BEGINNERS GUIDE NOBLE FATES Gameplay Tutorial Tips & Tricks

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hi there everybody and welcome to my beginner's guide for noble fates i'm icon and in this video i'm going to explain the basic gameplay mechanics i'm going to talk about everything you need to know to get this game running for you as usual i have put timestamps into the description box down there so if you're looking for a certain topic off you go besides that this is an early access tutorial video so there are problems along the road there are things that need to be fixed and will be fixed i'm pretty sure but one thing right at the beginning of this video this is a very very solid early access version which had no technical difficulties so far and offers a ton of gameplay with that out of the way let's get started with the first topic and we're going to talk about the basics and user interface and all the things that you need to know before we can set up on the other topics so first off in the upper left corner we see the inventory of or settlement you say there's meals and a few mouse over you see the read out what these items are there's more information tabs here learning recent events to name the most important things and the rest of these things well we're going to cover that in the course of the video in the upper in the down left corner we have a lot of different tools to work with our building menu our menu to set up work sites to set up stockpiles and all manner of different things so here you find the usual tools to manage your colony with and the down right corner we have the time management tools this game features a really nice fast speed we have some visibility layers and another a couple of other shenanigans over here we have our remaining food so we see our food stockpiles are lasting for four years that's a good information to know i like it that this is sitting here and up there are the nobles and the ruler of your little kingdom so you see one of the people rammer here has a crown that means that's your leader and you can control them but i'm going to cover that later too so when you click people you get a readout about their inventory their needs if they are dying what kind of jobs they are good at i'm going to cover these topics in detail a little bit later but so far you know that you'll find everything you want to know about these people including their inventories and all if you just click them there okay that's really the utmost basics about the user interface when we zoom in with the mouse wheel and paint this a little bit you can check out that basically everything in this game is clickable so evergreen you get to read out about how much wood and so on and so forth those little things on the ground tulips copper globs that you can gather everything which you can interact with has this little interaction button on it so that's a really neat thing another neat thing if you just move a rectangle over a portion of the screen you get a readout about all the things that are in there and let's say i was only interested in the trees bam i can just select those trees really useful things and that covers up the the basics of the user interface i don't really want to deepen that too much now to start out let's let's talk about how to build stuff you know it's always the most interesting part for building games how the hell do i build something so we go down there in the building menu and you find everything to set up a building in the structural menu first we get to select the floorings so there you see when you click it you branch deeper it's a submenu system so now we get to select the floors or the walls or the doors so we're going to start out with floors and now we get to select what kind of floors we start out with wood so we're going to set up a really small little room so let's just do three on four or four or four so you're getting any exact readout on how much resource that will cost you see it's pretty costly 69 96 wood so if you check this out an oak tree yields 38 wood so build your rooms not too large in this game they will you will need a lot of wood and your people don't need that much room at the beginning at least so next step we put walls around that select walls and then you just drag and drop a wall and release with the left mouse button so the next thing is really important make sure that this little post is not on top of the wall but inside the wall if it's on top of wall you will drag and drop a wall as you can see here which is hanging inside the ear we don't want that if you put it into the uh if this happens just hold the left button and right click while you're holding the left mouse button to cancel your selection see i'm holding now left mouse button now i'm clicking now the right mouse button and everything's gone just in case if you fumble which happens to me a lot so we're now putting another wall around there around there around there and that's that now we have walls all around you see these exclamation marks they tell you that there's not enough resource around now the next thing we need here for this room is a door so you can click backwards here put in a door and as you can see here same rules apply if it's on top of something they will try to put it on top that's bad so make sure it's uh it's sitting where you want it to be if something bad happens so let's set up something bad for as an example come on here so if something like that happens you can just uh click those and uncheck mark here the building thing and it's cool so sadly there is no hotkey so far for that so that's a little bit bad so as you can see here our dudes are completely clueless how to do this so let's select a couple of trees and press e to cut them or like i've shown you just drag and drop select evergreen and boom there we go we selected a couple of jobs and now they are doing it wonderful isn't it so with that out of the way our dudes will now start building that thing i forgot merely one thing and that's a roof if you want to do to have things if you want to keep the elements out you need to put a proof as well so it's the same thing just drag and drop in one corner and boom there you go just make sure that here in the visibility layers you can turn on or off grooves so i personally have them permanently turned off because it's just a pain in the rear to to manage them and one thing that i can't tell you for sure you will need lots and lots and lots of wood at the beginning okay with that out of the way you now know how