CLO 5.2 Version New Features Webinar (English)

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hi everyone welcome to KO phi upon two new features hong kong webinar we have a lot of new and exciting features to showcase to you today we will start with by going through the UX and africa updates and Lent going to 3d and 2d tools and the last will have new updates on materials and render if you have any questions regarding the new features welcome to live your questions at the chat windows will go for an answer one by one after this presentations and for our live Q&A sessions so we're gonna begin with UX updates first we have grip tools when we get into version 5.2 you will see there are some changes on to interface there are less icons appear on both 3d and 2d windows to bots they are not disappeared they are just gripped by categories so now let's say when we left click add a pattern to you will see a drop down menu appeared and all remaining icons they listed out you didn't just really chose and click to use either one of them and also same as to 3d window let's say we click buttons for a second then you will see buttons and button how they're grouping together just click and you always can change so this is more categorized and it looks more less occupied as 2 bar space but used if you still want to see all the icons on the toolbar you can always go to change at settings let's say now we go to settings user settings user interface under two bars there's a grip tools which you can always click on or off let's see now I click off and close just wait a second now you'll see all the tube icons they appeared on the bow 3d and 2d windows so that's the first updates on the UX next u.s. new features would be safe from nails in four wheels but in previous versions when we say forty fouls we only got a single will turn notes just like this but now we can provide one more options which you can save from nails in four wheels you can go to settings user settings default files and the projects there's a list course safe from announced in four wheels front right back and left you can always click on or off they say now I click on and close then after all when I say go to save profiles it will automatically generate thumbnails in four wheels just like this one which I saved before next uux updates would be classic graphic classifications so when you were on some graphic files on 3d garments let's say now I could you know one of this graphics you'll find under property editor there's a new items called classifications you can choose click the barrels you can find the drop-down menu there's a few options embroidery logo and clean except none you can choose either one of that's let's say now I choose local then this graphics will be show I will generate under the classification of logo on the closet tactics that you export of course if this free options is not in your choice you can always type in something else let's say now I choose this one this print this graphics you can always and delete none you can create your typing your own works like say screen cream so now this would be also generate in the closet technics when you export it this will be very helpful when you have so for graphics on Jan on the same garments and you need to generate new tab pets so will comfort save HTML file in snapshot and turntable this is the new features that we add into our pipe on two versions which now you can save your snapshots and HTML files you go to snapshot pretty windows then you can add into your file names and now you see the pop-up window Haute snapshot both single and multi view depending on your selections and now you both see this as a support for save HTML file you could unclip it that will shows that save separate image of course now if you want to say HTML file they will no longer separate image others features they are all the same as previous versions same you can set your own custom size and also the ruin angles now we can say asked the snapshot click you will go to the web page that showcase your snapshot image HTML format and same as to Tran table videos now when you click then you will see also the same turntable video capture windows you also can adjust your wing angle as well and that's also a safe HTML file box under you into it or click depending if you want HTML file if you click this will be no durations for your setting because HTML file is a serious on image I will show you once when we record it so we click and we start recording now I will show you the house I've stayed before the turntable bouts when you click in you have both like the HTML file and also the video files but for now I show you HTML files now you see this will be our patient a single trend table image but this will be just an image you just click our previous or next click continuously and you can see the consecutive image coming through it so we came to the last UX update which is boem mode the use of materials so bill amps will allows you to seed overall cost of your garments as well as the fabric and trim consumptions but this beam up that this fabric and trim consumption will be great to the inference part your pre layouts which house your rain show pattern pieces on the fabric roll so how we can see that we can go to the simulations there's an arrow you clicked it and that's a drop-down manual which appeal am appeared at the bottom once you click it then you will see the view M editor popping up and showcasing all the list or materials that you consume and cost as well but how as I mention you need to see how the variance layout affecting the p.m. if you click to clean layout they were solely are showcasing the planning our lawns I would to Phoebe gallons windows so you see just how if you want to sing Thanks as you can see the both in layouts and p.m. alongside together you are may not necessarily to kick back to the B om mode you can just simply going up to the Bart's that's a 2d window and you will see the pop drop-down menus that you can choose to click BLM editor you will see the B om editor long sigh will prevailed City adjust your windows then you can more easily to see the both and now you see that the current print Liao swill consumed 3.8 its yachts which also affecting on the UM editor and course accordingly and now if you want to change the print layout and if you can just simply rearrange it reset it and now you see this as a new update grabber consumption length which is two point zero six and you need to kick in updates at the UM editor then you need to see that numbers of the quality of the fabric have to change and cost had to change accordingly so this will allow you to see the fabric consumptions how it changed and will also immediately affecting on the Pentecost and if you want to change the currency units just like now I clicked the top right ten corners and you can go to the settings you can always change the currency units you we have allowed over different currency units for you to choose from just simply just choose one according to your needs and now we'll stick with two US dollar so you can simply just close it and we'll change or remain the same according to your selections and when you go to colorways we now have three