Begin The Day With God | Morning Blessings | Prayers To Encourage & Uplift You

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psalm 103 reads bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles i find this psalm to be very powerful because david he's almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the lord with all that is within him david has come to realize that praising the lord half-heartedly isn't enough praising the lord while distracted is not good enough david has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise god with everything david here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion that he has he needs to give god his heart his mind his body and soul in order to truly worship him saints let me ask you this are you praising the lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask this is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is god not worthy of your complete adoration what about your commitment and time and energy is he worthy of that david called on his soul to praise the lord with all he has he called on his soul to do more should we not be doing the same and so i would like to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the lord daily you should worship him daily we often praise and thank god half-heartedly and that is not acceptable god deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and let me assure you of this you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you're listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and being able to hear this message you have life you have breath in you and that's reason enough to thank the lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems so big that you can't find a reason to lift high the name of jesus christ don't withhold that which is due to our lord jesus christ and that is your praise and your adoration so let psalm 103 be your anthem today bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits now join me in prayer dear lord jesus i praise your holy name today with all that is within me you are a god who is infinitely great you're greater than anything that can be found here on earth and for that we praise you we praise you lord because you are god who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood we praise you lord because you are a god who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that god you deserve all the glory we praise you lord because you are a god who redeems our life from destruction i thank you because you saved us god and through your son jesus christ we are able to choose a life of victory and triumph in you god thank you for your loving kindness and your tender mercies thank you lord even for the small things i thank you for strengthening our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in psalm 103 verses 11 through 13 for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him as far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the lord shows compassion to those who fear him lord i know that i don't deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although i cannot repay you in any way can and i will offer you my praise i'll give my thanks and adoration only to you king jesus i will bless the lord with all of my soul and everything within me i will lean on you jesus and not on my own understanding god i'll sing praises only to your holy name right now lord i pray for your mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and my family i speak the blood of jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration i decree and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me or my loved ones lord i commit myself into your loving hands lord jesus only in your arms can i find comfort peace and hope for tomorrow i apply the blood of jesus upon each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home i apply the blood for protection in the name of jesus christ may your pillar of fire be seen where my family and i sleep every night father i pray that my soul's focus my soul's desire would be to praise and worship you god keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my heart's focus be you lord jesus lord keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in john 4 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth may the holy spirit teach me how to worship you in spirit and in truth may the holy spirit teach me how to worship you in such a way that i would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line in in obedience to your word and not my feelings and so father i command my hands to praise the lord i command my feet to praise the lord i command my mind to praise the lord i command my heart to praise the lord i command my speech to praise the lord father like david said with everything in me i will bless your name be glorified and be praised forevermore thank you for hearing my prayer it's in jesus name that i pray amen as i was growing up my father always used to say to me it's my job to protect you he would say that time and time again and it's only when i had my own family that i truly understood what he meant as a father i will defend my family come what may and if i feel this way if i am a man and i feel so strongly about defending the ones i love imagine god imagine how much the lord loves us and in him loving us so much imagine just how strongly he would protect us god's protection meant that the three hebrew boys wouldn't be burned even though they were in a fiery furnace god's protection meant that goliath a skilled giant warrior was no match for a boy with a few stones saints god's protection meant that gideon and his army of 300 men were greatly outnumbered but they had god's favor they had god's protection what i'm trying to put across to you is that the ultimate protector you have is jesus christ the ultimate protection you have is jesus christ [Music] we can do all we can to physically protect ourselves but ultimately only god can save us only god can defend us we can do all we can to protect our health but ultimately it's in god's hands now i would like to read to you one of the greatest passages of scripture regarding our protection as children of god as i read this i want you to receive it as a child would receive a promise from a father the bible reads in psalm 121 i lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over israel will neither slumber nor sleep the lord watches over you the lord is your shade at your right hand the son will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore let us pray [Music] lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude and i reverence your name as your