Life Changing Daily Prayers for Blessings | Breakthrough | Miracles and Restoration

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colossians chapter 3 from verse 1 says if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god set your mind on things above not on things of the earth for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god when christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory regarding this passage of scripture one commentary reads paul writes to those who are saved by faith in christ their goal was to live with an eternal perspective rather than a focus on the rules and regulations of this world rather than following a set of rules christians are to submit moment by moment to the leading of the holy spirit paul then explains why believers are to focus on eternal matters christians are to set their minds above so to speak because that is where christ is christ is not on earth or in the grave he is at god's right hand i would like to encourage you to set your mind on things above not on earthly things [Music] we are to set our minds and hearts on godly things heavenly things things that concern the kingdom of god sometimes life can can get us sidetracked life can keep us intensely busy and sometimes life can result in us becoming distracted on what should be our number one priority and that is christ jesus i believe that when paul encourages us to set our hearts on things above that means waking up every day and saying lord i am yours be praised today help me to focus on your word and on your will today so would you join me in this prayer today seeking that the lord may help me and you to set our minds and hearts to focus our minds and hearts on things above let us pray dear lord you are gracious and faithful marvelous in all your ways my prayer today is that you help me to renew my mind help me to focus on the eternal on heavenly things help me to have a hunger that desires and chases heavenly rewards instead of earthly praise from men i seek to hear the words well done good and faithful servant from you so i ask that you guide me to do all you have called me to do today and every day i ask holy spirit that you aid me to stay focused on my lord and savior jesus christ help me because so many things are always competing for my attention and so i need the supernatural strength that you offer to to keep me from being distracted and being pulled away from god [Music] your word in john 15 from verse 5 says that i am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and i in him bears much fruit but without me you can do nothing if anyone does not abide in me he is cast out as a branch and is withered and they gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you father give me the grace to be obedient to your word and to abide in you help me to abide in you and and you and me so that i can be a christian who bears much fruit in your kingdom keep me from relying on my own resources and abiding outside of your will because without you i'm like a branch that has withered your promise to me is that if i abide in you and if your words abide in my heart then i will ask whatever i desire and it should be done for me i thank you for such a promise and i invite you into every area of my heart and mind fill me with your presence lord i invite you to abide within me and begin to change me inside out so that i can begin to demonstrate godly characteristics so that so that i may begin to show compassion to others so that i can have a humble spirit a patient and forgiving spirit and above all help me to be a christian who has and shows the love of christ to others i pray that if i've had my mind and priorities elsewhere may you bring me to refocus and set my heart on chasing after you on going after your presence in search for direction in my life i pray that you protect me from being led astray by what the world's standards are or from worldly expectations and behavior lord i pray that i may receive the mind of god just as your word in philippians 2 verse 5 says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus help me jesus to be diligent about my thoughts whether they are thoughts that will bring glory and praise to your name or if they are thoughts that will lead me to sin help me to be intentional about casting down each and every single thought that is not of you help me to rebuke every ungodly thought that my mind may be clean to you i ask that the holy spirit will convict me and challenge me when it comes to the things that i decide to focus my mind and meditate on if doors are opening in my life i pray that it's within your will o lord and that you may be the one that is orchestrating every breakthrough every new opportunity father i submit to you that if i am being elevated and blessed in any area of my life may it ultimately be within your will and part of your divine plan may it ultimately be you placing me where you want me to be and positioning me to be a productive and effective vessel for you to work through lord jesus i pray that you bring light into the dark areas of my life remove anything that is not good within me i allow you to work in my heart renew my mind heal my soul mend my emotions even i know that in you i am enough and complete transform my heart with your supernatural power i pray that i may never be led by human expectations i pray that i may be bold to stand up and live according to your word [Music] i thank you for the mercy and for the measure of grace that you have given me so that i can be fearless i bless your name for the power that you offer me so that i can renew my mind grant me the strength to outlast the assaults and plots against my mind from the devil i know that when i trust in you lord i will always be sustained i will always be preserved god i believe your word to be true and i will align myself accordingly because when i do that i am assured of total restoration and the transforming of my mind i thank you for giving me hope and strength for today and tomorrow through your word i thank you that it is your will for me to live with a renewed mind a mind free from bondage and oppressive thoughts i praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep me in perfect peace lord as i fight each day to set my thoughts and affections on things above i receive the grace that you have given me so that i can stand and say no i will not conform to this world may the highest praise be given unto you you are a good and faithful god i thank you for hearing this prayer grant me the petition of my heart i bless your name king jesus amen and amen psalm 91 is one of my favorite chapters in the bible he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust the entire chapter is about the protection we're offered as children of god if if we dwell in his presence one bible commentary i read on this chapter said if jehovah be our god our refuge and our fortress what can we desire which we may not be sure to find in him he is neither fickle nor false neither weak nor moral he is god and not man and therefore there is no danger in being disappointed in him we know whom we have trusted and that really helps to build my faith and give me a supernatural confidence so would you stand in agreement with me would you lift your faith in expectation that god is like no other and he will be our protector [Music] now let us pray heavenly father in the name of jesus christ i enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise i want to thank you for your goodness and your mercy upon my life i thank you lord for being in my life you are the lord god almighty the great i am i say that you are my refuge you are the chief cornerstone and i choose to trust in the true and living god you provide me with the shelter from life storms from life's difficulties i speak the blood of jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection and preservation of life i decree and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me and my loved ones lord i commit myself and my family into your hands in the name of jesus i apply the blood of jesus upon each and every doorpost of my home upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of jesus christ may your pillar of fire be seen where my family and i abide every night lord you have said you will not allow sickness and disease to come near me i therefore declare that sickness and disease are far from me i pray that you protect me and my family from everything we cannot see that tries to harm us no demon from hell no unclean spirit no generational curses no misfortune will touch me or my family because of you god i pray you will protect me and my loved ones in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the name that was given power above all names your word in psalms 91 says you will protect me from the terror by night the arrow that flies by and i receive that promise i believe that you are faithful to your word amen the bible encourages us to wait on the lord and i believe that sometimes when we do have trouble waiting on god when we have trouble believing that everything is going to work out or when we have a lack of patience this can be because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in waiting on the lord psalm 40 verse 1 says i waited patiently for the lord and he inclined to me and heard my cry so the psalmist here is speaking of god leaning towards him once he waited patiently for him when we as believers