Starsector (2021) - Open Galaxy Sandbox Sci Fi RPG

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Used to follow him long ago when he had let's play series on his channel. Stopped when he started focusing on just one off videos.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Sotales 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cool. Dude can lift 💪

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dan_Qs 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm pretty sure he also review/one off video before the [REDACTED] doritos update

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MrX25U 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games it's time for us to check back in on star sector this is one of those fantastic games that a lot of people have never heard of like totalbiscuit actually did a video on this like a long long time ago and it's one of those games that's continued to kind of exist in relative obscurity despite the fact that it is a very good game like one of the problems you run into with these open world sandbox space games is that they tend to suffer from like white as an ocean deep as a puddle star sector is not that game if i could describe the game to you be a combination of mountain blade warband if you took the gameplay of space pirates and zombies and made it much more in depth in fact that's the way that i tend to describe this game to prospective buyers or people that want to get into it is that this game is space pirates and zombies older more sophisticated brother the core gameplay is actually very very similar especially when it comes to combat but there's just more of it there like there's so many different layers of gameplay to this that it's one of those games that you can really sink into for like 400 500 hours it's very very easy to do and at a price point of 15 you'd be hard-pressed to find a game that is more of a steal and so anyways star sector we're gonna dive on in today if you like the game after having watched this video i have a link for you down below in the description so that you can check that out on top of that i'll also have a link to my discord and my twitch stream uh where i have been streaming this game i've got a couple of vods up now by the time this video goes live or maybe one or two that you'll be able to check out just in case you wanted to start the game out from scratch and go through the entire process of building up a fleet and becoming all bad ass but anyways let's start off a new game here uh the game just recently got like a big kind of expansion like content drop the developer's been working on the game for like 10 years he's been working on it for a really really long time and it's one of those passion project games like caves of cutter dwarf fortress where i'm not entirely convinced he'll ever stamp a 1.0 on it and say that it's done it's a game that already could be in its 1.0 like right now with where it's at but he just keeps adding more things to it and fiddling with more things and adding more ships and adding more mechanics uh the most recent content kind of explosion had to do with like the warp and hyperspace adding little thematic things to make that more interesting and sort of more mysterious and terrifying uh what do i want to name this guy we'll name this guy chip challenger he looks like a chip challenger to me that's the name that popped to mind when i saw like i don't know they added this balaclava profile and ever since then i always pick it at the beginning of the game we can decide what kind of ship we wanted to start with and one thing i do like about this game is that if you don't like the early game like you find that the bounty hunting fight from relative obscurity up to prominence takes too long and you don't find that to be fun you can actually skip over the top of it pretty easily and start the game out with a big giant ship like a cruiser or a destroyer and the game doesn't penalize you for that it's just merely up to your choice and little accessibility options like that to streamline the play for veteran players i think are actually really really good but in this case i'm going to take the wolf frigate because it's one of my favorite ships in the game and then we've got to choose a wingman i'll take the kite class shuttle sounds good because we get an officer that comes along with that i'm gonna skip the tutorial and then we've got to pick a skill one thing that's really really cool about this game is that the skill tree matters so there's a lot of games out there that they take the idea of a skill tree and they think that by having like a bigger skill tree they're somehow making their game more interesting even though everything in the skill tree is kind of like a path of exile styled one percent passive boost to something like that's not meaningful progression what i like about star sector is that there's not a lot of skills but every single one of them distinctively changes the way that your fleet performs or gives you some large concrete bonus that matters i would much rather have that skill tree and so at the beginning of the game everything split up between combat leadership technology and industry combat pretty obvious makes you better at fighting leadership also fairly obvious it makes all the ships under your command perform better technology are like general abilities that just make your fleet do different stuff on the overworld map and allow you to scan and allow you to move faster and allow you to conduct em warfare against the enemy to nerf their capabilities industry is going to be largely around manufacturing uh colonizing and then also the aggregation of loot what i like to start out with right here in the beginning of the game is there's a couple good options so i like field modulation it makes your shield stronger i like crew training because it allows you to stay in combat for longer periods of time before people gas out this game has a conceptual idea of combat readiness that dictates how well your fleet performs and having a higher combat readiness from this fleet bonus right here means that you can stay in long engagements longer before people start being like i'm hungry when is the fight going to be over when can i have my chimichanga like it's pretty