GOD WILL BLESS YOU TODAY | 1 Hour Inspirational Motivation To Begin Your Day With God

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there are three words that i'd like to tell you never give up never give up never give in and certainly don't stay down every person i don't care whether you were born and raised as a believer or you've never heard the gospel there will come a time when you'll feel the urge to give up that urge may be to give up on your marriage or your career ambitions or perhaps on your walk with god you may feel like you've hit a dead end you may feel like you're the last soldier standing on the battlefield but your enemy is still marching forward but i want to simply encourage you to never give up just for a second imagine the rules were switched imagine if god were to give up on you imagine if he said you've failed me too many times you've sinned too many times you've fallen short too many times thank goodness this isn't the case the good news is that the lord would never give up on you he would never turn his back on you because you've fallen and so this should give you the encouragement never to give up on a god who would never give up on you so when it feels as though your prayers are still going unanswered never give up and keep the faith when every relationship you once counted on appears to be broken keep the faith don't give up even when you feel like you're drowning under the weight of your sin keep the faith never give up on your faith understand that god is always good he's always faithful he feels our pain and he wants to lift our burdens he gives us the strength to carry on even when we think we can't we can trust him we can cast our cares on him we could choose to place our faith and hope in him because he loves us so deeply he loves us so much that he sent his son to die for us so that we could have eternal life so that one day we could be free from all the pain and sorrow that we're going through right now that is the wellspring of our hope that is the god we put our faith in and if he is for us nothing can stand against us so even when life disappoints and friends abandon us even on your darkest day keep the faith even when we're faced with hardships that seem unbearable never give up i want you to know that when you keep the faith when you don't give up on god he will hold you up every time that you don't have the strength to stand on your own he will calm the storms in your life he will lift you up to higher ground even if you feel like you're at rock bottom so keep the faith and never give up i praise god because i looked at all the people who spoke down on me i look back at those who walked away from me and said hurtful words behind my back and i see god's goodness and all of that because as a result i became a stronger person i became stronger because i found out that i can only rely on the lord i became stronger because i realized that the hurtful words people said to me they were nothing in comparison to the empowering words that jesus christ says about me i am fearfully and wonderfully made i am the head and not the tail i am blessed and highly favored those are the words that i found to be true in my life through god's word [Music] the bible says in romans chapter 5 verse 3 to 5 not only that but we rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame because god's love has been poured into our hearts through the holy spirit who has been given to us rejoicing in suffering does not mean that we enjoy suffering it does not mean that we enjoy pain on the contrary rejoicing in suffering means that we fully understand the size of our troubles but we trust that our god is bigger we know that through our suffering god is refining our character teaching us the value of hope and making us more and more dependent on him none of these things are pleasant in the moment but they are necessary for our maturity our growth and our ultimate joy [Music] i have to praise the lord because there was a season where i fell ill i thought i was invincible and healthy but out of nowhere here came this test here came this trial but my praise comes from knowing how bad things were for me in my health but thank you jesus thank you lord for healing me it wasn't an instant recovery but it was a recovery nonetheless and it can only have been god i praise god because there was a season where i really lacked financially but somehow i survived i struggled but i never missed a meal and that was all because of god when life puts you through excruciating pain i understand that it could be hard to remain positive in that moment it can be hard to see how your circumstances could possibly turn out for the better but allow me to encourage you and tell you that the longer you live the more you come to understand that there will be times where it feels as though the lord is literally breaking you however the reality my friends is that he is in fact building you think about the story of joseph joseph was a faithful servant of god yet he was betrayed by his own brothers sold into slavery falsely accused imprisoned and forgotten [Music] joseph suffered setback after setback in his life even though he did nothing wrong even when though it might have felt like god was breaking him god was actually building him god was building his faith his tenacity and his strength so that at the proper time god might elevate him to a position he never would have thought possible [Music] james 1 verse 2 to 4 reads count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness let steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing that is the mindset we are meant to have in times of tribulation this is the truth that allowed joseph in genesis 50 verse 