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hello there everybody and welcome to my beginner's guide for sans of salsar i'm icon and this video will go over the basic gameplay mechanics and i'm going to explain everything you need to know to enjoy the sandbox rpg as usual you will find timestamps in the description box so if you're looking for a specific topic there you'll find it we're going to start with the first thing in this video and that's the character creation here you see these are the playable characters and these are basically kits that you can play so the spirit matter the jackal and so on and so forth when you click them you get a little bit of a description of their role their powers and physical and magical combat so it's worth reading them they are all fit to be a part of the world and a part of the lore so the longer you play the game the more sense these will make we're going to start out with a spirit mancer and feel free to try out whatever you want to so the difficulty levels give you an impression of how hard it will be to start out the game if you're completely new the spirit master is a nice experience experience because he's pretty powerful on his own and he comes with another hero so it's a pretty balanced experience the only thing worth mentioning here on top of that is that all of these come with their own story so the spirit mancer has a different story than the berserker and so on and so forth so there is a little bit of a background story involved you see there's a mentioning if they have plot quests or not so the other classes here they are more bland and not bland well they don't come with their own background you'll have to make your own background that's what i'm trying to say okay let's get in there and select the spirit matcher we're keeping the visuals of that old chap you can customize that to your own liking so we're going to name this dude and the next thing we're going to meet is the legacy system legacy points are your prestige currency that you earn while playing the game and they persist between gameplays so it's totally worth it to try out different characters and mix try whatever you want to here you can buy skills items squad members or alter the settings so this one gives you access to more favor with games big factions here you can hire new heroes here you can get some supplies and stuff or skills for your character this is all a little bit overwhelming at first at least for me it was here's some simple guiding first think about if your character is going to be more physically or magically biased for the spirit answer is quite easy he's going to be a magically biased character when you read the description of these skills there's one most there's one really important thing and that's the question is it a physical or a magical attack so when you read the equation you'll always see whether the multiplier in the equation is physical or magical so for my spirit mancer i'll try to select only skills that have a multiplier on magical attacks because otherwise these skills come off pretty weak no matter how high you skill them beyond that just go for whatever feels good for you you start out with 60 legacy points at the beginning of the game we're going to start out with frost so i really like that one it freezes enemies and we're going to buy from the rest of these points couple of extra resources utah are basically the currency here so these give you extra resources for 30 points i'll just pick up one of these potions to show you their effect later and a couple of extra utar here in the form of deep pockets the longer you play the game the more the more of an impressive start you can give your character and it's really up to you what you want to try so let's confirm that and leave the character creation and enter the actual game so now we're going to see a little bit of the background story of our character like i mentioned every character has his own background story i'm going to skip this right now because we're here to explain the game not to experience the story you always start out with this little key binding informational thing including a little bit of a typo and i'll leave that just for you to you to enjoy i don't want to go too deeply into the controls you can find the controls here in the settings hotkey settings and that's where you can find all the controls if you are looking for something in particular you'll find it there i'll be talking about a couple of uh nifty things at the in between of the video but i don't want to explain basic controls here at this point user interface goes like this over here we see the time of the day and how many days have already passed or wealth of stuff quest tracker telling us what to do next down here we have a message log where we can see what kind of news have happened and if you want if you want to check out something that has happened in the past here you'll find it here you find your legacy manager ledger so here you see how you can earn legacy points and down here you see the minimap you press that little plus button you can see the environmental map down here there are several buttons for the uh control of things so here we see our party menu here we see the inventory of people every character comes with inventory and equipment slots so you see there's armor weapon accessory and mount for heroes they all come with these in the party screen you can upgrade people and teach them skills we're going to learn here one of our skills first and that's the psychic bullet don't you worry these uh trees are pretty pretty simple i can only learn this skill here in the spirit magic the description comes with the skill we're just going to skill one point here by left clicking it and save that and it instantaneously uh goes into the action bar you can drag and drop these if you want to change that it's pretty simple and self-explanatory your buddy zainab comes with her own skill trees and as you see here you can select for yourself where you want to put your points the legacy skills have to be learned as well as the other things you get the idea i guess it's pretty simple so over here is the talent system these are passives that influence your your life as a mercenary captain so here you can do a lot of different things i'll you can't upgrade your march speed you can upgrade your uh how much xp your dudes get i personally enjoyed a lot this skill tree that came with free resources so here you have if you go down the trader route you get