colorways as you see APC if you click B then you will see us then are the colorways which have a different prints layouts which you need to change accordingly if you want to remain same as Carl away a now we go back to color where eight you are then now you can see the total cost of the selected color ways which means this will showcase the current color aids of total current cost but the same time we they can also calculate the remaining colorways which is number way B and C of the total consumption total cost so we now can change the price and the Oz as well for the yards we also offer different units so you to choose from now we just stick with yachts and the price as well we can change a quote and play as your read the cost so now we change the 3.15 and immediately the cause will change so there were also a fatter at the bottom of the fabric colors that will be showing seen a total cost and when we go to you down to the trims we see buttons and now we consumed seven buttons are the quality and if you want to change the price as well so you can on tape in and outer price which now is taken zero one life and the course will also change accordingly and reflecting at the total cost of the buttons so our this will allows you your M will be flatting on your tech packs regenerate from closet but a septic course please note that the course simply not available by present at the tech packs which our developers will work on that or the later versions so now we move on to the next new features on appetizers which including bats avatars and objects tailed so you will see now in the freedom windows we have five different objects and with the different back designs on top when I disappeared the bats fabrics you will see underneath there are five different shapes 3d objects files this five object files you can find it at the library under Alberta's wish there's a folder called 3d shapes alongside with other operative files click inside you'll see there's there's five different shapes up at us so the same we put it on to the 3d window right now so now this 3d objects we currently don't have any arrangement point on it but you're welcome to create your own arrangement point just like in the middle I got to arrange one point on this and just simply put the pattern pieces on both this avatar objects then you can easily create your own back design from the scratch so this Q will be very useful for Becht accessory designs and some may be for interior objects then now we will talk about object scale so first let me you need this fabrics on top of this five object files and we choose one of this let's say this one is 3d objects as an examples when you click this 3d objects you immediately see that on the property editor this will have the specifications as the skels showcasing the measurements these objects according to XY and sat access weights let's say we can manually type in any measurements numbers in sites let's say now and type in 400 millimeters along x SS and it will immediately change this size along the x axis at the same time it will also change on Y and ssss according to the ratios so but if you don't prefer to change our scale in ratios you can always unclick this button scroll lock expect ratios then now when I change I say I changed is to access to 500 and now you can see that immediately it would slowly change measurements of sets passes into 500 but distant doesn't affect X and minuses and this is one of the method to manually change the size of those 3d objects at the same time we can also utilize another methods which we can use this gizmo to also when you click this video objects but this module appears there's two icons appeared alongside of it which this one at the map when you click this left buttons you immediately see that the gizmo true has changed and if you hover this free access in different colors let's say I offer to attract green one then you will see that I immediately can scale up and down according to the SS which is y SS and also if I choose blue I will change the set SS at the same time this if you want to scale it up and down proportionally and you can utilize this cover to great cube and click and then track then you will see that less doctor line and if each the size will change according to your dragging the Russians which if I drag laughs little bigger it's getting up you check smaller smaller and you will need to turn into the white one so this is how we can scaling the objects and this versions and now of course if you want to change it back to normal you just came to simply clip it back and I'll click back this icons and you will change them is more to normal and then simply now right click and move the Alpha turn to plan and now it would have a new size matters alongside with the remaining or others besides free these avatars we have another new patterns which is infants so inside other two folders inside keeps folders we have a new officers call in the back six to eighteen months then if you couple kicked it you automatically have the al-khattab with you but in standardized size in twelve months so if you prefer another sighs you always welcome to go to the size folder and that's protocol close keep six to eighteen months but inside you have another four month different months properties ice boulders so let's say now I turn to eighteen months you see the other two sides needed change nine months and six months smallest you always welcome to change the aperture size according to your measurements you can always go to auditors editor same as the normal of the test size changes you can input your data inside this appetite editor at the same time we also have to say arrangement points and also the x-ray join for you to Melanie are just your avatar pose so this you will find that the photos that we would pick out sides you see that these are kids are poachers they share the same hair same pose same texture folders so we normally can just freely use and change according to your designs but accept shoes which when you click inside the shoes you will see that only shoes folders the shoes files have to categorize indifference according to the avatar names so which means that kiss Appa tears the infant arbiters have their own shoe folders so please oh well that let's say now you see now this proper tourist now that have proportionally very small or not so feet Royal feet shoes if you want to change it you always need to go to his accordance name folders which was this one and you can change the shoes files let's say now I choose to come back loose then now you see the combat boots shoes eyes is just perfectly fit or the esophagus next I will talk about the updates of our current auditors which you can change health or other tax upon post so let me get back to the batter's box and we now stern into female beat you and win trophy so now you find that actually if you go inside your post you will find that there's no longer have an option for options of flat on ground because now the effort of house ordered a potatoes they had repelled flat on ground and with kilts daters so when you want let's say just double click on either one of the posts you will see the pop-up window that's a two more losses than me that you