Gems of War: Version 6.1 New Soulforge Features, Strategy, and Guide

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hello everyone i am tacit and last night we ended up getting the version 6.1 patch of gems of war in this video it's going to be briefly going over some of the more important changes whether a few minor things like death knight armor now being 20 hours and a few other like tweaks here and there like another use of shrine uh the main core of the patch was related to the soulforge a much needed update some of it was good some of it is very strange but i'll be going over a good majority of it patch notes will also be in description below if you want to go see the full thing so as far as the main differences uh we ended up getting a brand new gnome that brings in a brand new currency that is used to upgrade the brand new soul forge so this is the guy that you'll want to look for he's found in uh i believe pvp and explore you mostly just want to spam explorer obviously as it will have the best chance of finding him this is just explore one with a iron hawk team where you could use rowan quick kill or any other team you wish to kill quickly with but uh basically this guy exists uh he has a new jump type curse gems he's basically just count as brown and will curse the enemy as as you'd kind of expect from it but uh basically when you kill this guy uh he's a very rare uh drop which is why we're starting in a battle because trying to find this thing gosh takes absolutely forever but uh whenever you kill him you will notice he has a new currency on him so if we go and kill him right here you will notice that we get around i believe it's about 10 to 15 or so if you end up doing during them blues that's closer to like one or three because of course it gets reduced however if you'd end up doing it uh normally it should be around 10 to 15. not sure exact range but seems very close to that it's got 11 the previous time and this one is a 12. so as you can see this is a new resource called curse runes and this is probably the main thing that's relevant in this patch so curse runes are used for quite a few things if we go ahead over to soulforge right now we can see almost the entirety of the patch if we go over to games over to soulforge uh we now have some new features you might notice on the first ten how we actually already have some new things uh there are one off uh rewards every single time you go up a tier now which will just give you something that you can craft for pretty much free uh technically it has like a little bit of a sole cost or something else but for the most part they're basically free with how cheap they are once you end up reaching level so you get a bunch of those you can craft like one times like some imperial deeds and uh other various uh loot but uh now um the soul forge goes up to level 20. uh levels 11 to 20 now require that material that we just end up getting those cursed runes you can also end up doing it with gems if you do it with gems it'll cost around 6 000 gems if you go the entire way with it though you can also just do it with those cursed runes that we just ended up getting as a drop right there as you saw so um if you have about over 20 000 gems or so i would say it's probably better just to buy it up otherwise uh if you're like 10 000 or lower or kind of in that in between spot you might just want to go and farm them in order to get it up as there's not anything too big of a rush that you really need to rush down that the soul forge end up adding however there are a bunch of new craftable resources and in this video i mostly just kind of want to go over them so uh let's just start it based on every single tier so let's go over some of the unique stuff first some of the things that you can actually end up getting that are completely unique only to these shards and you cannot obtain through any other means uh the very first one is the uh mythic which we have right down here the dark smith uh dravenza or dreanza this is uh needs the weapon which you end up getting basically for free off of the 19th tier it also requires the resources of a 40 celestials which you might notice there are a lot of new celestial sinks there's nothing for arcanes but uh definitely a really sizable amount of celestials if you're earlier on in the game and don't have too many celestials a lot of these newer features might be a little bit hard to access just because the sheer amount of celestials obviously a lot of people later in the game have more than they could ever know what to do with but uh this might actually bottleneck you more than the uh the um the runes from time to time uh but basically uh luckily this doesn't cost any kind of gems or anything it's just like a bunch of souls and most notably probably the celestials and the runes themselves but as far as the mythic it's kind of average just ends up giving an armor buff to your entire team and does some damage to an enemy boosted by uh cursed gems uh this is okay because those have a bit of a decent boost ratio however the fact that only hits one target probably won't make this too viable you might as well just use a guard's avatar theoretically i guess you could use it with a guard's avatar but this doesn't really do enough it also gets to destroy all the curse gems which means if there's at least four of them on the board you're probably just gonna curse the entire enemy team which does synergize with his final trait which converts to brown gems to curse and then you