wait patiently for the lord when we practice to be still and know that he is god though we may wait for a longer period of time than we would want to we do not wait in vain in the fullness of his timing just as the psalmist said he will incline to you meaning that he will lean towards you when you have given him his jew reverence and shown him that you have a willing heart waiting on god means that you are in total surrender and faith that there is no hope in anything else but in the lord and for those who place their expectations in the lord for those who wait in faith and wait with patience god is faithful enough to hear their cry the bible confirms this in 1 john chapter 5 verse 14 and 15. now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him so confidence in god faith in god will lead him to hear you if you ask according to his will and if you don't know what to ask according to his will then all you need to do is to look through the bible for his promises we can ask for healing because isaiah 53 verse 5 tells us that he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed we can ask for strength because part b of nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 tells us do not sorrow for the joy of the lord is your strength we can ask to be blessed and elevated by god because psalm 90 verse 17 says may the favor of the lord our god rest on us establish the work of our hands for us yes establish the work of our hands so i encourage you today to wait on the lord put your confidence in him put your hope and trust in him because it's only in us waiting for his timing that we can experience his many blessings now let us pray lord jesus i come before you today asking for patience within my heart give me the patience lord to wait on you the patience to look unto you i pray that psalm 40 verse 1 may become a reality to me so that when i wait patiently on you you will incline your ears to hear my cry i pray that you would set my feet upon a rock and establish my ways lord i believe that when i wait on you lord i will find answers to all of my troubles will meet the one who will and can rescue me in the time of distress psalm 40 verse 2 says that he also brought me out of a horrible pit out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my steps indeed lord there are many blessings in me waiting on you you will bring me out of a state of calamity so that i might be saved from trouble praise you because it's only you who could have taken me from a pit of darkness and sin it's only you who could have taken me from a low place and saved me the bible says that you have set my feet upon a rock and this signifies a place of strength and safety thank you for placing my feet on rock solid ground on safe ground thank you for your promise to establish my steps i pray that my heart may be one that practices patience may i have a heart that is willing to completely surrender and yield to whatever your will is and to whatever your timing is father i invite you to work within me change my life for the better lord move me from guilt to justification take me from sinfulness to pursuing a righteous and christ-like way of life [Music] your word in psalm 40 verse 3 says that he has put a new song in my mouth praise to our god many will see it and fear and will trust in the lord blessed is the man who makes the lord his trust and does not respect the proud nor such as turn aside to lies many o lord my god are your wonderful works which you have done and your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order if i would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbered i pray that just as the psalmist said you would place a new song in my mouth a song that praises you a song that realizes just how loving just how merciful and just how caring you are lord i thank you for your many wonderful works and i am glad that your word tells us that you have many thoughts towards us thoughts of good and not of evil [Music] thoughts for us as your children to have a hope and a future may you be praised and glorified teach me to wait on you lord teach me patience father teach me to trust in your timing thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty and glorious name of jesus christ i pray amen in this world today the spirit of fear is prevalent all around us there are people facing troubles there are problems there is poverty and sickness and if you speak to enough people you will find that so many people have a reason for worry for concern or to be fearful but my message to you as a child of god is of good news you and i are blessed we are loved and privileged because we can live in this world we can be in a world full of fear but we have a reason we have a cause to not be fearful we are blessed because isaiah 41 verse 10 says fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand and i want to point out some key things from this verse the reasons we should not be fearful are many fear not for i am with you [Music] the first reason for us not to fear is that god has said i am with you god is with us the almighty the author and perfecter of our faith the everlasting father the deliverer jehovah is with us that's the first reason we should not fear secondly isaiah 41 verse 10 goes on to say be not dismayed for i am your god to be dismayed is to be alarmed to be concerned or shaken to be horrified and i believe the bible is saying here be in this world and even while you are in this world with all the things going on around you don't be concerned or worried don't lose sleep and be alarmed over anything you face in this world for i am your god and i love that twice already in this verse god has said i am i am with you and i am your god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god who spoke the words let there be light and there was light he divided the light from the darkness and so he has given us a promise that should divide us from the spirit of fear that consumes so many in this world be not dismayed for i am your god that's our second reason not to fear now isaiah 41 verse 10 goes further to give us more reasons not to fear as the word of god says i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so if it's strength that you need god almighty has promised to strengthen you if you are stuck in a situation if you're stuck in a hard place and you need help you have a promise for help david said where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth and also if you feel as though you were drowning sinking in whatever problem whatever vacuum of fear that tries to destroy you you have a promise the great i am has said fear not it looks to be over fear not when it looks like you're going down fear not when it looks like your life is being shipwrecked by that storm fear not because i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so friends raise your faith and let us pray heavenly father thank you today for your word and your promises your promises that we will hold on to each and every day of our lives it can be easy to get discouraged in this world it can be easy to allow the spirit of fear to rule over our lives but i pray that in the name of jesus as we are the children of god as we have accepted jesus christ as our lord and savior we will never give in to fear we will not be dismayed by the things that may go on around us holy spirit i pray that you will help me to meditate and dwell on the promises of god help me in those times where i might be weak help me to overcome fear remind me that god has said in isaiah 41 verse 10 that he will be with me he will strengthen me he will help me and he will uphold me [Music] and so everything i need to get through any situation god will give me the power to overcome the assistance that i need and he will keep me from drowning in those sorrows i declare that there is no room for fear in our lives in our homes or even in our hearts i will not be fearful at my workplace i will not be fearful of my finances i will not be fearful when it comes to my health in jesus name i pray i will not be fearful because the word of god says in second timothy 1 verse 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your work may i continue to grow in knowledge and understanding when it comes to your promises so that i can know you more lord the more i know you the more i am grounded and unshaken the more i know you then that leaves no room for the spirit of fear to overwhelm me and father i understand that this doesn't mean fear will never try to attack but i pray and hold on to the name above all names the name of jesus that when fear attacks me or my loved ones it will be defeated i cast it down by the power of the blood of jesus christ and i render that spirit useless i pray in agreement with the person who is listening may the holy spirit lead us to be grounded and equipped with the word of god so that we can realize that same power that same power that resurrected jesus from the dead is also at our disposal through the holy ghost because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world and so i confess that greater is he who is in me than the spirit of fear in this world instead of fear i choose to live in faith to walk by faith and i will place my faith not in man not in the government or in the ruling authorities but my faith is firmly placed in god jehovah elohim the alpha and omega [Music] the one who never sleeps nor slumber my faith is in an unchanging god a god