children we are thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place lord thank you for being our refuge lord jesus we are thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies your word tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms however in this fight king jesus we can always rely on you we are grateful that we can rely on you as both our protector and protection so should we face any evil opposition we declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper [Music] should we face any principality or power of darkness then we can stand and declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper we need your heavenly protection father your word says in psalm 34 verse 7 to 8 the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them oh taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope i pray that your angels encamp around me in my home and to offer me divine protection from the enemy strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and any challenges that come to test us strengthen us to be able to withstand any attacks from the enemy give us the power we need to overcome the enemy's attacks give us peace so that we will not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you as our ultimate source of divine protection as your children we refuse to let anxiety or fear become our companion help us to trust in you and not to worry help us to trust in your ability to keep us safe and secure we are blessed because i am under the care of jehovah we are blessed because you watch over us each and every day we are blessed and protected because you go before us lord jesus and watch over are coming in and going out and so this means we will rejoice always because of you we will put our faith in you regardless of what we're facing we will give thanks to you in all of our circumstances and it's all because you have a plan for our lives that is divine in purpose father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you thank you for being so good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me i will say to you lord you are my safe place and you are my strong tower you are my god and i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all han thank you for listening to my prayer amen psalm 121 i lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over israel will neither slumber nor sleep the lord watches over you the lord is your shade at your right hand the son will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more i love the changing seasons the winter snow the sunny summers the colorful spring it's amazing how the weather has its own set of rules and a set time period for the various seasons now in our lives there are also many changing seasons we can go from feeling joyful and close to the lord in one season and then here comes a season where you feel like god is distant and all your prayers have gone unanswered i'm talking about seasons where we wrestle with our doubts and questions wondering if god even hears us or if he's still with us it's the type of season that tests your faith and your resilience no christian goes through this life without feeling weak in their faith at times but we all can take comfort in knowing that our god is emmanuel he is with us in every season whether it's good or bad and the thing about faith through different seasons is that you'll hear people talk about faith when things are good i knew things would turn around if i just had faith you'll hear people recommend faith when they're not sure what to say i'm sorry you're going through a rough time just have faith and when others seem unfazed by life's obstacles they might tell you it's because they have faith but what does that mean hebrews 11 verse 1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen hebrews 11 verse 6 says and without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to god must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him faith causes us to act on what we haven't experienced yet it causes us to believe promises in the bible that haven't been fulfilled yet and faith causes us to trust god when our situations haven't changed yet this bible scenario take david in the story of how he killed goliath at the time david was a shepherd boy not a warrior but when he saw goliath mocking god's people david approached the king and asked to go down and fight just picture the babysitter next door or the kid who delivers your papers telling the president let me handle this one david's ability not to be shaken by goliath's size resulted from david's faith in god david tells the king in 1st samuel 17 37 the lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this philistine and saul said to david go and the lord be with you david had faith that god would defeat the giant and deliver his people what an amazing picture of what our lives can be when we have faith in god when we are right with god we never go into turmoil alone we have the creator of the universe on our side but saints let me ask you this have you ever met someone who seems unshakable the co-worker who takes a deep breath when the computer crashes instead of slamming her head on the desk the mom who manages to keep her calm as her kids last minute requests pile up faith in god is what allows us to experience stability in the middle of instability when life feels out of control we take comfort in knowing that god is in control faith can do a lot of things in your life if you let it it will help you to grow up and wholly lean on rely on and trust in jesus christ let us pray heavenly father thank you for helping me to make it through the difficult seasons of my life thank you for your love for me that never ends thank you for your powerful daily presence in my life i'm grateful that i can be assured of your thoughts towards me thoughts that are good and not of evil thank you that your eyes are over me and your ears are open to my prayers thank you that you've carried me through the uncertainty of deep waters through the flames of trials and through the pain of hard losses lord thank you that my comfort abounds through you thank you lord that through every weakness and hard place your strength is displayed in my life may you continue to strengthen me jesus give me the type of faith that can move mountains help me to depend on you to do what i think i cannot do and help me to remember that the gift of christ emmanuel is my greatest treasure fill me with your joy and the peace of your spirit direct my heart and mind towards you [Music] let your strength alone sustain me teach me to come to you daily in faith your word in luke 17 verse 5 says the apostles