CLO 5.1 Version New Features Webinar (US)

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okay yeah I think we're live okay great well hello everyone and thank you so much for joining us for the five point one webinar we have a lot of exciting features to showcase I'm gonna be kicking this off first primarily covering some graphics a lot of the rendering additions and then I'll switch off to Isabel who will be showing you guys different UX updates avatars 2d 3d tools as well as materials so without without further ado I'll just jump right into it oh yeah excuse me and if you guys have any questions throughout the webinar feel free to use the chat and we'll try to address as many as we can and hopefully we'll have some time remaining as well towards the end of the webinar to address any topics you guys are curious about so yeah let's begin first I'm gonna I'm going to share with you guys some updates with the graphics so okay so this one is in regards to overlapping graphics so if you have two graphics that are overlaying on top of each other just wait for that to kick in okay so now if you have graphics that are on top of each other and you select them you'll now get this window that asks you which one to select and I know a lot of you have been asking for that because previously you would have to select them you know move it to the side to select but now you'll have that window to easily select each individual graphic which is quite nice as well as if you're moving graphics so now you could just simply drag it to another pattern and that graphic will be applied you no longer have to copy and paste it on to another and that's pretty much all I have for graphics but while we're on this I think it's a nice segue into displacement maps and I know a lot of you have been asking about that capability and let me demonstrate how you do that okay so if you want to apply a displacement map on to a graphic that property lives within your property within the graphics property editor here so if I were to go about using a displacement map to protrude this graphic out you can upload the map so I'll just find mine okay and a displacement map looks sort of like this it's just really a black and white image and the white part of the graphic is what protrudes out and the black just remains flat so if I apply that map you're gonna see all the different types of properties which I'll go through the amount is basically how much it's it's lifting so let me just load that up to show you what's going on okay okay so you have an idea what's going on it's a little rough initially and that's because the particle distance is quite high so if you change the particle distance to a lower number that just increases the geometry I see okay so I just realized that the dimension of my displacement map did not match this image here so that's why it was coming off off-centered so I think that's a that's a good thing to point out make sure your maps are consistent with the bounding volume of your original image so I'll go ahead and reapply the correct one in here okay so there it is I'll go ahead and load my displacement map and let me get that render preview open okay so you could see how the graphic is elevated and I'm gonna go back to those properties by selecting my graphic again if you lower the particle distance you'll increase the geometry count which will give little smoother results you know preventing these more jagged edges this is the the amount it protrudes out I'd suggest referencing in our online manual we will link you in the chatroom now but this this has great visuals on the different parameters that you can adjust but the one I wanted to mention here is is how the the height is organized so if you take this image for instance if you had the value the amount at 10 gray would be 5 and black would be 0 so you can you could specify different heights within the normal map for this it's simply just black and white so anything that's why it is gonna lift up so the image I used is just just pull it up over here so it's it's literally just that in infer of the of the graphic I used however you can also apply Gauss and blurs to smooth out the edges so let me apply this to show you the difference and in order to prep the this image type I did do it in Photoshop you cannot do the Gaussian blur within Clos but that's kind of the effect you get so you'll notice you have a lot smoother edges on the side so there's also shift here so if I if I increase the amount now let's say five or something so you'll notice sometimes there's some distortion with the geometry depending on how far you lift your displacement maps so shift essentially kind of sinks it back in so if I use a negative value let's try that I'll probably have to do more than that let's say like negative one it will sink the graphic back in to kind of hide those those jagged edges so you could you just you till eyes the shift function for that reason and a positive value would would even lift it up so if you have you know situation where you want something elevated off of the surface you can also do that as well and then clipping I will demonstrate with another texture image so I'm going to replace my texture with a slightly different one okay so the one woman to use this time is a graphic that has a background the one prior was a PNG image but you can also use graphics with backgrounds and you can use clipping to essentially remove that background so I have the same graphic just with with the white behind it and then I'll I'll reimburse me Matt you okay so it comes in like that obviously that's not ideal so with the clipping function you can input your value and anything excuse me okay so anything below I'm just gonna pull up that image okay so how it works anything below that threshold will remove it so the value in that example they're using is 0.1 the reason why you could still see the white I'm guessing is because I'm using the one with Gaussian blur so if I used this regular one here I may have different results okay so that's a little better you can still see the white subtly you can just up that value and you can hide it to an extent with the clipping function okay so also a nice improvement with the render is that there is material syncing capabilities so right now my render preview is active and if I were to change the