who keeps all his promises the only one who will never let me down your word is true lord and it will never disappoint us your promises of strength of help will never abandon us even on our darkest days even when we're faced with hardships that seem unbearable we can rest knowing that we are under your sovereign control i declare that my faith is not in this changing world my faith is in you lord jesus in the midst of all this turmoil you are the one that is making all things work together for our good you are the one always working behind the scenes in ways that i might not yet recognize that's what makes you such a good and loving father that's why i can have hope that's why we don't have to be dismayed because of you lord always and forever faithful to your word when i face tribulation i can be confident according to your word that nothing on heaven or earth could separate us from the love of god although we can't see the future in its entirety and we can only see what's right in front of us in this present day you are all seeing and all-knowing past present and future are all in your hands and that's where my safety lies i bless your name king jesus you enable us to live victoriously and with peace in a world full of fear in jesus name i pray amen matthew 26 from verse 36 then jesus came with them to a place called gethsemane and said to the disciples sit here while i go and pray over there and he took with him peter and the two sons of zebedee and he began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed then he said to them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even to death stay here and watch with me he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying o my father if it is possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as you will then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and said to peter what could you not watch with me one hour watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak again a second time he went away and prayed saying o my father if this cup cannot pass away from me unless i drink it your will be done and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy so he left them went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words then he came to his disciples and said to them are you still sleeping and resting behold the hour is at hand and the son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners rise let us be going see my betrayer is at hand from this passage of scripture jesus went away to be alone and pray three times and each of those times he found the disciples to be sleeping now from this passage i would like to encourage you not to be found sleeping in your own prayer life don't become too comfortable that you're always asleep spiritually don't wait for a storm to wake you up don't wait for an attack from the devil to wake you up to pray jesus not only set an example to us that demonstrated the need for prayer he not only commanded us to pray but in verse 41 of matthew 26 he gave us a warning about prayer and he said watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak one commentary reads the following regarding this verse there is and ought to be a watching both over our hearts thoughts words and gestures jesus lets them know that it was not in their power to stand without god's help and assistance which must be obtained by prayer and so with this understanding let us pray dear lord jesus your word in ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 says pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the lord's people help me to be obedient to your word to be prayerful on all occasions whether it is morning or evening [Music] give me a heart that seeks you in prayer whether it's a friday or a sunday give me a heart king jesus that is dedicated to you and to pray i pray for everyone under the sound of my voice speak to our spirit through your word and give us a sense of urgency when it comes to our prayer lives you have said in matthew 26 41 watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak may we understand your word here that you are telling us that if we are prayerless christians if we are asleep in our prayer lives then we will not be able to stand against the enemy being prayerless means we are powerless so i ask lord that you press on our hearts not to be prayerless christians but rather to be believers who pray in the spirit on all occasions help us lord to be a people who watch and pray always a people who value prayer because they understand that help from you assistance and power that comes from you must be obtained through prayer let us not be so comfortable that we are asleep spiritually and furthermore lord i pray that you help us as individuals to keep watch over our own lives to be alert and watching over our hearts our thoughts words and gestures so that we might not fall or be led astray but rather i pray that we are believers who are alert and on guard guarding what we allow to access our homes our eyes and ears giving no room to deceitful workers false prophets or anything that will harm our faith i praise your name king jesus you are holy and wonderful worthy to be praised and adored your word in matthew 6 verse 5 says and when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others truly i tell you they have received their reward in full i pray lord that i may never be like the hypocrites who love to be seen to pray may i instead love to be alone with you to pray in private so that our relationship would strengthen so that our relationship would grow father matthew 6 verse 8 tells me and when you pray do not keep babbling like pagans for they will be heard because of their many words i pray that the holy spirit will inspire my prayer life may he fill me with the holy ghost fire so that i may speak in new tongues and experience a meaningful prayer life i bless your name for listening to this prayer may you begin from today to work within me to change my heart and light a fire a hunger for prayer you are worthy to be praised and honored from now until forevermore in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray [Music] amen [Music] colossians chapter 3 from verse 1 says if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god set your mind on things above not on things of the earth for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god [Music] when christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory regarding this passage of scripture one commentary reads paul writes to those who are saved by faith in christ their goal was to live with an eternal perspective rather than a focus on the rules and regulations of this world rather than following a set of rules christians are to submit moment by moment to the leading of the holy spirit paul then explains why believers are to focus on eternal matters christians are to set their minds above so to speak because that is where christ is christ is not on earth or in the grave he is at god's right hand i would like to encourage you to set your mind on things above not on earthly things [Music] we are to set our minds and hearts on godly things heavenly things things that concern the kingdom of god sometimes life can can get us sidetracked life can keep us intensely busy and sometimes life can result in us becoming distracted on what should be our number one priority and that is christ jesus i believe that when paul encourages us to set our hearts on things above that means waking up every day and saying lord i am yours be praised today help me to focus on your word and on your will today so would you join me in this prayer today seeking that the lord may help me and you to set our minds and hearts to focus our minds and hearts on things above let us pray dear lord you are gracious and faithful marvelous in all your ways my prayer today is that you help me to renew my mind help me to focus on the eternal on heavenly things help me to have a hunger that desires and chases heavenly rewards instead of earthly praise from men i seek to hear the words well done good and faithful servant from you so i ask that you guide me to do all you have called me to do today and every day i ask holy spirit that you aid me to stay focused on my lord and savior jesus christ help me because so many things are always competing for my attention and so i need the supernatural strength that you offer to to keep me from being distracted and being pulled away from god [Music] your word in john 15 from verse 5 says that i am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and i in him bears much fruit but without me you can do nothing if anyone does not abide in me he is cast out as a branch and is withered and they gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you father give me the grace to be obedient to your word and to abide in you help me to abide in you and and you and me so that i can be a christian who bears much fruit in your kingdom keep me from relying on my own resources and abiding outside of your will because without you i'm like a branch that has withered your promise to me is that if i abide in you and if your words abide in my heart then i will ask whatever i desire and it should be done for me i thank you for such a promise and i invite you into every area of my heart and mind fill me with your presence lord i invite you to abide within me and begin to change me inside out so that i can begin to demonstrate godly