said to the lord increase our faith lord i need you to increase my faith increase my faith and make me a mover of mountains lord jesus you are the king of kings and your word says the righteous shall live by faith mold me in your image and fill my heart with faith in you your word in mark 11 verses 22 through 24 says and jesus answered them have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours my actions lord so that i can live by faith and so that i can have life in you abundantly and eternally cleanse my thoughts of impurities dear god keep my eyes fixed on you and you alone help me to keep walking beside you help me to be steadfast in my faith in you help me to trust in you without reservation james 1 verse 6 says but let him ask in faith with no doubting for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind lord i pray that i would be filled with your holy spirit may i be filled by the holy spirit so that i will have no room for doubt and fear in my life thank you god for your faithfulness and thank you for the crown of joy that awaits me forever in your kingdom in jesus name i pray amen [Music] i'd rather have jesus than silver or gold i'd rather have him than riches untold i'd rather have jesus than houses or lands i'd rather be led by his nail-pierced hand saints of god let me ask you what is the most valuable thing you have what is the one thing that you cherish above all else someone in this world would say their child is the most valuable thing in their life someone else would talk about the business they've built from the ground up others might refer to an inheritance left by parents or a family heirloom that's been passed down from generation to generation while none of these are wrong answers i encourage you to think of value in the sense of your soul who or what in this world could save your soul who could redeem and deliver your soul from the clutches of hell only jesus christ and so if jesus christ is the only one who could save your soul is he not the most valuable treasure in your heart do you have christ in your heart do you have the prince of peace in your life do you walk alongside the one who walks on water if you have jesus christ in your life and in your heart then you're privileged you're blessed and highly favored because make no mistake it's to our advantage that we should go to christ we're the ones that need saving we're the ones that need to be redeemed not him it's to our benefit that we should go to christ and the beauty of this deal is that jesus christ made a promise in hebrews 13 verse 5. the bible says keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have for he has said i will never leave you nor forsake you in case you didn't know you can have money but it won't save you money will not buy you eternal life it won't buy you another minute here on this earth but if you have jesus christ then you have eternity in heaven to look forward to nothing on this earth can promise never to leave you nor forsake you but jesus can he has promised to be with you until the end of the age so today even if you were to lose everything you own you would still be blessed beyond measure because of that great promise you see i'd rather have jesus than silver or gold because jesus christ loved me while i was yet still a sinner he loved me despite my sin regardless of my mistakes and he's undeterred by my many flaws let me tell you that's grace psalm 34 verse 10 says the young lions suffer want and hunger those who seek the lord will not lack any good thing now join me in prayer king jesus you are the lord of lords you are holy and mighty you are righteous and pure lord i thank you for saving me you are the most valuable treasure in my heart lord because i may lose my health but i will not be dismayed because i still have jesus i may lose money i've worked hard for and saved up but even that will not lead me to despair because i will still have jesus christ lord you're the one who promised to never leave me nor forsake me you promised to be with me through the deep waters and i'm grateful that as your child i can say that i have jesus christ i can say greater is he who is within me than he who is in the world lord as your children we need you we need you because only in you do we have eternal life only in jesus will our souls find safe refuge we as your children lord have peace and purpose in this life because of you we may not have riches here on earth but lord give us the desire and hunger to build and store treasures in heaven we may not have the relationships we desire but we have a heavenly father who loves us unconditionally lord we may not have perfect health in our bodies but father we can stand on your word and declare that by your stripes we are healed lord jesus christ thank you thank you for the promise in your word in psalm 37 verses 23-24 [Music] the lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him though he may stumble he will not fall for the lord upholds him with his hand i thank you for such a promise lord jesus the promise that although i may stumble this world may cause me to stumble but i will not fall because of you my savior this life may cause me to stumble it may throw things my way that are unexpected and it may even discourage me but i am grateful for you father because i will not fall for your mighty hand will uphold me thank you for the comfort and reassurance that your word gives me i am filled with faith i am filled with boldness because i know that the god of the universe will not let me fall but instead if i stumble you will uphold me and lift me up i pray that you protect me from any storms that can open the door to the spirit of fear in my life protect me from any situations or challenges that may cloud my judgment or create confusion i pray lord that you order each and every step i take i will not be afraid of anything that comes my way because everything is in your hands i invite you to walk with me lord i pray that the holy spirit will guide me and may he comfort and lead me may the holy spirit continuously speak to me so that i might meditate on godly things i praise you lord for all power is in your hands and in your loving arms there is also kindness there is mercy hope and pure love i surrender my life to you jesus and i am glad that my life is in your wonderful and caring hands i surrender my every thought and all of my intents to your will lord i glorify your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus mighty name i pray amen for your prayer to be effective it needs passionate faith behind it for your prayer to be effective i believe that it needs to be mixed with faith and seasoned with