can end up just destroying them then with this ability so it has some synergy there almost reminds me of that one brown mythic that curses every single time you take a brown except this one basically does it every single time it casts while converting the brown gems into something the only big issue with this though is given that it is a curse like this uh you can be cursed inversely so similar to that one uh fire one that we had that can burn the entire enemy team well the enemy team can also end up burning you off of it and the same kind of situation ends up happening here while yes you can end up getting a curse onto the opposing team they can also take it and curse you back so overall nothing really too special for a mythic actually surprised it's a 24 mana cost as well so not too high of a priority to get but still nonetheless is a mythic and specifically a mythic from uh kazil if you were needing another one from the location as far as weapons we do now have six more weapons which are all seemingly doom weapons which means they're gonna require those doom resources which are so absurdly annoying to get and while this patch did make it slightly easier to get them they are still insanely annoying but these weapons seem kind of okay they seem like slightly better as far as some of the doom weapons but they're not as good as like the full aoe doom skull weapons as far as like guild war usability they're not going to be as good as the books i would say they're probably maybe third priority but even those hammers that we had uh almost seem slightly better like if you compare this one which is almost like the hammer effect compared to the other um doom hammers it just doesn't seem that worth it it does have uh they do have like this blah bless uh kind of mechanic going for them that could end up um kind of working out but i don't really feel like that's gonna be good enough to justify using them compared to some of the other doom weapons especially with how hard it is to uh not only just initially obtain them but also to get all the scrolls that you need to still end up upgrading them but some of the most interesting things is not all of that but more so everything that we can end up getting through uh here so as far as unique things that you can only get uh there's uh only one and that is the angry anvil which i actually have equipped right now uh this is just a cosmetic pet nothing special you just get this pet you just have it and you just equip it as you would any pet obviously you can upgrade all that normal things that you would do with a pet and it just counts as a broken spire so if you need another like max broken spider pet you could technically start working up to max so we'll take quite a few uh obtaining of them to end up reaching that point but that's the only unique thing here everything else though is a weird combination of loot and uh let's kind of start from the top and go over if they are pretty much worth it or not worth it so the first things that we have that are new are the ford scrolls this is something we've been needing into the game for quite some time uh the only slight issue with them is their writ cost they do cost 100 each this basically means ritz are no longer used for imperials they are used entirely for ford scrolls so if you happen to be um saving these from the past this is pretty good if you haven't been converting them to imperials because now they are super important to convert into all of these forged scrolls as these things are insanely annoying to get and we're not mistaken their value comes out to around like well around 133 gems or so each whenever you end up getting them through the actual event itself so um this basically makes the value of these things especially for if you're actually upgrading it somewhere's around like 20 to 30ish gems each as far as these little red crystals are concerned so theoretically not even counting the ritz you already end up spending like what around 100 to 150 worth of these things plus a little bit of celeste deals the ritz that you end up needing and then a little bit of souls but the main thing this is going to be is basically every 10 that you end up crafting as well will end up consuming basically one imperial not in the sense that you're literally costing one imperial but you know one thousand ritz is an imperial so that's now going to these four scrolls instead of what it would have been prior which is imperial is basically meaning there's now less imperials in the game but there are now more fort scrolls in theory unless you still want to use them on um imperials however i would say forged scrolls due to the sheer amount that are needed in the current state of the game are a bit better even though imperials are still a really good resource to have overall these aren't bad value though i would mostly only use it if you're in a pinch to get like the last few i would not necessarily advise doing it if you need like 20 30 40 50 even more than that like if you're trying to buy all these just to max out a weapon seems a little steep for how many resources you end up needing but if you're like a few short it's definitely worth closing the gap that is for sure uh next we have probably the worst thing you could ever try uh using any of these resources on and that is the guild mate gift uh one nice thing about this is this is the first time this is accessible to free to play the bad thing about it though is it requires so many resources that no one in their right mind will ever