have one nineteen current ripples so if you kick that off you means that you no longer maintain the current repost which is still and just okay then you will find that you simply change on Flatman ground but of course now it looks a bit weird and if you want to change it back is quite easy you just clicked on the shoes and you will find that change hills best options and you chose up then you will turn it back to the normal positions of the hills post now now how we change flex on ground posts we can go back to change by the shoes simply you knock into the shoe folders and you just simply change to some other flex on bronze shoes posts choose options let's say in Snickers when you just double kick then you will automatically change to ground so now you will understand that when you want to change about you no longer to choose an avatar with click on grunge coast in Reverse you just simply chose the shoes options then you will automatically adjust the post and I say now and change it back to the hills then finally on change to the hills but the post now we came to the last I've gotta update which we to our chairs have motion files which is a good news now when we put into the motion folders under beat two up at us we will find the five motion files same as the other Apatow spouse and now I'm going to at garments on her which I finished before so make sure that the dress is set on her six emanate and I think I would just a bit on the part of the status to make it look more finer then I can go back to the operative motion folders and Pat the motion pounce on her I think I will chose the first wall I'm double click you see the windows which is the same as previous versions we can you can also set the transition animations I think I'll just keep saying this before so I just go play and of course before you turn to the animations make sure their balance is ready and set without any unstabilized simulations so I think I will go now to the animation mode in set a little bit of time walk so now I can simply just click simulations and click record and now the motions files are now talking to the animations now we'll move on to the next few features on 3d which is 3d quality render now you see we got a new project outs which we already make the all the Gammons on the avatars with the looks and pose so you will also notice that there is an extra icon on top of the top old 3d windows that is call quality render 3d windows once you click it you will instantly see that the image appear on the 3d windows looks more realistic which we have more obvious shuttles with wrinkles appears as well then we can go to the render we'll simply click the interactive render and way to see the render image we add this new quality render because we received some feedbacks from our clients that they found us some difference between the working files when compared to the rendered image and if now we have this quality rendered we can have better estimations on to the render image so but please note that there still are some difference between the 3d windows and also the render image because they are generally from different algorithms but it will be a good tools that when working on the quarter files you can keep on to see more estimate or more accurate estimations for the render image next we'll have updates on the simulation modes so when we take the simulation icons you will see there's a free simulation mode and their name has changed now we have got fast did you normal default fitting accurate fabrics so what they means let me show you the documents we have now they're actually compared to five point one day females they're all the same contents same purpose just we changed her name so that to make it more can be Han suppose to some users they are not familiar with the terms so core GPU normal complete or complete nonlinear so the same simulations to fast GPU which means they are generate the fastest by the GPU summations and normal which is also still as the default settings for simulations and we have four complete nonlinear simulations we change to fitting a traffic which means you if you prefer to have a more accurate for fabrics simulations that you can choose this one so but you also notice that we only got three simulation models and simulations for completely with is missing we have removed yes we have remember this from the simulation win almost at the 3d one can open the window at the same time we move it to the animations you can still find this stable animations that's the animations node because this will be only available to the animation mode so this will be the updates on the new terms for the simulations in this session I will go through the new 2d features the first thing I'm going to talk about is half symmetry as you can see on the 2d window this symmetry is supplied to the front top and the back top you can get this half symmetry when you unfold the pattern by right-clicking on the centre outline and choosing and for symmetric editing with sewing so now let's choose a date pattern to right-click the center dot sly and you will get the option for we move length editing cut cut and sew or add dylai along points so for example I will right-click and choose cut and then simile and it will cut your pattern apart and there still seem magically linked so any edit to apply on once I will still apply to the other if you want to remove all symmetry to the pattern pieces you can right-click on them choose remove length editing once all symmetry is to remove it and if we added the piece or we added the sewing in one side these all actions will not apply to the other side and to relent these pieces together can use transform patterns ooh and then select them all right click on them and apply symmetric pattern with sewing and if I want to merge them back together I can use a de perĂ³n to right-click on them choose merge you and then they become one single piece with half symmetry so I was stimulated to see the result and if you add the any pawns or segments from one side the at this will apply to the other side okay so now we have a one single piece with half symmetry and if I right-click on it and then we move leg editing so now this piece is just a normal piece without any symmetry function on it and then if I try to add the pons or the set man the other side will not follow so if I if I want to have a single piece and I can add the both sigh I need to use chaser to carry a path for us and then choose both pieces a prior length editing symmetric pattern with sewing and then brush them back together so now you can add the points and segments together for both sigh next I'm going to talk about updates of baselines I'm going to open up a new project so actually using baselines for charting or designing is called convenience because it will not change the mesh of the pattern I'm going to explain more in the bottom of demonstration first I will change the mesh view and I will select internal to and then draw an internal eye and then double-click to put it down and you can see [Music] the pattern match changes so that's why when you place down internal lines on the pattern sometimes it will get deleted because it needs time to make the meshes go around the