characteristics so that so that i may begin to show compassion to others so that i can have a humble spirit a patient and forgiving spirit and above all help me to be a christian who has and shows the love of christ to others i pray that if i've had my mind and priorities elsewhere may you bring me to refocus and set my heart on chasing after you on going after your presence in search for direction in my life i pray that you protect me from being led astray by what the world's standards are or from worldly expectations and behavior lord i pray that i may receive the mind of god just as your word in philippians 2 verse 5 says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus help me jesus to be diligent about my thoughts whether they are thoughts that will bring glory and praise to your name or if they are thoughts that will lead me to sin help me to be intentional about casting down each and every single thought that is not of you help me to rebuke every ungodly thought that my mind may be clean to you i ask that the holy spirit will convict me and challenge me when it comes to the things that i decide to focus my mind and meditate on if doors are opening in my life i pray that it's within your will o lord and that you may be the one that is orchestrating every breakthrough every new opportunity father i submit to you that if i am being elevated and blessed in any area of my life may it ultimately be within your will and part of your divine plan may it ultimately be you placing me where you want me to be and positioning me to be a productive and effective vessel for you to work through lord jesus i pray that you bring light into the dark areas of my life remove anything that is not good within me i allow you to work in my heart renew my mind heal my soul mend my emotions even i know that in you i am enough and complete transform my heart with your supernatural power i pray that i may never be led by human expectations i pray that i may be bold to stand up and live according to your word [Music] i thank you for the mercy and for the measure of grace that you have given me so that i can be fearless i bless your name for the power that you offer me so that i can renew my mind grant me the strength to outlast the assaults and plots against my mind from the devil i know that when i trust in you lord i will always be sustained i will always be preserved god i believe your word to be true and i will align myself accordingly because when i do that i am assured of total restoration and the transforming of my mind i thank you for giving me hope and strength for today and tomorrow through your word i thank you that it is your will for me to live with a renewed mind a mind free from bondage and oppressive thoughts i praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep me in perfect peace lord as i fight each day to set my thoughts and affections on things above i receive the grace that you have given me so that i can stand and say no i will not conform to this world may the highest praise be given unto you you are a good and faithful god i thank you for hearing this prayer grant me the petition of my heart i bless your name king jesus amen and amen psalm 91 is one of my favorite chapters in the bible he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust the entire chapter is about the protection we're offered as children of god if if we dwell in his presence one bible commentary i read on this chapter said if jehovah be our god our refuge and our fortress what can we desire which we may not be sure to find in him he is neither fickle nor false neither weak nor moral he is god and not man and therefore there is no danger in being disappointed in him we know whom we have trusted and that really helps to build my faith and give me a supernatural confidence so would you stand in agreement with me would you lift your faith in expectation that god is like no other and he will be our protector [Music] now let us pray heavenly father in the name of jesus christ i enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise i want to thank you for your goodness and your mercy upon my life i thank you lord for being in my life you are the lord god almighty the great i am i say that you are my refuge you are the chief cornerstone and i choose to trust in the true and living god you provide me with the shelter from life storms from life's difficulties i speak the blood of jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection and preservation of life i decree and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me and my loved ones lord i commit myself and my family into your hands in the name of jesus i apply the blood of jesus upon each and every doorpost of my home upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of jesus christ may your pillar of fire be seen where my family and i abide every night lord you have said you will not allow sickness and disease to come near me i therefore declare that sickness and disease are far from me i pray that you protect me and my family from everything we cannot see that tries to harm us no demon from hell no unclean spirit no generational curses no misfortune will touch me or my family because of you god i pray you will protect me and my loved ones in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the name that was given power above all names your word in psalms 91 says you will protect me from the terror by night the arrow that flies by day and i receive that promise i believe that you are faithful to your word amen the bible encourages us to wait on the lord and i believe that sometimes when we do have trouble waiting on god when we have trouble believing that everything is going to work out or when we have a lack of patience this can be because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in waiting on the lord psalm 40 verse 1 says i waited patiently for the lord and he inclined to me and heard my cry so the psalmist here is speaking of god leaning towards him once he waited patiently for him when we as believers wait patiently for the lord when we practice to be still and know that he is god though we may wait for a longer period of time than we would want to we do not wait in vain in the fullness of his timing just as the psalmist said he will incline to you meaning that he will lean towards you when you have given him his jew reverence and shown him that you have a willing heart waiting on god means that you are in total surrender and faith that there is no hope in anything else but in the lord and for those who place their expectations in the lord for those who wait in faith and wait with patience god is faithful enough to hear their cry the bible confirms this in 1 john chapter 5 verse 14 and 15. this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him so confidence in god faith in god will lead him to hear you if you ask according to his will and if you don't know what to ask according to his will then all you need to do is to look through the bible for his promises we can ask for healing because isaiah 53 verse 5 tells us that he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed we can ask for strength because part b of nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 tells us do not sorrow for the joy of the lord is your strength [Music] we can ask to be blessed and elevated by god because psalm 90 verse 17 says may the favor of the lord our god rest on us establish the work of our hands for us yes establish the work of our hands so i encourage you today to wait on the lord put your confidence in him put your hope and trust in him because it's only in us waiting for his timing that we can experience his many blessings now let us pray lord jesus i come before you today asking for patience within my heart give me the patience lord to wait on you the patience to look unto you i pray that psalm 40 verse 1 may become a reality to me so that when i wait patiently on you you will incline your ears to hear my cry i pray that you would set my feet upon a rock and establish my ways lord i believe that when i wait on you lord i will find answers to all of my troubles i will meet the one who will and can rescue me in the time of distress psalm 40 verse 2 says that he also brought me out of a horrible pit out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my steps indeed lord there are many blessings in me waiting on you you will bring me out of a state of calamity so that i might be saved from trouble i praise you because it's only you who could have taken me from a pit of darkness and sin it's only you who could have taken me from a low place and saved me the bible says that you have set my feet upon a rock and this signifies a place of strength and safety thank you for placing my feet on rock solid ground on safe ground thank you for your promise to establish my steps i pray that my heart may be one that practices patience may i have a heart that is willing to completely surrender and yield to whatever your will is and to whatever your timing is father i invite you to work within me change my life for the better lord move me from guilt to justification take me from sinfulness to pursuing a righteous and christ-like way of life your word in psalm 40 verse 3 says that he has put a new song in my mouth praise to our god many will see it and fear and will trust in the lord blessed is the man who makes the lord his trust and does not respect the proud nor such as turn