PATHFINDER: WOTR - KINETICIST Guide - Builds, Mechanics & How to Play! Unfair Viable

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Man, I wish this game was more recognized so people like you would get more traffic. I love watching build videos for inspiration.

I hope you continue to do these videos.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Bundesclown 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hell yeah blue flame blast. I can't wait for the day owlcat finally fixes overwhelming power so I can use my charismatic kitsune kineticist.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/skrowtenlacitilop 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello there and welcome today we are going to talk about how to build your kineticist in pathfinder wrath of the righteous kineticists can be a very powerful class capable of both extremely high single target and also area of effect damage starting from mid game however at the same time it can be a very complex class with quite a lot of different class features such as burn infusions wild talents certain class exclusive feats and so on so without further ado let us get started i'll begin by talking about how to build a kineticist then i'll go over how the main class abilities work such as gather power i will also talk about gear for your kineticist and lastly how to play a kineticist during the early mid and late game so let's get started on building our kineticist my favorite is actually the base kineticist most of the other archetypes don't really gain much and end up losing quite a lot kinetic knight is a good example i mean you do gain kinetic blade and also blade whirlwing for free but you lose out on automatic and as its feeds highly reducing your damage and many infusions as well so i don't find it worth it the base kineticist on the other hand is very versatile so you can do about everything you want with it really so let us pick it now as for race my favorite is human as always because of the bonus feat meanwhile my favorite generic background is pickpocket because of the bonus true initiative rose and as a kineticist you do want to be going first now when it comes to ability points i like keeping it simple your focus should be constitution to increase the damage of your blasts and also the maximum amount of burn you can take besides that we also get both a bit of strength and dexterity to increase our chances to hit with kinetic blade if you so desire and also our arranged blast the last few points can go in something like intelligence to increase our skill points per level now your skill selection is up to you really i like going with use magic device persuasion mobility and you can also pick something like trickery or stealth depending on your character i'll be going with stealth your first feats are a given really you definitely want both point blank shot and also precise shot and the reason is simple really a lot of your early life as a kineticist will be spent using your blasts as ranged attacks so you definitely don't want to be getting hit with the -4 penalty whenever attacking foes engaged in melee alright now here comes the first big choice for your beaut which element you specialize in you can actually choose two others as you level up basically at level 7 and then at level 15 but your first choice has a lot of impact on how you will play your kineticist i would say basically there are two paths you can take fire or earth the benefit of picking fire is that your blasts will be ranger touch attacks so they are going to target the enemy's touch armor class instead of normal armor class and as you might already know all of the enemies in the game have way lower touch armor class than they have normal armor class so it is very easy to hit them even the very powerful late game enemies such as the dreaded vavaka vanguard also by picking fire as your first element and then picking it again at level 7 we unlock the blue flame kineticist blast it is basically a composite kineticist blast that uses double the damage of the fire one while also being touch attack another choice is to pick earth as your first element unlike fire earth is a physical blast so it's going to target the enemy's normal armor class much like a normal wrenched attack with a bow or a crossbow on the other hand the earth element will let you pick the bowling infusion ability which lets you empower your kinetic blast to not only deal damage but also attempt to trip the enemy knocking them down and this will also work with some of the area of effect abilities that we are able to pick eventually such as the infamous deadly earth for this build in particular i'll be going with fire as i find it overall a much better ability because of the fact it once again targets touch armor class now our first infusion should certainly be extended range by default your blast doesn't really have that high of a range but with this ability you will be able to snipe enemies from very far now at level 2 you will gain your first wild talent these talents are going to be different based on your element's choice during level 1. i like going with fire's fury first as this will eventually increase the damage of our blast especially starting from level 3 when we gain the elemental overflow ability now at level 3 you certainly want spell penetration the reason is simple