20 to say to pharaoh and at the end of all his trials as for you you meant evil against me but god meant it for good what would happen if we had the same attitude toward our own suffering what would happen if we came to the realization that what the devil intends for harm against us god will use it for good after all the word of god in romans 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose what a powerful reminder of god's love for us there is no such thing as meaningless sorrow he uses it all for our good the rest of the world gets discouraged bitter and depressed when they encounter suffering but our hope is in jesus even if this life disappoints us our faith is in one who has overcome all things jesus faced the greatest suffering of all he allowed himself to be broken so that we wouldn't have to be so today if you're choosing to remain faithful in spite of your pain you can rest in the truth that through this jesus is making you more like himself when we expose our areas of weakness and present them to the lord he will take what's broken in us and make it whole he will heal us of every stronghold every addiction every sin that has ever held us down if you struggle with unforgiveness god can soften your heart if you struggle with lust god can make you pure if you struggle with lying god can make you a person of integrity he can break every cycle no matter what you've done or who you've been or how long you've been living in sin jesus can transform your life in fact he wants to god created you to live in truth and in love he created you to be a powerful witness for him and to bring his glory to the nations rooting out long time sin is the first step and you really have to work hard and be persistent in chasing god for deliverance because if you're not careful the devil will trap you in a cycle of sin you think you're delivered for a couple of days and then he pulls you right back into his grip that's why we need to wholeheartedly pursue deliverance because the devil will try and creep in and place these cycles of sin over our lives but i want to encourage you to break that cycle refuse to be caught in a web of darkness chase true deliverance from our lord jesus chase true freedom desire to finally live the life you were meant to live a life that walks in victory a life that is in right standing and sweet fellowship with the lord the bible says that if we confess our sins he is faithful to deliver us from unrighteousness when we give our lives to jesus we become a new creation we don't have to be who we've been we don't have to be slaves to our flesh anymore we don't have to be trapped and caught up in a cycle of sin god has called us out of that lifestyle and he has called us to so much more he's called us to higher things he's called us to be his children to love him and to be loved sin is the only thing separating you from god the question is will you keep living in darkness will you keep living in that cycle or will you today call upon the name of jesus will you today ask the lord almighty to break those cycles of sin in your life [Music] think carefully because when you do call on him once you take that step you will never be the same you will experience true deliverance true freedom any chains holding you down are destroyed so break that cycle choose god people of god let's take a moment let us praise jesus christ each one of us has a story we all have a testimony we all have a past we all have at least one thing that we can remember god has done for us we have one thing that we can recall and say that was you lord jesus so i encourage you to praise him [Music] i spoke to a close friend recently and he was telling me he's really in a tough place he's been struggling with thoughts of defeat and he said something that moved me he said i still believe in god but my faith it's taken a beating lately you see this man on one hand has this internal war within and on the other hand his wife's health is slowly deteriorating she's struggling with the stress and anxiety built up from all the pressures they're facing as a family when i asked him how he was feeling he said that he felt as though there was an assault team attacking his life he didn't know if he needed to see a pastor or a therapist now what do you say to someone in that position how do you encourage someone who's at such a low point so i prayed with him and after we prayed i heard these words come out of my mouth invite god into your situation invite god into your difficulty instead of looking for a way out sometimes in life we have no other choice but to face the circumstances we're presented with head on and when you find yourself in one of these moments invite god to stand with you and i want to encourage you too as you're listening keep the faith you see we'll all have our faith shaken at some point as i'm talking right now you might be at a point where you're shaking in your faith right now but i want to encourage you that if you can't pray it away pray through it invite god into that fire invite him into that valley when god performs miracles it doesn't always mean that the problem instantly disappears or vanishes sometimes the miracle that god performs is within you it's by giving you the strength to endure situations that may have otherwise broken you it's by giving you the tenacity to stand on his word and believe that this too shall pass it's him giving you the grace to outlast the problems that the enemy thought would destroy you sometimes the miracle can only be seen when you look back and say that had to be god because i couldn't have done it alone so keep the faith invite god to come into the storm with you so keep the faith despite who or what is trying to bring