night but if I use page two and for example if I choose base polygon and draw a line draw a similar line on the pattern double click to finish even the line is crossing the pattern the mesh will not change so the program will move faster if we use baseline for designing before 5.2 add apparent to cannot grab or Scylla baselines it had to be made by converting from internal lines now in 5.2 version baseline has been given its own stews we can now use bass lines to draw a rectangle ellipses and ducks the other feature for baselines is now we can law or are not the business as you can see we cannot grab oscillator already assisting baselines on the piece but if i unlock the baselines right click the background and then choose a lob a slice then we can edit these baselines and we can do things like streets just like how we did for internalized and we can lock a singular baseline so this one is locked but the others are still editable if you want to access this baseline again you can right-click the background and click unlock or base lights and it will be a lot again and we can add guideline along a baseline so just right-click the baseline and then choose add guideline along points and you can move the guideline or you can right-click and delete it and we can also change the baseline length so you can change its measurement and then select the direction and so now in 5.2 baselines are editable just like internalized and it has its own tools to create different shapes and you can also lock and I'm not done so I'm going to show you how to use these space tools for designing I will demonstrate the base rectangle first just like how we do with Intel and I choose so I will hold the left click and then track and then we lease the left click 3d to draw a rectangle shape or we can just left click once and then open the measurement box and then we can ensure the width and height and then we can also whether K the shape or we can design its position just like the options we have with internal shapes also we can use it to create a pattern marking with base polygon and ellipse too so first I will draw a horizontal line with base polygon to so left click to start and then hold the shift key right click to open the measurement box and then I will insert a specific measurement confirm and then you see there say base life following my cursor so I just need to press Enter key to cut it and then I will change to base ellipse so if I want to make a pattern marking along with this base line I will move my cursor and then snap to the ending point then let's click to open the measurement box and then I can adjust its size by editing is diameter or radius or circumference all the shapes and lines that we do a lot at the first place so if I try to use a dependency to grab it or select them and I cannot because there are still lots so if I want to edit them when you can first unlock our baseline so again right click the background and then choose a lot of a slice so for example if I right click this button marking with transform pattern - I would get the options to copy paste or rotate and so on so i will choose copy and then right-click choose paste and then i will hold the shift key and I can let's pick two put it vertically or horizontally so left click and also we can double click the center points of the shape and then resize it like this so these are updates for bass lighters okay next I'm going to talk about update features of tons so I will open a new file to demonstrate first I will switch to transparent view to demonstrate Carrie so I was still at a different tool and then I will right-click these salmon points and then you will see a dot with fullness so after I see that dysfunction you see the sriracha is attaching my cursor and it says click a segment to troll the slash line so I will move my cursor to this segment left click and then you have this movement to Chiron and then I can left click 3d or I can right click to insert a specific measurement and then okay you so now you can see I just create a top with sewing and then I can simulate to see the results next I'm going to show you how to draw a tough really so right click these seven points and then choose add that with Lunas and then you have this slash line again attaching your cursor and then you can move your cursor to the neck knife left click and then you will get this movement again so you can left-click to do it freely or you can right click and then do it by links and then you would get a new thoughts with sewing again so our seed money to see the results next I'm going to show you how to rotate dots so let's choose a deeper into and then select the dots and then actually you can add to the dots by clicking edit dots and then you can adjust the measurement so right click and then choose rotate dots and it you asked you to click on a segment to draw a new dots so I will click it on the ample line and then you receive front lights here and the slash line cannot pass through this front light but you can move it freely to decide your new dots location so I will move it to the original point and it wants you to select the sides to port a so I will select this one and then you can rotate this piece freely so once I cross the original thoughts and then left click and then you can decide the length so I will just left-click freely and then you will see a new dots is here so when I see Malay you can see the dots is rotated so next I'm going to show you the fullness too but before that I need to cut this piece apart so let me create an internal knife first now we cut this apart and then outside this knob right to it and I also need to cut this Center seeing my parts and I will at the length relationship to them about the fullness so we actually used to call a slash and spread so now we call a bonus points and it comes with a new option call for last night so if we hold down this icon you can see bonus point and what is 9 so let's choose fullness line to demonstrate so I'm going to add fullness to this panel and the first thing we need to do is left click to start and then dragging on the line and then left with the end and then go to the other side left click to start and then left at the end and then you see a measurement box pops up and then so you can see some options here and the fullness lightning represent the top segment and the slash lightning represents the bottom segment so so we can type in our own measurement and then you will see the panel spread out and the direction means that oh where do want to add the fullness to so if I choose start then the Funes will add to this sign and if I choose n it would be like this so I will choose n and then I will keep the fullness landings as original and I will increase the length for the slash line so it would be like this and then I would click OK so you can see the pattern will be spread out like this and then if I simulate you will see you will see the changes okay so now I'm going to show you some steps on how to add fullness to the pattern but also match the story not just at the same time so I focus on this leaf and now you can see my sewing is actually matching the notches and I will use the fullest knife again so left click to