Gordian Quest 00 ~ Tutorial & introduction

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welcome everybody to the start of a new let's play series we're going to be taking a look at gordian quest this time now this is a fantasy strategy roguelite game developed and published by mixed realm studios and by the way my name is gracien welcome to my channel welcome to this new series and i hope you're gonna have a lot of fun watching just as much as i will playing it and you know if you like the game pick it up it's still in early access but there's a lot of development going on and what's in the game already is very solid and as i mentioned it is a roguelite game now what does that mean in this case it means that like a lot of roguelite games it is a deck building game you do take a team of three heroes in and there are a good number of heroes right now you can actually see them all on this main screen here i don't know if there are any more planned but the ones that there are right now give a lot of build variety and a lot of fun and they're all very distinct as well like some roguelite games there is an actual grid in combat so it does add a tactical component that involves moving your units around placing minions or traps or using obstacles or trying to avoid them so in this quest there is a curse that has befallen the land and caused a lot of chaos to uh ensue um sort of corrupting the land there's undead rising in one place and there's you know thugs and bandits over here and um it's it's a fairly standard fantasy setting but i think they did a really good job of making it feel very fun and making the characters and the the models distinct and interesting so let's start off by taking a look at just some of the options in the options for display there's some basic resolution um display mode frame rate there is a colorblind mode i'm not 100 sure what it changes but i keep this on because i am colorblind there is a prologue that will uh if you want to play and watch the introduction video i'm not going to go ahead and do that this time there is a codex that lets you go through and look at all the items and skills and things that you've ever found now as you can see this game uses items like equipment for your heroes and i did mention this in my channel update video i said that there's there's a lot of systems going on in this game and in some ways that's really fun and in some ways it's it's kind of a lot i mean this is this is a lot this is a lot of stuff and this is just the stuff that i've you know found uh if you collected items only so 164 of 293 cards discovered that's uh that's a lot we can also take a look at artifacts artifacts are really powerful items that change the way your runs will play gives you really powerful options and you can take a look at the skills you know you can go to say the sword hand guides your basic fighter guide you can see you know i've unlocked 46 of the 69 cards that are available for him some characters have a lot more than that where is the druid the druid has 85 for instance so she has a lot more cards this studio is very devoted to frequent patching you can see there is a patch on july 17th july 16th july 15th july 14th july 13th they they put out a patch almost every day um and you can see they're like they're not just for like one thing there's like fixes a lot of bug fixes and then some um balancing things and some additions and stuff like that they did come out with a big overhaul of how the game was played back in june i think it was on june 24th or something this game is currently you know i will warn you as of the time of recording this this game is in a a bit of a state of flux there they changed some fundamental ways that some of the systems in the game work and there's been a bit of um discourse about it in the community about whether these changes are good or not so um fortunately the publisher the developer sorry is um is quite receptive to these complaints and issues and there they've been monitoring those on like the steam pages and stuff and and letting us know that they're they're listening and they're seeing if they can if they can change things in a way that everyone would be happy with so let's go ahead and and get on into new game and i'll show you how everything works and by the way this will be uh probably an episode zero where we won't really do a lot of gameplay we'll probably just talk about the systems and all that kind of stuff okay so let's head on over into new game we'll take a look at what's going on there's a campaign mode this is a story based linear adventure there's a little bit of randomness in it but most things are sort of set in stone you'll get access to most if not all of the heroes throughout the campaign and you can kind of swap between them if you'd like when i started playing the campaign mode was the only thing available there wasn't a real mode at the time so i did play quite a bit of this campaign mode now there's realm mode which is more like what you expect from rogue lights where you sort of start a randomly generated run see how far you can go and then unlock some stuff at the end this is a better way to um to to experience the game if you want to try lots of different things the campaign mode is much more forgiving and gives you a better sense of progression you'll have a town in the center that you'll be defending and developing as you rescue people open up the shops and things like that then you'll go out and sort of cone-centric rings around the the city proper as you get further and further out trying to help re-establish order in the city that's been overrun with undead and bandits and things like that so i think for this for this playthrough we'll go ahead and just do a round mode just so i can get in and get out so we'll do this quick run you can see the play duration could be as little as half an hour if you don't do super well or as much as three hours if if you have a good run and you can go really far i will take it a little bit slow especially at first and sort of describe how the game plays and what's