you down keep the faith jesus is king and he is right there with you he's right there ordering your steps as painful as the situation may be as defeated as you may feel god is still in control so keep the faith i would like to give you a word of hope i'd like to encourage you not to sink in this experience you're in don't drown in that worry don't pass out in this dry season hold on because this too shall pass of course you don't have all the answers right now but when you are believing that god will make a way when there seems to be no way then every experience that you go through no matter how tough no matter how hopeless it looks to the natural eyes reach out and hold on to that word of god that says in all things god works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose there is a purpose to this season be strong in the lord and believe that he is working something out in the season you're in isaiah understood this concept of god mixing and weaving all of these experiences we have in life in isaiah chapter 63 verse 14 the prophet remembers the people going through egypt to the promised land he says like cattle that go down to the plane they were given rest by the spirit of the lord this is how you guide your people to make yourself a glorious name despite the contrasting experiences we can have in this life i want you to know and believe that god works all this together for good when you love him god weaves that bad day with that good day he takes that hurt and that memory and he connects it to this lesson and that person hear me when i say that god is fully in control he takes that situation that looks dim and bleak in your life that pressure that uncertainty and he uses it to teach you to break down your pride and stubbornness so that your character develops into someone who can be productive for his kingdom the amplified translation for romans 10 verse 3 says for not knowing about god's righteousness which is based on faith and seeking to establish their own righteousness based on works they did not submit to god's righteousness consider the following question are you righteous in word are you righteous in thought are you righteous in your deeds and motives to put it another way do your words reflect jesus christ do your thoughts reflect jesus christ are your deeds and motives reflective of jesus christ if you find that your answers to these questions are no then it's time to repent and remove the hindrances when we are correctly positioned in christ as the righteousness of god we can have the confidence to present our troubles to him and await deliverance now i want you to also be aware that being in christ and chasing righteousness that does not make you immune from troubles because the scripture says in job 14 verse 1 man who is born of a woman is a few days and full of trouble when i read this it hits home these troubles spoken of are the troubles that god is saying bring to me and i will help you these are the troubles that god is saying bring to me and i will help deliver you as long as you're in your rightful standing you will see the hand of god deliver you as long as you are in your rightful standing as long as you are in him in christ you will see the hand of god reaching out and delivering you when was the last time you had a good cry you see tears aren't always a bad thing of course we all shed tears of pain but we also shed tears of joy and for each of us no matter where you're from no matter what your background or social status is we have all experienced a moment that one moment where something just wasn't right and the only resort was to cry out to the lord if you're anything like me you've had moments where you've cried god help me you've locked yourself in a room and cried god please let this happen bless me with this one thing lord and i promise i'll do my best for you people behind closed doors are doing a lot of crying to the lord now the bible says in psalms 34 verse 17 the righteous cry out and the lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles [Music] isn't that amazing that the bible actually says that the righteous cry out and the lord hears but it doesn't stop there the lord delivers them out of all their troubles you see in order to fully trust god you have to relinquish full control to put it another way to trust in the lord is to abandon trust in yourself or in another human you stop trying to fix it yourself and you allow god you yield to god you surrender all control to him and to do that in this day and age is to go against everything we're taught and trained to do we have to take control of our career our business we need to take control of our future our kids futures so much of our lives today requires control but the lord operates differently when it comes to the aspect of control the lord requires us to have faith in him to relinquish control and stop trying to fix it yourself but hand it over to jesus and let's be realistic there are some aspects in our lives where we need to accept that the only things we have control over is the amount of effort we put in the attitude we have on a daily basis that's what we can control the rest we have to leave it up to go so much of our lives today requires control but the lord operates differently when it comes to the aspect of control now i'm not saying you should neglect your responsibilities what i am saying is that you should do your part and leave room for the lord to act and so what does that mean it means you show up to work with a right attitude and you work hard but you don't start fighting over a promotion or position because you think you deserve it god sees your faithfulness surrender to him and let him be in control don't become jealous