cool this is a good one over here too navigation allows you to transverse jump that means that you can get into the warp no matter where you are without using a jump gate it's a supremely useful utility but anyways there's lots of things to pick from here like loads and loads and loads of things i'm gonna go with combat endurance i feel like that's a really strong pick for the early game it's gonna allow us to stay in combat longer and it's also going to allow us to stack more combat readiness on top of already getting that extra 60 second buffer and then we'll dive on into the game so here we are at the beginning of the game we've started out with our little tiny baby fleet uh we have our korolev dreaming and we have the mercurial which is our we've actually got an officer inside here your officers are special characters that you can recruit and pay a salary to they can pilot your ships for you instead of designating it to just like a helmsman that's randomly run by the ai this guy is also ai runner this lady is also ai run but she's got her own abilities she levels up in combat she gets more abilities and she will develop those things to really turn this thing into a scalpel a very precise combat instrument the first thing i like to do early on in the game is pick up some more ships we got 32 000 right now so i'm gonna go to the fleet menu and i'm gonna go ahead and buy myself a couple more ships just to kind of make ourselves have a little bit stiffer of a chin uh we do have another wolf frigate over here that's available for purchase we do have uh i was hoping let's check the black market real fast black market you got anything sessy for me over here not really actually uh we have a kite shuttle over here that would work a drone tender would also work i would take both of those the downside is my transponder is on your transponder is basically like a digital handshake with every other ship in the system so if i buy anything out of the black market the police are gonna come by and they're gonna be like hey we saw that your transponder was activated in a dubious area you haven't been doing anything bad have you and then i'm gonna be like no i swear officer i haven't done anything wrong uh we'll take the kite shuttle and i think we will also take the drone tender both of those sound good to me that's about half of our money gone for right now we are gonna have to outfit these ships so i'm gonna refit them real fast every single ship is fully customizable they have hard points you can put whatever you want inside those hard points so long as it fits inside the prescribed modification points for that ship so every ship can take a certain amount of modification points this meter fills up and once it's full you can't add anything else to the ship but for right now i'm just going to auto fit this stuff we'll give you like a standard loadout and then for the drone tender we will also give you a frontier loadout there we go so this guy's gonna release drones and they're gonna attack the enemy i mean this is a piece of industrial equipment so really he shouldn't even be in combat but we're gonna kind of like do it for right now because i need the extra reinforcement uh we need to earn some money and so anyways as we fly on over here you can take a look in the bottom left from the top to the bottom that's all the information you need to know about the game the top we have our credits underneath that we have the amount of supplies we have left remaining supplies are just kind of like this esoteric value this item you have to carry around that represents all the clothing all the food all of the equipment all of the tools that you need to keep a fleet up and running underneath that you've got your fuel underneath that you've got your burn rate which is how fast you are underneath that with the white star you've got your combat readiness uh combat readiness is basically how refueled how tuned how reloaded all your guns are how rested your crew is if it's at a low value they're going to perform worse in combat and malfunctions are going to happen next to that we've got our sensor range that's how far away we can see things you can get ships to help boost that up with mods we've got our sensor profile which is how far away people can sense us from based on the size and the hulls of our ships we've got our repair kind of synopsis how long it'll take us to fix our craft if we had any damage and then an overall average of the amount of hull damage that's been sustained by every fleet or every ship in our fleet i'm gonna go ahead and save over here just in case anything bad happens sometimes there's pirates over here and there's a standing bounty on all of them and so i'd like to wipe out a couple of pirate fleets real fast just to get our finances up and earn some early game xp he's avoiding contact with us right now which means i'm actually going to have to like chase him down and catch him there we go we caught him it's three busted ships that's all you need to know and so anyways we're going to pursue them and we're going to take command of the action the downside is because they're trying to run from us they are going to be fleeing from this combat and so it's not going to be altogether that visceral or interesting of a fight because they're going to be displacing and running for their lives and not really actually standing their ground with us if we're lucky we may be able to pick off one or two of them i wish they weren't running but they are so it kind of is what it is there's two meters you need to pay attention to on every ship in this game you've got your flux and you've got your hull your flux is basically the heat that your ship has built up over time in combat everything from your shields being hit to firing your weapons is going to increase your flux and so anyways it's a good idea like what happens is because shields don't have a concrete value in this game like they do in other games what will happen is in this game combat is sort of back and forth it's like waves on the beach people thrust in as their flux goes up they pull back and it creates kind of this subtle push and pull to combat that's very very strategic in this game there is an rts overlay you can command your guys just like you would in command