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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
ma'am welcome welcome to creeper world 4 everybody we are up against a mighty fortress today but we're playing as the creep maybe we can take it down with our powers combined uh we've got to watch out though as they've got some some airships my god abam welcome everybody uh we're playing some uh playing this creep again um this is a map by ranger von danger um one of my personal favorite map makers um they're very good very cool and oh god there's like a lot of there's a lot of bad stuff around i'm just looking do you see a missile launcher here i don't i'm wondering if i can get a shot in there right at the beginning of the game that's my dream uh it's a humble dream but that dream is mine if it does work amazing if it doesn't work it's fine we can can but try um let's do the unpausing i think this is the only place that i'm starting i'd be good to get something in every corner oh god they are going to bomb me just so hard and i care not for that they are running a deficit which is always good oh i think this is gonna be too slow oh god i hear lasers as well what the heck oh god this is a savage fortress oh look at those lasers those are good ones look how low they come in okay well we managed to kind of expose our way out of here a bit um let's just carry the view uh and just get my boy my boy kind of pooping around wow this thing is still flying wait where's that okay it's the second one we fired two they're slow like over such a big distance and like down here they're all looking up just like what the hell is that is that flying creep i guess yes it is like this this is all real estate for us uh what else do we want egg generator oh my so we don't have any kind of like factory or anything so i think we are getting our earn power by um destroying these pylons around the map which actually seems kind of cool more pushing yes that's what i'm talking about right flow into there if that can all turn to mesh beautiful if not don't worry about it you're doing great creep i love you um i think maybe this is a crank up the speed tiny bit i think we can afford that what could be done with crimson i think i'm just going to brute force and do mesh i have their boys being built yeah i kind of want to race and get to those thor's uh what are they called thor is it a zeus or a thor but if i could push long get another nullifier up and running uh that'll that's bound to be good and then i wonder i don't know how we assault into there oh did we actually get a um a pylon oh man we're so close to that pylon i've got one power field gen just go there see if that works see if you can just switch up a bit oh oh it's not going to turn on i guess it wasn't deep enough right i think i can push through the shield if i take out that tower he's gonna run out of ammo very good like we've got a good portion of land but it's all been fairly open territory around here and i am worried that their anti-creep supplies are going up at quite an alarming rate they are missiling this quite a lot got like the ai on like where they choose to like shoot actually pretty good i wish they would shoot more of my backline but it's like attacking my um vulnerable front side uh you can have a little push of stuff as well yeah like the plane's coming in to help but it ain't enough um the emitter is online and that's a pretty good emitter i'll take it uh we got an earn power as well um i don't wanna oh god i would like to try and get that but the um thor zeus he is not gonna be my friend in fact quite the opposite uh the crimson oh god crimson is so good take all of that uh they didn't have shields i just need to get like that seeded again it's gonna be annoying so that plane's gonna keep harassing this area i got a bunch of jerks but get it up and running and then we've got some some real estate okay that emitter wait is he getting armed i feel like that must be too low to arm that it's got ammo oh maybe i'm wrong it's likely boom we got an um if you're not going to fire i will keep advancing this way uh what is this side looking like it's kind of fine it's getting like real harassed by planes just less fun ow he's online balls heck to you buddy um i think we might be able to push past if i can take out that pylon um i can uh war of attrition and oh wow actually oh do we just drown it so they are real tough but i've got quite a lot of boys here oh he's dead amazing okay you can just push up there that should all go fairly well five guys could you fire five missiles and actually do anything of value okay let's see how this goes hey why do you want fire so slow oh missiles came in late uh okay well got the urn not great other than that but well i actually stopped having them firing if that can go deep enough to get an emitter online by by the way whoever had said um just control a and you can select all of something oh my god it's just so good so handy right i just want to push into that corner uh over there you know i've got a spare thing here have more crimson just make sure everything's crimson and just go go for glory nice this is on okay i think i've got a i think i've got a plan here okay those two should be able to stay alive uh how their missile supplies oh they've got loads oh they replenish them pretty quick oh actually my plan oh i had a genius plan but now my genius plan is not going to be a genius plan i was hoping to set up like an egg things get loads of eggs going unfortunately um the eggs will get sniped before they can actually do anything not cool um how are you boys all doing pretty good for some reason you have a big hole in your side oh am i not allowed on the walls oh nuts i actually have to go around how the heck do i get in through there uh oh technically i might not be allowed up there but any of the ones that are like further forwards are getting slowly eroded it can go over just real slow god i know i think he's kind of doing it but i'm not sure if that's just me like brute forcing uh okay right five bombs into here please i want that pylon oh pictures of that pylon on my desk by tomorrow parker hopefully your boy goes down very nice even if they do have missile defense five missiles is a fair amount of missiles oh how did the flank assault go ah it's kind of stalled that's fine right we got we got the pylon uh slight overkill there i forgot to change the target but that's okay i reckon oh god we might get our next one or we might have to just like move our um guys oh wow okay maybe oh no not eggs uh maybe leaving that firing so long wasn't such a bad idea because it actually cut off a whole section and got us a load of real estate okay right target the infrastructure cut cut off their supply lines that's how you that's how you win a war right logistics oh they've got missiles but no arm no ammo see it doesn't matter how cool your weapons are if you don't fire them terrible bad weapons okay great uh this is pretty good it gives us a lot of areas that we can attack from i don't know if i need this little setup