when you think you deserve something more it's in those situations that you need to relinquish control and stop trying to fix it yourself but hand it over to the lord and so in all aspects of your life you need to accept that in the grand scheme of things your control is limited what you can control is your effort on a daily basis how much time you spend in prayer on a daily basis that's what you can control as for the rest you have to leave it up to god to the person who thinks they can never recover from the pain and guilt of their sin to the one who is filled with feelings of worthlessness and shame the first thing i want you to know is that jesus christ sacrificed himself on the cross so that your sin your mistake should never define you the second thing i want you to know is that the devil loves to condemn he loves to point the finger he absolutely loves to make you feel ashamed and to try to drown you in guilt so you need to be aware of this you need to be sensitive about the difference between feeling guilty because you are convicted of sin by the holy spirit and feeling guilty because you are being condemned by satan the holy spirit convicts and this leads you to repent the devil on the other hand he condemns in order to make you feel hopeless and worthless so please be aware of that now the third thing is that god is all-powerful he is kind and merciful he looks at the heart and should you make a mistake should you sin he is gracious enough to pick you up dust you off and forgive you the quickest way to block god's blessing in our lives is to believe others owe us and expect payment from them this is called unforgiveness a subject with which i am well acquainted and i would like to speak to you and give you my own testimony i didn't understand why god blessed so many of my friends with loving supportive families while they were growing up and i had the opposite i compared my situation in life to theirs and inwardly resented the fact that god had not given me the kind of support network that others experienced of focusing on what god had given me i focused on what he hadn't i went into collection mode i tried to collect from others what i thought was doomy tried to find in others the mother and father i never had and i became brokenhearted all over again when others couldn't compensate for the losses in my life have you ever felt like that has life and disappointment ever taken you to a place where you look for things in people that you can really only find in god matthew 18 tells of a man who demanded that the ledger be set straight forgetting that the divine accountant had credited him with far more mercy in the book of life than he could ever repay [Music] the bible says in matthew 18 verse 26 to 30. at this the servant fell on his knees before him be patient with me he begged and i will pay back everything the servant's master took pity on him canceled the debt and let him go but when the servant went out he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins he grabbed him and began the choker pay back what you owe me he demanded his fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him be patient with me and i will pay it back but he refused instead he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt [Music] the unforgiving man wanted to collect from someone who simply couldn't pay even if the fellow servant did have the resources the unforgiving man was looking to people rather than trusting the lord jesus went on to say that when the master of the unforgiving man found out he had treated a fellow servant so unmercifully when his own death had been canceled he threw the man into debtor's prison jesus said that unless we forgive we will not be forgiven as i read this i realized how unjust i had become how self-righteous i had become how much like the unforgiving man i had become i repented and asked my heavenly father to forgive me and help me forgive others i stopped trying to collect from people what i thought was owed me what i thought would make up for past hurts as hebrew 12 verse 2 says i fix my eyes on jesus the pioneer and perfecter of faith the chapter right before that hebrews 11 verse 6 says and without faith it is impossible to please god because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him god loves to reward us we're his children he blesses us when we seek him first not people when we place our faith in him not people when we love him more than anything he can give us another hindrance to god's blessing in our lives is our thoughts what do we think about do we control our thoughts or do our thoughts control us [Music] do we struggle with worry over finances and can't focus on anything else do we struggle with loneliness and can't find joy in our situation do we struggle with feeling trapped and are afraid we're losing control our heavenly father is so gracious he sees you he sees me he sees our struggles and wants to help us with our thoughts we can wake up in the morning and pray heavenly father please help me to meditate on your word today to be thankful for your grace for your love for eternal life for salvation through the shed blood of your son jesus christ psalm 19 verse 14 says may these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight lord my rock and my redeemer when i realized that satan wanted me to believe that my thoughts were in control instead of me in control of my thoughts it changed my mindset completely i discovered that i could choose what i thought about so i chose to think thankful thoughts thank you god for loving me thank you god for saving me thank you god for watching over me [Music] once i decided that i wasn't going to allow my thoughts to block me from the