daily jade and down here at the end you get daily resources but go down the roads and check them out it's really up to you and your play style what you prefer there here goes the quest log i think that goes without saying and here's the intel system which is basically your faction standing menu here's the big factions of the game and here's the big baddie factions of the game and whatever character shows up that you have met you will find some information there same goes for locations how they like you or dislike you and here's how zainab can uh how zainab likes you and that pretty much sums up the user interface so we're going down the road here this is a a beginner environment and a intro quest and when we're crossing this part here we're going to meet the first combat so we're leaving the user interface part now and going into the combat part so this dude is in trouble and he wants him to say say he wants us to save him so combat works like that you move with the by pressing down the left mouse button you see him moving here just if you just hold down the left mouse button on the enemy you do basic attacks and you see the enemy here has its points and here if you press the the button there bound to the skill hue you get a little bit of a readout where it's aimed press again and then you cast that spell and that's that's pretty much uh the basics about combat you're most likely going to be doing more fancy stuff later down the road but these are the fundamentals about combat so after we've done that we're going to go over a little bit of quest yada yada i'm going to skip that if you uh if you forgive me and then we're going to get access to the real world so the caravan here will take us to wherever we want to go i'd highly uh suggest you to take the recommended area because it's a very easy area to go for and it's pretty cool to start here and now we are on the real world and let's cut on with the exploration of the world so when you press the little plus button here on the mini map or you can just press m you can here see the environment i haven't uncovered anything and if you use the mouse wheel to zoom further out at some point you'll enter a world map or you'll just click the world map the world map works like this you see if you mouse over over these regions there's a certain region highlighted that's one big map so right now we're in this highlighted chunk so what you see here this old here around you this is this one highlighted chunk there are map crossing points where you can cross from one map to another and they belong to the big factions that's the that's the gist of it when you're running around here there are people you can meet that you can't talk to and there's lots of things to discover first off everything that glitters like this stone here get has some interaction interaction value for you so this one for example is a talent chart this gives you a part of a new talent point so when you have found enough talent charts you receive a new talent point over here you see there's this little thingy there's a limestone flower you'll find all these things that you find in your adventures down here in this uh in the inventory hotkey for that would be b and these are alchemical reagents you can either sell them as they are or wait until you find a potion trader who will transform them into potions for you here you see you find items and so on and so forth here in the inventory there are things that are worth explaining so the rage elixir here for example is a booster for crit rate every consumable can be put into the hot bar here so you want if you want to use them for further combats here the spirit potion is one item that increases the spirit of one character by five so if you want to use items like these directly you just right click them in the in the inventory choose the according character and confirm that's that so now you can now explore the world and you see there are merchants to find but the most important thing here is that you will find these villages those towns so another nifty thing to know is you can click every of these points of interest left click them and then you get this little menu move there and your dudes will move there all on their own i found that a very very comfy little thing but you will miss out little opportunities on the wayside like these so another thing on the wayside like these are icons like this helmet here so when you're interested at things about what things are just mouse over here and this is a holding cell i'll click that so here you get a read out what's happening there exploration mode tells you what kind of encounter it is party of four means heroes only no troops we're going to talk about troops in a minute and here you see the rules of engagement and here's the recommended level i highly suggest you to respect the recommended level and then you can take off here for example if you win this encounter you will get a free recruit into your party for that but you have to get this done here's a banner which will be your respawn point when you when you get beaten and don't you worry about getting beaten too much in this game you'll just respawn at your next at the next best banner you have a certain chance of losing troops as a punishment but usually there's not too much to be worried about for losing a combat at least not at the beginning of the game so here's the first settlement is to see here when you mouse over this you see all the units starting this thing that's not too important but this is just to give you an impression that you shouldn't mess with these just with two people so let's get started and talk about cities so cities consist always out of a city center a tavern and the tribal hall where the sultans are are residing so at the city center you will always have a a chief that's linked to this specific place a merchant and well the other people are pretty dependent on the place in the taverns you always will find brawlers and other people brawlers well tavern brawls are kind of a mini game where you can go into uh pugilism and well combat system works just like i showed like i've shown you just with uh fisting with fist fighting skills you'll get it when you when you see it what's really important here at the city centers is that you can do trade so click that merchant and you see what they have in store for you over here is the inventory of these dudes over here is your inventory if you want to buy something just right click it it moves over to your inventory