color of this shirt I no longer have to stop the render and refresh I could just do it from this window and it will update my my changes this works for materials and colors just try that one more time okay so if I were to go about changing the color yeah and in this lag I'm experiencing could be from the streaming but I think it just did it right there so yeah if you change the material types or the colors it will update in the render window like it's doing now so that's that's really convenient also within your materials we've had fur for a while but now we've included presets for the fur so I'm gonna close my window here so within fur we've now provided you presets for you to select from before you would have to just customize it yourself but now there's a lot of options that you can utilize including raw edge denim for those of you who've you know been looking forward to that we're all excited to to have that option as well and within the fur presets we've also included a gravity portion so the more gravity essentially you apply the more the fur kind of droops down and lays closer to the material face okay I'll just change that back okay so I'm gonna go ahead and open the render once more it looks like I changed that jacket to fur when I was demonstrating so I'm gonna switch that back and this the material that's applied to this jacket is now as the Sherpa fleece that we have in our fabric library and you could find all those fur ones I mentioned here as well so different Sherpa qualities and the fur here okay so within the render a couple of couple updates and the settings if you go to image and video properties within in turntable images you can now specify the image count to two so if you just want a front and back render of your garment you can select that here also within the sizes so the pics the pixel dimensions here you can now specify the pixels per inch prior to that you would have to use one of the the presets down below to get that to Papa but now you could just specify it from any of these dimensions and then lastly on the bottom you can you can either save your project with a with the project name itself or type in your own custom name so hopefully that helps you guys organize your render outputs easier okay so we got some new stuff and the light light properties here within environment map so me look through our assets here okay it looks like I use a custom HDR here but when you click on these four squares we give you guys new presets so you can use low medium high contrast HDRI files so you don't have to download from outside resources so we've gone ahead and provided you with those within here locked to camera essentially locks the environment map to the camera so if you any of you have experienced the back view of your garment a little dimmer than the front that's because the lighting was only pointed towards the front so now when you select locked with lock with camera it'll shift with that direction so your garment will be lit the same in all different perspectives and then there's show so you can actually see your HDR images so I got a turn on my preview okay so when I turn that on you could see here my HDRI background so you can see where the lights coming from so if you guys have the background image here you could view that so let me see if I could find one in here okay so I think I have a few on hand personally on the fan of Venice sunset and like I mentioned the background will kick in so you can stylize your render okay I'm gonna go back to contrast the high contrast is one of the defaults we give you and you know Gibbs gives the gives the file really nice like rim light and is well lit with you know good shadowing effects so play around with those and you can increase the light maximum to ten thousand now which is kind of excessive but that's just here so you know you can either input that number in the rectangular light or I'm sure you guys some of you are familiar that there is a lighting material preset here that you can also input okay and then um I'm actually gonna open up another file here one thing one really big update that I'm excited for is the capability of rendering animations so I'm going to open another file here okay bear with me guys I think my window just opened up on the second monitor so I'm just waiting for it to load here okay all right so that kicked in so this is a file I had already pre animated I'm not gonna have you guys you know sit here and wait for it to render but basically you import your animation file so in here you could see I used a mix mo one and you record the simulated garment in tandem with that animation file so when this file is ready you would have two bars here so one for the mix mo file and then one for the recorded garment that essentially overlays on top of the avatar and once you do that you would go into render and then an image and video you would select animation and there's a couple options for animation well for for one you can render all the colorways if you have multiple colorways of your project region is in regards to to the duration so the entire region is the whole animation whereas if you selected play region that would be if I specified like what part to record and you can do that by just dragging over this blue bar here and you could specify exactly like what portion you wanted to to render then you would select save video and specify your frames per second and then at the bottom here you do have some options for which video output to use and then once you do that so I've already pre done it for you all so you get a bunch of images of the animation itself so you can have all these renders along with the video so it looks something like this drag it over here okay so this is the rent and the render I did so you end up with something like that so yeah this really opens a lot of possibilities and I've been personally loving this feature okay so that covers it for rendering for the most part there is one other thing I'd like to mention as a lot of a lot of people have asked for it I'm gonna delete these garments here okay so let's say that's my outfit and if if you apply top stitching you can now export that top stitching in your obj UV coordinates so those of you who are exporting out your textures you can now bake the top stitch textures onto it so I'm just gonna darken this