aside to lies many o lord my god are your wonderful works which you have done and your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order if i would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbered i pray that just as the psalmist said you would place a new song in my mouth a song that praises you a song that realizes just how loving just how merciful and just how caring you are lord i thank you for your many wonderful works and i am glad that your word tells us that you have many thoughts towards us thoughts of good and not of evil [Music] thoughts for us as your children to have a hope and a future may you be praised and glorified teach me to wait on you lord teach me patience father teach me to trust in your timing thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty and glorious name of jesus christ i pray amen in this world today the spirit of fear is prevalent all around us there are people facing troubles there are problems there is poverty and sickness and if you speak to enough people you will find that so many people have a reason for worry for concern or to be fearful but my message to you as a child of god is of good news you and i are blessed we are loved and privileged because we can live in this world we can be in a world full of fear but we have a reason we have a cause to not be fearful we are blessed because isaiah 41 verse 10 says fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand and i want to point out some key things from this verse the reasons we should not be fearful are many fear not for i am with you the first reason for us not to fear is that god has said i am with you god is with us the almighty the author and perfecter of our faith the everlasting father the deliverer jehovah is with us that's the first reason we should not fear secondly isaiah 41 verse 10 goes on to say be not dismayed for i am your god to be dismayed is to be alarmed to be concerned or shaken to be horrified and i believe the bible is saying here be in this world and even while you are in this world with all the things going on around you don't be concerned or worried don't lose sleep and be alarmed over anything you face in this world for i am your god and i love that twice already in this verse god has said i am i am with you and i am your god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god who spoke the words let there be light and there was light he divided the light from the darkness and so he has given us a promise that should divide us from the spirit of fear that consumes so many in this world be not dismayed for i am your god that's our second reason not to fear now isaiah 41 verse 10 goes further to give us more reasons not to fear as the word of god says i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so if it's strength that you need god almighty has promised to strengthen you if you are stuck in a situation if you're stuck in a hard place and you need help you have a promise for help david said where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth and also if you feel as though you were drowning sinking in whatever problem whatever vacuum of fear that tries to destroy you you have a promise the great i am has said fear not it looks to be over fear not when it looks like you're going down fear not when it looks like your life is being shipwrecked by that storm fear not because i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so friends raise your faith and let us pray heavenly father thank you today for your word and your promises your promises that we will hold on to each and every day of our lives it can be easy to get discouraged in this world it can be easy to allow the spirit of fear to rule over our lives but i pray that in the name of jesus as we are the children of god as we have accepted jesus christ as our lord and savior we will never give in to fear we will not be dismayed by the things that may go on around us holy spirit i pray that you will help me to meditate and dwell on the promises of god help me in those times where i might be weak help me to overcome fear remind me that god has said in isaiah 41 verse 10 that he will be with me he will strengthen me he will help me and he will uphold me [Music] and so everything i need to get through any situation god will give me the power to overcome the assistance that i need and he will keep me from drowning in those sorrows i declare that there is no room for fear in our lives in our homes or even in our hearts i will not be fearful at my workplace i will not be fearful of my finances i will not be fearful when it comes to my health in jesus name i pray i will not be fearful because the word of god says in second timothy 1 verse 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your work may i continue to grow in knowledge and understanding when it comes to your promises so that i can know you more lord the more i know you the more i am grounded and unshaken the more i know you then that leaves no room for the spirit of fear to overwhelm me and father i understand that this doesn't mean fear will never try to attack but i pray and hold on to the name above all names the name of jesus that when fear attacks me or my loved ones it will be defeated i cast it down by the power of the blood of jesus christ and i render that spirit useless i pray in agreement with the person who is listening may the holy spirit lead us to be grounded and equipped with the word of god so that we can realize that same power that same power that resurrected jesus from the dead is also at our disposal through the holy ghost because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world and so i confess that greater is he who is in me than the spirit of fear in this world instead of fear i choose to live in faith to walk by faith and i will place my faith not in man not in the government or in the ruling authorities but my faith is firmly placed in god jehovah elohim the alpha and omega [Music] the one who never sleeps nor slumber my faith is in an unchanging god a god who keeps all his promises the only one who will never let me down your word is true lord and it will never disappoint us your promises of strength of help will never abandon us even on our darkest days even when we're faced with hardships that seem unbearable we can rest knowing that we are under your sovereign control i declare that my faith is not in this changing world my faith is in you lord jesus in the midst of all this turmoil you are the one that is making all things work together for our good you are the one always working behind the scenes in ways that i might not yet recognize that's what makes you such a good and loving father that's why i can have hope that's why we don't have to be dismayed because of you lord always and forever faithful to your word when i face tribulation i can be confident according to your word that nothing on heaven or earth could separate us from the love of god although we can't see the future in its entirety and we can only see what's right in front of us in this present day you are all seeing and all-knowing past present and future are all in your hands and that's where my safety lies i bless your name king jesus you enable us to live victoriously and with peace in a world full of fear in jesus name i pray amen [Music] matthew 26 from verse 36 then jesus came with them to a place called gethsemane and said to the disciples sit here while i go and pray over there and he took with him peter and the two sons of zebedee and he began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed then he said to them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even to death stay here and watch with me he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying o my father if it is possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as you will then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and said to peter what could you not watch with me one hour watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak again a second time he went away and prayed saying o my father if this cup cannot pass away from me unless i drink it your will be done and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy so he left them went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words then he came to his disciples and said to them are you still sleeping and resting behold the hour is at hand and the son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners rise let us be going see my betrayer is at hand from this passage of scripture jesus went away to be alone and pray three times and each of those times he found the disciples to be sleeping now from this passage i would like to encourage you not to be found sleeping in your own prayer life don't become too comfortable that you're always asleep spiritually don't wait for a storm to wake you up don't wait for an attack from the devil to wake you up to pray jesus not only set an example to us that demonstrated the need for prayer he not only commanded us to pray but in verse 41 of matthew 26 he gave us a warning about prayer and he said watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak one commentary reads the following regarding this verse there is and ought to be a watching both over our hearts thoughts words and gestures lets them know that it was not in their power to stand without god's help and assistance which must be obtained by prayer and so with this understanding let