start and then left click to end so I will just start and end between the notches and the arrow I will at the bottom segment line freely and then we can choose the direction to both so that I can increase the measurement and then you will see the the pattern shape the panelists spread out like this and then you can adjust the measurement until you're happy with the shake and then you can click OK you okay so once we finish this step and then we can simile you okay so let's check our sewing so my sewing is still matching with the notches and actually we can did it these sewing and then we can sew them together again can assimilate next I'm going to demonstrate how to use fullness night two to create a crown at nine I will keep using the fullness line - and then I will first select the left line and also secondly I would add a parallel line and then you will see the measurement box here so if I increase the measurement for this fullness night I can keep clicking the arrows so you can see the pattern is spreading out but I actually wanted to spread low in that way so I can change the direction to N so you can see the fullness will be pushed in and the pattern will be pushed upward like this so I can keep clicking or I can insert a specific measurement okay so I'm happy with this shake and I can click ok so I will freeze the front panel and then simile and then I will use at porn speedlights ooh and then I would like to add lace at my point here and I always wish back to other parent suits who fold it inward like this okay so if I change to a curveball you can see there are some curved bones around this area and if I want to delete them I need to delete them like group by group so this is how we how we do in in the older version but now in 5.2 we can actually lock the segment ones so I can right click the seven point and a lot and I go back to correspond to so now when I Marquis the pattern I will not select that seven points so I can just mock he over there and then press Delete key and also select the rest of it and then did it yeah and then I will try to simile okay so the shape is already modified and if I want to unlock this segment on I can right click the background and then choose unlock or pattern outlines so now you can move this set one point again okay so now I will demonstrate the other fullness too which is Funes point so with this sue we can still do the slash and spread action so how we used to do is we select the segment and then move the slash light to the other end and then spread it out and now we can use it in a different way so I will we move the leg editing first and I choose the UNA spawn again so now when I move to the end you can still choose which side you want to spell out but instead of this we can also choose the center slash line we can choose it and then we can spread the pattern like this so I would do again so choose the center point and then move to the other end and then choose the center / line instead and then you can move you can spread your pattern like this so you can spread it for both sign now and then you can left-click to put it down freely or you can right-click to type in your own measurement so our simulated see the result next let's talk about please - or we generally we have fists fo and please sewing and now we have a new video cockpits so this one allows us to create peace out of a flat pattern more easily okay so left click to start and then move your cursor to the other side and then left click and then it will ask you to select one side - at the pits and I'll choose the larger side so you can choose your pits type and I will use the knife type for this time and you can also increase the number of pits so you can see that and interval so actually the death means this area and the interval means this area so let's take a look of the TAF okay so for the death there there are two options start and end so start means the upper area and the end means the bottom area so if I increase the number of the start area you can see the end will follow because now we are linking them together so they will keep increasing the width and they will keep parallel to each other and if i unlock then and I can increase the end area the pits will spread out like this so we can do the same for the interval so unlock them and then you can increase the end area so you can keep clicking the arrows until you're happy with the shape and the structure or you can type in a specific measurement and also you can see create not so for this one if I choose start the notches will be only add at this area so if I choose n you will only see the notches in the bottom area so so it depends on your need and I think if you will not show any pieces at the bottom you can just choose start but I will choose both for this demonstration first so I will hit OK okay so before simile I will we set them first and I will reposition them I do and then I would strengthen them in their simile and then they'll attach to the garment now I will run strengthen them and see me again so the other good thing about this too is when this panel is already sewn to the other one and after you add fits all the sewing will be modified for you so you can see here and even the the little folds are done for you so you don't need to do it by yourself and also all the sewing that has to be turned has been changed as well okay so I will select the front panel and then unfreeze it and I see money again and I would like to show you the piece in render mode so I can show you this part better so you can see the piece are more defined in random book so that is the feature for fullness and pleats next I'm going to show you about knocking puns and grouping patterns and the new features for annotations so I'm going to open a new file next I'm going to demonstrate new features about locking into a nice rocking pattern spawns and segments and also there will be some update about world and notation rotation and pattern grouping so we can see that a set of 2d pattern block twos is add to the tunngle menu in this version and we can find lock pattern outline and law interlining log base line and lock tie line ok so before I start to demonstrate I need to create some internal shapes here so I'm going to demonstrate the lock pattern outline first so I will click this icon to lock all the pennant outlines so when I try to Marquis all the pieces I can only select the internal shapes so we can also notice that the outlines are a lot by seeing their color so now they are all turned into gray color that means they're a lot so if you want to unlock the outline we can click this icon again to unlock or we can right-click the background and then choose unlock open and outlines so in a demonstration if we want to unlock other things like unlock internals and lock baselines and lock guidelines we can also right-click the background and then choose them from the menu next if we click the second icon lock internal line so all the internal line or shapes will lock and now I cannot use transform pencil or add a parent to to move them all to select them so again if I click this icon I can unlock the shapes or I can right-click the background again and then choose unlock all internal