the word of god many christians are struggling with their prayer lives because of doubt they pray but they doubt if god really listens to their prayer they ask for forgiveness but then they doubt if god has truly forgiven them they pray and ask for protection but still live in fear because they doubt if the lord really has heard their requests and let me tell you saints doubt oh doubt it is an enemy doubt is of the devil and so i encourage you to wage war against the spirit of doubt in your life because there will be no power in your prayer life if doubt is displacing faith in your heart and so the message i have today is one of encouragement i want to encourage you to be strong in prayer i want to encourage you to be strong in faith don't be defeated by negative thoughts or feelings don't be distracted by what your current situation is prayer is spiritual warfare so i can tell you now that it's not always going to be easy every believer knows the passage of scripture that says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places but not every believer knows that you can't wrestle against these forces without prayer we can't win against these forces without a personal relationship with god the bible says in jeremiah 29 verse 12 then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you now let me ask you if your prayer lacks passion and your heart's not in it then how do you expect god to answer how will a prayer that has no sweet aroma a prayer lacking in sincerity how will that prayer reach the lord's heavenly gates when it lacks passion colossians 2 verse 4 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving in other words be persistent and devoted to prayer you see the lord wants you to know him he wants you to love him with all of your heart soul and mind and more importantly he also wants you to have a personal relationship with him just like communication is vital to any relationship prayer is also vital if you want to communicate with god and to develop that deep personal connection with him so i encourage you begin praying and meditating on his word daily live in obedience live with discipline the discipline to know that you need to devote yourself to praying so pray persistently pray with faith pray and speak the word of god let prayer be your passion now let us pray [Music] lord jesus i want to know you more lord i want to develop a close relationship with you father i pray that you would give me a passion for prayer work within me and help me to get rid of any doubts within my heart free me from any trace of doubt give me a heart of faith lord you are my shield and you are my defense your word it's a lamp into my feet and it's a light into my path so i pray lord that you would not let me stumble keep me on the straight and narrow king jesus let me walk in your will let me walk uprightly let me walk by faith and not by sight don't let me stumble lord overthrow the plans of the devil expose the plots of the enemy and lord help me to overcome in the name of jesus help me to win this battle between the flesh and the spirit give me a burning passion for prayer get rid of any doubt that may be within me lord i look to you as my savior and i ask you to fight my battles lord jesus your word in exodus 14 14 says that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace father i pray that you defend me and my family as we hold our peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ your word says in 2nd samuel chapter 22 verses 3 and 4 my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold and my refuge my savior you saved me from violence i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies lord i absolutely cannot imagine where i would be had you not been there for me had it not been for you lord i know i would be lost and hopeless had it not been for you king jesus we would have been consumed by the enemy but right now lord i thank you for your grace your mercy and your goodness god i thank you for being a strong refuge and a reliable source of protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and your mighty power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus and father it says in first peter 5 verse 10 and after you have suffered a little while the god of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in christ will himself restore confirm strengthen and establish you i thank you lord for your word because it promises me that you will restore confirm strengthen and establish me [Music] god i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you're a god who's full of compassion and i pray for your hand of protection to be upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your wall of fire surround me and my family with your hedge of protection god god i thank you for your protection today i'm grateful for your provision in my life lord please forgive me for all my sins have mercy on me and my family god i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything that i'm facing lord open my eyes and father i ask that you would help me to see your hand in every situation that i'm facing steady my emotions father where i'm anxious may your peace overwhelm me where i'm troubled god i pray that you would make my burdens light you are the rock of all ages you are the alpha and the omega may your name be blessed forevermore in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen psalm 103 reads bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgives all your iniquity who heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagles i find this psalm to be very powerful because david he's almost speaking to himself and encouraging himself to praise and worship the lord with all that is within him david has come to realize that praising the lord half-heartedly isn't enough praising the lord while distracted is not good enough david has realized that he needs to he has to he must praise god with everything david here knows that he needs to worship with every ounce of energy and emotion and passion that he has he needs to give god his heart his mind his body and soul in order to truly worship him saints let me ask you this are you praising the lord with all that is within you are you worshiping him with all the energy faith and passion you have let me go a step further and ask this is he not worthy to be praised is he not worthy to be given your all is god not worthy of your complete adoration what about your commitment and time and energy is he worthy of that david called on his soul to praise the lord with all he has he called on his soul to do more should we not be doing the same and so i would like to encourage you