The Best Prayers To Bless Your Day | Uplift Your Spirit Every Morning

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like every living person on this earth i've experienced good days and bad days i've had days where i've been strong days where i feel as though i can mount up with wings like an eagle days where i'd pray and feel as though i could touch the gates of heaven ten minutes would go by twenty minutes would go by and it would still feel as though i'm just getting started these are the days i feel like a giant slayer i feel empowered by the holy spirit but then there are other days days where if i try to pray it feels like i'm next to a brick wall and my words just keep bouncing off and going nowhere there are days where i feel as though surely god cannot forgive me again you know the kind of days where you feel weighted down you feel as though sin has left a stain a mark on you that can't be removed [Music] yes i've been through days where i felt as though god wouldn't want to save someone like me with all my issues and the sin i struggle with and it's this issue of struggling with sin that i want to talk about have you ever had that feeling where every time you think you're on the right track or on the right path here comes something here comes temptation here comes sin trying to derail you and knock you off the right path however i'm glad that the bible says in romans 7 and 15 for i do not understand my own actions for i do not do what i want but i do the very thing i hate and then romans 7 verse 18 and 19 says for i know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh for i have the desire to do what is right but not the ability to carry it out for i do not do the good i want but the evil i do not want is what i keep on doing [Music] it's astonishing that the apostle paul paul a servant of the lord a man who god performed miracles through he is opening up about this struggle with sin the same struggle with sin that i face he must have had his good days days when he was strong and could cast out demons in the name of jesus or lay hands on the sick and heal them but this very same paul also had bad days where he felt like he took one step forward and two steps back but here's the thing proverbs 24 16 says for the righteous falls seven times and rises again but the wicked stumble in times of calamity [Music] you see though we struggle with sin we can only overcome in jesus though we fall we can only get back up with the help of the lord though we may indeed stumble it is in jesus that we have steady ground now let us pray lord jesus thank you for being there for me always thank you for being the only one i can count on you've blessed me in my good days and you've been a friend to me during my bad days thank you for being my anchor each time that i've felt as though life is spinning out of control thank you for being there lord each time i've fallen it's by your grace that i've been able to get back up it's by your mercy and love that i found the strength to rise again each time i've fallen your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love [Music] who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever [Music] father there are days where i i feel strong strong in faith strong in prayer but i also go through days where i struggled to believe where i struggled to pray father during those days i pray that the holy spirit would be my strength may he strengthen me [Music] may he help me to fight through those difficult days i desire to be consistent consistent in my prayer life consistent in my faith consistent in my daily pursuit of you lord i pray that i would be so fixed on you jesus that i would have no desire to pursue the things of this world i refuse to be attracted or enticed by the lust of the flesh or the lusts of this world lord help me to keep my desires away from anything ungodly and everything corrupt in this world in the name of jesus i pray that my mind would always be focused on heavenly things rather than anything here on this earth i pray that the way i live my life lord would be pleasing to you may i be a person of integrity who lives their life with the fear of the law yes you have given me a free will but may your will be placed above mine i pray that the holy spirit will be the one to guide me to speak to me and to convict and challenge me lord you have given me the freedom to choose how i want to live my life and i choose to live under the governance of the word of god i choose to live and walk on the narrow road that leads to eternal life i choose to live a life that is led by the fear of god a life that is led by faith instead of fear i choose to live a life that glorifies you a life that is indicative of someone who has been radically transformed by the saving power of jesus christ father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god be glorified now and always in jesus name i pray amen the more you read the word of god the more you'll see that it's filled with powerful promises there are promises of protection like in psalm 121 verses 7 through 8 which say the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore and then there are promises of provision promises like in second corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 which says and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work you can even find promises concerning life after death because john 11 verse 25 says i am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me though he die yet shall he live there is a wide variety of promises in the bible promises that should give us strength promises that give us hope hope during hard times hope in a storm and hope even after dead the bible has wonderful promises however i'd like to bring your attention to one particular promise which is of great significance this promise has been repeated over and over again in scripture it's a promise it's been delivered by different people throughout the bible including jesus himself and all of them although different speakers caught in different situations they all spoke the same promise apostle paul spoke this promise in hebrews 10 37 when he said for yet a little while and he who is coming will come and will not tarry john the apostle spoke this same promise in first john 3 verse 2 where the bible reads beloved we are god's children now and what we will be has not yet appeared but we know that when he appears we shall be like him because we shall see him as he is even the angels have also spoken this promise because in acts 1 verses 10 through 11 when jesus was ascending to heaven the bible reads and while they were gazing into heaven as he went behold two men stood by them in white robes and said men of galilee