lines so the internal eyes will become normal again ok so now I'm going to demonstrate locked baseline so first I will use base polygon and then I will draw a baseline here and also over here and I and also I will try shorter one to demonstrate so the baselines that I just draw automatically locked so I cannot use a different tool to grab them or to select them but if I choose log based liking click it and you can see that I can select those space ice with my other parent - and I can move them like this and if you open a file with already assisting baseline they will be locked as well so you need to click this icon again to unlock them so you can see the pawns here by telling that whether this baseline is lot or not so if this baseline is lot you cannot see the pawns but if you are not them then the pawns will appear and then you can edit the baselines I'm going to show you love statements and points so first I will see that the a d-pad and tooth and then I will try to select some segments and points on the front panel so I will select the armhole area and the sizing and then I can right click on them and then choose lock and then I will do this thing on the back panel right click lock so once the segments and points are locked I cannot use my editor and choose to grab them or to select them and they will all turn into grey color so you can tell they're a lot and if I Marquis the pieces or I press ctrl-a to select all the pieces you can see that only the unlock segments and points are selectable and they will be highlighted in yellow color okay so I will also lock these seven points and then you can see that even I cannot select this lost pond but if I lengthen the waist line or shorten it I can still move around these set my lines so I can shorten it or I can lengthen it without affecting the rest of the semi lines yeah okay so I will take this as an example so even these ponds are a lot and the size seems lot you can still move these lot ponds by dragging these and all settlements and for those lot ponds and segments that link to each other I cannot move or Salette them now I will show you how to lock guidelines first I need to use a different tool and then choose two points and then right click on them and choose add guideline along points so you see there is a guideline here or we can turn on the ruler and then prove that a guideline so if I click long guideline I cannot move the guyline now and if I pull down a guideline from the ruler again this guy light will be immediate need lots so because I just lock the guidelines so if we want to move them again we need to click the lock guy light icon so now we can remove them and we can also delete them or delete them all then I will show you the function of your parents so I will unlock all the patterns now and then I will choose the pieces in lights green color and then right click choose group and then I will choose the rest of them in brown color and then group them into another group so now if I just take one piece of them the whole group will be selected and also the other one this is the other group so now so you can group your pieces wherever you like you can group them by fabrics or you can group them by items so now I can just create the whole group and then outside the fabric together and if you want to select a singular piece you can double click it to select and if you want to ungroup them you can right-click on them and then choose group and group and then you can group them in a different way so let's say I want to group the sleep together and the other sa another group next I will show you the updates of annotation so we can now hold the left key to rotate the annotation and then it will detect the 45 or 90 degrees rotation ankles if you hold the shift key and you can also move it around the next one is the updates of work pattern too so just like what we did in 5.1 I will select the pawn of the stiff pattern and then I will slap it to the corresponding pawn off the top and then the sleeve we are sliding along the armhole like this and if I want to add notches over there we can right click and then we can choose either on the walk pattern or on a stationary pattern or both patterns so I will choose both patterns and then the sniff pattern is still attaching with the armhole and if I want to keep the sleeve like this matching the armhole notch I could now click this option so right click and then choose move world pattern to intersection so now the sleeve is moved from there to here so once this area of both patterns are match up I can now draw a style line here so those lines will meet together at the same area so before drawing any style lines make sure the pattern is on top of the other so if now I double-click to choose this single piece you can see the height line here that means this piece is stepping on the other one so now we can choose base polygon too and then just a style line here double click to finish and then double click this pattern and then right-click and then choose order and then bring it to the front and then draw a style line so once you finish the drawing you can double click it and instead of moving it manually actually you can chase this base line so now we can click on the pattern right click and then choose wrote a y-axis and then click on the internal line to rotate so diced now we come to the next up days of materials first I will talk about her color search so we called the polder file here and now I would like to change the colors of this jackets so I came to the colors as you know we integrated Pantone color systems in sites but now we care for one more functions that you can search the Pantone chips by Pantone color numbers so we got this search bar here and you just take in the Pantone colors and then search you got the color chips that you want and then click OK listen we can change the colors as your preferred so it will be very convenience and more direct to search the colors and do your color changes and other update is for our 3d sim lines so let's now I go to this shoulder and turn align I turn into sin lie now I got a Sigma here what can I do is I can now go to put the editors to see that there is an option for 3d sim lines and I can now and add normal map to choose to apply on the scenes to make it more obvious so currently we have two two defaults memo map but of course welcome to add a normal map for the seam line and so I can always adjust intensity as well so let's say and get Ferdie to make now it looks more obvious so which you can enhance your looks on overall scenes so next will be the sim line top stage before previous portions we only got the obj files for segment and topstitch but now we also got obj file for options force in my top stage so just simply click I now I apply the top as in my top stage at this seems that will be the tape now you have all DJ's all this seam right on stage of course you can all go back to choose the textures but now since we got the obj so you will see it soon now the top states in my top station looks more more obvious next we have new through simple materials so let's say I go to the cops for demonstrations so when I get to this patterns and I go to born we click on we will see that