energy blasts such as fire actually have to pierce the enemy's spell resistance before hitting them and since we are going to face a lot of demons many of them having high spell resistance this fit is basically a must meanwhile your second infusion can be kinetic blade this lets you turn your blast into a normal attack the main benefit of this ability to me is unlocking the extremely powerful blade where wind later on at level 4 and on every level after this we are going to increase constitution shrink power our blast damage and also increase our burn capability for your level 4 infusion i'll be going with elemental whispers and then the hair familiar this gives you a very big plus 4 bonus on initiative rows your level 5 feet is simple as well greater spell penetration pick the fan of flame's ability it's also an area of effect ability but instead of hitting nearby targets is going to hit all targets in a rather big 50 foot cone just be sure not to damage your own allies with it so when it comes to spin though chances are your other party members especially melee ones will be close to the enemy and probably end up getting damaged as well also for fan of flames the enemy will still take half damage on a passat save while with spindle they will completely negate the damage if they save against the blast for a level 6 kinetist wild talent you have a few different choices because we picked fire we have access to both dashing display and also the persuasive ability you can actually pick both deaths in display and later on dreadful carnage and shatter defenses with dreadful carnage whenever you kill an enemy with your blast you are going to demoralize all of the nearby enemies as a free action meanwhile shatter defenses will let you hit shaken enemies as if they were flat-footed for an easier easier chance to hit them considering they are going to target their touch armor glass personally i'll be going with doesn't display for now at level seven picking pivot initiative once again akinethysis really wants to be going first now we also have our second element peak and this can go a number of different ways you can for example pick fire again as i said before and this will only be available if you also picked fire as your first element picking fire element twice we unlocked a very powerful blue flame blast on the other hand you can also pick the earth element now earth and fire will unlock the powerful magma composite blast it's going to do a little bit more damage than blue flame but on the other hand it's also going to hit the enemy's normal armor class instead of touch armor class so you will have a harder time hitting enemies not only that but earth will also unlock the very powerful deadly earth ability starting from level 13. this is an extremely powerful area of effect ability that does not only quite a lot of damage but also does not require any role at all to hit the enemy the main problem with this ability is that well it's going to create as the name itself implies a deadly area of effect that deals damage not only to the enemies but also your own party members and trust me you don't really want your party members being hit with your own deadly earth otherwise they will take massive damage i would say this is more of a solo ability really it's not really helpful when it comes to party base at place if you are playing on turn based i believe it's going to be easier to properly use this ability without damaging our allies and starting from level 11 we will be able to get access to the blade whirlwind ability also giving our fire blast a very big enemy only area of effect ability so keep that in mind i'll be going with blue flame blast for this build another point in constitution at level 8 and for your white talon you can go with dreadful carnage as i explained before but i find this a bit overrated really the problem is a kineticist can do quite a lot of damage single target and area of effect as well so by the time you hit the enemies with your blast chances are they will be dead so there's no point in actually getting them to be shaken when it comes to fire element our feats are somewhat limited especially by picking fire twice so i like to have dispute focus on persuasion at least for dialogue checks and so on for level 8 i'll be going with skill focus persuasion then at level 9 pick weapon focus and kinectic blast this will give us a plus one bonus to kinetic blast but most importantly it's also going to let us pick shatter defenses on the next level at level 9 we also get more powerful area of effect abilities to empower our blast my favorite here is eruption this works basically as if a fireball release that's going to do full damage of your blast because blue flame and fire are energy blast the enemy will be allowed as saved for half but even then it's still going to be a lot of damage so personally i'll be going with your option for your level 10 wise talent persuasive your level 11 fit choice is easy improved critical kinectic blast this will basically double the threat range of our kinetic blasts going from 20 to 19 20. now at level 11 we also have one of our most powerful abilities at last blade whirlwind this ability is extremely powerful it does require you to move somewhat close to the enemy but it's pretty easy to get off it's basically going to hit every single enemy surrounding