Watch How Everything Falls Into Place When You Trust God To Work Things Out

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oftentimes god uses our struggles to shape our character in fact i believe that god can even use our pain to position us he can do so to position us for a bigger blessing for a bigger victory for a bigger breakthrough romans 8 verse 28 says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose now i like how the amplified translation puts it by saying and we know with great confidence that god who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love god to those who are called according to his plan and purpose and so we should be encouraged as children of god because regardless of how painful things currently are regardless of how tough they may be behind the scenes we have a god who is orchestrating our future he's ordering our steps not only that but god can and sometimes does use the pain we face in life to enable us to grow and mature as christians he can use the pain we experience to open our eyes to his power and might he could even use the pain we experienced to position us for a blessing or a breakthrough that's what i believe romans 8 28 is telling us for those who love god all things work together for good meaning there is something working out for my good for your good even though you're in the middle of difficult circumstances and so as children of god we need to change a perspective in order for us to see and appreciate the hand of god in our lives i admire the three hebrew boys in daniel chapter 3 who were cast in the fiery furnace they are an example of a group of believers who had shifted their perspective because often times if we knew that we were about to be cast into trouble if we knew we were about to face a fiery trial our prayer would be for the lord to stop it we would pray that god would not allow it and we would rebuke it but these three hebrew boys didn't do that they knew the consequences of their actions but equally they knew that they had a god who was bigger than the fire all they said was in daniel chapter 3 verse 17 if this be so our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of your hand o king look at their perspective they were not focused on the fire they focused on a god who promised that for those who love god all things work together for good so i encourage you today to shift your own perspective pray that god would give you a perspective that is fixed on him may you see your problems through the lens of faith and focus once again on romans 8 verse 28 which says and we know that for those who love god all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose once god has taken you to a new level you become a higher threat to the enemy new levels new devils you see this is what happens when god begins to bless you he lifts you up for his glory and when the people around you begin to see the hand of god over your life you become a living testimony your life begins to be a ministry all by itself because of god those who saw you and thought you weren't qualified enough those who saw you and made the decision that you weren't good enough those who doubted you and said there was nothing to you all of them will witness your turn around when god starts moving all of them will be watching when god prepares a table for you in their presence you see there's no denying our god those who once plotted against you they will see you reach new heights despite their plans and they'll know they will know that you serve a living god a miracle-working god the king of kings but don't take it for granted remember to be sober to be vigilant do you think the devil will sit back and watch that if he can't stop you from being blessed he will try and get you to lose your blessing so your intensity must match that of your enemy your prayer life must match or be greater than the evil the devil throws your way when god lifts you up to a new level understand that the devil will raise his level of opposition against you new levels new devils and if you didn't know your opposition prowls to and fro looking for whom he may devour your opposition throws fiery darts in the middle of the night he comes to steal kill and destroy so you can't be praying on a level down here when your opposition is fighting you on a level up here you need to raise your game pray at a higher level praise and worship god at a deeper level search and chase god in a way like never before and when it comes to growth as a christian we all have room to grow as children of god we can never achieve perfection but we can grow we can improve there is a higher level to be sought after a higher level of faith a higher level of obedience a deeper relationship with the holy spirit a burning prayer life a more intense outreach to the lost there's always a new level a higher level to be reached in our walk with christ as for me i am desperate to have a deeper closer relationship with god i want to get to the level where i can have a burning bush experience i desire to get to the level where i can enter the lion's den of life's problems and know that i will not be moved i will not be shaken i will not be afraid i desire to be a servant in god's kingdom to live a life of purpose so that i may hear the words well done o good and faithful servant that's my desire and my brothers and sisters i'm not naive to the enemy's ways he will not simply step aside and let me get to a higher level of faith or an improved prayer life i am fully aware that he will devise schemes schemes that are designed to discourage and distract me schemes designed to make me doubt schemes that come to tempt me into falling out of god's will for my life but even then i am not afraid i am not living in fear nor am i anxious because greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world so god may lift me up to a new level and the devil might raise his opposition but i have victory through jesus i will put on the full armor of god at all times i will take it day by day and be confident that he who has begun a good work in me will complete it until the day of jesus christ stand by me lord jesus stand with me lord i need you with me always i need you close and always by my side [Music] there must come a time when you as a believer must decide i will stand strong and follow the word of god regardless of what i will have to give up and who i will have to let go of there comes a time when you have to decide i will stand and do the godly thing i will forgive even when it's hard to do even when i've been hurt there will come a time when you will have to decide to stand in faith even when you can't see a way out of the situation that you're in now today you may be under attack in some area of your life you have tried everything to resolve it but nothing is working nothing is changing dear friend this is the time you ought to take a stand and believe believe in the power of the blood of jesus it will break you out of that bondage believe in the power that's in the blood of jesus christ it can set you free it can give you victory and it can loose you from any evil hold it's time to take a stand with the word of god against the forces of evil stand firm stand in confidence stand in righteousness [Music] psalm 56 verse 3 says when i am afraid i put my trust in you and god whose word i