press confirm and you bought it i'm pressing i'm buying here a mount because mounts are cool if possible buy to buy a second one as well but sadly we're not finding anything we're also going to buy some me some food here as you see there's uh because we're pretty low on on resources food works like that you see there's a durability attached to that cabbage 40 or 40 and that's depicting how long how how much daily rations that will um offer and on top of that these things also have a expiration thing expiration date so basically you can serve out of one unit of cabbage 40 daily rations basically and these 40 will expire in 18 days so if you don't have enough people in your caribbean this stuff will ultimately go bad the merchants also sell specialty goods which you can sell somewhere else and stuff that you can equip to your people it's highly worth plundering enemies and selling their items for the sake of money earning i i guess you get the idea at this point what's really cool and worth knowing there as well is to go for the quests that you can get in these city centers so when you go for the chief you can click this dude and they're going to give you a request about the quests as soon as you have a couple of troops together these are what you're going to do to develop your character but right now we're not because we're not capable of really fighting larger fights my character lives alone with his uh with his little sidekick the first thing that i want to do is check out other camps and search for one where where i can hire troops this one didn't have a npc for that so we're going to go over that this is very important to start out with a couple of troops because you're going to be pretty weak to face the quests otherwise so autumn move is a true blessing as i personally think because it's pretty comfy so let's check out amber camp and here there's a village elder who's offering you the recruitment of troops we're going to do this and he's offering me some nazir militia and we're going to say yes to that we're going to recruit these dudes and we're going to recruit them twice but well i can only do that once per week so now we're going to get into our party menu and check out this so we have now our our two heroes and i'm going to go now over the uh the this team selection screen a little bit more in detail so here we see the stats of our dudes and hp and mp well it goes without saying magical skills eat mp without hp you'll die the stat distribution here depicts your mobility agilities your movement strength is your physical attack spirit is your magical attack and stamina as your resilience here you see the distribution of your battle stats magical attack is a high bias here and here you see a couple of other regeneration things movement speed and so on and so forth so zainab works just like uh the spirit matcher here see she also has that skill menu here and unlike my character she has a biased what's physical attack so the squat down here works differently though as you see here they have a party size and they have quite similar stats there but the first thing to mention here is they they don't have these base stats they only come with battle stats here you see a couple of movement things and here this troop type thing is unique to all your squad members you see i can hear i can have here three heroes together and six squad members these numbers are expandable you see here the traits of these dudes so they increase they gaining speak faster and they are good at defense of magic well okay that comes from zainab obviously and the most important part here is to watch this so you see here how this troop attacks and one-handed one-handed knives are pretty weak against everything i mean these dudes are militia you see here what kind of defense type they are and what kind of class they are and if you check this out defend check this out defense type light and you see here that there is no specific modifier towards light armor but if people have different armor types you get the idea so here the promote section here looks entirely different the squads don't have skill trees the squads have these upgrade trees and that's where the game goes places so as you see here as soon as the nazir militia has turned level 4 they can be upgraded to nazir infantry there's not much difference they only swap over to medium armor so here you see the medium armor has benefits whereas light armor doesn't even have benefits and after that we can select at the next tier reached when they hit level seven we're going to transform them into karim into malay dudes spear fighters cavalry archers or healers and you see that skill tree goes all the way down here so this militia we can select how to how to upgrade them and this is how your troop system works in this game there are lots of different troops and you see here this nazir militia is only one of the main factions troops so here the nazir this is basically their their base their their ground unit and across the game you will find lots and lots of different other units that you can use and play with and upgrade it's a lot of fun to upgrade squats you will need money and those resources so that's why you should pay attention to these and now let's get over to the questing here so you can quest four towns and you can quest for npcs that are sitting here sometimes at taverns so here we only have a wrestler i already mentioned that i don't want to go too deep into that because it's kind of a side game i say kind of because certain quests involve that but here let's go to the commissions and here they want me to deliver wheat flour they know that you can buy it at these places so redstone keep fleur and so on and so forth remember one of these and we're going to accept that redstone keep i remember that one and let's get out of there select the map and here redstone keep is directly around the corner so there's one thing worth mentioning you can only trade on one of these map chunks after you've obtained acquired a trade license so you will have to buy a trade license for every one of these big map chunks which will cost you around 1 000 utar so definitely worth it but if you have to swap a map tile to do the trade you will have to buy a trade license first before you can't do it so now we're going to go over here you see there are lots of other npc parties doing their thing here in the world as well now we're going to go over to the merchant and buy that specialty wheat flour here right click that select the