up so you all can see a little better okay so something like that and then you would go about file export a bj and give it a name okay so you would select unified UV coordinates unified texture and then we've also included the save with absolute texture image file path okay just that out okay so now you can see there is topstitch the resolution is a little shoddy but there is the top stitch outline here so that'll save a lot of you all time who've been exporting your textures out and that kind of wraps it up for my portion of the webinar and so I'll be switching it off to Isabel so look what do we do we have some stuff for the okay so so some of you asked about what the shift function is in displacement map so I'll just quickly revisit that before I pass it off okay okay so shift I'm gonna change my value here okay so shift is what moves the displacement map so if it's at a positive value it moves the whole thing forward like literally lifts the graphic off as opposed to the amount which just raises it from the the face of the fabric so if I do even a more dramatic value its its raising off of the garment so what I was mentioning earlier is utilize shift to kind of hide this distress here so and that would be a negative value and a negative value would sink it in right so you can hide that kind of clipping going on with with that value hopefully that's a little more helpful okay so I'm gonna hand it off to Isabel hello everyone hopefully you guys can all hear me just comment in the chat if the volume level changes and you need a little more volume from me as Tim boat mentioned I'm gonna go through the rest of the new features basically some updates and different votes the avatars and assets in the new library and 2d 3d and material features kind of all interspersed so let's get started um first thing I'm gonna do is take you into emulator mode so this is our people who are digitizing their own fabrics so you'll be familiar with this we've made a couple of improvements here one of which is this button enter all values so a lot of people were asking to not have to go through each page here but just enter all the values on one page so that button now exists and also as a way to improve our accuracy of drape we have added a bending test to the bias so a bias bending test and that's it for updates in the emulator I'm going to jump now to modular mode so here I have my modular configurator so if you have it if you don't have but it's over here off to the side so anyone that's used modular mode will be familiar you now have a folder folder next to your Mezen women's blocks so man and woman and here is a folded shirt so we've created a folded shirt to put for you you have two options on the color stand shape so this is gonna be like a packaged folded shirt we've gotten a lot of requests for this so it's going to come in on the floor so I'm just going to look at it from above basically it works like all of our other modular mode options just double clicking into these choices so plackets collars you can choose if you have a pleat on the back how many pleats in your sleeve the sleeve in the cuff are gonna come in over here kind of fold it across a garment that's just sort of the standard for this type of packaged shirt and then lastly you have options to add a pocket or a tie you'll notice these symbols here basically if you don't want a pocket or tie you don't need to worry about adding them but the reason that these exist is if you do add one of these and you like to remove it it's better for you to double click that symbol as opposed to just deleting the pattern that's gonna affect the modular relationship whereas here I can take that pocket away you'll notice in the template there is a frozen it'll look blue probably this frozen rectangle there's two of these these are essentially acting as your cardboard that a shirt is folded around so if this ever gets in way and you don't want to see it just right click on it and hide the 3d pattern so the shirting template is totally customizable as any other modular garment we have I'll show you an example that I made this is just a render of one that I did so you can see I've customized a bit of the collar shape and added my own labeling placket label even a size sticker so I really didn't need to even simulate this at all the garment is meant to come in like very crisp and just so as opposed to the need to actually fold the shirt in BD so the beauty of this is that it's crisp and perfect so I either put things in here with my gizmo or in the case of this sticker I just sew it to my garment and superimposed we're just testing some things on on the mic right now apparently I sound really deep I don't have a naturally deep voice but if it sounds like that then alrighty so another mode change is going to be in print layout mode I'll just go straight there from here you may have known in the past that print layout mode would have been grayed out and not accessible if you had not yet added a fabric do your garment so here I have all of my fabrics are default and I'm still able to get into print layout mode so this is a new feature that we have added for you cool I'm gonna go back into simulation and I'm just going to make myself a new a new file so I'm going to show you guys all of the additions to the asset library so mostly to the avatars you'll see firstly you may see that you have this little n symbol next to your download button that just means there are new assets you haven't yet downloaded so one shift that we've made is in order we've added so many assets to the library and we can anticipate continuing to add more so we want to make the download of the software as fast possible for you and we understand most people don't need every single asset so now we're allowing you to choose what you'd like to see so you can see I have some new things in my mail folders and I can go into those I know they're in mypos folder and if I want to download them I can actually check these little boxes here and download things individually or if you hit this checkbox you can choose to download everything that's in this folder so it just gives you a little bit more of a choice and customization and how much stuff you have in your library so you'll notice now we've grouped our avatars into five folders so we have male and female versions one and