blessing of god's righteousness peace and joy in my life i made a few drastic changes for starters i paid careful attention to what and who i listened to in my life there were some tv shows i stopped watching there were some news columns i stopped reading there were some friends i stopped going to for advice i learned to recognize what fed my faith and what fed my fear my conversation started changing once my thoughts did i no longer felt comfortable engaging in gossip let alone listen to it then one day when i was reading the book of james i realized i had a big problem my mouth the third chapter of james showed me exactly why i wasn't experiencing god's blessings of righteousness peace and joy james chapter 3 verse 9 to 11 says with the tongue we praise our lord and father and with it we curse human beings who have been made in god's likeness out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing my brothers and sisters this should not be can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring my mouth was a polluted well and i didn't want to be that way anymore i wanted to be a sincere believer in jesus christ and that meant believing the entire word of god not just the parts that were convenient for me whenever i spoke unkindly about a brother or sister in christ i was speaking unkindly about someone who jesus died for shed his blood for gave his life for proverbs 18 verse 21 says the tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat his fruit i decided i had wielded the weapon of my tongue enough for a lifetime and i was tired of eating that poisonous fruit no i didn't take a vow of silence i still talked not nearly as much though i became a better listener and discovered that i learned far more from listening than talking what we expect from god and others what we think about what and who we listen to and what we say flows from one of two wells a well of polluted water that hurts others and blocks the blessings of god or a well of fresh water that is life-giving and full of goodness of god's righteousness peace and joy [Music] jesus the son of god one who was blameless and pure died on the cross and forgave us even while we were sinning against him so who are we that we shouldn't forgive others when you harbor unforgiveness this should be a sign to you that there is something unresolved within you because if you have received mercy from the lord why would you refuse to forgive others take a good look at yourself is there anything in your life that is an indication that you need healing is there pain from your past that's unresolved is there regret from previous mistakes that has grown and grown into something else only the power of the blood of jesus christ can give you true and lasting healing [Music] the word of god builds faith and faith is what guides our life so when the apostle paul stated of romans chapter 8 verse 38 with the words for i am persuaded this really struck a chord with me paul so you're saying that you're convinced beyond all reasonable doubt you're saying that you are sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord many times when i have been feeling low times when i have struggled i have turned to this verse for strength paul wasn't trying to make us believe something he wasn't completely sold on himself he wasn't trying to make us believe in an idea or a concept which he wasn't sure of he was telling us that you can believe anything you want you can pick and choose as much as you would like but i am persuaded that there isn't a demon in hell or an angel in heaven that can remove me from the love of god it's passages of scripture like these that make you realize that the bible should really be central to our lives reading something like this fuels the fire in my faith so i encourage you to spend time in his word so that you too can be confident beyond all reasonable doubt that god loves you the more you meditate on this you'll come to see the goodness of the lord everywhere so as my belief grows as my faith grows my perspective changes i can begin to confidently say i am persuaded that for me to live is christ and to die is gain i am persuaded that even in death as a believer there is a home prepared for me in heaven by my lord jesus christ [Music] keep the faith don't give up even when you feel like you're drowning under the weight of your sin keep the faith never give up on your faith understand that god is always good he's always faithful he feels our pain and he wants to lift our burdens he gives us the strength to carry on even when we think we can't we can trust him we can cast our cares on him we can choose to place our faith and hopes in him because he loves us so deeply he loves us so much that he sent his son to die for us so that we could have eternal life so that one day we could be free from all the pain and sorrow we're going through right now that is the wellspring of our hope that is the god we put our faith in and if he is for us and then nothing can stand against us so even when life disappoints and friends abandon us even on your darkest day keep the faith even when we're faced with hardships that seem unbearable never give up i want you to know that when you keep the faith when you don't give up on god he will hold you up every time that you don't have the strength to stand on your own he will calm the storms in your life the uncomfortable part is that our faith must stand trial and tell me how will your faith withstand any trial if you're not convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that god will be your deliverer so even in your darkest hour those moments where you pray and say god i need a miracle now when you need healing when you need him to save your children