do this i think the main reason why they made this so expensive is to make sure that people wouldn't like make some kind of like small uni uh accounts and then like a grind to a certain point and then like have them send all of the guild make gifts from that account over to a different account so they could like convert their gems over to a different count or some kind of like weird strategy like that however in them making it so impossible to do that it is uh basically pointless to ever bother going for this this just gives 25 gems to a guild uh mate and even just the fact that it costs 50 gems already makes it not worth it the fact that it requires even more than one of these things makes it not worth i think you need like level 19 or where is it um guildmate gift guild make gifts uh of course 15 where is it it's somewhere in here uh guildmate gift you need 12 so that's actually not too too high i'm just surprised they didn't make that higher if they're trying to deter people from like doing all new accounts but uh it's just so expensive i would highly advise never crafting this thing uh even though this is the first instance where it's available free to play to obtain these things it is just way too overpriced to bother engaging with uh anyways next up we have an interesting one that is both good and bad which also makes me wonder why on earth to have did not added this for the underworld treasures uh this would be a great feature to have for the underworld treasures though it was not added this patch oddly enough not sure why anyways we can now upgrade metals which is a really nice addition um unfortunately though for most people this isn't quite worth it for this uh tier of things to really be worth uh doing you have to be extremely late in the game and probably doing at least a couple hours of explore 12 every single day the main reason i say this is realistically due to the fact that you're using about 166 value to get a 100 value item essentially you would have to have all of the rarity plus the bronze of the next rarity in order for these to be viable so what i mean by that is for example for the lowest rarity one of this rare uh metal to be worth it you basically have to have every common in the entire game gold medal while also having every single rare um bronze medal the reason for this is um you would basically you would eventually reach a point where bronze medals can no longer be used while still having a 100 chance to get an upgrade and once you have gotten past that point which would be all comments maxed and then all bronze levels for all rares you can no longer end up using three of them in order to have a hundred percent roll for a upgrade so instead you can now upgrade the actual metals themselves into a bigger metal which would then allow you to do so and in that case you would have to have uh to be able to use the ultra rares you basically would have to have every common gold medal every rare gold medal and then have all the ultra rares to their first level before this is viable and so on and so forth you'd have to have every common rare and ultra rare to uh gold and then all epics to bronze so obviously this applies to very very few people in the game there are some people that deep in the game this will be very useful for them of course however a good majority of people including myself despite how much we play are not at that point or even remotely close so this will be a nice feature into the future however i don't think it's that applicable to most people and if you're at the point where you don't have all those things maxed it's just you're losing too much value to really bother interacting with these so this is a great feature nonetheless however i'm pretty sure most people won't be engaging with it um so for the most part i would say these are bad value not in that they're actually bad value but because most people aren't at the point where they can really fully utilize their value anyways next up we have orbit clans and major orbit clans these are both okay to craft basically this converts your gold keys into a resource that can be used to get mythics so uh gold keys normally of course or always for that matter have a zero percent chance of giving you a mythic however that's not the case anymore technically uh you can now convert them to orbit clans and of course orbit clans when you have 40 000 seals in your guild are basically like gem keys and this will end up giving you uh gusher forgot many 15 yeah because it's 300 so this is basically the equivalence of 15 gem keys so now you could take all those resources like 500 gold keys and everything else there and convert it into what is essentially 15 gem keys or seven and a half if you haven't done the uh other or you know if you haven't maxed out all those guardian troops yet but uh for the most part that's pretty okay value um if you find your already used most the stuff that you need these runes for and you have spares these are definitely worth considering and use them to try to get things like new mythics when they come out every single month and mostly just that like this is a pretty good way to stock up if you're lower on those materials the bigger one also does a very similar thing in that you use glory keys in order to convert them basically into even more glory keys or in this case more so like gem keys in a sense because this bigger one is 1 700 or 1 500 which comes out to 75 uh gem keys if i'm not mistaken so that's pretty good value um this isn't uh i