Beginner's Guide to CLO Part 1 Foundations: Navigation & Selection (Lesson 4)

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hi everyone this video covers navigation and selection you can follow along with your own file or by downloading the practice file I'm using from the closeout link in the video description below if you're using the practice file with me hopefully you have added it to a folder in your library I've added mine into a quote basic training folder and you can access it here below if you need to learn how to do that that's gonna be in our layout video that will show you how to add things to your library so to bring it into your workspace you can just double click on it I'm going to right click and add to my workspace because I want to show you something here you'll see when you add to your workspace you get this box for translation so zero zero zero is the intersection of the XY and z axis so it's at this point right here so this is where my file my avatar and my garment are going to load depending on which one you check here even if you're loading only the garment the garment will come in as it was on the Avatar if the avatar is standing at zero zero zero so you don't need to worry about the garment coming in on the floor I wanted you to understand this point because we're going to talk about it a little bit later so I'm actually just gonna overwrite my file anyway and open it I just wanted to point that out you can also adjust any of those measurements if you have an avatar in here and you wanted to bring one in beside it you would just increase or decrease the x axis on the translation so that's good to know so you can see my avatars standing here at the zero zero zero point you can also see if I move my pattern out of the way a bit I have this shadow of the avatar at the zero zero in 2d this shadow is proportionate to my real avatar so this is nice as a guide if you need it for creating patterns from scratch or just in general it's a good working practice to keep your pattern in the vicinity of your avatar what you'll find so if I copy paste this pattern way out here in space in the 3d window it's going to come in out in space as well so it's just good practice to use your 2d as a guide for everything you're doing in 3d let's begin navigating in our 3d window hopefully you're using a three button Mouse with a scroll wheel but if not I'll go over other devices you might be using the regular three button Mouse is recommended because it allows you to navigate entirely with one hand so it's definitely the easiest if you're a beginner you can refer to our user settings video on how to set up your device if anything I show here doesn't seem to be working for you by default on a PC your user settings will be set to a regular three button Mouse and by default on a Mac they will be set to a Magic Mouse so first if you roll the scroll wheel back and forth you're going to zoom in and zoom out and this is going to be true in the 2d or the 3d window what you'll notice is in 3d it's just going to go in and out from your current viewpoint but in 2d depending on where you are on the screen it will zoom into those areas for a magic mouse or a trackpad you'll use two fingers and drag up and down or however you currently scroll on that device so it's probably just the two fingers dragging but you'll need to check your mouse settings if that doesn't work next is rotating so rotating is only applicable in the 3d window obviously so to rotate you're going to right-click your mouse button down and then move your mouse around you'll see if you hold shift while you do this it's going to lock your avatar into that axis and it doesn't matter which direction you go it's just going to lock into that movement that you do it at first so this is nice if you want to make sure that you're looking on the same plane at something or if you want to make sure you're looking directly from the side you can lock it in for a Mac or a trackpad you are going to also right-click and move around on your Magic Mouse on your trackpad you'll right click down with one finger and then move that finger around the trackpad so depending on what version or generation you have of your laptop or Mouse you may need to mess with the settings of this on your computer just depending on whether or not you have an actual right-click button or if you've set up the right-click on your like touch sensitive mouse or trackpad lastly is panning so to pan you're gonna hold down your scroll wheel as though it's a button and then move around your screen this is gonna work the exact same in 2d or 3d you can see my 2d as working in real time my 3d is a little bit slower that's because this garment is actually already in high resolution and we'll talk about that later but just know that's the reason in this particular file that she's moving a little bit more slowly than your pattern this is where other devices get a little bit trickier so for a magic mouse or trackpad you'll need to hold down the option key on a Mac or the Alt key on a PC while left clicking and moving so that's option on a Mac Alt on a PC and just left-click and drag and that's going to pan around your screen sometimes when rotating around in your 3d window your axis might get off so if you've been moving around freely or maybe you click on something you'll notice that it's going to swing around that thing depending on your user settings if you deselect it will reset your point of rotation to the center but you may need to adjust this in user settings and just depending on how far zoomed in you are or what you have going on you just might feel like your point of rotation is off centered so there's a few easy ways to bring yourself back to Center if I right-click in my 3d background I can see all of these different viewpoints so front 3/4 left all of these viewpoints have hotkeys associated with them they're going to be as though the Avatar is standing on the five key of a number keypad and you'll see that in that way the numbers make sense and it'll help you be able to memorize them it doesn't make as much sense if you look at your numbers across the top of your keyboard in order if you can't remember anything right away the two key is