and conquer or starcraft or anything else if you wanted this guy is apparently staying in in order to allow his other ships to retreat i'm gonna dance in activate my shields with right click and see if i can pepper him up a little bit with missiles before he gets away he shouldn't be able to get away from me one of the reasons i like the wolf is because it is the consummate predator craft uh it's a very aggressive uh difficult ship to escape and so he's now dead but everybody else has apparently retreated so we'll just claim victory real fast and then we can consider recovering any ship that we've destroyed it's in really bad shape though these little pips right here in red are called d mods or damage mods every time a ship is killed in combat you can recover it but it gets a d mod most of the time like this one right here has an erratic fuel injector that's going to mess with its ability to move in combat it has compromised armor which means that his armor is going to go down faster once you get past the shields it's got degraded life support which means that its crew capacity is cut to half and it has a glitched sensor array which means that it can't scan very well so it's in bad shape we're just gonna go ahead and pick through the wreckage real fast and then move on with our day a little bit of fuel a couple supplies off that guy right there uh we are not ready for combat right now which kind of sucks is there a larger fleet over here that like wants to fight while we're kind of like patching ourselves up we did get paid 1700 bucks for that engagement uh this guy over here is running from me i'm gonna see if i can catch him and if i can catch him that'd be great but it seems like most of these guys are kind of dedicated to running from me i wish that they would unify up and actually fight me in one big pitch battle so that i can get paid uh we caught these guys right here and in fact they did do exactly what i just said so we're gonna move into engage this is a stand your ground fight the only thing is we didn't have time to refuel and resupply the kites so unfortunately they're not gonna be able to stay in combat quite as long as they normally would be able to however given the relatively scuffed nature of all of these ships that we're going up against i'm not really that worried about engaging with them anyways i don't really want to fight the wolf first all he's going to do is backpedal and try to run from me and so he's not going to really engage he's flying an evasive craft right now so i'd like to go after somebody where the benefits of my craft will be best served i need to get past you my special ability on this ship by the way is that i can teleport that's the thing my ship does yeah shoot down those em missiles please oh you didn't shoot down the em missile oh no now i'm disabled and floating this is bad well we'll recover at some point there we go we have now recovered and we are quite beat up it's okay though we're gonna bounce back everything's gonna be okay uh i need to engage this guy down here is the first thing that i need to do and it looks like my forces have actually split up very very strangely sometimes the ai makes really odd decisions in this game i'm gonna give these guys the order to move in and attack this guy right here because he has no shields and so he's the obvious first target and then we'll work on everybody else later i'm gonna push up while being careful to not get overwhelmed there we go we cut him off a little bit fire some missiles on into that hull get him a little scuffy boyd we've got our i'm going to teleport over to avoid those missiles the other guy just fired our drone tender is putting a nice small amount of pressure on them it's not a combat vessel so i wouldn't expect miracles but there's our first enemy defeated we're gonna go ahead and give orders in here because they got scrambled enough on that last run that i don't trust the ai to actually engage properly on my side it's one of those weird things where like the enemy ai seems to play better than the ally ai and i think that's because they're sort of like encouraging you to get officers that play a little bit more aggressively he's now dead good the other guy he's kind of just like hanging out back there but he's a civilian vessel and so like i can see why he might not want to be in combat let's go ahead and chase this guy to the corner of the map i'm gonna rotate around him give him some seeker missiles right there his flux is going up our flux is going up everybody's having a wonderful fluxy time okay i'm gonna pull back because my flux is too high i'm gonna vent my flux real fast and allow my cohort to kind of like pepper him a little bit while i get my heat down you can get rid of flux by pressing the v key by the way and learning when and where to balance your flux is actually like a major mechanic of this game uh he's now down so we're gonna refocus everybody else and we're gonna go after that guy you may have noticed if you're particularly astute every time i give an order my command points go down that's because you can only give limited orders in combat based on how good your leadership is you could confuse people effectively there's a certain amount of orders you can give to the fleet before they start being like uh but they do regenerate over time as you can see as the meter fills up let's go ahead and get back on in here and we'll see if we can tango with this civilian vessel civilian vessel actually doing a pretty good job at chewing on my little dude right there we just got a warning that our combat readiness is getting down to critical levels so we'll kind of keep an eye on that but we should be out of here pretty shortly our drone tender is sheering the armor off this guy our weapons are dealing damage we're scoring hits with missiles and so he has ceased to exist he's no longer existing on this mortal coil i'm gonna go ahead and claim victory pretty solid win uh there's nothing really worth claiming over here so i'm not going to resale value on ships is really terrible if they have d mods and so like picking up ships that have obsessive huge amounts of d mods just doesn't feel worthwhile to me all right so we've picked up 7 000 credits for that engagement right there because there's a