why do you stand looking into heaven this jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven but the most important person to have spoken this promise it was jesus himself in john 14 verses 1 through 3 we can read this let not your hearts be troubled believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so would i have told you that i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and will take you to myself that where i am you may be also so my message to you is simple and clear jesus christ is coming back yes he is coming back now let us pray lord jesus thank you for your wonderful and beautiful promises thank you for giving us as your children promises that we can hold on to promises that can encourage us promises that can uplift us thank you father and lord i pray that i'll be ready when you return i pray that i may be found practicing righteousness may my heart be found with an intense obsession for jesus christ lord let my soul be found to be burning for the son of god [Music] when you return lord should i be alive to be caught up in the sky before you've called me home i pray that you will find me to be a faithful servant a loyal servant one that shuns away every idol offered by this world and lord i really do believe with all of my heart and soul that you died and rose again i believe with all my heart that you are going to return lord jesus holy spirit help me so that i will not be distracted by this world help me never to become too comfortable in this world but instead i pray for the strength and resilience to fight the good fight of faith your word in revelation 16 verse 15 says behold i am coming like a thief blessed is the one who stays awake keeping his garments on that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed oh father help me to stay awake lord help me to be awake to the knock of christ i pray that my heart would not be hardened to the call of christ but instead may i be receptive to your voice lord i want to be a believer who takes heed to your voice may i take heed to the instruction in your word i pray that i may be on guard against anything that aims to to mislead or deceive me father keep me guarded against being led astray by false prophets or false teachers i pray that the holy ghost would help me discern truth from deception and father above all else i pray that i would be someone who pleases you father i understand that it's sin that separates us from you you are a holy god who cannot be in the presence of sin so i repent lord jesus purge my heart of all sin remove and expel any longing for unholy things in my life lord purify my heart jesus for your word says in second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land i turn to you lord jesus i crave your presence i require your presence in my life as a necessity as the clock ticks and edges closer and closer to your return lord jesus father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs [Music] i pray that my life may continue to exalt you and may my life lift up your holy name i worship you lord and i eagerly await your return father i know that it's the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord father be glorified now and forevermore in jesus name i pray amen as we mature as christians and as we grow as believers in christ we need to understand that some difficulties some problems and some of the trials that we face they're presented to us for a purpose their place before us not to destroy us but to build us to strengthen us and these challenges are placed before us so that we can overcome so that we can inch closer and closer to the lord so that we can progress from strength to strength in faith i believe that challenges can even be presented to us so that we can be that much more convinced that much more sure and persuaded that we serve a living god a powerful miraculous and wonder working god and there's a maturity that we need to have when we experience pain although it's unpleasant although it's it's not enjoyable god will always use pain to ultimately serve a purpose and you may be listening and thinking that it's easy for me to say all of this without knowing the true extent of your situation all of which is true however may i remind you that nearly every single person used by god every person who has experienced the power of god had to overcome something they had to face something first and and then god intervened and then god showed his might joseph he had painful experiences with his family hannah anna had a painful experience with barrenness the woman with the issue of blood blind bartimaeus the ten lepers they all had something to deal with something that was painful but the one thing that they all had in common is that when in pain they turned to the lord they called on the name of jesus and this is what i'd like to encourage you to do today turn your pain over to jesus don't feel it and grow bitter from it turn it over to jesus turn your pain over to the lord don't begin to lose faith but rather turn your pain into action turn it into the action of praying the action of meditating on god's word the action of seeking the lord the action of worshiping god call out on his name [Music] now there's a wonderful passage of scripture which i'd like to encourage you to hold close to your heart second corinthians 1 verses 3 through 5. it says blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and god of all comfort who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by god for as we share abundantly in christ's sufferings so through christ we share abundantly in comfort too take your pain take it to jesus take your burdens to jesus and now let us pray father in the mighty name of jesus christ i come seeking your face today seeking your presence today lord your word says in matthew 11 verses 28 through 30 come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and so here i am lord i have come before you before your throne i give you all of my hurt lord i give you all of my pain my weakness and my sorrow god i give to you everything that burdens me and in exchange i receive the rest and the comfort that you offer you said in your word lord that i will find rest for my soul in you and i believe today that it is well with my soul i declare today that it is well with me it is well with my family it is well with my home and my finances i declare that it is well with me because i am in the lord [Music] it's jesus who goes ahead of me he's the one who'll be with me he will not leave me nor forsake me and i will not fear nor will i be dismayed [Music] so here i am lord you know all of the areas that are hurting me you know where i'm in pain whether it's physically or emotionally and i invite the