going on but it's pretty quick to pick up so this is a quick and frantic mode that pits you against increasingly unfavorable odds to see how far you can go so let's go ahead and select this one so here is the hero selection screen now you do have the option to go in solo and take a single character i would not recommend doing this for a little while until you understand the game a little bit better that's going to be difficult you do have three slots for heroes so if we go in here we can take a look at all the different heroes so first up is lucius this is the sword hand he is a easy complexity character he has 25 hit points and 13 initiative the game does use an initiative system that does involve rolling a d20 there are a lot of d20 based role-playing game mechanics that are built into this game as you can see he has a strength of 13 which gives him a modifier plus one if you've played d d or you know pathfinder or many other rpg systems you'd be familiar with the stat modifier system it's got a minus one to his intelligence because it's only nine so when combat starts there are roles to determine the order of initiative for that round but the higher your base initiative the better off you are in terms of going before the monsters so lucius is a former soldier who now wanders the realm as a free agent helping those in need he is an expert combatant and possesses strong battle instincts which makes him a natural leader on the field so you can take a look at his starting deck here so here's his sword hand deck so he has these slashes let me go over what this means this one means that it takes one action point this sword icon indicates that it's going to be a melee attack which means you can really only attack the things in the front of the lane that you're fighting in um there's some caveats to that but for the most part melee is close range this deal is nine damage and these little uh pips here along this bar indicate the upgrade level you can upgrade cards like you can in most rug lights and this just means it comes in at base level which you'll see all of his cards are so he has a few slashes he has a keen strike now this does a little bit less damage he gains critical which means his next attack will deal more damage and it's an opener when played the ap cost of a non-opener in hand is reduced by one so you might start with this attack and then it makes something else cheaper and then it also will do more damage so you can see he is a little bit of a combo user he you know wants to apply vulnerable to enemies give himself some critical and then hit for a big damage he has some basic guard abilities which most people will now you can see why does he have a dodge and a block that both gained five guard which is basically just a shield against damage that's because this is a dexterity base guard and this is a strength base guard because he is has a higher strength and dexterity than intelligence he can actually be built either way and that's what the color of these cards indicates so this slash is a strength based attack if i hold control it will actually show this is actually dealing 8 damage plus 100 of your strength mod and in this case his strength modifier is one so it's actually gonna deal eight plus one plus zero from items damage so that's why it's nine so so if we look down here keen strike which is green that's because it's dexterity now i'm colorblind so this is this may look different to you if you play without colorblind mode on i i'm not 100 sure what looks different but i think it's if the pigments is darker here so you can see this is dealing six damage plus 100 of your dex modifier which is one so that's why it does seven damage and then you gain 10 plus 125 of your dex modifier critical so it's actually the reason he gains 11 critical is because he's actually now wait it says 10 plus 2 but you gain 11. that's odd it must be rounding up here and then not rounding up here that's an interesting little thing i've just found there so you can see that any attacks in the game are actually based on your stats so you can get cards that are based on your strength or your decks or your intelligence and you can build your characters around that so there are ways to increase your stat points so lucius for instance we could build him more of a dex character which would give him more of these kind of critical opening sort of attacks better dodging or just strength which is typically just overwhelming force and damage vulnerable here for instance or making other characters do more damage or himself sorry is a strength based thing so i think that's a very interesting thing in this game is that it uses this this stats now it looks complicated when you look at it but it's very easy to just break down you know here's the base here's the modifier here's anything from items you know it's not too bad anytime you see fixed you know for every adjacent ally grant plus one might to self it says plus one fixed might to self because that means there's no way to modify this it doesn't matter how high your strength or dex or intelligence or hit points or initiative or anything is it's just going to be this plus one it's just fixed that way so it's really cool you do not have to delve into this system and really pay attention to how this is working you can just use the cards as they say and it's perfectly fine you do not need to pay attention to this at all if you don't want to the only thing you really need to worry about is if i'm using a lot of red cards i should be increasing my strength from using a lot of green cards i should be increasing my dexterity that's about it now the interesting thing about these characters are this is his sword hand deck this is like his basic starting deck he actually has three other starting decks that kind of give him a different strategy so you can see he's these are the skills he has available to him and during a run you can find and upgrade and acquire cards from these different skill sets and mix and match them or try to just get a lot of one kind so he has swordsmanship swordsmanship skills