us pray dear lord jesus your word in ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 says pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the lord's people help me to be obedient to your word to be prayerful on all occasions whether it is morning or evening [Music] give me a heart that seeks you in prayer whether it's a friday or a sunday give me a heart king jesus that is dedicated to you and to pray i pray for everyone under the sound of my voice speak to our spirit through your word and give us a sense of urgency when it comes to our prayer lives you have said in matthew 26 41 watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak may we understand your word here that you are telling us that if we are prayerless christians if we are asleep in our prayer lives then we will not be able to stand against the enemy being prayerless means we are powerless so i ask lord that you press on our hearts not to be prayerless christians but rather to be believers who pray in the spirit on all occasions help us lord to be a people who watch and pray always a people who value prayer because they understand that help from you assistance and power that comes from you must be obtained through prayer let us not be so comfortable that we are asleep spiritually and furthermore lord i pray that you help us as individuals to keep watch over our own lives to be alert and watching over our hearts our thoughts words and gestures so that we might not fall or be led astray but rather i pray that we are believers who are alert and on guard guarding what we allow to access our homes our eyes and ears giving no room to deceitful workers false prophets or anything that will harm our faith i praise your name king jesus you are holy and wonderful worthy to be praised and adored your word in matthew 6 verse says and when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others truly i tell you they have received their reward in full i pray lord that i may never be like the hypocrites who love to be seen to pray may i instead love to be alone with you to pray in private so that our relationship would strengthen so that our relationship would grow father matthew 6 verse 8 tells me and when you pray do not keep babbling like pagans for they will be heard because of their many words i pray that the holy spirit will inspire my prayer life may he fill me with the holy ghost fire so that i may speak in new tongues and experience a meaningful prayer life i bless your name for listening to this prayer may you begin from today to work within me to change my heart and light a fire a hunger for prayer you are worthy to be praised and honored from now until forevermore in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray [Music] amen [Music] colossians chapter 3 from verse 1 says if then you were raised with christ seek those things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god set your mind on things above not on things of the earth for you died and your life is hidden with christ in god [Music] when christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory regarding this passage of scripture one commentary reads paul writes to those who are saved by faith in christ their goal was to live with an eternal perspective rather than a focus on the rules and regulations of this world rather than following a set of rules christians are to submit moment by moment to the leading of the holy spirit paul then explains why believers are to focus on eternal matters christians are to set their minds above so to speak because that is where christ is christ is not on earth or in the grave he is at god's right hand i would like to encourage you to set your mind on things above not on earthly things we are to set our minds and hearts on godly things heavenly things things that concern the kingdom of god sometimes life can can get us sidetracked life can keep us intensely busy and sometimes life can result in us becoming distracted on what should be our number one priority and that is christ jesus i believe that when paul encourages us to set our hearts on things above that means waking up every day and saying lord i am yours be praised today help me to focus on your word and on your will today so would you join me in this prayer today seeking that the lord may help me and you to set our minds and hearts to focus our minds and hearts on things above let us pray dear lord you are gracious and faithful marvelous in all your ways my prayer today is that you help me to renew my mind help me to focus on the eternal on heavenly things help me to have a hunger that desires and chases heavenly rewards instead of earthly praise from men i seek to hear the words well done good and faithful servant from you so i ask that you guide me to do all you have called me to do today and every day i ask holy spirit that you aid me to stay focused on my lord and savior jesus christ help me because so many things are always competing for my attention and so i need the supernatural strength that you offer to to keep me from being distracted and being pulled away from god [Music] your word in john 15 from verse 5 says that i am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and i in him bears much fruit but without me you can do nothing if anyone does not abide in me he is cast out as a branch and is withered and they gather them and throw them into the fire and they are burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you father give me the grace to be obedient to your word and to abide in you help me to abide in you and and you and me so that i can be a christian who bears much fruit in your kingdom keep me from relying on my own resources and abiding outside of your will because without you i'm like a branch that has withered your promise to me is that if i abide in you and if your words abide in my heart then i will ask whatever i desire and it shall be done for me i thank you for such a promise and i invite you into every area of my heart and mind fill me with your presence lord [Music] i invite you to abide within me and begin to change me inside out so that i can begin to demonstrate godly characteristics so that so that i may begin to show compassion to others so that i can have a humble spirit a patient and forgiving spirit and above all help me to be a christian who has and shows the love of christ to others i pray that if i've had my mind and priorities elsewhere may you bring me to refocus and set my heart on chasing after you on going after your presence in search for direction in my life i pray that you protect me from being led astray by what the world's standards are or from worldly expectations and behavior lord i pray that i may receive the mind of god just as your word in philippians 2 verse 5 says let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus help me jesus to be diligent about my thoughts whether they are thoughts that will bring glory and praise to your name or if they are thoughts that will lead me to sin help me to be intentional about casting down each and every single thought that is not of you help me to rebuke every ungodly thought that my mind may be clean to you i ask that the holy spirit will convict me and challenge me when it comes to the things that i decide to focus my mind and meditate on if doors are opening in my life i pray that it's within your will o lord and that you may be the one that is orchestrating every breakthrough every new opportunity father i submit to you that if i am being elevated and blessed in any area of my life may it ultimately be within your will and part of your divine plan may it ultimately be you placing me where you want me to be and positioning me to be a productive and effective vessel for you to work through lord jesus i pray that you bring light into the dark areas of my life remove anything that is not good within me i allow you to work in my heart renew my mind heal my soul mend my emotions even i know that in you i am enough and complete transform my heart with your supernatural power i pray that i may never be led by human expectations i pray that i may be bold to stand up and live according to your word [Music] i thank you for the mercy and for the measure of grace that you have given me so that i can be fearless i bless your name for the power that you offer me so that i can renew my mind grant me the strength to outlast the assaults and plots against my mind from the devil i know that when i trust in you lord i will always be sustained i will always be preserved god i believe your word to be true and i will align myself accordingly because when i do that i am assured of total restoration and the transforming of my mind i thank you for giving me hope and strength for today and tomorrow through your word i thank you that it is your will for me to live with a renewed mind a mind free from bondage and oppressive thoughts i praise you for promising that you will keep those whose minds are stayed upon you in perfect peace keep me in perfect peace lord as i fight each day to set my thoughts and affections on things above i receive the grace that you have given me so that i can stand and say no i will not conform to this world may the highest praise be given unto you are a good and faithful god i thank you for hearing this prayer grant me the petition of my heart i bless your name king jesus amen and amen [Music] psalm 91 is one of my favorite chapters in the bible he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty i will say of the lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him i will trust the entire chapter is about the protection we're offered as children of god if if we dwell in his presence one bible commentary i read on this chapter said if jehovah be our god our refuge and our fortress what can we desire which we may not be sure to find in him he is neither fickle nor false neither weak nor moral he is god and not man and therefore there is no danger in being disappointed in him we know whom we have trusted and that really helps to build my faith and give me a supernatural confidence so would you stand in agreement with me would you lift your faith in expectation that god is like no other and he will be our protector [Music] now let us pray heavenly father in the name of jesus christ i enter into your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise i want to thank you for your goodness and your mercy upon my life i thank you lord for being in my life you are the lord god almighty the great i am i say that you are my refuge you are the chief cornerstone and i choose to trust in the true and living god you provide me with the shelter from life storms from life's difficulties i speak the blood of jesus upon each and every member of my family for protection and preservation of life i decree and declare that the gates of hell shall not prevail against me and my loved ones lord i commit myself and my family into your hands in the name of jesus i apply the blood of jesus upon each and every doorpost of my home upon each and every window post of my home for protection in the name of jesus christ may your pillar of fire be seen where my family and i abide every night lord you have said you will not allow sickness and disease to come near me i therefore declare that sickness and disease are far from me i pray that you protect me and my family from everything we cannot see that tries to harm us no demon from hell no unclean spirit no generational curses no misfortune will touch me or my family because of you god i pray you will protect me and my loved ones in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the name that was given power above all names your word in psalms 91 says you will protect me from the terror by night the arrow that flies by day and i receive that promise i believe that you are faithful to your word amen the bible encourages us to wait on the lord and i believe that sometimes when we do have trouble waiting on god when we have trouble believing that everything is going to work out or when we have a lack of patience this can be because we are not aware of the many blessings that can be found in waiting on the lord psalm 40 verse 1 says i waited patiently for the lord and he inclined to me and heard my cry so the psalmist here is speaking of god leaning towards him once he waited patiently for him when we as believers wait patiently for the lord when we practice to be still and know that he is god though we may wait for a longer period of time than we would want to we do not wait in vain in the fullness of his timing just as the psalmist said he will incline to you meaning that he will lean towards you when you have given him his jew reverence and shown him that you have a willing heart waiting on god means that you are in total surrender and faith that there is no hope in anything else but in the lord and for those who place their expectations in the lord for those who wait in faith and wait with patience god is faithful enough to hear their cry the bible confirms this in 1 john chapter 5 verse 14 and 15. now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him so confidence in god faith in god will lead him to hear you if you ask according to his will and if you don't know what to ask according to his will then all you need to do is to look through the bible for his promises we can ask for healing because isaiah 53 verse 5 tells us that he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed we can ask for strength because part b of nehemiah chapter 8 verse 10 tells us do not sorrow for the joy of the lord is your strength [Music] we can ask to be blessed and elevated by god because psalm 90 verse 17. says may the favor of the lord our god rest on us establish the work of our hands for us yes establish the work of our hands so i encourage you today to wait on the lord put your confidence in him put your hope and trust in him because it's only in us waiting for his timing that we can experience his many blessings now let us pray lord jesus i come before you today asking for patience within my heart give me the patience lord to wait on you the patience to look unto you i pray that psalm 40 verse 1 may become a reality to me so that when i wait patiently on you you will incline your ears to hear my cry i pray that you would set my feet upon a rock and establish my ways lord i believe that when i wait on you lord i will find answers to all of my troubles i will meet the one who will and can rescue me in the time of distress psalm 40 verse 2 says that he also brought me out of a horrible pit out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my steps indeed lord there are many blessings in me waiting on you you will bring me out of a state of calamity so that i might be saved from trouble i praise you because it's only you who could have taken me from a pit of darkness and sin it's only you who could have taken me from a low place and saved me the bible says that you have set my feet upon a rock and this signifies a place of strength and safety thank you for placing my feet on rock solid ground on safe ground thank you for your promise to establish my steps i pray that my heart may be one that practices patience may i have a heart that is willing to completely surrender and yield to whatever your will is and to whatever your timing is father i invite you to work within me change my life for the better lord move me from guilt to justification take me from sinfulness to pursuing a righteous and christ-like way of life [Music] your word in psalm 40 verse 3 says that he has put a new song in my mouth praise to our god many will see it and fear and will trust in the lord blessed is the man who makes the lord his trust and does not respect the proud nor such as turn aside to lies many o lord my god are your wonderful works which you have done and your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order if i would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbered i pray that just as the psalmist said you would place a new song in my mouth a song that praises you a song that realizes just how loving just how merciful and just how caring you are lord i thank you for your many wonderful works and i am glad that your word tells us that you have many thoughts towards us thoughts of good and not of evil [Music] thoughts for us as your children to have a hope and a future may you be praised and glorified teach me to wait on you lord teach me patience father teach me to trust in your timing thank you for listening to this prayer in the mighty and glorious name of jesus christ i pray amen in this world today the spirit of fear is prevalent all around us there are people facing troubles there are problems there is poverty and sickness and if you speak to enough people you will find that so many people have a reason for worry for concern or to be fearful but my message to you as a child of god is of good news you and i are blessed we are loved and privileged because we can live in this world we can be in a world full of fear but we have a reason we have a cause to not be fearful we are blessed because isaiah 41 verse 10 says fear not for i am with you be not dismayed for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand and i want to point out some key things from this verse the reasons we should not be fearful are many fear not for i am with you the first reason for us not to fear is that god has said i am with you god is with us the almighty the author and perfecter of our faith the everlasting father the deliverer jehovah is with us that's the first reason we should not fear secondly isaiah 41 verse 10 goes on to say be not dismayed for i am your god to be dismayed is to be alarmed to be concerned or shaken to be horrified and i believe the bible is saying here be in this world and even while you are in this world with all the things going on around you don't be concerned or worried don't lose sleep and be alarmed over anything you face in this world for i am your god and i love that twice already in this verse god has said i am i am with you and i am your god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the god who spoke the words let there be light and there was light he divided the light from the darkness and so he has given us a promise that should divide us from the spirit of fear that consumes so many in this world be not dismayed for i am your god that's our second reason not to fear now isaiah 41 verse 10 goes further to give us more reasons not to fear as the word of god says i will strengthen you i will help you i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so if it's strength that you need god almighty has promised to strengthen you if you are stuck in a situation if you're stuck in a hard place and you need help you have a promise for help david said where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth and also if you feel as though you were