today and tell you that you should be praising the lord daily you should worship him daily we often praise and thank god half-heartedly and that is not acceptable god deserves our all he deserves our complete total and outright adoration and let me assure you of this you'll never fail to find a reason to praise as you're listening right now you have a reason to praise him by virtue of being alive and being able to hear this message you have life you have breath in you and that's reason enough to thank the lord you have ears that can hear that's something to be thankful for sure you might have problems but are your problems so big that you can't find a reason to lift high the name of jesus christ don't withhold that which is due to our lord jesus christ and that is your praise and your adoration so let psalm 103 be your anthem today bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits [Music] now join me in prayer dear lord jesus i praise your holy name today with all that is within me you are a god who is infinitely great you're greater than anything that can be found here on earth and for that we praise you we praise you lord because you are our god who forgives all our iniquities your mercies are new every morning and you offer us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by your blood we praise you lord because you are a god who heals you heal us physically you heal us emotionally and even in our spirits and for that god you deserve all the glory we praise you lord because you are a god who redeems our life from destruction i thank you because you saved us god and through your son jesus christ we are able to choose a life of victory and triumph in you god thank you for your loving kindness and your tender mercies thank you lord even for the small things i thank you for strengthening our bodies for sight in our eyes and for breath in our lungs father your word says in psalm 103 verses 11 through 13. for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him as far as the east is from the west so far does he remove our transgressions from us as a father shows compassion to his children so the lord shows compassion to those who fear him lord i know that i don't deserve such love and compassion but you still offer it to me and although i cannot repay you in any way god i can and i will offer you my praise i'll give my thanks and adoration only to you king jesus i will bless the lord with all of my soul and everything within me i will lean on you jesus and not on my own understanding god i'll sing praises only to your holy name right now lord i pray for your mighty hand of protection to lead me to guide me and to be over me and my family i speak the blood of jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection for safety for preservation of life and even for restoration i decree and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me or my loved ones lord i commit myself into your loving hands lord jesus only in your arms can i find comfort peace and hope for tomorrow i apply the blood of jesus upon each and every doorpost upon each and every window post of my home i apply the blood for protection in the name of jesus christ may your pillar of fire be seen where my family and i sleep every night father i pray that my soul's focus my soul's desire would be to praise and worship you god keep me from being distracted or discouraged by the devil keep me from being affected or impacted by any naysayers or negative people let my heart's focus be you lord jesus lord keep me even from my own carnal wants desires and thoughts that don't bring you glory your word in john 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth may the holy spirit teach me how to worship you in spirit and in truth may the holy spirit teach me how to worship you in such a way that i would experience the fullness of your presence let nothing separate me from you father lead me closer to you help me walk in line and in obedience to your word and not my feelings and so father i command my hands to praise the lord i command my feet to praise the lord i command my mind to praise the lord i command my heart to praise the lord i command my speech to praise the lord father like david said with everything in me i will bless your name be glorified and be praised forevermore thank you for hearing my prayer it's in jesus name that i pray amen as i was growing up my father always used to say to me it's my job to protect you he would say that time and time again and it's only when i had my own family that i truly understood what he meant as a father i will defend my family come what may and if i feel this way if i am a man and i feel so strongly about defending the ones i love imagine god imagine how much the lord loves us and in him loving us so much imagine just how strongly he would protect us god's protection meant that the three hebrew boys wouldn't be burned even though they were in a fiery furnace god's protection meant that goliath a skilled giant warrior was no match for a boy with a few stones [Music] saints god's protection meant that gideon and his army of 300 men were greatly outnumbered but they had god's favor they had god's protection what i'm trying to put across to you is that the ultimate protector you have is jesus christ the ultimate protection you have is jesus christ we can do all we can to physically protect ourselves but ultimately only god can save us only god can defend us we can do all we can to protect our health but ultimately it's in god's hands now i would like to read to you one of the greatest passages of scripture regarding our protection as children of god as i read this i want you to receive it as a child would receive a promise from a father the bible reads in psalm 121 i lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over israel will neither slumber nor sleep the lord watches over you the lord is your shade at your right hand the son will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore let us pray lord you are a mighty and all-powerful god i enter your presence with sincere gratitude and i reverence your name as your children we are thankful for your protection thank you for being our safe place lord thank you for being our refuge lord jesus we are thankful for your wonderful care and tender mercies your word tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms however in this fight king jesus we can always rely on you we are grateful that we can rely on you as both our protector and protection so should we face any evil opposition we declare no weapon formed against us shall prosper should we face any principality or power of darkness then we