you in a 10 foot burst area for your full blast damage and you can increase this with both maximize and also in power blast the ability about this ability is that it only targets enemies so even if you have allies closed only the enemies are going to take damage for your level 12 talent i'll be going with iron wheel as kineticists don't tend to have high wheel saving throws fire level 13 feet shatter defenses the great part about this feat is the amazing synergy it has with the frightful proportion spell that most casters can get starting from level 15 so we will have this feat prepared just for that now for a level 13 infusion well i'll be going with wall in this case wall can be quite decent it basically creates a vertical line that lasts for a very long time equal to your constitution modifier and makes the enemy take full damage from your blasts whenever they touch the wall or pass through it this can hit your allies as well but it is somewhat easier to make it work so that it only hits the enemies of course if you picked earth as your second element's choice during level 7 then you certainly want the very powerful deadly earth now at level 13. for your level 14 feet go with improved iron wheel honestly starting from level 15 we don't have that many useful fits left so i'll be going with toughness to increase our hit points as whenever using burn as i will explain later on we do get reduced hit points so the more we have the better at level 15 we also have our third and last element choice i'll be going with water for the defensive abilities and also so that we can have access to the powerful cloud infusion later on be sure to pick water blast instead of cold blast as water is the one needed for the clouding fusion water and fire combined will give us access to the powerful steam composite blast it is a physical blast instead of blue flame which is energy the main benefit of composite physical blast is that they do have higher damage on average our blue flame blast will deal 38 to 178 damage before metamagic meanwhile a steam blast is going to do 76 to 216 for more damage but once again it's going to hit the enemy for its normal armor class instead of range at torch armor class however because we only pick water at level 15 by this point in the game we will be able to achieve enough attack bonus to hit the enemy's normal armor class with ease even on unfair and this here is still missing a few situational bonuses as 16 pick expanded offense and then shroud of water to highly increase either your normal armor class or also shoot armor class your level 17 feet can be anything you want really i'll go with intimidating probes just to increase our persuasion even higher but it's not really needed you can for example pick dodge for a more armored class although as a kineticist you probably won't be getting hit another skill focus of your choice and even the shake it off feed as all my other characters tend to have it i'll go with it just to keep it safe really and increase our saving throws even higher now for our 17 infusion we certainly want cloud it's basically the same as deadly earth really just once again be careful not to hit your own characters with it your level 18 wild talent is also up to you you can pick tidal wave if you want to cast that tsunami spell basically an infinite amount of times but i don't find it that useful after all it does have friendly fire and at this point our blast is going to do way more damage the slick ability meanwhile is the same as a grid spell which is not going to be useful this late in the game the same for kinectic healer and kinetic restoration as at this point our divine casters can already do the same but a lot more with greater restoration and also mass heal you can for example go with skill focus and something of your choice i'll pick stealth just for an example here really the same for your level 19 feet as you might have noticed kineticists aren't really that dependent on feeds besides point blank precise shot improvement critical and also greater spell penetration i'll be going with dodge but at this point it's not going to make much of a difference now as for your last infusion you can pick something like pure flame which only works if you pick fire twice so so by having access to the blue flame blast pure flame will let you ignore the enemy's spell resistance but at this point in the game well we already have very high spell penetration now for my favorite metaconectic master ability i'll be going with maximized as maximize is the one that really increases the damage we do at level 20 we get our final ability point which of course went into constitution and also our last wild challenge with which as i said before can be anything i'll choose skillet kineticism now all right now let's talk about mythic progression for your kineticist i'll first start with a generic progression for let's say a companion kineticist or any mythic for your main character really i'll save my azata kineticist progression for my azata guide which is coming very soon i promise so because we pick the fire element as our first choice then we are of course going to pick ascended element fire in our first mythic the reason is simple really as this is going to let us bypass any fire resistance or immunities any enemy in the game might have including bosses for mythic rank 2 be sure