holy spirit into my life may he help me to release and let go of everything that is hurting me everything that hinders my growth and my development as a christian lord grant me healing from all forms of pain and father i pray that you would give me the hope and courage each day to persevere and remain strong though i may experience pain and challenges help me to realize that they are all opportunities for me to find out more about you and your power lord i know you see my pain and you know my hurt and god i trust that you'll comfort my soul and make me whole again i pray that you'll help me to remain patient for everything you do you do according to your perfect timing you are never late nor too early your word in job 5 verse 11 says he sets on high those who are lowly and those who mourn are lifted to safety i believe in you lord you are a god who can bring good even in the midst of a painful situation everything that happens is for your glory to be seen lord i know that you know how much i can endure you've given me strength and not weakness and i confess that i am made strong in the name of jesus christ [Music] i will continue believing in you and believing in your power always philippians 4 verse 6 says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus and so i will continue in prayer i will continue to be patient i will continue to await your deliverance with a heart full of gratefulness i refuse for my heart to grow weary and cold but instead i turn to you and i ask for you to guide my steps guide my steps forward in your direction lord i believe lord that you have heard my prayer and you will answer in your own perfect timing i will cling to your promises and i'll praise you through all of the good and through all of the bad to you alone be all glory god it is in the name of jesus christ that i pray this prayer amen psalm 73 verse 26 says my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever other translations say but god is the rock and strength of my heart and my portion forever i thank god for scriptures like these because just like me i'm sure each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we faced difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you've gone through that situation trying to figure out exactly how will this work out for my good we as people often want all of the details we often want to know lord if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to be my rescue how long will i have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good and we do this because naturally as people we don't want our flesh or our heart to fail we instead want to be strong to be able however the mistake in wanting to know all of the details and the mistake in wanting to be strong and able is that you are relying on yourself instead of jesus christ the emphasis should be on the lord not on you knowing everything trusting in the lord means that i may not know all of the details but one thing that i do know is that my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever i may not understand everything things may not make sense but i do know that my heart and my flesh may fail but god is the rock and strength of my heart and portion forever think of it as though you are on a boat and on this boat you are on the wave called life this wave has its ups and downs there are moments where the sun is out and everything is peaceful however there are other moments where you encounter a storm now during a storm the unfortunate thing with many believers is that we become so fixated on the rain on the thunder and lightning that we forget who's on the boat with us we forget that the one who is on the boat with us will never fail we often forget during a storm that god is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever and so i would like to encourage you to change your mindset shift your perspective and activate your faith you may not have all the answers in fact you may have more questions than answers but hold on to psalm 73 26 this is the only answer you need because the bible says my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever let god be your strength let him be the calm in your storm let him be the peace in your heart now let us pray lord jesus may you get all the glory in my life teach me to be more patient teach me lord to be more reliant and trusting in you i believe that when i face difficulties and when i face challenges in life you will be my rescue i believe that when i am in deep waters you will stay true to your word in isaiah 43 verse 2 which says when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you when you walk through fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you holy spirit help me and teach me so that before i go anywhere else searching for solutions before i look anywhere else for answers let me seek the counsel of the lord let me search the word of god first because in jesus i have a god who moves mountains and speaks calm to every storm in jesus i have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way lord your word says in psalm 73 verse 27 to 28 for behold those who are far from you shall perish you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you but for me it is good to be near god i have made the lord god my refuge that i may tell of all your works lord it is good for me to draw near to you it's good for me to make you my refuge because in you i will find strength in you i will find preservation and comfort so i declare in the name of jesus christ that i am equipped with everything i need to survive this storm lord jesus you will never give me more than i can bear and you have already made a way to victory available to me so i declare that in the name of jesus christ i am more than a conqueror i will overcome this test this difficulty or this trial in my life although my physical eyes might not see it yet i believe that in you lord jesus i will have victory although my heart and flesh may fail i declare god's word which says that i have overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of my testimony i confess and declare that there is power in the blood of jesus and so i ask father that you go before me lord although i may face things that leave me with more questions than answers i will continue to look to you a god who has said in deuteronomy 31 verse 8 it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed lord jesus i will continue to trust in you to trust in your word your will is divine and it overrules my own will your plans are just and they are better than anything i could ever imagine and so i bless your name i relinquish all control and give you the glory honor and praise forevermore in jesus name i pray amen [Music] colossians 3 15 says and let the peace of christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you are called in one body and be thankful i want to focus on these last three words and be thankful [Music] are you thankful are you thankful when you wake up in the morning are you thankful before you go to sleep at night i mean are you really thankful are you thankful for your health for the food on your plate think about it are you thankful perhaps i should phrase my question in a different way has the lord done anything for you that you should be grateful for have you seen the hand of god move and act on your behalf in such a way that you should be thankful now if i may give you a simple piece of advice when it comes to being grateful if you and i fail to be thankful for what god has done for us then perhaps we should be thankful for what god has not done to us and here's what i mean by that should we not be thankful for all the times that god has forgiven us instead of punishing us he decided to love us saints be thankful for what god has not done he hasn't made us pay the price for our own sin no no he sent his only begotten son jesus christ to pay the price for our sin be thankful for what god has not done he has not forsaken us despite the many times that we have ignored his calls and opted to sin instead of subjecting our flesh god has not answered every single prayer request because in his mercy he knew that some of the things we prayed for those things would have actually brought more harm than good in our lives and so it was merciful and loving of him not to answer every prayer request you see we ought to praise god we ought to thank him for what he has decided not to do or not to give us because if he gave us everything we deserved then i am sure i'm certain that i deserve to be condemned i deserved to be accused and rejected because of the many sins that i have committed but oh i thank god that he doesn't always give me what i deserve i deserve condemnation but the bible says in romans 8 verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus i have received grace instead of punishment that is reason enough to be thankful no it's not always the blessings that we should only be thankful for thank him for the strength that you gained through your struggles thank the lord for the times you felt alone and isolated from the world because it's actually in those times that you learned how to fully trust in jesus and so i encourage you oh i encourage you to be thankful be thankful always i come before you today with a heart full of things i want to thank you that i am alive and well i thank you for blessing me and allowing me to see another day to live and rejoice another day and father i thank you that i'm fit and i'm healthy i'm blessed with a family to surround me god i ask for your mercy and for your blood to wash me clean lord i pray that you would keep me safe i ask that you will protect me against the evil one may you please surround me with a hedge of protection your word says in 2 thessalonians 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one and father i believe that you are indeed faithful and your word is true [Music] i do believe lord that you will strengthen me i do believe that you will protect me and my family from the evil one father in this world that we live in we're surrounded by so many earthly things things that fight for our attention and things that distract us we're exposed to all sorts of things on a daily basis but i pray today lord that you may help us guard our hearts help us guard our eyes and our ears from these ungodly things lord help us to be diligent so that we may not be left vulnerable to sin of every kind give us the strength the grace to remain strong in faith looking unto you the author and finisher of our faith i pray that you will surround us lord with your strength and your might may you shelter us and hide us under the shadow of your wings lord protect our minds from the darkness of this world and protect our hearts from the evil ones snares strengthen us to resist the temptation of this world give us the boldness to resist the devil so that he might flee from us lord your word says in isaiah 41 verse 10 so do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand and god because of that i declare that i will not live in fear i declare that works of the enemy will not prevail in my life i declare that my family and children are covered by the blood of jesus and nothing will by any means harm us because you lord jesus christ will strengthen us and uphold us with your righteous hand may your holy spirit continue to guide us and may your angels walk with us wherever we go [Music] may you strengthen us lord with the power of your might dress us with your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil lord as much as i'm aware of the opposition that i will come up against as a believer i also know the power that i have access to when i call on the name that is above every other name that's the name of jesus psalm 5 verse 11 says but let all who take refuge in you be glad let them ever sing for joy spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you [Music] i rejoice and put my trust in you lord because i know that you will protect me i refuse to let fear control me for i am covered by the blood of jesus christ lord jesus i believe that you are my keeper you are my shepherd and you are the prince of peace father i speak the peace of the lord upon my life and i bless your holy name it's in jesus name that i pray this prayer amen [Music] [Laughter] like every living person on this earth i've experienced good days and bad days i've had days where i've been strong days where i feel as though i can mount up with wings like an eagle days where i pray and feel as though i could touch the gates of heaven ten minutes would go by twenty minutes would go by and it would still feel as though i'm just getting started these are the days i feel like a giant slayer i feel empowered by the holy spirit but then there are other days days where if i try to pray it feels like i'm next to a brick wall and my words just keep bouncing off and going nowhere there are days where i feel as though surely god cannot forgive me again you know the kind of days where you feel weighted down you feel as though sin has left a stain a mark on you that can't be removed yes i've been through days where i felt as though god wouldn't want to save someone like me with all my issues and the sin i struggle with and it's this issue of struggling with sin that i want to talk about have you ever had that feeling where every time you think you're on the right track or on the right path here comes something here