focus strongly on one-on-one fighting prowess warrior skills focus on general combat ability and crowd control leadership skills focus on buffing yourself and allies so he has a little bit of that in his starting deck already but you can actually take a look at the cards from that school so here's swordsmanship so for instance a lot of those green um cards are given giving him like critical and stuff that's in here he has he has some intelligence modifier things here like this dual card so you can see what kinds of cards are available and of course i haven't unlocked them all for that kind of build if you want a swordsmanship build you can actually give him a different starting deck so we could start with this veteran deck instead and look here so it's replaced a couple of the slash cards with these rend so now we're applying bleed instead of just basic damage but he has a higher strength with this start so you can see the slash is gonna be 10 instead of nine damage so he's he's more into the strength tree on this one you can see he's gotten rid of those guards that are deck space and he's got all of these blocks that are strength based which is pretty interesting we can go duelist and as you might expect there's a lot more green cards in here here he's getting thorns so he's retaliating when he gets hit here he's getting more of the critical and the opener here's ability to shift lanes and then also deal some damage there's a little bit more mobile and he's got like riposte skills and then we can take a look at his tactician now this is interesting he's down to 10 strength and 11 decks giving him no modifiers but he's up to 14 intelligence so this is more about being like a general on the battlefield so you can see he's got intelligence-based abilities here so he has intelligence-based blocks which are deflecting like he's he's calculating where his enemy is going to hit and being prepared to block that and he now he has cards like these trigger cards that when an ally in the row attacks follow up and deal 9 damage and this is retained so that means if he's in the same row as an ally in a row in this game i'll show you how that works there's rows and lanes that means if an ally in his row attacks he'll deal 9 damage to that same enemy but then retain means he'll keep this card so he can kind of stand next to somebody else who's dealing a lot of attacks and he can just follow up behind them and do attacks over and over and over and over so it's a very interesting sort of different way to build him now this may seem a little overwhelming and it probably is at first because it even you know it even changes his starting hit points and initiative it changes his stats i mean there's a lot to pay attention to but you only need to pay attention to one thing at a time you know once i go into the game with the sword hand deck i can forget that i ever saw any of that stuff and we're just leaping off from right here so that's lucius so next up we have catherine catherine is awesome she's a cleric but she plays a little bit more like a like a paladin where she she brings the hammer and she does the beating and it's really great so her skills are divine focus on channeling the power of the gods to lay waste to your foes so these are quite offensive typically debilitating bolt deal bolt deal some damage make them vulnerable here's some flash bolt we've got dealing a whole bunch of damages of smite that's a really fun one she has holy warrior these skills focus on combining offensive and defensive abilities that are mostly martial in nature so we have gaining armor doing 14 damage and chain forward onto adjacent enemies here's a whole bunch of damage that will remove guard she also has spirit healer focused on empowering protecting and restoring your allies so it's good to have a character that has some healing in your group of three it's not necessary but it's certainly helpful uh we just have a little bit of healing here he'll target for six and purge one so remove status effects here's deal some damage in a line a holy wave of damage down a whole lot a lane of enemies here's hill yourself and adjacent allies for three health so she has a little bit of empowering um getting my critical dealing a little bit of damage and a lot of removing status effects and healing so if we take a look at her starting deck she has this cleric deck which has a little bit of everything you can see we've got some big damage got some guarding uh down here we have reveal this this card's interesting you do some damage and then you get a common healing card just once so every time you use this card you basically pick a healing card and then you have it in your deck once so she has a little bit of healing but you kind of have to work for it when you're playing this way we can see she has a reverend deck an enforcer deck and a mender deck now this deck is has a lot more healing in it so you've got healing here removing debuffs you just get that heel healing here so much more healing in that deck and you can see she also has different ways to build here she's strengthened intelligence with reverend strength and intelligence then forcer her strength goes up quite a bit she's much more about beating things here and with the mender she has incredible intelligence and almost no strength in decks next up we have bertram he's a ranger so i won't go into super high detail with the rest of these characters i just wanted to kind of show how it works a little bit but we'll go ahead and show him off because i'll probably end up using these three for our first game because they're a little bit easier to understand and kind of show off how the game plays this is a typical ranger character but he can be built in a way where he's firing arrows he's laying traps or he's summoning like war machines like automated turrets so his basic starting deck i don't think yeah he's got the sentry turret in here you can build him an artillery commander and then he's got a siege turret a sentry turret and some kind of where is it there's another one i guess he doesn't start with it