to go with mythic spell penetration to highly help us pierce demon spell resistance for mythic rank 3 go with kinectic overcharge this lets your getter power ability reduce the burn cost of all your blasts by one additional burn point so very useful for mythic rank 4 be sure to pick improvement critical and kinectic blast to increase our critical multiplier to times three now an interesting part about kineticism is that you can actually increase this even further without having a trickster main character just by having us called with the little accuracy rage power for a total of times four critical multiplier very high by mythic rank 5 i like going with less stand for survivability for mythic rank 6 improved initiative mythic and with a kineticist we can actually reach such high amounts that we are always going to go first even on unfair for mythic rank 7 i like home with always a chance as our main blast is quite limited usually hitting only a single target outside of mythic abilities so we don't want to be missing out on our main blast attack just because we roll the one of course you can bypass this by using the area of effect kineticist abilities that don't require a row but on the other hand you cannot critical with those for mythic rank 8 over infuse at blast this is more useful for let's say earth geneticists who will also be applying the bowling infusion but frankly the other mythic abilities aren't really that useful for a kineticist so it doesn't hurt to pick over infused blasts now we are at mythic rank 9 which is our final mythic for all intents and purposes and we are going with archmage armor to highly increase our armor class of course you can pick this earlier such as on mythic rank 8 instead of over infused blast or even at 7 instead of always a chance alright now let us talk about how the unique kineticist class abilities work and the best part about kineticist is that you have infinite uses of your abilities which work somewhat like spells really so long as you can accept the burn or reduce the burn cost you can cast them an infinite amount of time which makes for very fun gameplay really as you are not limited by rest at all first we have of course our kineticist blast in this case i picked fire element first and all you have to do is click on the arrow above it to access our kineticist infusions so for example i have the normal fire blast here the fire blast with eruption with extended range with spindle and with wall by default your normal blast does not cost any burn however as soon as you upgrade it to a composite blast meaning the combination between two elements in this case blue flame blast which is fire twice it's going to cost burn burn works basically like this you have a maximum amount of burn in my case 19 that you can see over here based on how much constitution your character has and you also get an increasing or maximum burn amount at level 6 and every 3 levels of kineticist after that the way burn works is very simple it basically reduces your maximum hit points for example my kineticist here has 680 hit points however because of burn he also has minus 80 hit points for a final reduced amount of 538 this is basically your new maximum hit points for gameplay purposes meaning if you take more than that as damage your character will end up possibly dying another interesting part about kinetic assist burn is the elemental overflow ability elemental overflow will basically give us bonuses based on how many points of burn we have accepted so while burn will reduce our maximum hit points it's also going to grant us a few bonuses the more burn you have the higher these bonuses will become and you can choose between a size bonus increase to dexterity in the constitution strength and constitution or the strength and dexterity this is just plus two at four burn but as you increase your burn this will eventually become plus four not only that but you also get your current burn amount added as a tech bonus to your blasts in here as i have for burn i also have plus 4 untyped bonus from elemental overflow your most powerful abilities will cause burn to use blue flame blast for example costs 2 meanwhile if we combine it with the extended range in fusion it's going to cost 3 basically 2 from blue flame and plus 1 from extended range there are ways of reducing our burn cost however the main ones being the gather power ability that you get as a kineticist as early as level 1 you have gather power low gather power medium and also gather power high basically when using gather power low you will spend a move action to channel and reduce the burn cost of your blast by one gather paramedian does the same except you will have to spend a full round action to reduce it by 2. on the other hand gather power high we reduce it by 3 but require both a full round action and a move action so quite a lot really personally i like to go with just getter power low this way you can actually attack in the same round as you use gather power there are of course ways of increasing your gather power effectiveness so that you can't continue to rely just on gather power low the main one being the super charge ability that you get at level 11 which will increase the burn reduction of getter power low by 2. besides that we also have composite specialization at level 16 to reduce the burn cost of our composite