comes temptation here comes sin trying to derail you and knock you off the right path however i'm glad that the bible says in romans 7 and 15 for i do not understand my own actions for i do not do what i want but i do the very thing i hate and then romans 7 verse 18 to 19 says for i know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh for i have the desire to do what is right but not the ability to carry it out for i do not do the good i want but the evil i do not want is what i keep on doing it's astonishing that the apostle paul paul a servant of the lord a man who god performed miracles through he is opening up about this struggle with sin the same struggle with sin that i face he must have had his good days days when he was strong and could cast out demons in the name of jesus or lay hands on the sick and heal them but this very same paul also had bad days where he felt like he took one step forward and two steps back but here's the thing 24 16 says for the righteous falls seven times and rises again but the wicked stumble in times of calamity you see though we struggle with sin we can only overcome in jesus though we fall we can only get back up with the help of the lord though we may indeed stumble it is in jesus that we have steady ground now let us pray lord jesus thank you for being there for me always thank you for being the only one i can count on you've blessed me in my good days and you've been a friend to me during my bad days thank you for being my anchor each time that i felt as though life is spinning out of control thank you for being there lord each time i've fallen it's by your grace that i've been able to get back up it's by your mercy and love that i found the strength to rise again each time i've fallen [Music] your word says in micah 7 verse 18 who is a god like you pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance he does not retain his anger forever because he delights in steadfast love who is a god like you there is none who is like you you have been so kind to forgive my wickedness i am so privileged that you are patient with me i am so glad that you are a god who does not retain his anger forever father there are days where i i feel strong strong in faith strong in prayer but i also go through days where i struggled to believe where i struggled to pray father during those days i pray that the holy spirit would be my strength may he strengthen me may he help me to fight through those difficult days [Music] i desire to be consistent consistent in my prayer life consistent in my faith consistent in my daily pursuit of you lord i pray that i would be so fixed on you jesus that i would have no desire to pursue the things of this world i refuse to be attracted or enticed by the lust of the flesh or the lusts of this world lord help me to keep my desires away from anything ungodly and everything corrupt in this world in the name of jesus i pray that my mind would always be focused on heavenly things rather than anything here on this earth i pray that the way i live my life lord would be pleasing to you may i be a person of integrity who lives their life with the fear of the lord yes you have given me a free will but may your will be placed above mine i pray that the holy spirit will be the one to guide me to speak to me and to convict and challenge me lord you have given me the freedom to choose how i want to live my life and i choose to live under the governance of the word of god i choose to live and walk on the narrow road that leads to eternal life i choose to live a life that is led by the fear of god a life that is led by faith instead of fear i choose to live a life that glorifies you a life that is indicative of someone who has been radically transformed by the saving power of jesus christ [Music] father i praise you i declare psalms 95 verse 1 to 3 which says o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods be praised for the rest of my days lord you are worthy of all glory i worship you in your hands resides all the power on heaven and on earth and so i submit i lay down my life for you father i desire to be wrapped in your steadfast love i pray that your presence would always be strong and rich around me and around my home i pray that you would find my heart to be full of faith and burning brightly for you may you find me lord to have a heart that is full of trust and reliance in you lord i pray that i may never be too busy for you may i never be too tired to pray and give you thanks i pray that my heart would never be too busy for your word [Music] my heart certainly finds rest and comfort in you because you are an unfailing god be glorified now and always in jesus name i pray [Music] amen the more you read the word of god the more you'll see that it's filled with powerful promises there are promises of protection like in psalm 121 verses 7 through 8 which say the lord will keep you from all evil he will keep your life the lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore and then there are promises of provision promises like in second corinthians chapter 9 verse 8 which says and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work you can even find promises concerning life after death because john 11 verse 25 says i am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in me though he died yet shall he live there is a wide variety of promises in the bible promises it should give us strength promises that give us hope hope during hard times hope in a storm and hope even after death the bible has wonderful promises however i'd like to bring your attention to one particular promise which is of great significance this promise has been repeated over and over again in scripture it's a promise it's been delivered by different people throughout the bible including jesus himself and all of them although different speakers caught in different situations they all spoke the same promise apostle paul spoke this promise in hebrews 10 verse 37 when he said for yet a little while and he who is coming will come and will not tarry [Music] then john the apostle spoke this same promise in first john 3 verse 2 where the bible reads beloved we are god's children now and what we will be has not yet appeared but we know that when he appears we shall be like him because we shall see him as he is even the angels have also spoken this promise because in acts 1 verses 10 through 11 when jesus was ascending to heaven the bible reads and while they were gazing into heaven as he went behold two men stood by them in white robes and said men of galilee why do you stand looking into heaven this jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven but the most important person to have spoken this