two and then a folder for kids the versions one will be a little familiar to you so we have in the winds folder Anna and Kelly so the version ones both male and female also come with some default animations so you can now use these with the new animation writer feature we also added some new in some new avatar so version two are some new people we have fifi grace so we have like Mara's pretty familiar but she has changed a bit so different skin tones different looks and we've added a bunch of hairstyles so all the avatars have access to the same hair new shoe options we've added some pose options oh not just the standard tee and attention pose but also some fashion poses and some poses that are specifically used for fit so we've provided these for you guys to check the fit of your garments so I'm just gonna bring in one of the new avatars this is CV and one of the really exciting things we added is a sense folder so these are a bunch of ASTM standards we have Missy curvy and straight petite curvy and straight and plus curved and straight and then you'll see at the bottom this is the clawed default size so the way you can use these is actually just a double click into them and she will change so let's see some plus Plus curvy and one of the things that we've provided for you guys with the plus size is in the pose folder there is an actual plus folder so we've provided this to give you a little bit of room in terms of arrangement you know of course like most of us do not have a thigh gap but we want to provide this of course for 3d is a lot easier if you can just space the avatar out of course that's why we build things with our arms and tipos so we provided these for you for building purposes and then you can pose her back in a natural pose after building your garment so in the guid folder you will find there's a toddler sized child this is going to be good for your size as he - up to about six and then we have a male and female child for sizes seven up to 20 so like bigger kids and these are all three editable in our Avatar editor which our children's avatar was not editable before so that's a new feature so running off of that I'm going to go into the changes on our Avatar editor so there have been a lot of improvements to the Avatar editor the first thing I want to point out that you'll notice is are the three options now for inputting your specs so basic still exists we intend this or people that have minimal specs and don't have the full array and so they can just do it at a basic level and the main thing that's changed is we now have advanced human body versus dress form so the main difference between these is just how the measurements are taken so our previous spec sheet was based on the standard for dress forms and a lot of those measurements are difficult to take from the human body and we got a lot of feedback that people don't have those measurements they're fit model or their own body so we've made the human body measurements a little bit easier so things like high and low hip will come from the waist waist will be measured down from the neck the sweeper arm length will be measured from center back so we've just basically revised this to be more in sync with a standard way people measure and then one of the main changes for the female avatars is that we have made the under bus the anchor point up here instead of the bust which allows you to actually increase the bust much more significantly without affecting her body below so you can see she just has the chance to get a much larger bust now so those are the main changes and I think using the human body if you were having any issues with the heights and getting issues with her posture those will be alleviated if you start using a human body spec sheet one minor change that we've made is we've added some guides like inseam if you select the inseam you will see the guide of where that measures to I recommend editing your avatar when she's skinning flat on the floor because it's easier to tell what this is marking but essentially the encima going all the way to the floor when she's not wearing shoes so that's just a guide to help you see that and as with all the others when you select them you'll see what the guide is showing where is being measured from lastly with the avatar if you go into your x-ray joints which is how we pose our avatars and you select a joint you're going to see this little person icon in the top right corner if you select it it will turn blue and this is going to allow you to adjust her symmetrically so if you want to move the left and right arm or leg in the same way you can just click this little guy and then um one last asset in the library is an addition to the hangar folder we have added kid hangars for all of the adult hangars that he had we now have a smaller children's version of that cool I'm now going to get straight into a bunch of the 2d tools so the first tool I'll show you guys is the new P om tool they're located up here you have your Edit point of measure and your point of measure so you'll see I've actually already created some in here just give them a second to pop up so here they are you have a new tab in your object browser called PLM so basically what this is is an internal spec sheet within Clos and you use the P OM tool to create these so I've created some here when you select it you will see which p om it is it highlights in yellow and I can actually name this now so in order to create a PLM you want to use this tool here and you're just gonna start clicking on the points that you want to add and then you just double click to end so you can see I can actually go across multiple pattern pieces so here would be my half hit measurement my high hip flat so depending on whether or not you measure in circumference or flat you can choose to go all the way across your garment and you can do your circumference measure as well this is really great because you can actually just go across any pattern piece so here I could do my sleeve length from Center doc and you'll see while this is highlighted I get the total length and then I get the length of just this line so now I can see this is my sleeve length from Center doc thirteen point two seven five and though my sleeve length from shoulder point is five point six eight six so that's how your PLM tool works after you name