blasts by 1. furthermore we also have the kinectic overcharge mythic ability to further reduce the burn cost of getter power by one basically just by being level 11 and having the kinetic overcharge mythic ability your getter power load will now reduce your burn costs by 3 very powerful and before that by 2 with just a mythic ability this is why my blue flame composite blast with extended range costs 0 burn even with and power and maximize when using gather power your character will channel for a bit as you can see here and then unleash the ability that you have chosen because gather parallel only costs a move action you will still be able to perform your chosen action in the same round as you gather power so overall the best of the getter power abilities really this way we won't lose an action another unique part about the kineticist class are the meta kinase's abilities basically empowered maximized and also quicken you gaining power at level 5 maximize at level 9 and quicken at level 13. the most important ones are basically in power and maximize and they work in the same way as the meta magic maximize will make our abilities do full damage as if we have just rolled maximum in all of the dice meanwhile and power will increase the value by 50 percent these two abilities are what led kineticists do quite amazing amounts of damage both single target and also area of effect of course they also cause burn and this is why we have to rely on the getter power ability and its enhancements to reduce our burn costs to manageable amounts using them is very simple really all you have to do is basically click on the icon to turn them on and off and as you can see the burn cost amount of our ability to also go up as we turn these abilities on but of course we've gather power we can reduce it eventually to zero alright so let's talk now about gear for your kineticist kinesis actually do have a few pieces of unique gear that only works for their class let's get started with the amoled slot and the choice is simple really the lexus magnifying amoled is overall the best for most classes because of the stacking increase it's your highest ability score and in the case of kineticism we do have quite a massive amount of constitution for both extreme hit points and also more powerful blasts during the early game you can use ambulance of natural armor or anything else really for your armor slot i like going with deadly raised for the special inside bonus on range at touch attack rows and most of our kinetic access abilities that have rolls will be arranged at touch haramakis don't really interfere with your dexterity bonus to armor class and they even provide a small one point in armor class for your robe slot i would go with phones that increase spell penetration in this case i like the rope of the termination for a plus 2 increase to that for your belt slot you want belts that increase constitution in this case i really like the clutch of corruption belt because of the very high plus 8 enhancement constitution your glove slot can be anything really in this case because my character already has the extra sneak attack damage from the bafflement the uncaged book i went with clothes of the death dealer to increase my sneak attack damage but you can also use something like gloves of arcane eradication for an unpiped bonus to range at touch attack rows and also an increasing use magic device for the boot slot well as usual the best boots overall i think are the boots of freeze drain for permanent freedom of movement effect and also a bonus to speed but when you have access to haste and the actual spell it doesn't really make much of a difference now the headband slot is when things get very unique for kineticists as they have access to the special kinetic diadem headband this will highly increase the damage both of our normal blasts and also composite blasts for the greater version of this diadem you will have to meet the skeleton merchant while traveling through the world map during chapter 5 and asking him for magical items the lesser version of this diadem can be found in the silken thread atelier during chapter 1 while traveling in cannabis so be sure not to miss it for the goggle slots my favorite are the my favorite are the goggles of piercing gates for plus one inside on attack and damage roles against demons and also a very high bonus to persuasion but this doesn't really matter for kineticists as usual for your cloak slot you want cloaks of resistance which has high enhancement as possible in my case plus six should grant us a big boost in saving throws for your rings the most important one by far is the seizure of destruction this is another kinetic's unique gear that will grant you a very powerful increase in critical range doubling your current critical range the best part is that this will stack with the improved critical feed so our kinetic blast normally will have only a 20 critical range but with improved critical it will become 19 to 20 and then with the sigil of destruction ring it's going to become 17-20 very powerful basically quadrupling our chances of getting a critical hit now you might be wondering but this ring will not stack with itself so there's not a point in having more than one for another good ring i like the ring of guiding star for the bonus 2 initiative now when it comes to bracers that aren't