but it's like um some kind of blocking turret that like gets in the way of enemies bertram is a lot of fun to play but he does take a little bit of setting up if you're gonna use him this is alphonse he's our scoundrel type character he has lower health a little bit higher initiative he has a focus on single targets controlling the battlefield through implements and traps or sowing chaos with deception and illusion we have pierre the spellbinder he's he was really fun i've i've played him and he's quite interesting he's got uh elements so like fire and ice he has force which are actually pretty cool they're they're you can control things pretty well like you push enemies around um he can get armor and stuff which is pretty cool he's got like a classic like mage armor and like force almost like a force push and he can also be built conjuration to create ethereal objects so he can make you know he just like conjures up a sword and hits hits people with it make a barrier to guard himself we have ida the forest guardian she's a druid character she's really quite cool she has raw fighting power and transformation abilities she has mastery of the elements of nature and she has animal kinship on summoning animals and she can make things like she can bring out bears uh where is where is that here's a spirit wolf a spirit hawk a spirit bear so she can make minions and then sort of buff them up and and keep them healed up so you have like extra um basically npcs on the board that you don't control but they they just go about their their day doing whatever they want you just keep them alive and and healthy we have neuron the bard she's high complexity i haven't played her yet she's got very low health she's a lot more of a control type character as you can see she's got control the flow of battle um hold audiences in rapture so she's a little bit more complicated to use kudo the warlock i've tried him and i did a terrible job with him to be honest uh he wants to put make himself bleeding and then he uses that to like fuel his own powers so he manipulates his own blood as a weapon so he has blood magic he has uh debilitate and punish your foes and he has sour the ground on which your enemies stand so these are probably yeah pull an enemy into a blood pool he can put uh yeah create a blood pool on target cell draws drains hp from the unit on this cell on turn end that's pretty interesting there's a crimson tide as a tidal wave of blood that's weird and last but not least this is the newest character this is uh jendaya this is the golem answer so her focus is on creating uh rocky who is a big golem companion and she like tells rocky to do stuff so we've got like uh where is it rocky charge rocky uppercut rocky finisher so she commands her golem to do stuff you can also build her with geomancy to shape earth and clay to defend yourself or synthesis allowing you to draw strength from your golem so for our first game i think we'll go ahead and pick just the the sword hand character the cleric character and the ranger character and i think i'll go ahead and leave them with their with their basic decks now oops we gotta switch catherine back here uh we want to just have cleric i think i think that's fine um and then bertram i am tempted to go with the artillery commander deck but uh yeah you know what let's do it just for fun it's it's more fun and then for lucian or lucius i think we're good with his standard sword hand deck yeah i think that'll be fine okay so now we have our team you can also randomize if you don't want to have to choose it'll pick three different characters and give them random like builds starting builds and then one more thing we have to look at before we get into a run is this up here this is renown which you get at the end of acts or runs in realm mode you spend renown to discover new artifacts so artifacts are objects that grant a variety of beneficial effects to your party so let's take a look at some of the ones i have unlocked so i have one artifact slot so when i start a run i'll be able to bring one artifact in i can pay to unlock them i've only found seven of 58 artifacts but it costs 43 and only a 42. i'll go ahead and spend one here to unlock the next slot i think it's 100 for the next one wow so these are the artifacts i have unlocked so four leaf clover start around with plus two fate and you gain one fate upon completing deadly encounters on the map which is a locked ability we do have to upgrade this so you can see it takes 515 right now to upgrade this or we can get rid of if we don't want it so this means that we start the game with plus two fate and fate is basically rerolls so when you're doing non-combat encounters and you have like a character who's trying to sneak past enemies and they fail and you have a fake point you can you can try that again you can also start with the dodecahedron which is pretty funny it's rolling 20 on the dyson an event challenge grants one fate so you know anytime you get basically a critical success you also get a fake point for later use we have the tinkerer's instruments salvaging rare items produces an additional rare crystal so if you take apart rare items you can get more components we have a salamander's eye heroes have plus one fire resist anti-magic pendant pierre gains access to field ability nullify now we're not using pierre in this run but that's interesting that there are character specific artifacts there's a holy symbol increases katherine's base stats by one that's probably one we could end up using isn't it and then we have the jeweler's loop rolling sockets requires two less common parts so that that's basically saying it takes less resources to change some of the modifiers on your items so we can head back and then we can move on to the next screen we can just pick our our difficulty here let's just go ahead and do normal i guess for this one and then we can so it says entering maelstrom gate now we have hidden empire and this will give us some extra renown here notes have a chance to contain germination effects enemies resist physical damage