pattern outlines and that locks the patterns so none of these tools can grab them or move the outline and then I'm gonna switch to the trace tool because I have both baselines and internal lines and the Edit pattern tool will not see or be able to select or click on the base line but the trace tool is able to select both internal lines and base lines so if I just switch to trace marquee the entire area then you can marquee select the area hit delete on your keyboard and it will remove all of those lines and then right-click back in your 2d window and and choose unlock all pattern outlines that will unlock your patterns so you can then edit them again and then there are several options for cleaning up edges like this while you're doing pattern work one really simple one is converting these segment points to curve points if you right-click on a segment point you'll find convert to curve point and that takes the point but changes it to a curve point you can do one at a time or you can do several of them at a time just make sure that when you're doing this you're not choosing integral corner areas of your patterns right click convert to curve point so that will smooth that out and another thing that I will do sometimes because ideally you can get a really similar shape with only a few kerb points I could convert all of these points that I see here to curve points right now but it's really far more than I actually need I'm going to delete all of the points and reshape this with only one or two curve points but before I do this I would like to get a stamp or a visual of where my original shape was using this option called clone as reference line get the transform pattern tool right click on your pattern and clone as reference line that now put a marking below my pattern so when I go in and delete all of these points I can see where that line was about before I made this edit and then I can go back in now with my edit curve point tool and use this as a really clean guide to reshape that that is option one to demonstrate option two I'm going to ctrl Z or edit undo to get all of those points back at the bottom edge the other option you have is using the smooth curve tool I kind of demonstrated this before but here's a good example where you can use it from the internal to swap the outside edge click the side you want to eliminate then click on that line that you drew first hold and drag outward you can even zoom in and out while you're doing this as long as you don't let go of your left mouse button you won't release the shape until you get what you see get close to your reference and then release the black line that you see here is the reference line that I cloned before to remove that from your pattern afterwards you can go to the transform pattern tool right click on your pattern piece and then we have delete reference line that will remove that marking and now our pattern is nice and smooth the last version of slash and spread that I'm going to show is the update to 5.2 that's called fullness line so with this tool it says click on a start and end points to select the fullness line so I'm going to click at this corner move to this end and then click again and then it says click on a start and end end points to select the slash line so that I'm going to click at this corner and move to this side once I click on that last area this box is going to pop up and the first line that you highlighted or selected is going to be the fullness line and the second one is going to be the slash line in the fullness area I can type in 30 so that just made this edge that was originally 15 moved to 30 and then this one at the bottom is still 15 so that stays that shape and this will curve I'm going to bring this back to 15 and put the 30 in this area the direction you can jump between end start or both and it will change where the fullness is distributed from so all of these previous versions of slash and spread that I showed you we're very manual this is a new update that will help automate adding fullness to different areas with different amounts so I'm going to hit OK and you're going to see the shape change and then it leaves behind a baseline where your original shape used to be if you want to get rid of that you can switch to the trace tool hold shift or marquee select if you can be careful and not grab corners of your pattern and then hit delete on your keyboard I'm gonna make one more square of 15 inch by 15 inch squared I haven't been moving around in the 3d window this whole time I'm gonna move out just so we can see what's happening here I have my patterns organized like this in the 2d window I'm gonna hit reset 2d arrangement so that will all update just for the sake of learning editing and all the different ways you can edit your patterns the 3d window hasn't really been too necessary at the moment but I have wanted to keep it open the last detail about the new fullness option that I want to show you is that you don't have to start and stop at corners you can start and end anywhere and go in any direction that really doesn't matter the start is the first line that you clicked on and the slash line is the second line that you clicked on so here I can type in nine inches there and change my fullness in all different ways for shapes like this that are like a flounce piece or have a really unique shape if you want to lengthen them or sure in them this option called offset pattern outline I showed this briefly on a shape that's kind of placed above I showed the extend option but there's also a retract option it will instead retract the pattern outline but maintaining the shape of the perpendicular lines you you one really last little detail I'm going to go through is the right-click options that we find in the Edit pattern tool if you just right-click on a point so the first one is delete which you can also achieve by regular selection and by hitting Delete on your keyboard the next one is lock point this will be available as of 5.2 release if you're in 5.1 it's not an option yet when you click lock it actually makes this point uneditable so if you don't want these points to be moved at all while other parts may be edited you can lock these and ensure that they don't accidentally get clicked on and move or if it's a file that's being shared between teams someone can open up a file look at this section and realize that they are not allowed to edit these sections so it can be used in that way as well the next option is add notch so that is kind of the opposite of the knotch tool where you can right-click on a notch and choose add point you can also right-click on a point and choose add notch and then the next one is add dart so the add dart tool essentially just cuts a triangular shaped area out of the edge of your pattern you can change it by total width or by half of the dart with if that's what you work with and the length you can see is measured by that blue line on the pattern when you hit OK it cuts this area out of your pattern which is fine because for dart closures we kind of treat it like seam allowance where we just cut that excess that gets sewn closed out and the tool automatically shows this section together next I'm gonna show a dart with fullness this is also a feature that won't be available until 5.2 release so if you're in 5.1 won't find it 5.2 this will be available this version is more of a traditional dart manipulation and it works as follows once you click it you're going to have what almost seems like the slash and spread tool attached to your cursor and you just move to another side of your pattern left click then by your cursor it gives you the direction to select side to add Dart so this is the side that's going to move and shift as you build the dart in I'm going to click this lower part of the area and then once you click that you will be reading and opening this pattern you can left-click to put it down immediately or you can right click to spread your dart by a very specific distance so I'm going to type in just like a very small dart of one inch wide and then you can actually control the length so the length originally is going to be the entire part of the pattern but here I can control where the tip of the dart finishes and it's still going to move that side of the pattern open I can hit OK and it's going to put that dart down so again the right-click version of dart just kind of chops a section of your pattern out the version of dart with fullness will shift your pattern around as you're adding that dart in that I'll show it one more time without the right-click version I dart with fullness you'll get this line click the edge of your pattern choose the side you want to move if I left click instead of right-clicking now to use precision I'm just gonna left-click and freely place this down then you're gonna have the dart link as the last step to left-click freely and confirm you can left click or you can right click and add the length by a specific measurement as well all of these dart options are available to you to to manipulate your patterns and create stuff so last but not least is the right-click option for add perpendicular internal line when you select this XY or local it will create an internal line that generates off of that point so local will give you a 90 degree angle you can type in the finish link that you need and in this case because we are at a pattern edge refer to opposite segment doesn't work and then the last option is both that will generate an internal line on both sides at that point refer to opposite segments is for when you're using this at a corner I'm gonna use internal polygons to just draw a little L square because that's where this option is the most useful go back to edit pattern right click on this corner so we have one segment side and we have the other over here so when you choose add perpendicular internal line this will change if the segment is extending from this vertical internal line or from this horizontal line so if you click on that and watch over here you'll notice it jumps from one direction or the other and again I can always land on one and go and type a finished length before I hit OK so those are all your options for ad perpendicular internal line so that concludes the entire pattern editing section this is not the end though there's an entire section after this about extraction and then a tutorial about how to draft an entire body pattern and it'll be combining all of these editing tools that this tutorial goes through and you can check below for links to other related tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: CLO
Views: 59,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CLO3D, CLO, 3D, Virtual, Fashion
Id: 2txgDjHsXIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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