promise it was jesus himself in john 14 verses 1 through 3 we can read this let not your hearts be troubled believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so would i have told you that i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and will take you to myself that where i am you may be also so my message to you is simple and clear jesus christ is coming back yes he is coming back now let us pray lord jesus thank you for your wonderful and beautiful promises thank you for giving us as your children promises that we can hold on to promises that can encourage us promises that can uplift us thank you father and lord i pray that i'll be ready when you return i pray that i may be found practicing righteousness may my heart be found with an intense obsession for jesus christ lord let my soul be found to be burning for the son of god when you return lord should i be alive to be caught up in the sky before you've called me home i pray that you will find me to be a faithful servant a loyal servant one that shuns away every idol offered by this world and lord i really do believe with all of my heart and soul that you died and rose again i believe with all my heart that you are going to return lord jesus holy spirit help me so that i will not be distracted by this world help me never to become too comfortable in this world but instead i pray for the strength and resilience to fight the good fight of faith your word in revelation 16 verse 15 says behold i am coming like a thief blessed is the one who stays awake keeping his garments on that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed oh father help me to stay awake lord help me to be awake to the knock of christ i pray that my heart would not be hardened to the call of christ but instead may i be receptive to your voice lord i want to be a believer who takes heed to your voice may i take heed to the instruction in your word i pray that i may be on guard against anything that aims to to mislead or deceive me father keep me guarded against being led astray by false prophets or false teachers i pray that the holy ghost would help me discern truth from deception and father above all else i pray that i would be someone who pleases you father i understand that it's sin that separates us from you you are a holy god who cannot be in the presence of sin so i repent lord jesus purge my heart of all sin remove and expel any longing for unholy things in my life lord purify my heart jesus for your word says in second chronicles 7 verse 14 if my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land i turn to you lord jesus i crave your presence i require your presence in my life as a necessity as the clock ticks and edges closer and closer to your return lord jesus father i pray for wisdom like solomon so that i may be able to navigate this life so that i may be a positive and godly influence to my family and my friends lord make me a better person refine the impurities in my heart god give me divine peace deep within my spirit and soul help me not to be restless holy ghost help me not to fear even when things all around me appear to spiral out of control [Music] i declare that even though my life may bring its challenges my god will see me through my god will supply all of my needs [Music] i pray that my life may continue to exalt you and may my life lift up your holy name i worship you lord and i eagerly await your return father i know that it's the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus christ is lord father be glorified now and forevermore in jesus name i pray amen [Music] as we mature as christians and as we grow as believers in christ we need to understand that some difficulties some problems and some of the trials that we face they're presented to us for a purpose their place before us not to destroy us but to build us to strengthen us and these challenges are placed before us so that we can overcome so that we can inch closer and closer to the lord so that we can progress from strength to strength in faith i believe that challenges can even be presented to us so that we can be that much more convinced that much more sure and persuaded that we serve a living god a powerful miraculous and wonder working god and there's a maturity that we need to have when we experience pain although it's unpleasant although it's it's not enjoyable god will always use pain to ultimately serve a purpose [Music] and you may be listening and thinking that it's easy for me to say all of this without knowing the true extent of your situation all of which is true however may i remind you that nearly every single person used by god every person who has experienced the power of god had to overcome something they had to face something first and and then god intervened and then god showed his might joseph he had painful experiences with his family hannah anna had a painful experience with barrenness the woman with the issue of blood blind bartimaeus the ten lepers they all had something to deal with something that was painful but the one thing that they all had in common is that when in pain they turn to the lord they called on the name of jesus and this is what i'd like to encourage you to do today turn your pain over to jesus don't feel it and grow bitter from it turn it over to jesus turn your pain over to the lord don't begin to lose faith but rather turn your pain into action turn it into the action of praying the action of meditating on god's word the action of seeking the lord the action of worshiping god call out on his name now there's a wonderful passage of scripture which i'd like to encourage you to hold close to your heart 2 corinthians 1 verses 3 through 5. it says blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and god of all comfort who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by god for as we share abundantly in christ's sufferings so through christ we share abundantly in comfort too take your pain take it to jesus take your burdens to jesus [Music] and now let us pray father in the mighty name of jesus christ i come seeking your face today seeking your presence today lord your word says in matthew 11 verses 28-30 come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for i am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light and so here i am lord i have come before you before your throne i give you all of my hurt lord i give you all of my pain my weakness and my sorrow god i give to you everything that burdens me and in exchange i receive the rest and the comfort that you offer you said in your word lord that i will find rest for my soul in you and i believe today that it is well with my soul i declare today that it is well with me [Music] it is