to set up a building we're now going to set up other things inside that building you could put up furniture there just put a bed or something like that for example and you get the idea but i want to roll further with the tutorial and talk about zones now as well because this goes hand in hand with what we're doing now so zones are used in this game for a couple of things first off if you get here into the work area you can set up a farming zone so you just select that and then you have on your cursor or you select add sorry and then you can drag and drop on your cursor a farming area and then your dudes will get out and flatten that area and set up a little bit of a farm again you then set up what kind of what kind of grain they are supposed to farm and as you see here this all requires a certain level of farming to make it simple at the beginning your dudes are only capable of farming corn i'm going to explain how to change that a little bit later when we're talking about progression so that's how you set up a farming zone another thing that you will want to do is set up a stockpile zone so i will put this stockpile zone inside this room here and it's hardly visible but you see there's this blue bluish outline and then we click it and then i'll allow everything so now or people have a place where they will dump items to put them into our stockpot without a stockpile zone people will not know where to put items and as you see here rammer has already started sewing out those corn seeds we got so in general that's how how these zones work you can also put up a digging order here that will flatten the terrain or or remove certain parts of the terrain so this is your tool to chain to to terraform a bit so that's that there is not much more to say about zones because there aren't more than that just so you know how to configure things what's also important to say while we're at it stuff that's just lying on the ground will decay eventually and stuff that's beneath a a roof and stored inside doesn't so it's quite important to do so all right with that out of the way let's get into the next topic and that'll be crafting so crafting is quite simple you put up a crafting table these are found in the work tape and the work tab and here we go for benches and here you see i can start out with a crafting table and a butcher table these other locked items can be built later when our builders have more talent so now we put down a crafting table you can rotate things with e and q and it's a little bit difficult to see out here but there's this this yellow thing is depicting where the person will stand while they're working at the table so we're putting down one here and now let's do a nifty thing let's select miles right click something and build crafting table here we go so that's one thing that you can't do if you want to force a certain job as quickly as possible okay so here we go next thing if you have that built you have here a task queue and then you can add tasks so we add a task and here we get to select what kind of items we want to produce it's again a menu that's going with around sub menus and easily set you just select you just hover over that you see there's a potential of stats quality durability and all these things and the expected value the game instantly calculates what's to expect according to the talons in your place so you see our dudes are really not that good at it but whatever we're going to do this so you see there's now this job in there we can now configure this job set up the quantity we want or we can also select that we want to do this infant times or maintain a certain amount we can also select that a certain value has to be produced every item comes out with a certain value you see there's a value is between 4 and 24c that's a unit of quality in this game and you can also tell the game that certain value has to be produced also you can tell them that somebody certain has to produce these items and minimum skill has to be set up and so on and so forth that's how crafting works in this game as with the other job you can right click everything that you want and assign somebody but mildred is now doing the job so she's crafting a cloth tune and crafting works just like that you will set up more and more different tables the butcher table works a little bit differently you will have to right click the forks you want to butcher you will have to need you will need to put up the the table and then you just have to put up a something to uh something to to butcher at okay but basically that's that this is how crafting works and there's not much more complication behind that you will get more more recipes the higher the crafting skill of your dudes go as you can see here mildred's crafting skill is at a humble zero she will get better at that don't you worry and with that out of the way let's get let's talk about getting better in general and that's the progression topic i wanted to get into so as we see here miles can level up right on cue wonderful so whatever your dudes do they will gain experience if they fight they work whatever experience can then be used for a level up let's do a level up so miles gets this level up see there's that boom level up and he's now gaining max health but on top of that he's also gaining skill levels and that's how you gain skills in this game in general so we see here miles is now at a crafting level of one huzzah so that means miles is now capable of bringing up new items so we're going to see how this will go and here is another wonderful thing about progression miles is trying to figure out how to sow corn he doesn't know how but if your people don't know how to do something they will stand in front of it and until they know how to do this so that's a wonderful way how things work here for example rammer here if i assign her to to build a butcher table she's now standing in front of that too she's learning that she got no clue how to do this so she's now learning that and she's going to fill this bar and after that's learned she can build these things as much as she wants to you can see all your progression here in that area here and that's the warning tab as you can see here if you zoom in at every item you see who's actually able to do these items in your in your settlement right now there's also a readout that rammer is learning that and how how far she went into in her progression here so if you check this out this is the entire tree here so building goes into the different uh trees of decorations furniture