can stand and declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper we need your heavenly protection father your word says in psalm 34 verse 7 to 8 the angel of the lord encamps all around those who fear him and delivers them o taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him thank you for your promise of protection a psalm that offers such a blessed hope i pray that your angels can camp around me in my home and to offer me divine protection from the enemy strengthen us so that we will be able to withstand the storms of life and any challenges that come to test us strengthen us to be able to withstand any attacks from the enemy give us the power we need to overcome the enemy's attacks give us peace so that we will not allow fear and anxiety to hold us back we put our trust in you as our ultimate source of divine protection as your children we refuse to let anxiety or fear become our companion help us to trust in you and not to worry help us to trust in your ability to keep us safe and secure we are blessed because i am under the care of jehovah we are blessed because you watch over us each and every day we are blessed and protected because you go before us lord jesus and watch over our coming in and going out and so this means we will rejoice always because of you we will put our faith in you regardless of what we're facing we will give thanks to you in all of our circumstances and it's all because you have a plan for our lives that is divine in purpose father i trust that all of my steps are ordered by you i have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly and that if i ask anything according to your will then i know that you will hear me i simply want to take time out of my day and say thank you thank you for being so good to me thank you for being patient with me father i pray that i will always abide under your shadow meaning that i am always close to you you are always near and never too far from me i will say to you lord you are my safe place and you are my strong tower you are my god and i am trusting in you to be with me always and to be my defender you lord jesus are faithful and i trust and believe that you will strengthen me and protect me from the evil one i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i thank you today for blessing me with peace thank you for blessing me with a calm spirit and a heart that is not troubled lord i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace grant me the grace lord to face my mountains to face my goliath with no fear but rather with an assured confidence that my lord will deliver he will uplift me and protect me from all home [Music] thank you for listening to my prayer amen psalm 121 i lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth he will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber indeed he who watches over israel will neither slumber nor sleep the lord watches over you the lord is your shade at your right hand the sun will not harm you by day nor the moon by night the lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life the lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore i love the changing seasons the winter snow the sunny summers the colorful spring it's amazing how the weather has its own set of rules and a set time period for the various seasons now in our lives there are also many changing seasons we can go from feeling joyful and close to the lord in one season and then here comes a season where you feel like god is distant and all your prayers have gone unanswered i'm talking about seasons where we wrestle with our doubts and questions wondering if god even hears us or if he's still with us it's the type of season that tests your faith and your resilience no christian goes through this life without feeling weak in their faith at times but we all can take comfort in knowing that our god is emmanuel he is with us in every season whether it's good or bad and the thing about faith through different seasons is that you'll hear people talk about faith when things are good i knew things would turn around if i just had faith you'll hear people recommend faith when they're not sure what to say i'm sorry you're going through a rough time just have faith and when others seem unfazed by life's obstacles they might tell you it's because they have faith but what does that mean hebrews 11 verse 1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen hebrews 11 verse 6 says and without faith it is impossible to please him for whoever would draw near to god must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him faith causes us to act on what we haven't experienced yet it causes us to believe promises in the bible that haven't been fulfilled yet and faith causes us to trust god when our situations haven't changed yet consider this bible scenario take david in the story of how he killed goliath at the time david was a shepherd boy not a warrior but when he saw goliath mocking god's people david approached the king and asked to go down and fight just picture the babysitter next door or the kid who delivers your papers telling the president let me handle this one david's ability not to be shaken by goliath's size resulted from david's faith in god david tells the king in first samuel 17 37 the lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this philistine and saul said to david go and the lord be with you david had faith that god would defeat the giant and deliver his people what an amazing picture of what our lives can be when we have faith in god when we are right with god we never go into turmoil alone we have the creator of the universe on our side but saints let me ask you this have you ever met someone who seems unshakable the co-worker who takes a deep breath when the computer crashes instead of slamming her head on the desk the mom who manages to keep her calm as her kids last-minute requests pile up faith in god is what allows us to experience stability in the middle of instability when life feels out of control we take comfort in knowing that god is in control faith can do a lot of things in your life if you let it it will help you to grow up and wholly lean on rely on and trust in jesus christ let us pray heavenly father thank you for helping me to make it through the difficult seasons of my life thank you for your love for me that never ends thank you for your powerful daily presence in my life i'm grateful that i can be assured of your thoughts towards me thoughts that are good and not of evil thank you that your eyes are over me and your ears are open to my prayers thank you that you've carried me through the uncertainty of deep waters