when your marriage looks to have hit rock bottom be persuaded be confident that the lord will turn things around be persuaded that if god can part the red sea for moses if he can take joseph from the prison to the palace if god can save three hebrew boys from a fiery furnace if he can heal the woman with the issue of blood then be persuaded that god can come through for you in your situation and so i urge you to be persuaded by psalm 46 verse 1 which says god is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble be persuaded by proverbs 18 verse 10 which tells you that the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and are safe it can be so easy to give in to worry fear and despair when you aren't convinced in who you are in the lord it is in jesus that we can find strength it's in him that you can find victory so to the one who may possibly be stuck in a tough spot i would like to tell you that isaiah 41 verse 10 says do not fear for i am with you do not be dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you and help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand be persuaded by the word of god [Music] when you and i take a moment and look at the beauty of creation how can you not praise god how can you not say lord how great thou art psalms 150 verse 6 says let everything that has breath praise the lord many believers fall on this trap of kindness sort of living for god but all that does is leave you lukewarm but the good news is that god's judgment has already been passed to the devil the devil has been judged to suffer eternal damnation [Music] but us as children of god believers in christ we are destined for victory we are destined for victory when we make the choice to fight on god's side and the lord is not a dictator he will never force us to stand with him he granted us the free will to let us choose between right or wrong good and evil warrior of god or a warrior of the enemy what will you choose as soldiers of christ we go into every battle knowing that we are more than conquerors we have already won we are the ones that will testify that we are not fallen soldiers but victorious ones and this truth should ignite a fire in you it should give you enough encouragement to boldly proclaim your faith to stand and witness for christ to fight a good fight against the unseen evil [Music] have faith in jesus and by definition faith is having firm trust in god it's trusting that he is the way out it's trusting that he is a pillar of strength when you feel weak faith is you saying i am in god's hands despite what comes faith is believing that god will honor and execute his word in your hour of need to have faith is to trust in the almighty god and believe that he will come through for you in all circumstances now the thing about faith is faith becomes more defined and refined in difficult circumstances and don't be fearful and start thinking that you need faith the size of noah's ark in his teaching on faith jesus requires us to have faith as small as a mustard seed hebrews 12 verse 2 says looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of god if you feel like your faith is inadequate then remember these two things your only requirement is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and to look to jesus as the beginning and the end of christian faith everyone has a measure of faith when they receive jesus and the bible indicates that it has to grow the increase in faith however is a personal responsibility romans 10 17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god jeremiah 17 verse 7 and 8 the bible reads blessed is the man who trusts in the lord and whose hope is in the lord for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters which spreads out its roots by the river and will not fear when he comes but its leaf will be green and will not be anxious in the year of drought nor will cease from yielding fruit to fully trust in god we have to relinquish full control to put it another way it's to abandon trust in yourself or in another human you stop trying to fix it yourself and you allow god you yield to god you surrender all control to him and to do that in this day and age is to go against everything we're taught and trained to do we're expected to stay on top of those emails at work we have to take control of our career our business we need to take control of our kids futures and education so much of our lives today requires control but the lord operates differently when it comes to the aspect of control now i'm not saying that you should neglect your responsibilities what i am saying is that do your part you show up to work with the right attitude and you work hard but don't start fighting over a promotion or a position don't be jealous when you think you deserve something more those are the situations that you are to relinquish control and stop trying to fix it yourself but hand it over to the lord i'm telling you that in all aspects of your life you need to accept that in the grand scheme of things your control is limited what you can control is your effort on a daily basis your attitude on a daily basis that's what you can control the rest you leave it up to go pray that god intervenes in that situation with your boss or supervisor pray that god steps in when it comes to who your kids are influenced by at school pray that the lord will see your hard work and reward you remember that the bible says you are blessed when you place your trust in god you are blessed when you place your hope in jesus and here's what i've learned when you fully trust god he becomes your strength when the situation ahead looks dim and bleak when the mountain ahead looks to be too great for you i want to