anymore because it's not super doing anything it's that crimson like you're fun i love that you are just goofing around in there you can hang for the meantime you're not doing anything no sir how i bust into the last bit i guess i just need to slowly grind my way around okay this might be the last hurrah of the spa launchers they might have to get killed off and moved somewhere else i'm just worried that other people are gonna start shooting them down yeah although how's that ammo supply looking pretty bad wait was this all of their red surely not surely you just uh oh my god maybe it was wow uh if that's the case more missiles huh oh god they actually push me back oh nuts is it because i did i did mesh everywhere uh so there's mesh everywhere i'm not sure if you need that um so yeah it stops on mesh it flows faster probably and therefore i was just hoping where it's like you know real deep in my back line it'll flow and as far as i'm saying it tries to like kind of keep level on the mesh we've got a lot of earn power it might be time to um redeploy uh transparent creep please how many can we get 10 10. okay they got that guy cool let's go for a tougher shot he's got a bit more defense he's got the um zeus defending him but now there's ten of them where once there was only five some of you may get shot down in the process but fear not i believe in you okay he is shooting them down pretty quickly he is pretty good at shooting them down he is getting resupplied nuts i'm not gonna be able to get that because i think he doesn't even need the red he just needs regular any ammo to do it do those connect okay well if i can't take him out take out his uh our supply uh blammo i think we have we just cut off the entire back wow none of their other pylons connected that was an all your eggs in one basket i guess some of these probably did um but i think as long as i just keep on top of that short term okay well your boy's going to run out of ammo eventually um he can't get resupplied how are they getting anti-creep still is it literally just here there that's what i need to take that's their next like bastion as your ammo is kind of going down just not very fast oh okay where's your ammo now sir i guess no time like now to start bombing that area and see if we can take over there uh this should all be mine very soon take this back corner they've got like remnants of ammo but not a lot uh oh shoot their planes are actually cleaning a hole um okay right those planes you've been a thorn in my side for long enough one two three four five one two three four five right take out the runways uh do you have a missile supply uh not really uh okay one runway damaged um they are going to be able to rearm this guy if that goo comes back i might be able to stop it just in time uh okay air bases are defeated great that's all i wanted um let's stop that planes being massive jerks um and get back to blasting this okay do i have to take this bridge can i can i go through that door and out that door is that what i'm supposed to do here four emitters a field gen boom just aim for that crimson boom how can that go wrong super simple super easy just go down the street cover stuff in in jam uh is that cornered uh that corner's done amazingly and has killed the boy now we just do fire support to kind of like help our help our troops oh they're kind of slowly blinking blinking some of the enemies off not mega fast uh right i want their resources gone let's take out some of these these guys right how the hell are we getting in here uh let's make this into a plan right can you push up there please so i think i just need to get emitters on the inside if i can do that just get like 10 emitters in there why do i want a foothold because i don't want those bad lasers coming for me though oh okay great it's online uh now it seems you guys probably aren't ever going to do anything productive anymore okay so not only emitters but let's get some egg gen going on in here they might snipe it all down they'll probably snipe it all down uh very sad um here have some crimson okay the assault's going pretty well uh there's a lot of there's a lot of creep inside their base now um they aren't doing great on ammo oh i really don't want them to rebuild there though i do not want those snipers coming back because i'm starting to get a little collection of eggs together and uh i just want to pop them all in one go and just consume the entire base oh no they're popping my eggs okay i'd rather just pop them myself if i can't have them no one can pop all eggs oh i'm there some stray oh because it's all firing at random well it's not firing at random just firing at buildings but actually that's kind of fine i kind of don't mind if that's the case are you pop all your eggs right i want i think we're gonna have to go old school here and just get the creeper oh the gate blew up does that mean to happen i don't know i don't know if that is a thing okay i had to fire my spool launchers as i wasn't sure if they were doing enough i might be able to bring them back but i just want to kill some of the things that are killing me um and then blobs i want blobs okay great blobs you're doing just fantastic work okay right now that we've kind of taken out their snipers blobs get it done uh wow four urns okay that's pretty good all right let's keep coming in here i think they managed to like stack mining on top of each other if i can kill that off we're in the good we're in the good timeline oh wait i can actually go up and over these walls without the goofy times oh okay uh right abort uh emitters crimson have like two of those uh have some more emitters over there why not treat yourself uh field gen over the wall uh you can die right now they do have walls on the inside but i can break those inside walls um okay okay they're like final bastion was nothing compared to this outer perimeter uh where do i want to go with my blobs just take out more of their mining because in all of these uh what have i said logistics that's how you're gonna win the old creek wall oh they do have a lot of sniping going on though which is less less desirable but i think we're okay i think i'm inside oh having a little sad moment i'm fine with that normally i like to kind of try and kill all the other stuff but they have uh made it a laborious process so they just gotta pay you just gotta pay okay and blammo wow that's a lot of burns boom i guess for simplicity um destroy destroy we can't leave any of them launches oh nice exact amount uh spores structures one final death wave where are you firing that's not a structure few fools but those all are perfect amazing a bam this was a more creepy world this was a great map this was tons of fun uh ranger von danger always very good big shout out i really enjoy your content thank you well until next time everybody see you
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 11,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: btLdciU0-JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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