through the flames of trials and through the pain of hard losses lord thank you that my comfort abounds through you thank you lord that through every weakness and hard place your strength is displayed in my life may you continue to strengthen me jesus give me the type of faith that can move mountains help me to depend on you to do what i think i cannot do and help me to remember that the gift of christ emmanuel is my greatest treasure fill me with your joy and the peace of your spirit direct my heart and mind towards you let your strength alone sustain me teach me to come to you daily in faith your word in luke 17 verse 5 says the apostles said to the lord increase our faith lord i need you to increase my faith increase my faith and make me a mover of mountains lord jesus you are the king of kings and your word says the righteous shall live by faith mold me in your image and fill my heart with faith in you your word in mark 11 verses 22 through 24 says and jesus answered them have faith in god truly i say to you whoever says to this mountain be taken up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass it will be done for him therefore i tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours guide my actions lord so that i can live by faith and so that i can have life in you abundantly and eternally cleanse my thoughts of impurities dear god keep my eyes fixed on you and you alone help me to keep walking beside you help me to be steadfast in my faith in you help me to trust in you without reservation james 1 verse 6 says but let him ask in faith with no doubting for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind lord i pray that i would be filled with your holy spirit may i be filled by the holy spirit so that i will have no room for doubt and fear in my life thank you god for your faithfulness and thank you for the crown of joy that awaits me forever in your kingdom in jesus name i pray amen i'd rather have jesus than silver or gold i'd rather have him than riches untold i'd rather have jesus than houses or lands i'd rather be led by his nail-pierced hand saints of god let me ask you what is the most valuable thing you have what is the one thing that you cherish above all else someone in this world would say their child is the most valuable thing in their life someone else would talk about the business they've built from the ground up others might refer to an inheritance left by parents or a family heirloom that's been passed down from generation to generation while none of these are wrong answers i encourage you to think of value in the sense of your soul who or what in this world could save your soul who could redeem and deliver your soul from the clutches of hell only jesus christ and so if jesus christ is the only one who could save your soul is he not the most valuable treasure in your heart do you have christ in your heart do you have the prince of peace in your life do you walk alongside the one who walks on water if you have jesus christ in your life and in your heart then you're privileged you're blessed and highly favored because make no mistake it's to our advantage that we should go to christ we're the ones that need saving we're the ones that need to be redeemed not him it's to our benefit that we should go to christ and the beauty of this deal is that jesus christ made a promise in hebrews 13 verse 5. the bible says keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have for he has said i will never leave you nor forsake you in case you didn't know you can have money but it won't save you money will not buy you eternal life it won't buy you another minute here on this earth but if you have jesus christ then you have eternity in heaven to look forward to nothing on this earth can promise never to leave you nor forsake you but jesus can he has promised to be with you until the end of the age so today even if you were to lose everything you own you would still be blessed beyond measure because of that great promise you see i'd rather have jesus than silver or gold because jesus christ loved me while i was yet still a sinner he loved me despite my sin regardless of my mistakes and he's undeterred by my many flaws let me tell you that's grace psalm 34 verse 10 says the young lions suffer want and hunger those who seek the lord will not lack any good thing now join me in prayer king jesus you are the lord of lords you are holy and mighty you are righteous and pure lord i thank you for saving me you are the most valuable treasure in my heart lord because i may lose my health but i will not be dismayed because i still have jesus i may lose money i've worked hard for and saved up but even that will not lead me to despair because i will still have jesus christ lord you're the one who promised to never leave me nor forsake me you promised to be with me through the deep waters and i'm grateful that as your child i can say that i have jesus christ i can say greater is he who is within me than he who is in the world lord as your children we need you we need you because only in you do we have eternal life only in jesus will our souls find safe refuge we as your children lord have peace and purpose in this life because of you we may not have riches here on earth but lord give us the desire and hunger to build and store treasures in heaven we may not have the relationships we desire but we have a heavenly father who loves us unconditionally lord we may not have perfect health in our bodies but father we can stand on your word and declare that by your stripes we are healed lord jesus christ thank you thank you for the promise in your word in psalm 37 verses 23-24 the lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him though he may stumble he will not fall for the lord upholds him with his hand i thank you for such a promise lord jesus the promise that although i may stumble this world may cause me to stumble but i will not fall because of you my savior this life may cause me to stumble it may throw things my way that are unexpected and it may even discourage me but i am grateful for you father because i will not fall for your mighty hand will uphold me thank you for the comfort and reassurance that your word gives me i am filled with faith i am filled with boldness because i know that the god of the universe will not let me fall but instead if i stumble you will uphold me and lift me up i pray that you protect me from any storms that can open the door to the spirit of fear in my life protect me from any situations or challenges that may cloud my judgment or create confusion i pray lord that you order each and every step i take i will not be afraid of