these all out you have the option to save here it's gonna create a little Excel spreadsheet and I'll just show you I've made one in advance so this is one that I created before so these are all my descriptions it numbers them for me and this is how they came in and just to show you guys I created a separate column all I had to do was highlight these and format them in the SL so it's gonna come in to the decimal point it shows and glow and then just by formatting in Excel you can choose like how you want to round that out and if you wanted to be fractions or decimals or whatever and if I was in centimeters it would come out that way as well so in order to get rid of these if you don't want to view them anymore under the info tab it's just this ruler will hide and show the POS and in 3d under the garment tab there's a ruler as well so one of the new features that we've had requested for a long time is 1/2 symmetries so if you're familiar with Chloe you know we like to work on the 1/2 in order to maintain sentry but we've now made it possible for you to do that without a seam in the middle so I'm just gonna show you I'm gonna go ahead and delete this pattern and there's a couple ways of doing this the first I'm going to show you is I'm going to right click on center back and unfold with symmetric editing and sewing don't just simulate that and you can see because everything this is sewn to is also symmetric it comes in already sewn so all my sewing is already there so you can see if I dragged a point on this right side it moves on the left as well and when I select one side you can see in the same way that for symmetric patterns highlight yellow and blue the symmetric halves do the same so that's one option the other option too is if you have a symmetric pattern like this and you want to merge it it will actually maintain its symmetry in the meantime I'm gonna show you another feature in the process so this seam right here my back rise is sewn and normally if I were to delete these points the sewing would also be deleted but we have changed that now so that your sewing will remain so I just wanted to delete those points so now I can right click and merge this pattern and you can see because they were symmetric when I merged them they're also now symmetric on the fold so that's two ways of doing that another new feature we have is similar to offsetting the pattern outline where it would extend the pattern we have added a retract feature so in the past you might have had to offset an internal line and then cut that line or you would just want to drag your your leg opening up but you might be restricted by a curve point like I am here and you may also realize that you don't want your small leg opening here to be so small up here so I'm gonna use the new feature of offset pattern outline and I'm gonna choose from the drop-down root track so this is gonna allow me I'll just put something big in here like an inch so it'll offset there and I can go really big you'll see if I go too far like if I accidentally type something I typed 111 which is obviously much bigger than my pattern exists the whole pattern turns red and it's basically warning me I'm not allowed to do that but you can in fact go really far so if I want to do 15 it will let me bypass this segment point and drop it all the way off so the next tool I'm going to show you guys is our new pattern walking so walk pattern is up here in the 2d toolbar the way this works is you to select the point of your pattern and then you select the point you want to match it do and then that pattern is going to walk along that seam you'll get to see how the shapes go together you also have the ability to right click here and you can add a notch to both patterns I can also if I want to add a notch here to where the shoulder point is on the sleeve so I can see how much ease I have I can just right click and I not only to my stationery pattern and then I just hit enter to end that similarly over here I can walk it up to my dart and I can add a not just to the walk pattern we now have the option with the nosh tool to right-click on a knotch and add a point so if I went back to my pattern walking I can now walk above the dart here cool so that's how walking the batter now it works if you are a Bezier curve person you use the Edit curvature tool you're familiar that you can always just click and drag with that tool to change the shape of your curve and then you can also use the Edit pattern tool and adjust the curve using the handles but we've now added the feature that the Edit curvature tool if I hold shift or sorry if I hold ctrl while dragging it's going to lock me into the angle of my handles so this is really nice it keeps me from messing up a curve where it meets maybe my shoulder or my center front neck so it just keeps me locked in so in a similar way that we use control on are at a pattern tool we can now use it with edit curvature while I'm over here on this front pattern I'll show you some additions you've made in seam allowance I'm just gonna add seam allowance to my hole Tyron you can see um before we would add some allowance to the dart as though the dart was cut out and got a lot of feedback that people want to be able to add it for when the dart is not cut out so if I select my dart point here I have some new options in the intersection I can choose the fold beasts on whether or not my dart is folding down or up so you'll see you have these little arrows here and you can select whichever direction you want the duck to fold it will add seam allowance as though the dart is not cut up we have a new update to some of the pattern creation and internal shape creation tools so the rectangle they're gonna work the same way for the pattern or the internal I'm just gonna do it with the rectangle tool so in the past you would click and drag and you'd be dragging from one corner of the rectangle now if you hold ctrl your rectangle is going to be created from the center out so I'm just gonna make myself a little pocket here I'm going to show you guys some updates on the zipper tape so I'm just gonna put a zipper in here so an update we've made as if you select your zipper tape you'll see in the property editor you now have the option to select a preset fabric physical properties so I can change this to nylon feather weight and