standing bounty on all dead pirates in this system not bad and then we also get a stipend every month because we've just graduated from space academy and so us being a fighter pilot or a bounty hunter or a space trader or whatever else is being subsidized by our educational establishment at the moment until we get on our feet over here we've got one more contact and it looks like he's running from us what do we have over here what are you guys doing you guys got anything interesting going on two more hounds i would like to fight them but it really comes down to whether or not i can catch them there we go we got em we got em boys we got em all right uh i'm going to go ahead and pursue them and i'm actually gonna let my second in command handle this one because i've noticed the second in command does a better job at catching fleeing ships uh than just fighting the open battle does both those ships were wrecked we knew they were both wrecked before we even came in here but we've allowed ourselves to resupply and refuel a little bit and that'll give us another 3 000 credits to play around with so expanding the fleet is going to be an opportunity if you want to speed the game up like i'm doing right now you just hold down the shift key and you can swap that inside the options between a toggle and a push to function it's entirely up to you i put it on where i hold it down in order to make it work but some people prefer it the other way i can play either way doesn't really bother me i'm going to head back to the station and we'll resupply briefly and we'll figure out what we want to do next in the early game you're going to be a little bit tight on funds honestly finding a good job is more than likely what's going to benefit us the best unfortunately the bar doesn't have any prospective employers that have anything that we can currently handle at our current level of progression we do need to hire some goodies and we do need to kind of grab some more crewmen so i'll get some more crew right there we'll refuel i'm going to grab some supplies as well just to keep us floating that used up most of our money that we got from our pi radical deeds or our anti-pi radical deeds anti-pi radical that's the word that i'm looking for we don't really have enough money left over to go ahead and buy a new ship which is what i would be in the market for anyways in the early game i prefer to just have like a swarm of really small fighters and frigates and then i just take on threats that are highly damaged like pirates and whatnot uh we can seek out things to do inside the galaxy there are standing bounties and things like that that are going to be all over that just come in through the broad wave communicator we are in a system right now where there's a standing bounty on pirates so let me cruise around for a little bit maybe see if i can grind out a level or two killing pirates well i got bad news so the uh the local imperial fleet came through and wiped out all the enemies this game is populated with factions those factions do things in order to advance their goals it's very much like kind of nords or you know vague ears or you know the serenity or whatever a mountain blade warband this game has multiple multiple factions that are all vying for control of the remaining galaxy this game takes place in a lore set that is very much in decline like humanity is effectively dying out uh there was a point where the entire galaxy was ruled by a faction called the domain as i understand it and the domain has collapsed long long ago and if you take a look at the map actually humanity used to extend to all of these star systems after the collapse of the domain we now have this and it's all infighting between various factions over who gets to control everything you've got the standard players you've got the space religion that hates technology while flying around in spaceships uh you've got the evil corporation that has the best technology the best stuff but living under their rule is basically working 70 hour weeks and living a misery life you've got like the flawed democracy faction that like they're kind of the good guys but like everybody is a bad guy in their own respect in this game but you can sign up with any of them for a commission and become a part of their military and help them conquer space if you want to you can make your own faction and fight against everybody and unify it under your own i for example plan on enacting the worship of the great and powerful god emperor and everyone will come to heal under the radiant light of holy terror and those that do not shall face my bolter fire that's that's kind of the way that i'm going with it but you know you can choose and do it however you want since all the pirates got cleaned out of this system i think maybe we make a small hop over to galatia i think that's a good idea so let's go ahead and we'll lay in a course for galatian we'll head out to the warp are you guys pirates nope you guys are smugglers there's an abandoned terraforming platform right there we could use that as a base sometimes you'll find like orbiting stations that have been abandoned for like hundreds of years and you can use them to store your stuff and basically use them as a bank in my personal playthrough i actually i found a ship i was out in the far fringes of the galaxy like way out in the middle of like nowhere and i found an old ship from the domain era that had a name and actually had like a giant lore blurb about how important of a ship it was and how it was like the spearhead of the greatest war effort and whatnot and it's like a flatly better version of the same hull uh compared to the ones that you can buy in the inner system but i don't have the money or the manpower to fly it and so it's just sitting in my storage right now but someday someday this is hyperspace hyperspace is how you get in between different systems hyperspace is much like the warping 40k strange mysterious things happen out here that are unexplainable and in fact the last content drop fleshed out and made the warp a lot more interesting there's like ghosts in the warp now there's slipstreams all kinds of odd things to kind of terrify stupefy and enamor let's see if we can find some pirates around in this station to maybe bolster