well with my family it is well with my home and my finances i declare that it is well with me because i am in the lord it's jesus who goes ahead of me he's the one who'll be with me he will not leave me nor forsake me and i will not fear nor will i be dismayed so here i am lord you know all of the areas that are hurting me you know where i'm in pain whether it's physically or emotionally and i invite the holy spirit into my life may he help me to release and let go of everything that is hurting me everything that hinders my growth and my development as a christian lord grant me healing from all forms of pain and father i pray that you would give me the hope and courage each day to persevere and remain strong though i may experience pain and challenges help me to realize that they are all opportunities for me to find out more about you and your power lord i know you see my pain and you know my hurt and god i trust that you'll comfort my soul and make me whole again i pray that you'll help me to remain patient for everything you do you do according to your perfect timing you are never late nor too early your word in job 5 verse 11 says he sets on high those who are lowly and those who mourn are lifted to safety i believe in you lord you are a god who can bring good even in the midst of a painful situation everything that happens is for your glory to be seen lord i know that you know how much i can endure you've given me strength and not weakness and i confess that i am made strong in the name of jesus christ i will continue believing in you and believing in your power always philippians 4 verse 6 says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to god and the peace of god which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through christ jesus and so i will continue in prayer i will continue to be patient i will continue to await your deliverance with a heart full of gratefulness i refuse for my heart to grow weary and cold but instead i turn to you and i ask for you to guide my steps guide my steps forward in your direction lord i believe lord that you have heard my prayer and you will answer in your own perfect timing i will cling to your promises and i'll praise you through all of the good and through all of the bad to you alone be all glory god it is in the name of jesus christ that i pray this prayer [Music] amen psalm 73 verse 26 says my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever other translations say but god is the rock and strength of my heart and my portion forever i thank god for scriptures like these because just like me i'm sure each of us when we've gone through certain things in life when we faced difficulties or challenges if you're anything like me then you've gone through that situation trying to figure out exactly how will this work out for my good [Music] we as people often want all of the details we often want to know lord if you're going to make a way out for me how exactly are you going to do it at precisely what time will you come to be my rescue how long will i have to go through this before things actually start turning around for my good and we do this because naturally as people we don't want our flesh or our heart to fail we instead want to be strong to be able however the mistake in wanting to know all of the details and the mistake in wanting to be strong and able is that you are relying on yourself instead of jesus christ the emphasis should be on the lord not on you knowing everything trusting in the lord means that i may not know all of the details but one thing that i do know is that my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever i may not understand everything things may not make sense but i do know that my heart and my flesh may fail but god is the rock and strength of my heart and portion forever think of it as though you are on a boat and on this boat you are on the wave called life this wave has its ups and downs there are moments where the sun is out and everything is peaceful however there are other moments where you encounter a storm now during a storm the unfortunate thing with many believers is that we become so fixated on the rain on the thunder and lightning that we forget who's on the boat with us we forget that the one who is on the boat with us will never fail we often forget during a storm that god is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever and so i would like to encourage you to change your mindset shift your perspective and activate your faith you may not have all the answers in fact you may have more questions than answers but hold on to psalm 73 26 this is the only answer you need because the bible says my flesh and my heart may fail but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever let god be your strength let him be the calm in your storm let him be the peace in your heart now let us pray lord jesus may you get all the glory in my life teach me to be more patient teach me lord to be more reliant and trusting in you i believe that when i face difficulties and when i face challenges in life you will be my rescue i believe that when i am in deep waters you will stay true to your word in isaiah 43 verse 2 which says when you pass through the waters i will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overwhelm you when you walk through fire you shall not be burned and the flame shall not consume you holy spirit help me and teach me so that before i go anywhere else searching for solutions before i look anywhere else for answers let me seek the counsel of the lord let me search the word of god first because in jesus i have a god who moves mountains and speaks calm to every storm in jesus i have a god who performs miracles a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way lord your word says in psalm 73 27-28 for behold those who are far from you shall perish you put an end to everyone who is unfaithful to you but for me it is good to be near god i have made the lord god my refuge that i may tell of all your works lord it is good for me to draw near to you it's good for me to make you my refuge because in you i will find strength in you i will find preservation and comfort so i declare in the name of jesus christ that i am equipped with everything i need to survive this storm lord jesus you will never give me more than i can bear and you have already made a way to victory available to me so i declare that in the name of jesus christ i am more than a conqueror i will overcome this test this difficulty or this trial in my life although my physical eyes might not see it yet i believe that in you lord jesus i will have victory although my heart and flesh may fail i declare god's word which says that i have overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of my testimony i confess and declare that there is power in the blood of jesus and so i ask father that you go before me lord although i may face things that leave me with more questions than answers i will continue to look to you a god who has said in deuteronomy 31 verse 8 it is the lord who goes before you he will be with you he will not leave you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed lord jesus i will continue to trust in you to trust in your word your will is divine and it overrules my own will your plans are just and they are better than anything i could ever imagine and so i bless your name i relinquish all control and give you the glory honor and praise forevermore in jesus name i pray [Music] amen [Music] colossians 3 15 says and let the peace of christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you are called in one body and be thankful i want to focus on these last three words and be thankful are you thankful are you thankful when you wake up in the morning are you thankful before you go to sleep at night i mean are you really thankful are you thankful for your health for the food on your plate think about it are you thankful perhaps i should phrase my question in a different way has the lord done anything for you that you should be grateful for have you seen the hand of god move and act on your behalf in such a way that you should be thankful now if i may give you a simple piece of advice when it comes to being grateful [Music] if you and i fail to be thankful for what god has done for us then perhaps we should be thankful for what god has not done to us and here's what i mean by that should we not be thankful for all the times that god has forgiven us instead of punishing us he decided to love us saints be thankful for what god has not done he hasn't made us pay the price for our own sin no no he sent his only begotten son jesus christ to pay the price for our sin be thankful for what god has not done he has not forsaken us despite the many times that we have ignored his calls and opted to sin instead of subjecting our flesh [Music] god has not answered every single prayer request because in his mercy he knew that some of the things we prayed for those things would have actually brought more harm than good in our lives and so it was merciful and loving of him not to answer every prayer request you see we ought to praise god we ought to thank him for what he has decided not to do or not to give us because if he gave us everything we deserved then i am sure i'm certain that i deserve to be condemned i deserved to be accused and rejected because of the many sins that i have committed but oh i thank god that he doesn't always give me what i deserve i deserve condemnation but the bible says in romans 8 verse 1 there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus i have received grace instead of punishment that is reason enough to be thankful no it's not always the blessings that we should only be thankful for thank him for the strength that you gained through your struggles thank the lord for the times you felt alone and isolated from the world because it's actually in those times that you learned how to fully trust in jesus and so i encourage you oh i encourage you to be thankful be thankful always father i come before you today with a heart full of things i want to thank you that i am alive and well i thank you for blessing me and allowing me to see another day to live and rejoice another day [Music] and father i thank you that i'm fit and i'm healthy i'm blessed with a family to surround me god i ask for your mercy and for your blood to wash me clean lord i pray that you would keep me safe i ask that you will protect me against the evil one may you please surround me with a hedge of protection your word says in 2 thessalonians 3 verse 3 but the lord is faithful he will establish you and guard you against the evil one and father i believe that you are indeed faithful and your word is true i do believe lord that you will strengthen me i do believe that you will protect me and my family from the evil one father in this world that we live in we're surrounded by so many earthly things things that fight for our attention and things that distract us we're exposed to all sorts of things on a daily basis but i pray today lord that you may help us guard our hearts help us guard our eyes and our ears from these ungodly things lord help us to be diligent so that we may not be left vulnerable to sin of every kind give us the strength the grace to remain strong in faith looking unto you the author and finisher of our faith i pray that you will surround us lord with your strength and your mind may you shelter us and hide us under the shadow of your wings [Music] lord protect our minds from the darkness of this world and protect our hearts from the evil one's snares strengthen us to resist the temptation of this world give us the boldness to resist the devil so that he might flee from us lord your word says in isaiah 41 verse 10 so do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand and god because of that i declare that i will not live in fear i declare that works of the enemy will not prevail in my life i declare that my family and children are covered by the blood of jesus and nothing will by any means harm us because you lord jesus christ will strengthen us and uphold us with your righteous hand may your holy spirit continue to guide us and may your angels walk with us wherever we go may you strengthen us lord with the power of your mind dress us with your armor so that we can stand firm against the schemes of the devil lord as much as i'm aware of the opposition that i will come up against as a believer i also know the power that i have access to when i call on the name that is above every other name that's the name of jesus psalm 5 verse 11 says but let all who take refuge in you be glad let them ever sing for joy spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you i rejoice and put my trust in you lord because i know that you will protect me i refuse to let fear control me for i am covered by the blood of jesus christ lord jesus i believe that you are my keeper you are my shepherd and you are the prince of peace father i speak the peace of the lord upon my life and i bless your holy name it's in jesus name that i pray this prayer [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 315,008
Rating: 4.8491921 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: oopl8dQZ5_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 55sec (5395 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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