you'll see my zipper becomes flimsier or you can stiffen that up with something that's a little stiffer so basically now you can make the fab actual properties of your tape a little more accurate now so you have a couple of sewing improvements mostly that will help you with sewing in 3d so if I just pull her sleeve out here I'm gonna delete this sewing just on my arm hole one thing that we've changed is you can see I'm sewing with my free sewing tool and we've added the snap to a sewing line so in the past it would snap if there was a point but when you were meeting another selling line you kind of just had to visually line it up and now it's a clean snap so we've added that and also if I'm sewing with free sewing in 3d you'll see that now you get your blue dot so now I have my blue dot showing me the equal distance and sewing that I have in the past just had in 2d so that just helps you make free sewing in 3d a little more practical and accurate so while I'm up here I'm just gonna show you something to do with the binding I've got some binding on my sleeve here and if I select that biting I now have the option in the property editor to change the grain Tobias so we got a lot of requests that we all know binding is typically on the bias so now we have some presets of left which would be cross green and bias and you can also enter a custom angle so you can basically put the grain on any angle that you want a couple of updates in the vertical toggle menus in the 2d window you'll see there's a back textured surface this is going to show you the back side of your fabric and your garment so mine has the same texture for them back but what you will see is I have a back neck label inside my garment and now I can see that graphic so when I toggle back to the face that graphic goes away you may also notice of graphics no longer help the big bounding volumes around them so it's a little less cumbersome and stressful to the eye you just see the graphic itself so now you can also limit that to the front and back it's worth noting if you use opaque or transparent surface these are just kind of apply to wherever you are so when I go to trip to the opaque surface I'm still on the back texture so if I want to be on the front but then in opaque I need to just do that first in the 3d window one of the changes to the vertical toggle menu is we've added display options at the bottom so your environment display this all used to be up here in the display menu but this just gives you quick and easy access so here's my dome light my wind the 3d shadow and also the feeding grid and lastly on this file just in terms of materials I'm sure a lot of you have heard that we now have a Pantone library so if I click on my color chip you'll see here that you have a number of cards in your Pantone library so I have the very first card is nylon brights all of these in the middle are different Cotton's so in a ray of colors and then the last card is polyester and if you choose a Pantone color you will see that that color name will show up next to your color chip cool so I'm going to open another file here and show you guys some updates on puckering so we have some updates to the tool itself and some updates to the library so here I've got puckering on all these files so I'm gonna Hanover in my object browser to my puckering tab and this first one I'll show you we now have this drop down menu in the in the property editor under puckering that gives you five defaults so here I've chosen cotton and what that's doing is selecting the cotton normal map so it's a different type of puckering you can use them for whatever you want but we made these normal map look like the fabrics that describe them so the way puckering has always worked in the past is it's been a normal map but we've now added the ability to put a texture image as well so you'll find in the hardware and trims folder there's a puckering folder and you have texture images for all of those defaults so I'm gonna drag and drop my cotton and basically what this is doing is the normal map creates kind of a puckered texture the texture image is going to create sort of a wash it's um kind of lightening up my fabric there so the opacity by default is fifty but you can play around with this and if you want it more or less intense so we have cotton and here I got denim another way you can find these is just by clicking these four dots are going to show up here by default we have leather and nylon and polyester so in addition now that we have the option to add a texture you can also add your own custom one so I'm gonna go into my folder where I've actually scanned my fabric and created my own custom wash effect by scanning the denim it's actually tan boats if I'm honest so here I've got that effect of the double needle on my Jean and I also made my normal mat from that so some updates to the puckering tool when I apply this to my denim you'll see we have added in addition to segments puckering we now have free puckering which works just like free sewing so I can back bypass these segment points we also have added seam line puckering so I can apply it to both sides of my seam and of course you still have just regular segment puckering so this is what my custom texture looks like I can still come in here and play with the opacity and the density probably want to make it bigger and though bits just like you could before but it just applies to your texture image so I've used this as a wash I think that's like the most go-to useful option for puckering but this also means now you can use puckering the way you might have been using top stitching where you apply a custom image in this texture image so you can do a beating detail or whatever image you want to add I'm going to move on to a button file show you some updates with buttons so here I have a graded front body piece I'll just show you the grading for a second so this file has the button mucking graded and in the past we needed a marking to grade the button placement but we've changed that now so that you don't need to actually add a marking I know for a lot of people and Chloe it's really easy to place a button without a marking and do it accurately so we do want you to have to do that extra step so here if I just place my button you'll see when I turn my grading back on that my button marking itself has