praise and god i trust i shall not be afraid what can flesh do to me we need to be men and women who put their trust in the lord and mind you you will only ever be able to stand firm when your trust is secured in the lord so if you feel stuck if you feel under attack remember that the bible says in psalm 31 verse 24 be strong and let your heart take courage all you who wait for the lord be strong saints and stand in faith as you do this the lord is sure to rescue you and so is children of god i believe i believe that it's time to stand stand up and lift high his royal banner you are an ambassador of the most high stand up to the lies of the enemy stand up with the truth of the gospel stand up with the strength of the holy spirit stand up in god's strength and i encourage you as you stand in faith pray and ask the lord to be with you as you stand whatever satan has robbed you of this year whatever loss you took whatever you missed out on god is in the business of restoration he's a god who makes all things new he's a god who restores the dry bones when ezekiel in the bible stood in the midst of a valley and all he saw were bones dry bones no life in sight no vitality he found himself in the middle of a place where there was no future no activity no liveliness and the bible says in ezekiel 37 verse 2 then he caused me to pass by them all around and behold there were very many in the open valley and indeed they were very dry why would god cause him to pass all around these dry bones as though it wasn't enough to be standing in the middle of a valley of dry bones now he had to pass all around them and i believe god did this so that there would be no doubt no second guessing that there was no life in that valley i believe god really wanted ezekiel to see that to see it all to take in all the devastation the vastness of the problem before him and so ezekiel 37 verse 5 and 6 says thus says the lord god to these bones surely i will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live i will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you cover you with skin and put breath in you and you shall live then you shall know that i am the lord after showing him the dry bones after ezekiel being convinced and seeing firsthand that there was no life at all in this valley the lord demonstrates his power and might he demonstrates that he is life he is the source of life and he sustains life ezekiel goes on to say there was a noise and suddenly a rattling and the bones came together bone to bone verse 10 says so i prophesied as he commanded me and breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceedingly great army dry bones dead bones became an army where a valley was lifeless and motionless the lord spoke and there was life there was sound there was activity a place that looked to have been completely devastated and without hope became a place of strength a place of revival and resurrection so i want you to believe that the dry bones in your life will be restored by the lord when you believe when you truly believe and stand in faith then god will make your weakness become strength your lack will become abundance your brokenness will be overturned and you will be made whole your sickness will be healed instead of you being fragile you will be strong and steadfast instead of the sinking sand that's got you stuck believe that jesus will place you on solid ground hear me when i tell you that every loss you took this year god will restore if you only believe all the dry bones around you god will revive you the lord is in the business of restoration believe [Music] grace to me is being gifted with something that you cannot earn or pay for grace is god giving us what we do not deserve and i wonder how many of us really understand the magnitude and wonder of god's grace his amazing grace the grace of the lord is something we should never take for granted and so beloved personally when i think of grace over my life his goodness and mercy all of which are totally undeserved but he still freely gives all i can say is thank you lord jesus christ it's by his grace that i am here today it's by the grace of jesus christ that i am in good health i haven't done anything to deserve it i've done nothing to be worthy of such favor but in his mercy in his love and by his grace i have strengthened my body i have breath in my lungs it's by god's grace that i am filled with joy and hope it's by god's grace that i have peace in my heart i am grateful to the lord because if it had not been for his grace and mercy things could so easily have been tragic for me things could have so easily gone horribly wrong but in his goodness he made my crooked places straight he made a way for me when my back was against the wall i am amazed by the grace of god as i look back over my life as i look at some of the decisions i made some of the mistakes i made god held me and he kept me it's by his grace that nothing destroyed me it can only be his goodness that kept me from losing my mind so allow me at this moment to just praise him equally as you listen can you honestly look back at your life and not praise him look at where he brought you from look at how many times he saved you look at all the times he forgave you we need to thank him and appreciate his goodness we all have a story we all have a past yet we all have been given amazing grace so you may have questions but the bible says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding this means that you could be doing everything right as a christian you could be praying daily reading the word daily you could be giving and helping the poor but still find yourself facing a challenge instead of being focused on wanting to understand why why don't you trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding our own understanding means that we want the lord to explain everything we want him to give us an explanation about why this happened or why this happens but if i may tell you two things the first is that god doesn't answer to you or me he doesn't have to explain himself and the second thing is in his power and in his might so long as we trust in him and have faith he will orchestrate everything that comes your way to work out for your good so if you do have questions let your faith overrule your head if you don't know all of the details let your trust in god overrule your need to understand the lord requires us to have faith in him to relinquish control and stop trying to fix it yourself but hand it over to jesus and let's be realistic there are some aspects in our lives where we need to accept that the only things we have control over is the amount of effort we put in the attitude we have on a daily basis that's what we can control the rest we have to leave it up to god so trust god to intervene in that situation at work trust god to have an impact on your children trust in the lord with all your heart and over all of your affairs remember that the bible says you are blessed when you place your trust in god you are blessed when you place your hope in jesus [Music] do [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose
Views: 24,745
Rating: 4.9543171 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Motivation
Id: GWt-6fmTWok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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