probably the most useful so this also helps if you just end up off in space and you don't know where you are you just hit the two key and she'll be front and center this is also useful like I was saying about the shift key if you want to make sure that you're on the same plane going all the way around and you're looking at your avatar perfectly straight on maybe you want to see if a Garmin is hiking from the side then the two key will be your get your check to make sure that you're looking at her perfectly straight on before you then want to rotate around holding shift similarly in the 2d window if you ever get lost in space over here you can right-click in the 2d background and choose this option zoom extents all the hotkey is the close parentheses this is going to clip your window to the full extent of your pattern so this is kind of like the Adobe hotkey of command or ctrl 0 it's going to crop the window to everything that you have in it and the last thing for navigation is the focus zoom this is something that works in 3d if you click on a point on your garment and you hit F it's going to zoom in to that point so this is really nice if you're just trying to get to a certain detail and you're having trouble navigating around to it or it's something that's a bit out of your way so that's the focus zoom in close your main selection tools are the select move tool in the 3d window and the transform pattern tool in the 2d window the hotkey for select move is Q and the hotkey for transform pattern is a you'll notice that when you're selected on a tool it highlights in blue like these are right now so I'm on both of my selection tools you'll also see that a lot of the tools that crossover between the 2d and 3d windows when you select them in one they will select in both windows so to select it's just a left-click as you might imagine you'll see when I select patterns in 3d I get this little blue dot in the 2d window this is called a picking point this is to help you figure out where you are so even experience pattern makers might have trouble finding like where you are on a pattern piece especially something like this that's a binding or trim that is just a long rectangle and the picking point will help you find out where you are on that pattern piece and this is really useful if you're not an experienced pattern maker and you're having trouble telling just what's what to some people these patterns might look a little goofy this legging doesn't have an out seam so it looks especially different than a normal pant so the picking point will help you find where you are in 2d you'll notice when I select in each window that same pattern will highlight in both windows so in 3d highlights and 2d and vice-versa if you're noticing in the 2d window some patterns are highlighting in a brighter blue outline when I select other patterns these patterns are the symmetric copy so in some nothing else highlights because there is no symmetric copy these are a front and a back so they're not linked but the left and right leg are linked meaning if I edit one of these the other side is going to edit as well don't confuse this for selection that doesn't mean that when I move this one pattern that this one will also move I would have to multi select both of these so to multi select you're going to hold shift you'll notice as you multi-select you can keep going back and forth between 2d and 3d but if I select something that's already selected in the group it's going to deselect it and remove it from that group another way to multi select in 2d is to marquee over things so just left-click and drag and that's going to marquee over your pattern you can see a difference in some programs to Chloe is that I need to marquee over the pattern entirely so this waistband piece is not actually selecting because I'm not covering it in its entirety so this is actually really nice as you can see I've got a lot of patterns here and it's easy to overlap other patterns and so clos wants it to be easy for you to grab what you want and to not accidentally grab other things when you multi select in 3d you will see that you do get a picking point for every pattern piece where you've clicked on it one thing to note since we haven't covered simulation or sewing if you accidentally select something and move it out of the way you may also see sewing lines coming from it and if you do this at this stage just hit command or control Z to edit undo that this always happens when we're going over selection and at this stage is just easiest to undo the problem you'll notice when you do this that you may see this little gizmo here we call it the gizmo and this is actually how you're going to be able to move things in 3d when simulation is off so when things are just solid pieces like this we'll learn more about the gizmo in the next video of arrangement so the hotkey to select all other than just marking over everything is a command or control a depending on you or Mac or PC another option for selection is if you right-click on something in the 2d background at the very top menu you get the option select all with same property you can choose all pattern pieces that are either on the same layer have the same particle distance or the same fabric so you'll learn more about what particle distances and layering in future videos don't confuse layering with layers in Adobe programs it's not the same but the most useful one here and that you'll learn pretty quickly is going to be select all with seen fabric so you can see here she has these little mesh combo pieces on her garment but I've just selected everything that's in the speckle spandex and lastly just as part of selection if you ever wanted to actually delete anything from your file you've just selected and hit the backspace key or the Delete key and this also is going to work with your avatar so you can actually just clear your entire screen with that and of course if you do anything by accident command or control Z is going to bring it back you
Channel: CLO
Views: 43,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CLO3D, CLO, 3D, Virtual, Fashion
Id: ThembKC04Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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