at the presets we have more usable options which the new ones they are categorized in different parts or the patterns but such as for the lapel pocket bones under colors and remaining we are st. still same as the previous versions so you can just try and feel free to find your suitable beautiful objects to give you more preferences to create more versatility so the next updates on graphic grading let's say I make this back graphic as example for demonstrations so I click this grading and then I just chose this graphic online as creating a part of the grading [Music] so now I got the whole graphics into also degrading the same as to the paternal line and when I changed you in another sights now you'll see the graphic also change the size same as the petals so this is the updates for the gratings for graphics the next new features on materials is for sippers so now we can add sippers on to the pattern windows so i would like to demonstrate how I put the zippers at the zippers at the center front so I just took me Glow to still I go to the 3d windows to kick the zipper icon and I now I can move to the 2d windows and I starting porn I just click one time and drag you may notice that you don't need to click any in between the lines because it will automatically detect it and for the end I just double click now I finish once I and I add the other sides still I click one time and also dragging towards the end and double click now I will automatically adding the zippers and also you may notice that when when adding a zippers now you have the stoppers at the zipper ends and the same time when I drag and still can't drag the sliders and you will find also at the top of the zippers start it will also have the steeper stoppers so now you can go to the top of the editor you will find the shapes for the slider cooler and a stopper and you can also freely choose from our library for both sips lighter and cooler as well as to the stopper now you can chose open end or closed end and also the top and a bottom stopper will look like meanwhile for the materials you can also set your own materials for ball four slider cooler and stopper let's save slider I can change the material to mantle and the color as well you might immediately see that both stop stoppers slider and cooler they are changed to colors and material you may also go to the puller and unclick the same material options and you may tailor make your own cooler materials and colors individually so now I change the puller to path take and change the auto color so now you may have your own customized design for suppose then we came to the last new features for material witches piping and binding in 2d so let's say now I start with piping first I go to piping buttons on 3d windows and I now I would like to add this piping on this sim lines on the front so I go to the 2d windows and start clicking by one point and drag same as the zippers way then towards the end point I double pick so immediately we will see this piping head back into this symbolize same as 2 binding I kept finding icons and on 3d windows now I would like to add bindings out on the bottom hems of the skirts so I go to the 2d windows and then start also right-clicking one point and drag you may click one to continue to make sure the direction is correct then just up kick to N now you got the binding now is invisible because if the type is set to under so you can go to the puppet to enter to set the type to over and to be more visible I now change to the other graphics so now I got the binding so now we come to the last part of new features for render I will talk about background texture pills and ground shadows so you will see I just open the render windows on this porch of thoughts and when we go to the property editor when I open the image video properties so you will see that under backgrounds just click texture folders and you will see that there's a lot more background image options for you to choose besides the Nazi one also this background image including gradations and some diagonals so this files we will give you some more ideas for presenting for lighting on when you're working on Photoshop so a lot of light settings so let's say I chose diagonal 0 1 and open to immediately applying on the Garmin's backgrounds so besides the records we can also play with the colors together with this background image so when I click colors and just randomly pick our colors from brahmans you immediately see that the screen immediately multiplied with the background image that I've just applied it or I can immediate change other background image such as gradations it will free then also you will see this image multiplied with 2 colors so let me set them back on the white background and besides this image back one can play with all different will aspects let me apply some preset custom blue you see also this in background image can play with different will so you can pay round with that to enhance your presentations diversity so we have another new features on which is grunge adults I just add back the avatars so when we go to white properties you will see under poverty editor we also have a new items core ground shadows if you just click the boss on the show then I just immediately refresh interactive render then you will see this guan shadows appear at the render windows as well so this is the new features that the previous version which could not have this will also applying when you decide to pay with the bread wanna test your backgrounds you also played with the transparency but you can still see this shadows of the others but please be note that this only applied this brown shade of features will only apply on the background image textures but not for environment map so if you click environment map show which you can no longer to use the brown shadows so when you went i let me went back to the image settings if you want to create or have your own background image input into this after now you can also welcome to so that's your own backdrops such I have this image but before hand we need to make sure that our background image size is the same as the image size that we are setting in or else when you include our background image the image size will be stretchered or squeezed it so now let's say the just I show you the backdrop image I just check that which is pixel out to 8800 x 1050 - then I just take in here then now I can go to input my backdrops image now you will see this backdrop image neatly into it worth the Browse shuttles so please you should make sure that the image size is the same as the background image sites and now I can play with some light setting to make it more obvious so I can play with the white and I just strengthen it the lights intensity and the angle next we will move on to the new features on fur rendering which is gradations now we can set relations on the colors of the fur so that can give more rewrite in depth details on the verb now let me show you how to create that we have this fabrics hanging up here with third rendering so we now can go to about the editor and then we can set the base color first so I chose most shop colors let's say red then I interact with it now you will see this immediately