up the old bank account because we're kind of broke as a joke right now uh it looks like they just killed this pirate relay over here so there's a chance that there's not really gonna be much here but we do have a large debris field over on this side that we might conceivably be able to salvage and maybe glean a little bit of value from uh playing the game as a salvager who just moves around in the wake of the conflicts that are happening is also like a valid option you can actually earn a lot of money that way uh let's go ahead and we will salvage this area it's possible there's something here uh we're not equipped to salvage this field we don't have enough manpower we don't have enough tools and so there's a high chance of accidents happening and so i'm not gonna what is this over here that is a nav buoy okay i could wipe out the nav buoy and actually it doesn't look like there's a pirate base in this sector and judging from all the debris fields i've got a feeling that the pirates have been mostly wiped out oh this guy wants to fight you know after looking at him he's got two destroyers in there i just don't feel like it's gonna happen we'll go emergency burn real fast we should be able to outrun him due to the relative distance and hull size and if we can drag him back to a fleet patrol we may actually be okay like if we can get him to get engaged by the cops we can jump in on it and that's absolutely a fight that we can handle the question becomes can we force this guy to follow us out to where they are actually at because he's going to be a little bit skittish about actually going into hegemony space do have a small sortie happening down here but it's mostly wrapped up this mercenary scout caught himself some pirates uh we do have a couple of ships around here though that we could take a look at are any of these any good he's only got two d mods bad power grid unreliable subsystems although those aren't the worst debuffs that the ship could possibly have i'm just gonna go ahead and salvage him off real fast we'll just kind of take his lifeblood for our own usage we will see actually i'm gonna follow this mercenary battalion here real fast and i'm gonna see if he engages with that larger fleet are those pirates right there those are pirates i'm gonna go ahead and block this off real fast there we go so in a roundabout way we just saved that mercenary squad from getting obliterated by these reinforcements and we should be able to get a nice little five thousand six thousand paycheck off of it sometimes it pays to sort of just no you guys stop doing what you're doing and heavy escort me thank you oh that was aggressive my man came in wanting the smoke all right all right i respect the ambition of it that dude pulled up like he had major beef to spark with me uh unfortunately it didn't work out so great with him uh you guys over here go ahead and get rid of that hound right there this guy's isolated one thing you always want to look for in combat in this game is isolated enemy units every now and again the ai will overextend and will isolate themselves from the rest of like their reinforcements and you want to watch out for fruitful strike opportunities in those cases we'll go ahead and light him up real fast get the shields up with right click he's now down very well done gentlemen and this should just be a cleanup operation from here let's knock these shields down let's generate some flux let's cause some mayhem and let's get ourselves a paycheck shall we i got crew that are looking to feed their families i'm looking to upgrade the fleet and make it better we'll go ahead and vent a little bit of our good stuff over here and we'll command everybody to go out here and fight i don't know if i mentioned it but you can play this game like an rts if you don't like flying your ship and you find that you're not good at it uh you can command your ship the same way that you command all these other guys on the rts lair and it'll just play the game like the ai does just with some bonuses for your pilot obviously being a named character and whatnot like you'll have better movement speed you'll have better damage so on and so forth so totally an option you can do that there's our win very nice uh none of those ships are worth recovering i'm just gonna pick the bones real fast we'll get 16 supplies out a little bit of fuel if you control click it'll pick things up only to the capacity that you can totally fill that's a very nice quality of life thing this game is full of nice little quality of life things like that uh this is a big force right here and they've got a carrier yikes don't love that i mean we can jump in on it but i'm not convinced it's gonna go well especially since we're not fleet ready right now i'm just going to let him like suffer his fate i just i don't feel confident about that carrier that carrier is going to belch out like 10 to 15 fighters like non-stop the entire time and our hulls are so small that fighters are actually a considerable threat and so i'd rather just not deal with it that's his problem bye bud sorry i am wrong place wrong time i guess cousin later let's go see if we can find more fertile ground to fight although we've got a little bit of money let's go to the station and we'll expand our yeah let's go to the station and we'll expand our fleet a little bit one word of warning be wary of the autopilot when you lay in coordinates it'll just take you in a straight line to get there it won't take you on the safe path to get there it'll just kind of it'll fly you through it'll fly you through you know neutron fields pulsars uh warp storms so you are gonna have to like you can use the autopilot a little bit but on a certain level i do wish that the autopilot was better like if they had two separate autopilot settings one for like safest course and one for fastest course i think that would resolve the issue entirely we're still good on supplies so we have to worry about that that's a little bit of money we can skip out on let's go ahead and take a look at the shipyard and see what they've got they've got another kite over here they've got an enforcer but it's got d mods we've got a light carrier over on this side that we can't afford we've got a centurion the centurion is an absolutely