anything that comes my way because everything is in your hands i invite you to walk with me lord i pray that the holy spirit will guide me and may he comfort and lead me may the holy spirit continuously speak to me so that i might meditate on godly things i praise you lord for all power is in your hands and in your loving arms there is also kindness there is mercy hope and pure love i surrender my life to you jesus and i am glad that my life is in your wonderful and caring hands i surrender my every thought and all of my intents to your will lord i glorify your name and i thank you for hearing my prayer in jesus mighty name i pray amen for your prayer to be effective it needs passionate faith behind it for your prayer to be effective i believe that it needs to be mixed with faith and seasoned with the word of god many christians are struggling with their prayer lives because of doubt they pray but they doubt if god really listens to their prayer they ask for forgiveness but then they doubt if god has truly forgiven them they pray and ask for protection but still live in fear because they doubt if the lord really has heard their requests and let me tell you saints doubt doubt it is an enemy doubt is of the devil and so i encourage you to wage war against the spirit of doubt in your life because there will be no power in your prayer life if doubt is displacing faith in your heart and so the message i have today is one of encouragement i want to encourage you to be strong in prayer i want to encourage you to be strong in faith don't be defeated by negative thoughts or feelings don't be distracted by what your current situation is prayer is spiritual warfare so i can tell you now that it's not always going to be easy every believer knows the passage of scripture that says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places but not every believer knows that you can't wrestle against these forces without prayer we can't win against these forces without a personal relationship with god the bible says in jeremiah 29 verse 12 then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and i will hear you now let me ask you if your prayer lacks passion and your heart's not in it then how do you expect god to answer how will a prayer that has no sweet aroma a prayer lacking in sincerity how will that prayer reach the lord's heavenly gates when it lacks passion colossians 2 verse 4 says continue steadfastly in prayer being watchful in it with thanksgiving in other words be persistent and devoted to prayer you see the lord wants you to know him he wants you to love him with all of your heart soul and mind and more importantly he also wants you to have a personal relationship with him just like communication is vital to any relationship prayer is also vital if you want to communicate with god and to develop that deep personal connection with him so i encourage you begin praying and meditating on his word daily living obedience live with discipline the discipline to know that you need to devote yourself to praying so pray persistently pray with faith pray and speak the word of god let prayer be your passion now let us pray lord jesus i want to know you more lord i want to develop a close relationship with you father i pray that you would give me a passion for prayer work within me and help me to get rid of any doubts within my heart free me from any trace of doubt give me a heart of faith lord you are my shield and you are my defense your word it's a lamp into my feet and it's a light into my path so i pray lord that you would not let me stumble keep me on the straight and narrow king jesus let me walk in your will let me walk uprightly let me walk by faith and not by sight don't let me stumble lord overthrow the plans of the devil expose the plots of the enemy and lord help me to overcome in the name of jesus help me to win this battle between the flesh and the spirit give me a burning passion for prayer get rid of any doubt that may be within me lord i look to you as my savior and i ask you to fight my battles lord jesus your word in exodus 14 14 says that the lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace father i pray that you defend me and my family as we hold our peace i pray that we are going to stand still to see the hand of god move in our lives in the name of jesus christ your word says in second samuel chapter 22 verses 3 and 4. my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold and my refuge my savior you save me from violence i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies lord i absolutely cannot imagine where i would be had you not been there for me had it not been for you lord i know i would be lost and hopeless had it not been for you king jesus we would have been consumed by the enemy but right now lord i thank you for your grace your mercy and your goodness god i thank you for being a strong refuge and a reliable source of protection i come to you in recognition of your great might and your mighty power i worship your holy name lord i adore you lord jesus and father it says in first peter 5 verse 10 and after you have suffered a little while the god of all grace who has called you to his eternal glory in christ will himself restore confirm strengthen and establish you i thank you lord for your word because it promises me that you will restore confirm strengthen and establish me god i surrender my life my children and my loved ones into your caring hands you're a god who's full of compassion and i pray for your hand of protection to be upon me and my family encompass us lord god almighty with your wall of fire surround me and my family with your hedge of protection god god i thank you for your protection today i'm grateful for your provision in my life lord please forgive me for all my sins have mercy on me and my family god i thank you for being a god who has been faithful through the ages i ask that you put my mind at ease with everything that i'm facing lord open my eyes and father i ask that you would help me to see your hand in every situation that i'm steady my emotions father where i'm anxious may your peace overwhelm me where i'm troubled god i pray that you would make my burdens light you are the rock of all ages you are the alpha and the omega may your name be blessed forevermore in jesus name i pray and i give you thanks amen [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 48,698
Rating: 4.9049129 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: CJh-eEvTIks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 28sec (5368 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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