would actually say this one's almost worse value than the other one uh which might seem a little bit weird but the main reason for that is glory keys already have a chance of giving you a mythic whereas gold keys have a zero percent chance of giving you a mythic so if your main goal is like converting your resources up to something that will actually end up netting you um a mythic um it's actually better value to do orbit clans the smaller one which might seem a little bit counterproductive but is pretty much the case uh the other thing that makes it that way is the amount of celestials it is a lot more celestials than the bigger one whereas the smaller one uh uses a much smaller amount of celestial so oddly enough orbit clans actually better than the other one however both of them are situationally worthwhile one thing that is not that worthwhile though is the smaller orb of chaos um just not really worth it obviously doesn't have any chance for the power orb and uh overall um you could maybe do it if you were just like really in a pinch for a single orb but relative to how many resources you end up needing are probably just better off especially the chance of rolling badly uh you're probably just better off converting your gold keys into a guarantee at least okay orb rather than going over clans getting rng'd into like a green a small green so um you're better off just taking the guaranteed value if you're going to bother engaging with the smaller one there uh as far as the next one just the angry anvil this is you know cosmetic pet it's mostly just for completionist's sake or if you really want to go get a broken spire max pet though with how many copies you would end up needing probably not that worth it uh next up we have ourselves um one of the oh wait where's the major one uh didn't wasn't there a major orb of chaos good sport there was maybe i'm going crazy uh i could have sworn there there is oh i just don't have the resource as far as i can say i wanted to do that one next so we just went over the smaller one the major one however is a little bit better uh while it is uh still rng based of course uh major blue as well as that one percent chance for power might make it somewhat more worth it there also aren't as many ways to get the major ones compared to smaller ones other than like mass farming vault event you know just getting them slowly over time through your guild and bounty hunters can get you some in a pinch but this is still a pretty good way to end up getting them if you feel like you still need a few more uh again one of those other ones where you mostly just do it if you're really in need of a few more and you just really want those uh blues end up getting a zug off or something similar but for the most part you might want to stay away from it just because the rng factor related to it and lastly we have vault keys which makes absolutely no sense for how much they cost uh they require a hundred maps and ten of these stones which the main thing being annoying being 10 of those stones so there's so many other things to be using stones on that this is probably one of the lower priorities not as low as the gift but definitely pretty low especially with how common you're going to be getting things like volkys these days uh it's a vault event still uh today and tomorrow if you're watching this as of the time of the patch and everything um there's still a vault event going on there's gonna be another one happening christmas weekend and um there's just so many volkys in the game right now that just getting a few more seems like basically zero even though their value hasn't changed the quantity that you can obtain through various means has which makes every single time where you can only get a few similar to this just seeming really bad value especially given that it needs 10. if it's only like a few it might be okay but the sheer amount of treasure maps even though most people have more than they could ever know what to do with this would burn through them pretty quick and the fact that you need so many stones you can't even just like dump them all so i don't know it's just a weird combination that doesn't really work out so as far as the final verdict if you're looking for just the definitive uh best things to end up getting with your um with your runes i would say just prioritize all the unique things so the unique things include the mythic which i think i might end up getting first even though i got the pet first but after the one copy of the pet um the weapons the six weapons and also the anvil pets those are probably the ones that would prioritize the most as they actually give you newer content if you're looking to use them on a resource i would probably say one of the best overall values if you're just looking to convert something is probably the orb of clans mostly because a lot of people have quite a few spare gold keys laying around and this is the first instance we've ever really had other than hoping you land on like gem keys and glory from using gold keys this is pretty much the first time we've directly had a way to convert gold keys into something that has a mythic chance so that's kind of interesting and not something we've really had prior to this patch so that's a pretty good feature um the other the next biggest thing to probably consider end up getting are the ford scrolls well the fact that they're a little bit locked is a little bit annoying uh it doesn't change the fact that these things are still like near impossible