How Ranching works in Noble Fates. Simple Tutorial

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and welcome back to learn something new about noble fates and today we jump in wrenching and here is our three glorious animals what we can tame and wrench in noble fates currently we have cow we have buck and then we have boar what we can do with these animals well cow happy fella you can milk and slaughter so it can maintain your food need with milk and then if you have too many cows or if it's if it's panic you can slaughter it and that's it then we have a bore which you can use as meat source or just use or on your defense and example it's much easier to slaughter your animal because they don't attack on you rather than attacking your animals when they're wild and killed that way so i would recommend that you if you have a good tamer if you have good rancher you tame these animals and then you slaughter them and then there's much much bigger chance that something goes wrong no much smaller chance that something goes wrong when you try get some food of course taming takes extra time but if it's good to ensure it doesn't take that long anymore and then we have third animal our buck and that same thing you can slaughter slaughter or or just keep as in heard also with bug you can you can build unique decoration item dear trophy which prestige is something between 6 to 36 or 60 48 and you need dear corpse for that that's one unique unique way to use use a bug example well i talk about talk about uh using boar as defense what it actually means you can enlist all these animals every single animal you can enlist and command as as a colonist or kingdom kingdom uh citizen you can you can control them they go wherever you want you can force them to hold up their position or you can even put make them push so if you have a huge well not even huge if you just have panic coming in your base two generators people are going down you can sacrifice your animals and make even your cup cows attacking and that way you have a little bit extra decoys against your against your uh enemies great way to use animals smart way if if it's necessary then our animal pen or pencils and gates unfortunately right now our animals can open doors and that includes also gate so example well there is one cow inside that's my cow but inside they can open doors once they want they can open also gate and example if you put animals inside inside your fence they don't stay there take it out you can add luck but trouble with luck is that your people can't go through either meaning that if you want go example milk those animals you must unlock door then a closed door then example endless those are animals and then milk them and then on on end lists after you have got your person out and locked that gate again i would say not worth it not worth it so right now you can you can lock your wall doors example if you have wall around your base and keep that way your animals inside or just hope that raiders don't come from that direction where your animals might be and and that way you can maybe keep them safe if you just move animals somewhere example inside your base and list them and then after after raid you release them of course because they are kind of wild and they can go wherever they want it's extra tube where ensure that they are gathering them back to your base and they might get pretty far away so it's also risk for your rancher if raid comes and that person is all alone somewhere super far away if you have some troubles example you you activate taming taming and nothing happens we try to aim this animal this book and you just wait you even click this rush rush command and nothing happens you maybe haven't had anyone on ranching so someone must have a job job assigned so they go wrench example my main rancher has 10 ranching currently and he even like it so that's very very nice rancher and then when you click animal when it's free and wild you can see aggression level that aggression level when you attack not when you're taming it if you tame then they go they go touch you know on on it but touching it touching it more it looks very funny when they are doing it and then they tame eventually but if you attack their aggression of this ten percent example for buck boar is more anger angrier and they attack much much easier but most most of the time bugs just flee play when you attack but yeah little summary we have three animals cow is only animal currently which gives you something else in just meat when you're slaughtered you can get milk from it and then buck and buck you can use also for decorating if you kill that and the boar is just slaughter animal or defense animal they have pretty decent attack so you might consider just having huge horde of boars somewhere and that backup and attacking on your animal on your enemies if needed but yeah hopefully this tutorial was helpful if it was don't forget hit like button subscribe channel and see more awesome content from novel fades and other great games thanks for watching and see you next time
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Keywords: How Ranching works in Noble Fates. Simple Tutorial, noble fates review, noble fates gameplay, noble fates trailer, noble fates game, noble fates steam, ranching in noble fates, noble fates ranching, ranching noble fates, noble fates animals, how ranching works in noble fates, animals in noble fates, what i can tame in noble fates, ranching tutorial, ranching tutorial for noble fates, medieval ranching, noble fates tutorial, noble fates lets play, noble fates walkthrough
Id: b9Mvu9TiWb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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