encourage you to place your trust in jesus put your hope in the lord we have a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way we should be placing our hope and faith not in the promises of man not in the resources or abilities of man but in the promises of an everlasting god so child of god sing if you have to put your trust in god raise your hands and worship if you need to but make sure that you're trusting in the lord lock yourself in a closet to pray do whatever you need to when things get rough just make sure you're trusting in jesus god can hear your cry even in the midst of adversity hold on to his unchanging word isaiah 40 31 says those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint there is strength in waiting on the law and if you're asking the question how do i find my strength the answer is right here wait on god [Music] you can wait and worship you can wait in prayer you can wait by meditating on god's word but the one thing we must never do is give up never stop waiting on god never give up on waiting on god he will give you that blessing in his perfect timing he will bring you that opportunity in his perfect timing isaiah 40 31 is a promise that tells us that we will be stronger when we wait on god we will renew our strength only if we wait we will run and not be weary only if we wait we will walk and not faint only through waiting the more we wait while trusting in the lord the more confidence we have the more strength we have to press forward so press on press on through your struggle press on and waiting for god and the lord will be sure to meet you at your point of need god speaks and when he speaks it could be through his word it could be through his holy spirit it could be that still small voice that burns in the depths of your heart with this in mind have you thought maybe just maybe in the middle of all that you're facing in the middle of all that you're going through god is speaking to you god speaks by his spirit his spirit speaks through the bible prayer circumstances and his people so these troubling times these challenges you face they sometimes come in our lives to remind us of one important thing we need god we need to get on our knees and build a relationship with him we need him in every part of our lives if you are looking for answers if you are searching for direction psalm 119 verse 105 says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path meaning that god speaks and gives us direction through his word but what's he saying i believe he is saying that he wants us to come to the knowledge of salvation and recognize that jesus christ is the way the truth and the life he wants us to be his witnesses in a world desperate for answers he wants us to live holy and righteous lives he wants us to worship him in spirit and in truth too often we question god's ability to change things we question god and his plans and purposes but how often do we question ourselves [Music] are we listening to what god is saying god operates in the realm of faith and he is waiting for us his people his children to believe and trust him there are a lot of questions in our lives that are unanswered i can't explain to you why this happens or that happens but despite that god is looking for our faith and belief to conquer our situations so i would like to encourage you not only to search and listen to the voice of god but to work out your salvation with fear and trembling because when it comes to your salvation there is a choice to be made there is a path to be chosen the broad road or the narrow the path of holiness where you carry your cross and forsake the pleasures of this world or the way of the world it's time for you to work out your salvation it's time to decide will you walk on the narrow road where only few choose to travel the road where you follow jesus christ or will you walk on the broad road where you always have your way the road where it's all about you and what you want it's all about your feelings and your way you decide the pleasures of this world or the discipline of righteousness the pursuit of money power material things or the pursuit of godliness you decide in fact you decide how to spend your time and what you get involved in does it glorify god does it increase your faith does it challenge you to walk right in the sight of god work out your salvation saints you can decide to be diligent in prayer diligent in reading god's word diligent in growing the inner spirit man you decide every moment that you are alive you are making decisions a decision whether or not to prioritize god a decision whether or not you meditate on god's word daily a decision to believe and say though this situation stands in my way i will believe god for a way out though i am going through a hard time i will still worship the lord although i am under pressure god is still good these are all decisions decisions that you have to make in this life but above all the most important decision you have to make is about your salvation you cannot serve two masters at once you cannot serve the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of darkness at the same time there is no one foot in and one foot out with this decision and for your salvation you have to make a decision you have to decide that it is eternal life that you want and there is only one who is the way the truth and the life and that one is jesus christ [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 72,287
Rating: 4.8975196 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: bPzO909ZzZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 8sec (3608 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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