twilight province curse curses inflicted on the party last twice as long party is minus three physical resist dark valley curses inflicted on the party last twice as long routes have a higher chance of containing curses that's interesting curses last twice as long let's go with the hard one so here we are at the beginning of our run so like a lot of rogue lights we have this sort of map and we get to plan our route through here to the final boss which is down here looks like we have what is this some kind of spider boss okay it looks kind of terrifying spider matron spider leaper and a spiderling this is level nine so we're level one right now so we need to make sure we get you know pretty good amount of resources going going through here so we can take a look at all the different nodes that we have kind of plan our route so here's like a deadly encounter so we get extra xp but the party is cursed with five and feeble here we have a regular fight with some dire wolves we have a regular fight with some spiderlings and over here we have a merchant chance a chance to purchase items and resources to keep the expedition going now we have our starting gold so i'm probably not going to bother with that right there are other little halfway point nodes which are interesting like here's a little plus 100 gold if we go this route here's some random curse if we go this route here's some gold so we can try to plot a course around these curses if possible but it looks like it's possible we don't have a lot of control over our route if we end up going that way oh blessing okay and then up here so let's take a look at the ui really quickly we have recenter on party if we lose track of where we are we can set up a camp and that uses supplies we won't do that right now because we don't need to but i will show you eventually how the camping works you can also click on each of our characters here and take a look at their uh stats and all that stuff so characters have you can see their deck here we can take a look at equipment so here's like a small health file that we have now this is a one-time use item not once per battle but actually one time in total so this is a consumable so this is something we might put on somebody like lucian oh actually he starts with one on so let's put that on him we can also use it now if we need to we have our resources so we have our supplies our gold and our fate and we have our synergy so this is like our relationship bonuses with people this is pretty complicated we'll we'll go into this a little bit later i think and so equipment which we don't have any to start with equipment actually can add cards to your deck which is really really cool and they can have slots and you can put like gems in them and stuff like that it's there's a lot of stuff going on here we also have like here's his stat block you know we have his max fury his agility his channel charges so these are things used by certain types of cards it's resistances to damage hand draw cards retained per turn max number of summons he can have out his action points his health here is your special cards so this is uh sp for special so he's got zero out of three 14 initiative and no exhaustion exhaustion is acquired as you play and they kind of clog up your your hand and deck with these exhaustion cards that are hard to get rid of you have to rest to get rid of them up here we have the menu the help here's our money which we can use for you know making trades supplies are used when we when we pass through nodes like it'll say here uses one supply uses two supplies to go here so we have to make sure we don't run out of supplies we also need those for camping fate is our re-rolling for challenge rolls and then renown is that resource that we carry on in between runs to make this game a roguelite so we can get upgrades and stuff like that over here we have our journal so we have our main quest which is we're just venturing into the depths of the infinite realms and trying to beat the bosses we have no completed quests and just all quests here here we have our skill grid now this is yet another system that we have to manage so let's just take a look at lucy and so when when we level up we'll get skill points and we start here in the center we can kind of fan out from there wherever we want so here he gains extra max health here he we can increase a cards based values by increasing his skill rank like his strength or something uh you know initiative learn a skill from a school of your choice or gain a respect point so you can kind of like go out from here and then as you fill up this box you'll actually get so it says spend four more skill points to unlock your next skill grid so then this is a skill grid here so we'll actually get another block of skills that we can attach somewhere like we kind of build it almost like a jigsaw puzzle and then we can continue on in that direction and then we can even put another one and another one or whatever you want to do so it's it's an interesting system it's just i just i'm not sure if there's too many systems in this game to manage we can go to our heroes we saw that by clicking on their cards and we can go back to the map from here all right everyone i think that's gonna do it for our episode zero here i think next episode we'll probably hit one of these combat so we can actually take a look at how the game actually plays once we're in and we'll start making our way down to the boss from there so thank you everybody so much for watching if you have any questions or comments please leave those below please consider liking and subscribing and i will see everybody in episode one
Channel: Garacian00
Views: 499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, let's play, lets play, garacian00, gameplay, playthrough, fantasy, magic, card battler, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, indie, deck building, gordian quest, ascension, adventure, turn-based tactics, dark fantasy
Id: m4FdwJZp4dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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