lighting structures and work stuff crafting is sewing bow making smoothing on the respective tables that is and there is farming ranching and cooking as well so as you see here at first everybody can do everything so all of your workers will have no problem setting up the basic structures here but the deeper down you go and the skill trees the more you will have to decide if somebody learns something or not and i highly recommend you to to develop specialists because it's it's really worth it and that's something i do like about this game and you just need to know that progression wise will find all the information here another thing worth mentioning about experience here is you see rammer even gains experience while learning there's really nothing as an empty task in the like an empty task in this game so you will have no problems whatsoever in racking up xp so that's how this part of the game works and this is also where you will have to just in the long term how to do things so we're going to go over the jobs and the configuration here the moment between here so as you can see here there's a job assignment thing and you can set up people to autonomous designations of these this is a little bit hard to understand the first glance but i want to put this into the progression tab because it it is the ending of that uh part of the gameplay here so basically you uncheck that and then you can select what kind of priorities these dudes should have should have on these so rammer has top priority on firefighting that's the number one task number two task then she's check marking these things so guarding is the number three task hunting the number four task and so on and so forth so left clicking does reduce the number by one right clicking just increase the number by one you will notice that these jobs change their priorities accordingly here is the actual skill level and their potential how quickly or how high the chance no how how high their maximum level is so somebody with a low potential will have a low maximum level and the green and red colors designate if they like or dislike some job so it's definitely definitely worth mentioning and in general you will want to try to put people onto jobs where they have high potentials don't worry too much about the opinions of their of the people because if you set them on a job which they really dislike they will hate your ruler a little bit for that but you can iron out these relations and sometimes i've had people that had a high potential on a job where they which they actually disliked a lot and that's a waste of potential so as we see here rammer gains some new skills and you can adjust your people um accordingly okay so with that done let's get into the next topic and that's social interaction social interaction plays a pretty big role in this game and as you can see here there's this blue bar below below mildred and miles that's how much they like the current ruler so let's select rammer and talk to mildred right click speak to mildred so now we get this dialogue menu we can now ask her what's on her mind and now she's going to talk something about humans are to my liking so if you get now the option to agree with that person i love humans you will increase the relationships let's do that to give you an example and then the uh opinion goes up and there is also the option that sometimes you will have dialogue options for example here i like miles because miles is human sometimes stuff pops up like i totally dislike humans if you click that the relationships will drop the key here is to find out to to put up something your dudes agree with and if if you can say something that's agreeable between two part between both parties relations will rise if you derp it out and say something that's upsetting the person relations will drop this is how social interactions in this game work in general and there's really not much more about it you can use that on your own people to make them happier again and you can also use that on visitors and talk with visitors as well and as soon as they like your ruler you can also ask them to join your settlement which is pretty cool so this is also the way how you gain new people into your place you just have to wait until somebody some visitors come by and want to join you that's basically how that works so that's how social interaction works and let's get into the next topic and that's prestige so prestige is you know these dudes are all nobles so that's a topic worth talking about so prestige is what you see here everybody in your uh your ranks has a prestige menu and there's a actual prestige value and the ambition your people have and if the prestige is not as high as their ambition they will grow really really unhappy with how things are going here so you should definitely definitely keep an eye on that and to make your people happy you will have to craft high quality items that you give them now there so you see there's their belongings and rammer gains 10 points of prestige out of their crown cloth shoes cloth tuning the axe leggings all these items are producing prestige for rammer and as you can see here now we can now of course craft more and more items so let's craft a stone axe too you see the ingredients here tell us we need to gather some stone no biggie we've got lots of stone here so let's select stone and gather a couple of those just like that our next mining dude will do the job by the way if this is all too complicated to you for you by all means just leave this on autonomous and you can always micromanage your dudes and also there's always the option to check mark this to rush the gathering command but more about that in the tips section at the end of this video so now that we know about status and that our people want that by the way sometimes they develop wants to where they want something very specific a bad of this and that quality a item of this and that quality and this brings us to the next point which we need to talk about that's belongings so belongings well let's go i think that's a very self-explanatory term but you also have a menu here called belongings and this is where you can adjust the items of your kingdom to certain people so you see here if you click those dudes you see their inventory and you see what they got so for example there's now items in my kingdom that i could adjust to bama so to tell that this cloth tunic is supposed to be hers here's one thing here if you mouse over that you see mildred thinks bad about a cloth tunic so mildred does gain less