fantastic vessel i like it a lot i think it's a really good wessel however we're buying from the black market right now so the police aren't gonna be stoked if we buy this ship they're gonna come by and be like sir please step out of the ship sir please step out of the ship sir i'm gonna search your pockets now is there anything in there that's gonna poke me or stick me like they're not gonna be happy about it but they're not gonna do anything about it we'll just lose like a little bit of rep and since we're killing pirates anyways we should get that rep back pretty quickly so i'm gonna buy the centurion and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna refit the centurion we'll go ahead and autofit it for assault mode out here and this guy should be pretty badass he's got dumbfire missiles i don't love that on this preset i would rather he have like srm swarmers but it really comes down to like how bent out of shape do i want to get about it and also do they have it available and it looks like they don't they do have swarmers actually they have swimmers right there yeah go ahead and slap the swarmers on it i just i feel like he's gonna perform better with swarmers the swarmers have tracking and so like i just i sort of feel like the swarmers are gonna do a good job he's got mods on there flux distributors looks good uh we've got to deal with the cops now i had my transponder on so your transponder is a really important mechanic in this game your transponder is effectively like your digital id in civilized space all factions require that you have your transponder on by law if you're inside their airspace and so they will come investigate if they get a scan trace of you with your transponder off and they will get mad about it they'll be like sir turn on your transponder and get scuttled like it they they they will be aggressive about it so you know just be kept there he is right there i can use a storyline point to talk my way out of it actually go ahead and scan me dude i don't care we don't have any contraband so like i'm not worried about being scanned like our ship is perfectly legal we just bought it without paying taxes that's pretty much it we didn't pay the vehicle tax now that we've got the century and the centurion is like a heavy frigate and so the centurions should perform pretty good in fact i think i'll take the centurion as my own personal vessel and then i will reassign my second in command to pilot the wolf there we go let's go find some trouble well there's not a whole lot that exists right now as far as stuff that we can chase down there is a pirate bounty in zagan right now that i think is probably fortuitous we don't really have the cargo space to run trade missions and we don't really have the fuel capacity to get out into the outer fringe and do treasure hunting or like reclamation so for now i think we just kind of stay inside established space it's gonna take us nine days to get there the bounty is up for what another 60 days yeah i feel like that's worth it we can get over there oh hold on we got fights happening over here now these are normally fights that i don't take uh largely because well anyways the fight's already over we i tried to get over there but i don't take fights that i don't get paid for i feel like that's the proper mercenary mentality to have in this game every single fight costs you something whether it comes from like your supplies or your fuel or whatever else and so in general i don't fight unless i'm getting paid for it but there's just like this do-gooder paladin deep down inside of me that sees people getting preyed upon and messed with and i just can't stop myself from jumping in on fights so like outwardly i've got kind of a malcolm reynolds situation going on like i act like i'm sort of this dastardly hardened blood cold mercenary but at the end of the day i usually do the right thing it kind of is what it is one is good for the reputation the other is good for business i'm gonna sneak through this nebula here hopefully oh i got struck by lightning okay well i was trying to sneak through uh we'll go ahead and get into the zagan star system and just kind of see if there's any gangster stuff happening here they are reporting pirate activity in this area so it's possible we may be able to pick up a couple of bounties or something over here um we got pirated boys right here i'll jump in on it we may be able to snipe a kill or two okay this ship right here every ship has a special ability on my wolf it was teleportation on my centurion it's a paladin bubble uh so i can basically go immune to all damage for like x amount of time it is gonna be a little bit slower of a hull than like the wolf as you can see the wolf is pulling ahead very very rapidly but that's because the wolf is a skirmisher that's the wolf's job is to tackle and occupy and harass and make it such that the enemy can't get away until the fleet catches up if you're seeing the little sensor symbols on here that's because this is actually a cp fight so there's control points and you get bonuses by getting those control points under the control of your fleet getting danced on over here oh big missile hits right there big old nasty boy missile hits straight to the unshielded booty hole i've always maintained the weak spot on every organism is the butthole if you don't know where to attack go for the butthole you know what i mean i don't think there's a i don't think there's an enemy on this earth that's going to hold their ground when you go after the butthole if somebody pulled that strategy on me i'm out of here bro i'm just absolutely not just not gonna do that wholeheartedly well the enemy seems to have mostly gotten away we'll consider ship recovery but there's nothing here we'll pick through the wreckage with our salvage rights based on the dps that we dealt we'll grab the heavy machinery and actually i'm gonna follow these guys a little bit see if i can catch them i don't want the mercenary patrol to jump in with me kind of ruins the point we did get paid like 700 bucks for helping out over there but i would have rather gotten a little bit more money uh pirates tend to hang out around like planets jump gates stuff like that you also kind of want to look for debris fields that tends to