really any special braces for kineticists so you can go with something like razors of armor to increase your armor glass or the abrasives of balance for a bonus to trip attempts if you are playing a nerf kineticist with the bowling infusion ability in my case because i have the sneak attack ability i'll be going with bracers of a broken slot to increase my sneak damage even further i don't actually have a weapon here in this case it's just my kinetic blade ability which deals as you can see immense amounts of damage 154 to 434 all because of our empower and maximize blast ability and this is with the composite steam blast now as far as quick slots we also have another unique kineticist item here in this case the lesser kineticist rod which will permanently boost the power of our blasts and the best part is that unlike normal metamagic rods this one does not have a limit of uses so all you have to do is turn it on and the effect will always work you can find this very special world in the artisan's tower area during chapter 3 earliest basically for a grey bird's quest during the dragon hunt so be sure not to miss it as you can actually miss that area your early game as a kineticist is going to be mostly just like that of a ranged character who has a bow or a crossbow basically you're going to damage the enemies from range using let's say fire blast powered by extended range infusion and also gather power low so let's target this moroder archer here and we are at level 4 at the moment there we go it's not going to do much damage early on as kineticism is a build that basically the more levels you have the more powerful you become the first big boost coming at level 5 with the empowered meta kinesis ability now it is true that most of the demons you face early game will have quite a lot of fire resistance being able to avoid most of your blad's damage there is however a way to overcome that and it is to have amber use the vulnerability curse hacks that she already starts out with this is going to remove any energy resistance the enemy might have without a save at least for a single round so let us have ambercast's vulnerability curse on this shear demon and wait until it hits so our kineticists can blast the enemy with fire alright so she's casting it now we can use our blast and there we go we were able to hit the shear with full fire damage it's also important to note that you can increase your blast damage to 3d6 plus 3 pretty early in the game just by having access to the lesser kinetic diadem headband now as soon as mid game saw around level 10 to 11 you will already have access to some decent area of effect blast abilities such as the extremely powerful blade whirlwind and of course deadly earth at level 13 if you picked the earth element so be sure to mix in those with your normal blast the more enemies you face the better blade whirlwind becomes really now another great thing about kineticists is that they are very good at setting up ambushes take this carnivorous crystal here for example because of the uneven terrain there isn't much of a point in charging at it out of battle as our characters will have to go down here which will probably which will most likely initiate the battle with a kineticist however and the extended range in fusion we can use our blast to properly snipe the enemy from far away using getter power high as a way to reduce our burn cost to zero here's how it goes let's just target the crystal and wait we are gathering power to reduce our burn cost and there we go as soon as we unleash the blast the battle will initiate so we were able to instantly kill the crystal with no danger to our party whatsoever the same for this ancient carnivorous crystal up here we can just set up kineticist wall here their life ends here thus instantly killing it before battle even really began certainly a great way to handle these very annoying enemies right thankfully kineticists can also dismiss their area of effect abilities otherwise our party will take huge damage meanwhile at the end game all you have to do is cast cloud if you picked water and of course blade whirlwind still remains very powerful with the added bonus of not hitting your party members alright so this was it for today's video i hope i've managed to properly explain to you how to build your kineticist and how the class works overall be sure to stay tuned as i will soon release my azata mythic path guide with an addition of how to build an asata kineticist based on the special and unique as automythic abilities please remember to support the channel if you can by liking the video and subscribing thank you for watching and see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 2,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, videogame, rpg, boss, unfair, pathfinder, owlcat, crpg bro, owlcat games, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, pathfinder kineticist, kineticist, how to play kineticist, how to build kineticist, kineticist build, pathfinder kineticist build, wotr kineticist, pf kineticist, pf kineticist build, kineticist blast, gather power, kineticist gameplay, kineticist mechanics, kineticist builds, wrath of the righteous kineticist, pathfinder kalikke, pathfinder kanerah
Id: lWwoJlLxqUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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