prestige out of that than rammer here so the likes and dislikes of your people strongly influence the amount of prestige because you know beauty lies in the eye of the beholder so all together this is a way how you can also do a little bit of things and also worth mentioning well it it belonged into the crafting section actually but i missed it a little bit here the cloth tunic gained a red plus one ranged that was because the quality of the item was high enough to spawn as an uncommon item the higher the quality of your crafters the more likely these things will happen so we're going to give this one to miles and as you see here now prestige right is rising and your dudes are actually sorted by their prestige one thing is more important noting if you take away something from them they will be angry it's better to leave items in there in their possession even if they don't want to have them another thing worth mentioning if you have a bedroom so you see a room that just works out like this three of three and three four walls around it and so on and so forth and only one bat in it and uh maximum thing decorations you will create a bedroom bedrooms are kind of like special because a bedroom can also be assigned to a person a person can own a bedroom so here it happened to me as well so and everything which is in the bedroom adds prestige as well so let's put up a piece of furniture here strawbed and you see here the straw bat has a prestige rating and as soon as this room would be finished we could assign this room just like every other belonging via the belongings menu to a certain person and that will also lead to the point where they will ah here tier three bedroom it already automatically assigned it due to the blueprints and now you can just assign this to the people also you can here assign the shack to person so you see there's a lot of things going on and the base the gist of it is you will have to bring the ambition and the pr the the actual pers you will need to over fulfill the ambition with prestige and that's that all right and that already brings us pretty much to the end of this video where i want to talk about nifty tips i mean a lot of things are already have been talking about in this video a couple of things there and here in between visitors are are going to be shown here animals are going to be shown here and there is one thing i wanted to talk about and that was for example the schedule here the game basically has this autonomous schedule where everybody is doing everything as he wants to i strongly dislike that setting what worked really good for me was just put up a very very basic and plain schedule like that where they still get to select what they want to do on their own but i don't leave it to to them so there's really this is really really something that helped me out a ton and beyond that whenever people are are wandering in you see here everybody of these dudes can be actually recruited if you want to you are going to have to convince them to join you of course with that social menu but as you can see here there's a lot of good people there and you can check out what they what they can do for you first but if the level discrepancy is too high don't expect anything too amazing especially if your dude is an orc and the other dude is human there can be also problems arising due to that another thing that helped me out really a lot was using this um rushed command you can also rush commands in a larger scale so for example i select all the wooden floors and you can then put this up as a multi rush order this really really did a lot for me and also it's worth mentioning that you can do a lot of things when you're clicking on these buildings in detail there's a lot of detailed uh little things that you can do not only change their colors you can actually change colors on everything so you can also change the the look of the items you craft the crafting items i'm not sure anymore so there's a lot of individualization going on and here is one thing that i wanted to mention as well we can use items that are not assigned to somebody in specific and assign them as something we ignore staff and we can also consider them as junk so our dudes will move them away and not use them anymore you can also put things that are below a certain quality into your your auto junk setting so you don't have to manage every piece of crap anymore another tip that's really been important for me in this game was that it really really paid off to start out small because you have to learn so many different things and i already mentioned it keep you keep yourself surrounded with specialists try to learn the jobs on certain people and try to organize things a bit you know there's a lot of things you can learn and if you want to have somebody you can basically for example build everything you will be you will be probably a little bit unhappy but it's also depending on your own play style this is a sandbox game after all what's also worth mentioning here is the game in its state right now is really simple you don't need to worry too much about food in general you can't just forage it from wherever you want to it's really that simple okay so there's really a lot of things i guess that are that that i still could mention here but well this is a beginner's tutorial after all so drop me your further questions down below if you think i have missed out something just ask away i didn't talk about combat but that's basically because it's that easy you just click somebody you enlist him and then you can control them just in every uh rts game just notice that i some that's somehow totally slipped my attention sorry friends okay leave a thumbs up in that video if you enjoyed and of course consider subscribing if you haven't done so already there's daily content coming up from my site i'd be delighted if you leave a subscription on my channel see you guys hopefully next time bye bye
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 2,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noble Fates, Noble Fates Game, Noble Fates Gameplay, Noble Fates Review, Noble Fates Early Access, Noble Fates Test, Noble Fates Tutorial, Noble Fates Guide, Noble Fates Tips, Noble Fates Trailer, Noble Fates Deutsch, Noble Fates Let's Play, Noble Fates Key, Noble Fates Steam, Noble Fates Ic0n Gaming, Noble Fates Walkthrough, Noble Fates Beginners Guide, Noble Fates Icon Gaming
Id: QbFiAnPftho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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