greeted and if I head over here to my grading table and maybe toggle to my large you'll see I now have a button on my large so it'll toggle back and forth so the other update we've made to the button tool is if you hover over a pattern edge you'll see it turn blue with the button tool and if I right click here I can actually add buttons to this pattern edge so I get a set of options this distance here is going to be a distance from the edge of pattern to the center of the button the interval at the top is the distance down from the top and if you check this box reverse here let me you'll see it in the 3d window I'm too zoomed in and 2d but in the 3d window it's actually now starting from the bottom so if you do your measurement from the top edge you can leave it as is and if you do from the bottom just check reverse this interval here is going to be the spacing between the buttons of course and then you have the number of buttons so what this needs is with my select move button tool I can't just grab these buttons and move the freely but the beauty of this is that when I edit this line my buttons will move with it so if you decide that you do want to be able to move these freely then you can just with your select move button tool right click on them and unlink the buttons and buttonholes now I can move this stuff around the nice thing about this too and a request we've gotten a lot is for the ability to add them to curve so this works on any segment so if you have a curved seam or a detailed shape you can add buttons along those if they're rhinestones or any kind of detail you now can kind of be controlled with a curvy line and adding those cool so one last update to the button tool I'm going to go ahead and add a texture to my button so here I have a texture image I'm going to drag and drop that over here and we now have the ability to move this texture image around so you'll see it if you scroll down in the property editor under your button we now have the little transformation tab drop down that we get with fabric so my texture now has this X and y position and I can just I'm just clicking with my up and down arrows and I can move that texture around I also can drop these widths and Heights down and I can change the scale of it as well so you have a little more flexibility on editing your button texture unless you want to choose the UVs the other thing I'll note is if I add a normal map in here so I have a normal not made you'll see it came in the same place as the first one so as soon as there's a normal map in there you'll see a normal map pop up under transformation as well so I can touch those up cool so the next feature is called sharing so here have an elastic waistband you'll see in my 2d window this is my elastic band in case and this is myself and as most of you probably know when we do alas their gathers like this it helps to get some definition to set your particle distance low so this particle distance is already at five so you can see I get a decent amount of gathers but if I check this out in my mesh view you'll see my garment is set to pen and my way sands are set to five so you can see that here so what we have created is a feature called sugaring which you apply similar to how you would apply lastic it's just a checkbox in the property editor so if I just select the top of my waistband and check sharing on what this is doing is it's basically creating a really fine particle distance just in that one area so the interval here is essentially the particle distance so the lowest you can go is point zero three nine so if I start with like point two you can see it's much bigger so again this is five this is point two point one and again the lowest would be 0.03 nine so I'm gonna have as small as possible then the height here is just how tall the shirring is so my height is currently in to covering my entire waistband so if I but if I only wanted it on the top I could do something like 0.5 and then it could even apply that to the bottom as well if I just want that definition at a top and bottom so what you're gonna see this do if I simulate is my gathers become much finer the real beauty of this is especially adding it to bigger pattern pieces like a skirt so here I can do the same to my skirt check the sharing on and you'll see it's only affecting that particle distance at the very top so it's not gonna slow your simulation down but it's gonna give you a much finer wrinkle up here so in terms of the height the max height is three point eight nine eight and on this particular pattern piece that comes all the way down to the center here and it kind of blends out there so you wouldn't want to go any higher than that anyway because then you really start to slow things down but you can see now her skirt has much finer gathers so it just really depends on the look that you're going for and how much definition you need to make this realistic so the last couple things I'm going to show you guys are the new exciting features of Auto grading and Auto draping I'm gonna go back to my old file so the first thing I'll show you is the draping so we have this new button B drape 3d arrangement so if I go into my avatar folder I know I have in here a fee fee that is flat on the floor so in the past you would probably need to this may happen when you swap out avatars and garments and things like that and you usually then have to rearrange your garment with your gizmo and move things around and if they're poses off its it can just take some time so we've created this redrape 3d arrangement button and I will just click it and it's going to snap the garment to the Attar now and then lastly I'm just going to show you guys the auto greeting so I'm gonna bring in a little girl avatar so the real purpose of Auto grading is it's basically it's going to take the garment in the pattern you have now and it's going to fit to whatever avatar you bring in it does only work on the coil at ours currently but I think the most useful aspect of it is to go from one side run to another so jumping from like a missy to a petite or to a plus-sized or even something as drastic as this I've gone from men's to women's or men's to kids so we're going here from women's to kids all you need to do you don't need to adjust anything in the 3d window about how it's actually draping you you just click