five they want you could also bring more if you want to but we're going to stick with the quest ingredients here oh i forgot to equip the horse so inventory just right uh oh i'm not leveled up to level five okay i missed that one so watch the requirements and now let's get back to amber camp i bought the wheat flour and there we go questing for npcs at the tavern works just the same they will have different quests for you though and it becomes easier the more troops you have allocated in your roster to do combat missions but overall don't you worry to accept little quests like these as long as you have enough money the ones where you have just to do work like that pay off pretty well and give you the option to stock up money to get the people that you need and what's also important here is that we gained oh well slipped now out of here well we gained standing with the ember camp people and the more standing we can gain with these people the more likely they're going to give us better troops and so on and so forth for more people in your in your party you will have to meet those heroes that you can sometimes find in taverns so let's get back to red stone keep and show you what i mean beyond that you will find here also these little scrolls on the map these are quests that are bound to the to the to the territory they are open to everybody those little red dots here on the map are enemies that you can hunt for loot and such i guess you already got the idea so there we go back to that city here and there in the tavern we see allahim we're going to talk with him basically everybody who comes with a level at his name is a hero that you can meet and let's talk a little bit about social things in this game because social interaction has to be in every chinese game ever so you can't find heroes to recruit them but if you ask him here but he's not going to go for that sometimes i'm not sure if everybody can be recruited here he says he's too old to leave but i guess once he likes you enough he's going to change his thoughts there but what's important to know is the yellow one here if you run errands for these dudes here i need to have this message delivered to shaheed currently in crying rock so we're going to do this and again we check out the map and crying rock let's uh go out there i have no clue where that is so press that and now on the quest lock you can just click that show location and then you see there's where you gotta go and i'll just tell my character to move there it's the easiest way to find dudes that you don't know where they're at so the gist of it here is you can rack up more people by doing favors for them the more favors you do for the heroes the more likely it is to recruit them at some point and you see now here there's aleph jahim now and we see his character sheet now there's also this dude called shaheed i don't know where we're at him but you get the idea if their standing is good enough they will be ultimately willing to join you and exploring these maps is also good for you to develop your skills and we're pretty much already summed up the the majority of the parts of sansa salzar you have this exploration part you have this trading part between towns standing grinding and with the social interactions by with people and taverns you can ultimately recruit more people into your into your party you can also die have dialogues with your party members still so zainab you can also give her a gift and increase the standing even more there's also i think if i remember correctly there should be also romance options i haven't been down the road that far yet to be quite honest with you but you get the idea that's how it works it's either gifts or doing errands for them if you want to go the gift way though you'll have to check out that see there's another dude that everybody likes certain items and set of items so a cold mystery and so on and so forth so the better you know those people the more likely you'll know for what kind of item you look if the npc that you are supposed to deliver something to is not findable check out the tribal hall and ask for somebody here and here this shahid dude is sitting there and i can't deliver the letter here so if you're looking for somebody you won't find you'll have to mess with the guards here and tell them that you have something to do there okay so that's pretty much that and the game well goes on and on you level up ultimately you learn new skills you gain more and more squad members you level them up you follow the quest lines and you gain more party members yeah that's the progression chain of sansa salsar beautiful thing about this game is that it totally lets you decide what to do you can totally decide whether you want to be a marauding menace to the society here you can also decide to have war with a certain faction or you can decide to conquer a certain town and be the steward of that it's really really up to you and that's what's making this game quite lovely so i have not much more to say in this uh regards i thank you so much for watching i hope this video was helpful for you if there are any questions left just drop them into the comment box below leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed and of course consider subscribing if you haven't done so already there's a lot of content coming up from my slide every day you just need to turn on that notification bell and you won't miss anything in the future besides that i'd be delighted if you check out the description boxes links a little bit further you'll find my twitch channel there where i do daily streams or at least i try to and you'll also find my discord community there and last but not least ways and means to support this channel directly i thank you so much for your time and attention and see you guys next time bye bye
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 2,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sands Of Salzaar, Sands Of Salzaar Game, Sands Of Salzaar Gameplay, Sands Of Salzaar Guide, Sands Of Salzaar Tutorial, Sands Of Salzaar Walkthrough, Sands Of Salzaar Key, Sands Of Salzaar Tips, Sands Of Salzaar Beginner Guide, Sands Of Salzaar Ep 1, Sands Of Salzaar Review, Sands Of Salzaar Gameplay pc, Sands Of Salzaar Sultan, Sands Of Salzaar Speedrun, Sands Of Salzaar Let's Play, Sands Of Salzaar Classes, Sands Of Salzaar Mods, Sands Of Salzaar Multiplayer
Id: zinmfxmnkTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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