imply where battles are happening uh we'll just kind of cruise around for a minute see if anybody comes and finds us well we've got a nice little debris field over here i don't know if we can actually capitalize on it and we've got enough tools and stuff let's go for it we lost too heavy machinery that's fine i'll just take the supplies we need more supplies anyways there's a cerberus combat freighter here left over from a previous sortie and is it an okay shape it's not okay we'll just salvage it then i need fuel and whatnot anyways everything i salvage saves me money a cerberus class over here too we'll go ahead and salvage this bad boy as well we just saved ourselves a decent grip of money by breaking out the hose and doing a little siphoning action this cerberus is actually an okay shape it's got increased maintenance costs but i think i'm gonna recover it we'll just use it as like a dummy ship to protect our other ships that are more valuable i do need to outfit it and so i think we should probably head to a station and do that but pirate activity seems to have been stamped out pretty quickly uh basically a pound like basically a bounty notice will come out and bounty hunters will swarm the system to get that money uh just like they would in real life and so anyways sometimes you get here a little bit too late and they've already capitalized on everything that's kind of everything that's fruitful basically and that seems to be our case right here what's that like a mercantile convoy okay you're good sir move on sir move on just be aware this system has uh increased by radical activity sir just uh keep your head on a swivel there sir okay uh we're back in station right now i need to buy more crew i need to buy more fuel i need to buy probably about a hundred supplies which is gonna cost a fortune and i hate it but sometimes you're gonna hate it the life of a space crew captain is filled with just you really having it's an expensive lifestyle man you gotta spend money on things you spend money to make money uh you can get rid of the permanent debuffs on this so i guess they're not actually that permanent but it's usually way more expensive than it's worth so like fixing this guy right here we can buy this ship new for like 14k so why would we spend 13k fixing it it's better to just like outfit it make it hyper aggressive and then just kind of let it do its thing until it dies and we can afford a better ship that tends to be with salvage ships i tend to just kind of let them get chewed on and i don't cry too much when they die yeah what we're kind of running into right now is that there there's there is there's stuff going on but like largely most of it is outside of our fuel range i wanted to take you guys on a bounty hunt but unfortunately just not the way things are going right now i think i'll probably just sit tight and wait for more stuff to come in over the broad wave [Music] ah we got somebody that's feeling antsy in the pantsy okay oh interdiction went off right there you love to see it um he's got a strike i mean he does have a lot of destroyers i'm gonna have to use a story point here to kind of like save myself so this brings us to story points as you level up and get xp you get four story points per level story points are kind of this idea that your character is special in the universe and story points if you've ever played shadowrun tabletop they're kind of like edge they allow you to do like impossible things you cash them in you don't get them very often but they allow you to do truly exceptional stuff everything from bolting mods onto ships that normally don't fit on them to escaping from impossible battles from talking your way through really really impossible law enforcement situations story points are good um the downside is like do you guys want to like jump in i was hoping they would jump in but it doesn't look like they're gonna jump in all right we're gonna fight these guys on our own then i don't care i don't need the help of the local flotilla i'm not fighting against impossible odds right now i'm gonna be okay everything's gonna be fine let's see who decides to square up first i'm gonna put them all on escort duty it's this guy on the right okay now it looks like they engaged over here too we're gonna want to watch out for those strike destroyers those two together ideally in a perfect world i'd like to get them split up so that they're not combining their fire like that would be i think something that would work really really well however they're actually maintaining a fairly solid formation right now we're gonna have to turn a flank we're not gonna have a choice so i'm gonna go after this guy i think uh it does look like he's capable of putting out some damage however he's got no chin on him so that's good uh you sir you're next we got rid of their main bargaining chip for winning right now which is actually good uh really good for us all of you guys engage over here you engage right there for whatever reason their destroyer broke off to go after our kite which i think should be able to outrun him no problem i'm gonna have him just basically kite them around the galaxy real fast uh i need to yeah go invulnerable for a minute to get my flux down and then i need to vent i didn't realize how bad my flux was my flux is kind of in an ugly state at the moment sir would you like to die i would like for you to die please die please sir sir that's a very nice hull you have might i deprive you of it there we go auto guns got him uh looks like we've disabled just about everything they have so let's go ahead and mount an offense against their main craft i want the i don't care if we get the smaller ships those are only worth like a thousand credits a piece i do care if we get the bigger ships i want the bigger ships dead that's where the pay dirt is at and this is like the first fight that we've had in this system camping this gate that has actually been worth taking i wish i hadn't burned a story point i was trying to get the local law enforcement to group up with me but they weren't taking the bait hey he's disabled by auto cannons auto cannons uh i need to go invulnerable right now that's what i need to do i'm gonna go invulnerable twice because that's just the kind of crazy guy that