shows the fur become all wet in color and you may notice that there is a new options here for parameters with third relation colors so once you clicked it on that you will have the following two options with meat colors tip colors appeared and you instantly see that and at the render window it's the first with more white appear on tip ends of the third so now I can set the meat color first so I chose another color maybe green and then the tip colors let's say I chose blue then once you immediately see that the both green and blue colors appear on the first and the middle range and endpoint and range so we can create a gradations on the third of course now the payload options meet positions and tip positions indicate that the length of this color range appeared in the midpoint and the tip point and at the same time interpolations which means that now it's the both red green and blue colors they are create are they appear in learn more gradient with like burning colors in between if I clicked it off then you immediately see that its colors range in between the batch parts they are more sharp and more clear so I can now adjust the meet positions I can turn it so that it could feel more closer to the midpoint and tip as well I can lengthen that so it will be the new features on for rendering gradations follow me we come to the last new updates on lighting options so I just open another Roger files with the render window is open and you may also notice that there are some new icons appear underneath the render icons and all those property icons so when we first noticed that there's a doom lights appears at the windows which when I click you will see the dome lights settings now is out of 8 and show which actually when you come to the lighting properties you will see that the device is also set at event and show but instead there's no longer three rectangle light appears underneath this I just add in by myself because now except dome light is defaulted to set activate other writings will be now need to add by your own from scratch so I will describe this six different settings of lights one by one when I click this dome lights if I of course you can delete it then immediately there's no more lights appearance but I can add the patch from clipping this dome light icons then you will appear and this dome lines will always appear at the center of the grid but if I pick one once more then you will have a pop-up window to inform to you that you have double click which is kick okay and then you can now I just delete this and I will introduce the first one the first lighting to you which is rectangle light so I go back to the rectangle lights I activate it and show it now you will see that this is the tangle light that we are familiar with which directly have an bought back showcasing the light Sox so you all still you can't adjust the intensities let's say I make it more stronger so next will be fierce light let me get to fate it and activate a speed lights now you see this sphere light is of course it's a Spears shape and the light source is coming from the sphere with the 360 degrees so it's quite widespread and so you will see that when the light source divergence on the objects is more looks more soft and blur so as well you can adjust the radius make it more bigger size with intensity as well stronger as well as the colors so the next one is spotlights I just had to fade it this view lights and I open the spotlights and activate it and show it now you see that that's a cone shapes appears on top this is the spotlights as the s name saying support spotlights will vary as a firing focus light source so maybe I just intensified my sauce and you will see that appear on the rendering dots that the light sauce is really strong and with a very sharp focal point and if you want to have that's not concrete so shops porn a divergence you can set the penumbra angle which I can say it's ten then the divergence and the focal points will be the edges will look more blur and soft as now you can see at the render windows and as well as this is a comb so the light source is coming from the outer edge and comb directions so at the comb angles into less smoother then let's say ten then the lighting source will be narrower as now you can see and if you see closer the projector shadows it looks quite shops if you don't like the shadows to shops you wanted a more blur more soft you can always adjust at the shadow radius so let's say I say ten as well now it looks as more per share the spotlights will as well there's a good to to make the objects that you want is more sharp and focused now now at the at the fade spotlight and introduce the next light which is directional lights let me activate it and shoal it now you can see that the directional lights is in this object icons which is like arrow that it's imitating to Sun lights which is the Sun rises the life sauce is so far for our way but also with the various Long's divergence on the my sauce so it's imitating a sunlight shining on to the environment so you now you see that if I go wider it looks in some certain angles that you will see that the area that's covered by light sauce is really large and with the more are more or less the same strong radiance of the lights this is also very good choose when you want to have some more natural light sauce then you can use the directional lights because they'll all this light source is coming from the same directions so idea to Vedas one and intial tells the next one IES light IES why is the standardized light formats for the digital eyes data for light source so most of the lighting manufacturer if they want to digitalize the data for the lights so it will use a yes now you will see that I under is light there is flowers which indicates when you click it actually close now have a default ILS lights files so you can always get different lights is files let's say I chose like c-13 then somehow the lighting will be the light source will looks a little bit different which imitating the specific lights in the physical worlds so also you can adjust the colors if you have some IES file from the lighting manufacturer you may also use it here so if let's say if I adjust like sauce the IES light to more closer to the war then you will see the lights sauce appeared on the plane surface and one of the things that we is besides you can add activate or shows and the property editor list you can always adjust here at the fitti windows let's say I click this one right click you can now select all lights now you can select all lights that show at the feeder window or break it again activate all or deactivated or even hide it and delete it so it's now quite user friendly for you but you adjust it from my source and for the rendering image so this the end of our cloud by palm to new features Hong Kong web in their presentations we are now moving to live Q&A sections welcome to leave your questions and thank you for watching you
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Id: gGdVD0SfNjI
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Length: 109min 8sec (6548 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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