drowning sinking in whatever problem whatever vacuum of fear that tries to destroy you you have a promise the great i am has said fear not it looks to be over fear not when it looks like you're going down fear not when it looks like your life is being shipwrecked by that storm fear not because i will uphold you with my righteous right hand so friends raise your faith and let us pray [Music] heavenly father thank you today for your word and your promises your promises that we will hold on to each and every day of our lives it can be easy to get discouraged in this world it can be easy to allow the spirit of fear to rule over our lives but i pray that in the name of jesus as we are the children of god as we have accepted jesus christ as our lord and savior we will never give in to fear we will not be dismayed by the things that may go on around us [Music] holy spirit i pray that you will help me to meditate and dwell on the promises of god help me in those times where i might be weak help me to overcome fear remind me that god has said in isaiah 41 verse 10 that he will be with me he will strengthen me he will help me and he will uphold me and so everything i need to get through any situation god will give me the power to overcome the assistance that i need and he will keep me from drowning in those sorrows i declare that there is no room for fear in our lives in our homes or even in our hearts i will not be fearful at my workplace i will not be fearful of my finances i will not be fearful when it comes to my health in jesus name i pray i will not be fearful because the word of god says in second timothy 1 verse 7 for god has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your work may i continue to grow in knowledge and understanding when it comes to your promises so that i can know you more lord the more i know you the more i am grounded and unshaken the more i know you then that leaves no room for the spirit of fear to overwhelm me and father i understand that this doesn't mean fear will never try to attack but i pray and hold on to the name above all names the name of jesus that when fear attacks me or my loved ones it will be defeated i cast it down by the power of the blood of jesus christ and i render that spirit useless i pray in agreement with the person who is listening may the holy spirit lead us to be grounded and equipped with the word of god so that we can realize that same power that same power that resurrected jesus from the dead is also at our disposal through the holy ghost because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world and so i confess that greater is he who is in me than the spirit of fear in this world instead of fear i choose to live in faith to walk by faith and i will place my faith not in man not in the government or in the ruling authorities but my faith is firmly placed in god jehovah elohim the alpha and omega [Music] the one who never sleeps nor slumber my faith is in an unchanging god a god who keeps all his promises the only one who will never let me down your word is true lord and it will never disappoint us your promises of strength of help will never abandon us even on our darkest days even when we're faced with hardships that seem unbearable we can rest knowing that we are under your sovereign control i declare that my faith is not in this changing world my faith is in you lord jesus in the midst of all this turmoil you are the one that is making all things work together for our good you are the one always working behind the scenes in ways that i might not yet recognize that's what makes you such a good and loving father that's why i can have hope that's why we don't have to be dismayed because of you lord always and forever faithful to your word when i face tribulation i can be confident according to your word that nothing on heaven or earth could separate us from the love of god although we can't see the future in its entirety and we can only see what's right in front of us in this present day you are all seeing and all-knowing past present and future are all in your hands and that's where my safety lies i bless your name king jesus you enable us to live victoriously and with peace in a world full of fear in jesus name i pray amen [Music] matthew 26 from verse 36 then jesus came with them to a place called gethsemane and said to the disciples sit here while i go and pray over there and he took with him peter and the two sons of zebedee and he began to be sorrowful and deeply distressed then he said to them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even to death stay here and watch with me he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying oh my father if it is possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as i will but as you will then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and said to peter what could you not watch with me one hour watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak again a second time he went away and prayed saying oh my father if this cup cannot pass away from me unless i drink it your will be done and he came and found them asleep again for their eyes were heavy so he left them went away again and prayed the third time saying the same words then he came to his disciples and said to them are you still sleeping and resting behold the hour is at hand and the son of man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners rise let us be going see my betrayer is at hand from this passage of scripture jesus went away to be alone and pray three times and each of those times he found the disciples to be sleeping now from this passage i would like to encourage you not to be found sleeping in your own prayer life don't become too comfortable that you're always asleep spiritually don't wait for a storm to wake you up don't wait for an attack from the devil to wake you up to pray jesus not only set an example to us that demonstrated the need for prayer he not only commanded us to pray but in verse 41 of matthew 26 he gave us a warning about prayer and he said watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak one commentary reads the following regarding this verse there is and ought to be a watching both over our hearts thoughts words and gestures jesus lets them know that it was not in their power to stand without god's help and assistance which must be obtained by prayer and so with this understanding let us pray dear lord jesus your word in ephesians chapter 6 verse 18 says pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind be alert and always keep on praying for all the lord's people help me to be obedient to your word to be prayerful on all occasions whether it is morning or evening give me a heart that seeks you in prayer whether it's a friday or a sunday give me a heart king jesus that is dedicated to you and to prayer i pray for everyone under the sound of my voice speak to our spirit through your word and give us a sense of urgency when it comes to our prayer lives you have said in matthew 26 41 watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak may we understand your word here that you are telling us that if we are prayerless christians if we are asleep in our prayer lives then we will not be able to stand against the enemy being prayerless means we are powerless so i ask lord that you press on our hearts not to be prayerless christians but rather to be believers who pray in the spirit on all occasions help us lord to be a people who watch and pray always a people who value prayer because they understand that help from you assistance and power that comes from you must be obtained through prayer let us not be so comfortable that we are asleep spiritually and furthermore lord i pray that you help us as individuals to keep watch over our own lives to be alert and watching over our hearts our thoughts words and gestures so that we might not fall or be led astray but rather i pray that we are believers who are alert and on guard guarding what we allow to access our homes our eyes and ears giving no room to deceitful workers false prophets or anything that will harm our faith i praise your name king jesus you are holy and wonderful worthy to be praised and adored your word in matthew 6 verse 5 says and when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others truly i tell you they have received their reward in full i pray lord that i may never be like the hypocrites who love to be seen to pray may i instead love to be alone with you to pray in private so that our relationship would strengthen so that our relationship would grow father matthew 6 verse 8 tells me and when you pray do not keep babbling like pagans for they will be heard because of their many words i pray that the holy spirit will inspire my prayer life may he fill me with the holy ghost fire so that i may speak in new tongues and experience a meaningful prayer life i bless your name for listening to this prayer may you begin from today to work within me to change my heart and light a fire a hunger for prayer you are worthy to be praised and honored from now until forevermore in the mighty name of jesus christ i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 423,728
Rating: 4.8692455 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: i3REmFwofc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 49sec (7729 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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