i am all right shields up i gotta deal with this wolf this wolf is being a pain in my booty hole hey he overloaded his ship but you get you turd uh-huh you turd ferguson yeah how you like them missiles that i just gave to you huh you like the missiles right there cerberus got disabled doesn't surprise me the cerberus is it's got no shields dude what can you say it has no shields i'm gonna try to pull him back he's just kiting uh the wolf ai in this game can be really really annoying uh basically it just back pedals it doesn't even try to fight you it flies backwards and it kind of hopes for the best i'm gonna see if i can get in here and maybe render any sort of assistance or aid against this bigger guy realistically we just need missiles on them that's pretty much it like if we can keep missiles and ions on them i don't actually think he'll be able to oh he tried to get away my man tried to pull a runner i saw that dude we're running out of combat readiness trying to kill this guy this is a stiff ship easy fight until we actually had to deal with this guy and i'm out of missiles so i don't really have anything left that i can contribute to this fight in all seriousness i'm gonna dance in dance out we'll vent some heat well good news and bad news he got my wolf which sucks i would have preferred that he not get my wolf i liked that wolf that was a good wolf and now it's got a d mod on it but we won um at what cost i don't know if it was worth it uh we can pick up some new ships over here i'll recover my two ships oh he got 2d mods feels bad feels real real bad all right well we got some supplies out of it so that's a little bit of money recovered but honestly the paycheck was only 10 g's it would have helped if you guys had jumped in you douchebags like you guys are just like what are you what you got what are you guys doing like you guys just sitting back here just uh sitting pretty in the space city are you guys ever going to engage or do anything like you were like six inches away you could have rendered eight at any moment so then you stood there like should we go in boys like come on man you gotta you gotta you gotta save me from the rocky and bullwinkle nonsense dude we are back up and running and we do have a little bit of money saved so i feel like there's an opportunity here to grab another ship to add to our retinue god all these all these dry dogs are terrible though these dry dogs just have some real clunkers man some real absolute clunkers let's see if mazelotte's got anything good for it says that they mass a lot and so like i expect to see some serious mazing over here dude you guys better mazz hard you can't just name the place maz a lot you know what i mean like camelot cam's a ton okay doesn't cam a little um there's a vigilance frigate we could pick up i like that lasher if it didn't have d mods on it let's pick up the vigilance i guess i don't remember what the vigilance's special ability is it has a fast missile rack which means it can double fire its missiles every now and again so you kind of want to load this boat out with a lot of boom boom hey i can do that we're about to get our government stemi check anyways we leveled up so that's pretty cool we got a level i like that uh we can reinforce our shields i think i'm gonna take field repairs that allows us to get a 25 instant heal after every fight that'll save us a lot of supplies over the long term i need to outfit out this new ship though i want to see what they're going to do to it though like i don't know what the pre-builds are going to look here so this pre-build has a hyper velocity driver a pilum it's no we're not going to find a hyper velocity here but we did get the pilum lrm so that's pretty cool this guy right here has a heavy auto cannon an mrm pod this one right here has a needler and a typhoon reaper i'll probably go with this guy right here that seems like the best loadout for what we're currently doing like lrms they're good but like they've got specific applications and those specific applications are not inside the wheelhouse of what we're attempting to accomplish right now our bounty season has ended okay well there's nothing else to do here then i mean there's there's a couple of bounties that are like sort of like way out in the fringes we can't really get there and so like i'm not gonna worry about them but this is star sector i mean i only showed you a small fragment of gameplay which is bounty hunting you can get involved in wars you can build your own civilizations you can play it like a colony manager where you build your own colonies and maintain those you can play it like satisfactory where you create manufacturing hubs and you create like trade lanes and things of that nature you can play it just floating through the outer rim of space being a salvager of ancient antiquities i mean there is a lot of content to unpack with this one and it really sincerely is a fantastic game and at like 15 bucks this game is just like an absolute steal and there's lots of little quality of life things in here the developer is very attentive to making the game accessible to play even though it is a complicated game it's easy to jump into but hard to master you kind of gotta like memorize what all the ships do and what they're good at but it's been a fun day my name is flatter cat i sit through the pile of finest worth while in the world of ending games every single day so you don't have to today we were checking out star sector tomorrow we will check out other things i'll see y'all next time thank you for stopping on in that's all i got for you but until then how do everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 65,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starsector gameplay, starsector walkthrough, starsector playthrough, lets play starsector, starsector review, starsector preview, starsector impressions, starsector guide, starsector tutorial, starsector trailer, starsector music, starsector release, starsector demo, starsector download, starsector pc game, starsector patch, starsector ships, starsector stuff to do
Id: xX0fw6dvxjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 26sec (2846 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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