to get so being able to get more of them is still a beneficial thing even if it is super annoying to do so which is another thing i wish was a slightly cheaper on the amount of runes than they end up giving and asides from that i'd probably say that the next best is probably gosh there's so many that just aren't worth it i'd probably say is the category of upgrading these particularly just the lowest one uh well not everyone is quite there yet there are some amount of people that are definitely like max doll commons and if you are at that point doing the comment of rare um you can actually finally get some values from those medals instead of just having to gamble them because if you're someone who doesn't want to deal with any kind of amount of rng factors within the game uh particularly when it comes to meddling uh you would want to once you start using your um guard metals for something like ultraverse instead of after you using your guard metals for ultra rares which would guarantee give you a not 100 chance i think it's like 33 chance if you use three foot first level or something like that but um you wouldn't be able to have any amount 100 chance however if you end up converting them uh those smaller ones into a bigger one and go from there after you've already maxed out all the commons then that could end up being kind of okay value um very very rarely applicable to most and you're already losing so much metal value but at least guarantees you that a better rarity uh rate so there are situations where these uh might be worth it like even though it would almost seem kind of bad at some situations too even if you just like really wanted to upgrade another mythic and you just didn't have the like you had the anus but you just didn't have that last initial but how long it's gonna take you to form a full um nisha medal there might be some situations where you're like okay i'll go sacrifice like two enemies and a value in order to go and have a guaranteed initiative just to have a 100 chance of getting the mythic i want upgraded like there are a few situations where these aren't that bad plus uh this is probably one of the only few things where i feel like the shard rate uh is actually like the run rate for them is actually not overpriced a lot of these i feel like require way too many runes for what you get in return whereas every single one of these is um like actually priced correctly like i wish the rest of the soul forge that we ended up getting with this patch was similar to how these are but um yeah i'm actually kind of surprised that uh one of the weirdest things that is actually probably the best value is just an orbit clans it might seem weird but being able to convert gold keys into a mythic obtaining resource is pretty solid but anyways guys if you still have uh any other questions um that's pretty much wrap it up for now so feel free to leave it in the comment section below uh we did do a full-blown stream uh last night kind of messing around with everything as well um and we'll be doing it again uh tonight and tomorrow night and a lot more soon uh one other thing that's pretty noteworthy to mention is that one really rare gnome that does end up giving these it is so hard to find right now however supposedly this thursday and for a week after that they're going to be increasing the rate of actually being able to find these things so it is worth considering um farming during that time because for that week it will have an increased rate where exactly this increase rate will end up being overall uh we don't really know at this current moment in time however uh we'll find out tomorrow or whenever they propagates i think i said tomorrow on uh on the forum however this is a weird day to do it thursday in the middle of the week though hey we have a weird vault event right now but uh tomorrow should be a really good day for that then thursday uh mostly because it should coincide both a vault event and the buffed rate for these new uh runes so these um cursed runes so it has a lot of potential to end up forming up a lot of loots but anyways guys i'll wrap it up for now sorry if it's a little bit rambly it's kind of early in the morning and still haven't gotten much sleep yet but any other questions feel free to leave it below we'll be covering this a ton more into the future and probably just doing a bunch of grind streams is there's definitely a lot more to uh end up grinding out now that is for sure always like patches where we do have uh something that we can instantly grind and it's been a pretty fun experience especially since this entire patch has coincided with a vault event simultaneously which just means even more loot while we do it so it makes it feel a little bit more rewarding since we have we could go like an hour and still not find it but still get you know these whole hours worth of vault event loot so kind of still worth it anyways guys i'll catch you guys later thank you so much for watching as always feel free to leave a like on the video helps a lot and just greatly appreciate and i'll catch you guys soon bye everyone [Music]
Channel: Tacet the Terror
Views: 2,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gems of War, Gems, of, War, Tacet, the, Terror, Tacet the Terror, Gems of War 6.1, Gems of War Soulforge, Soulforge, Cursed Runes, Gems of War Cursed Runes, Forge Scrolls, Gems of War Forge Scroll
Id: V0NSV2nJ-B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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