this button here Auto grading so one thing to think about beforehand is you want all your pattern pieces to be in a high particle distance so 20 particle distance it's going to be just the most optimal way and it reminds you of that here but it will move a lot faster and just be more accurate once you click the auto grading button you get these options here so maintain pattern curvature is really just about the shape of your pattern especially around these curves armholes necklines sleeve tops I suggest first Auto gridding with this at a hundred percent if you want to then try sliding it down if you're not happy with the results you can do not it may be necessary if you're going from you know maybe a woman to a child would need less shaping in certain areas but I haven't found yet that I've needed to adjust this so try it first at 100 if you want to keep your graphics all the same size you can check this box and then you just say okay a slow from the streaming and there you go so now we have this you can see it basically Auto draped and Auto graded at the same time I didn't have to move it onto my little girl and you can see the reference lines for what your pattern used to be so if there's anything about this that you aren't happy with or want to change this is a fully editable pattern here so you can use this do you make these massive jumps or if you didn't have a grade rule and you wanted to just bring in your size small Avatar and grade from a medium to a small it's going to work exactly the same way so that's all I have to show you guys um if there are any questions that we need to show so there's a little bit of a delay so I'm just waiting for you guys to catch up to me and make sure that there's no questions we need answered hopefully Amy's answered them all in the chat already all righty so we had a question about plotting this out it's and if it would keep the original outline so this is coming in as a reference line to be honest we were not actually sure I do know that in the past when I've done this these lines actually at some point I think when I close and reopen the file they disappeared so this is an old reference line so I'm we may need to run a test and we will get back to you on whether or not they bought out but you could maybe also try cloning that pattern as a reference line before you auto-grade but yeah I would have to test it out but you can absolutely plot out your new Auto graded pattern for sure we'll just have to test if it holds that line so we had a question about our whole circumference and the avatar editor so our whole circumference is really a garment measurement so if you're familiar with pattern making and tech design you'll know like my garment here which you can see my 2d window that armhole measurement which would be what I might put in my TLM list that's going to be larger than my arm and depend on how the garment is meant to fit so really the way to measure armhole circumference on a body is with the bicep so the bicep is measured up here there's a number of measurements going vertically it's kind of a combination of your front length here your bicep you're across shoulder you we don't really put in a human body measure for the measure for the armhole is not something I've ever measured on a model before so that's it's just going to be determined based on those other contributing factors so I hope that helps answer that question okay so I think we're good Amy is answering a few last questions in the chat and we'll keep that open for you guys but that's the end of demonstration and thank you guys so much for watching we will have a recorded version of this up on YouTube for anyone that missed it and we will try to follow up with some time stamped so that you can bump around to the topics that interest you so think again for you guys so we're asking about petite avatars just know that in the Avatar library where I was showing you the sizes a bunch of there's two sets of petite sizes for a STM so these are pretty petite and then they also come in all of those sizes so 2 4 6 8 10 up to 18 or sorry up to 20 so petite meaning short and again all you have to do is double click on these as long as you're in the one of the avatars with that folder so use the assets folder inside of that Avatar folder and there are sizes for kids and also sizes for the men you so somebody was asking about adding the circumference armhole measurement to that I'm guessing it's the same person that was asking about armhole circumference if you do want to measure that I'm just gonna go ahead and hide my garment here I know I'm a little girl it's a little creepy she has a bra it's okay so your measurement tool may be hidden [Music] so here's basic circumference so what I'm gonna do the way this tool works is it's a three click process so here's where we have it marked I think that's maybe a little far out but it's totally up to you what you want to do I'll just follow that line so you click once and then you click the second time to set the direction and then the third time is going to be setting the ring so you can see as I'm moving on her the ring is moving on her body so you may need to zoom in quite a bit and play around with this to get it the way that you want you may need to test out with those first two clip clicks happen you may need to do them from above to have them in line with this one but yeah it's just a one click do clicks and then you set your ring so that pretty much works anywhere on the body so play around with that when you use this tool if you hold shift it will lock you into a straight line so I do this a lot when I'm measuring like different parts of her torso so I just hold shift while I'm looking here and I hold shift again will keep my ring bucked in if I let go this shift it's gonna raise up or down thank you guys so much for all the feedback and the questions I hope you learned everything you wanted to about five point one and again this will be up on our YouTube channel to re-watch and Amy's gonna sign off the chat right now thanks
Channel: CLO
Views: 20,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CLO3D, CLO, 3D, Virtual, Fashion
Id: OtIDOuqX0wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 58sec (5458 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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